Informally God

God’s Punishment


Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
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Hi guys, welcome to another episode of informally God today. I would like to talk about God's quote unquote punishment. And I don't even know if I'm spiritually mature enough to talk about this at this stage in the game, but I'm going to give it a go with what I understand at this stage in the game. Now, God's punishment is not like how I thought it would be. And your understanding of God's punishment is going to be dependent upon where you are in your understanding of God. So the best way that I can go about explaining this is just a regular parent. Think about a regular parent and their role and what they're there for and they're quote unquote supposed to do. So a parent, a mom or a dad could say to you, I don't want you to, you know, let's like think of something like, you know, I don't want you to eat candy, you know, like, let's say you're seven or eight years old. Now that's the rule. The parent has set the rule. And you know, you go to school, you see all your friends eating candy, but you can't have any candy. You can't ever have any candy. And you come home and you start screaming, you start throwing a tantrum, you start, you know, banging the floor with your fists and crying at the top of your lungs. And your parent may be very moved. You know, this is kind of like, I kind of understand a little bit what Jesse Lee Peterson means now when he says that God is a dispassionate God. And I don't know if I, I understand it in the way that he understands it or in the way that he says it. But I understand it in the sense that your parent, you know, may look at you having a tantrum and see that you are very aggrieved. And your parent might be sympathetic to you and might look at you like, you know, poor girl. But that's not going to move that parent to change the law of you not eating candy. That's not going to affect anything at the end of the day. The law is still the law. The rule is still the rule. But like I said, you throw a tantrum and that the parent just is staunch. The rules don't change for you. The law doesn't change for you. The law doesn't change for your feelings. The law has nothing to do with your feelings. The rules have nothing to do with your feelings. This is bigger than your feelings. This is bigger than your ego. This is bigger than you. And so years go by, you know, you're not seven anymore. But you can see that the kids who are eating candy, you know, their teeth are falling out. They're having a lot of cavities. You know, and even if you don't see that, years go by. And in those years, you're you're able to gain a certain level of understanding so that you look back and you look at your parent and you say, Hey, thank you for having that rule. I hated your guts because I myself could not understand at the time. I myself could not see at the time. But now that I have a greater understanding and I'm at a different level in my journey, a deeper level of understanding, I am thankful to you for your rule. I am thankful to you for your rules. I am thankful to you that you did not budge that you did not cater to my will, that you did not cater to my evil nature of throwing a tantrum because I couldn't get what I wanted. You saved me from being able to get what I wanted. You saved me from being able to destroy myself. You saved me. And now I can see before I could not see that that's what you were doing. But now I can see that that's what you're doing. So that's, you know, how I can explain God's quote unquote punishment. Your level of understanding is going to depend upon your level of understanding and where you are in your journey. There's going to come a point when you're going to hate God, because you're in that tantrum phase. And his rule is not going to budge for you. His rules are not going to budge for you. The spiritual does not change for you. The spiritual is is is is will always be and has always been and will always ever be. Long, you know, after you're gone long before you were here, that's just that's a rule in and of itself. So it's, you know, like I said, it's going to depend on where you are. At the beginning, it's going to be very rough because you're in the darkness. And you can't really see that you're the evil one. You can't really see that you're the problem. You can't really see you can't really see the spiritual. All you can see is the material. All you can see is the physical. All you can see is what you want and what you desire. You cannot see what is best for yourself beyond, you know, your own desire. You cannot see long range. You know, when you're you're thinking microwave short range now, what I want now in the spiritual realm is something that's totally, I mean, you're not going to understand this until you begin to walk. And you will get to a point where the obedience and the reward of God is a reward in obedience in and of itself. It you will get to a point where it's no longer God's quote unquote punishment. You're able to see a little bit in terms of the evil nature of your own will. And you can see that all this time God's rule has not changed because he loves you. And he is a loving father, a caring father. And, you know, if he changed according to what you wanted, you would be destroyed and he would be the devil and you would hate him because there's no discipline in that. There's no love in that. You will see, you know, that he was, you know, saving you from yourself, he was trying to save you from yourself. And it will look less like punishment and more like a spanking. It will look more like a loving spanking. It will look more like corrective discipline because you are loved and not because you are hated. And that's, you know, kind of the gist of what I wanted to say about God's punishment. As you progress on your journey and in your understanding, you're going to move further and further away from the physical nature of understanding things. And this physical nature of understanding things is you're going to have to move past this whole idea of right and wrong is how you understand it. Because right and wrong means something totally different in the spiritual realm. The whole idea of you not being able to see and being in darkness is the point. I mean, you can't see because you have all these crazy ideas that have nothing to do with God. Your ideas of right and wrong come from the world, come from parents, come from teachers, come from people who are who are just as far removed from God and an understanding of God as you are. And so you're going to have to relearn, you know, the real reality of God. And, you know, that that's going to call for some allowance of Satan. And that's going to call for some corrective measures. But these corrective measures and this allowance of Satan is only because you are in darkness. It's kind of like, if you have, you know, a porn addiction or something like this, it's like you're in the darkness and it's like, Oh God, why are you punishing me with this porn addiction? But it's you're in the darkness of that porn addiction. So your your level of understanding is only going to be as far as that addiction is only going to go as far as that anger that you have is only going to go so far as that anger that you're not letting go to allow God to show you something. You're kind of like chasing your tail around and around and around, you're locked into your own darkness. And so you're going to, you know, the process of coming out of that is the process of coming out of that. And you're going to have to gain some spiritual sight here. And all this suffering that you feel, you know, is as a result of, you know, not really having a full understanding of God as of yet, you know, because there will come a point where, you know, you can, you know, have, you know, where you can, you know, go through something like Jesus. And, you know, the deep spiritual understanding and love that you have for God is is is so much so that it is nothing. You know, you have just become a vessel of him and his mission for you. And, you know, that's unshakeable and that's unmovable. And it's, you know, it's what it is in and of itself. You're going to have to get over yourself to understand, you're going to have to move past that ego, you're going to have to move past that, you know, grand idea that you have of yourself in order to come, you know, into a proper understanding of God, you're going to have to, you know, spiritually die to be resurrected in the spirit of God. So you can fully understand God is not, you know, hellfire and brimstone, you know, he's, he's not. He's these things in darkness. He's these things in Satan. But you're going to have to walk for a little bit in order to understand it's, it's not punishment. You know, I don't even like this word punishment because this word punishment that we know it as human beings is, is of a fallen nature. It's of a fallen understanding. And when we think of punishment, we think of these black and white ideas of, you know, I did something, you know, I stole the KitKat. And therefore I got, you know, I got 10,000 lashes or something like that. Like, it goes beyond this, this very kind of superficial cause and effect, it goes beyond this. You will have to have an understanding that goes beyond this. You will move past this and just begin to live instead of having these, these, these cookie cutter ideas of right and wrong. And I did a and so be happened. You're going to have to move past this. God is, is, is, he loves you. And he wants you to, you know, he wants you to, to, to be sanctified. He wants you to your soul to be cleansed in him. You know, and the dirty work must be done in order to do that. And so like I said, you know, it's not hellfire and brimstone. It's not, you know, you did a and therefore, you know, the, the, you know, the hail of a fire is going to rain down upon your head. You know, we're moving past a biblical understanding of God and coming into a, a, a personal relationship with God. Because you know that you know that you know that this is God and not because you read it somewhere or you read an account of someone else's account, but because you've experienced this yourself and you know that this is your father. And on that note, I will talk to you guys in another episode of informally God soon. Thanks for listening. Bye bye.