21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Dr Jerome Corsi – Are Intelligence Agencies Running Elections?

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07 Oct 2024
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TNT Radio host Basil Valentine speaks with co-founder of Gods Five Stones and author Dr Jerome Corsi, to explore the clever tactics used to bypass election regulations and the effects of fictitious voters on electoral results, including hidden algorithms in U.S. electoral systems. Investigate how fraudulent ballots are created, the potential involvement of intelligence agencies, and the implications for democratic integrity.

More from Dr Corsi:

 ATTENTION: The Patrick Henningsen Show MON-FRI will be on summer hiatus for the next few weeks. Appreciate all of you who have been tuning in. We’ll see you all in due course.

The Basil Valentine on today's news talk TNT and welcome back to the program today Tuesday 10th September final segment now into overdrive with Dr. Jerome Corsi who joins us today from Willoughby Ohio. Welcome to the program Jerome. Our pleasure to be with you Basil. Thank you very much. Oh the pleasure is all ours I assure you and last time you were on of course you have mentioned that a colleague of yours had discovered that hidden algorithm in the software of many United States electoral computer machinery which allows for the creation of entirely fraudulent phantom ballots. Now I'm speaking to you in Willoughby Ohio where I believe you are attending a town hall meeting tonight. Is that subject on the agenda or are you discussing completely something completely different with the good people? That's the subject tonight. We have Ohio if you go to our website which is it's our 501c3, GOD, no apostrophe s and FIV you spell out five and stones is plural, You'll see we have a notice on there right at the top of Ohio and our request has begun an official under the secretary of state inquiry into whether or not their database of voters at the state board of election level has algorithms in it. And I'm here this week I'm preparing to release the preliminary report and I can tell you that we have found an algorithm in the Ohio state database and we're going to be releasing it. We're going to be preparing a report on spending the rest of this week here in Ohio working with the attorneys and we're going to be preparing an official report to go to the preliminary report. We have yet more to discover now that we've found the algorithm we have to kind of completely root it out. It may take a while to get the complete decode but this is now the second state. We've got also New York state and we've had the findings in New Jersey. We have three states now where we have found algorithms within the state board of election official voter registration. In other words an algorithm is a set of formulas. These are cryptographic schemes. In other words there's a secret code that has been imposed on the voter database that is like a card numbering scheme. This is a top-level cryptography. This is not some amateur. This is probably CIA. I'm inclined to think the intelligence agencies are now running our elections and have penetrated probably in many cases unbeknownst to the government officials, the secretaries of state. I think for instance in Ohio, Frank LaRose who is the secretary of state is an honest gentleman and I think when he finds out about this he's going to take it seriously. Certainly all the communications I've had with the Brian Katz who is the public integrity officer in Ohio have been very professional and very serious. As you can see on the God's Five Stones that email he wrote us was quite serious that they are going to take seriously what we find and we will be presenting the evidence and the evidence is hard mathematical evidence and it will be very impossible to deny it. I mean this is absolutely breathtaking stuff to roam. I'm gobsmacked and at the same time shocked and delighted that it's gone as far as it has already. I remember Ohio being at the epicenter of the 2004 election which a lot of people feel have been stolen from John Kerry now. When you say that of course people immediately think you're a John Kerry supporter or something but that result was challenged if you remember and there was malfeasance, a plenty there and I think it maybe even ended up in a dead body or two. Do you remember anything about Ohio 2004 and then we'll cut back to the present? 2004 I was very involved because I had co-authored Unfit for Command which was the Swipbook boat against John Kerry. John O'Neill was my off co-author and I was very involved in Ohio. I spent much of 2004 here on AM and radio work talking about Unfit for Command. The Swipbook veterans in that year who opposed John Kerry in Vietnam felt he had not earned his medals and ribbons and his honors and that he had not served with valor and so they thought it was a political stunt and for them Vietnam was a war and for John Kerry was running for president trying to emulate John Kennedy and so again we exposed John Kerry for his leftist leanings and his Vietnam veterans against the war work so I remember 2004 very very well. I was born and raised in Ohio and so I spent my early years here until I was 21 years old living in Ohio going to school in Ohio and this is going to be a world significant news when we break this news and we show to the public what we found. This is going to be a world shaking story so I think also the intelligence agencies are doing the same pattern of running the elections in Europe. I think we see it in Venezuela. These algorithms allow the intelligence agents to create fake voters that don't exist and they're indistinguishable because of how they're cloned or how they're fabricated as ghost voters. They look real and if you don't know the scheme is there the deep this code is proposed only the criminals can find these votes and they can then use them for mail-in votes because they have a legitimate state ID. The entire democratic apparatus people have not realized is aimed at getting legitimate state board of election voter IDs for voters who don't exist and they do it through these algorithms which are I'm beginning to think might be in virtually every state database of significance of voter registration. Certainly every place I've looked so far I've found algorithms. Of course this whole code barking scheme are the genius who's responsible for having broken the code is Andy Andrew Peket and you can see his papers on God's five stones. In fact we've got a lot of documentation on that website. Spend time you can really educate yourself with many podcasts. This podcast will be on there as soon as we get a clip of it. We'll add this to our archives and there's a lot to read on that site and a lot of detail in her and explanation of how the algorithms work. I've learned how to explain it so the average person I think you basically understand it but these votes when they are voted one way or another but mostly mail-in votes and it's a legitimate number on the state voter board of elections and that vote board is put through the machines it's counted that becomes a certifiable vote and that means it becomes a countable vote even though the person doesn't exist and it's a brilliant these are brilliant schemes and they're an intelligence agency I believe created and operated but I don't think the states know that they're there. How does it generate the name for somebody that doesn't exist? Has it got a sort of random name selector kind of? Mostly they take names that are in the database they're largely dormant and they clone them and do a version of that name and give it a different address or they just change it slightly so when you look at it like a legitimate right you know all the information's there if you didn't put that there were you know 10 registrations for this person or if you didn't go out and actually see if the person was at that address you wouldn't it would look formal so you wouldn't know at the state board of election or in a recount you wouldn't find this as a fake vote because they don't do the procedures to find this as a fake vote they're not sorting through the databases how many clones there are they're not going out and into the community and seeing if the person exists so you can you know these intelligence agents can actually run the election from within the computer I mean they could say do you want Kamala Harris to win by 1% by 3% by 5% do you want her to come in the early afternoon to start surging ahead like a late surge where she wins at the end or do you want us to have to stop counting we'll win the next day because see you can keep voting as many of these fake voters as you want right depending upon watching the election going on and unfolding and seeing how it meets your projections I mean I'm a political scientist I have a PhD in political science from Harvard and I've studied voting data for decades and you can profile votes to know where candidates are going to draw their strength where they're not going to draw their strength and you could if you had the system of you know it's code secret codes in the database and you could vote secret voters that don't exist I could I could win any election I wanted to win and make it look legitimate so you wouldn't know the difference and it would certify in a recount and so therefore it couldn't be it couldn't be discovered and I think these I think started coming into the and so what we're doing is we're not we're not saying that there's computer fraud or election fraud I'm saying that the very existence of these algorithms is itself a crime it's prima facia wrong to go in and alter a voter database with a secret code now I want what I want is I want more discovery I want to who put these there how long they've been there how have they been used because you could also use them on down ballot elections I mean there's no reason you couldn't say in Ohio you know senator share share odd is running a very tight sure brown is running a very tight campaign against a republican name alone and it's going to be tight well the democrats I'm sure want that seat this game would make sure that they could get that seat they know because they're sure not to lose any seat they don't want to lose and that way they can always stay ahead of the voting now I'm encouraging people to vote massively because at some point especially with us exposing these schemes and exposing it the fault of the old the real problem here's the mail-in votes we're going to make it harder for the democrats to steal the election we're also going to cause to have more scrutiny of the mail-in votes I want to end this but if the state of Ohio or the state of New York or New Jersey have algorithms in their database you can't use that database to validate an election it's like if you knew that a casino had marked cards they were using marked cards that casino can't prove you lost any hand at blackjack how do you know you lot and so you could say I want earnings back because you are using crooked cards it's you can't use a corrupted system with the secret code in it to validate an election result that's supposed to be authentic and pure and to be real voters with their real identities and so this is a very very dangerous and frightening intervention of the intelligence agencies I think in our election processes and in Europe look at Europe they had parliamentary election first ballot lapan and all the consumers are doing extremely well and then suddenly the second bell is oh the left surge they woke up the left surge well I speak French and Italian I call about both countries and says other people of the polls that of course see there's nobody at the polls the surge is happening in the computers so that's where the frightening part is is that there are intelligence agencies running our elections I believe unbeknownst to the state board of election officials if we if you know elections are far too important to be allowed to the people to decide aren't they Jerome that's the problem but yes it's it lectures are too important to let people vote I mean you know we don't need messy you know voters are messy they have opinions we don't need voters Klaus Schwab is how Schwab has essentially said this so we don't need voters yes uh we've got to finish right now unfortunately we'd come back next week because I want to know whether this is happening in Pennsylvania as well which a lot of people say we'll decide the presidency we had a scary last week we had a last night we had an extensive discussion with Pennsylvania it's also on my target to find out but I'll be delighted to come back just check out our website God's Five Stones you're going to see a lot of data there and I think you're going to find it to be very interesting to get educated on what we're doing we're going to continue doing this right up until the election thank you so much for joining us on today's new dream course see I'm back next this hour simply go to episodes at