Invest In Yourself: The Digital Entrepreneur Podcast

Six-Figure Strategies: Kristin Graham on Business Coaching, Outsourcing, and Virtual Assistants

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07 Oct 2024
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Dive into this insightful episode of "Invest In Yourself: the Digital Entrepreneur Podcast" as host Phil Better sits down with the extraordinary Kristin Graham, a mastermind behind six-figure business coaching. Discover how Kristin transformed her expertise in real estate and mortgage into a thriving coaching business that elevates entrepreneurs globally using YouTube and podcasting. Learn the value of delegating tasks to virtual assistants, overcoming cultural communication barriers, and the profound impact on both local businesses and virtual assistants' lives. Get ready to be inspired by Kristin's journey, the innovative strategies she shares, and her practical tips for creating long-lasting success and meaningful connections in the digital world. Listen now to uncover the secrets of sustainable growth and effective coaching!


In this compelling episode of "Invest In Yourself: The Digital Entrepreneur Podcast," host Phil Better sits down with Kristin Graham, co-founder of Six Figure Business Coaching. Kristin shares her inspiring journey from real estate and mortgage to becoming a mastermind in business coaching. With her business partner, Jenny, Kristin has empowered entrepreneurs to harness the power of YouTube, podcasting, and virtual assistants to scale their businesses. Tune in to explore the intricacies of effective outsourcing, the value of virtual assistants, and actionable strategies for leveraging video content.


00:00 - Introduction to Kristin Graham and Six Figure Business Coaching

05:32 - Transition from Mortgage to Business Coaching

12:45 - The Birth of Video Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services

21:10 - Overcoming Hiring Challenges and Building a Global Team

30:00 - Effective Delegation and Empowering Virtual Assistants

40:20 - Communication Across Cultures: Building Strong Relationships

48:15 - Kristin's Key Life Lessons and Advice for Entrepreneurs

55:00 - The Value of Continuous Self-Improvement and Networking

1:03:15 - Kristin’s Free Marketing Guide and How to Connect

Guest Bio:

Kristin Graham is a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in real estate and mortgage. She co-founded Six Figure Business Coaching with her business partner Jenny, focusing on video marketing and virtual assistant services. Their innovative approach has helped numerous business owners achieve remarkable growth both locally and internationally. With a deep commitment to empowering virtual assistants, Kristin and Jenny are recognized for fostering long-term relationships and creating win-win situations for both entrepreneurs and talented individuals from around the globe.

Key Takeaways:

- The significance of video marketing and how YouTube can transform your business.

- The benefits of outsourcing and hiring virtual assistants for business growth.

- Essential strategies for delegating tasks that aren’t the best use of your time.

- Overcoming cultural communication barriers to work effectively with virtual assistants.

- Investing in personal development through conferences, networking, and mastermind groups.

- The impact of virtual assistants on business stability and entrepreneurship.

- Kristin's advice for young entrepreneurs and high-risk takers.

Resources and Links:

- **Kristin Graham's Free Guide**: [Marketing Virtual Assistants]

- **Six Figure Business Coaching**: [Visit Website]

Call to Action:

Don't forget to subscribe to "Invest In Yourself: The Digital Entrepreneur Podcast" for more insights from industry experts. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share it with your network. Visit our website to join our mailing list and stay updated on the latest episodes and exclusive content.

Contact Information:

- **Phil Better (Host)**:

- Website: [Invest In Yourself Podcast]

- LinkedIn: [Phil Better]

- Instagram [@ThePodcastMogul]

- **Kristin Graham (Guest)**:

- Website: [Six Figure Business Coaching]

- Instagram: [@SFBizCoaching]

SEO Keywords:

Digital entrepreneur podcast, Phil Better, Kristin Graham, six figure business coaching, YouTube marketing, podcasting for business, video marketing, virtual assistants, outsourcing overseas, coaching business owners, Sarasota Florida, real estate background, mortgage industry, delegating tasks, virtual assistant communication, hiring virtual assistants, entrepreneur growth, conferences and networking, mastermind groups, YouTube content creation, video engagement, business partnerships, local businesses, marketing agency, long-term client relationships, skills development, Philippines virtual assistants, improving quality of life, leadership, mentoring, productivity, self-improvement tips.

Welcome to invest in yourself, the digital entrepreneur podcast. Join the podcast murder, Phil Better, as he interviews success for entrepreneur that makes their living in the digital world. Now, let's join your host, Phil Better, and your special guest today on invest in yourself, the digital entrepreneur podcast. Welcome back to invest in yourself, the digital entrepreneur podcast where we interview excellent and mind-bending entrepreneurs in the digital space today. I am happy to have an amazing entrepreneur who is one of the masterminds behind Six Figure Business Coaching where they help business owners local and international take their business to the likes level using YouTube and podcasting something after my own heart. So without further ado, let's meet the mastermind behind Six Figure Business Coaching, Kristen, Graham. Kristen, thank you so much for being here. Hey, Bill. Thank you so much for having me. So looking forward to our conversation today, I love listening to your podcast. Oh, you can tell that she's a podcaster just from her intro. Just the smoothness of it. I love it. All right. So I give you a mini introduction. I would like to know a bit more about you. So how about you quickly introduce yourself, let my audience know who you are and what you guys do. Sure. I'm Kirsten Graham and I have a puppy who weighs four pounds and runs my life. It's pretty much me in a nutshell, it's a little four pound puppy who's in charge and hopefully she's going to be quiet through this entire episode. So yeah, my background is actually real estate. I started in real estate in the late 80s and I sold real estate. I eventually moved to the mortgage side. Then I moved on to own a mortgage company and own a title company in 2008 hit and that was a party. But yeah, a lot of fun there and what was really interesting was my now business partner was actually one of my clients from my mortgage company. And in one of the conversations when we were finishing up her mortgage, she had said I'm thinking about leaving my job so I can stay home with my kids. And I was like, oh, I think that's great. And so she went on to do that and a year or so later, she reached out to say, hey, what are interest rates looking like? And we talked about that and I said, well, how's your business going? And she said, well, you know, it's going. I just don't know anyone else, you know, who's self-employed, you know. So I said, hey, let's meet for coffee and started mentoring her. And I had been mentoring other business owners for about a decade because I did a lot of loans for self-employed clients and I would see their business tax returns and their personal tax returns. And so I kind of knew all of their information so they would often invite me out to pick my brain. And that kind of led to a coaching business that I had never had any intention of starting out of your lap and you're like, the journey is always a whiny road, isn't it? It's never the straight road where it's like, oh, I'm just going to coach. It's like, I'm someone who picks my brain, then I get another person picking my brain and then all of a sudden you're like, wait, I'm doing this full time. I don't have time for my regular job. Yeah, it was just timing everything. So when I started helping Jeannie, we really, it was back when Facebook, Facebook fan pages first came out. If you remember those, I know, right? And so we were trying to find out what local business owners knew about social media and at that time it was really just Facebook and LinkedIn, but also blogging and email marketing were really popular in the online space, but not locally. So she was educating them about that. So she went ahead to grow her business and she was the one that told me I should start doing video for my mortgage company. So we started doing that in 2007, I think, and that's when I learned the power of video marketing. And I've always joked and said, I want to be rich, but not famous. And what I realized though is when you have video content where you're just educating people and answering questions that your normal people, normal clients ask you all the time, it really builds a relationship with them. It builds a no like and trust. And I just remember people coming place to loan applications and they're like, oh, hey, how are you? And they're chatting with me and they knew my dog and it was a little unnerving, right? Because I'm racing around my brain thinking, how do I know this person? Where did I meet them? And I'm feeling bad, right? I'm feeling bad that I don't know them, but the reality is they just watched our videos. And so that's how they felt like they knew me. So that was an interesting experience. So yeah, so what happened was 2008 happened. I joke and say we stayed in business. We weren't thriving. But in 2013, I decided I was ready to go into coaching full time. And so that was kind of when I made the leap to coaching full time and it was, it's been a journey. Yeah. And then with Jeannie, when I was actually mentoring and coaching her because she offered these amazing classes that taught business owners all about blogging and email marketing and what Facebook fan pages were and, you know, that LinkedIn wasn't just a resume site. She sold out her classes, and that was amazing. But then all of these businesses wanted her to do their marketing. So all of a sudden she's really busy. And back then, you really didn't know what to price those services for. It was just crazy times and they're really busy. It was the wild west. Right? Yeah. Looking back, you're like, wow, that was, that was kind of like a step of faith, like just trying to figure it out as you go. And so she was building websites for clients, setting up their LinkedIn profiles, setting up their Facebook, fan pages, posting for them. And she was getting busy. So we're trying to figure out how to hire for her business. And I said, I've read an article about outsourcing overseas, would you want to try that? I know, right? Another huge, huge leap of faith there. Yeah. And you know, the four hour work week, we'd read about that, but you know, it was really before Zoom. It was a lot harder than, but she was like, okay, let's try it. So we went on that journey together. And you know, we learned a lot of lessons the hard way, the really hard way, got taken advantage of, lost some money, you know, probably were crappy bosses to a lot of people because we didn't have structure or organization. So yeah, just, you know, not the best on either side, but we've outsourced to six different countries and hired hundreds of people over the past 16 years. And it's just really, to me, it's, you know, we always think about outsourced and we think about big companies having call centers overseas. But I feel like for small business owners, being able to hire someone halfway around the world who is smart and talented and creative, and you can pay them 20% of what you would pay someone here. And it's still a good salary for them. That's a win-win. It allows so many business owners to hire long before they could afford to hire locally. And I just feel like it's a secret weapon for so many people. And it's not just about getting tasked on. It's about actually getting support in your business. Realizing as a business owner, you deserve to have support in your business that you shouldn't be this person running around like you're, like a chicken with your head cut off because you're new with all the things. So yeah. So that was a journey for us. It was a really fun journey. I like that. I like that. And I like how you became an entrepreneur just by accident, because you were helping other business owners become better, and then you're like, I guess I'm going to be a coach now. But I'm a full-time entrepreneur, kicking butt and taking names. I love how you guys have two parts to your business. You have the virtual assistants, and you have the video for local. How, what made you decide to do both instead of just focusing on one? Good question. So when Jeanie and I decided to partner in business at the time, I was, and I still have one-on-one clients. So I was focusing on one-on-one clients with, you know, business coaching, and she was running her agency. And so that was a good back and forth. And when we decided to partner, what we realized is things were changing so quickly. It's getting harder and harder for businesses to just have someone else create their content. Because in this day and age, you have to show up as yourself, and ideally you need to show on video. Every social media platform, once video, it is, I think, is one of the best ways to create content that's working 24 hours a day, seven days a week for you. So the concept of helping people learn how to market rather than acting as an agency, and then for us, helping our clients hire virtual assistants, again, without acting like an agency. So we consider ourselves around a marketing agency, and we're not an outsourcing agency. We are coaches for our clients, and we're trainers for their virtual assistants. So it's very different, and we hear all the time, "You're leaving money on the table." Because when our, you know, the virtual assistants work directly for our clients, so we're not marking them up. We're not making money, you know, off of that. No. Right. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with an agency model on either side, right? Yes. The agency model adds protection to the VA, because if they don't work out there, there's a possibility of another play, so they get multiple products. But with this, you're giving a personal opportunity for you to grow and recoup what they're actually worth. So I think it's great. You're doing a hybrid model, which is great. Thank you. Yeah. And most of our clients, you know, when we're vetting our clients, we want to make sure that they are looking to hire long term. Yeah. Because what we can really preach to both our virtual assistants and to our clients in the training process is that there's a lot of stability in having a long term relationship. So our clients do not treat their virtual assistants like a virtual assistant halfway around the world. They treat them like a valued team member. And we have clients that have had their virtual assistants going on five years now. And yes, and it's amazing because, you know, if you think about it, you know, for our local businesses, which are spots and law firms, real estate agents, once you start creating your content and you have really coached your virtual assistant on what you like and don't like with your video editing and your audio editing and what you want your graphics to look like on your social media, you know, once they know everything about what you're looking for, then you're spending very little time signing off on your content because they can create great content week after week because you've coached them on what you're looking for. So it's been really a great experience for us and for the virtual assistants. We get a lot of thank you notes from the virtual assistants. We get a lot of referrals. So a lot of our people are, how do you find all your virtual assistants in the Philippines? We do run ads, but we also get a ton of referrals from the virtual assistants that have been hired by our clients. I like that. I like that. And the referrals are even probably a better or better leads, if you will, I don't want to say leads, but potential VA is because they're coming from a trusted source. Like if I'm not going to give you someone I don't think is worthy of your time. No, I'm because that hurts my name, but yeah, I know I love this because you're changing people's lives. Like you're not only changing local businesses in and around where you live and obviously around the United States, but across the world where we used to refer to them as third world quote unquote, I don't believe that they're the same world as us. But their standard of living is different. And now you're giving them the standard of living that's equal to middle class here. They're having middle class over there and they have a long term job as well. And they're like, okay, now I can get better at this. And once they get better, they can, if they want, they can work with another client and you know, build their skill set off that and you know, grow and change your life. I'm reminded of one of my good friends, his VA who edited his podcast and from learning about what he does, which is real estate, she was able to buy some land and now has a farmer creating profit from there. So she's like that VA just created economic growth in her country. Yeah. And for her family, a lot of times, you know, the kids or the kids are taking care of the parents and the grandparents, because there hasn't really been an infrastructure for saving for retirement. So a lot of times these younger people, whether they're 20s or 30s, you know, they're supporting whole families. And it's really funny. I'm kind of thinking Phil, I think in Dr. Phil here, because I'm kind of thinking about cheering up and I'm not a weepy kind of person, but you know, it's been incredibly hot in the Philippines. And you know, one of our folks on VA's who works on our team, she had said it had just been horrifically hot. They've been out of power for a couple of days, just because of the heat wave. And so we were like, yeah, no problem. Take some time off. Just do what you can do. You know, it's 107 degrees there and you can have a day off. It's okay. It's not. Yes. Yes. And so she had messaged us just a couple of days ago and she said, I bought an air conditioner for my room and I bought an air conditioner for my parents room. I never thought I'd be able to afford one air conditioner and now we have two. Right. So that makes me want to cry when I think about like that's helping people. It's changing their lives. And so like my next goal is to help her get a generator, right? Yeah. And not just so she can work, I'm not being selfish, but she can always do that. No, because it's the generator is twofold one. It improves their quality of life because if the power goes out, the generator comes on. They don't have to worry about, oh, mom and dad having heat stroke or, right, right? Have he stroked the kids or relax like they live in a cooler environment? Yes, it does help that she doesn't have to take time off. Like there is an economic benefit, but there's more of a social benefit for this generator. It's life improving on twofold and allows the whole family if they want to become VA's, you know, because it's not body intensive work. It's like, yeah, I love that your friends, virtual assistant bought land. I always love that you go on our clients, say, oh, my virtual assistant bought a house or, you know, I think it's so empowering. And I think we forget, you know, especially as entrepreneurs that there is power in relationships. You know, so many people work at jobs and you think about the camaraderie and the relationships that people build in corporate America and being an entrepreneur could be very lonely and isolating at times. So there's one of the things I wasn't expecting was to hear things like, you know, now that I have a virtual assistant, I feel like a real business owner, or I had no idea how lonely and isolated I was in my business. Like, I am every week when I meet my virtual assistant and balancing ideas off of them and seeing all the amazing work that they've done, you know, I'm getting more and more excited about my business and realizing I can grow something even bigger than I ever imagined. So I think it's also that, you know, as human beings, we're meant for connection, you know, we're meant to relationships and to be able to have this fantastic relationship who is on your team and helping you build your dreams where you're paying them really well to help them build theirs. And I look at the VA system different than working a job. Because if you're working at a job, you don't really care about the business, we'll say. Because if I'm working for like a Microsoft, Microsoft's going to do well with or without me. It's an established plan. But with a VA, they're invested in your business because you're their paycheck, right? They're providing them with their system, their livelihood, so they want you to be better. They want you to grow. Because if you grow, that means possibly they'll get more money. But also they have more job security, whereas anybody, everybody today, I keep hearing business owners says nobody wants to work, nobody wants to work, well, people want to be invested in the business to know that they have an impact and with a VA, you have that direct impact. And you get bouncing off the ideas with your VA. Yeah, I feel I think the other thing is, our clients are really invested in the virtual assistance lives, right? It's always a two-way street. And so by having clients who really value and appreciate their virtual assistance, you know, and we're just a process where you can ask them what other things they would like to learn. So they don't have to go forward for someone else. They can continue to develop their skills and maybe hire a second virtual assistant to do whatever they were doing. Yeah, a lot of our clients who've gone on to hire additional people, and so their first person might manage the second person and get them up and running and train them. So it really is a beautiful thing. And again, once you have somebody who really knows you and knows what you're looking for with your content and just, you know, you can have great, quick conversations, they understand what you're talking about if you're in a really big hurry. That's priceless. Oh, that is. That's a hundred. That's that's like having a second you like it kind of reminds me of the story of Mr. Beast, how he paid someone to follow him around for six months, to in essence clone himself. And now that person pretty much runs, you can run the business without him. And that's what your VA should be. You should be focused on growing the business while they're, they handle some of the day to day minutia that, you know, we as entrepreneurs hate, you hate them. I want to you mentioned you love when your your clients invest in their on other VA's to grow because you can you can ask them what they want instead of them going to find another job or another client in essence. What is what what is something that you do to invest in yourself to be a better version of yourself? And is there anything that you can share with the audience that they can start doing? Sure. So one of the things that Jeanie and I always focus on is going to a couple of conferences a year. This year we went to traffic and conversion in Vegas in January. And and what was really awesome. Are you familiar with high level? Yes, I am. I'm a software. Yes. I'm familiar with high level. Yeah. So our virtual assistant who works on high level and she loves it. She was just so surprised that we were hanging out with like Sean and Robin because they were at the conference like giving away t-shirts and stuffs that were chatting with them. So we actually had them make a video saying hello to her. Oh my God. And she like loved it. It was like it was really cool because it was like the week of her birthday and so she got this video and so she was just so excited. But yeah, so going to conferences I think is really important. We have to learn and grow. We also went to pod fest this year and Orlando, which was fantastic. It's our second time to that convention. Yeah. So just constantly learning. We also were in a mastermind group that meets every Monday because I feel like again, the mindset is really important being around other entrepreneurs that hold you accountable and you know, call BS if you're not doing what you're supposed to do. So I think that's important. Yeah. There's so many things as business owners we can do that helps propel our businesses. And one of those things I think is protecting our confidence because in order to go out and sell your product or service or to manage your team, you need to be confident. I'm not talking about ego or arrogance and it can be hard to be confident if you're struggling with self-worth, you know, or you're just feeling overwhelmed all the time. So that's one of the things we try to focus on is not feeling overwhelmed and focusing on the right things at the right time. I like that. That's great. Great advice to the entrepreneurs listening to invest in themselves, not only visiting conferences and networking because that's a huge part of going to these conferences to keep learning, you network with people who are in different domains but can help you. I would like, you mentioned the story about your VA buying two generators, not two generators started, two ACs for a house. I would like to know, do you have a story of maybe one of your clients on the video side that was reluctant maybe to start and then once they started they saw the magic that YouTube can generate for them? I think everybody's reluctant to start on video, right? There's very few people who are like, "Oh, yay, let me get in front of a camera." I feel like it's a very normal thing to be afraid to get in front of a camera but, you know, for example, one of our clients, she's had a YouTube channel for a couple of years and I think she'd been with us for nine weeks and her virtual assistant had been with her for six weeks and so she jumped on our Tuesday coaching call and she said, "I haven't had any outreach, and no one's ever contacted me from my YouTube channel, I've had my virtual assistant for six weeks. I have had three people reach out to me and one person's under contract," so it was just her making changes and, you know, for most of us, you know, I couldn't edit a video with my life dependent on it, so I'll just tell you that right now. I'm not tech savvy, so -- but so many of us feel like we have to do everything and so we spend a lot of time doing tasks that is not the best use of our time. So by having her virtual assistant spend more time on her thumbnails and her SEO and editing, you know, editing the videos, that makes a big difference and it's not that maybe she isn't capable of doing it. It's just not -- she didn't have enough hours in the day to do it, so I feel like that's really important, right now I'm talking with a woman who -- really cool story. She was an LA makeup artist and, like, she just knows all of these different celebrities and she's just fantastic, so she's an esthetician and she's a makeup artist and just a great human being. So we're in the process of talking about her video strategy because she left LA and she moved here to Sarasota, Florida, and so she's really just starting to build up her spa. And so it's just been fantastic talking about all the things that we can do. And to be honest, I'm always a little jealous because of the coach. It's not like we have fabulous things to show, you know, where she can show, you know, different makeup tutorials and different skincare and all these different cool techniques she has for facials. So I'm a little jealous, but it's going to be a lot of fun working with her and she'll be confident on camera, but again, we're always nervous when we do something we haven't done. So it's just -- I think it's just -- it's normal. The other part is we do find the clients are nervous about working with a virtual assistant. You know, what's the communication that'll be like, what are the -- how is it with the difference in hours, you know, different time zones, but we address all of that. It's not hard. It's just a matter of shifting your mindset. And one of the things that Jeanie and I focus a great deal on with both our clients and coaching and the virtual assistants through the training program is cultural differences because there are cultural differences. You know, as Americans, we communicate very aggressively. We don't know it, but we do. So -- >> A little aggressive. >> A little aggressive. >> Yeah. So just -- we have a lot of conversations about that for both sides. And so if you look at when they come together, they have a better understanding. And you know, we also encourage the virtual assistants to always ask questions or if they have ideas, you know, to present those ideas, but to never take it personally if that idea doesn't get implemented, you know, so we do a lot of that out of coaching too for success for relationships. >> I love how you're focused on the relationship and making sure that that's successful instead of just like, okay, here's your VA buy running away because now the relationship is so important because it is like we mentioned before, life changing for both aspects because, like you said, you just mentioned your client had it worked only for six weeks with the VA and all of a sudden already have one under contract versus having nine for the years prior. So it is a relationship and it grows and grows and it allows you to work more on your business and the things that, like, we are capable of doing but is it worth our time? Are we putting -- is that where the value of our time should be going? And that's super important. Again, it gets us to what most entrepreneurs say. They're looking for that freedom. What is the freedom they're looking for? >> Yeah. >> So we're actually -- we have a second offer. I kind of want to explain this because I think it's relevant in relation to it. So I have a virtual assistant that gets me booked on podcast, which you experienced. >> Yes. >> Me here. She's fantastic. And we had clients asking us about that. Well, you know, could my virtual assistant get me booked on podcast? So Jeannie and I decided to put together a program that is specifically towards getting, you know, our clients booked on podcast. And it's really different because a lot of people said, well, can I have my marketing virtual assistant, the person who does her video editing and social media, can I have that person booked me on podcast? And I said, well, you can always ask them if it's something they would want to do. But what I find is someone who's incredibly creative is not necessarily going to enjoy the job of outreach, market research, follow up, outreach, get research, follow up. Because that job is, you know, a lot of that happens and it takes a lot of time and it's a different personality, it's a different skill set. So our thing is if you want your virtual assistant to do other tasks, ask them if they feel like it would play into their strengths. Because if you build a team of people who are truly working in their strengths and also working in things that they really feel accomplished in or are excited to do, you're going to build a very happy team and they're going to be with you for a very long time. So that's the other part, it is hiring the right person for the right job. And if you want to build your team, not trying to throw your one virtual assistant into wearing all the hats, you know, and I think it's entrepreneurs, we have to wear all the hats in the beginning. But as somebody who's working for you, you will get a lot more work out of them, a much better relationship if you figure out how to help them stay in their lane, stay in doing what they love doing, what they're best at doing, and then hire other people to do other tasks. Yeah, you hire other people to take off the hats that you were currently wearing. You don't ask one person to take all the hats that you're wearing, you're like, okay, you're the hat wearing person, bye. You'd actually be surprised. That is one thing a lot of people, I think that's, and again, we definitely didn't know that when we first started hiring. So I'm not, I'm not, you know, looking down on anyone who is at that place because we were definitely there, but yeah, that, like, can't, like, okay, here are all the hats, like, again, like take off with them and be happy with them. My big pet peeve is when someone says, I want to hire a virtual assistant who will tell me what to do. Oh my God. And I'm like, actually, I think us, you're supposed to do that, yeah, but yeah, oh, yeah. Let me get it. Sometimes the thing is, again, it goes to overwhelm and just being stressed out that you just feel like, oh, just with someone would, you know, keep me organized or whatever. And that is what a really awesome executive assistant can do. They can keep you on track with what's going on with your day so that you have more time to be the visionary and to focus on the big picture. But the reality is you always have to keep that CEO hat on. Oh, yeah, that, that is glued onto your, um, Kirsten, we're coming close to the end of the episode. I hate this because I'm losing you, um, and I'm having a great time. So we're going to definitely have you back on and we're going to have your partner on it as well. Cause I want to talk to you about your podcasts that you have to have. Um, but with the last question, I want to know, I have your 10 year old self here. She kicked me before. I don't know why, but she seems like she's a kicker. She is. Okay. I thought so, um, what's one piece of advice you would love to be able to hand back to your 10 year old self. So in some ways, I was very lucky because my parents, you know, I had to cut the grass and, you know, we learned to shoot guns. I lived in the country. So there really weren't gender specific, you know, tasks. My brother had to wash dishes and all that fun stuff. So I think that we were really tall. We could do basically anything, which I think was a very good lesson. I also have a pillow over there for my sister-in-law that says I'm not bossy. I just have better ideas. And my dad used to say I would do fantastic in the military if they would start me off as a general. So I think being bossy was always kind of my emo. And you know, I think especially as women, if you are bossy and take a leadership role, you often get called the B word and it's not bossy. So I think being able to step into that power is something that I learned early on, but I think things I would have told my 10 year old self is because I am a high risk taker, probably safer in some areas and go a little slower. I like to, you know, 100 miles an hour. Let's do it all. So, you know, to take my time and not rush the process of it is, you know, I don't sound so lame, but the journey is really the most important part. And I look back on all of the different things I've done and the different businesses I've owned. And I really look back with amazing memories, you know, a lot of bruises and scars too. But wouldn't have changed a thing would not have changed a thing. But maybe be a little bit more conservative in certain areas, right? Just a little bit. You're always going to be a little more conservative in certain areas in life. Yeah. I think that the amazing advice I'm going to jump off stage here. I want you to let my audience know where they can connect with you. If they're interested, if they're a local business, looking to hire you guys to help them with the YouTube or to get on higher, you have to learn more about podcasting and that. So I'm going to just jump off stage here. The floor is yours. Sure. Thank you. Yes. You can find us at six figure business coaching dot com and that's S I X figure business coaching dot com. You can also I'll offer you guys a free gift. It's a guide and it's called marketing. See, it's called double your income with the marketing virtual assistant and the URL for that is outsourcing for bosses. So outsourcing for bosses dot com. If you're thinking about outsourcing, it's a great tool for you. We do have a lot of resources on our website. So pop one over. There's links there that you can book a call with me and I'm happy to have a conversation with any of you. I love meeting new people. I'm lazy. Thank you so much. Thank you, Phil. I can't thank you enough for being here. I'm looking forward to having you guys back on and learning more about how you are changing the relationships with VA's around the world and local businesses and empowering businesses by doing that. So I want to thank you so much for being here. Thank you, Phil. Thank you so much for having me and I'm looking forward to having another conversation. Oh, I'm good. That's fun. It's going to be excellent. To my audience, make sure you check out the show notes down below to connect with Kirsten and her six figure business coaching and the VA's and all that wonderful things that she has over there. So I thank you so much for listening and remember to always invest in yourselves. Bye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)