First Baptist Church in Amboy,IL Podcast

Groaning For God

Sunday Evening 10/06/2024

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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Jesus said, and I read this verse this morning, "He that love a father and mother more than me is not worthy of me. He that love a son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he to take of not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me." And then they said these words, "He that findeth his life shall lose it. But he that loseeth his life shall find it." God gave that verse this morning when I was praying, and then I saw something during Sunday school. Gary, God spoke to me through your message this morning. Wow, that's amazing isn't it? And we talked about in the book of 1 Peter, and we look at the life of Peter. When did Peter die, and how did Peter die? We kind of talked about that Wednesday night, the tradition. But the thing that caught my attention, what was the death that God noted in Peter's life? I want you to turn back to Patrick's scripture in John chapter number 21. I want you to see this, and you could look at every Bible care. I'll use two of them. For example, back in John chapter number 21, I want you to see something that Gary is going through the life of Peter for just a little bit in Sunday school. John chapter 21, and beginning in verse number 15, you know the context here. When they had died, Jesus said, "Then Simon Peter, Simon, Son of Jonas, love us thou me more than these." And he said, "And in him ye, Lord, thou know us that I love thee." He said, "And in him feed my lambs." He said, "And in the second time, Simon, Son of Jonas, love us thou me." And he said, "And in him ye, Lord, thou know us that I love thee." He said, "And in him feed my sheep." He said, "And in him the third time, Simon, Son of Jonas, love us thou me." Peter was grieved because he said, "And in him the third time, love us thou me." And he said, "And in him, Lord, thou know us all things, thou know us that I love thee." Jesus said, "And in him feed my sheep." Verily, verily, I say unto thee, now look at what he says here in verse number 18, "When thou was young, thou girdest thyself, and walkest wither thou wouldest." He did what you wanted to do. But when thou shalt be old, and we're not talking about when he goes in a nursing home, he can't take care of himself anymore, when he gets mature, when he dies to himself, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee wither thou wouldest not." And notice verse 19, this space he signifying what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he said unto him, "Follow me." The death that glorified God in Peter's life, when we think of death, was not when his body stopped breathing, not when he was put in the grave, but not the circumstances there. But his death was when he fully surrendered everything to God. That's the death that God recognizes. I see the same thing in the Apostle Paul. If you jump over to Acts chapter number 9, we'll just look at these two characters in Acts chapter number 9, and these each would be a whole message here. Acts chapter 9, when we'll tie them into what we want to talk to you tonight, from Romans chapter 8 in a minute. In Acts chapter number 9, and you know the context of Acts chapter number 9, verse number 3, it says, "When he journeyed Saul of Tarsus, he came near Damascus, and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven. And he fell to the earth as he heard the voice saying unto him, "Saul, Saul, why persecuteest thou me?" He fell to the earth. There's a significant thing there. When we're dead, we're buried in the earth. We become, and it's not in the Bible, but some folks think it's one of those phrases that they think that ashes, the ashes, dust, the dust, and whatever, we become dirt. That's really all we are. All our body is made out of. And he said, "Who art thou, Lord?" And the Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom now persecute is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." And he trembling and astonished said, "Lord, what thou have me to do?" And the Lord said unto him, "Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do." In a man which journeyed with him, stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man in Saul arose from the earth. When his eyes were opened, he saw no man, but they led him by the hand and brought him to Damascus. And he was three days without sight, neither did he eat nor drink. Here is a significant picture of Paul's death, his burial, his resurrection, to walk in newness of life. Later on in Acts 20, and I won't turn there, I was looking at it this afternoon, the prophecy of Agabus, because how you say his name, he's mentioned twice in the Scripture. And Paul, his last missionary journey, he spent some time in Ephesus. Well, he didn't go to Ephesus. He kind of wanted to go around because he thought, "I'm going to get stuck there, and they're not going to let me go." So he met with the preachers from Ephesus. They came out to meet him on his way to Jerusalem, and they begged him not to go to Jerusalem because they knew what the Jews were going to do when he went to Jerusalem. And a man named Agabus came and said, and he told Paul, and he was a prophet, and he told Paul that, "I fear for thy life. You're going to lose your life when you go to Jerusalem." And Paul's response was what made me to break my heart. I died a long time ago for me to live as Christ to die, his gain. And I think both of these men, you can look at their life, this is the death that God is concerned about. This is the death that God desires, each one of us, who so lose his life for my sake shall find it. My verse that God gave me for the last few months has become, I guess, my new life verse. I told somebody yesterday in Galatians 2.20, "I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lived within me. And the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." As we go to Romans 7 and 8, I want to share some, just really some simple thoughts. I have two things I want to focus on, but I'm just going to look at one of them tonight and save the other one for next week. I'll maybe mention and introduce it to you so you can think about it between now and next week. Something has been stewing in my mind a little bit. But as we look at Romans 6, 7 and 8, and I've mentioned this each week for a while, we need to accept the fact of Romans chapter number 6 to reckon ourselves dead, to count ourselves dead in Christ. And when we do that, we'll begin to wrestle through Romans chapter number 7. Well, I'm laying myself at the altar, but the problem is we're to be a living sacrifice as Romans chapter number 12 says, a problem with a living sacrifice that always wants to get off the altar when the fire is turned up. And I must stay on that altar. We wrestle through Romans chapter number 7. But when we learn to wrestle through Romans chapter 7, then we can step into Romans chapter number 8. And I made this, and God cut it, clarified this in my own mind. I've been trying to get it to you. I once, when we see sometimes, well, I was lost in sin under the condemnation of death. Thank God we're not there anymore. Amen. And now we are found in Christ. But that's not all there is. Sometimes you say, well, I got salvation. What else is there? Oh, you have no idea what else there is. But oh, I took care of that. Oh, I hope that so and so takes care of that. Well, that's just the beginning. That's like, I say, we're expecting a baby this week. We, as in our church, not my wife and I, but we as a church are expecting a baby this week, we're not going to, that baby's born. Thank God, that's over. Let's go on with life. Oh, wait a minute. That baby needs a whole lot of care. That baby needs to grow. That baby needs nurturing. And God says that we're too, as newborn babes desire, as we get into the second Peter chapter, or first Peter chapter number two next week. But the statement that I'm realizing and want to emphasize as I long to be lost in Christ. Or maybe I should say it this way, I'm learning to be lost in Christ to lose my life that I might live in Christ. And that's what Romans chapter number eight is all about. Christianity is much more than being saved. That's the beginning. That's the birth. I want you to look at Romans chapter number eight, and I'm going to show something to you from Romans chapter number eight. In a verse that I've used, I quoted, I've used it many times in my own personal life, but I've never really begun to see the meaning of this verse until recently. Especially this week, just digging into it a little bit. Romans eight and verse number 26. You see that there? Likewise, the Spirit also helped with our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought. But the Spirit itself make an intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered. And he that searches the heart. Now, if it just stopped there, it would make sense the way I've always understood this verse. But it goes on in verse number 27. And he that searches the heart knoweth what is in the mind of the Spirit. Because he make an intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Now, I'm going to stop right there. For now, we're going to back up a little bit. Now, I've always looked at this verse and I've even preached from it before. I've probably told you the meaning of this verse in my mind. I've always looked at it as how sometimes we don't know how to pray. We don't know what we should say when we pray. And we learn to pray according to God's will and we don't know what God's will is, right? Well, I'm not sure what words I should use. Be quite honest or sometimes we just can't get words to come out to express what we are feeling in our soul. But with that understanding, I have missed the real meaning of one of the great truths in the Bible. Some may get it, never get it. And I'm not sure if I completely get it, but I want to share a couple of things with you tonight. And the title of our message tonight is groaning for God, groaning for God. We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself make an intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered, Father. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the sweet, holy Spirit of God. Thank you for the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. And not only that he died for our sins, but he rose triumphant over the grave. And he promised to give eternal life to whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord. Thank you for the promise of your coming, Lord, when we will be transformed completely into your image and no more struggle with this fleshly sin nature. And Lord, thank you for the hope of the resurrection that we will be raised like unto him. And Lord, we long for that day. We groan for that day. And God, I pray that you would help us to understand the meaning of these great verses tonight to gain a little understanding that will help us to walk closer to you and to learn to walk in the Spirit. And Jesus precious name, we do pray and for his sake and him groaning for our God to groan. And it's not a difficult word to understand. It means to moan in pain or grief, to sigh in great pain or grief. We're so hurt or grieved that we can't speak. All we can do is groan. You ever been there? All of us have been there from one time or another in our life. I think of another place that word groan is used in the Bible in Acts 7. Stephen is preaching just before he has stoned to death in Acts 7. And he was going through the history of Israel. And he began to speak about Moses. And how Moses was in the wilderness and the backside of the desert. And God spoke to him through a burning bush. And the words that God said to Moses that said that he wondered at the sight as he drew near and behold the voice of the Lord came unto him saying, "I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob." Then Moses trembled and nursed not behold. Then said the Lord unto him put off thy shoes from thy feet. And the place where thou stand this is holy ground. And then he says this, I have seen. I have seen the affliction of my people, which is in Egypt. I have heard their groanings and have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee to Egypt. God says, I have heard their groanings. I have heard their complaints for 400 years I have listened to their groanings. That is a long time for pray requests, isn't it? Sometimes we pray for something for four days and God doesn't answer it. We give up 400 years. They have been praying in Egypt. I don't think we have been there for 400 years. Have you ever been there? Were you groaning? Or you couldn't get an answer? What's the cause? When you think of those times in your life, and I can think of a number of places in my life where all I could do and I went to pray was groan. I got thinking this week, what was the cause of my prayer groaning at that time? I can think of times when I was groaning because my body was in pain, can't you? You going through something and all you could do is, I mean, you're so sick or injured or whatever the case may be, going through surgery. Oh boy, I could tell you sometimes I went through some surgery that I thought, oh wow. I'm not sure if I'm going to get out of this thing or not, all I could do was groan and all my wife could do is put up with me and said, get over it kid. And men are a lot worse, aren't we? No. No. Yeah. Oh yeah. Or sometimes, I thought of this, sometimes our soul has groaned. Maybe the loss of a loved one. I think of times when someone very dear and my soul was groaning to God, wasn't because of physical need, but a soul need. Or under great distress, a few times specifically in that category, I can remember groaning into God and sensing the presence of God like never before and what a sweet time a fellowship that is. But I think as we look at verse number 26 and we'll come back to it in a minute, I got thinking of this, have I ever groaned in the spirit? I've groaned in the flesh, I've groaned in the soul, but have I ever groaned in the spirit? What do you mean by that? Well, let's go back and look at some things. I'm grateful for the conference I was able to attend the last couple of days. It was the Viscer family. I need to have them here again soon. They were such a blessing. And I say it was, I said it was a pastor's conference, but the truth was there's about three dozen people there. I didn't count the exact number of people and I was the only pastor there. And I was thinking the whole time, oh my, it would be so good for everyone of God's people to attend a conference like that. And you always take one day off of work. I went up their Thursday evening for the first service and all day Friday, which all day Friday I was thinking it was Saturday in the Saturday morning. And every one of us could greatly benefit it from the things that I won't get into that. But one of the things that God stirred in my heart is to pick up a book and read it again. And I dare say it's a book that everyone in here ought to read through a number of times. And I got the copy out of our library. I started to listen to it on my dry back, but my phone started going goofy. So I didn't get very far. And I thought, I know, tomorrow's going to be a hunting day. I only got a few days that I can go hunting and tomorrow's one of them. And I picked up the book and once you know, there's a cover, a picture, a bambi on the front there. And just to remind me, as the heart painted after the water brooks, so my soul painted it after me, the book is by A. W. Tozer. Anybody know who that is? Oh, you ought to be familiar with him. And he was a Canadian A. And the book is called the Pursuit of God, the Pursuit of God. Now, A. W. Tozer died shortly after I was born. But if you read that book, and I just started to read it again, I don't know how many times I've gone through it before. I think I've got a copy somewhere. This isn't my copy. This is one that was out of the library that I found. And it's a book of great conviction to help you realize how much we're missing in Christianity today. You would think that he wrote this for our generation. He wrote this a couple of generations ago. And we've gone much farther down the wrong path in Christianity, in our churches that he described in here than what he describes. But that is a book that's well worth your reading and studying and letting God use it in your life. So with that, we're talking about groaning in the spirit. The word groaning is used three times in our text. Now, I'm going to back up a little bit and show you some things in Romans 8. What does it mean to groan for God? First of all, I'll say this and we'll look at a verse here in a little bit. But number one, if you're taking notes, I encourage you to do that. But I don't know if anybody does that. But I would encourage you to do that. It'll mean so much more to you if you get in the habit of doing that. But groaning for the end of death's reign. That's the first thing we ought to groan for. Now, we, of course, groan when we're in pain, when we're suffering loss, when we're going through things, the first thing God says we ought to groan for is the end of death's reign. Look at Romans 8. Go back to verse number 18. He says, "For I account that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature, for the creation, all of creation, waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject unto vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God, for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." What is creation? I like to spend time outdoors. You know that. And the reason I like to be outdoors is I find that's the best place to get a hold of God for two reasons. One is it's quiet. The cemetery is a great place to get a hold of God. Kind of puts things into perspective also. Nobody's going to bother you at a cemetery I've discovered too. And especially if you're underground. No. Can you take a cell phone down there? But all of creation. You know sometimes I find that most people today have a Disney view of creation instead of a reality view of creation. You know we see little Bambi bouncing around talking to the butterflies and the in the rabbits and the squirrels and Mr. Wise Owl and whoo-hoo and everybody lives happily ever after and everybody gets along they forget the fact that animals eat each other. And everywhere in God's creation you see death and destruction. And violence. But that doesn't sound very fun. But all of creation and everywhere you see that death and destruction and violence it's groaning for. It's longing for that day that all of God's creation remembers what it was like before sin came into the world. What brought sin into the world? Romans 5 12 says wherefore as by what? One man sin came into the world and what? Death by sin. Before Adam sin there was no such thing as death. Anywhere. No separation from God that's hard for us to imagine. But all of creation is longing for that you ever wonder what the new earth and the new heavens are going to be like. Now I can't show you this from the Bible but I just kind of speculate and kind of picture in my own mind which it makes perfect sense to me which that doesn't mean it's right. But I have a feeling that the new heaven and new earth is going to be just like God's original creation with everything alive. No death. With one exception there's not going to be a tree of knowledge of good and evil because there's going to be no possibility for us to sin because we've been given everlasting life and we have eternal life in Christ. But death is all around us today and all of creation is groaning for the end of death's brain. You know death is a painful thing and I've noticed this and and we I think I wrote something about this if you're reading the the thoughts of the day or the scripture snacks that you know everybody's all uptight about the the the deaths and especially now when we see pictures you know war has always been terrible but the Vietnam war was so much worse because now we see pictures in real life. And historically that's when all the sudden war was became real to us because we see pictures and there's death all around us but it doesn't bother us until we see it. The reality is people are dying constantly and it doesn't bother us until we see and the same thing's true in the natural world. You know a little deer gets hit by a car and it's living along and oh we're gonna take it to a deer hospital and patch up its leg and take care but you know that happens anywhere else nobody's ever gonna notice it nobody's gonna have a broken heart over it nobody's even gonna care because a coyote's gonna come along and eat it they're gonna have a happy meal after that but well that doesn't make a very good Disney movie does it and but but the truth is death only hurts when it's near to us when it's someone close to us but the reality is everything around us is filled with death the suffering of this present time that verse number 18 talks about the suffering of this present time the things that we go through one day will all be over and all of God's creation is groaning for that day let's go on to the next one we're groaning for the end of death's reign first of all secondly we're groaning for the death of our flesh so I put my flesh I'm groaning for the death what are we groaning about because we got aowie because we hurt because someone grieved us what are we groaning I'm groaning and we ought to be groaning for the death of our flesh notice in verse number 23 it says and not only they not not only all the creation around us but ourselves also you and I also which have the first fruits of the spirit we have the Holy Spirit in us even we ourselves do what we groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body but we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man see if why does he get hope for but if he hope for that he see if not then do we with patience wait for it that's a great text now we're not used to that we're used to looking at verse 26 and 27 but if you start way back in verse number 18 it'll shed it in fact if you go back to chapters it'll really help you to grasp what God is talking about here we're groaning for the death of our flesh now we need to be careful how we say this because sometimes you talk about this people might get the wrong message this is not a hopeless message that well we're all going to die we might as well just take care of it right now no we're not talking about suicide here we're not talking about getting life over with here but we're talking about dying to our flesh the death that God was interested and went back to Peter's death that God noted Paul's or Saul's death that God noticed when he died to himself and began to live in Christ that's the death we're groaning for here and it says not only they in verse number 23 we're longing for the same thing that all of nature is longing for we have the first fruits of the spirit we have the indwelling of the holy spirit we have God living in us he came to live in us at the moment we got saved in verse number nine verse number 10 earlier in the chapter talked about if any man have not the spirit of God he is none of his we have the indwelling of the holy spirit the question is do we have is he in control have we died to ourself that we might live the groaning old that we could die to ourself old to be saved from myself old to die to myself has been my prayer I shared that song with you a while back that has been my song lately too we ourselves groan within ourselves notice that phrase there and what we just read we ourselves groan within ourselves that's the conflict that Paul was talking about in Romans chapter number seven or I want to do the right thing but I can't do the right thing because my flesh is still very much alive and I always I could die to my flesh if I could just crucify this flesh and be done with it once and for and I long for the day when the flesh that's exactly the struggle that Paul went through the whole last chapter if I could learn to die to my flesh we ourselves groan within ourselves the spirit is groaning in us why do you have to figure it out why do you seek revenge why do you get upset why does that bother you our hope notice whereas our hope maybe but ourselves the first words of the spirit of trying to see the word here I have it written down whereas in verse number 25 if we hope for that we see not our hope our confidence in the resurrection we long for that day when our sin will be no more and we do with patience wait for it we're saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man sees why did he yet hope for for if we for that word we see not one then do we with patience wait for it I love the word patience as it's used in the Bible patience is not you know give me patience I don't strangle my children you know give me patience so I can get through this whatever it is this trial and patience I think the best definition for the biblical word patience is faithfully doing what we ought to do no matter how difficult it gets oh that we could just faithfully do not let anything bother us and I've been asking folks to be real in our prayer list and real when we pray with each other and I thought maybe I'm the only one that's going to do that but I just I want to ask you to pray for your pastor and I don't want to say this in an accusing way but pray for your pastor he needs your path he needs your prayer and the God's constantly reminding me that I cannot get discouraged or take things personally that's a big one for me because of my personality I very easily take things personally when mistreated when rejected when tuned out when turned off when I asked people to do something or whatever do that it's very easy for me to get discouraged and take that personally and I don't know if I'm dead to myself nothing ought to bother me because I'm dead to my flesh that ought not bother me if I'm dead to my flesh I don't get discouraged I don't get defeated I don't get upset I don't get angry I don't hold grudges I can't I don't have any trouble forgiving somebody forgetting things in the past if I could just die to myself all we've grown for that day when we can die to our flesh one day sooner than we think this life is going to be over I was given Linda a hard time about being old before the surface I'm catching up to you we're not very far apart anymore and you know things that when I was younger they had some folks at our house today I was 22 year old he said something about oh when I was a kid what are you now I love that even I said I kind of juggled it I like that even better when you know seven or eight year old says oh back when I was a little kid what do you think you are and sometimes oh back when when I under and that's just like Christians think oh I learned to understand I still don't understand it I still haven't got it I still struggle with this I'm still learning to die to my flesh but one day this life is going to be over and the only thing that will matter is how I walk with God if I knew him how I walk with him and if or how I allowed him to use me if I've lived my life and I'm going to get into this the last statement of our text I'm saving that for next week on purpose because we've got a very funny idea compared to scripture I'll mention it before I get done if I've lived my life well this is what I believe God wants me to do with my life how many times have you said that I believe this is God's will for my life the problem is God the only will God has for your life is for you to die and if I die God can live in me for me to live is Christ to die is gain I am crucified and I'm groaning that I might die to myself and live in Christ there's nothing I can do that would earn any prize or award or jewel in my crown or whatever we think about sometimes in heaven absolutely nothing I can do all I can do is die and let him live in me and then when we get to heaven there's no question anything that I've ever accomplished is not through myself it's through the grace of God and then all glory belongs to him none of it belongs to me I've accomplished nothing in my life the only thing that matters is dying to myself that I might live in Christ and I groan for the death of my flesh and then we get to our text where we started thirdly we groan for our flesh surrender that I might surrender to him verse number 26 likewise the spirit also help us our infirmities the spirit brings the infirmities brings the difficulties into our life you say well I sure like to be more like Christ be careful what you pray for because the way God makes you like Christ is to crucify you to take you through those hardships to take you through those valleys those difficulties those infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought boy I remember hearing a preacher giving a testimony a while back that what God taught him going through cancer and the treatments and the hardships and the difficulties and all the things that he's struggling said I didn't want to talk it's so painful just to think about it and talk about all that I went through and the preacher that was interviewing him said boy I'd like to experience the grace that God gave you but I don't want to go through that trial isn't that the way we are God I'd like to experience that I'd like to grow but don't don't send me through that no but it's through those difficulties we try we don't know how to pray we want everything to go good God bless me God help me that make everything wonderful but the spirit also help us our infirmities or our weakness the spirit knows how we ought to pray I love Paul's testimony in 2 Corinthians 12 where he talked about remember where he he talked about this infirmity that he had whatever it was or whoever it was I tend to think it was more a who than a what but who what when why no never mind and he said I asked the Lord three times to take this away from me I poured my heart out and I thought God gave me the answer but then he didn't so I asked him again I thought he gave me and he still didn't and the third time he finally the answer came through for this thing I besought the Lord thrice that I might that it might depart from me and he said to me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities thank the Lord that that infirmity came that the power of Christ may rest upon me therefore I take pleasure and in infirmities and reproaches in necessities and persecutions and distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak that's when I'm strong when I can't do it that's when God begins to walk and notice verse number 27 he that searches the heart who's the one that searches our heart God can I search my heart can I know it's in my heart I know Psalm 39 is it search me oh God there's a Psalm 139 that search me oh God and show me I thought and show me which and not that God doesn't know he just asked the psalmist saying you know everything show me what's in my heart because I don't know what's in my heart he that searches the heart he that knows my heart I don't know my heart some people think they know my heart but I don't even know my heart he that searches the heart and know it what is the mind of the notice capital S spirit the mind of God that is God himself because he make us intercession for the saints God is in control of every situation he's already there he's got it all under control oh that I would learn not how to pray to get out of this predicament oh Lord I don't know what to pray for give me words to say all I can do is grow and help me know that's not what he's saying help me to realize then I need to die to my flesh that is not me that needs to figure this out I just need to let it go that's a forgiveness is isn't it letting it go but we want to hold on to things well I'll never forget what they did to me and the same principle just let it go let our flesh go and trust in God and God knows our heart God knows what his will is now this is a statement that's a whole another message I want to include it here but there's no way we'd have time and I'm glad I didn't even try to include it in here he that searches the heart know what the heart will mind the spirit because he make an intersection for the saints according to the what are the last four words there the will of God what's the will of God you know all my life all my Christian life I've heard a lot of talk about the will of God but studying these chapters helps me realize that all that talk about the will of God is completely backwards and wrong what is the will of God let me just focus on that we're gonna come back to that next week and talk about the will of God that'll be next week's subject and this is a much bigger bite than we can chew right now and the sad reality is we live in a world that we think we've got the answers we think we've got it all figured out but the truth is we don't have a clue all we got to do is get this person in the White House get the best man in the White House right and then everything will be great that we're in a whole lot of trouble no matter who's in the White House they can change anything and there's a things that need to be changed that nobody's ever talked about because they had to do with spiritual things and but we think all this will figure it and we do the same thing in our life boy thank God I got saved and now I'm going the right path everything's right I'm right and everybody else is wrong because I'm going this way you're not going that way exactly you're not in step with me you're not right with God because I'm right with God and you're not right with God wait a minute do we really have that much knowledge of God but it's sad that we sometimes think well we got it all figured out because I heard the preacher say one time and I read it somewhere in the Bible and this way I understand it and this is what it means to me so this must be right and oh my and there's a lot of things that I'm learning in my Christian life that I thought I had figured out but you know you get into the word of God God God seems to be a whole lot smarter than I am isn't that amazing and God seems to be a whole lot smarter than anybody else can ever possibly be but all to grown after God to grown for the end of death's reign or long for that day where sin will be no more to grown for the death of my flesh that I might learn to walk in the spirit and to grown for my flesh to surrender to have grown for that day that I'll be like him in perfect holiness I long for that day and today I'm going to struggle and I'm growing for my flesh to be surrendered to the spirit of God I'm going to ask