Informally God

God’s Desires


Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
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Hi guys, welcome to another episode of informally God. Today I would like to talk about God's desires. And this is something that I find myself continuing to come back to. And it's repetitive in the way that I've already spoken about a lot of these things already. Because desires of God involve obedience. It involves a lot of things that I've talked about already. So God's desires for us are different than our desires for ourselves. We may desire to be married. But that may not be God's desire for us. We may have a desire to have children. But that may not be God's desires for us. We may want this person or that person. We may want to have this kind of life or that kind of life. But that may not be God's desire for us. And the suffering of human beings is a manifestation of that battle of, for lack of better phrasing, that battle of wills, that which your father desires and that which you desire. And having a grand ego, the grandest of the grand ego to think that you can go against what your father desires for you and be, quote unquote, happy. So I started thinking about this because I've had a personal experience with this in my own life. But a little while ago, I was curious. And I looked up something on the internet. I did an internet search that was something like, what if God's desire for you is dangerous? Like, what if it just seems unsafe? Like, what if it makes no sense at all? And I came across this story of this lady. And she was talking about God's desires. And she was talking about how she had been moved to adopt a child in another country. And she had been given this desire by God to adopt this child. And they went through the whole process, very long, arduous process of adoption. And when they were-- I don't mean to laugh. But when something like this happens to you, it really-- I've talked about this a lot. I talked about this in previous episodes of Informally God, the hilarious and tumultuous relationship with God because it is-- it's a doozy. And I don't mean to laugh in a-- it's just-- it's crazy. But after doing all these things that God moved her to do, the desire that he put in her heart to do this, they show up to the country and then the child's dead. The child's just-- the child died. And it's like, OK, yeah, here we go again. Here we go again. Another Rubik's Cube of, this is going to take me another 10 years to figure out why this happened and why you did what you did and what-- what-- here we go. Here we go. But over hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands and hundreds of thousands of years that have culminated in things like the Bible, I mean, we see the same exact thing happening over and over and over again. We see the story of Jesus and God's desire for Jesus, which was very dangerous, which didn't appear to be sensical to a nonsensical but seemingly sensical human being. We see the story with Moses and God pretty much his desire for Moses. You have murdered in your past. You are a murderer, but I choose you to do this very big thing, to lead these people out of here, to go against a very powerful pharaoh that might kill you. You're going to be leading people who are going to turn against you and who want to murder you. Same thing with Jesus. And Moses, when God spoke to him, was just like, I don't think you have the right guy here. Why don't you go talk to my brother? Maybe you confuse me with my brother. We see this play out over and over and over again, the story with Abraham and God promising something, but because it's not happening in your time or the amount of time that you deem, it should happen in. You going on ahead with your own desires and then causing a lot of problems as a result. But then God's still fulfilling his promise at the end of the day. Just countless, countless stories of God's desires, my desire for you. God may put a desire into your heart. He may move over you in such a way that he has created a desire in you for something. It's not your desire. It is not your desire, OK? And there may come a point also when God creates this desire in you and you're just like, yeah, nah, I'm not going to do that. I don't know why you asked me to do that. I don't know what, like, don't you see what's happening here? Like, why would you do that? And there, like I said, there may come a point in time when God asked you to do something. He may put a desire in your heart to do something and you're just like, yeah, nah. And so begins the battle. All these proclamations of, I love you so much, God. And I would do anything for you, God. And I love you so much. And this is like the episodes I've made before. But when God allows Satan and he takes that dog off the leash and, you know, Satan has said, you know, in numerous Bible passages, I'm going to sift you and I'm going to sift you. I'm going to destroy you. And we're going to see where you're really at. You know, you know, you're going to obey the desire to sit out on a sidewalk somewhere like Job, you know, with half clothed, you know, with sores all over your body and obedience to that desire that God has for you. You know, I love you, God. And I would do anything for you, God. But, you know, of God, you know, just like, I think it was with Abraham, you know. Okay, now go stab your son. You know, what, you know, like what would you just say? God's desire. And I don't really know that I have anything, you know, like quote, unquote final to say about that, you know, only to say that, you know, and just make a commentary on God's desire. It is, you know, more than likely not going to match the desire that we have for ourselves. The desires that we often have for ourselves are worldly. They're rooted in the world and they're very superficial. And that's why they don't bring us any happiness. That's why they don't bring us any peace. You know, when people wish for marriage, you know, they find out that that's not really, you know, marriage is not really what they sought, you know, again, with the thoughts. It's not really what they thought it would be. When they had children, that's not really what they thought it would be. You know, when they had money or came into a large sum of money, that's not really what they thought it would be. Sorry about this. Stupid, stupid siren that I wait for it to pass. Sorry about that. But just God's desires, you know, what God may ask us to do and what's required of us, you know, as, you know, as long as we live in this world, you know, might seem totally counterintuitive, might seem totally counterproductive, might probably will make no sense whatsoever. You know, but it's always for the sanctification of your soul. In order to match God's desire, in order, you know, it's kind of, it's weird how this may happen. You know, God may put a desire in your heart to stay in something, to do something. And you don't agree with this desire. And so here comes, you know, the process of, you have desired something for me, but I need to desire you in order for this desire, for you that you have for me to be fulfilled. So I need to desire you and I need to ask you for things that would help me to fulfill this desire that you have for me. You know, if you desire for me to, you know, over, you know, there's always in, and there's always, so this is crazy. Sorry about this noise, but this is always going to involve, I don't know, maybe they went in the wrong direction the first time, but this is always going to involve overcoming the devil. This is always going to overcome the fear and the anger in that spirit that has lodged itself within you and attached, you know, itself to you as your spirit that you identify with. This is going to require you to overcome the world, whether it be the fear of what other people think, the fear of what other people have to say, the fear of people turning against you, anger at how other people behave towards you, the fear of, you know, God asking you to do the wrong thing and not trusting God and, you know, your own distrust and, you know, highlighting, you know, this distrustful relationship that you have with God. And, you know, it being highlighted that you really don't believe in God, you know, that there's a deeper level of belief, you know, even deeper than the one that you thought that was deep, that was there before. It's going to highlight a lot of thing, and it's going to require you to, you know, quote unquote, pass a number of quote unquote tests, you know, in overcoming. And I think that's all I really have to say about, you know, God's desires in order of they make it, these desires may make no sense. They may seem as dangerous as, you know, God's desire for Jesus. But in the grand scheme of things, they always make sense not to our own understanding, but the perfect understanding of God. And it is up to us to realize God's desires for us by, you know, asking, you know, for more of a relationship and more of God, more endurance, more patience, more love. The overcoming of that, which we don't have, that we thought that we had, the overcoming of all this fake love that we thought was real, but, you know, when it comes down to it and Satan is let off that leash, you know, like, oh, are you really praising God? And do you have all this love, you know, now that you're not getting what you want. And now that you're being faced with, you know, being asked to do something that, you know, you don't really want to do. And on that note, I will talk to you guys in another episode of Informally God Soon. Thanks for listening.