UK Column Radio

UK Column News Podcast 7th October 2024

Brian Gerrish, Ben Rubin and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please join the community: Sources:

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07 Oct 2024
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We wear our work, day by day, stitch by stitch. At Dickies, we believe work is what we're made of. So, whether you're gearing up for a new project, or looking to add some tried and true work wear to your collection, remember that Dickies has been standing the test of time for a reason. Their work wear isn't just about looking good. It's about performing under pressure and lasting through the toughest jobs. Head over to and use the promo code workwear20 at checkout to save 20% on your purchase. It's the perfect time to experience the quality and reliability that has made Dickies a trusted name for over a century. Good afternoon. Today is Monday, the 7th of October 2024, just after one o'clock. Welcome to UK Column News. I'm your host, Brian Girish, delighted to have with me today Alex Tolson from the Netherlands, and also Ben Rubin, who are joining us on a link from London. Well, of course, it's an anniversary day, sad anniversary day of war and strife in the world. We're going to focus a little bit more on UK, but also on some of the change agents at work in the world today. But we couldn't resist starting off with a little bit of a UK Column looking to the future, and who better to choose than Hillary Clinton. I was happy to see you cite the work of Robert Putnam. Boling alone made an impact on me, the discussion of social capital, of the sort that I'm sure the Rotoms enjoyed in Park Ridge, right? Participation, belonging, volunteerism, that is so missing today. You cite Jonathan Hite, you cite Jean Twangy. Here's what disappoints me, and it's not about you, Madam Secretary. I'm shocked that no person, no Republican, no Democrat, is championing this issue. The social science is so clear, the political science is so clear, our fabric is frayed as a nation, our kids are disconnected. Too much time behind closed doors, on devices, and not enough time replicating the experience of their parents and grandparents. So what do we do about it? What do we do about it for your grandkids? Well, Michael, there are people who are championing it, but it's been a long and difficult road to get anything done. Actually, we can look at the state of California, the state of New York. I think some other states have also taken action, but we need national action. And sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children. So you're absolutely right. This should be at the top of every legislative political agenda. There should be a lot of things done. We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave platforms on the Internet immunity because they were thought to be just passed throughs that they shouldn't be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that that was an overly simple view that if the platforms, whether it's Facebook or Twitter X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don't moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control. It's not just the social and psychological effects. It's real harm. It's, you know, child porn and threats of violence, things that are terribly dangerous. So Ben, this is the nodding dog. We should trust with the safety of our children, but she says it all that what they're really after is quote, total control. What have you got for us? Indeed. It's quite amazing watching this whole thing play out, actually. And I don't know if she meant to say what she was thinking just then, but she did just tell us that she's scared of losing total control. And there is a control network that exists at a global level. And it exists in organizations that we've been talking about for quite some time. I've just put a few examples up here for you to take a look at that you'll recognize from recent segments that I and my other colleagues here and UK column have delivered. And it is very clear now that there is a network of particularly high powered women in politics, business and what they call civil society who are conspiring with each other. You know, for one of the better word that appears to be what they're doing in order to radically transform global governance in a manner that is completely unprecedented. It's driven by these work fascist intersectional feminist political ideologies that we've been talking about recently. It's coming from the UN. It's coming from the US State Department. It's coming from some of these philanthropic groups that we've talked about. And it's coming from individuals like Hittery Clinton. Yeah, she's absolutely in the center of this. And what is it that these organizations are trying to do as I said a moment ago, they're looking to transform the global system. And so this is an image that I found in some UN documents, which I think is extraordinarily useful actually. And what it shows is actor interventions. It's a little bit complicated, but I'll just run through it very quickly because it does describe very neatly what's going on. You have the dominant system on the top, which is the gold line with the gold policies, technologies and behaviors that form that system. And that is the nation state, right? That is the US Constitution. That is the Magna Carta. That is Western civilization, as we've known it for over 1000 years. And what these actors with their interventions, people like Hittery Clinton, people like the organizations that I've just mentioned are doing, is trying to weaken and destabilize the dominant system. And enable and accelerate a new emerging system, which is the global platform running on digital technologies that has been discussed and distributed at the UN in New York last week. And we're going to have a little look at another person, another woman of significance, or spoke about last week and her journey through the UN General Assembly to give you a bit of a flavor of how this network is operating and how the different component parts fit together. So I'm going to talk about the lady on the right-hand side, who is Julie Inman Grant, the East Safety Commissioner for the Australian Government, who's been working with the lady on the left-hand side, Nina Jankowitz, as part of a program delivered by the Vital Voices, which is the organization that I spoke about last Monday. And since then, I found quite a neat little video clip of Julie Inman Grant, which we're going to show now, which will give you a bit more insight into her worldview. We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be. So I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online, you know, from freedom of speech to the freedom to be free from online violence, or the right of data protection to the right to zone ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn't need to be. So I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online. So she wants to recalibrate our understanding of human rights, what are terrifying thoughts, and she positions this as a battle between free speech and what she calls online violence, which actually is people objecting to their societies being destroyed by the policies put forward by people like Julie Inman Grant. That's what's happening, and they're doing this all in the name of, supposedly, protecting children. All right, so let's just deconstruct this post, which was from Julie Inman Grant LinkedIn, she shared a bit of an update about what she was up to in New York, and we can see that she was exceptionally busy. She appeared on a number of different panels, but as she says, thankfully, no manels, which is what they call a group of men speaking to each other. We can possibly have men speaking to each other, they have to be some women involved, or ideally just women, and that's not hypocritical, by the way. And we can also see in this post that the commissioner identifies a political foundation, I spoke about back in June, which is backed by George Soros, the Bilderberg group, and they are retraining all of our civil servants, all of our politicians in the UK and internationally. They are a partner to Julian Inman Grant, and they're a partner to the vital voice, voice, his partnership, and they're working in direct collaboration also with the UN. Right, so this is an extraordinarily powerful network of women that we're talking about here, we can see her on a, I don't know what the female version of a manel is, maybe we have to come up with a word for it. But as I said, she's perfectly happy to appear on an all female panel, that's a great thing, it's not hypocritical at all, you can see her there on the left hand side. Also Nina Jenkowitz and Alice Nelson, who's the Chief Executive of Vital Voices, again, who we spoke about last week. The commissioner was also very excited to attend the Clinton Global Initiative, sorry, which is a real hover activity actually, so you can see Matt Damon was there, all the celebs were out in force, Prince Harry was there as well. Jane Goodall, who wants to reduce the global population by 95%, she was also a guest of honor, and obviously as we've just heard Hillary Clinton was out doing the media rounds, talking about her desire to maintain control over people's speech. And by a station of that thought, this is what these people are attempting to do, and let's not forget, we've talked a bit about Hillary, given all of this has been done in the name of protecting children, let's not forget Bill Clinton's relationship with human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. And also this fascinating image from Epstein's New York apartment showing Bill Clinton trying to be a woman, apparently it is the route to power these days, so maybe that's an explanation for it. What else was in the grant up to, so she attended this event, ensuring a safe online experience for youth, hosted by an organization called Safe Online. And this is just one of many, many, many different organizations like this. They exist according to them, their purpose is to protect and empower children in the digital world, ultimately that ladders up to censorship and what they call guardrails and controls around people's behavior, and who's back in this organization. Sorry, what are they talking about here, this is all about their impact, very exciting. And who are they back by, it is the UK government, UK international development, part of the UK foreign office, as well as an organization is called, one called the Human Dignity Foundation, the Oak Foundation, which appears to have a member of the Rothschild family on its supervisory board, and then Tech Coalition, you can see on the right hand side there, which is all of the big tech companies, they've come together to protect children online, which is remarkable really when you think about how they actually behave. So they'll come out and they'll talk about things and they'll talk about the need to protect children, but then we know that Facebook, for example, just one example, is a hotbed of child sexual abuse material. It has exponentially more reports of child abuse material than a site like Pornhub, even, and if I remember correctly, Facebook is, and it's messenger app and WhatsApp carries about 90% of the world's child abuse material across its servers. But obviously they're very keen to present to the world that they're trying to sort this out, but I don't think frankly that they are, because if they wanted to, then they would have done it already, they're very capable of censoring what they call medical misinformation, for example, but they don't seem to be able to address this issue. I wonder why. What else did we see? So this is the final one from the commissioner on her little tour around New York, so she attended an accelerator for GBV prevention. So there is a very concerted effort to accelerate initiatives focused on solving these supposed issues. This accelerator has done a fantastic job, actually, already censoring itself, because their website is completely empty. There's no information on there at all. That was kind of odd. And let's jump back now quickly to the apolitical foundation, who I spoke about, as I said, back in June. This is an absolutely remarkable group who are quite literally retraining and reframing all civil servants and all politicians, certainly in the UK, but they're also working in the US, and I think around 140 other countries. So we can see a post here from a couple of weeks ago. This is from the apolitical foundation CEO Lisa Whitter. She describes in this post a partnership with Vital Voices, so we know that these two organizations are working with each other. She also talks about working with VML. VML is one of the biggest ad networks in the world. It's owned by WPP, which is the biggest global advertising network. And right back at the start of the year, I think it was in February, we mentioned this quote from Jane Garrity, who is a main board director at WPP, saying that the creative industry has been very successful at using commercial creativity on behalf of brands. All hope is that we take all of that expertise and apply it to influence policy. So this is an unbelievably powerful global communications network that was set up to help businesses perform commercially, now being directed towards the minds of the global population. This is behavior change, writ large, all being driven by this very clear ideological and political agenda. And where else does this lead us to? Let's just have a final look here at Lisa Whitter. Again, as I've said, she's from the apolitical foundation of partnering with Vital Voices. They're absolutely at the center of this network. She's promoting here an event run by the Athens Democracy Forum. And the Athens Democracy Forum is part of Democracy in Culture Foundation, which is part of Linda Rothschild's Council for Inclusive Capitalism. So what we're looking at here is an international network of extraordinarily high powered and well backed female leaders in politics, business and what they call civil society, conspiring with each other to radically transform the global system to disrupt the nation's state into implement a new paradigm of governance and economic activity without any kind of democratic process, well, brutally censoring and suppressing anyone who does to criticize. Ben, thank you very much for that excellent analysis. And we'll say to our audience, can we give you an example of what happens when these sorts of change agents are let loose on national institutions? Well, we think we can today. We're going to focus on a Royal Navy investigation. This was big news a couple of days ago. It was being talked about in video clips, all of the mainstream media getting very excited about it. So let's take you through. We've got two sections. This first one is looking at the investigation and the findings itself. And the second part, later in the news, we're going to be showing you where it all came from, what was happening years ago to create this appalling situation. So, let's bring on the main man. This is first sea lord suben key, and the headline here from the Navy is misconduct in the submarine service, a report on the investigation into unacceptable behavior in the submarine service, published today. Well, that was the 4th of October. This is part of what he had say the investigation has confirmed misogyny bullying and other unacceptable behaviors did occur during the investigation period. This is intolerable during the investigation process, Miss Brooke made several requests for redress. Those of that within my gift to offer I have when I met with Miss Brooke this morning, I apologize to her personally and unreservedly praising her courage in coming forward. And we must now institute a culture that does not allow space for this behavior to exist, and we must deal with perpetrators swiftly without fear or favor. And he goes on to say that action has been taken against a number of individuals, but note that they're now talking about behavior. We'll give you a little bit more. I've accepted the recommendations from the investigation in full and they will be included with work I've directed in the aftermath of Miss Brooke coming forward. This will include the establishment of quote, a new head of culture team. So Ben, you were talking about control over speech and thought. Here we see it coming into the Navy as a result of appalling behavior on board submarines. But he goes on to say that they've also reviewed Submariner leadership training and created a dedicated and revised training package which increases focus on putting people at the heart of decision making and ethics in command. I find this an extraordinary statement because of course people are automatically at the heart of a warship and certainly at a submarine because if those people can't function, people die. So let's have a look at the report. Now there appears to be two formats of it, an abbreviated format, which is the one here, and I'll just show you the contents very briefly. It's only a few pages long glossary of terms, the inquiry and investigation overview, findings, progress and recommendations. But the main me to the report, which was only talked about in the press has been heavily redacted. If I bring a bit more up on screen, you can see that even in the opening, this is the case. But if we get into the meat of it, it is pretty gruesome reading. We've got at least one female Submariner has reported a rape against a fellow Submariner. There have been several reports of sexual misconduct, an executive officer inserted his genitals into somebody's pocket lot redacted as you can see. Similarly here, in this case we've got something we'll say slightly lesser, licked her ear, and blue on her neck while on periscope watch. Well of course periscope watch inherent part of safety for submarine operations and any distraction can ultimately be disastrous so don't underestimate what's being talked about here. But look at this, across your depth, rape list is common across the service in which men, sorry women and men are marked in the order they will be raped in a catastrophic event. This happens amongst all ranks and is the subject of an ongoing investigation. So now we see that issues aren't simply to do with women, they're also to do with men. And if we look at where this investigation now takes the service, I've quickly labeled it here the rise of the Soviet political officer. Because we're talking here about monitoring and assuring local command climates to actively mitigate inappropriate decisions. But if I highlight this before and after each deployment team visits the crew to understand the operational culture and the command climate. This is exactly what Soviet political officers were doing on board Soviet warships during that period. Here we have it being fermented into the Royal Navy. But we've got more, we've got this one which I've labeled rise of cultural insight. And basically as part of the people's centered approach to leadership, there's going to be cultural insights derived from visits to submarine crews pre and post deployment. So the whole submarine or the warship because this is right the way across the Navy of course is becoming a goldfish bowl of people having their behavior and thought patterns changed, but they're going to be watched and monitored. And if we have a look at this one, it's talking about flag office training for submarines now flag officer C training, where was the organization that I was working in at one point. So this is very, very familiar to me, albeit focused on submarines. But basically we've now got special discussions coming in with the commanding officers as part of the training. So we're not focused on doing the job and effectively killing the enemy, we're becoming focused internally on this proper speech and behavior because of the problems. Now I just draw people's attention to this really excellent interview with one of Juru and an enjoyer, which is up on the UK column website. And this lady is talking about the brand of twisted Marxism, which is being brought in not only to UK, but other Western countries. And of course she's significantly warning about the damage that this does in all sorts of relations. In the second part on this particular subject of the Navy investigation, I'm going to be looking into what happened when the women came to see what happened when the gay community came to see. And we've got another group that the UK column many years ago warned about what are we seeing as a result of these deliberate policies we're seeing breakdown. Alex, I'll just bring you in because at the moment I'm talking about Soviet political officers. I know that you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh yes, Brian, I've read lots of material on this, the political officers were detached to every military unit in all branches in order to ascertain loyalty to the regime. It wasn't quite so disguised in the Soviet model. It was simply accepted that we are, as they were then, a conscript force. But the officership assumes a degree of reliability to the regime. You and your officership will have seen that as an oath to be loyal to the Queen and her successors, but it was more nakedly political in the Soviet model. From Blair's time onwards, we saw the politicization of armed forces loyalty. Time when Tony Blair gave an early Christmas speech as Prime Minister saying that no Prime Minister had ever been so well served by his troops, which caused the constitutional stink at the time. But since then the armed forces, particularly those swimming around in the tin cans of the submarines, have been the easy pickings, haven't they, for the re-engineering of mines and souls because they have nowhere to run. I've always been struck as an outsider to the military bubble to what you have told the viewers, that anything on board and warship or a submarine is even worse than bullying in the other military branches because there is nowhere to go other than leaving the vessel at the cost of your life. But here we go with my segment. It's worth making that point and here we go then with the first of my two segments on Europe. I'm concentrating on middle or road by the German speaking Central European countries first. COVID is the tyranny that keeps on tyrannizing so it's been picked up by Associated Press from anonymized Austrian reports that a woman has been found guilty of fatally infecting her neighbour with allegedly COVID-19. This is the woman's second supposed offense. She's been given a suspended jail term and a fine of getting on for a thousand euros. And we see here that statements from the deceased family were presented on this trial. It's really, it has to do with a stairwell conversation nearly three years ago on the shortest day of the year 2021. The lady who's now been convicted said, "Oh, I knew I had COVID." Sorry, the defendant said, "The lady who spoke to me right first time." The lady said, "I knew I had COVID." And then later on she supposedly denied this. And she also said she didn't have the stairwell conversation. But there was some genetic match apparently made. And the heart of the so-called offense was that the lady did not confine herself after taking a notably reliable note irony test to confirm that she had COVID. Now, we also have some very serious things going on in Germany next door. This one concerns, which we put on screen at the moment, the abolition of the principle of doubt must be in the favor of the defendant. There is an English write up in the show notes. I know people complain when we put German on screen, but I am showing this because it shows that not just hardcore dissidents, but in this case, the network of critical judges and attorneys in Germany is up in arms about this case. This comes from Turingia. People will know if they watch our coverage that Turingia is a notably socially conservative and now heavily AF devoting former East German state, and it has a history of dealing with tyranny. In this particular case, a young woman who is a district judge was appointed, was asked to get the height of lockdown, lock up, I had better say, to approve a constitutionally guaranteed deathbed visit by a member of the clergy to somebody dying in their care home. The judge looked at the law and said, well, this infection protection law, which was the form that the COVID tyranny took in Germany, says that if people have even been isolated as part of the COVID special measures, they still must have deathbed visits by their clergy. Now, the resident in question didn't even have an isolation or it was simply part of the blanket ban on visiting. So the judge signed off on the pastoral visit. She was then accused of partiality because the pastor in question happens to be not only her own father, but also a survivor of East German tyranny, where he'd been a dissident as well. And if I bring this bit on screen, again, you will see, even though if you can't read German, that there's been a note put in the middle of the paragraph of the write up here on the word bifungenheit, which is the charge slung at the judge here, partiality or bias. There is a note by these dissident judges saying the reason this is inverted commas is there is no legal requirement in the Germany or in the state of Turingia to prove your impartiality in these matters. So it's a trumped up charge lawfare as one write up has put it. What's gone on also in Germany this week is the reversal of an acquittal. Yes, in German courts, in this case, the court in the city state of Berlin, a prosecutor who is miffed that somebody got a pronounced not guilty can appeal the acquittal and say, I want this overturned in favor of a conviction. So it's CJ Hopkins in this case, a well known American publisher and satirist who's been in Berlin for some years, making a point of principle. And here is a statement made at the end of September to the court, just before it turned out that he was going to have his innocence overturned in favor of guilt, I won't read it all out, but he says, go ahead at this point, you have the power to silence me. But as long as you continue to claim that you're a democratic country with rule of law in Germany, I'm going to continue to stand up to you and make sure that you make a mockery of the standards that you claim to adhere to. We're going to see more of this with regard to Austria later in the news I think this is a strategy if you have the bravery for it's the integrity for it. This is successful at this point as I say more write ups in English are in the show notes. What else is going on in Berlin? Well, one of the most popular newspapers there is their target Spiegel, and they have had a feature recently entitled help. My child is showing indications of being a right wing. These are eight tips to be given to a democratic parents who have undemocratic children, and they are to say things like, why are you looking at these things on TikTok? Are you following Altena Tiver, Phil Deutschland accounts? This is particularly from another Eastern Europe, Eastern German state, the state of Brandenburg, where they're interviewing a lady who says that she rescues children or assists their shocked parents when they find out that even though there are no signs of them being Nazis, they apparently are well adjusted and well behaved. The parents can suddenly think, my child may be a Nazi because of what it's watching. So watch this space soon for coming to Britain. Switzerland, which, of course, is constitutionally forbidden from joining any military alliance, now has a creep towards NATO. There's an interview in the Neuier-Suchad-Saitung in Zurich here with a very senior civil servant in defence. Marcus Meda, he's a staff officer who's been given a special honorary title to be a top civil servant. And an interview with him says that there are going to be Swiss troops sent on NATO exercises. He's asked about the Article 5 commitment, and in this bit on screen now he says no. NATO is about the obligation to support each other militarily when attacked, and we can do that without going to the Polish-Russian border. He says there's no chance of us getting involved in the Eastern Front. We'll just be using other countries airspace and terrain for training. There's no danger of us joining NATO, he says. A border state with Russia in NATO, on the other hand, is Estonia, mighty Estonia, with its 1 million people, and it's tens of thousands in the armed forces. And from Octagon via Eurasia Daily, we've now learnt, according to the defence chief Karus, that Estonia, how nice of them, is ready to launch a preemptive strike against Russia in order to protect NATO. So maybe it won't be the Royal Navy in the end that has to do it, Brian. It may be just a couple of people in a room in Tallinn. Alex, thank you very much. I'm smiling, but of course the subject is very dark, but she and madness going on in Europe, and tyranny is clearly approaching certainly through the courts, as you've been describing. Now, we'd like to say thank you very, very much to everybody who's supporting the UK column. If you're a viewer today and you're not already doing that, have a look online, and basically you can either make a donation to us, which is really excellent, or join under a monthly membership, where you can do an annual, or you can become a lifetime member, as some people do. You can also purchase through the online shop, and we'd just like to say we are paying attention to health matters, and there's some of Clive de Carl's products there, which, if you purchase, you also have the UK column. So do have a think about that. We can only do what we do with your financial support. So the other thing which we should talk about is sharing information, and we've used this really excellent happy slide here with Charles and Mike, and Moran, to say, have a look online, and you can share with these other platforms, and indeed it is share with these other platforms. But you can also get involved in the comments. So if you haven't done that, please do. I'd like to say a really big thank you to all the people who emailed me following yesterday is walking the dog. A poignant episode, I am going to keep going in the future, we may change the style a little bit, but I just wanted to say huge thank you. We also want to say just a few tickets left now for the UK column conference so I believe it's about eight or it was this morning it may be less so we're nearly sold out. If you've been undecided, do come along, we'd like to see you and have a chat and of course this is huge support for the column for the future and into 2025. Now Glasgow Pete Smarch here which we said we'd help advertise and this is Sunday the 13th of October 1230 George Square and George Square. Have a look at the show notes for that. And also AVs got an online event for some day the 10th of November tickets for that at £20 and our very own Mark Anderson will take me taking part. Also Pippa King, John Kitson and David Dubai so that's a pretty good line up there, consider buying a ticket and helping the AV team. So what does that take us I think then it's bringing you back and we shouldn't worry because they've got a best interest of health and prosperity, the very forefront of their minds, haven't they? Of course they do Brian, of course they do and well maybe they don't I'm not sure but the medical establishment and the political classes are desperately desperately trying to memory whole the entire COVID era. So far as I can tell and I'm going to refer to this report that was issued last week by an organization called IPPR which is an independent charity and think tank, well I say independent supposedly independent charity and think tank focused on progressive change. But it is funded by the usual suspects, Bill Gates, the city of London, AstraZeneca lots of organizations like this and the report they've issued is this the is called our greatest asset. And it is the final report of the Commission on health and prosperity, it has many authors and I'm just going to highlight these five who jumped out of me when I had a look at it. So the first is Lord Bethel, who had personal ministerial responsibility for all COVID procurement and the development of the COVID vaccines, that was Jim Bethel, he was on point for that so the 500 billion or so that was spent that no one knows where it's gone. He has to take responsibility for that and everything else that happens through that period. Who else is on there? Andy Burnham, who's the mayor of Greater Manchester, Labour Party, Bigwig. I also think he's linked to the Fabian society, I'm not 100% sure but I believe that he is, if we've spoken about a lot recently. Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation and a big time Blair Outrider, he was part of the Blair government, the second Blair government I believe is one of his top political advisors. A fellow called Kieran Boyle, who is the Chief Executive of Impacting Investing Institute, who is also a young global leader of the World Economic Forum, so there's a link there from this report to the World Economic Forum. And then finally, Lord Darzai from Imperial College, who is one of the top clinicians in the country and he also interestingly was commissioned to deliver this report, the independent investigation of the National Health Service in England, which he delivered pretty much at the same time. So he did, he reached out to Lord Darzai to write this, it's 133 pages long but at the same time as writing that, he was also overseeing the development of the report that we're talking about here today to the IPPR. Now the IPPR report is backed by the AstraZeneca, Gilead, Pfizer, Bristol Myers Square, Bhavvi, like this is a pharmaceutical industry backed piece of communication that is focused on, apparently delivering a vision for the future of the UK health system. And actually what they want to talk about now is the health creation system. So we're not just going to have a health system, we're going to have a health creation system, a pharmaceutical industry. So the first thing that we're going to have to do is we're going to talk about how the health creation system, how the health creation system, how the health creation system is, how the health creation system is going to be, how the health creation system is going to be, how the health creation system is going to be. And the health creation at the start of life. Now I think we're all born healthy actually so I don't know why these people need to be involved at the start of life but apparently they do. We're going to move from places that make us sick to empowered healthy communities and from reactive services to provide primary lead healthcare, right, where the NHS ultimately is intimately involved in every part of how you live your life in order to make you healthy. Right now why are they doing this whole bunch of reasons fitting sicker frankly and a lot of that's to do with food to do with alcohol to do with tobacco. They talk about the lack of productivity in the economy. A lot of this is econometric gets all about GDP and personal wages and that kind of thing. And we are notoriously unproductive in the UK due to amongst other things ill health people taking sick days. They've identified a worrying trend in increased waiting times in wait list for health issues inside the NHS. And they've also pointed to the crucial and frankly really terrifying 900,000 missing workers who have gone missing due to long term sickness since COVID but at no point in the entire document do they mention vaccines or vaccine injuries. Right and we know there have been plenty of those this comes from the M.H.R.A yellow card reporting scheme. We've had at least two and a half thousand deaths. At least 1.6 million injuries from the COVID vaccines but these people don't want to talk about that call me cynical but what this feels like is these fellas and others who are all directly responsible for the COVID vaccination program desperately trying to avoid talking about it. So that we can just ignore that a chapter of history and move on to something that's more convenient to them. Okay thank you Ben well we will certainly over forthcoming episodes of the news and and events be talking about the role of the change agents but what we see is this breakdown in society so Alex let's bring you back on and you're looking at more strange events across Europe. From the very heart of the EU's capital in fact but thank you Ben for that segment. We now know what the first pillar of British health fascism is going to be our bite marked gazoon work makes you healthy. But here we are the European conservative often notably incisive in its writing has covered this a lot of our viewers will have heard of professor Frank Furetti a notable culture critic of general scope and extensive background as a writer and speaker. Furetti was due to launch his latest book The War Against the Past at a bookshop just a stone's throw from the barely more the European Commission's headquarters in the EU quarter in the heart of Brussels. A matter of days beforehand a cancellation was given a notice was given and Furetti and his organizers were told that the event was not inclusive because this is a political bookshop don't you know. Over in the Netherlands at the Alkamein duck blood reports that a well known protest farmer has been arrested for participation in a terrorist organization. This is a chat called Johan with the surname initial are a 61 year old and his wife are both were raided they declare themselves to be sovereign citizens a kind of movement that we've seen in English speaking countries. They're not just their crossbows were seized apparently but their papers which indicated dangerous thinking and a bit of the detail here is on screen that they were accused of or they're suspected of participating in a local militia. I am not exonerating these farmers in question but obviously the press sensationalizes it that the check that the press that the police seized Ferraris Harley Davidson's boats and water scooters so they're trying to imply that these are you know wealthy and out of touch farmers. But there is a group they're involved with called common law Netherlands earth CLNE and the press even the more sensible that press like a D is now equating this with terrorism. There's less alone what the Dutch interior and intelligence ministries have to say about it. The European courts of justice the ECJ that's the EU's court not the one in Strasbourg, the one in Luxembourg has now ruled that you have an EU wide right to transition your gender. That comes from a case from where a Romanian woman wished to become a man managed to do so in Britain before Brexit went back to Romania saying I am now a man don't you know Romania said no but you can apply to be a man in Romania. The ECJ has now held that there's an absolute right to predictability here that once you have been transitioned in one state of the European Union you must be able to retain that I see foresee this being rolled out to a number of other countries beyond the EU in a kind of kind of comedy and esteem of judgment arrangement up in Norway Peter Emmanuelson otherwise known as Peter Sweden he is a sweet but lives in Norway these days reports that Norway has just mandated that shops should take cash up to just under 2000 years worth of transaction where the cut off is above that so whereas there are other countries in the EU and what Norway isn't in the EU but other there are some EU member states like Greece that legally won't take won't allow shops to take more than 500 euros in cash if I understand correctly Norway has gone the other way and has said that as long as it's under 20,000 crowns just under 2000 euros or dollars or pounds shops can no longer as of the 1st of October refuse to take cash next door in Denmark something a bit more sinister This came in over the summer but I've only just got to it now the government has now announced that there will be a 90 euro cow fat tax the first in the world it's going to be raised in costs over the next years into the 2030s in fact nearly doubles but this is the first time that livestock holders even we expected this to come in the Netherlands first but the Danes have beaten them to it livestock holders are going to be fined now effectively fine but they call it a tax for every offensive cow that they have on their land you can see where that ends up Albania which is very keen together with the other western Balkan countries to join the EU under the questionable leadership of Eddie Rama we've reported on that government in the past their latest wheeze is to show their remarkable religious tolerance who apparently again this is the European conservative that's picked up on this they're going to proclaim something equivalent to the Vatican city state so this hasn't been done since Mussolini did it in the case of the Roman Catholic church nearly 100 years ago they're going to carve off the premises of the headquarters of the Russian order and ultra liberal Muslim grouping that allows drinking and women to wear pretty much whatever they like etc and they're going to give that group sovereignty so that Albania can boast in its EU application and NATO application and whatever else we are so ahead of the curve that we even have the world headquarters of of tolerant correct Islam among us and you know this this should give us a head start finally a trailer for extra time I will be going into more detail there about the case of Peter Hofstra many of our longer term viewers will know about this case but when we have time in extra time I will give a full update on what you can see on screen I'll just bring up the second bit as well and I will go into detail on what's been going on with Peter over the years and I hope that we can create a separate file of that shareable video because we do want people to write to their members of Parliament and the foreign office about him he's been in incarceration in Austria for so many years now and that just circles back to what we said at the beginning of the news central European countries trying to throw their weight around as the best respecters of the rule of law while they do things like this thank you very much for that Alex and there will be a lot to discuss in extra so if you remember of UK column please join us let's get back on to the subject of that submarine investigation and the report and the horrific things going on on board let's cast our minds back to have a look at perhaps how this situation was created so this is 2014 it's original report from the UK column but it's talking about the female commander of Plymouth warship quitting the Navy after being removed from her post over claims of an affair with a shipmate and what we pointed out is that it was obvious that this whole affair was heavily censored by the Navy because this particular commanding officer was a woman so this is not something that would have happened in my opinion had she been a man let's go on here we've got a report from the mail also reported by UK column here in 2016 army fitness test to be rewritten to make sure female soldiers can qualify for front line duty so basically this is changing the rules in order to assist the women and bring them through into the military so this isn't one rule for all this is favoritism effectively for the women I'm not saying it's the women's fault because of course this was being brought in as a change agenda by people much higher in authority the other thing that was happening of course is that the LGBT community was being encouraged to come out in the military gaze in the military over a great many years but of course that was not permitted under military law for great many years but the lid came off and the Navy and Army and Air Force encouraging LGBT community to get involved and this quickly meant that this was another group of people that was treated differently from the currently serving men in the military and special events hosted as that headline says marking 20 years but his comment from one of the people who at the time was helping to make all of this possible it's commander Sam Kinsey Briggs co chair of compass she said it's about celebrating the wider diversity agenda and contribution all our people make it's especially relevant for me as we celebrate 30 years women at sea this year too so what we see happening here is that if you're still you were performing in the military to the best of your ability suddenly around you was an influx of other people who were special who were being treated specially and this was the start of a very toxic situation. I'll just give one more here this is raw navy news and it's talking about Clyde, Clyde base hosting the first naval service women's network conference so of course this is absolutely positive discrimination for women and the result of that has a knock on effect with other serving members of the armed forces similar discrimination here shown in this article from the mail about front line gays and all of a sudden we have an air vice marshal who does the honors as gay couple tie the knot in Cyprus would he have been toying the not for heterosexual couple I don't think so so this was a positive discrimination it was also a publicity stunt but something many people may have missed and it was the UK column that highlighted this was the arrival of Satanism into the raw navy this is the telegraph report in 2004 and a little bit of detail about the fact that Chris Cranmer a naval technician serving on the type 22 frigate Cumberland has been officially recognized as a Satanist for the ships captain. So this is a pretty interesting melting pot UK column asked a number of questions around this particular event and this is part of our report where we were asking a question Tony Blair was he involved was the first sea lord at the time Admiral Alan West involved Jeff Hoon as secretary of state the defense general Sir Mike Jackson was there air joint air chief Marshal jock stirrup. We can't be sure who actually made the decision but of course the navy the army the air force didn't make the decision it was made by individual men in that time frame. We never quite knew who they were but let's come back to how this produced an orchestrated breakdown of morale and discipline in the armed forces. So let's bring in the basics 1991 women to serve at sea 2000 the LGBT community came in 2004 we're inviting Satanists to be on board our warships and submarines. Now what were the effects well when the women came in it was very noticeable straight away that young women were coming straight into a very tough male orientated life on board warships. It was a huge shock for many of them so no fault on the women. This was the organization which was using them to implement a political agenda in the armed forces at the time. People were told that the women were coming into ease manning shortages and also to promote equality for women and we were also told them that the higher educational qualifications and indeed. Intelligence standards of the rents in particular would help elevate equivalent standards of the men. So bring in the women because this will raise everything that's happening on board to a higher standard. So let's have a little look at what actually started to happen immediate problems because on board a warship or a submarine you've got shared toilet and shower compartments there's a general lack of privacy. Close physical work and sleeping environment and as Alex has echoed back to me earlier in the news there's no escape there's no safe space because you're locked up in a steel box. It was the start of relationships same rank opposite sex in the beginning creation of advantage by favoritism and jealousy and people excluded from that sexual relationship didn't like it. I've labeled this the warship environment becomes the perfumed garden. This was the stage at which to get on board a warship or a submarine you were suddenly faced with perfume. So where did this take us well let's carry on through because women demonstrated that they were prepared to target higher ranks for relationships senior ranks would target attractive and vulnerable junior women so this poison is working both ways. We've got women targeted for positive discrimination in the media which I've shown, and this gave rise to animosity in the ranks by itself, but all of this the favoritism caused a breakdown of command structure and morale. And we can continue because things gradually became worse sexual relationships took place ashore and on board the warships at sea poisoning discipline and morale. And some women were prepared to play their sexuality and the field in a series of casual relationships. What else can we say well we knew that young junior women were targeted by predatory lesbians, especially those of higher rank, and this was exceptionally poisonous. And of course the same thing on the male side that young junior men were targeted by predatory homosexuals especially those of a higher rank. So we can quickly see how this vicious melting pot is being built up because as the discipline and the morale break breaks down the perversions and the degeneracy increases. Excuse me, we then get disturbing sexual activities male rapes with bottles reported in the press in UK, but also the female rapes that have been identified in this report. And we've also got what I'm calling the rise of the gay mafia this is secretive networks of the service LGBT community who are used those networks are used for power and favoritism over others. But lastly, if we focus on the submarine service itself, this is a powder cake because the profession and living environment is very mentally and physically tumbering. Excuse me, it's coupled with little if any real privacy as no safe space there's certainly no escape and intimate personal characteristics and weaknesses are quickly known by colleagues. And the other thing that goes with this is traditionally there was a slightly more relaxed working environment still highly professional but relaxed in the way people spoke to each other and treated each other in the submarine service. This course helps in flame when things go wrong. So I'm just going to end by saying that realistically it's been acknowledged over a great many years that there are good ships and bad ships, happy ships and unhappy ships. And it's in some ways unexplained because it doesn't seem to be linked to personalities, but we can say that morale discipline and bullying problems are more common and magnified on board bad and unhappy ships. And lastly I'm going to comment on the senior officer Paul because as the Navy and the military has got smaller. So senior officers have got less experience in order to spot problems and implement corrective action. Quickly Alex I'm just going to say to you, in my opinion at least the troubles we have particularly in the Navy on board warships and submarines has been created by a deliberate agenda to break down relations. And to have young men women at each other coupled with the complexities of the gay agenda this is engineered breakdown this is not accidental. There seem to be well scripted Brian and it was also in the United States case the Navy that got targeted first there it was the Navy pilots who as a group were accused of machismo and institutionalized disrespect for women. This was called the tail hook scandal and I know you've got a book at home about this. This was used as an excuse to insist on reframing every pilot flying with the US Navy and from there, the idea was seeded out again in very much the same timeframe early 90s. At the time if you raised this week against it you must be a misogynist and a friend of rapists so it was very cleverly put in but in hindsight there's no doubt that it was deliberate. Alex thank you very much, there's a lot more we can talk about maybe we'll do a little bit more on it in extra time today, but ultimately tragic for all the people serving on board submarines and warships because it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is female. This pernicious woke agenda is affecting everybody who's part of the ships company. Ben let's bring you back on with us and subject is really race but black supremacy also used as a weapon. Indeed yes what we've talked about the deliberate destruction of the military and I think we can talk now about the deliberate destruction of society and a lot of this is happening through these intersections competing intersections we talked about women and gender wars today we talked about sexual orientation. We talked about transgenderism so hey why don't we just throw race into the mix as well and anyone living in the UK will have noticed that over the past six months been going on for a lot longer than that but certainly the past six months we've seen rapidly escalating racial tensions particularly over the summer in light of unrestricted mass migration and a bunch of other things that have been happening that culminated in a series of riots across the north of England and into that potentially explosive mix last week stepped Dawn Butler MP for Brent South. You wanted to see me broken head bowed and tears in my eyes more for you you didn't realize that my strength is powered by your lives. You are the wrong one the violent one the weird one whereas I am the chosen one because I am on the first one. You see the skin I'm in this beautiful mahogany brown. The skin you don't like I believe so why are you trying so hard to achieve by burning yourself in the sun. For me there's no need because I am the chosen one or I am of the first one. I know I'm black and beautiful and African freedom fighter my skin is my protection and you my friends don't matter because I am the chosen one but I am of the first ones. You created a structure that made you seem great when the simple reality is it is all fake because I am the chosen one but I am of the first one so you wanted to see me broken head bowed and tears in my eyes more for you you haven't realized my strength is despite your life. You created a structure that made you seem great but it was all fake she's talking about British society there and the language I found absolutely remarkable she is a Labour MP by the way I forgot to mention I think I should probably be obvious to be honest with you just given what she said. But she talking about being the chosen one being one of the first ones and as much as I call violent racism and violence from let's call them white people against minorities. I also and when it comes in the opposite direction and to me what she's doing here is promoting a message of what is essentially black supremacy. This idea that I am the chosen one I am the first one is absolutely staggering to hear this coming from a city member of parliament. Don Butler I'd like to refer you and anyone watching this to this quote from Martin Luther King which I think is an important thing to surface here black supremacy is as dangerous as white supremacy. And God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brand men and yellow men and God is interested in the freedom of all humanity and creating these artificial divisions is not helpful to our society we don't need it. And actually more importantly you don't need it either you are an Afro-Caribbean person living in the UK or living anywhere around the world quite frankly. This kind of message is not a good message not going to help any of us and certainly not going to help you. And Don Butler is of Jamaican extraction she comes from Forest Gate in East London which is not far from where I'm sitting right now and I know a lot of people from the Jamaican community in East London including in that area. And the one message that I would like to leave you with and to reinforce and for me this is really the gift that the Jamaicans brought with them to this country is the motto of Jamaica which is out of many one people. They adopted this in the 60s when they became independent from the British Empire and it was a way of uniting a very ethnically diverse community that have been built up over centuries of slavery and immigration and taking them and turning them into a single coherent unit and this message resonates with the Jamaicans in my vicinity and it resonates extraordinarily strongly with me and I think the Don Butler you would do well to take a look at that and think about it as you move into whatever phase of your strategy or communications to the British people that you're planning next. Ben, thank you very much. Now we must end today's news but let's end with a smile and I think the subject is sausages. It is Brian, well done there by the way Ben I think the in the crest of the coat of arms you just showed of Jamaica if I'm not mistaken that's the native arrow act people, the native couple either side of the shield so the black people were not first on the island of Jamaica and it doesn't matter because if we really believe humanity is made of one blood and then these distinctions are secondary but just to cheer people up at the end of a heavy news, I often run a limerick competition on Fridays on my eastern approaches channel on telegram two subjects recently got a winner to my mind even a close run fight is the first of them, I'm sorry for poor old secure, his sausage mistake was so queer, think the hand of his king is a terrible thing, a banger filled ordeal of fear and then more recently on the Chagos archipelago being given to Mauritius with a 99 year lease on Diego Garcia base. I got this winning entry from Emily who I think there's quite near the EPICOLUM studio actually, one of my noted limerick writers here goes, she says, the islands of Chagos Mauritius were once thought by Blighty delicious, not covered with guano, not smoked by Belgrano giving back is thought much less seditious. Excellent, thank you very much for that, Alex, thank you Ben, we must end there, thank you to our audience for joining us. Serious news today often is but this is the nature of life but if you're a member of UK column do join us for extra in a few moments where we can relax a bit but we'll say big thank you to our audience today wherever you are in the world, thank you for joining us, bye bye. [Music] We wear our work, day by day, stitch by stitch. 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