Epistle Of James

Drawing Near To God | Standing Firm In Faith 12


Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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(inspirational music) - These early Bibles to 1 Corinthians, chapter 16, we'll begin with our foundation scripture and then hopefully race ahead to where we need to be today. 1 Corinthians 16, verse 13. The Apostle Paul writes and he says, "Watch, keep alert." He says, "Stand fast in the faith or stand firm "in your faith. "Be brave, be courageous, be strong." We're in a fight, man. So that's the reason why we need to be brave and courageous and strong. Now, we have been looking at James 4-7. We've been talking about drawing near to God, yielding to God and remember James said there again, therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. The series again is standing firm in your faith. And so, one of the things that we need to do is to submit to God, we need to do that first, then we can resist the devil, then he will flee from us. Us trying to just resist him without submitting to God is just a useless effort. Are you all with me? Because we are fighting something that we can't see, it is very powerful. But with God on our side and God in us, and we'll look at that a little bit maybe today, all right, then we've got everything that we need to be strong in the Lord, the power of his might and take down whatever comes at us because of God living in us, hallelujah. And you know, that's what salvation is all about. It's just giving people back an edge that they lost. Anyway, I want to say more on that, but I won't get to what I need to get to today. Okay, so we talked about, one of the things we looked at was the previous verse, which talked about the fact that God resists the proud, gives grace to the humble. And in submitting to God, we need to not be proud. We need to realize that we need to depend on God for everything in order to get through this. Are you all with me, amen? And we need to be so careful because there is a wisdom in this earth that will, and we'll look at that today as well, a little bit, that draws us away from God and draws us away to things that, you know, gets us thinking that we can manage this. And the things that we don't realize are the things that we can't see. Remember again that, you know, remember Elijah on the mountain? Remember when all the armies surrounded him? And his little servant comes out, you know, with his cup of coffee in the morning and his, you know, croissant or whatever in his other hand. And he's standing there taking him the morning air and suddenly looks out and goes, oh dear God. And the whole place is surrounded with this army and he runs back and it's like, we're in trouble. And Elijah comes out and, you know, he says, hey, it's cool. And he says, are you kidding? Wake up, look at what is in front of us. And he says, hey, look at what you can't see and he prays and says, God open his eyes. I wonder what he thought when he opened his eyes. I wonder what happened to his croissant and his cup of coffee when he opened his eyes and saw that. You know, it's one thing to see a natural army coming up against you. There's a whole nother thing to see, a whole bunch of chariots on fire. And they're waiting to go. This is not something you see every day, amen? And so we really need to understand that there is an unseen realm that is very real. One angel in one night to cut a whole army. Something unseen to cut something that was seen. Are you all here? So we need to realize that we need God for that reason. Hallelujah. And that he is there. You know, this is what's so wonderful about this. So we looked at the fact that we need to understand that in submitting to God, we need to understand why we submit to God. We need to then do it wholeheartedly. And we also looked at the fact that when we resist the devil, that he will flee from us. If we submit to God, when we understand that we need God and allow God into our lives and that presence into our lives, it drives out everything that's demonic out of our lives. Are you all here? Amen? Hallelujah. Okay, one of the things we looked at last time now was the fact that in order to do this successfully, we need to understand where a lot of the fight is. And that's in our mind. You know, in order to stand firm, if our brain is just kind of jelly and it falls to the floor, well, there's not gonna do any good. And I talked about this before as well. You know, it's really sad that when people come into the kingdom, they are told to, you know, submit and yield and kind of just don't have a will of your own at all. And they become these useless things. And God doesn't want that. God gave you a will for a reason. It wasn't to break it. Listen to me. It was so that you could use it for the things that he designed and destined for you to use it. So he needs your will intact. Especially if you're gonna resist the devil. You can't do it if you're a wimp. You know, okay. When he comes, the wimps run. If you need to learn to stand firm, you need to know, see, this is what God wants. He wants people that have their will intact that is turned to him and say, "God, we look to you. We yield to you." Are you all here? You tell us what to do. And we won't budge from that. You tell us to go fight. We'll fight. You tell us to back off? We will. You know, some days we wanna fight and God says back off. But I really want it. Just once, just once, okay? And God says not now, not shed. You don't understand what's going on. Hallelujah. All right. So we looked at Second Corinthians 10. I'm making, I'm doing my best to get there. All right, so we looked at Second Corinthians 10 versus three through five last week. And we talked about the fact that even though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. And we found out that the weapons are a warfare, not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. And then remember, he said, casting down imaginations. And so we really need to be careful in anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. We need to cast something down. If it comes and says you're a loser, well, God says you are more than a conqueror. So you're gonna cast the loser thing down. You know, you can't play with things like that. Yes, but you don't understand my past. Who cares? Your past now is in God. All things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. This is St. Corinthians 5, 17, and 18. And all things are of God. That's your past now. The other one died. Let go of it. Amen. You know, I had to do that with my life. I had to literally erase everything in a sense that was my past because it was so bad. I kept the good memories and I got rid of everything that was not good. Now, I have a sense of what's there, but I don't dwell on it. I don't think about it. Because I do as the Apostle Paul said to do in Philippians and that is looking ahead. Look forward for getting the things that are behind. Amen? These are all the things you need to know in order to forge ahead, in order to be able to stand firm in your faith. Because the devil will use stuff in your past constantly to take you down. Okay, we also looked at Romans. I'm almost there. How many minutes did I use? Okay. Romans 12, we said that that was so important that we understand two things there. What were the two things? Number one, we need to present our bodies. I know nobody wants to say that one. A living sacrifice. You know, if somebody once said the problem with living sacrifices, they tend to crawl off the altar and wander off, but they don't like to be, you know. Amen? So, you know, some days it's like that. We just kind of got to crucify the flesh because it wants to go in all kinds of directions. Do you know your flesh wants to give up most of the time? That's the reason why you need to crucify the thing? Anyway, and remember verse two. He said, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." So, the transformation that we're looking for comes with the renewing of our mind. And remember the word transformed is the same word that was used when Jesus was on the mountaintop with his three disciples and he transfigured. And everything shown, that's the same word. Isn't that brilliant? Hallelujah. That's what weights you, awaits you. All right. When I said as we do this and as we're in the presence of God and in the power of God, then we will resist the devil and then he will flee from us. Amen? All right. Now I'm there. Okay. We then looked at Luke 10, 18. So let's start there. I left you with this scripture. You need to know why he'll flee from you. In Luke chapter 10, verse 18, Jesus said, "First of all," he said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." You know, this is one of the first revelations you need. You need to understand that he fell. He is no longer in a place of power as far as God is concerned. Are you all with me? He fell. And you know, that's why Jesus wanted to let his disciples know that you are dealing with a fallen being. This is not a being that has his original position with God anymore. And watch, I mean, I love what he goes in the same, verse 19. And so he says, "Behold." You know what behold means? Oh yes, brother. It's one of those religious words that says, "Behold." No, it means look and see. You know, if I say, "Behold, I spilled milk." Don't walk over there, you'll trip. That's what behold is. All right, y'all, with me? Don't get all religious on this. When Jesus says, "Behold," he says, "Take it out." It's today, the way we go, you know, today's language. All right, he goes, "Check it out." I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. Notice he says, "I give you authority." I give you authority. First he says, "Listen, this thing is fallen." Now he says, "I give you this authority." He says, "What's this authority?" To trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Wow, that's huge. He didn't say some of it. He didn't say most of it. And there are some that are just too big for you. Did you hear what I just said? He said, "I give you power over all." All means all. Pass and do you wanna come in? Brother Andrew. Okay, 'cause he, one time he taught about the word all. He took about two seconds. He said, "Do you know what the word all means?" Oh. Okay, moving on. Okay, it means there's nothing else. There's nothing that's gonna slit her under the door. All means all. Okay, all right. So, because we have this in our head, we think, okay, there's a certain amount and then there's, you know, those ones that even the evangelists can't deal with. Who cares, our example isn't an evangelist or a apostle or anything else, it's Jesus. If he says this, then we believe this. Amen. So when it comes at you, this is what you need to know to quote. That God has given me authority over all the power of the enemy. That includes you, devil, whatever this thing is that's attacking me, it includes that. Amen. And he says there's nothing, I love this part too. He says nothing. Do you see the word nothing? He says nothing, shall by any means hurt you. You all saw the exorcist? You know, that's religion. If you go at the devil with religion, that's what happens. They vomit on you and you get killed. Okay, I'm just telling you, that doesn't happen here. You know, when Jesus came, all that stuff didn't happen? Heads weren't turning around 360 degrees. Woo. Hello. What did happen? Well, let's go to Luke 441. I want to say other things, but let's just go there very quickly. And we'll come back, I'm going to talk to you about what flea means. It's not a thing on the dog. All right, Luke 441, it says, and demons also came out of many, crying out. Notice they weren't happy. They weren't challenging Jesus. They weren't saying, guess my name. And then I will leave. Nothing. Watch, it says, and demons also came out of many, crying out saying, you are the Christ, the Son of God, and he rebuking them. Watch this, did not allow them to speak. For they knew that he was a Christ. They shut up. When the demon starts talking to you, don't listen. It comes from lies, everything comes from lies. Don't try to reason with it, don't talk to it. Just turn it to shut up and get out. That you don't have to build a relationship with them. - Yeah, that's right. - Okay, do you know what I'm trying to say? You know, people get so caught up in this stuff, they try to, you know, they want to talk to the devil and everything, and they want to know its name, and you know, why, who cares? Somebody breaking your house, you don't want to know their name, we just want them to get out. So, let's go back, because we're talking about fleaing now. Remember again, James said, you resist the devil, you need to understand all of this, resist him. Amen, and he will flee from you. The word flea, listen, comes from the old English word, that means to fly, and refers to doing what, listen, doing whatever it takes, this is the devil, not you, okay? It's better not be you. Refers to doing whatever it takes to get out of a bad situation, the fastest. Did you get that? It pictures, I really like this, the quickness and urgency with which a startled bird flies away, to get the picture. You know how when you sort of run into a group of birds and they suddenly, whoa, and they take off? That's the picture. Resist the devil, then, whoa, he's gone. Did you get it? He doesn't stay for dinner. He doesn't chat to you. He doesn't challenge you. You do this right, and he won't hang around at all. But what is it that you need to do? Again, you need to submit to God. You need to bring the presence of God into your situation. Are you all with me? I'll talk to you more about something in just a minute. All right, I'm gonna get there, okay? I've said to you, why can you expect the same result that Jesus did? 'Cause you might say, well, that's Jesus. Well, I'll give you, first John 4-4, okay? You are of God, little children. Can you receive that, first of all, please? You are of God. You're not of the devil, you're not of the world, you're not of Mr. and Mrs. Whatever, birthed you? Please get this, you are of God. God is your daddy. Receive this, please, you need to get this. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them. This is everything that the devil throws at you. Because, watch, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. There is something more powerful on the inside of you than everything, anything and everything that is coming against you from the outside. Are you all with me? That, listen, it's the same individual that cast out demons. It's the same individual that said, shut up and get out, lives in you. And that's the reason why in Mark chapter 16 and verse 17, Jesus says, and these signs will follow those who believe in my name, the first thing he says is they will cast out demons. Did you get that? Nah, I know people say, what, I don't know Mark 16. There's questions about if those verses are in the Bible. Oh, give me a break, listen. You know, they'll go around the circle. There were so many things in the Bible that people argued about and today it's still there. They suddenly got another revelation, okay? The reason why scholars will look at these, the ones that are adamant about certain things will say, well, we don't want to look at these verses. The other ones understand that these verses and what they say are found throughout the New Testament. Are you all with me? They're there in one form or the other. They just grouped together and put here so that we can have him all in one place. But you can find him everywhere else. The reason why they kept it in. Anyway, so once again, all right. See, wait, wait, wait. Notice it said these signs will follow those who believe. These are one of the signs of the things that follow those who believe. They're just one of them. There's a whole lot of others there and there's a sampling of things there. It's not everything. Did you get what I said? It's just these are some of the signs of things that will follow those who believe. If you believe these are the things that will kind of follow you around. Amen, yeah, for whatever that's worth. Okay, and that's why it says, once again, what do we do? We do as the Apostle James says and that is submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Verse eight, 'cause after this incredible verse, the Apostle James goes and let us know what we need to do to keep the devil away. You know, it's one thing to get rid of him. This is where most people lose the fight. They will just come at the devil with everything they have, they will attack him, they will take him down and then they go on vacation and then they think they can do whatever they want and then suddenly they lose everything they want. James is a pastor, he knew this. Okay, that's why I like the book of James. Not only was the half brother of Jesus, but that's why he's called the problems of the New Testament 'cause he is a smart person. He says, listen, this is where a lot of you guys go wrong. You do this, you do what I've said, you fight your battles, you win and then you go on vacation in your brain. You kind of spiritually kind of go, well, that's it. Where's my Kool-A and my little hammock and let me just go sit out there and the devil sneaks up. So what does he say? Watch, he says, draw near to God and he will draw near to you. What you need once you win a battle is you need to be close to God and you need God close to you. You don't ever want to drift from that. And he says, cleanse your hands, ouch. You sinners, this is to her church. I thought he was talking, I believe he's still talking to his church, okay, he says, cleanse your hands, you sinners, purify your hearts, you double-minded. Let's have a look at that in a bit more detail. 'Cause no, you can skip that verse, no, we need to look at that. All right, so it's not enough just submitting to God and resisting the devil. If you want to stand firm in your faith, you must truly, you must draw near to God and have him draw near to you, which is where prayer comes in. 'Cause I knew prayer was gonna come in here somewhere. You're right, do you know prayer is, this is not a religious thing. If you're doing religious prayer, stop it. Like somebody said, there are all the blessings of God and then there's prayer, you know, there it is. There's the stuff that balances all out. You're happy over here and you're miserable over here, okay, if prayer is misery to you, stop it, that's no prayer. Prayer should be the most exciting, the most wonderful thing there is. It should be the time when you are hearing from God and God's telling things that you're going, wow. Just like Elijah's servant on the mountain top. When Elijah said, open his eyes and he goes, woo, this is good, amen, okay. You might say, well, some days it didn't happen. It always happens. Not always will it turn up the moment you pray. (audience member mumbles) Pause for no effect. No, but listen, listen. I have realized that there are some times I'm in prayer and dear God, I can't keep up with God. The stuff he'll start talking to me about and you know, writing for the next three days. Okay, trying to get done everything he's saying and talking about it and everything else. Other days I come out and go, what happened? Jesus, I turned up for the meeting, where were you? Did you not get the memo? Listen, listen, okay, but what happens is over the next couple of days, all sorts of things start bubbling out. And I'll say, woo, that's really good. And he said, yeah, that was back here. I was talking, you weren't quite listening, but I deposited it in your spirit. It's now bubbling up. Give it a bit of time, it's all there. You see, when you go to God, when you go to God in prayer, he starts filling up your tank. Now, whether you're aware of it or whether you're not, it's getting full. And when you wander off, you got gas in your tank now. The thing will work, okay? He'll start talking to you through all of that. And so I have learned now, whether I get it straight away or whether it's gonna kind of bubble up over the next couple of days, I've just learned whatever time I give to God is not wasted. He is not wasteful, amen? There's too much to do, too little time. People are preaching on one side, you know, that God's coming back and, you know, there's this big rush. And on the other side, there's this, well, you don't know what God's gonna say to you today. You know, it might not say anything, it might just go whatever. You can't do that. God is the same yesterday today and forever and he's consistent in everything that he does. So if he's in a big hurry, well, he's gonna get stuff to you, whether you're listening or not. And when you do listen, it'll turn up, okay? Just know it's there. That's all I wanna say about that. It was a lot to say, but anyway, okay. It is prayer, or excuse me, it is in prayer that we truly draw near to God. Let's go to Psalm 145 verse 18. "I could do a whole series on prayer, I won't." I have, okay, but we're not doing that here today. I just wanna share some things with you very quickly, just very quickly, this verse, Psalm 145 verse 18. It says, "The Lord is near to all who call upon him." Notice, draw near to God. The Lord is near to all who call upon him. If you draw near to God, God will draw near to you. Amen? All right, you gotta call about it, okay? You need to call upon him. "To all who call upon him in truth." Now, notice, I like the new living translation. It says, "To all who call on him sincerely." So you need to do this with sincerity of heart. You can't just go, "Well, process at the call on you. I'll hurry up, God. I'm here, where are you?" That's it, I'm going, okay? No, you go with an open heart. You go with God, a sincere calling upon, and sincere seeking after, and he will turn up. Hallelujah. You might say, "Well, what if I'm having trouble with that? What if I'm going in there and going, I don't feel very sincere." Well, you know, here's another prayer. God helped me to be sincere. Now, you can pray that wherever you are. Can't did you get that? Some days you got to pray about what you need to pray about. And if you're struggling with something, we'll pray about the thing. Just say, "God, I'm struggling." I hate to sit down and pray. I'm having trouble. I've never been into the past, but I'm telling you. Just tell him that. Jesus said, "Be hot or cold, don't be lukewarm." Tell me if you've got a problem. Don't brush it under the carpet. Just tell me, you've got a problem. Tell me, we'll work on it then. But if you keep sticking it under then, going, "I know I'm meant to be that way." Sweetheart, he knows and you know and everybody else probably, mostly, no. Okay, whatever you try to hide, everybody knows. We're usually the last one to find out that everybody else knew. But anyway, I'm just giving you the heads up. Just be honest with God. Tell him what your problems are. Everything, take everything to God in prayer, everything. Hallelujah, anyway. In other words, drawing near to God is the best thing you can do. It is the place of safety and blessing. Now, this is found in Psalm 73 and verse 28. So let's go there very quickly. Psalm 73 verse 28. It says, "But as for me," I'm reading from the New Living Translation, I'm sorry. He says, "But as for me," well, my New Living Translation, "As for me, how good it is to be near God." I love that. Watch. He says, "How good it is to be near God. I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter." This is the place you wanna be, amen? He says that I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do. Usually it's that's for you. You can only talk about what God does for you. Amen. So these are all the amazing things He does for you. And He's not only your shelter, but that's where all the blessing is as well. That's why He says how wonderful it is. Amen? He says how wonderful, how good it is to be near God. So that's a good thing. You just need to know that. When James says, "Draw near to God," He's asking you to do something that's actually good for you. Now, added to drawing near to God through prayer, we also need to clean up our act and purify our hearts, okay? And remember again, He says in verse eight, "Clend your hands you sinners and purify your hearts." Now the reason for this is brought out in Psalm 51 and verse six. Let's look at that. So again from the New Living Translation, Psalm 51 and verse six. He says, "You desire honesty from the heart." So you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being. Isn't that wonderful? Most of the problems that we face is we don't know what to do. We face a situation and we don't know which way to go. The road ahead is just dark. We just don't know where it's going, what we need to do. That's when we lose battles. That's when the problems turn up. If we can see the path ahead, it makes it easier to traverse that path and deal with any opposition, any problems that we face. 'Cause we know where we're going. But what happens when you don't know where you're going? That becomes a real problem. So what she says here, "You desire honesty from the heart so that you can teach me." Do you know why he desires honesty? So that we don't say, "We got this God, it's okay. You don't need to help me." He needs you to be, just what I said to you before, he just needs you to be honest and say, "I don't got this, I need help." And then you open your up to him for him to teach you, for him to show you which way to go. You're with me? See, again, you're dealing with God. Okay, don't try to pull the wool over his eyes, you can't. He knows everything that is going on on the inside of you. He knows why you do things, not just what you do. Hello. You might impress others with what you do, but he knows why you do it. That's what Matthew chapter six is all about. Matthew chapter five, someone on the Mount, is all about the right things to do. Matthew chapter six is about the motivations behind what you do. Oh, you could be doing all the right stuff, but have a terrible heart. And he says, "Okay, you're doing right things, but you know, you had to do it stinks. Fix it." You know, it's like the prodigal son. We always talk about the younger brother. We never think about the older brother, the one that stayed home and had a attitude. When the father was so thrilled to have the young son back, this one says, "I'm not gonna go in there. I've been here the whole time and I've worked for you." See, doing the right thing, wrong attitude. And he comes back and you do all this stuff for him. Hello. There are two lessons to be learned there. And you know what's beautiful about it? The father loved them both. Amen. They both needed to be forgiven. Yes. Hallelujah. All right, we must have God's wisdom in order to keep the devil away. Did you get that? All right. And last but not least, we must also not be double-minded. Remember again, James said in the letter half of verse eight, he says, "Pure for your heart, you double-minded." To understand what this means, have I read out of time? Is that what you're telling me? Yeah. Do you guys want this last bit or do you want to come back? Oh, okay. Let's keep going then, shall we? All right. I mean, let's do the best we can. Okay. Simon J. Kissomacher says, "The expression double-minded connotes instability, fickleness and vacillation. The term fits the person who loves God and the world. Such person James says must repent." See, this is what double-minded is. I used to have enormous difficulty figuring what double-minded was. I thought it meant, you know, one minute you're believing in the next minute you're not. No, it actually means that you've got one eye on God and the other eye on the world. Listen, this is where the double-mindedness comes in, where we're praying on one hand and we've got the other eye down here about what can we do? What's the natural solution to this? What's plan B? Hello, okay. So, you know, God is planning, you know. Okay, God, okay. But just in case it doesn't come through. 'Cause some days, you know, and we start making other plans. Now listen, you've got to be careful what you deem to be a plan B. There are some things that it's wise to do certain things. All right, you need to have a spare tire in your car. Let me repeat that. You need to have a spare tire in your car. Well, I don't have a plan B. Well, you're stupid. This is not a plan B, this is wisdom. Have a spare tire in your car. You're gonna hear these words ringing out when you're driving out there and you have a flat and you didn't check the spare tire. Pastor, don't you do check it. No, you wouldn't check it. You know, it's one of those things you don't look at until you need it. Why does it mean to keep your eyes on God and to not have your eyes on the world? Let me give you some scripture. I'm probably gonna put it up on, well, I might. I always say don't end up doing it anyway. First, John chapter two. Let me read you some verses very quickly. Verses 15 through 17. First, John two, verses 15 through 17 from the New King James Version. So I'm talking about keeping your eyes on God and keeping your eyes on the world. Then Bible tells us don't do that. Don't keep your eyes on the world. The Apostle John says do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, which is the lust or desire for physical pleasure, which have their base in our sinful nature, by the way, the lust of the eyes, which is the lust for everything we see, which often leads to greed and covetousness and the pride of life, which includes pride in and boasting about our possessions, all of which is not of the Father, but of the world. We can't have our eyes on those things because they pull us in another direction. Last is a strong desire that pulls on you. Are you all here? And so you don't want, maybe we'll get through this. You don't want these things pulling you away from God because they will do that. They are designed to do that. They are not of God, they're of the world. And who's the God of the world? That devil, do you hear me? These are his tactics. And so you can't have your one foot in his world and the other in God's world. It doesn't work. He says, and the world is passing away in the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever. You know, let me finish this. I might just do this today. So there's a great deal brought out here. All right, but for the sake of our study, in order to stand for him in our faith, we need to turn away from the things of the world and keep our eyes on God if we want to draw near to him and have him draw near to us. The Apostle James brings all this to a conclusion and he says in verse 10, humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift you up. Amen. This is what we ultimately look for from God, to be lifted up by him. Notice he lifts you up. Amen, you don't have to lift yourself up. He lifts you up and puts you in a place of power and authority when it comes to the devil so that we can successfully stand for him in our faith, resist the devil and have him truly flee from us. Amen? If God wants to come back and do more on the other stuff, I will otherwise we'll move on to something else next week. Let's have a read about it very close. Father, we thank you today for your word and we thank you, Father, for all that we are learning, for all that we are growing in. Thank you, Father, that this isn't just about us taking authority and us learning to use the sort of the spirit and so on and so forth. It is about us checking up on our lives as well. It's about cleaning up our act. It's about washing our hands, cleansing our hands, all the outward things in our life that we can also purifying our hearts, all the inward things, that the enemy has nothing to work with, that our eyes are on you, God, we are submitted to you, and we thank you, Father, that you lead us, you guide us, you strengthen us for battle, and that we never fight you, God, that we only ever yield to you, but whenever the devil turns up, he wants to fight, he'll get it. Hallelujah. We thank you for this, in Jesus' name, amen. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]