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Spirit of Prophecy Sunday Service 10/06/2024 - Video

Sunday Teaching: Love Language Sunday Teacher: Prophet SoonHe Young

Sunday Message: Heaviness of Heart Sunday Teacher: Prophet Leslie Johnson

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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- Welcome to the Spirit of Prophecy Church. No, we were not late starting today. We had technical difficulties. When we were ready to go, the computer decided it was not ready to go and had to restart, such as technology. But anyway, Lord, we ask your anointing on sin. He this morning, I ask you to fill her mouth in her heart with your words and help us to receive them. In Jesus' name, amen. - Amen, thank you. Thank you. - Good morning, church. - Wow, I am so happy we have so many together here. Praise the Lord. And I know the online people will thank you. You're enjoying us this morning for awesome teaching. So this is the Spirit of Prophecy Church just in case you do not know. The Pastor Louis and I, And yes, and he is coming shortly. And there is the Pullman coming and we need to really lay down our life before him and kind of do research in our life. So it kind of reminded me with the Lord coming back. is Pastor Louis' email. That's his cell number. He's pretty brave, he put out his cell number out there. Yes, if you want a deliverance. And so if you just want to have a conversation with him, don't call him. Facebook, YouTube. Like, share and subscribe. We do have a lot of things going on in our church. YouTube, Pastor Stan also in YouTube and probably Leslie YouTube, Pastor Louis YouTube and also what else? The proper training and Bible study and the prophecy club and you all know that, right? I'm just reminding. So we're gonna talk about love today, love language. It really, I feel like this is the last minute I changed my mind to do. 'Cause I was gonna do something else but this was in my heart so I changed it in the last minute. So the Lord, Jesus, love us so much. And he's saying he loves us. And we say we love him too, right? That's a love language, right? So we're gonna talk about love, but it's love with Jesus and love with ourselves, okay? So love language, what is love language? Wow, what is love language? Okay, this will be the top language because I'm really the English is my second language. So I'm not really perfect at Korean language anymore and/or English, but here I am, so I will do my best through the Holy Spirit. So we're gonna talk about God's love language. Do God have love language? Did you ever thought about his love language? Oh, okay, God has also written a book about the love language in the Bible. It's a purist, clearest revelation of what love really is. So whole Bible is love language to us. We never thought of that way, maybe. Or at least I didn't. In some part I did, like songs and things like that, I thought that was a love language. But it's really the whole Bible from the beginning to the end is love language. So love language referred to way individual, each person expressed and received love. That's the communication, right? And some communication is not through the word, it's through the eyes, it's through the affection, it's through a lot of things. Language doesn't mean you have to speak. So we need to learn how to express ourself in love. That is with the spouse, with children, with our friends, everybody who we communicate with. Oh sure, definitely. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So we're gonna talk about five primary love language. You know, so primary means that just, we're gonna just point this out. Like I'm a hairdresser, so when we talk about hair coloring, there's a primary color, then there's a lot of other colors mixed with that. So primary, that's what it means, okay? So we're gonna talk about the five primary love language, okay? One is affirmation, service, act of service, receiving gifts, giving gifts, quality time and physical touch. So each person has a unique love language that really works and come into them, most within them, right? Okay, so each person has their own love language. So all different love language, basically explain how you prefer your partner or your friend or your children to show their love for you or vice versa. It's not just a couple who's married too, but we have to look at this in all languages 'cause everybody has what they like and what they don't like basically. So if we can find out how this person still, so let's talk about that example. If a bet, if I want to be friend with her and I want to get along with her and have a long lasting relationship as a friend, then I should start studying what she likes. What is her love language? With friendship, at church, at jobs. I know she likes to hug, so she might be the person who likes to do touch, person, you know, someone who likes to be touched and give that touch in a good way. So we need to know that. We should think about it. So understanding love language can enhance communication and strengthen in relationship, don't you think? Definitely, yeah. So if I want to be friend with Marty, then I should study and have that relationship with her and see what she likes, what she don't like, what is her love language is, and vice versa. Then we'll get along better. So really, it's love language really come down to it is unselfishness. When we are selfish, then we always want what I want, what I need, what I think. And that's the way she go. But when you just get about yourself, look at that person and give all your attention to that person, whatever the love language that is, then we will have a better chance. In other words. So love language helps individuals connect emotionally by recognizing the value in each other's expression of love. So the love language, a lot of times, is emotional. And a lot of times I sometimes think, oh men don't have emotion, but they do. They have feelings and emotion a little differently than women, but they do. So we do need to recognize. Yes, yes. We deal with this every day. So if you can connect with that love language with one another, this is how what it happened. See, you connect and become one, and you both heart are happy. Right? So there's five types of love language. So we're going to talk about the world of information. Verbal complement and statement of appreciation, basically, but it's a lot more than that. So world of affirmation typically includes some aspect of appreciation or being complementary. So it will be good to acknowledge when someone is doing a good job and doing something special or even every day. It's never hurt to compliment someone, especially if that's your family, your friend, your coworker, your husband, your wife, okay? And we have a tendency to just look at the negative things, things they don't do or things like that. So but we should really try to look at good things in each person and tell them they're doing a good job and give them the appreciation. So just like this, you're doing great. Give them a compliment and just encourage them. This could include parents, praising the children for their efforts and partners and other, especially if your wife is making dinner and even though you're used to she's doing it every day, but why not? Thank you for that. And why not thank your husband for things they do, even though they do that every day, right? Sometimes just looking at my view anyway to husband, because he's there all the time. And I mean, this way our life is, but sometimes did you ever thought about if he's not there? How would you feel? So sometimes we need to kind of think about, if he's not there, I wouldn't be happy. Two, three days being gone, maybe I feel free for a little bit, but after that, it's not good no more. For example, that's what I'm talking about with Lou. So I don't have anybody else to talk about, but I talk about Lou. So there's some time he irritates me and I irritate him, right? And we both appreciate, but we really not verbally talks about it all the time. So we should say thank you. And I appreciate you more than I have been doing, or vice versa, right? Yeah, because I thought about it while I was doing this and I'm thinking, gee, you know, we are getting a little bit older. I say a little bit, but if Lou's not in my life, what would I be? You know, how would I feel? I mean, I really thought about it. And I thought that's not good, Lord. So if something happens to us, then both of us take us both together, because I don't want to, you know, be just left by myself and Lou's not there. I don't want to be left behind. I want to be raptured with him. So this talk kind of, you know, I will already know this. This is the elementary in relationship. You all know that, but I just want to remind some of this stuff, especially to me, because I am so blessed, but sometimes I take things not appreciated. So I had to really sit down with, you know, about thinking about Lou and some of my friends. And I don't really have a whole lot of friends, a whole lot of friends, real close friends. I know a lot of people, but the Bible say, if you have a few friends, you are blessed. You know, someone who you can trust and really stand by you and tell the rest of the time. Do you have some of those friends? Do you know their love language? Or vice versa? There's some people really irritate you. I have some people, it irritates me, including my children. Then I will eat children anymore, but they're older. Some of the way it irritates me, but I'm sure I do the same thing. So if we know the love language on each other, then we'll get along better. And if we are selfless, that is. So don't forget to thank people in your life. Because some people are seasonal to me. Some people you get to know, there are short seasons there there. Then all of a sudden they're gone. Then there are some people, it's a little bit longer. And you're thinking, I really like these people. I really want them to be in my life a long time. But before you know, then they're gone again. And I thought to myself, isn't me? Is it Lou? It's probably Lou. But Lou puts people in our life. And it's short seasons, some it's not. So we just have to take the time of a relationship and do the best we can and try to really know each other and appreciate each other. And not just think about irritation. And I have a tendency to do that. So anyway, but the God is good. And Holy Spirit always helps us to walk this out. Because we're not children anymore. I'm talking spiritually. We weren't born again yesterday. So we shouldn't be the baby. We shouldn't be a five-year-old in spiritually. Right? We need to grow and eat milk, drink milk. And grow and eat meat and be able to digest it. Yeah. So uplifting positive language will increase their self-esteem. Improve their mental wellness overall. It helps us to have a confidence. Do you ever notice if someone you start an online, but if you compliment them for jobs and things they really do well, do you notice they do better? They do better because that word of affirmation helps them. So yeah, yeah, I do. Yeah. You really do have that gift. And you really are talented. And you know, every time you do it, I really like it. You do so awesomely. So if we say that, I mean, don't say this to someone who's not doing it now. It'd be better to be quiet, right? But if someone is really doing it and they really putting the effort into things they do, it might not be your standard yet, but we should be able to give them a compliment and encourage them and form them. And before you know, they will do better and better, especially children, right? Children. Yes. And it's very important. And we deal with a lot of those things and we'll talk about their childhoods and ministries, but a lot of them, people, especially Father's Connection, they don't have affirmation from Father. They don't have that encouragement with the Father. The Father was there and rest all their life, but they never really encourage them or form them on anything. So they are broken. So this is really important on children and every household. So the Proverbs 25, 11, say, a word, fitly spoken is like apple of gold in picture of silver. Isn't that awesome? So the better word, it comes out of our mouth, encouragement and formation and love. And this just helps people. It helps people. It helps me when Lou say something to me like that. We're getting better at it. Yes? So quality time we're going to talk about. So there are some people's love language is quality time. They want to spend this quality time with their friends, the children. Children's definitely needs quality time with the parents and their siblings and their families. Husband and wife definitely needs this. Especially the people who's working, working all the time needs quality time. Don't say you come home and say, I've been working 12 hours all day long, leave me alone, go away. Okay, that's not good, right? That's a self center, even though a wife understands or the children understand your tire. But we could say it better way, better way. And vice versa, the partner or your friend, your children, you know, if you're not a little one, but they should understand he is tire, she is tire, right? So we need to pay attention to the people who surround us, including you spouse. James 4a, God wants to have that quality time with us too, not just our people. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you, God says, he wants that relationship. He wants that quality time with us. And even from Genesis beginning, he wanted this, he wanted to walk in cool day with Adam and Eve. And he just wanted, he just covered them, he did all this love language, more than this vibe. He made a place, he gave the life, image of him, made it even, he provided everything, he comforted them, protect them, and he wanted to have that relationship with them. That's God's language. God wants to spend time with you. But 24/7 now, listen, that was that is good, but don't just do spending time with God and don't do anything else, then you become problem, right? Yeah, there are a lot of people that you have to be normal. You have to be normal. So it's a Christian gathering, a lot of people, they're all teamed up and they're playing games. But it's always one or two people go off to the highway, never get involved. And you go over there, what are you doing, come over here, I'm praying and worshiping my God. Come on, there's a time and place for all that stuff. So yes, so draw near to God and he will draw near to you. He is with us 24/7, but he still wants to talk to us. And we can talk to him 24/7, doing dishes, doing whatever. You don't have to just sit 24/7 in front of God saying, "I love you." Okay, that's enough. Hebrew 13-5, let your conversation be without competence and be content with such things as you have. For he has said, "I will never live in or for safety." So this is something, it's probably time with your friends and all this stuff, but do the God's way, because he never leave us and for seconds, so we should never be fear of being alone either. God is always with us, always. So just be careful, be careful, don't be religious. So when you're spending quality time with God or with each other, that will be your friend, your children, your spouse, church member, whatever, whatever you decide, whoever you decide you're going to spend time with, you need to give that full attention to that person. Don't look at your telephone, don't do something. One day, I went to talk to Lou at the office, and he's on his computer, and so I want to talk to him. So I sat down, I'm talking to him, "Hey, I need to talk to you, I'm going to talk to you." He said, "Oh, okay, talk, talk on." And he's still doing his computer. So I'm talking to him, he got me irritated, so I said, "Okay, you need to stop." He said, "I want to talk to you." That means I want to look at you eye to eye and have a conversation. He said, "Well, I'm listening. Well, that is not it. That is not it. So, man, if that's what you're doing, well, it could go vice versa, but that's, yeah." And then he said, "Then I complain." Then he said, "I have so much thing to do. I have to do. I'm listening." So this is a conversation that happened with me and Lou. And when he wants to talk, I do listen. Actually, I really do. And I'm used to looking at eye to eye to talk. Really, I don't like, I'm talking and someone looking at someone else. I don't like that, and I don't do that. Most of the time, I think. If I do that, then correct me, but normally, I like to talk eye to eye. And I like to talk in the telephone, instead of texting. I'm sure texting is okay, but if you give me a three-page book, I don't want to read it. Okay, I'm just warning you ahead of time. I will read it if it's really necessary, but if it's just talking, call me. I'm old school. When we choose to spend time with the partner, we are expressing love through quality time. So some people, it's quality time. It's their love language. If you don't spend time with them, they just feel you don't love them. That happens to children, for sure. But with our friends, if you like your friends, you do spend time with them. Like Marty, don't you spend time with tomorrow when she's here? Yes. So you hang out with people who treat you good, who knows you love language, vice versa. But if someone's really irritates you all the time, you cannot stay away. Most of the time, I'm being honest. Okay, sometime honesty makes people hurt, and true hurt sometimes. But quality time be good. Really good. We need it. Sitting on the couch, okay, this happens a lot of married couple or even family. Sitting on the couch watching TV after dinner might not count as quality time. Yes, you're truly connecting to the conversation while you're doing it. So if we're watching something or movies or something, it's good together, sitting next to each other, holding hand and whatever, right? But if you're discussing what's going on in there and things like that, that's a good one, right? But if you're both just sitting there, staring at it, not saying nothing, you are in the room, but you're not in the room. So that's not a quality time. Do you think? I don't think so. Just like when you're sitting, you're all together at the table, but everybody has a cell phone out and they're all conversating with the cell phone. Is that a quality time? Yeah, even to each other. That's not a quality time. So we need to really think about when we're spending time with your friend, pay attention to them, and it would be better to listen than talking. It would be good if we are a good listener and don't cut the conversation off either because what you have to say is so important, you cut them off. That is not good either. Quality time means that something was given to what will be an enjoyable experience for the world. So quality time is when you want to spend quality time, you really have to honor that for the person you're spending time with. So I'm sure Pastor Stan is really awesome at that one. He would just think about how Leslie will just love what, what way she loves her love language and what the quality time is. He pay all his attention to her only. Right? Yes, yes, and Lou is learning from Pastor Stan. So if Lou's not doing good, then I might have to look at Pastor Stan. So what, what, so let me, I'm kind of interested. So what is your love language, Leslie? Yes, do you know? She should know. So, so, so this was about five to seven years ago. Leslie reads this book about love language. Fine, you know, I didn't pay attention to what books she was reading. So she comes to me and she says, what is my love language? English? No. Spanish? No. What is my love language? I don't know. She says, well, I know what your love language is. What? Well, you like hugs, you like kisses, you like me to say nice things, it's a compliment you that your love language. What's my love language? I have to tell you that I love you. No. I said, okay, okay, okay, I give up. What's your love language? She says, well, things like putting the dishes in the sink, picking up your dirty clothes, carrying them into the washing machine, showing me that you care, showing me that you're thinking of me. That's, that's my love language. Awesome. I thought, well, I haven't been talking. So now, since she had this surgery, I have been practicing the love language a lot. She's not supposed to bend over, so the dog poos on the floor. Could you poo up a little higher so you would, so she would not have to bend over to pick it up? No, so I have to go pick it up. I have to go clean it up, but she can't be going, okay. And the clothes now, well, they just set. You see, men don't see dirty clothes on the floor. I don't know if you ladies know this or not, but we, we're blind. We walk right by dirty clothes and it doesn't bother it. But now I've had to start picking them up. Not only that, but I have to pick them up, take them into the laundry room and put them into washer, put in the liquid, turn it on, take it from washer to dryer, and take it from dryer into, I have to all of that. So there's been plenty of love language, and I have to say, I think we've gotten closer because I've been using her love language. Hey man, yes, yeah, yeah. That is right there is an example. I have to say, it's been good. It's been good? Yes, and I'm sure the Leslie, her heart is blossoming with thankfulness, and she's just so happy, he's attending to her. Yes, yes. So, so that's, so, you know, this love language thing to me, it develops when they're young. So it depends on the household, they're growing up. So mother and father is a model, right? So the mother is the service oriented person, and they will learn from mother and father same way. If he's a touch person, he's a loving person, he's kissing person, they will learn that too. So when they grow up, that will be there. Really more than likely, that will be their love language because it makes it different. It makes it different. So if you have a mom and dad who is really well developed all the way around, children will be like that, because they learn from day. It's not what they hear, they see things, model front of us, like Jesus model for us, right? And that's his love language to us. So it's not what you say, I never know this before, right? So when I was raising my kid, I tell them all the good things, what are they supposed to do, but I wasn't a good model for them, so they learn from me. So then I'm trying to fix it at my late time of my life after I got to know the Lord, and it's, it's tough. It's tough. So the young, young mom and dad, to do your job best you can, and to be. Yes, be a model for your children. You say it, and you do it. You say it, and you do it, and you show it, because that's the word. Word of God, right? You teach them all of God so they know which way they can go, but you also have to show them. Show them, because it's so important, and you got to spend quality time with them. You got to play this puzzle thing, you got to play drawing, you got to play all this thing. If they want to play dog writing, then you got to do that too. What them? You got to do that. You got to do that. So, X of service, X of service. I would say that is my love language also. If that's not, then I'm irritated. I'm irritated, right? Yeah, so I mean, I like all five and more and all that stuff. But if this is not done, ooh. Okay, John 1345. So he writes from the supper, and he lay aside his garments, and to go to town, and go to himself. Guess what I'm going to talk about, right? John 1345, after that, he pour water into the basin, and begin to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel where he was a girl. Then after he got done, you know, he put his thing back on, and then he went on, right? So he spent time with his disciples. He teach them, he comfort them, he did all this, and he eat with them, but he also served them. God came to the service. He came to service. You know, so that's why the Bible is a whole Bible is a love language. Did you ever really sit and read through the song of song? Sometimes, oh, is this Bible? Really? Kissing and going on, and oh, wow. Yeah, all this beautiful bosom he talks about, all this stuff, some of the song. If you haven't read it, read it. Okay, it's a part of it. So here's Jesus serving. So if he can serve us, what can we serve? He would serve us. Okay, he is a model. We are his children. So acts of service, still is acts of John 13, 16, very, very easy unto you. The servant is not greater than his Lord. Neither he that is sent greater than him, he who sent him. So the Lord is saying, serve one another. You're not that great. That person in front of you are greater than you. So if we put ourselves as last and put this person, either that's your children, your friend, your spouse, your teacher, your coworker, if we start thinking that way, or least to remind us that way, I think our service will be better, better, right? So sometimes for me, since I am in the ministry, since I am older, since I've been through the life a lot, so I have a tendency to teach more than I do serve, but it's more teaching. More correction, more guidance, more that way. So sometimes maybe I need to be quiet and just serve, right? Because I have to reflect myself as I was doing this and I was thinking about me also. So just humble yourself before God and man, right? Then God don't have to lift us up in his hand. People will be rejoicing because us, because you. How do you show you love to other to the service? Do you really serve people or do you want to be served? I will try to serve Lou. I do pretty good, I think. I do pretty good. I do keep him. What do I give you? First thing in the morning? No sugar, yeah? Kiefer, I make a homemade kefir, so I give him glass kefir every morning. And I do ask him if he wants some breakfast, I do make him, but he don't like the way I make. So sometimes he do. He likes his eggs runny. I mean, almost raw. I like to cook a little bit more. But yeah, sometimes he make it, but I will try to do his way. And I do serve him. I try to make something, but Lou is not a really picky eater, so I'm really blessed by that one because some man is really hard to please with food. So, but Lou is not that way. And I'm not eater, so good combo. Yeah, so service. So how you serve? Do you pay? Pastor Jonathan, do you know the love language of your wife? Point one quality time. Okay, how about you? Physical touch, but if you have to choose one which one quality time, wow, that's a perfect match. Hey, okay. All right. Yeah. Awesome. So we should know, we should know. I need to know what Eric's love language is. If I know, I will get along better with him, right? Yeah. Okay. Then I already know. Okay. And John Victorson, I know his love language. Yeah, after eight years of going on nine years, I know. Okay. What is his food too? The first thing he come, if I know he's coming, I'm preparing what he likes. Simple one. I'm not talking. Yeah. Rice and soup and egg. So he's really easy to please. Right? So I tried to make sure I have it. I make it. That's what they say. Yes. And he eat all my salt. Yeah. And it's okay. So focus on doing activities that makes life easier or enjoyable for the other person, such as running errands and things like that. Okay. If for some men's, they don't do anything. They come home, they're tired, and they just sit. They just want to sit. Okay. So then, so just do something, get up and, and do something. And pick up your socks and underwear and put it in laundry and all that kind of stuff. And don't just don't see. I mean, I don't, you know what, Luke too. He's right front of him, but he's don't see that. He just sees what he want to see. So that's what happens sometimes. Yes. I mean, I just can't believe it. So I picked up some tomatoes. So a little is this. That's it. So I had a little cherry tomato, maybe 30 of them. And I have picked a bunch of green one because he likes fried green tomatoes. So I have that. So then I separated that towel after I washed them, said it there. And he went and picked up all the red one. Then he asked me, where's all the green tomato? I said, right next to that red tomato. She looked at me. I said, yeah, you just picked up all those tomatoes. It's right next to it. You didn't see it? You just looked at me. I go, Oh my goodness, Laura. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. So I just went on with it. So picking up dry cleaning. If that's what you're doing, grocery shopping. Luke does really good at that. And he does really good household. He even does dishes. So that's the only thing he doesn't do really is the vacuuming so far in my house and laundry, laundry. But he does really good. He's a really good husband. Good man. So do service to each other. Do what it needs to be. Then go on beyond physical touch. Physical touch. This is something mostly men when they think physical touch is sex, but that's not it. It's a part of it, but it's not it. Do you know, I talked to many ladies in ministry. They say some of them, not all of them, some of them say when their husband come close and begin to hug and kiss them, they run away. They don't want to engage because they know what's coming next. Yeah. So, so I said, well, that's a marriage couple. You know, you're supposed to be affectionate and all that stuff. Not five time, not 10 time a day. I mean, this is a sex addict husband. So that's why we're doing the ministry. Right. So man, if you're married, don't do that. Yeah, don't do that. That's not a normal. Then you need to come and see Lou. Okay. So that's it's not. So touching is really good. And it needs to be. You know, when babies born, soon as they're born, they need to be touched by mom and dad. Okay. And that bonds that begins, that begins. And so if you are the parents, you know, not not because you have to take care of them, but touch them in a way. They receive that love. They know, they cannot articulate, but they know, they know to receive that touch from you. They know if you're irritated, but you're changing the diaper and your grumpy and this, they know, they receive that. See, so whatever you're doing to them, or, or, or taking care of them, they receive silently, they know, it goes inside. So just know that. And you, your partner, your wife and husband, you just the same thing. They know, they know genuine love. They know when your husband approach you with really, truly love without thinking about sex. They also know that. Right. So just to be mindful of that. And Jesus, Matthew, eight, three, and Jesus put forth his hand and touched him, saying, I will be now clean and immediately his lapacy was clean. So the touching should be healing. Touching should be the conversation without talking. Okay, you can, you can talk to someone with just eyes, a notch, or touch, right? And anymore, if I look at Lou and I, I can kind of know what he's thinking. If we're watching something, we hear something, I know what he's thinking. And then we're talking, we, we agree, we both thinking the same thing. So this is really Jesus touch. Every time he touch is good thing. He always gives, right? Yes. So with Stan and I, for ever since we've been married, we've been married 41 years, we're almost 32, and we've always had just our special touch, our love language to each other without anybody else even knowing. And so like he might put his hand on my back or put my hand on his leg or whatever, and we, the first one goes, just taps three times, I love you, and the other one taps back for, I love you more. And so it's just like, it's just a constant, I think it's good for, for couples to have some kind of just, you know, their language. I mean, something that just say I'm thinking about you right this moment, and just touching them like that, it really makes a big difference, I believe, in marriage. So if you don't have that, figure out what you want, then you can borrow ours, okay? That would be fun, wouldn't you think? They have signal to each other with love language, silent love language. That sounds fun to me, Lou, you and I had to do that. We don't have one. Yeah, you're right? He's just sitting there like, I'm hearing something I never heard before. Anyway, so touching is very important, okay? So the Jesus touched us, he touched us every day. Psalm 73, 23, "Never the less I am continually with thee, thou hast a holding me by my right hand." So this Psalms, the baby talks about God touching his hand, right? He's always there with us. So touching is important. Physical touching, we can use a word of affection to communicate much of our love, but sometimes wordless moment of physical contact can say much more. Sexual touch definitely falls in this category, but it is far from the only way to express our love language. So learn how to do that. What you've found in the ministry doing a couple of connections often matter much more than sexual touch. So little touches, little things you communicate with is a lot better than actual touch of sex. Mostly it's from ladies, okay? So now I'm going to quickly just go over. It's a gift. One love language is giving a gift, receiving a gift. Fusion 289 for by grace, you have saved through faith and that it's not over yourself. It is a gift from God, not of works, at least any man should boast. So when you give gifts, it's not for wasting. When you give gifts, it's not for, "Hey, hey, hey, you know, look at how much I'm giving you or what did I give you?" You do with pure heart, pure heart, gift. Roman, but five-eight, but God commanded his love towards us. In that which we were yet sin or Christ died was he died. Not just die, I mean he suffered before he died. So everything we do acts of language of love, we die to ourself. When we die to ourself, I motive our thoughts and our calculation and all that, then it's good gift. Good serve, good touch, good everything. So tangible gifts and physical symbol of love, receiving a gift. The weather homemade or store-bought gift signal love by showing that you'll consider what the other person might want or need. Some people it's hard to give because they got everything. "I'm already going to give them." Oh, money, okay, yeah. And then you are willing to make a sacrifice or time or a resource so they could have it. That's a good gift from heart. And it's not just talk, it's tangible, you know it, okay? So if your love language is not bad, this is what happens. One another, you, you, men trying to show their love to this woman, but this woman's love language is totally opposite. So we need to kind of figure it out what love language works. When your love language is not bad, it's what I'm almost done. Couple are frequently mismatching their love language and that can make heart to feel satisfied in their love language or though it makes it different, difficult on their relationship. Often people pair up because their personality complement each other in the way, but if they don't have, they don't understand the love language, they have a difficult relationship basically. So we need to listen closely to our partner love language and not just partner, but your friends and your co-workers and your children. I'm going to just end it here because we all know what we're supposed to do, but this is a reminder for all of us, especially for me. So thank you very much. God bless you. Have an awesome day today. Thanks for coming in and spending time with us and quality time in God. Good morning. Welcome to Spirit Prophecy Church. So happy that you're joining us today. And I am thrilled to be here living in Plano, Texas, and it's not in the hurricane. So Lord, I just before we even start, Lord, we just pray for these people in all the hurricane affected areas because I don't want to forget them. Lord, I know that they feel like they've been left alone, but you're going to be able to be there to let them know that they have been not forsaken. They've not been forgotten. And so Lord, we ask that you just encourage them and give them all that they need. And Lord, we pray that the right people will come in to help them and serve them and give them all the resources that they need to rebuild. And also this hurricane that's coming, this Milton is his name? Marvin. I don't forget his name. Milton Marvin. So Milton Marvin, do you know there's a hurricane Leslie out there now right today? And I said, she's not going to affect anything. I don't want to have that on me all my life. Anyway, Lord, this hurricane that's headed right towards actually my family that lives in Florida. I mean, from Fort Myers, Tampa, Orlando, and Tallahassee. I mean, we just declare right now that it's going to dissipate and go. We have authority over you in Jesus' name, and we thank you for that. So now with that, I just encourage you to come and visit us here in our church, physically come, and we thank you that you're watching online. And some of you just, you live far away and we're glad that you're joining us. But if you can physically get here and be with us every Sunday, there's so much more to our church than just watching online. We're a very loving church, very giving church, and we have a lot of good times together, shipping one with another. So come and join us. We'd love to have you. And with that, I wanted you to talk about our Honduras signup for people that are right. Yes, okay. So the Honduras mission trip is coming up. We have a wonderful team going again. They leave on Friday the 11th, and they will be returning on October 21st. So we've got 10 days that we need people to sign up for for prayer and fasting. Basically the fast on the day you sign up for will be from midnight to four p.m. So easy to do in praying for them throughout your day, even while working or doing whatever the things you need to get done that day. Just because when you get a minute and can sit there, just pray continually. And I will send out reminders for everyone for the day you signed up for. And it will also have a little bit of the itinerary so we can be a little bit more specific in our prayer. So if it's a travel day and they're traveling to or from somewhere or going out to do whatever ministry will be able to specifically pray for that on that day. So everybody should be able to do this fast. It's from midnight to four p.m. I mean, I take for, you know, I take vitamins and things in the morning. And so I'll get sick the most so I don't have something. So I won cracker. And that does it. One cracker just get something on my stomach and then with water and, you know, it's, I could make it to four. So I believe everybody can do this. Everybody can do this. I can do it. Anyone can do it. Well, we don't want, you know, of course we don't want people to hurt themselves. But, you know, sometimes people use that as an excuse. So don't use it as an excuse as all I'm trying to say. If you have to have three meals a day, then I guess you have to have three meals a day. And I, you know, man, I'd like to be that person. So big meals a day, right? Yeah, right. Anyway, just, I believe it's a facet that everybody can do. Even if they have to just take a big bite, you know, a piece of bread. I mean, one piece of bread, half a piece of bread, fourth piece of bread. All right. Well, thank you, Marty. So you can get that filled up for us today. All right. Now we got a couple of things that are coming up. We have the Thanksgiving dinner at this church on November the 10th. That is a fun, fun time, but we need to know exactly how many people are coming. And I want you to sign up for that, but also to sign up for what you're going to bring that day. And I'll hand this to you soon. I do need some help up here. Sorry. Yeah, including the single people. By the way, how did you enjoy that, that harvest dinner last week? Yeah, that was, that is going to be a tradition here at Spirit Prophecy Church. From now on, that was amazing and everybody brought a lot of harvest stuff. I mean, good stuff for if we could just pack up a, you know, a bag like from the grocery take home for ourselves. It was really, was really good. I thought it turned out really well. Put a note for November the 2nd. That's a Saturday, November 2nd. You want to set your clocks back an hour, fall back, right? We spring forward, but we fall back and that'll be on November the 2nd because that's on November 3rd is the fall time change. There is, can you come up here Brandon? There is some things I want to just talk to you about. The intercessory prayer is. Intercessory prayer is on the 3rd Thursday, which is October 17th. So that's, if you haven't signed up for that to get the email, you want to do that. It's from 730 to 810 p.m. It's so important not only to pray for our church, for the people of our church. For America, for Trump to get in, we're covering, you know, many, many things. And if you have an urgent prayer request, then we want you to let, let us know so we can get that to the intercessory team. So that's on October the 17th. Make sure that you join in for that. Make sure you're already prayed up, ready to pray for others, right? Be prepared because it's, it's only for 40 minutes. And I mean, they're going to tell you the topic. So we're just, they're just going to go through it and you need to be just ready. It's not a time for chit chat and all that kind of stuff. And so we want to make sure we do that. Also on November the 2nd Saturday, November the 2nd is going to be a fun day, a fun night. We're going to have the movie nights called Lina Judas, a little cartoon. It is really good. I watched it. I really liked it. I mean, I know my child at heart, I get it, but I think everybody would like it. And, you know, it's just fun to fellowship with one another anyway. So come on, we're going to watch that with the children and have pizza, popcorn and candy, of course, and cokes, and Dr. Pipper and all that kind of stuff. So don't think you're not going to like the movie. And it's just a fun time to come and get together. And that'll be on November the 2nd. So make sure you sign up for this also. So that handed around. All right, let's stay and we'll get our service going this morning. There's some flowers that if you don't have a flower for the month of October, soon he will hand you one. If you could just let her know you need one. Also sign up for the Thanksgiving dinner. Sign up for the movie night. So I know how many people are coming. And was there another sign up? Oh, sign up for the prayer for our mission. That we're about to go on. We leave Friday. Actually, Tony leaves tomorrow, so we'll be praying here in a little bit for those of us that are going to be going. All right, let's pray. Let's get our hands. Okay, I still want to gather hands till the election. We just want to know that we are in agreement. This is a united force that we are in agreement for what these prayers are there. We're declaring and also for Trump and his family and everybody that's with him and even us that he will get into the office and. You know, he's he's not the savior, but you know, as far as man. We we got to pray him in and you all are going to vote. Correct? Yes? Yes. Okay. The voting begins early on October the 21st here in Texas. October the 21st vote early. I mean, we need to have a note that he said that the Christians are the worst ones. Those are they had the lowest turnout on voting. Should not be. Should not be. And, you know, we can't complain really. We got to vote. We got to vote and we had to have such a landslide victory in every state. It's for him to win because we don't want cheating, etc. going on. But anyway, we're going to pray for Trump to get in. And I did pray that you're in agreement with us. And also we need to pray for Jessica. SUNY, I'd like for you to come up here and pray with me for some of these needs. We need to pray for get her my place. Pray for Jessica. Her blood pressure has been high. Larry and Deborah Lyons. Is there anybody else that has an urgent prayer quest that we need to pray for? And by the way, thank you all for praying for me. I feel great. I really do. It's been minimal pain. Really. I just I'm just irritated because I can't do anything. And I know that Stan's irritated. He has to, you know, he's already told me he's going to start to bring me around. Right. But I love to serve you. But I can drive now. Hallelujah. I feel like a free bird. Just go just go driving around because I want to go drive around. Anyway, I thank y'all for everything and everything is a good report. Everything was wonderful. So I'm so thankful that the Lord is there to take care of us. Amen. Any other urgent needs that we need to pray for? Terry Bowser for salvation. Okay. All right. Lord, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus and we just declare and we are in agreement with these prayer requests that are coming up to the throne of God. We plead the blood of Jesus over every prayer that is coming to you. And Lord, I specifically speak for Terry Bowser right now in the name of Jesus. We call you into the kingdom. Holy Spirit, go and convict him. It's no one comes to the Father but by you. And we know that the Holy Spirit convicts them, brings them into the fold. We declare right now in the name of Jesus that you're going to hear those words coming to meet Jesus right now except him as your Lord and Savior. And so, Terry Bowser, take off the blinders off your eyes, off your heart, off your mouth in the name of Jesus. And so those, all those that have been praying for him, you will receive. You'll be part of the kingdom of God and we thank you. We thank you, Lord, that he'll be coming in very soon and we'll get a praise report in Jesus name. Can you pray for Jessica? [inaudible] Father God, I thank you so much, Lord. And we bring Jessica to your throne room, Father. And you are loving Father, Lord. You know what's going on with Jessica. So, I ask you to just come into her heart right now in her physical heart and also her spiritual heart to you to come in and begin to touch her, Lord. Jesus, you come to heal the broken heart. You come to just set us free from all things, Lord. So, it's already been done. So, I claim full recovery of the blood pressure. You have no right in her. I command that high blood pressure to be gone from her now in the name of Jesus. And right now I speak to her body and be set free now in the name of Jesus and every part of her body, line up right now in the name of Jesus Christ. And we'll cover that with the blood of Jesus and you will function perfectly and you go down to 120 to 80 right now. In Jesus name, you will not harass her anymore. And she will recover from the grace of God. And the healing touch of Jesus coming to her now and be healed now in Jesus name. Amen. And I speak for Larry and Deborah with just different ailments that they've just been suffering with. We miss you here physically. We thank you for your watching online. They say hi to all you, by the way. And so, Lord, we just declare there's a healing. The healing, Lord, from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, we declare a healing anointing to them in the precious name of Jesus. You are the great physician, the one that heals. And so, Lord, all the things that are going on physically in their body that is not a Jew, we command those evil spirits out right now in Jesus name. Give them a longer life in the name of Jesus. We thank you for it. Lord, you are not done with them yet. And enemy in the name of Jesus are trying to come in to still kill and destroy and tell them time is up. We know the time is not up in Jesus name and they will be healed and they are healed in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. All right. Praise God. Y'all may be. Oh, we need to pray for Trump. Sorry, I didn't pray for Trump. So, Lord, we are just, I mean, all lock arms, the stock arms here. We are a small group here, but those online that watch it is big. It's like 2,500 a week. So, we thank you for, Lord, if they're watching at home right now, we just ask that they just lock arms and declare that Trump has the victory. And then it's a landslide across this nation to give out that warning. Give out that warning to these, the enemy out there that say you have been revealed and we're done with you. Let this be, vote straight Republican Pastor Stan says, vote straight Republican, okay? And the name of Jesus and everybody that's 18 and older, go vote and go vote early and Christians. Get off your, your, what do you call it? Kister, your Kister and go vote. And here in Texas, find out if you live in a different city than in state, you need to find out what is early voting for you. Because the sooner we can get in there and do this, it's going to be much better for us and pray for those that are in the hurricane situation that their votes are counted. Amen. Their true votes are counted and there will not be any kind of lies. We cancel those plans and attacks of the enemy in the name of Jesus of cheating. And so, Lord, we just come to you and we pray for Trump and his family and that he's protected and everybody that's with him, that he's protected, that he has his armor on from his head to his rear, the back of his backside. And we thank you, Lord, that you spared him so many times. We declare a victory for him. We ask that there be a victory for him. Lord, we know that you're our savior. It's not Trump, but we ask that you speak to him. He hear your voice and then he obeys your voice and he does not back down. And Lord, we do fight, fight, fight with him in the spirit. We fight, fight, fight with him in our votes and we declare a victory, a victory for all the Republicans out there in Jesus precious name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. God bless you. All right. It's time for offering. You may be seated. Good morning, everyone. How are we today? Good. Look at all these pretty faces. Guess what? It is time for offering. Wow. What a privilege it is to give to the Lord, isn't it? He spoils us. He spoils us. So here at Spirit of Prophecy Church, we do the prophetic act of bringing your ties to the storehouse. So the purple offering plate, if you would please, for the church. And this one here is for missions, and we are leaving this week for Honduras. And seven of us, right? Tony leaves tomorrow, I believe. Yes, thank you. We did reach our goal for Honduras, but pastors stand last week, call out for an offering for missions for $10,000. And I know that there's some big, I'll just say corporations, somebody out there is listening, you're running a big corporation, you don't deal in thousands, you deal in millions. And you need tax write-offs. In the end of the year is coming up, I would ask that you do a $10,000 check, or more, or more, to Spirit of Prophecy Church and near-market missions, because we're already planning two more Pakistan in March, somewhere around there. And Cambodia in June of July. And just for seven people to go to Cambodia for airfare, I think, is almost $13,000. It could be $14,000, and we've got a lot of things happening in America right now. We just had Feast of Trumpets, now we're in 10 days of awe, we've got the Tomah coming up, and we've got the hurricane on the east coast, we've got war in Israel, a lot of things happening. People are afraid, we'll hear at Spirit of Prophecy Church, we're not afraid, we're not biting our nails, we're not setting on our keister, we're going to vote. But we are making plans to move forward to save souls, preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and those type of things. And of course you can be a part of that by sending in finances, so we thank you for those that have, but I'm calling out a special person to make a $10,000 check and send it in ear-market missions. And you can be a part of the blessing that we will be a part of. You don't have to go, we'll go, we're not afraid, we'll go to the mountains, we'll eat the, you know, ant soup and, you know, all the things that don't, you know, sweat, you know, shower with a bucket of water over her head anyway. So thank you in Jesus' name, let's pray for the blessing of the offering. Before giving in joy, receive it in joy, ask you to bless the people back, 30, 60, 100 fold, not just in finances, yes in finances, but in fruit that they have been praying for. I ask you to hear the cry of their heart and answer their prayers and the things that they're asking you to do. Touch them for healing, touch them for finances and touch them for relationships and let them know that you're with them and back them up for it when they step out. I ask you to call this out and say thank you in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name, amen, amen, amen. There's joy in the house of the Lord today. Amen. Hi. Hello. Brandon, you too. Stay up here. Good to see you there. So there's seven of us going to Honduras, if we got to pray for us earlier, so we're going to do that right now. We're going to call the Las Ciette, and I'm not going to say it right because I can't throw my tongue. Guerrero's. Yeah. Right. So that means that we're the, we are. Can you say it? Guerrero's. And he means that we're big. The things are warriors, right? Didn't that mean that we're warriors? So we are going to battle and we are going to come back, not wounded physically, not even wounded spiritually. We're going to be uplifting because we're going to see the hand of God. Amen. So we want to have the gallows pray for us that are going. Tony's not here because he leaves tomorrow, so he's packing. So we need to be praying for him also for Tony also. All right, I'll go first. Thank you, Heavenly Father, because of this group that's going to Honduras, so God, you knew that even before the foundations of the Earth were laid, that they were going to embark on this journey, and they're going to spread the good news, the great commission to the land of Honduras, so God, we thank you Holy Spirit of God because you have gone before them. You're going to level down the mountains. You're going to cut down the bars of iron. You're going to fight in their, in their behalf of God. You're going to be with them in their midst, oh God, as they go, as they come back, as they go to bed, as they arise, as they do whatever they do. Holy Spirit of God, we know that you're going to be with them, oh God. And even as they go to do the works that you have sent them to do, the Bible says that great are works and this you shall do. So we know it's because of the power of the Holy Spirit. So as they go Lord, we ask for miracles, wonders, and just testimonies upon testimonies, oh God. You're calling them deeper so you can show them your love. So even as they go to minutes that made they experience you in a deeper level God. We ask for the protection that comes from above, the link angels, the warrior angels to surround them. With every plane they're going to embark on, every Nissan public means of transport they're going to take. You're going to take them safely and bring them back, my taking of glory. We thank you for provision, we thank you for grace. We pray that they shall receive a Rema word, a word that they need to hear at this time, and the land shall receive them, oh God. That land we pray that their fertile ground, oh God, that the word of God shall grow, that they shall be open to hear about the prophecies. The Bible prophecies that Pastor Stan is going to speak to them about, that they shall open their minds, open their hearts, oh God, and they shall grow in the mighty name of Jesus. We bless you, we honor you in Jesus' name I pray. Almighty Father, we say, oh, it's all right. King of glory, we give you all the glory and honor. We even give you this team before you, O Lord. We know that from the beginning of time you have anointed and ordained them to go to the ends of the earth. Right now, in the name of Jesus, we command every single step of theirs, O mighty Father, to be blessed and to be strengthened, O mighty Father. Holy Spirit, we worship you. As you go before them, I pray, Father, that you would level down the mountains and cut down the bars of iron and Honduras. We pray, O mighty Father, for every single soul out there, that it would be prepared to hear the word of the Lord. And the same way that we are singing here in this church, our chains are gone, O mighty Father, we are believing that their chains have been broken in the name of Jesus. We command the spirit of the Lord to go before us. We also, in Jesus' name, we ask for your spirit of love and grace to cover them, even as they go before them. Even as we leave O Lord, I just pray, Father, God, that you would bless this time, that you would strengthen the very feet of your servants here, and that you would give them grace, O mighty Father. We love and we worship you. We are waiting upon you. We're waiting upon the name of the Lord for salvation and for a good word, O mighty Father. As we continue to fast and pray for this team, O mighty Father, give us a strength and give us the utterances and the words to pray for them, to uplift and encourage them as they are on the plane and even away from us. We are expecting a good report, O mighty Father. We love you and we thank you in the name of Jesus. We pray. Amen. Yes, give the Lord praise because he's sending us out. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh, you have something to say that? I have that come up here, too, because he's been on missions. He knows what it's all about. He's been on two missions, and I know he's going to go many more, so, yes, please pray for us. Heavenly Father, we come to you, just boldly into your throne room. We actually ask a new anointing to come upon this trip to that view they would, when they walk out there, and step onto the land, it's claimed for you, that they would be actually walking, and they would see you, God, that everywhere that they go, that the enemy would run, and that you would be there. That they would ask and inquire, who is Jesus? What is Jesus? And that I want to get to know Jesus, and I want to come closer to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah. Now give the Lord praise. Hallelujah. Yes, he is going before us. Hallelujah. Thank you all. Thank you, warriors. We thank you. He's been tapping me all morning. I love you, and I get to say I love you more. Right. Right. Okay. I win. Go ahead, pray for me. Me, prayer. Amen. Lord, we love you so much. We thank you. You're so good. You're so good. You're always so good. And Lord, I ask that you would bring your anointing into the congregation this morning. That every person would be touched by your spirit. That is what we gather for, to worship you and be touched by you. And Lord, we ask you to fill Leslie's mouth and heart with your words, your fire. And that you would bring forth your message to your people, and we would receive it and remember it and be changed by it in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you. I still get a kiss after 41 years. Amen. Yeah. All right. So I knew Tuesday of this week what I was going to be bringing the message on for you guys. And I realized that before I even get into the message, instead of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior at the end, it must be done now beforehand. Because that is the name you're going to call upon if this is an issue that you're going to need to call upon Jesus. And the only way you can call upon Jesus and have your answers of your prayers done is that you accept Him and you know Him and you believe in Him. And He's your Lord and Savior. So I just ask right now, if you don't know who Jesus is, today is your day. But today is your great salvation. We thank you, Lord, that you've come to, that you can call upon it, that we can call upon your name. So pray this prayer with me. Dear Heavenly Father, I admit that I'm a sinner. I confess with my mouth and just pray with me and believe in my heart that Jesus is Christ, the Son of the living God who died on the cross. I rose three days later and sits at the right hand of the Father. I accept His blood to wash away my sins, write my name in the book of life, keep me holy, and save me in the day of trouble in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen and amen. So I'll go ahead and tell you all you need to share this with your friends. If that's important to do that, click on like and share and subscribe. And you can also donate to this ministry by clicking on the link below. And if you need to get a hold of us, the information is on your screen right now, the contact where you're supposed to email us. And also I would like to know if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we want to know, you need to confess with your mouth that other people know that Jesus is your Lord and your God. Amen? It's so important that we let others know. So what I've done is that the Lord spoke to me and I didn't know, and I'll tell you this story in a little bit, but I didn't know that I had the message on Tuesday and I didn't know by Friday I was going to go through this myself. So heaviness with heart is what I want to talk to you today. You know, there is a spirit of heaviness. We know that. It brings you down. And we also know that we just allow sometimes ourselves to get in that depression. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get in that oppression. Sometimes we allow others that from the things that they say put us in that mood, but it's always, you know, the people that have that countenance about that heaviness of heart, it wants to be around them. They're always sad. They're always unhappy. They're always dissatisfied with anything. You know, are you that type of person? Are you, are you, do you make it joyful for other people to be around you? Or is your countenance always down? Doom and gloom and I'm just done. I mean, if anybody should have doom and gloom, it should be stand because he's in Bible prophecy all day long, right? But he's not because he knows, he knows that the Lord is his savior. He knows that the Lord is going to pick us up and take us through whatever we've got to go through. But don't allow your, your countenance to always be sad. Have a smile on your face. I see so many Christians, especially in these other countries and especially the women that have a friend on their face. They think that they're supposed to, I guess. I don't know, but we're supposed to be happy. We're supposed to laugh and enjoy life, right? So don't always have that sad countenance about you because who wants to be around that all the time? It's time to get rid of that countenance that is sad. You know, make yourself say, you know, how happy am I to be around today? Well, if you, if you can't even answer, I want to be around me, myself, then you know others aren't going to want to be around you. Amen? So if the scripture in Psalms 42 11 says, why are thou cast down, oh, my soul? And why are thou disquieted within me? Hote down God, for I shall get praise him, who is the health of my, of my countenance and my God. You know, it's the health of your countenance to know the Lord and to cast off those things that are not from him. To cast off those things that are making you feel down and others that, you know, the words that they have spoken, don't let it penetrate you. You know, don't let those fiery darts penetrate you. You know, kick them off. Just, just get them out of you. Just pull them out one by one if you have to. Just get them out. Now in Proverbs 12, 25, says, "Heaviness in the heart of man makeeth it stoop." But a good word, makeeth it glad, right? Amen? So what happened is that I realized on, okay, Friday, hopefully a lot of you that signed up for the Inspiring Women Conference are beginning to watch them or have watched them or maybe you watched my video since you know me, right? But you can go back in anytime and to listen to these great women of God that are on this thing. Inspiring women's conference, it's on a webinar if you signed up for it. Today will be a question answering time. I'll be on around 3.30 doing that today if you want to log in to watch that. But anyway, so what happened is I started watching this webinar on Friday and I hate to watch myself. Anybody else like that? I'm like, get that woman off the screen right now. I don't like to watch myself. So I started listening to the other ladies. I kind of wanted to see what they had to say because I'm not your average bear out there, boo-boo, you know, just a lot. And I, you know, I don't know how I'm going to come across because, you know, these other women are probably going to be doing something totally different than what I am. But I'm just going to be myself and what God told me to say, right? So anyway, I start listening to them and then thinking, yeah, this is really good. And then I forced myself about 6.30 to start watching myself on Friday night. Stan was doing Bible study and I thought, well, this is a good time. I could like be yelling at myself out there in the other room if I need to. But I got caught up in it. I forgot it was me. I got caught up in the message that this person on the screen was delivering, not realizing, you know, just kind of, you just kind of forget about it yourself sometimes. And so that's what happened. And as it's going along and I thought, yeah, okay, yeah, go girl, this. Yeah, this is, this is pretty good. Yeah, this is good. This is great. Thank you Lord. This is great. And I get down to the 29 minute mark and it just stops. And I mean that heaviness hit me and I kept checking it, checking it. Because it was 54 minutes and 11 seconds that I had originally done. So at 29 minutes, it just stops. I mean, everybody else's wasn't around an hour and mine was only like 29 minutes. It did not get the whole thing. The whole thing did not get put on their website somehow. So I, you know, when you have a spirit of heaviness come up on you. Now this to you may seem trivial compared to some other things that like the spirit of heaviness comes on you. But it's the same feeling no matter what you're going through. I mean, when you have that heaviness hit you, it's the same initial reaction. Same initial, the feeling inside is the same on any situation when that happens to you. And so I had this sinking, sinking feeling inside of me and it was, you know, it was out of my control. It was very, you know, what happened. All these questions going through me and I, I was, you know, started crying and I'm starting to text. I was starting to text beneath because I couldn't talk to Stan and I'm like, this is, this is horrible and I couldn't get a hold of Sean. You know, who's our fixed guide does everything gets it fixed. And so I've got their missed the last 30 minutes of this talk is the best part. 29 minutes was just to get you to listen to me. I, I want the best part, you know, I want to encourage that everybody is watching this at the end. And so I, I, I did. I just had such a sinking feeling and I couldn't control the situation. And that's what a heaviness is. It's like you can't control what's the inevitable that's going on. And so it's again, it's the same initial response all of us have no matter what. Whether you hear, you have cancer, whether you hear your dog just died, whether you hear whatever the news is. It's the same reaction immediately. No matter how much you think, well, that's trivial, Leslie. Well, to me, it was, it was huge at the moment because I was there to do a service. You know, to, I was, I was invited and it was a blessing to me. And so I wanted to do a, you know, excellent spirit job, right? So I finally get a hold of Sean. He had a, he was not near the office and he had to log in to his computer at the church. And he said, Mom, only 29 minutes uploaded to them. And he goes, I see that the original when that should have gone was 54 minutes and 11 seconds. I said, I know, I know, I'm not mad at you, Sean. I'm not angry. I'm just, you're in this situation. Right? And so he goes, let me work on it. He goes. And so I kept trying to get a hold of Jeannie and Mike that are with the here, here, the watchmen ministry, texting them, calling them, emailing them so many times, not hearing anything from them. And they're an hour earlier than me. And I thought, you know, I got to go to sleep after this. I don't know if I'm going to sleep all night because it's, it's just got to get fixed. It's got to, it was all kinds of floods of emotions coming to me. Everything, I mean, embarrassment even, you know, I mean, all kinds of things. Finally, Stan comes out doing the Bible study and he sits down in his chair and he starts to watch his gold mind show, right? I think it's a gold mind show. And so I come over there and I crawl up on his lap and I, I crawl on his lap literally and crying and, you know, whoa, is me and, and tell him the whole situation. He keeps saying, he'll be all right, he'll be all right, he'll be all right. And I'm like, no, it's not okay. But blah, I'm just, you know, all this stuff, pity, all this, everything going on. And so after about listening to me for about 30 minutes, he goes, okay, you done now. I really want to get back to my show. Wrong thing to say, but I didn't react. That's like, okay, well, he did get, he did give me 30 minutes of his time. Patiently, it'll be okay. I'm like, are you listening to this whole thing? I mean, I probably, you know, I had to say the same thing like a thousand times. Yeah, sure you did. He just said, I thought you got to the end. Whatever, but I'm not upset, I'm not upset with you. I just want the whole world to know what you did to me. And I, and I told Satan, I said, I had the heebie-jeebies and I know what the heebie-jeebies are. You know, like, you know, if you're, you know, boy, that scared the heebie-jeebies right out of me. How many of you know what a heebie-jeebies is? No, you really don't. No, you don't really know what a heebie-jeebies is unless you've really been through it. And I've been through it. Stan, when he was, oh, no, one of his birthdays, fifty, fifty-five, sixty, I don't know. You're getting up there, so I don't know what year it was. Anyway, so he, he wanted to do a hot air balloon ride. So it's okay, so I arranged it for him and we get in, he and I get in this little basket. This big man, 350 pound man. If I can house this, I'm going to get up off the ground. And then, Stan and I, and so, you know, we go up. The fire goes up into the balloon and goes up and the bottom of the basket's moving because it's hitting the tree, the top of the tree. You know, barely making it over the rooftops. Okay, and then I look over. Oh, my goodness. That sinking feeling, I mean sinking feeling the heebie-jeebies hit me. And that's why I'm saying, you know, those are just words unless you've experienced something like that. And if you want to see what it feels like, just go get in a hot air balloon. Yeah, they don't tell you. Because then I'm like, okay, let's like breathe, breathe, breathe, ride. And so I'm not going to look over anymore. But again, it's like hitting the tops of the trees. Still, I'm like, are you ever going to get up or are you too heavy for it to get up? I don't know. I mean, and then the thought occurred to me. No, this has got to land. So the heebie-jeebies came on me all over again. You know? I mean, it was not an experience everyone to go through again. He's constantly saying, I want to go up in a hot air balloon ride again. I'm like, well, you're setting it up. You're going by yourself because it won't be me. And if any of you want to feel like a heebie-jeebies come up on you, you can go with him. Yeah, then you'll know what that really means. Because right now I know what it really, really means. So I'm up there in the balloon, and I'm going to put on the garment to praise the spirit of heaviness. Lift up your voice to God, right? Y'all know the song? Pray in the spirit and with understanding. Oh, magnify the Lord. I had to keep saying that, you know? Keep saying that. And then we land. Oh. Oh, yeah. And the thing with you that you maybe don't know, but the basket of the hot air balloon at least ours, it bounces, bounces, bounces, bounces. And then it tips over, then straightens back up, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing. Well, when it tipped over, that big old man fell on me. So I know it was not a pleasant experience. So I had the heebie-jeebies for a while and just thinking about it. And if I think about it too much, I will know what it feels like again. But that's what was happening to me Friday night. Again, don't judge me thinking, "Oh, that's just trivial, Leslie." Well, to me, it was something I was so excited to bring this message to the ladies. I was so excited to bring the message to the people that would hear it because I really felt like it was from God. I mean, Sharonda and Doug were in there. They recorded me. They said, "Lisely, that was really good." Benise edited it. She was like, "This is Leslie." Because I asked Benise, I said, "Don't need to redo it." She goes, "Are you kidding me?" No. No way. And I know from watching the other ladies, my message is somewhat different. But that's okay. You know, I realized that's okay. But never fell. Thank you, Lord. God was in control. And my sister, Kimberly, she watched the first 29 minutes and she said, "Lisely, you're making me cry. You're making me laugh." She goes, "Oh, my goodness. You know, this is so great." And I called her and I was crying. I said, "Well, it only has 29 minutes." And she said, "Lisely, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay because they're going to end up having to send an email out with your name out there so people will go watch you." And I was like, "Oh, okay. Maybe." So Sean fixed it that night. And the next morning, 7 a.m. their time. So I'm calling Jamie and Mike. Leslie, we're working on it right now. We're going to send in an email and sure enough, they did. So if on Friday nights you watched me and it was only 29 minutes, go back and watch the rest of it because that's the most important. That's the best part. Anybody watch it yet? If you haven't had time, go. Did you see it? The whole thing? Okay. You haven't seen it. So go back and go watch it. Again, there's some really, there's other excellent women on there too. My topic is more than a really. All right? It also talks about hope. And I talk at the end about Paris and about my experience with a stroke and how, you know, some things you don't have to just aren't important anymore. Right? And so that's about the whole point of a lot of this is like, yes, there's differences, but some things just aren't worth the argument anymore. Right? I mean, right now I'm having to look at dirty dishes in the sink. I have to keep asking myself, is this really worth it? Just really not. You know, all the unfolded clothes. Is this really worth it? Was it really worth it Leslie? So he doesn't know there's dirty dishes in the sink. Well, now you know, so you can go home and do them. Well, I don't want to have to tell him. If I had to tell him everything to be done, I would tell him over. I mean, there'd be constant. Yeah, he didn't push it again. Yes. Yes, sir. But you know now. I know it's kind of dumb. He said, why do I have to push it to start twice? I don't know. It's just that's our thing. Anyway, so what do you ask yourself? Like, what does your heart look like? You know, this, I like this little cartoon here says, and you listen to it again, didn't you? Yeah, I did. You know, because our heart is deceitful. But it's also deceitful on putting that spirit of heaviness on us. And we allow all that negativity to come into us. You know, the joy of the Lord is our strength, right? The joy of the Lord is in the house today. You know, it's okay to smile. We don't have to look like we're miserable Christians. You know, we need to have people want to be a common Christian because there's joy in us. All right, a true joy. And you might say, well, I've got to get heart, but you know, this mouth of mind. You know, by the way, being a good person is not going to get you into heaven, right? It's knowing Jesus Christ is your warm Savior. So, you know, if your mouth is betraying you, we had a friend that literally for at least a month, it might have been longer. He taped his mouth to keep him from cussing. Yeah, so if you need to tape your mouth, duct tape works, right? Yeah, do some. I know I don't have familiarity with that. I just would figure it would work. I never taped my mouth. My parents might have wanted to a couple of times, but anyway. But the Lord looks at our heart, right? Excuse me. And 1st Samuel, 16, 7 says that the Lord said unto Samuel, look not on to his countenance or on the height of the stature because I have refused him. So what he's doing is he's looking at Jesse's sons and the, you know, one of the older ones that was very, you know, very handsome and tall and, you know, stature was great. And she goes, but I've refused him for the Lord. See if not as man see it for man. Look at on the hour to parents, but the Lord looks on the heart. And so we have to always remember that. Now, should we look like we have a great heart on the outside? Yes, we should, but God is looking at what's on the inside. Now, Samuel went to the house of Jesse to look for that new king and there. Can you give me some water? There were seven sons that were presented to him. And so he's looking around, he's like, because God kept saying, no, not that way, no, not that way, no, not that way. And so Samuel asked and said, was this all your sons, these seven here? And he goes, again, Jesse made seven of the sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said, the Lord has not chosen any of these, not one of these. And then first Samuel, 16, 11, 12 to 13 says, and Samuel said into Jesse are here all by children. And he said there are, they remain young, yet the youngest. And behold, he keepeth the sheep, and Samuel said into Jesse, send and fetch him. Let me get a drink right quick, folks. And behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said into Jesse, send and fetch him, for we will not sit down till he come hither. So he's like, I don't want him, I don't want him, I don't want him. Guys, go get him now. I need to see who this one is. Go get him now. And he sent and brought him in, now he was ready. And with all of the beautiful countenance and goodly to look to him. And the Lord said, arise and order him for this is he. Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren. And the spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So from that moment, it came upon him. He was calm. God was looking at his heart. It didn't matter that he was what, or probably around 15, I think, or something like that. And in Psalms 1, 19, 11, which is one of the Psalms that David wrote, is this thy word? Have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee? He was, he knew, you know, he was a man, you know, just like the rest of us. And yeah, he's going to sin. He's going to sin. So I asked the soon he to bring me her horn, so far. Now I'll show you something that, you know, when, when the bull lifts up his horn, he lifts up his horn after he wins that battle. He raises his head up and the horn goes up, right? And then that, that raised horn is what? It's a, it's a symbol of victory. I just won. And so you are victorious in Jesus Christ. It is time to get rid of that sad countenance that ugly face you have on your, with the smile, with the frown upon your face. I don't mean ugly physically. I mean, you know, you're, you're, everything's not going your way. Okay. It's not going your way. You can't control that. I'm sorry. We have to realize the joy of the Lord is our strength. The horn is an attack whipping, it goes down and it attacks. It attacks and attacks. And then it means power, glory, strength, authority, honor, dignity, and triumph. So you might ask yourself, what do I have to do to be that man or woman, of course, after God's own heart? Don't we all want to be that? We want to be that. Doesn't mean we're perfect because David wasn't perfect either. The God looked at his heart. The first Samuel said, 40, 17, 47 says, and all this assembly shall know that the Lord's Savior is not with the word, with sword and spear, but for the battle is the Lord's. In other words, he didn't have to go in with all these weapon trees. He knew that the battle was going to be the Lord's. And he will give you into our hands. So he knew before he went. And also, David gave credit to God before he even went. Before the stone even hit Goliath. He knew that faith was going to just enable him because, you know, he was small and stature, but he was going to go do the work. God was sending him out. And first Samuel 24 12 and 13 says, the Lord judged between me and thee, and the Lord avenged me of thee, that my hand shall not be upon me. He already knew that he wasn't going to touch you. It was going to be God that was going to do it. As saith the proverb of the ancients, we can then proceed it from the wicked, that my hand shall not be upon me. So he had faith. He also trusts. He relied on God for what God was going to do. And then he also had agape love, sacrificial love for others. That's another way that you can have the heart of God. It's that he can look and say, that man, that woman. They trust me. They love me. They, who was the first one? They have faith and trust, and they show love. They show that there's agape love towards others. And they're going to pray for even the enemies that are persecuting them. Right? That's what they're going to do. And this was something that David wrote. He knew that we got to pray for our enemies, even before he was facing many enemies. The second Samuel 17 says, then with King David in and said before the Lord, he said, "Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house that has brought me hither to?" So David doesn't take the credit for anything. And that's the way we all need to be. Well, I'm a prostitute and I've got a great, great big ministry. I never hear Stan say that. No, once in my life I've heard him say that. Not once. He gives the credit to God. And that's the way we all need to be. Especially those in ministry, we're going to have to say with a humble heart, we've got to know it is nothing that we're doing. It's nothing of any sort about how wonderful we are. So we've got to have faith, we've got to trust, we've got to have love. And we've got to stay humble. Because David knew there was the Lord that lifted him up and not himself. And then he was always honest. You know, even when it would hurt, you know, sometimes it hurts to be so honest. But it's so important to admit it when it's our fault immediately. And so David took that responsibility. He took it. He didn't try to justify or anything like that. Even when he slept with Bathsheba, he killed her husband, Uriah, had him murder. And so, but when all that happened, then David quickly asked the Lord for forgiveness and restoration. And he felt horrible. He took responsibility for that. And the key is he had remorse. Have you been around somebody that just doesn't even have any remorse? Wow, it's just like, how can you have a Holy Spirit for sure, but that consciousness inside you that you don't even have any remorse? That is a scary place to be. Now, it doesn't mean you beat up on yourself even after you ask forgiveness. And too many stay in that atmosphere also. And they allow them the heaviness to come on them. So David took his responsibility, David had remorse, and he asked forgiveness for the Lord. Also, never ever stop. David never stopped worshiping God. I mean, no better. What is going on in your life, even those that are going through this hurricane situation? You know, never stop worshiping him. Never stop worshiping the Lord. And I, you know, I think that is one of the main reasons that God does look at our hearts. Is are we worshiping him? You know, it stands all the time selling us in your prayer closet worship. It's not the time to just go, give me, give me, give me, give me. It's time to worship him. Worship him, worship him, worship him. Praising. And don't run in high. Just worship. So he was a, he was a worshiper. That's the first thing I believe that God saw in David. Is that he worshiped him. He worshiped him. He was a young lad, but he worshiped him. And we know this, but I think sometimes we just forget. Now the innermost being of ourselves. Jeremiah 17 9 says, "The heart is deceitful, above all things, and desperately wicked who can know it." And that is true. You know, if you start thinking your heart is so good, there's a problem. Because we need to ask the Lord then, say, "What's really in my heart?" And I promise you, you ask that. He's so gently ever starts to let you know. And we need to grow and mature the Lord. And the more years we're with the Lord and serving him, that is so important to do. Because we can get puffed up, prideful, and we have to be allowing God to expose the evil in our hearts. You know, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, right? So if there's deceit, and if there's evil in the heart, it's going to come out. But if it comes out that you better be remorseful and immediately ask forgiveness. You know, that's how the Lord checks your heart to see if you're a man or woman after God's own heart. Do you want that? You have a heart in your pocket, right? Or in your presence that was handed to you? Let me see your hearts. I have a heart. I have a heart. Where's your heart? So you have a heart. So I want you to keep this heart with you. Put in your purse, ladies. Put in your pocket, man. Wherever you'd like to keep it, so that you can always remember this whole heart. This is a symbol to say, "I want to be that man or that woman after God's own heart." It's so important that we have something to remind us. Maybe I'm just not doing exactly right. And it's a smooth stone, you know? It has no powers in it at all. I just want to have you be reminded, reminded about, let's have a heart of God. Let's have a heart of God. Let's be after the man or woman after the heart of God. Now, be honest with yourselves. I don't need to see hands. But do you make excuses for yourself? But, well, if you know, on and on, it's like, no, don't always be the victim. You know, in ministry, we have the opportunity to pray for people. And I'm not speaking of our church here, I'm really not. I think y'all are wonderful. But we've done crusades, mini crusades. We've gone around the world, all these kind of things. And there's people that come, they're always the victim. You see them, you know, like, they come up with the same thing over and over and over and over again. And it's because the other people's fault. It's the other person's fault. If they didn't do this, if they treated me right at work, then I wouldn't react like that. Over and over and over again. God is wanting you to change. He wants you to get the victory. And he doesn't want you to keep blaming everybody else. Don't say it's someone else's fault. And those figures pointing to the other person, God is saying, I want you to look at you. I want you to change. Well, God's name is what? Well, really? No, I think you're born and sin. Right? So we have to start changing our personality for him. We have to start changing our, the personality and just everything about us. We have to start changing our behaviors. We have to start changing to be closer to the Lord. Is this true? Yeah. Amen. Amen. So don't make excuses for yourself and be convicted. You know, just change. Just change. Guard your heart. You know, don't let the evil come in. Don't let those negativity thoughts come in. Don't let those fiery darts come in. All those kinds of things. And then also guard your thoughts. Really big. It's huge. I mean, the spirit of heaviness, that's where it really wants to hit first is the thoughts. Cast them down. All those imaginations. You know, Leslie, you know, I did. I had that sinking feeling. I was out of, I was, I was, I was not in control of the situation. So we can't, we can't control people. We can't control situations many times. And we just have to realize we can't. We just have to turn it over to the Lord. And God made it better. Right? He makes it better. Don't allow the destruction to come in. Now there's, there's questions I want to ask you. So is there daily torment in your mind? You know, hope not that there's sun. So that's the spirit of heaviness. And you want to get rid of that spirit of heaviness. And one of the ways to do it is start reading in the Psalms every day. Read the Psalms a day, every day. I mean, out loud every day, put on praise and worship music every day. But flood your house, flood your house. And it says, put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Right? I'm telling you, if you start dancing around, praising the Lord, it is going to make a difference in your attitude. It's going to make a difference if you're enjoyable to be around. Right? Okay. You don't like your job. Sorry. Keep looking for another one, but don't stop. Right? I mean, you know, well, that person is not exactly fun to live. You know, the other thing is is that we have to realize sometimes like every time we had a crusade, still to this day, we have a crusade, and actually even when we go to the other countries, the Lord always has never failed me in patterns in Pakistan, Honduras, whatever. He'll show me a face and show me in a crowd where they're going to sit. And so as soon as I get up on the stage to look, I look in that position of where they're supposed to be. And I say, yeah, that's the face. And that's my target. And they're almost all the time with a frown on their face, almost all the time with their hands crossed, almost all the time I've been drug here. I don't want to be here. I mean, if I pass, if I can get that one, if I can get that one to praise the Lord, if I can get that one free, then Lord, I know that because of that one, the others are. So it never fails. It never fails. I know. I know who the target is. And I praise God for that. Because if I can speak to that person and start seeing their accountants change on them, the reactions changing, you know, don't give me wrong. I pray for this to happen, by the way. All right? I pray. Show me. Right? It doesn't mean he's just, I'm special and he's just going to show me. I pray and I ask. You got to pray and ask. Right? Especially when you're going to be given a message. Because, you know, sometimes we get up here and we have a message. And we aren't reaching anybody because you didn't reach the one. That's the truth. Because you didn't reach the one. Let that be your target. Now, where was I going with that? So is there daily torment that you're allowing in your mind? Now, I know some need to go through deliverance. There's been hurts from past and all that. I'm not talking about that. I'm just talking day to day situations. There's a torment in your mind. You know, I remember when Paris was born and she only waited a little over a pound. There was one day, one moment, not even a whole day. One moment that that heaviness hit me, fear hit me, and as immediately as soon as it hit, I mean, first, I fall to my knees, that sinking feeling, and then I rise up. I stood up and go, no, I'm not going to accept this. No, and I go into prayer and I mean warrior mode deluxe. Okay? And so that's what you need to do. You can't just stay in that torment because, yeah, it could be a bad situation if you do. Today, Paris is going to be Dr. Paris. We call her Dr. Paris. She has a little doctor's kit and the doctor's gown and also the jacket. And so she's always playing doctor. I mean, I've had my legs cut off and sewn back on. My fingers sewn back on and my blood pressure is taking all the time. I'm getting shots all the time. And she never fails, she never fears going to the doctor because everything happened to her. Never does it cry when there's a shot? She's going to be Dr. Paris. So she told her mom one day, she goes, I'm going to be a doctor. She's four. I think this was even when she was three. That was when she was three. And let's always say that she goes, oh, you are, and she goes, yes. But I'm going to wear pink scrubs. She's like, how do you know you're about scrubs, right? And I'm going to have a stethoscope. She's three years old. She's real clear. I was like, oh, okay. So, Leslie, she's just floored me right now. So we went over. So my eye got her outfit too, but my brother Nikki did. The whole thing, the whole german, took it over there. And so she was so happy to have that Dr. Paris outfit on. Even her little lab jacket says Dr. Paris on it. And she's always telling people she's Dr. Paris. Well, she's going to be Dr. Paris, guys. She's going, she's going, I mean, she'll go with me sometimes to chiropractors. She takes her little mini mask to get adjusted. She helps the doctor adjust it. And so we walk in and go, hello, Dr. Paris, every time. So, you know, I think that we're speaking into her destiny, though. I really do. I think we're speaking, she could be, so let's just skip school right now. Let's just get you in the medical school. Anyway, so what I'm saying is that, you know, we, we couldn't look at a bad situation, but look what God is doing. She's brilliant. She's healthy. She's beautiful. She's just little. She'll just be a little like her brand. But mighty. I mean, with a lungs galore. I mean, we won't go there. So anyway, so yeah, don't make her upset. Yeah. So anyway, don't let David's torment come in until you get rid of it. So I'm going to go on. Do you believe that you can never do enough for God? Like I can't fast enough. I can't pray enough. I can't read enough. I'm not anointed enough. Are you just talking negative stuff about yourself all the time? That's not good. That's causing a heaviness to come upon you. It's causing, and actually, that's really just work performance mindset anyway. Right? So you can't keep saying, "Well, I'm not as anointed as that one. I'm not as righteous as that one. I'm not this or that one. I'm not this and that. And I don't hear from you like you do, Leslie. Well, don't try to be me. I'm fine. Don't try to be me. You know, as friends and parents, pastors, leaders, you know, we can't change somebody. And if you're trying to change somebody as ministers, cause we're a training equipment jerk, if you're trying to change them, you're going to get burned out. Honestly, you can't, you can't always change the mindset of others. And so, you know, if someone's mindset stays on that negative over and over and over again, I move on. Now, there's other ministers that don't, and they're more pastoral. And we had, that's why there's the fivefold. But I'll move on to someone who wants to do the work for God. Thank you, Sydney. My other property are going, "Yes, amen." You know, we point the finger. You better change. You better do this. You better do that. And if you don't, my hands are up, right? Cause it's going to drain you and you're going to get burned out. So don't think whether you're pastoral oriented, evangelist oriented, whatever. Don't try to change somebody because you just can. Only the Lord, if they can do it. And it starts with them, really. It starts with the person making that decision that they're going to change. And they're going to, they're going to change their personality. They're going to become more Christlike. And they're going to stop using this case. Well, this is just how God made me. Well, it's not very becoming. Right? So we need to change. Don't flaunt your gifts. Right? Don't do it. Don't say, "Well, I have this gift and I have that gift and I'm doing this. I'm doing that." You know, you don't need to raise yourself up. God will make the way. It's just a hottie spirit and you don't want to have a hottie spirit. So it's just not a good thing. Before David became a king, he had to endure those tests and trials. And the same thing is going to happen to you. He's always going to test you. Always. I don't care what your ministry is from the cleaning of the toilet to whatever. He is going to test your, your, to see if you're really willing to serve here. And if you're willing, he's going to keep raising you up, raising you up, raising you up. So don't flaunt it. It's not, it's not. We don't need to hear how wonderful singer you are, for example. We don't need to hear how, "Well, I have this word or I have this dream. I hear, I have dreams and everything from God all the time." I don't, I don't need to hear that. Just let God raise you up. Tests are challenging, they're spiritually challenging physically and mentally and emotionally challenging. And, you know, in the process of it, he strips our pride and he strips us for relying on ourselves. And he strips us from doing our own self-real and not his. And God's going to raise you up in his time. Don't try to be somebody you're not. Don't try to give yourself a promotion. Don't try to look at the mirror and see yourself. Don't see somebody else. Okay? Don't try to mimic how Stan does something or how SUNY or Marty or Leslie does something or Eric or something like that. We have to be real. That's one of the things that Stan and I, we have determined in our life and our ministry, wherever we are all the time, wherever we go, we're going to be ourselves. We're going to be, we're going to be the real McCoy, as they say, the real Hatfield too. I don't know. We're going to be the real thing, right? And that's what you want to be. You don't want, you don't want to try to, you know, I showed you a video in one of my talks a while back and this guy was messing up all the words and he was trying to move around and he was trying to, you know, you know, it's time to just get in line with the devil. I mean, it was not time to get in line with the devil. You know, he's just trying to mimic somebody else and how they delivered the message. By the way, I tell you all in my train classes, don't do that anyway, right? So you don't want to, you don't want to try to look like somebody else. You don't want to try to be somebody else. I have people unfortunately all the time. I just want to be like you, Leslie, I want to be you. Why? I don't think you do. Right. We will have a talk later. Yeah, I love you Leslie. See, I had a bag for people to say I love you Leslie. So you don't want to be me. Anyway, trust in the Lord. Don't be wise in your own self. Don't try to open a ministry on your own. You might think you're ready. You might be 40 more years from now. But when a time comes, it is your time. It doesn't matter if it's short lived. You do what God is wanting to do at that time. And people will be benefited from it. David trusts a God. David's hope was in God. David's confidence was in God. David worshiped God. David, after his right before his enemies, and then he also worshiped God after he was delivered from them. So that's sometimes we forget to do it. We worship God before. We worship God after. You're a prayer warrior. You better be worshiped and prayed that before. And then you better be praying and worshiping after you're done. After you have the victory. So just keep on walking. Don't give up. Everybody, swing your arms. Just keep on walking. Keep it on. And just like Suni said earlier, just do it. Just do it, right? Go through that fire. Go through that mountain if you have to. Don't try to go on the outside and skirt it around. You need to get through it. It's time to go through it and allow God to mold you, make you, get you different. Get you changed on the other side. And sometimes we just have to go through things. Sometimes that's the only way that we can do this. Is that God changes us as we go through that mountain, as we go through that fire. You can come on up here. That's the thing you need to do. Choose this day and each day to seek after God's heart. You know, I'm going to have Brandon come up here and see you open the eyes of my heart. The reason I wanted to do the prayer of salvation is that the first because you've got to know Jesus. You've got to know Him. You've got to know Him and you've got to make a commitment today. I'm not going to try to be somebody else. I'm not going to have a spirit of heaviness on me. I'm going to get out of this church and have a joy of the Lord. I'm not going to keep the sad countenance on me anymore because I'm not going to get to do my way. Hallelujah and hallelujah. Get the Lord praise in here. Hallelujah. Worship the Lord. Then you'll be a man or a woman after God's own heart. As came to open the eyes of your heart to show you. Show you what areas in your heart you need to change and work on. May God bless you. We'll see you next week. [BLANK_AUDIO]