
Bava Basra Daf 104

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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"Zero for life of us of Kufdallad the first looking on the daaf the buyer is not forced to purchase the excess land at its initial higher price." The misha says if a buyer is given more land than the base core he purchased the seller can choose if the buyer should return the excess land or purchase it from him. The admirer asked on a rice that says that if the buyer was given more than seven and a half coven beyond the base core we forced the miter to sell the excess land if the buyer wants to buy it. This proves we protect the benefit of the buyer also. The admirer answer that the case is that it was originally expensive and then it dropped in price and we tell the seller if he wants to give him the excess land he has to give it to him at the current lower price. Another price at which states that the buyer praised the original price is talking about a case where the price rose after the purchase. Second so again the daaf if the nine-cavin rule applies even for purchases of many coven. The misha says if the buyer was given nine-cavin beyond the base core the excess land is returned to the seller. Of whom it says this applies even in a bikigadayla even though the excess may be proportionally less than seven-and-a-half coven per base core its return since it's a significant size of land. Avnachman disagrees and says the seller allows seven-and-a-half coven for each and every core and if there's more than seven-and-a-half coven per core and the total excess is above nine coven the excess land is returned. The third circuit on the daaf the buyer may return excess land if it borders the seller's own field. The brice says if the sold field was adjacent to the seller's field even if the excess land was a minimal amount he could return the land because this small land is useful to the seller since it's next to his field. Avnachman asks what's the luck of this separation between the excess land and the seller's field such as a pit an irrigation stream a public path or a river for the daikla the commercial's take up. The first so again the daaf the buyer is not forced to purchase the excess land at its initial higher price. Second so yeah if the nine-cavin rule applies even for purchases of many coven. Third so again the buyer may return excess land if it borders the seller's own field. The symphrabas daf kufdallad is code. The dishonest land seller programmed his sales computer code to intentionally calculate extra land so he could force the buyers to pay for the excess but the plan failed when he lost money to the first customer who was able to buy it at the current lower market rate sold multiple base core to the second buyer and reach the nine-carve limit and retain the property right next to the third so he had to take the extra back. Code reminds of daf kufdallad he lost money to the first customer who was able to buy it back at the current lower rate reminds of the first so again the daaf that the buyer is not forced to purchase the excess land at its initial higher price. He sold multiple base core to the second and reached the nine-carve limit reminds of the second so again the daaf if the nine-carve rule applies even for purchases of many coven and he kept the property right next to the third so he had to take the extra back reminds of the third so again the daaf that the buyer can return the excess land if it borders the seller's own field.