Knights of the Night

619- BitD No Stress, What Does That Mean?

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06 Oct 2024
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In a tower of rich powerful people. All pretending we belong there in different ways 

And welcome the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. Its blades in the dark story, machinations, was written in Ron Bargeam John. And now please enjoy episode 619. I'm titled No Stress. What does that mean? Actual play begins immediately. Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. I'm your gem and host, John, running our Blades in the Dark campaign machinations. The players with me today, starting on my left, are... I'm Thomas, and I'll be playing Adrian's Briar, or Burning Briar while on the job. I'm a leech, which is a saboteur or technician, which specializes in the creation of alchemical reagents. But hey, I dabble in medicine and magic, and who knows what else. Don't let it get twisted. Exactly. I'm in a Rovian runaway demon air, it takes the form of a burning bush, but I've been housed with an embody, which currently looks like an accuracy man, a healthy build, and no stock. Fitted with an open-chested long coat, which displays a great big burning furnace, a pair of glasses, and a little bit of thorny Briar barely poking out of the corner of his mouth and ears. Entangled in the Briars and burning away in the furnace is a pale blue coast flame, which reacts to his emotions, telling the truth of how he really feels whenever he feels something passionately. And fitted on this body's left foot is a great big prosthetic made of wood, beautifully carved to look like a real foot, but incapable of reacting to anything. I've got six stress of nine, and a level one harm, which is my lame foot, which I could recover at some point, or magically enchant to react properly. And one trauma, which is unstable, which keeps getting any into messes. Hello, everyone, I'm Scott, playing Teslin Vale, otherwise known as the Bevel of the Abyss. Teslin is a severosi whisperer who does the dirty work for the archive of echoes exploring the past via ghosts with her mentor, Lord Pendren. Teslin is a petite brunette who is partial to petticoats. She has flowing auburn locks, olive skin, and green eyes. Most disturbingly, she has a dead hand sewn on to her left arm, which she is morbidly embarrassed about. Teslin has five stress and has a level one harm of painful cuts on her left wrist. Hello, folks, I am Jim, I am playing the silver tongue slide named Skivind, being also known as busy. He is a socializing and enterprising handsome young Ecarosi noble. When not working on crew business, the very busy busy spends his time behind the scenes trying to revitalize the finances of the Bing coal mining family. He calls himself busy because he's always working hard trying to find the ways of profiting from both the good and bad fortune of others. Currently, he spends most of his days disguised as a spirit warden Delegos. I currently, miraculously, have no stress boxes, but sure, that will change. No stress, what does that mean? I'm Tom, I'm playing Esther Roland. She is an ex-blue-code captain who goes by the name of Ghost because of her pale skin, eyes, and hair, and also because, to a bit of a degree, she frightens people as an awful spirit and nasty ghost. Her class is a cutter who is a dangerous and intimidating figure, but she also does her best to keep all of her crew members safe and help them in any way that she can possibly assist and protect. She's native-born to the city and has a lot of relationships with people that live here. She currently is having about her normal amount, five stress, but she has no injuries or any trauma yet. I'm Michael, playing Gordon, a young, thin, good-natured, scolvish lurk. As a lurk, he specializes in infiltration, allowing him to bypass most security measures. And currently has five stress. Okay, unless we left off, we were just embarking on our score in the strength for the state. Everyone had various roles they were doing, and we just did the engagement role that put us in a risky position when the action starts, but for the purposes of figuring out what that looks like, let's have everyone say how they're attending this function. There is a gala being hosted by Strangford for the benefit of his guest, Esmeralda. Esmeralda Winifax, our demonologist. His mother is trying to stay out of it, though she will likely have a couple of acquaintances to meet up with during the occasion. There is a crew of sparkwrights on staff as well as guards and servants. And nobility such as the Bing family have been invited cordially, but the rest of you got to figure something out. I believe I was here as, well, I don't want to say it's a guard. I can't remember last week all that well, how they can help, but wasn't I being here as a military figure who worked here? You were either a security guard, or if you had a dot in Tinker, you're going to go as a spark right with the rest of us. I do not. I do not. Okay. Then you were a guard that you, there was a house that you knew of that housed the guards of the estate, and you were going to break in and steal a uniform. A lot of them live on the same island as the estate. So the garden was able to find the housing of a couple of the guards. Correct. So I am here currently in that state, just as a member who's not really working here as a guard. But I can do a pretty good job of looking like one because that's what I've spent the majority of my life doing. And I believe myself burning Briar and Gordon were going his sparkwrights to work in the tower on whatever project is being done there. We got ourselves hired, or we paid people off to take their position on the job. And we should be in the estate in the tower, if I remember correctly, which left only busy who is invited and going to try to lure Esmeralda to her docked airship, where we will then join him, take care of her and crash it to make our escape. Or steal it or whatever in the moment. This is the plan which things never go according to plans. So it could be, yeah, it could definitely end up anywhere. It could be a really good plan if we would have rolled sixes. What was our engagement role? Like what was it? We needed to see a mode of engagement and was an implication. I believe it was a four. Yeah, four was our high role. That is the result of the role. But we do pick as a crew, let me check the crew sheet, it's probably on there. I've been thinking of job type, actually. There was definitely an element of this. I'm trying to remember. Okay. Ah, it's on the character sheet. Choose a plan provided detail. Choose your load limit for operation. There is, it's probably deception or stealth. I think everyone's taking a little bit of a different approach here because social, the detail you'd provide is the connection and busy's got that deception. You need to supply the method you're deceiving and stealth is an entry point. So deception for us, spark majority of you, right? Yeah. But then also picking a load for the operation. Would you say that going into a job as a spark right, a medium load wouldn't be noticed pretty much at all because we would have a lot of equipment with us pretty into the home? I would say so. But if you were to run into a party goer, they might be a little, what you do in here. Right. Don't we also have one or two hidden load worth of weapon slots because it's our one of our upgrades? You do. Assassin's rigging. Is it one or two? Two free load of weapons or items that have the gear in the word. Okay. And once again, just for everyone's sake, once you pick a load, which is on the left side of your character sheet, a little backpack, you don't have to assign any items that you bring with you automatically. You kind of take them as you need them. They're just free floating opportunities. All right. Then I'm going to go with normal and I'm going to go first, fuck everyone else. A normal load is a load of five plus two hidden for a total of seven. And then I strike one off because otherwise I'm belching flame all over the place in quite an obvious fashion. I take a slightly different long coat than usual, like an entirely different style. Something that speaks more to spark craft than anything else. But it still needs to be flame proof and I still need to spend a load for that. Okay. Busy is dressed to the nines. He's looking good, probably casing the room out, just saying his normal halos and greetings to people who usually says greetings to to get them out of the way so they don't bug them later. Mm hmm. I think he's a normal loadout. I would be in the medium since I'm kind of in a military mode. Yeah. I'm going to be medium in my spark craft and spark right here. Or outfit. It might take a minute for people to get into the scene and let me know how long it takes. Mm hmm, 98%. Was Gordon posing as a spark right as well? Yes. I'm doing the light load. Light load for you, okay. Last time we played, I maxed out my special abilities. And the one I was thinking about picking up, but I don't know if it's broken or how it would be played, it's called like looking into a merit. The description is you can always tell when someone is lying to you. Which makes me like a lion. You know the truth. But yeah. Which makes me like a walking lie detector and I don't want to make it like, you know, I don't want to be annoying with it. Like, are you just person lying, is that person lying? Is there a time in the truth? My guess is they they would have to be talking to me, they would have to be seeing them. And I would probably be having to actively look to see if they're lying, like looking for a towel or something. I think if you have a character reason why I could definitely see it being like by ear. That plays with the character in our other campaign who has ridiculously superhuman hearing. And that just makes sense to be the thing that he uses to do most of his crazy senses. So if that's what being is good at, I could see him hearing a lie. I do agree that it would probably have to be talking to you because it's easier to tell when someone is lying to you and then telling them lying to someone else. You don't know how they would lie to someone else. But you. Any occasions where I'm like, you can hear someone in the other room, but you don't get any of the facial tells or mannerisms to clue you in. Yeah. If you're in the room and you got eyes on them, you can probably do it. And the reason why this is a thing now is I'm just going to, as a character, development thing saying he's been either reading up on it or knew somebody who is really good at it and they've been coaching him for a while and now he's finally got a good hang of it. Okay. I'm going to watch for me. Is this like a magical technique or I didn't actually hear what it's called? It's called like looking into a mirror. You can always tell someone's lying to you. It's really short because you're so good at lying. I use the flavor that I get, but I get you with that name kind of. Yeah. Oh, I see me. Yeah. I'm in the guard station. I see four pictures in two boxes. Oh, there's everybody else there in this tower. So we ended up in a risky position. I'm going to put this on the group of three in the tower. Your smart craft leader goes by the name Orlan Kiel, a professor, is doing some dirty work here. Got some mutton chops, leads you folks down the passageway before the festivities really kick off. There's people conversing in the dance hall. There's drink tables left and right. The double doors are wide open, but leads up to the tower. You can be accompanied by ghost at this moment as they want to make sure nobody slips in behind. Kind of what I do. Yeah. We slip in in front. And you all have some kind of pseudo credentials that makes it okay for Orlan to not freak out that you're here and working. We got our skulks to get their work orders and we hand them over to the boss. Yeah. But they slip in a key cart more or less like it tunes as a ghost anchor of sorts, spirit anchor. There's a little slot in the door that they open up and plug in this thing and there's a crackle and a latch on the other side opens up and as they open the door you can hear smashing. It seems like it was soundproofed. But on the inside, as you get in there, there's the project you've all been working on. The first time you see it, a hole, a robot that Octavia Strangford is beating apart with a fire poker by blocking the door. Yeah, you were probably on the other side of it, just making sure nobody slipped in. A hole is an H-U-L-L H-U-L-L. It is a spark craft robot of sorts. This one is unique in that, well, you imagine at one point it looked a little better, but it has the visage of Octavia. And it's like hanging off of its face now because she's beating it, smashing it. Are we paid enough to stop the rich one? You paid to finish this construction. Keel's spluttering and he's like, "That's a small fortune you're ruining. You're a fortune." So what do you do? She turns around brandishing her poker at you all. Who's this? This is Octavia, the old mom of Strangford, who's throwing this ball, Lord Strangford, who's on the city council and is a shipping magnet with a Leviathan fleet and a very powerful man. I'm currently throwing a pit as a mother, yeah. Malady, did this abomination upset you? Shall I dismantle it for you more effectively, perhaps? I ask, in a deferential manner, I bow at the waist to eyes to the floor. I don't really remember the proper protocols, but that's basic. And it's not going to be interpreted wrongly, I don't think. Yeah. You want to defuse the situation? Yeah, I figure she'll offer me why it pissed her off or tell me to fuck off, I don't know. But I'll give her an opening to tell me to tear it apart for her because it pissed her off for extra wire reasons. And besides which, let her know, she has an audience who, yeah, he's technically utter beck and call here. What wrong do you so, Malady? She says that you're going to finish this project, whether or not I want you to. She's not the lady who hired you. Well, yeah, I just want to slow things down enough that I die before he tries to stuff me in this thing. Oh, I don't understand that. I look at the boss, man, once he got to say about this, this is beyond my station. Beyond our pay grade, but it is exceedingly rare to see a hull in the likeness of a person. They are normally very rough spark craft creations, either for mobility or industry. It requires a set of skills that you haven't really seen in dust fall. Orlin is the top of the tier when it comes to hulls and he might be the one doing this, but it is a huge setback to have her face smashed in. Think about it this way, Orlin, you get to charge them twice. I pat him soulfully on the back. I don't think that's how it's going to shake out, but thank you. Well, if nothing else, the project will be extended for weeks or maybe months and. Oh, man, but we're going to be on the hook for that, aren't we, Orlin? With the door being guarded, albeit a skew, the racket catches the attention of strength for it himself, who is peeking out of the dance hall toward you, ghost. He's looking around like what's going on. That's not the crack of billiard balls. Oh, but it could be. I am going to explain to him that simply this is not an area that people are supposed to be in. That's why I'm. He is the owner of the house. Oh, the ward strength. Yeah. So you might want to reevaluate that. Well, no, I'm in I'm informing to him. Is it evening, sir? Yes. Few of the guests arrived early, and I'm just curious if this is part of their work. If it's going to be this loud all evening. Oh, no, this is soundproof seal, the Lord. If you'll just let us close the door, we didn't mean to disturb your guests. His mother is still screaming. Yeah. And beating this thing up. Jesus fuck. Go shut the door. I will attempt to make things quieter. If you don't mind, I am attempting to close the door wall telling him that says I appreciate your service. If you get off later this evening, we'll invite you down to the smoking chamber for drinks. Very kind of you. And we've got him away, but you've still got an angry woman smashing apart what you came here to build. Yeah. What was the Lord's? I'm sorry. The professor's name who was running list. Orlin keel. All right. Mr. Keel. Were we meant to present this at all the night because I can probably rang goal together. A facade that would be impressed, but I would much prefer to not have to. Or just using the expertise of the lady while she's here. Oh, the countenance and the way she actually scaled and such. Yeah. I should have done my research before I agreed to this job of spoon. Is busy here as well? Or is he somewhere else? He's in the smoking chamber. Yeah. He's rubbing elbows at the moment. He's welcome to do whatever he wants, like I imagine he are directed as well. But I'm going to try to approach Octavia against my better judgment and just talk to her in a low voice, slow voice, calm voice, madam, madam. The issue here is not the whole itself. It's the decision making of Lord Strangford. That's what we need to continue to focus on and to change. This whole will be built one way or another. Perhaps if your efforts would be better directed at convincing your son or potentially, if you really, really hate it, it could be taken away to be worked on somewhere else where you wouldn't have to be in contact with it. What can we do to ease your anger and assuage your fears? But beating the Z, that a whole isn't going to solve your problems. I'm thinking either consort or sway, depending on how she perceives me. Yeah. It sounded like you were getting a cyst in a consort, though, do you have a skill you'd prefer to use? No. Consort is my... Of the resolves is my strongest, that in a tune. I can certainly use a consort. She does have a... I think sway will be more effective. Consort will be limited, because she has an opinion about work stuff. I think I'm still... I'm going to go for the limited effect of consort just because I don't want to risk pissing her off any more than I am. It is risky, still, but you can roll more dice with that on it. Right. And do I get like Briar wanted to toss you an extra dice? Is that true, Briar? Or make the roll, himself, but... Good. Good. With my suggestion in the comments, yeah. I was just thinking of a road forward offer more illegal out, like it's not like anybody and their mother isn't doing illegal jobs off the books. We could just tell her some time later, but I actually do not have much stress to throw around and offer right now. I figure I'm going to save it for one thing that are getting dicey. Okay. Then I will do it with no additional modifier, scary. Position is risky. Yep. Effect is limited standard or great. I know it's not great. Is it limited or standard? It's limited. It would be standard with sway. Gotcha. Is it possible that Gordon can help you in any way? I don't know what his stress is right now, but... I mean, you can add a dice to it. It's five, but I can do that. I can make a technical suggestion that might be meaningless, but still... I was thinking more... She wouldn't notice. Like, my lady, I can make this disappear. You know, something like that, trying to convince her that you have contacts that can maybe make it go away, disappear, be stalled in, something like that. Okay. Yeah. On the technical side of things, there are a million things that can go wrong with the whole. Her spirit might just slip out and go away. Sounds horrible. Okay. So I'm going to add one die. Risky, limited. I've already said my speech to her, so here's the role. Success. Six, a three, a one, and Gordo gave me a five. She's not the strongest woman in her age at the best of times. She drops the poker and is breathing heavily. She says, "I don't think you'll be able to fix it after that anyway." Well, probably not. You did a masterful job destroying the whole. How about a nice cup of mushroom tea to regather your constitution? That sounds lovely, doesn't it? You can put it in the dumb waiter. I'll be in my chambers. She struggles to pull up a trapdoor or ceiling, the floor of the tower. Okay. And so she's going down, walks one step at a time, both feet downstairs and pulls it behind her. Okay. I'll go to the door and let Ghost know that Octavia, with like a cup of mushroom tea, is quickly as possible. If you get that request to one of the servants, it would be appreciated because there are none in here with us. Yeah. I'm making her has a dumb waiter that goes up or down. The which side of the door? On the outside. Oh, so Ghost could actually handle it as far as getting the tea to her. Okay. I'm just going to say it, my guess as well, this was all going on. Dizzy probably heard some of the commotion coming down from the area where his friends were at, probably walked over, took a peek in the door, saw Ghost, gave her a, is everything okay? Look, and got a thumbs up, look, and then went back to the smoking chamber. All right. Your brother is here watering up stringford. He is on his second cup of whiskey, talking about he's not dodging city council like he should be maybe. And they're talking about the factions that want to oust stringford from city hall. No, those evil factions. He is one of the most powerful nobility in the city and the power he has in the council outstrips the number of seats. So people have to get embedded together to take him down a peg. Stringford's waxing philosophical about what they could do if they were working hand in hand with the Ministry of Preservation and just politics. But it's not this kind of stuff you can make money off of, unfortunately, maybe you could promise him aid, but it would definitely get you in deep shit. So it's the kind of fire you try not to play with nobility. Right. I'm looking for a certain girl. Yeah. She comes doing, she comes descending the tower lighter in the evening. From her quarters up above on the birth, does she come through the area that we're working? Yep. Down the staircase. I wasn't sure if the staircase was separate from the rest of the tower or not, but that's nice. Okay. Good. This floor of the tower is more or less a workshop. There's a fireplace, a little study, Nook. It has been commandeered for your project and the facial features have just been stripped off of the madam because they're going to need the kind of skill set that Orland does not have, like the face was custom made. Was it like a fleshy face or was it like a metallic face that looked like a fleshy face? That's disturbing. Yeah. Some of the bone structure that was supporting it has been crumpled underneath the metallic cheekbones and such are being taken off to be hammered out with a tiny tin hammer. Really fiddly work, but y'all are in the tower if you want to do some snoop and sneaking or just wait until the madam comes down. The madam meeting, Esmeralda. Yeah. The demonographer. We're going to let her go through. And once we know she's through, I'm going to tell Ryer to get out his smelling salts that he brought as part of his kit and the idea is we need to take Orland out peacefully. We need to put him to sleep so we can do what we need to do without him being curious. What's that? That is the absolute smelling salts too, isn't it? Yeah, I think you're right actually, but chloroform I think is what I was looking for. So chloroform I will say. I believe that puts someone under from that mistaken. It does. Yeah. I think applying this was still, you're in a controlled position. He's not expecting it, but there's going to be some sneakiness involved. Yeah, absolutely. So maybe Gordo could be our main man here, given the chloroform, and he can put it on a rag and hold it over Orland's face until he falls asleep because Gordo is stealthy. Yeah. So I was looking, I don't want to speak for Gordo though if he doesn't want to be a bandolayer. Adrian. Yeah. And I can mark it. I was just looking at which drug was appropriate so I could start a description. And I believe the transporter is the basic thing and this, there is just something that knocks people out, which is definitely not among my drug laws. Transpotters the closest you got. Yep. Induces a pleasant hypnotic trance, which I have ways to prolong very safely as we have established what with our constant containment. It's a less purified version of skull fire, I believe. Yeah. I mean, you can call it less purified, but it has its own thing going on. You can't mess it up either. Right. How's your prowl, Gordon? It's cool. Can't grow. It's great. X3. That makes a lot of sense for a sneak attack. I think you will have a standard effect and controlled conditions, I think they're called position. Standard and controlled. Right. Hey, what's the name of this girl that's coming down that we're meeting? All right. Oh, she's still up at the top of the tower. She hasn't come down to the smoking chamber yet. I think she's due to come down soon. We don't know. She was just coming down. Well, she did come down because when she left us when we attacked Orland to put him under or put him in his happy place, her name's Esmeralda Winifax, W-I-N-N-E-F-A-X. Yeah. So who am I knocking out? Orland Keel, he is our supervisor on this job. Okay. Minor complication occurs. I rolled 523, by the way. I think maybe he hit the floor and made a big noise. We're in a soundproof chamber, but if he's still coming down, she could hear it. No, I wanted it to be after she walked through because I want to be able to go up and position ourselves on the ship. Yeah. Yeah, she has to walk through where the hell are we going to put this transgender individual. So yeah. We take him with us. Yeah, I don't think she'd care. She might not. But if worse comes to worse, we take him with us. Yeah. Yeah. Get that piece of rubbish off my floor. You think it would be worth stealing the haul? I feel like we can come back here and get paid by Mrs. Strangford, Sr. or whatever. Octavia. Octavia. Correct. You can come back and finish the haul and get paid for it or contract her to pay for the job for us to steal it. Exactly. To get it out of here, since she's afraid of being put in it, or we could sabotage it by failing it full of something. I'm not sure how holes work if the ceiling is permanent or not. And some of your demons smoke in it. I mean, I was tempted, but... Do we know who this is for? This is for Octavia herself, the mom of Strangford, Lord Strangford. Okay. She doesn't want to go in it though. Yeah. I get it now. I didn't understand her motivation for... Beating the shit out of it. Yeah. Her son wants her around forever. She doesn't want to be confined to whatever he tells her to do inside that thing. Right. Yeah. Very Norman Bates. A little bit. Yeah. I mean, I believe it, but I never read the book, so I don't know. Hey, I am trying to talk up Esmeralda telling people what an awesome person this girl is. You got to talk to her when she comes down. She's really interesting, amazing. She's done a lot of cool stuff. Because I know she doesn't like that. So once she comes down and everybody wants to talk to her, she's probably just going to want to leave. And then I'm going to try to be the reason why she leaves. Okay. Right. Because you have a lead, if you remember correctly. Right. Into the demon she is hunting. Well, that, and she's promised me a ride on her ship, or maybe a possible ride on her ship. So I want to be here a knight in shining armor, kicking her out of this while everybody's bugging her. All right. You're rubbing elbows. That sounds like a consort. I'm wondering if it backfires. Where's that interesting other than she gets mad? Yeah. Maybe she finds out you did it. And that's the interesting. I got a way to talk to my wife about that happens, but hopefully it won't. As for this prowls partial success, I've got something down the line, but you do get them unconscious for now, and you're able to stow Orland keel wherever you wish. We got a minor complication? Is that what happened? Yeah. Okay. So it's not major. We feel pretty good about what we're at. So then I open the door just to crack and tell ghost that we need your help. We're heading up to the ship. I stopped talking to the lady who I got the tea for, and I joined them. Well, you got it for her through a dumb waiter, so you sit down to her for the good chance to talk to her and let your shot in the dumb waiter, and it is jammed. It doesn't seem to be working. Do we care? No, she doesn't get her tea. But if it's jammed, she can't come up, right? No, the dumb waiter is just like a small, not cubicle, like maybe a one foot by one foot by one foot opening that goes down. So she has a stairway that she can ascend and come into the tower by if she wants to. Well, if it was jammed, I wouldn't have not given it to her. I would have went down the stairs and handed it to her. Okay. That works too. All right. The door behind you, you head down into her domicile below the tower. And that was the last we heard in. Okay. I guess they're off the map for now. I don't have a map for this place. But as you go down, the passageways get more rough-hewn. It's been carved out of the cliffside of the estate. At the bottom of the stairs, is there a door that I have to enter? It's a long haul on the door, yeah. But it corresponds with her bed changed, presumably, not previous. So I knock on the door and if she responds, I open it and go in. I'm looking for some way to block this door so she cannot possibly get out once I give her the teeth. As you open it, that would not be hard. It opens outward and you can just jam something. Right. That's my intent. There's plenty of things to jam in there as you come in. It is candle lit. You can smell some of the canal, which is not great. Smell-wise. So there seems to be some opening to that. It is old. Like this chamber probably existed before the house was built. She has a four poster put up that she is not in. She has a servant on an altar and is gleefully carving into them. Just humming away. The servant is dying, dying, drugged, not screaming. That's kind of scary. But yeah, she's humming away gestures with a bloody hand towards a table nearby with a bunch of sharp implements on it. You can leave it there, dearie. Thank you. Did this individual do something that made you angry? No. Just sometimes the wheels, they get a little stuck. You got to unstick them. I look a bit confused when she says that. Is she trying to let loose a spirit in a body? There is a rivulets of gutters for blood and it seems to be ritually bleeding out towards some sort of something. You can hear like clacking of stone against stone in the distance in the dark of this wet cavern. Is there anything I can put in this tea that might take this woman out of it so that she doesn't get a-- You passed by Briar. Could easily have picked something up. Right. Poison. I got sleeps. What you looking for? He shows you a span to layer. Something that doesn't make her dangerous. I don't think we have to necessarily kill her. That would be a spirit that we have to deal with. But sleep sounds like a good choice. Sleep it do be. I already spent one of these, but that's easy peasy. She pulls out another vial, transpatter. I hope she doesn't take too much of it herself. If she reacts knowingly, he hands you another drug. This one will do it. It's got a skull on top. I nod. Okay. That's a flashy-- I'm assuming that it doesn't cause a stress because it seems pretty reasonable. It was very easy to pick up on the way. Maybe the poison we-- I don't know. We didn't suspect her. This is literally just skull fire because he assumes if she's immune to transpatter, at least skull fire will work. I just mark off the third notch of that particular layer. You can pick Bandelier twice, just so you know. That's why I was willing to give him two. Am I going to require a role to get her to drink this without questioning it? Not so much, except that she grabs your wrist as you walk by and says, "I can't--" "Get this rib. Can you help me?" Well, what you like me to do-- got a pair of Jaws of Life situation. She's trying to pry open these ribs. And this individual is unconscious or-- there are tears flowing down. They don't appear to have a tongue. They are gagged. I get the impression that I couldn't possibly say this individual is well past that. Am I wrong? Fire might be able to, but you can't regrow a tongue. True enough. This is one of the people that ghosts would consider should be killed. Powerful people that kill other people? Yeah. Should be taken out. However, that's not going to save this individual. And let's just add her to the list, I think mentally, as I simply place the cup down. And then assist. Yeah. You pry open these ribs with a crack. I cringe a bit. The floor underneath you shimmies a little in what appears to be ecstasy. And you hear a series of spine cracking, but stone. And she pokes at the heart you've exposed. Mm. Thank you. Oh, this will do. She reaches out for the cup and takes a sip and purses her lips. We had better mushrooms back in my day. I believe there's a lot of people here they might have been not being as focused on you as they should be. I say. It's mild. With duffled meaning. Oh, yeah, a little bad. Does this taste off to you? I pretend to drink it. Mm. No. Actually, to me, that tastes very good because while I don't have the things that you have access to. I like. Yeah. She narrows her eyes a little. Mm. Let's see about that. Maybe we can get some better stuff in the house. We're going to actually appreciate the finer things. I certainly wouldn't mind assisting if I could because that sounds like good result. Well, and she opens our eyes back up lettering in the candlelight. I may come up later for a bit of if I get peckish, but thank you for this theory. Of course. As I go out, I definitely block the door. And result should be she's unconscious, but yeah, even if she's not, I'm trying to prevent her from getting out and then go join the others upstairs and then tone. She's fucking crazy. I explained. Absolutely horrible. Yeah. Someone who definitely should be on our list of people to take out. I know tonight's not the night, but no, but absolutely miserable human being. Are we sure it's not the night? I mean, we have two women, one of which were supposed to kill that hate each other. Mm. Seems like we could work something out. But potentially blame her or kill them both and make it look like a fight. She's a crazy woman. Both have their hands are on the other's neck, not something that obvious, but you know what I mean. It sounds reasonable to me over a set. So do we know where our target is? She has exited the tower for now. I mean, as Marilda. Yes. Okay. She was mingling with in the smoking chamber. Yeah. She went to the gala, walked through our room, went to the gala. She then put Orland to sleep and then we got Ghost to put Octavia to sleep. Ghost, I'm thinking we might want to take Orland with us up the stairs to the airship. So as not to leave him behind and leave, I would it's behind of our deeds or somehow can seal him. I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of tarps in as far as plausible situations go. There are like chase lounges in here, near the fire. Yeah, we could just take his shoes off or whatever and make it look like he's sleeping on the job. I don't know. Yeah, it could be. I just wanted to find also an option. Yeah. What do you guys prefer? Do we put a tarp over him and hide him in a corner so they don't see him and it looks like the room is empty or do we have him sleeping on a couch? Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us at a number of ways including Twitter @KOTN_Podcast or you can join our Facebook page which is And while on Facebook you can join like-minded folks at our fans page at And lastly, there's our blog which is found at and please remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. There was a TV series I wanted to watch but couldn't because it didn't have the service. I think it was on peacock where it was some lady who was a walking lie detector basically looked interesting. I'm going to share my screen for just a quick moment. And you guys see this in zoom? Yeah, mostly your character sheet. Alright, so if you want to see more what you do is you hit this blue one up here and it minimizes your character sheet so you can see more and over on this far right you can hit this which makes it all hide so you can see more of the screen and then you can bring it back with hitting this and bring your character back with hitting that just so you know. Learn something new every day. Good day. Does it do you learn something? Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. John said he had to step away for a second. Okay. So that's probably what's taking the time. The other possible titles that people could vote to determine are on Facebook in our Nights of the Night fans page. The other options were otherwise I'm belching flames all over the place. And that was the last we heard of him. If you want to do some snooping sneaking, ghost shut the door, beyond our pay grade. Otherwise I'm belching flames all over the place and that's disturbing.