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Are Hurricanes the Judgment of God? 10/08/2024 - Video

Can we say that Hurricanes are a Judgment of God? Does God use these types of methods to draw us closer to Him? Today Pastor Stan shares with us through prophecies the truth about devastating events.

00:00 – Rumors or Truth? 03:50 – Letters to the Churches 07:23 – Breaking News 08:02 – Green Brings Red 13:22 – Three Scrolls 18:26 – Seven Moons 20:27 – Examine Your Heart 22:52 – Our Sponsors

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) Welcome to the Prophecy Collaborative topic. Today is our hurricanes, the judgment of God. Now, yes, we're talking about hurricanes, lives, 20 years old, but essentially today, the big question is our hurricanes, the judgment of God. So this morning on Fox News, a saw scene of them interviewing a very large Christian ministry. I won't mention the name, but everybody's heard of it. And the Fox News person asked him, "So is this the judgment of God?" He said, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. "This is not the judgment of God." And, you know, that only means more judgments coming. And it makes it more difficult for us watchmen to be heard when they're saying, you know, no, no, no, there's not the judgment of God. So let's just see what God says about it. This was sent to me in an email, and it is not verified, but it probably is the truth. A source in North Carolina revealed that, despite the 1,000 troops being fully prepared for deployment, they remained sidelined because FEMA Region 4 and Governor Roy Cooper have yet to issue the critical mission orders delaying a potential urgent response. Law enforcement in Asheville, North Carolina was warning business owners that they could be arrested for attempting to recover items from the damage to establishments. In other words, you gotta prove that's your property. You see what I'm saying? So I kinda understand that, too. A tear of a woman in West North Carolina described the horrifying scene of babies' bodies floating down the river while mainstream media ignores it. With deep emotion, she urges the nation to see, she urges this nation, very important. So I'm gonna say it again. She urges the nation to see this as a wake-up call. What she's saying is, the nation needs to see that this is the judgment of God. Now it's not the final judgment, but God is trying to get our attention. The number one drug use nation in the world. The number one child and human sacrificing and human trafficking nation in the world. Try to get our attention. We're supposed to be the light on the hill, spreading the gospel. Instead, we are spreading corruption around the world. She urges the nation to see this as a wake-up call and warns people not to trust the news, which she believes is concealing the real death toll. Volunteer rescuers have been threatened with rest if they tried to help victims. FEMA and the Red Cross have shown up at high schools and confiscated donated funds. Now, frankly, that seems hard to believe, but who knows, let's go on though. Which is a good time for me to say if you had one of these, a satellite phone, even in an emergency, you can reach the satellite. See, I wanna go there, promo code PROPHICY. Also, as you know, the biggest problem in an emergency is drinking unfiltered water. Prophecy has water filters and also can show you how to feed one person for a year for about $1,000. Right now, there's a lot of people in the wake of this hurricane that wish they had these kinds of things. Now, let me go to DemetriDodiment. This is March 1994. I got to bed early, about 8 p.m., and I woke up between midnight 1 a.m. I got up and prayed, went back to bed, and I dreamed there was a lot of turmoil outside. I kept hearing everyone yelling, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming. Isn't that kinda what we're hearing right now? Jesus is coming as in, we don't have to worry about this. The pretrib rapture is coming. We'll tell that to the people that is in the wake of Hurricane Helena, okay? Tell them that they don't have to worry. Jesus is coming in a pretrib rapture. I looked out and I saw a very large red cloud. When I looked at it, its outer edges could not be seen. As it continued to look, I saw a tall man come out of the crowd cloud that would be an angel. He was so tall that though his feet text the ground, I could not see his head. Raise of light began to explode out of the man. When one man, when one would pass by, I would fall to the ground. I could not look at him with my eyes because he was too bright. He did begin to hand me letters. They were addressed to certain churches. I knew that these must be American churches because I didn't recognize the names of being a Romanian. The first letter said, now this is to America, okay? My people who were discouraged and beaten by the storms. Many who have let themselves be beaten up by the enemy stand up, crowd before God that he may save you. See, a lot of people think, oh, well, these people they haven't received Jesus yet, but when a little trouble hits, they'll receive Jesus. No, not so. They need to be talking to them now. And you folks that have not received Jesus, you better get after it. 'Cause I'm about to read something that says, if you wait until the day of trouble, you won't hear your prayers. I'll get to it. There was a thunder and the voice spoke again saying, tell all my people to pray and repent. For the days have been short because of all the inequities. My people repent because the days are numbered. I began to see the days passing by, but whenever a brave light would pass by me, I would fall. The days were passing so quickly, I could not count them, meaning this is not in the 90s. This is probably talking about this day and time. The voice spoke again, tell my people that I tried to wake them up through powerful storms, fires, and we say, I mean, remember the California fires? Okay, floods, earthquakes. But even then they wouldn't wake up. This is why I'll pour out my wrath when they least expect it. Why? Because big ministers are patting them on the back and telling them everything's okay. This is not the judgment of God. He loves you, yeah, you don't love you. He loves you enough to sin trouble, so you'll stop saying repent and turn to him. This is God's revival starting. The angel gave me a scripture, Joel 2, 12, therefore also now say the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. Why didn't sound like everything is okay now, does it? Read your heart, not your garments. Turn unto the Lord, your God, for his gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Out of these things, the cloud and the angel begin to fade away when I woke up, I was wet with sweat. Now let's jump to more breaking news, came to me in an email. The hospital can no longer sterilize equipment. There are so many bodies and cars, you can't count, bodies are laying everywhere. By the way, I've got this in several emails. There's no aid except rescues. A hundred times more dire than Katrina. Rescue hasn't even started in most areas. Zero federal help, they're heard that a lot. Death toll from Katrina, about 1,600. This will go way past that. There are thousands missing. Which is another good reason why you better go to, get yourself a water filter. Have it on hand, it'll save your life and a lot of people around you. So this is back in a way, during praise and worship, Prophet Leslie got this word. I hear the Lord saying, do not be looking at my earth, the way it's being portrayed today. I'm the creator of your earth and universe. I hear my people crying out for green, but how the Lord thy God will soon be pouring out red. I see death. Many churches that say my name have begun to worship and across spirits. They worship something other than me. Those that are saying the earth and the things of the earth is God would be destroyed. In other words, climate change, green earth, okay? Things like that. This is not God. Yes, my earth is crying out from pollution, but it is not pollution of what mankind is doing, but from the sins that are soaked into my earth. I'm beginning to flood different parts of this nation to show you this into this nation need a great cleansing. I want to cleanse them. As the floods come, you will see a dark residue left on the buildings. It would be decay on your buildings. A line will mark where evil was. A sign my floods came to wash. If the floods do not cleanse the land of the sins, then I will sin fire as a nuclear. The redness of the blood is coming on this land because the sins have not been removed. My children, my children do not turn and worship of the gods and begin to say, my name when you are doing things that are not of me. Meaning this nation are worshiping pagan gods. Do not come to my church and worship pagan gods. There are many huge buildings that have the name of Christ on them, but will fall to the ground and be destroyed. I want you to be strong in me. My earth is crying out, but from your sins going in the ground. Let not the earth be polluted by you. Repent today those things that you have done, wash yourself clean. Let there be a cleansing, every newing of your mind. Do not be caught up in the cares of the world for the world is crying green, but I will show them red. I will show them blood. Do not be caught in the worshiping of my creation. Rise up and worship me the Creator. There is a line being drawn, a great separation. There is going to be war between my people. It will look like it's between godly Christian people. This will become a laughing stock among other nations and religions when they see god's children fighting each other as in a civil war that's coming. Do not be caught up in such foolishness. For the number will be much bigger on one side, but it's nothing but pagan out of worship. It will rise up and continue to grow. You may think that this must be a way to go, but I want you to stay on the straight and narrow path. Stand firmly on my side. Be strong in my mind and my power. For the spirit of the Lord will be living inside you. Take up the sword and fight in the spirit realm. Do not get caught up in the things of the flesh fighting verbally or fighting physically. You fight it in the spirit realm. For that is where the great battle is taking place. This is the way you will see victory won. Many who say that they are my children will go to the other side, but they are nothing, but antacrosses. Their hearts will be revealed. They have become antacrossed. They will be tearing down the things of me. Yup, we're just starting to see that. Do not be caught in the things of Babylon or pagan worship. Some of the things you must repent of now and not turn back are to our acupuncture, hypnosis, orgies, worshipping mother God and father sky, Easter egg, hunting, coloring, to name a few. Do not submit yourselves to Eastern religions, cultures, pagan worship. These Eastern-type cultures do not believe in Jesus, the healer. They can't call on another master and lie a deceiving spirit another God. They're using things that are not of me. They're using demons to pretend to heal you. You will begin to see it in medicine. There's even going to be a great separation. Even medicine is going the way of pagans. Now the following written by a former event. This is talking about the recent hurricane again. This entire area is a war zone. Even not directly destroyed by flood waters, there are men, women, and children starving without water or sanitation, no fuel. People can't get to any distribution points because they have no fuel. People walking on foot and dragging wagons. The majority of federal and estate assets are being diverted to incorporated areas such as Asheville, Black Mountain, et cetera. And without a deliberate effort, yet into the rural, unincorporated areas. People are suffering. Communities are rapidly moving to isolation and self-defense and policing themselves. There are bodies floating down the rivers. There are bodies stuck in the tops of trees. I've also heard bodies they're finding up in the edicts where the people in the lower part of the house went to the eddy, got caught and drowned. Deserts of children as young as three years old walking through the mud near naked. Crying for the parents, some with ropes, still tied on their arms, attached to broken lumber where clearly their dead parents had last ditched them, trying to save them. Now Demetri Deidomy in 1994. I dreamt that I began to hear thunder and see lightning. The earth begin to move and shake violently. Is that the new mad with earth quite coming? I yield them a family, wake up, because something is happening outside. When I got outside there was such darkness, I couldn't see anything yet. In that great darkness, I could hear the voices of children, women and men screaming. I told my family, be careful how you walk. From the clouds that release this darkness on the earth, I heard a powerful voice say, I'm taking revenge against the sin. I'm taking revenge that they may see my power. With as much as I have blessed this nation America, that is how much I will send destruction. I hope you're listening. I will send storms, heavy rains, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, because I want them to see my power and know that without me, they can do nothing. But the pastors come along and say, oh, this is not the judge would have God. God would never do anything like this. You see a problem? I do. They trust it in themselves and their own strength. That is why I will punish this place. The earth moved as if it were on water. Is that the new Madrid earthquake still coming? The people lived in a complete terror, each one yelling louder than the other, not being able to understand anything. The earth shook so violently that I was unable to walk. Suddenly, during all the tumult, a lot appeared more powerful than I've ever seen. In the shining light, there were two men. One of them said to me, I came to talk with you. I will send great plagues over America, and I want you to be aware. I'm the one who talked with you in the past and talking with you now. I told you what will happen in this place. Be cautious, for the time is drawing near. Then he went to the first scroll. After saying these words, he took out a scroll, which began to unroll very quickly. It was so long I couldn't see it in and on the first scroll, we're written all kinds of names. Inside each name was listed a kind of punishment, or disease, trial, torment. Those names will have to go through what is listed by their name to be cleansed and be able to stand. That scroll was then rolled up, sealed, and a second one brought out. On it was written, peace. Join the Holy Spirit, salvation, victory for those that loved me and worked for me and kept their life clean. Not for the hypocrites, the proud, the boastful, the hateful. The scroll continued to pass by slowly before my eyes until it finished passing. Then a third scroll was opened, which had names written on it also. Yet there was something written only beside the names on the top half from the halfway mark down. By each name, there were flashing stars. I asked, what are the flashing stars? He said, these are those with whom the number will be completed. The seat of God has reached their heart, and is even now working toward repentance. What you're seeing with these hurricanes, and the floods, and the tornadoes, and the earthquakes, and the dollar down, the trouble coming, this is part of God's last recruiting campaign. So is it the judgment of God? You better know it is. The seat of God has reached their hearts, and is even now working toward repentance. When the total number will be complete, all the devastation, meaning the seven-year tribulation, or it may even be the last three and a half years of the tribulation will begin. Until then, I will send great plagues over America that they may wake up from their sleep, which they are sleeping. And from their self-reliance, that they may see their pride and boastfulness. So when pastors say, oh, no, there's not the judgment of God. God never do this. He's loving God. All they're doing is keeping them asleep. What they should be saying is, absolutely, this judgment of God is going to get worse, too. You better stop seeing and repent and turn to Jesus, throw away marijuana, throw away your girly books. You need to get on your face and start asking God to forgive you. That's what they need to be saying. Do they begin to rain ice and hail the people are scatting all over, not knowing which way to go? From the tear of the screams, I will cup. Now, here's another or email that came in from the area. I was talking to a lineman, this is North Carolina, about how he's finding heads and limbs every time debris is removed. Entire communities are just gone, gone, gone. Nothing to repair in some of the areas. No one to even help anymore, just dead bodies with a stench increasing by the day. The death count will be on the thousands. Desperation is increasing. The most vets are lying on the roofs with rifles. Local rural gas stations, markets have clear militias, forming with men in hodgepodge gear and rifles patrolling. We are self-policing now. The meet you did about 1997 again. I was fishing with Sergio and Daniel, his sons, Grandson's actually. Suddenly a moon appeared, which signed exceedingly bright. Six smaller moons came out of the large one. As every moon appeared, it would cause wind, storms, tornadoes to start. The people seemed to be agitated. They were run from place to place. I then told my grandson, we have nowhere to run. There are mountains all around us and the storms are getting worse. And that's the way it's going to feel with God bringing them on, totally surrounded. And we're run, there's no solution. Why? Because God is trying to get the attention of the nation that he loves and the people and he loves so much for them to repent and turn to him. Trees were flying all around, homes being demolished. And although the wind was blown with such intensity, we didn't feel it. In other words, those that live a clean life, God is going to take care of. Problem is, most of the people that call themselves Christians are in Christian name only. Dana was very scared. A man appeared at the edge of the moon, holding a smaller moon in his hand and says these will be just some of the punishments this country will endure through wind, storms, tornadoes, and disasters, I will weaken their strength. Here's another one from North Carolina. Government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of Chimney Rock, North Carolina, and told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies, and all, and the land was being seized by the federal government. A pastor was going door to door delivering water, but changed his request to body bags. They're not picking up the bodies. They don't want to identify the bodies, and they're just leaving them to rot in the streets. In Chandler, North Carolina, 2,000 people haven't had food or water for six days and just got an SOS message out for help. Oh, but there's going to be a preacher to Rapture. Oh, and there's not the judgment of God. December, 1993, Demetri Dataman. This is a prophecy from him, the only one that I know of he gave. Many of those who sit neglectful living in the world and the things of the world, many seek the life on the earth, but they do not prepare themselves to meet the Holy One. In other words, they're having fun. Jesus is coming. Do not be lazy. Terror and great pain is coming upon the earth. The devil will take upon himself power, and he will attempt to make war with the Holy, but Christ, the victorious one, will come and will save his people. Proud men, all those who pretend to be teachers, yet never really living the Christian life, all those who say they worship me, yet their hearts are far from me, says the Lord. I will make them part of the suffering, torment, and terror, so they will call upon me. So what is all of this? This is God's recruiting plan. This is God starting a revival. That's what this is, but I will not answer. What? Wait a minute, let's back up. I will make them part of the suffering, torment, and terror, so they will call upon me, but I will not answer. Why? Because he wanted them to turn to him in the good times, so the bad times wouldn't come. But most of them are saying, well, I'm doing just fine. You know, if it gets bad, then I'll turn to him. The problem is when it gets bad, they'll turn to him if he won't listen. Now, he'll always receive, you know, forgive my sins, put my name in the book of love. Those that today humble themselves and seek me with a clean heart in that day, that's hard day, will be glad and rejoice. The part of the day will increase greatly in this country, and many Christians will fall in his chains because they have dishonored me with their lives and their pride and their arrogance and their vanity, thinking they are holy and worshiping me yet, never really worshiping me. The winds and the storms that will begin against the Christians in this country will take many. Those who remain standing will be very few. Humble yourselves, be holy, seek me more than ever, kneeling before me often, so that in the days, the hard days, I'll be able to save you. Speaking of hard days, right now, I don't know why, we're in a hole, prophecy club, we're in a hole, if you can help us, God has blessed you, now would be a really good time, we need it too. In 2021, I started making bread, and long story short is I believe God showed me that wheat is God's famine food, just like it was famine food, back in the seven years of, playing in the seven years of famine, days of Pharaoh and Joseph, and I believe that that's what God has planned to feed his people, and you get it by going to Three steps, first, you wanna get a machine package, second, you wanna order six ingredients, and watch some videos, download the recipes to be able to make the bread, Most of your long time, storage food, emergency food, all of that, typically, we're talking $19,000 to feed one person for a year. Joseph kitchen can show you how to do it for a read, $1,000 a person, and your kids will actually eat it, and it's actually good for you. Here's some bread that I made. In my case, I lost weight, lowered my blood pressure, gives me more energy, a good morning, slice in the morning, slice in the afternoon, and always a slice for a go-play rack of all. Go check it out, If you don't wanna lose your life's savings, if you have an IRA or a 401(k), the thing to do is call 800-200 gold. 800-200 gold, these folks are Christians, and they specialize in helping people not lose their life's savings in the event of a stock market crash and things like that. Look, most of the 401(k)s, most of the IRAs are in paper, backed by paper, and as Lindsey Williams says, if it's in paper, it's worth the paper, it's written on, you can lose it all. One, 800-200 gold, 800-200 gold. Hey, give 'em a call, don't hurt, don't cost you anything. See if they can give you some good advice. When the suitcase nukes, I didn't say if, I said when the suitcase nukes go off, if you want your car to start, if you want your computers and your refrigerators and things like that, anything with the computer chip to work, you wanna have one of these from, and they have videos up there, it takes about 10 minutes to put on, there's not complicated at all, and if you use word prophecy, promo code, prophecy, you get a $50 discount and it helps you prophecy club. Okay, the very best offer we have ever had at the prophecy club is 40 books for a gift of $100. That is help retrieve one, tribulation secrets in Daniel, God's warnings to America, miss the mark, and the secret door to understand Bible prophecy, I'll explain. As I've said many times in 2017, I memorize the book of Revelation. I've got 30 revelations, divisions, and an audible voice. God showed me a secret door, the word first fruits, which is found Leviticus and also Revelation that links the feasts to the prophecies of Revelation, and perhaps for the first time, Revelation can be understood. One prophetic word said, "There's a lock, I've put over a word in the book of Revelation, I'm going to open it to you." It will turn many books written on the end time message into obsolete books, that's this book, secondly. I put together a collection of the very best prophecies from 32 years in Bible prophecy to me to do to my Michael Baldale, Leslie Johnson, Henry Grover, Shane Warren, Terry Bennett, Maurice Galar, Augusto Prez, Doug Mettsker, Brie Keaton, and more in God's warnings to America. Also, how do you talk to people about the market, especially if they worship another God? Well, simple way is given this book. It's a quick read, takes about three hours to read it, but if they'll read to three pages, they'll probably read the book, and if they read the book, they will never take the mark of the beast. It explains both the mark of the beast and also the number of the name, and it has these pictures in the book. Finally, how pre-trib won? This book explains the truth about the rapture. It gives four foundations for the real truth about the rapture, it also answers 25 pre-trib questions, one for 20, each one of these typically, but don't do that. We offer them in shrink wrap sets. The very best deal is go and get the entire 40 book set for $100. I didn't cover every verse in the book of Daniel, but didn't need to. I just covered the verses that has to do with us in time saints. And it's called Tribulation Secrets in Daniel, one for 20, 10 for 30, 20 for 50 at (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)