Chrissie Mayr Podcast

CMP 767 - Steve Inman the Non-Essential Commentator

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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Steven Inman the Non-Essential Commentator joins Chrissie Mayr for the first time on CMP to discuss his early beginnings in radio in California, how the plandemic uprooted his life, commenting on viral internet videos and more!

That's your safe balance, it's going to be a bunch of you. Chrissy is hilarious. Chrissy, have you ever heard of the comedian Basha K. Hawi? No, that sounds like something you yell at before you blow the plane. It's 30 seconds remaining. What do you say I have to tell people to stand under something like that? I haven't used this as back to you at all. I was scared to be confused by the title, everything everywhere I want. That's also what we call it when the ass takes off his shirt. There shouldn't be up here. I should be in school with the other side of the ocean. Hello, hello, boys and girls. Welcome to another episode of the Chrissy Mayer podcast. You can listen to this show. Gosh, darn it, we're everywhere. iTunes, YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Rumble, Rockfin, Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, even. Although they're constantly putting me in timeout. Oh, that Facebook. If you haven't liked and subscribed on YouTube already, please do so. Inching closer and closer to 100K. Who knows? Maybe I'll get there by the end of the year. Before I bring in today's fabulous guest, I have a comedy show to promote. Guys, this Saturday, everyone's, you know, you guys are like, "When are you doing stand up, Chrissy? When are you doing stand up?" I'll tell you, I'm doing stand up this Saturday, gosh darn it. It's Kisco Comedy Night. Come on out this Saturday, October 5th. Venue is 11 Carpenter Avenue in Mount Kisco, New York. That's up here in my neck of the woods in Westchester. It's the best Chester. It'll be myself, Fred Ribino, Gino Bisconti, two very funny Italians. Probably funnier than me. It's going to be like an Italian sandwich of sorts, except I'm not Italian at all. I am, as they say, Italian by insertion. I know it's only four o'clock. Maybe it's a little too early for those kind of jokes, but any kids are sick. It's now on my website or Eventbrite. My website is Proceeds from the ticket sales. Go to a great cause. They will be used for much needed repairs for the historic lodge building in Mount Kisco. So get your tickets now. Please, and thank you. Another little announcement is we have a sponsor. How exciting today's sponsor is the great U.S. treasure hunt. What is the great U.S. treasure hunt you ask? Well, why don't you listen to this little video? The great U.S. treasure hunt. We've delivered winners from all over the U.S. awarding thousands in prize money. We've hidden ten coins in public. And for the first time, we give the clues to their exact location in a comic book format. Ten states, ten coins, ten clues, ten thousand dollars. One comic book, the great U.S. treasure hunt. The hunt begins October 15th. Order now, the great U.S. treasure Oh boy, if you watch that and you're going, what did I just see? It's the great U.S. treasure hunt. They've given away ten thousand dollars in prize. They've given away forty grand in prizes since they've started this a couple of years ago. But this year they're giving away ten thousand dollars worth of prizes. Like you heard the video, it's ten coins hidden in ten states and the clues to their exact location is in a comic book. Much like this one. They sent me a dummy one so that I can't screw it up, but it looks like this. And it mails October 15th. Order now with promo code CMP to get five dollars off any package. Go to thegreatus treasure for details. You can team up with hunters from across the country to split the prize money. 500 for the solver, 500 for the finder with the coin. These coins are distributed all over the country. Five that are in states west of and east of the Mississippi. Five different time zones. There's definitely one in either Hawaii or Alaska. There's at least two states that border the Pacific Ocean. At least two states that border the Atlantic. Two Gulf Coast states. Two Great Lakes states. Two Great. Two state capitals. Two states that border each other. The coins are hidden. Not buried. So you don't have to get that shovel out or that metal detector. And the clues are all in this comic book. Ten puzzles on two page spreads. You can use text, the illustration, or possibly both together to solve for an exact location in the US. Guys, get that money. Get your $10,000. All books will be mailed via first-class mail on October 15th. There's no guarantee what day it will arrive. It depends on your local post office. No clues will be released on the website, YouTube, or any other social media for at least two months. So solve the puzzles in the book. Partner with someone to find the coin and enjoy your victory. Go to thegreatus treasure and use promo code CMP to save $5. Get out there in the world, people. If you used to hide and go seek as a kid, if you liked scavenger hunts, this will be right up your alley. And there's a couple of multi-time winners of these things. People that get into it, they really get into it. They found one of the coins under a child's slide in a playground somewhere. So... Hey, keep your eyes open. Anyway, that's all. That's all for now. Guys, we have a fabulous first-time guest today. And I don't think he does very many interviews. So I feel particularly honored to have him on the show today. He's an MMA sports commentator. But you probably know him from his narration of random videos from around the world, all over the internet. Welcome to the show, Mr. Steven. Thank you for having me, Chris. He appreciate it. It's awesome. It's so funny. I don't know what I expected you to look like. But I don't think your face is matching up with what I expected from your voice. Yeah, a lot of people think that. They always think they imagine a fat Steven Spielberg or something like that or some guy that looks like Jack Black with chips falling on his chest and all that. Yeah, I expected more crumbs. I think I expected older and fatter. And I don't know why, because you have a nice... Not a heavy voice, but it's solid. It's like dense. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Thank you. No, I appreciate it. You know, it's fun. I get that a lot because I'll do some videos here and there. We'll do like, you know, going between the videos and talk smack about these losers out in life. But it's funny. Sometimes they'll be like, man, I thought you were like, I don't know, man. I'm not Asian. And I'm like, why? I sound too wide or something. Am I like a twinkie or is that what it is? 'Cause I'm a twinkie, man. That's honestly what I mean. I'm half Korean, half Caucasian, so like Asian persuasion with a twist of Caucasian. I guess that's what I go by. Oh, okay. Like a blended sake cocktail. Yeah. What's the Asian beer, Sapporo? Like a... Yeah, Sapporo or what? Height. Height beer is the Korean beer. Yeah. I'm glad that somebody else said it. Because I didn't know if I could just come out here and be like, I didn't think you'd be Asian. Like, I don't know what's wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with you being Asian. I just never... I just wasn't expecting it. It's so funny. Like I... 'Cause I did radio in like the late '90s to 2007. So I was on radio for about 10 years and I got the same thing. They're like, man, what are you doing? Alternative station, man. I'm like, where do you expect me to be like some techno station or hip hop or? You know, 'cause I'd be like, it's Kurt Cobain, you know, once again, Nirvana. And people be like, whoa, dude, that's crazy. I'm like, yeah, totally crazy, you know. What are you doing here working in radio? Shouldn't you be at your father's dry cleaning or business? Yeah, yeah. Shouldn't you be like tending to the liquor store, bro? Like, you know, oh my God, get the hell out of here. But no, that's funny 'cause it was in San Bernardino and that place is... I don't know, it's been to crowd for years, for decades. Like, even, you know, when I was there, but you'd have like crazy crackheads walking in front. So, you know, when you're on the radio, you have, you know, plenty of content to talk about. There'd be a homeless guy like, peeing in the window. And you're just like, wait a minute. And they couldn't tell 'cause the windows were like tenured. So I'd be like on the other side going, oh, wait a second. So we'd have fun with it and just slap the window. They pee all over themselves. I mean, it's pretty disturbing to think that someone enjoys that, but it's not like I looked at the dude's egg roll. So it's like, you know, it wasn't gay, you know, at all. Like, look, it's just the window washer. Yeah, we didn't make contact, man. So it's totally straight, heterosexual, whatever. It's not gay unless you make eye contact. So what they say about you did too, too, you know, that's another story. Hey, it's self-defense. You're a naked joke, you know. You've got to get a little gay. Yeah. I was watching your rumble channel and you have a couple of videos about it called the, the commentator and they go into how you got into, they're probably super old, but I just like found myself. Yeah. I thought it was kind of fun to do that just because we had sets. You know, I like, you know, I'm a video editor first and foremost, but I was commentating for a King of the Cage, some small MMA organization, but I was producing all their video too. So like, I would go into the event, you know, commentate it live, bring the live production home, chop it all up, get it ready for programming. And that was my main gig. So, you know, when I put out these videos today, I'm like, these videos are so freaking unprofessional. Like, you know, like the professional within me is like, what the hell's wrong with you, man? But, you know, people like them. And I think that that's the funny part about them. Some of these videos are like shot with a potato. They just share some live production. And so it's like, what the hell is going on here? Most people don't even, they don't have a clue. Like they pass by, oh, there's that yelling guy again. I don't get this. I don't like yelling guy. Yeah. That doesn't sound Asian, but is. Yeah. Yeah. There's that Caucasian guy. Technically, he is Caucasian, you know, because it's more of the engines in there. But that's something people don't talk about is that Asian is part of Caucasian. Yeah, it is. It's the same thing. So if I said I was Caucasian, it's basically, it's not lying. It's literally telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So you're from California? Yes. Unfortunately, I grew up there. Yeah. I left there probably six years ago, and I moved to Colorado, not any better. But I do live in a red county, which is pretty far from all the BS, which, you know, people are packing around here. So people don't want to f around and find out, which is kind of nice. But other than that, you know, it's, it's just always like to, to leave California was like crazy because I'd have a lot of friends say, oh, man, you're just leaving because you can't afford to be here. I'm like, I can't afford my children to be here because I don't want them growing up in this, this madness that's going on. But, you know, there's a lot of things involved too, where I'm like, you know, I just wanted to buy a house. I wanted bigger property. I wanted to be away from everybody. And really, I think it just didn't have to do any with, you know, just wanting to get away from all the BS, you know, and that usually happens in big cities. We really have that in common. There's something about being in your twenties, I guess, when you first start working, you're like, I want to be around people. I want to see the people I'm going to be. And then you're like, get me the fuck away from people. Yeah. I really think radio kind of prepared me for that because, you know, you have to be somewhat mental to be talking, you know, in a room. You know, and most people would talk at the mic, then talk through it. And that's the whole, and you know, it's like with a podcast, but radio was worse because you're just sitting around going, man, are there people out there even listening. But, you know, I was in like, Samberg, you know, so, you know, there was a lot of people in the Riverside area. I think that would be considered like the 28th biggest market at the time. So to me, I was like, this is, this is the bomb and then didn't realize that that was just the beginning of like whatever the hell was going to happen. You know, and so radio was fun. Did you go to school for communications? I thought that did you go that route? I did. I went to one of those schools where, you know, a commercial came on in the middle of the night. It's like, you looking for something different? Have people told you you have a boy? And it wasn't like a penis enlargement commercial. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, that was afterwards, but I used to mail enhancements. Yeah. You know, I was like, Oh shit, here come the boner pills. Sweet. But no, I saw one of those commercials. I go, this got to be BS. And so I went down there and they're like, well, you got to try out. You know, you just don't get accepted into school. And I think they do that just to kind of hype you up because they will accept you. They need the loans. You know, they want to want you to get that. Let's see if we have a spot. Yeah. Let's see if we have a spot. Make a challenging. So I give it my all. I mean, they're going puking my brains out. But you know what, if it wasn't for that school, I don't think I would have learned. That's the foundation of radio learning how to edit audio. I mean, so it really did help in the end. It's just what people were going to do with it. There's a lot of people that went there that. Some went in radio that I cross paths with later, but it really is just, you know, you can go through school. It's like college, but, you know, if you don't really have the will to want to do it, you're not going to do it. You know, it's just like whatever. So to me, that school was beneficial in my, in a strange way. Cause it was like, you know, they're like, you need to audition. So it was special, but it was, it was like bittersweet. Like what the, you know, so you completed your radio schooling at, at what year? Cause I think it's a very interesting time. A lot of us who went the traditional route, like I was a communications major too. I had like no clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. I just knew I wanted to like do something on camera. I just knew I wanted people to look at me doing something. I didn't know what that was. I eventually was like, I'll be a reporter. I guess my mom was like, you should work in a hotel. Behind a desk. That's exciting. We're good. My mom was like, study hard. You could work in a hotel in New York city. You could do that. Like that was her biggest aspiration for me is like, tell people where to go for dinner. Um, which you probably be making more than radio, what radio pays. Cause radio is just man. Yeah. People would be like slipping me a hundred dollars. Don't know about this hooker. I love the word. Yeah. Yeah. So you went the traditional route. I don't know what year you started working in traditional radio, but now, uh, of course, like, well, podcasting really blew up what in the last, uh, I mean, probably 20 years, but more so, I guess the last 10. Yeah. So the industry is getting so much change. Yeah. It's kind of funny. You mentioned that cause I was kind of bitter for a while when I started seeing all these podcast, uh, boom. After I left radio, I'd left radio for five or six years. So to me, I was like, what is this podcasting? And it just, it literally just blew up like, you know, and, and people have audiences. You have more choices than ever. And it's amazing to think how many podcasts are out there, but how many dedicated followers. I mean, that, that's crazy how many followers you guys have. I mean, it's, it's, it's really hard to do that, especially on YouTube and all these other platforms. So, you know, having that is so cool. But, you know, at a time when I was coming out radio, and you know, it is cause you went to radio school, you invest all that time. But I started in 98 when I got out of school. I think I started in, I think it was '96 or '97. I went to school for a year and then '98, I, I came out and worked out a station. Some people in SoCal might know it. It was KGGI. It was like a hip hop station, '99 one. So if you're from the Inland Empire, yes, that's where I'm from. Um, but yeah, that was like the greatest gig of my life when I first cracked that mic. I remember slipping a tape underneath the door of the program director because I came in as a promotions guy. I was like, I'll just be street team and I'll work my way up to DJ. And I didn't know that was going to happen within a month because I slipped a tape under the program directors. You know, Doran said, hey, it sounds like a movie. But that sounds like crazy. Yeah. And I just said, screw it. What do I have got to lose? You know, I'm only making freaking minimum wage. You know, I might as well go get another job elsewhere. Um, and then she gave me a gig with the production guy. So I was producing audio because I already knew how to do that. And so I was voicing the commercials. And then I remember she came knocking on the door when I was, you know, doing some production. He goes, look, I just had a DJ dropout and you need to go on from three to six AM. And if you give me any shit, I will just fire you right now. I don't care what your plans are. I said, I'm there. I'm, I'm there and I was just scared. Very impressive. What an aggressive way to give you a job. Oh, yeah. And I remember her to this day. She, uh, in fact, on my 40th birthday, she, uh, she sent me birthday wishes on a video that my wife put together of all these people I worked with. And it just surprised me. I was like, whoa, there's Diana Laird. And this was 20 years later at in senior. So I thought that was crazy. Um, but yeah, it was three to six AM. And I was like nervous. Like it was the end of the world. Like, Oh my God. And nobody's listening. You know, it's a perfect time to go. It's extremely low stakes. Yeah. Yeah. The ugly hours. No one's only crack heads are up and new moms. Yeah. But they're the best, aren't they? Like the overnighters, like that you get these weirdo guys. Like we called this one guy, uh, strawberry because he was just having flashbacks all the time. You know, like the guy from, you know, the chief and Chong movies. And, uh, like Tom Skaritt played him, I guess, uh, and up in smoke. But I just laugh cause, you know, the, the, you get these calls like, Hey, what are you doing? I want to kill you in the rice patties. And you're like, what dude? I, it's just random comments. And you don't know if these people are trolling you. That's like the beginning days of trolls or if the guys were legit. So when you're walking out, you know, in downtown San Bernardino, you're always like looking through your back. And the same guy would always come up and go, Hey man, I ran out of gas. You got any change? I'm like, Hey, here you go. Guy comes back to the next day. Hey, I ran out of gas. I go, bro. What do you mean ran out of gas again? Like, so there's just this whole like us. Yeah. Take the bus, bro. Just scary. But I'm just so grateful for those times. I guess, right? That's really cool though, that you got to work in actual, actual radio. It seems like a lot of people have had trouble transitioning from, you know, if they started out in the, in the radio game to now podcasting. I just know a lot of guys from where I used to work in compound media before they merged with censored and the Kumi is network. And I just, it's a couple of them are having a hard time like adjusting to because it's video, you know, they're based, you know, you know, when they have the audio, then they have to have the video. I mean, people just don't realize that it's just, it takes a lot of work to put the podcast. I can, I won't do it. I love video, but I just can't, because it is. It's a lot of work and it takes a lot of research and it's not easy. I mean, I envy those that have that dedication every day because, like I said, it's not easy. And that's why you see a lot of those guys, like me, I can't transition over. But, you know, I, I say I have 30 second podcast every day. That's it. I'm supposed to be doing a lot of podcasts. That's it. You know, it's fun. What you're doing is clearly working for you. So how many years are you in regular radio? So how did you transition to start doing what I think a lot of people know you for, which is this like non-essential, these hilarious commentary videos? Well, you know, after radio, I, I had done mornings and I done afternoons. So I have, I've done every position. So I, now when I look back in hindsight, I'm like, oh, I did every position. I couldn't morning, you know, in radio, there's no regrets that I had because I always will worry if I had regrets at any other job, no matter how low the position or how far back I'm like, was that? Was that right? No, I don't have any regrets. But after that, we had a client that was King of the Cage mixed martial arts and I was doing their voiceovers for the commercials. So I'd have to call the owner. You know, it was weird because before MP3, you'd have to get the phone and put it on the speaker. Hey, can you try out the commercial for the clients, you know? We still do that. We'll put our phone against the microphone. Yeah. Yeah, it's all back feeding. And I remember, um, I finally got the courage a year later after talking to this guy, go, do you ever need a commentator? Because, you know, I had been to my first UFC event, I believe in 2005. And so I had saw it live and I was just so pumped. In fact, I went to a MMA fighter's gym, just random guy that was fighting for King of the Cage. And I said, hey, man, I'd love to film you because that's when I was doing video. So I was doing video while I was doing, you know, radio at the time. So that's what was transitioning over. So I followed this fighter, Brian Warren, this guy from, and Brian, just, I wanted to shoot that out to you. Nobody probably knows who Brian Warren is, but I just wanted to shoot that out. But I followed this guy, man. And he let me. And we did a whole, like, kind of ultimate fighter behind the scenes kind of thing. And then I met the owner of King of the Cage. And I was like, hey, wow, what a coincidence. I do the voiceovers. He goes, I know Brian said you were filming them. And I figured you could film over here and do like, you know, I'm presenting them the belt, you know, championship out. And I was like, yeah, cool. Then when Brian left, the owner said, hey, Steve, come here. He pulled me to the side. He goes, bro, I knew you were coming here. This wasn't about Brian. This was really just because I wanted to meet you and see if you wanted to do voiceover. And you asked me about commentary. And so he told me to go to the gym. And so I trained with Brian for probably about a month just to learn basic jujitsu, just to, you know, know what I'm talking about. And after that, you know, it just kind of transitioned from there. And then 2020 hit the quarantine and that changed everything. The event stopped. And I mean, I was going good for like 12, 13 years, you know, and then all of a sudden things changed. Money got cut. So I was in like a pretty drastic situation of trying to figure things out. And I was like, I can't be making this kind of money from them anymore because I was already used to a specific amount. And so that literally got cut by 75% and I'm like, I'm out. You're your, your, your fight commentary. Yeah, my commentary and producing the videos. Yeah, because I produced the videos. So commentary was one gig, but video was my, you know, my bread and butter with the company. We do the pre fights. You know, the guys talking crap about each other's mamas and stuff like that. So we're hyping the fights up and I do all the commercial productions, like just editing, you know, 16 hour days. And so it was tiring. I mean, I thought I was having fun and I thought it was my dream job. And sometimes, you know, we think, you know, some jobs are dream jobs and then you look back and go. I was tiring man. Now I look back like this. I just didn't couldn't imagine like this could happen where, you know, I thought the next step was, okay, I'll be a commentator. Maybe I'll go trout for the UFC 10 years from now where, you know, that would be the normal step writer or step up to valator or some, you know, bigger organization. And I don't, I don't want to do that anymore. I realized in the end, like it's like, that's, that's not the path like I'm, I'm happier doing this and I love seeing people laugh and you know how it is as a stand up comedian yourself. You get that instant gratification when you're on stage when you hear people laugh and you know, right? So that's, that's, that's the best and worst feeling. Yes, you know, right away where you stand with people. And also Steve, now you don't have to try and like compete against Joe Rogan for like a UFC, you know, commentator position. Yeah, you know, the thing is, is Joe Rogan would be sort of like the other commentator. I'd be more of like the, you know, the traffic control guy like, you know, commercials. Hey, welcome to what other Joe, what are your thoughts, you know, so I think it would be, you know, I'm not saying I wouldn't be a special guest. One day of that opportunity even ever happened, but to do it full time anywhere. I, I just couldn't see myself traveling anymore. I have kids. And I just, I'm done with that life. It was like a traveling circus. And it really gets freaking tiring after a while, you know, can't do it. You know, you are beloved by the chat, Steve, Brandon, the anime guy says, holy cow. Hey, Chrissy, Steve inman. Me love you long time. I love that. Let's the animals and pets smacking the soy out of the losers. I love Brandon the anime guy. I see him on Twitter all the time. I think he's the only anime guy I follow because there's a lot. I'm not, I'm not saying all, but there's a lot of people with anime profile pictures that freaking hate me. I don't know why, why the. Do you hate me? I never said anything about anime or anything like that. But sometimes it's just like that or, or they're just using it to make the community look bad. That's what they're trying to do. Trying to frame you guys. I know you're good. There's the squid. The first time I heard Steve was the sports commentary. Funniest one was a women's softball and the woman got hit in the roast. What? Where do we find this? Was that an army's commercial? What the hell was that? Oh my God. We have to find this. Someone find the link. Someone find the link and send it to me. Please. Matthew Hammond. What's that? I am so happy for this. Steve's videos are amazing. Wireless hole punchers. Thank you Matthew. Wireless hole punchers. Yes. Yes. The Wi-Fi. Yeah, because I I'm going to play a video. This is near and dear to my heart. Let me see. Oh, it would be great if I had it queued up. Here we go. Oh my gosh. So we. So we begged Steve people of the internet. My fellow wedding goers. This was the easy one. By the way too. This was the easy one. It was fun. We begged Steve to do commentary on this video. This is from my wedding last June already. It seems like so much longer ago. So much has happened since then. And so this was the very iconic moment where Melanie Mack catches my bouquet and people. I don't know how many people tagged you Steve. I kept seeing like everybody I know tagging you and you finally wrote back. See Chrissy Mary, please be careful what you wish for when asking me to pollute a video of a beautiful day to remember with my non essential commentary. Congratulations to the both of you. And this was just so funny. Well, it's time for the. Oh, no, please work. Let's try to redo it. Oh, God. Hold on. Let me click out of some windows here. Ram. It's my is it my ram? No, no. Computers are crazy, man. They like to act good when they want to. Well, it's time for the bouquet toss at Chris. No, just kill me. I'm not going home single tonight. I want a man that's gonna cook clean the dishes clean the house and make sure he never disrupts my video game time. Okay. Who's coming with me? We even tried to recap this video ourselves and she the bouquet bounced out. I think she literally hit it away from other girls trying to catch it. Slow it down. It was really athletic. She spun around. Did the spinderella move and then booyah, you know, just captured it and then it was all over. So, interesting night. So, interesting. And we're still waiting for somebody to propose to this girl. Cause my father was that now. I'm trying to remember this was last June, June of 2023. And my, this is my friend Keanu here in the black. She's getting married next weekend. So she actually didn't need to catch the bouquet. So she, she's gonna get it. Yeah, this was so exciting. And then I think I posted this to Instagram and Melanie. I think she tagged the Steelers. And somebody wrote back like somebody from the Steelers actually. She responded, she, let me bring up the, because we were talking about it on a, we recap it on one of my shows. I think she mentions it in this video here. Hopefully I have it queued up. You stand behind them and then you knock the bouquet and then rush through and catch it. I mean, I believe that's what you did. Right. Yeah. Well, I got in position first. And yeah, I had like, I was on the walls of my feet, like, on the front. And then I was bouncing so that I had the momentum. And so I just had my eyes on Chrissy in the bouquet at all times. That's like, I have to look at this at all times. And so whenever I saw it was, it was right there where I could reach it that I just leaped up and tipped it and then I got it. It was amazing. It was amazing. Okay, then somebody slowed it down. Look at this zoom in. I love it. One. Wow. Oh my God, it bounced out of your hand. Rawly ball. Look at Frank chasing back. That was almost like a behind the back grab. You know, when you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before. It's like she's done that. I just kept it. You know, the friend zone is over man. Yes, that's what it was. Terrell Owens. And does he play for the Steelers? Is that how the Steelers got involved? I'm so retarded with sports. I only know the Yankees. That's from years of help. I'm watching games with my husband. So yeah, this was a, this was Melanie Max triumprint moment. And I don't know. I think she's just so good that she, she intimidates people. Yeah, nobody wanted none of that. They were like, no, I want to go home alive. I don't want to go home with broken teeth. You know, crazy. How did you, how did you get to a place where people are hitting you up to do commentary on random Internet videos? Or did you start just doing it yourself? The commentary videos. Oh, yeah. Like I, it started, I think in 2016, honestly, and, and it's funny, you know, sometimes you hits like a streak and then all of a sudden you forget that a specific something made you hit that streak in the first place. Like, I did like these insect videos where like praying mantis were fighting each other. So I was like calling it the ultimate insect championships. So that's where the Stephen and you I see came from. And it just stuck, you know, and then when I gained followers, I was like, well, I marked all my videos with Stephen and you I see I can't change it now, right? So there's no turning back. But anyways, it was just insect videos. And those were doing pretty good. People are like Dennis Hopper. Who the hell's Dennis Hopper? I mean, he's like, it's a freaking praying mantis, man. I'm like, I know, but that's the only thing I can come up with. His name's Dennis Hopper. Now, shut up. And there'd be hornet fights ripping each other's brains out. And that was just ridiculous. And then I think what happened was I stopped doing that. And we gained, I think like 12,000 followers on Facebook. And then I think they started shadow banning us for some reason, like these videos are too violent. I'm like, they're bugs, dude. It's freaking nature. I mean, geez, you don't even know the difference between a boy and a girl, but whatever. So I started laughing because, you know, that did good. And then I stopped doing them. But then 2020 hit. And like I said, the quarantine hit. So there was no commentary for me to do everything stop. And then I was like, you know what, I want to start commentating these random videos again, because I started seeing Antifa, you know, burning buildings down and, and, you know, I just thought it was ridiculous. Like, why are you burning the buildings down in the places you're trying to defend? It just, it didn't make sense to me. And so it started opening my eyes to a lot of the, you know, garbage that we, you know, see today. But I was like, why don't I just commentate these guys? I mean, what's the difference between these guys and insects anyway? So it doesn't matter. So, you know, that's what I start doing it. And then that's when things started taking off. I think it was an Antifa video, a famous video where his feet were on fire caught on fire when he's trying to throw a mothaw cocktail. And so the thing blew up on him and then he's running and people were playing footloose underneath it. You know, these videos and I'm like, I'm going to commentate it. And so I called him a flame in human hot pocket or something like that when he's on fire and James Woods had shared that. And I think that that really was the beginning of the growth of the page. You know, somebody saw that video and then at that video, I think gained like a million views and then Donald Trump had retweeted it. No way. Yeah. And then after that, because he said people are burning things and I don't know, I don't know if he shared it on accent or what, maybe he was just trying to get the news across but didn't realize it was commentary underneath because nobody was used to that really. And so, but after that we were gaining, like, I think we're getting about 30,000 followers a month at that point. And then we stopped at 165,000 after Trump had tweeted it because, you know, Twitter at the time, you know, was shadow banning anybody who had a different view. They just automatically label you a Republican, you know, or a conservative and this information. Yeah, this information crap and so that's when it stopped growing and so I deleted that page probably a year ago. A little a year and a half ago I deleted that page and go I'm going to start over because if Elon started this thing, maybe things changed and sure enough, I mean within a year this time around we I think we gained 2.1 million or almost at 2.2 so all I wanted was a fair plane feel like just put me, you know, I don't care if you just don't shadow ban people, give us a fair shot, you know, and just if I suck people tell me I suck. And that's all I really wanted to know you know that's what was bothering me from being shadow banned when I saw this growth and then all of a sudden it goes to like one person a month are you kidding me. That's not organic. Yeah, and you want to know where you actually stand with your audience. Was this one of your trantiva kicks a cup and scores a face plant let me see if this is one of your own. Oh my god, I nearly put in a body bag, and all I can hear is a man going what is he turning into a freaking incredible. This person like sort of thing. Use your brains man, you're under arrest, you're going to try and attack them, try and break and break a shit in half, well guess what, you're going to get tossed off and break it. You know this video is, it's so funny, and you heard me say person place your thing right. So it's funny I had so many haters going, that's no way to treat a woman I go dude that's not a woman you couldn't hear the grunt. You can tell by the back alone you don't have your studies person. It's got the back of Lenny Kravitz you know I mean come on, who are you fooling dude definitely like Michelle Obama back. You can tell, you know, I think it was funny because people get so offended they just want to be offended over anything you know how it is and it's just funny when they thought that that wasn't man it's like bro that is not that's a shim. I'm sorry it's shimmy Hoffa. When did people stop saying shim that was like we had a phrase for it in the 90s. It's been around right. I don't remember this clip. Steven Spielberg. So many good ones. Oh my god. You said there was one where like somebody's feet were on fire. That would take forever to find. You know that might even be on the old account. Yeah that was a while ago but footloose it's somewhere you'll see a, you know what if you just look up Andy Tifa on rumble. Just Andy Tifa. It's like antifa but we call them Andy Tifa and we'd call the chicks brandy Tifa of those riots of the 2020 so if you look that up on rumble there's like I think 10 minutes of compilations of just antifa fails people getting tripped fights breaking out and just you know them learning their lesson which is and it's funny because you know you get that a lot of the time you're like how can you be against something cold. And Tifa and you're like bro there's it's you know I could label myself a minister and does that make me a minister and not really you know I could be doing shady things behind that you know name so I think that that's where the lot of the they've really got people confused and it's pretty smart on their part I'll give them props on that but other than that oh yeah they want people to be confused. We'll see this came up Randy Tifa. The toys are back in town. Tag them and he's just breaking their chin tag they even looks like a girl that doesn't even look like a boy or a male. My god what the hell is going on here. I'm not a biologist so I can't tell if they're female or not. Oh yeah another one shuts down the operating system of that little soy fish. This man had no problem doing what their parents should have done years ago. This little shit that come out of the basement like the cockroaches they are and now they scatter like the cockroaches they are. There's something like really cool about this like your face is not on camera while you're doing these and it's nice you feel like you can get away with saying more. No because you know well here's a thing is you know I'll host these videos like top fives and stuff and purposely do it so people know that I'm not hiding behind a camera or hiding behind a mic all the time and not showing my face because I probably show my face. It's only a face that a mother could love I'm not proud of my face. Yeah it's just a little bit but I do it because you know I want people to know that you don't have to be afraid I mean you know forget this you know and you can be in a you know the other thing is is with these videos people would get confused and go why are you promoting violence and I'm like man this is sort of like you know perhaps there's a kid out there who's thinking about Robin Elicher's store tomorrow and maybe he sees a video and is like you know what I don't feel like dying tomorrow maybe the crack's not worth it or the meth or the fentanyl or whatever they're trying to buy these days and so to me I just when people say that it's just they're usually people from the turd world I call him turd world freakin atman's turd world bastards they they're always offended man like that's not right and I'm like well sometimes we'll do the equal rights and laughs videos and people will be like oh man what do you you're all into abusing women and I'm like it's not about that it's you know it's about some people don't realize that there's a reaction that there's not going to be if they think there's not going to be a reaction when they slap people and I think that that's the stupidest most ignorant thing now everybody's not a gentleman right some people may not even hit a woman back and I think that that's very awesome that you can do that but if you're attacking somebody and hitting them with a hammer what the hell are you supposed to do and then all of a sudden you know someone gets hit back those are the type of videos I feature like you know just because people think they're a certain specific color race gender that they're immune to an ass beating when they slap somebody because of their beliefs and I'm like you know not everybody acts the same I may be the guy where you hit me and I may not hit you back you know but I just like to feature those videos because there's a lot of people out there that have these daughters that don't even care and they find themselves in this situation where it's like why would you beat on a man and wait for the man to just get to the breaking point I just think it's wrong you know it's like how can we just give our hand for ourselves it's in the first place it's like you're good it's very risky yeah so you know you get the turd world guys coming in you don't do that so I'm like yeah get out of here all right we live in a turd world country now with all these we do coming in yeah I can't even say turd world without thinking of the US right now so it's kind of hypocritical honestly we're actually I'm sorry turd world countries we feel your pain now we share another thing about your videos and you said like you know you might want to dissuade some kids from like doing drugs or robbing a store doing something stupid another another kind of good thing with the videos is that yeah it's a it's a way of bringing back shame like you're shaming people and I think people should see your videos make oh I don't want to end up a meme I don't want to end up a viral video you're doing something stupid and having Steve Inman do commentary over it yeah I've had some people go hey you should get some of the people and interview them and I said well majority of the people in my videos that I wouldn't want to show up they wouldn't want to see so that's hard but there's been some heartfelt videos where I still got to get this guy on because we you know I sometimes get these guys in the videos that'll contact me hey that's me and I'm like oh shit one guy who was in front of a big rig and the big rig was just honking the horn like go go and he couldn't move his car so instead of getting out and starting to fight the guy started going out doing the running man the Roger Rabbit started dancing and it was just different from the regular video and the other guy in the truck just couldn't do a damn thing he's like what am I going to do start a fight with the guy that's dancing so great strategy you know if you got road rage and you're really pissed off just start dancing man it's like dropping hot coals on your opponent's head you know on the road so you're going to disagree anthem yeah I forgot how many commentary videos you do about Antifa and just how silly they look I remember this one Stephanie Tanner from Full House also known as Jody Sweden takes a huge ball that's right the star from Full House has come out to protest to show that she's so stunning and so brave and praying dead all at the same time you come out to play on the freeway well guess what these guys like Full House more like fall house you know I just love it when I tell us how to live our lives I just it's just so annoying but they got to be shamed you know people forget cuz yeah you see a lot of them on social media so it's like you can almost think oh maybe the celebrities are just like us because they're stupid and they say dumb things like dumb things online and they go viral but it's like no but they're also millionaires and bajillionaires and so they're living a different life than all of us their votes are kind of who they're voting for is kind of not necessarily going to affect them as much as people who are in another reason another reason celebrities are nothing like us because they're dumb they're stupid and I'm telling you there's so many more smart people that I've seen in the world where I'm like these guys are just spewing copy points shut the hell up you freakin parrot it's like you know I'm just I'll never tell somebody how to vote or give them advice but one thing I will say I'll never tell them who to vote for but I will say stop voting for the color of somebody's skin stop voting on the characters start voting on policy stop voting on the color of their freakin hair I'm just sick of that crap man and you know cuz you hear it every day you know and here's the thing even if I agree with somebody on the Internet and you know and all their spewing is politics all day trying to trying to gaslight which is cool with me you know that's fine every there is a voice for that it's just not me I just know that there is a group of people out there that may be like me not saying many but that are just like you know even though I agree with you I'm just just need a political break even though the country and I know politics is important that's why there's other people for that but I feel like I don't need to add more fuel to the fire I just like I think as political as I get is guns free speech and don't tell me what the hell to say because I'll block your ass I don't get to entertainment elsewhere I hate when people well I don't not advice like hey do this video that's great or do this say this comment that's that's fine but I mean people like you shouldn't be showing violent videos and I'm like well show videos have your mother next if you like that I mean yeah you're at least making you're making them funny you're not going to you not showing up like not commenting on a on semi violent that doesn't stop the presence of violent videos yeah yeah try fixing Twitter try taking all the porn off Twitter and all the violent videos off Twitter like good luck with that you're at least making light of it and like that's what made me mad I would see that coming down my newsfeed once in a while I'm like how the when this was when I was shadow banned I'm like how the hell are you letting this slide and just because I said something about some douchebag who couldn't tell whether he was a man or a girl I'm shadow banned you know but I think those days are over I don't know how are you feeling on your page I mean have you seen a change like you know engagement wise has it changed you want come in yeah a lot you know I know people are still very critical of Elon people well he didn't unbanned me my particular accounts like okay it's not perfect but I will say that Twitter is now a net positive with that with him running things and I notice I see less of Rob Reiner getting shoved down my throat that I just that seal dude like why are you coming to my feet and then Stephen King I'm like bro I don't even like you anymore man like I can't even watch movies too much Stephen King it's like yeah he existed and I think there was one post he goes let's just stop talking about politics and and here's a positive post I'm like shut that that's all you talk about you don't even talk about your novels you know everything you write is fiction everything you write is fiction even your politics so I don't care like me you know I have a I think I have a pretty broad audience is like on both sides because I think a lot of people think because a lot of this crime happens in democrat cities and you know all this stuff that they think that democrats are for that and I feel like there's a lot of people out there that don't realize that there's a lot of people that can agree criminals suck depending on what spectrum or what part of you know area you are at your life if you're like you know living really poor then you're probably gonna be for criminals I mean you know some people I mean everybody but you know so you just might be in that situation you know crime is now not just affecting the big cities like yeah crime and I'm in New York and where's crime in New York City is through the roof again but now you have places that are that have like a ton of illegals coming in that are seeing like what is it is it Minnesota that's has a ton of like they're just given Haitians driver's license and none of them can drive and they're all like they're causing wrecks you know oh yeah the Colorado thing where they've taken over the you know apartment complex I'm just like wow that's four hours away that's crazy you know but I haven't seen anything in our county I mean we're pretty far away but it's only a matter of time it starts bleeding over but I just think hey you know what there's a difference between immigrants and illegals and I'm tired of people calling illegals immigrants because it's not true and I'm tired of them cutting in line because my mom she had to do it the right way and she didn't even speak English had to go to the office and you know you know I had to go through the whole process you know and so you know I'm not saying you know there are reasons where people should take refuge and we should be taking care of people in real situations but right now it's just so mixed up you don't even know who's really a refugee anymore you don't even you can't tell because they're all coming in I mean they're all coming in. I mean the Chinese are coming through freaking Mexico that is the weirdest thing to me and so like to me that's why people will be like well you're a Republican I'm like I'm not a Republican I'm not a Democrat I'm not even a libertarian I'm just somebody you know like a lot of us have you know minority mom growing up it wasn't easy for her shoot we were on welfare and I remember she was telling me that this is something you should never be proud of something you should never do and I remember like just two years ago. Just two years of it and I didn't understand what it was but growing up I'm just like she had to do what she had to do you know and it's not something that you should do for the rest of your life it's not something I'm ashamed of. But it's something that it's temporary and I've always learned that so you know I just you know I don't know how I got on to that but man these cities are getting crazy. It's a it's very shitty for people who did it the right way and oh yes I've been in fact checked thank you Han Minnesota is the Somalis Ohio is the are the Haitians. It's hard to keep it all straight. I love real time internet now like people just back to me too. I couldn't do anything without the chat. I'm bad too. The squid is back the first time I heard Steve was the sports commentary funniest one was the women softball and the women got hit. Hey it was good to read twice I think that was that was that was really readable. Thank you for the super chap squid again. Chay Chay Bang Bang has to be the funniest thing on non-essential commentary but it shows your age referencing that movie. Yes you know it's funny people always say I'll get that in the comments are like not everybody's going to get that and I'm like but you did. And that's the thing is I'll throw something from here from there but the funny thing is is people forget that cable TV and streaming these shows are still around these famous movies these liners the breakfast club all this crap. It's still around so people want to I guess some people will be like not everybody's going to get that you know I'm like well you'd be surprised. We've got a lot of 70 year olds still live. Yeah, I love it when someone will say like you got this 80 year old over here with the can of beer and bread rot or daisy baby gun out on my porch and I just love your videos so you know I just. It's so crazy because I just never thought that we could relate to anybody because I'm immature you know. Always happens are what make us great and what make people laugh really hard. So, you know if you keep it generous. I find it works with comedy too like the more specific you are the funnier it is. Since a shark bait love your videos have you been. Have you been add of FNT 199. I don't fully understand that. Me neither I was thinking you were going to shed light on that. Have you heard of FNT you heard of FNT thank you for sending another one that that's the show I do every Friday on nerd products YouTube channel and we. And we make fun of Marvel and how everything's gone to shit and take over of entertainment. What happened man it was. It died with endgame endgame was literally the last of it like the Mohicans and after that it was like. Let's be gay. Let's be gay or gay or gay or gay or there's nothing wrong with that but if their character was gay to begin with fine but making iron man have like a. You know a rubber thing you know and making him gay and some bondage or something like just these crazy ideas you're just like why couldn't you just create a character you know why why change things. It's stupid. Thank you. Anyways. I'm just yeah. You too. No you're here to yap yapping at the point. I wanted to see so what is your process like for doing commentary on a video like how many times do you typically watch a thing like what take us through how you how you do this. You know what I'll you know how your feed eventually becomes what you're searching for after a while you know so like all of a sudden like fight videos will come in one week and then you know sometimes. But I've created probably I and this is pretty sad to say probably over seven to eight thousand videos so you know when there's not. You know a new video going around I'll post some classics because not everybody's seen them they may have seen the video but you know with sound effects or whatever and all that stuff but. You know and then I'll see a video and then I'm like hey that captured my if that may if it makes my gut laugh like I'm laughing from on there I'm like okay this is good this is good and if I see the people like liking it I'm like that's a good video. And so I just try to elevate it because you know most of these videos they don't have sound so I was like this is why we had to add sound effects from the beginning I mean it would just be boring with a voice and it just I don't think there would be anything fun about it you know and I think that that's what makes it cool. You hear a cartoon punch when you see some big Samoan knocks them freakin skinny guy. But no process will just comment I'll watch it once and then I come back and try and do it in one take because that's how some words come out on accident like phrases and I'm like what the hell is it freakin chicken butt nugget what the hell is that you know and so all these words will come out on So majority of the times I usually do it in one take the best I can. Because commentary I think commentary helped doing MMA cage side and having to describe and keep yapping away and all that that kind of help but We were like a post production organization so like they would go film the event and it wouldn't be live they would bring the video back, edit it, edit all the four cameras and all that send it back to pay per view. So I think I was already used because I'd commentate live sometimes and other times I would commentate the video after the event. After I've edited, you know, seen this fight, done the replay, then have to pretend like I've never seen that damn fight and commentate it. So that I think that kind of got me into the mode where I'm like this is easy this is 30 seconds compared to two and a half hours of video that took maybe a week and a half to produce you know so That's why I think I produced so many a day is because this is like nothing compared to the two hours of garbage. And then you had boring fights too so you're just like, you know, you're like, come on knock them out man geez man let's get this fight over with it So I think that's that's why I love this so much more you never know it's always different there's always something different and it's not, you know, I love MMA it's exciting but as a commentator it can get kind of tiresome after a while, you know, you're just like I'm going to challenge you I'm going to challenge you to do commentary on this backyard squirrel okay video. Should I slow it down or keep it at its normal speed. You can you can keep it at its normal speed. What is the if you can just give me an idea. What does this girl do is just jumping from the this person has made an obstacle course with which to get nuts. Okay, here we go. It's like we'll just watch it for a little bit. And I can go right now if you want. It's a trial and error of the squirrel figuring out. Okay. Anyway, just is it all in slow motion. No, no. Okay. We can do that for the replay too. Oh my god. Oh, poor little guy. Okay. Okay, where's this video start at. Well, like a minute ago. I can remind it. Okay, here we go. Okay, I'll start. Okay, here we go. All right. Welcome to the nutty buddy championships brought to you by little Debbie snacks. He's trying to bust a nut but before he can bust a nut it's going to be very tough as he tries to roll around on these discus and the discus obviously makes him miss. And now by an inch, he bust is not not busting the nut that's over there but his own damn nuts as he continues to try the pull up he's trying to grip and now goes into the depths of hell with a flipping doodle do now we take a look at the replay. He is stretching out here. He's trying to do all he can to maintain his composure but it's just not good enough as he wants. And here we go. Another shot from another angle skip a doodle do. And that is it folks. That's it for the bust a nut championship bought to you by little Debbie snacks. That's so great. Yeah, it's all about it's all about just, yeah, figuring out like what it's going to be like a couple of funny like jokes that you're going to repeat. He didn't slap his nuts on the disc. He did it was very painful I felt I felt for him. And this guy's like yeah he did he did slap his nuts did you see that that was awesome you know. Well the guy in the car it's like he set this all up and then he's hiding in his car with a camera like he's definitely the weird one here but I could clean my stuff. I'm doing this in my old age just setting up a really elaborate. Hey I'd rather do this than bird watching right bird watching sort of like you've gotten to the senior citizen level of life. I mentioned I had you commenting on a bird video. And the bird flies away I'll be doing that when I'm old probably Bob Yooker's age when I can't speak anymore. Do you remember corn nuts did that commercial a long time ago and they were saying bust a nut, and it sounded so innocent that you were thinking of the time there's no way that they're really singing bust a nut and it was the corn nut commercial in the 90s so I remember this on the radio we get away with it if we're you know cheeky about it and yeah they were very cheeky and you're like somebody's somebody was busting the nut when they wrote this. Honestly but whatever you know. Can you remember what what's been your weirdest or strangest commentary request. I think it was a couple of chicks slapping each other's ass it was like this ass slapping contest that you know I don't know if you've seen those videos that were going around they're just like two chicks. And you know they're not hurting each other like you know because there was a slapping contest but I was like I don't know if I can do that man there's. I remember that it was like kind of professional wasn't in a row. Yeah the organization looked professional and I just said dude there's just not enough excitement because it seems like the excitement was on the spectators eyes more than the actual sport there was just like I was like bro this is creepy like I couldn't I guess I could commentate on the creepy crowd but but when you slow it down and you see dudes eyes like even with the king of the cage like you'd have ring girls right and they they'd slow. You can see them in slow motion. And you would see people in the audience like just big dudes like this with hot dogs hanging out their mouth and you just like you just see things you never thought you'd see and then you're just like seeing the the the guy just undressed these it's just disturbing man so that was the same vibe I got from that and I'm like I don't know if I can commentate there's a bunch of Harvey Weinstein's in this video it's kind of strange you know but that was probably the weirdest. The message from M. Cib didn't add a message to a super chat just wanted to say Steve has a protege called Nathaniel son. Oh yeah I think I just posted a video he's referring to the video we posted today the discount karate kid it's a classic video where some guy met this cholo in the parking lot. And you could tell it's like late 90s dude had like baggy pants hanging over his shoes you know like that rave look. Oh like Kingos yeah totally man he does like this karate kid stance in the beginning and you think he's going to lose and he ends up whipping the guy on a lucky punch it was crazy. Nathaniel son is what we call them instead of Daniel son. I think it was meth Daniel actually there's another one when we see a crackhead you know. Nathaniel I'm going to use that. What are the what kinds of videos are the hardest to do commentary for. You know what they just you know a video that sucks when you know like you know when someone says this video is so great. Sometimes I've done a video that sucks but I just know that it's good because a lot of people watch the original video so I can kind of tell like that's a pretty good video. I don't know why I don't find the humor in it and then when I do the videos that I think suck end up being the best ones and the videos that I think are funny are usually the worst ones so I kind of have to go on an opposite gut feeling it's very, very negative feeling you know but sometimes you're just like that wasn't funny but I guess George Costanza when he realized he's like no I need to do chicken salad on on toast. I need to be opposite of tuna. It really it is man and so sometimes I'll be like wow that was okay cool and you know but that's that's a beautiful thing about social media you can you know your audience will tell you what sucks and what doesn't suck and then you can kind of learn from them engage what the audience actually thinks it's funny you know because I guess that's what kind of you know you have like those aspiring content creators that are like I should have this many followers you should be following me and they don't have the followers because they're not really relating to their audience they're just thinking that their own thing is good and yeah that's good you should think that your own thing is good right but I mean really the audience can kind of gauge you and you know lead you into a place where you're like okay I get it man this is perfect and right now I just I'm so lucky to have these guys that it's like being at a bar you know and you see this you know the same guys come in and comment and you're looking forward to their comment because they kind of add on to things so it really the community sort of keeps this thing going you know because you see there's funny ass people out there that make me laugh my ass off so that's my favorite part is reading the comments it's yeah it's like people wanting the like wanting the praise before they put in the work it's like your audience will will will show you when you're doing great and you just gotta just work harder you know like yeah I know even though I say that after I started this video being like please subscribe so I can make it to you know that's a little different because you're putting out you're putting out a product that you know has an audience you know and then you'll see people that just want to follow for a follow and that's cool but I've always told people that do the follow trains I mean that's great because you have a community and I think that that's that's the most important part of it you have like this little community but you'll notice when you have these big follow trains that nobody's liking each other's thing because this guy didn't like his they're all keeping tabs on each other and that's why these pages never grow when they're following more than if they really want to build their page and some people don't care and that's that's different you know they want to build that but if you really want to build your page the follow train method is good but you have to break away from it eventually just because you're gonna get in the shadowbound and realm I've seen people with 50,000 followers following 40,000 followers and that sounds like a lot of followers but at the same time everybody's it's too much to keep up with you can't keep up with that many people and so the people that are following you can't keep up with that many people because they're doing the same thing so once you have all these follow trains it's like this pyramid scheme is just gone so you know once you build an audience and you know do what and that's the one thing we like I was saying you know with the insect videos I went away from commentating random videos and just started posting random videos on the net running some video page or something just to gain an audience because I wanted to monetize at one time and then I shied away from the insect thing when that you know if I would have just done that five years earlier who knows where you know would have been but I'm glad with all the timing of it all I'm just saying that sometimes we overlook what actually gets us that audience and we forget what got us the audience in the first place and then we start to win other stupid shit and I'm so guilty of that I really am I start getting sidetracked and we forget what got us there ultimate fighting bugs oh there it is oh my god events of the ultimate insect champion chance and it looks like they're gonna start things off on the feet oh and before down effects look no down at that means he gets right back really he is black on black crime he gets right back up looking for the takedown but sticky just keeps sticking and moving imagine that there was no sound this is how old this video is no punches I can't even believe I love a video like this go It's so great. All right. He's on the feet here. Oh man. Look at him slug it out. This is a toe to toe war folks. Oh he wants none of this so it's like he's about to leave the cage. He says no come back. I'm gonna kill you way bigger than him and he's got the cage. He's got the little like bitey things in the front of his man. And he raises your tan like a champ at the end of the war. He's like, I'm the man. You're daddy. I'll see you next time here at the ultimate. Wow. And that's where the UIC comes from. And I just got stuck because every video had UIC eventually I was like I'll just stay with it but that's so fun. Yeah, I stopped doing those videos for four years and then as soon as I started up four years and did those videos the other ones online on Twitter in 2020 things just, you know, it was weird. So, you know, I mean, I will request you do one more bug video. Okay, are you familiar with the lantern fly epidemic of the last couple of summers. Oh no. What's going on? Maybe it's just the last, maybe it's just the tri-state area but it's an invasive species from Asia. So this is your people's. Right at my territory. I started really noticing them last summer and I'm hearing like, okay, no, they're truly like a very invasive species. And in fact, they tell people that you should smush them when you see them because they. Are they like fireflies? Do their asses light up? Are they the same thing or no? Look like this. They have like a little bit of red in them but they're everywhere. Right. So, but I don't know if you don't have any in Colorado then won't be able to make this video but. No, like, I'm sure there's plenty of clips send me some fight videos. I'll do it. Okay, I'll have to see if they'll. You can send me a link. I'll get it. Okay. Oh, okay. Yeah, females can like, they lay a lot of eggs. Oh my God. That's a, that's a nasty looking thing, man. They're black and gross. Like, yeah, that's the most exotic crazy bugs and that looks totally Asian. And, and they hop around. Like, I try to stomp on them like, and they just jumped. They hop. They happen. They blend in perfectly with the pavement. So it's. Oh, yeah, I see that. That's creepy, man. But it's very satisfying if you do get one. You're like, I'm helping. What are they destroying right now? What is the, they are their host plants. They feed on a wide range of plants, including grapes, hops, stone fruits, hardwood trees, other plants. I'll see. Now, now I've gotten older. Like, my wife, she's got like, she's like a gardener and everything now, you know, so that, that, that's something she'd be like, Hey, man, did you see the. You're like about the lantern flies. Yeah. I will. The lantern fly. That sounds creepy, man. Was it like Asian pagoda lantern? I mean, like, why has it got to be lantern? Like, it's got to be like. We're called La Korma del Utica, Delicatula. Delicatula. Delicatula. Interesting. I can imagine the Delicatula is very strong fly. They were first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, and then it has since spread to 17 states involving Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Brown, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York. Wow. And so not in Colorado. So you haven't seen me. Sweet. Yeah, they hop and glide rather than fly. It's, it's unsettling, really. It's like, and now is when they're laying their eggs. They're laying their eggs. Now the larvae are going to emerge in the spring. It's like a crippled old man chasing after you with a cane or something like that. Just weird. Yes, they are violating the one child policy. You're correct, Matthew. I don't know why I'm like, I've been on. All summer. I'm really like there. That's funny. I like that. Props Hammond. He's good. Okay, wow. Do you find it annoying when people tag you and say, please do commentary on this? No, I, man, I encourage that. I honestly, some days when I'm out of videos, I mean, I don't search my name on Twitter out of like, you know, because I'm stuck up or conceited. I honestly do it so I could find some videos because people will tag me. So I really rely on that. You know, when you can't, because a lot of the times when they send you a message, it goes to your filtered box. Sometimes you don't see these videos to like two weeks later, because you're just like, you know, and most of the times, like, I don't need to see any spots, you know, in my filtered because a lot of times, where all that crap goes. Oh, that's nice of you. Like, I have my own Hobot at home. Stupid Hobots nasty. But when they tag, it's awesome. I love it because they always send videos. But a lot of the times people post a video in the comments section too. So sometimes I'll be like, you know, maybe a day late on a video that's gone out. I went viral, but I try to stay on top of it. I try and, you know, it's funny. A video will come out sometimes and people like, how the hell did you get it done so fast? You know, I'm like, it doesn't take that long, man. If I see a video and I'm motivated, I'll just just knock it out. Ask you how to take. You know, sometimes it takes about maybe 10, 15 minutes because I'm just chopping. Oh, wow. With sound. And now I have my nephew helping out because, you know, we're just expanding now. Like, it's just getting bigger and it's getting to a point where I'm like, you know, why don't you lay out some sound effects. And then I'll lay out on top. So it's actually the sound is getting better because it's taking a double take. Like, he'll layer it with his, you know, what he thinks should go in a certain place with sound. And then I'm like, okay, adding the ricochets and the shells dropping from guns. Oh, cool. Yeah, I love those sounds like for always adding stuff. And so it's been kind of nice having help been able to enhance things. It's all cheesy, but, you know, we want to make it good cheesy, you know, we love cheesy. Yeah, cheesy is great. Steve, you're the best. Where can people follow you? What's coming up? What are your hopes and dreams? My, you know what, you can follow me on Twitter, the down there. That's where most of my videos go. I'm not on TikTok, but you will see my videos up there because people are ganking them and that's fine. But, you know, if you ever see my videos on TikTok, just tag someone You know, follow Stephen in here. But no, and rumble and truth social rumble. You can find me at Steve and men. The only checkmark. If it doesn't have a checkmark or the little green thing on there. It's not the real Stephen men. It's probably some dude going to be asking you for money and asking you if you could sell a mother to you. And that's not me. That's going to be Steve outman or Steve outman. Yeah. Steve inmate, you know, believe in men. Yeah. These are all imposters. Yeah. But I'm so thankful. Thank you for having me on. I know we were supposed to do this a while ago and my studio has been garbage, but thank you for having me. Oh, your studio is bomb. I was just saying, I love, is that an old school like McDonald's garbage can behind you or talk about? That is. Yeah. You know, we were using this for that commentator thing you were talking about. This was like the break room. And, you know, we had this old silicone mask with this old guy. We're going to have him eating greasy chicken. You know, I just got to a point where I was so exhausted. I'm like, you know what? This isn't, this is just, I'm working too hard now. I don't want to do that. I just want to keep putting out the commentary and maybe host some shows in between. But like I said, it's not funny to everybody. Like what I was saying, like what we think is funny and I'm sure you deal with that as a comedian, you know, going out on stage. Funny stuff isn't funny. So you're like, but that shit was good. You know how many white claws I drink to write that shit. Come on. Yeah. Exactly. I mean, what do you guys appreciate a good pun? You know how much I yelled out the damn window in the neighbor's start. I was yelling because we ran out of hot pockets. Huh? You know how much work I put in that shit. You know, I buy hot pockets in advance. Steve, you're the absolute best. What a delight you are so much fun. Everybody tag him on your fun videos tag him on the viral videos. Yes, please do. Please do that. Always gives me ideas. I'm always down with it. It does not bother me because I don't look at my notifications anyways. So, you know, well, thank you Steve so much for coming on. It was great to learn about your, your early start in the radio biz and now you're doing whatever this is. Yeah, exactly. No, we'll do it in the near future. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Oh, thanks guys. Thank you everybody in the chat for your comments and questions and we'll see everybody next time. Bye.