FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Eastern Shore Republican Women's Judy Barlow - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 10-08-24

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08 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to the CHUP4 Show. What if it's thought one oh six five? Two five one three four three zero one zero six. What do I mean? You touch with me, you text me. Text line is wide open and in time permitting, we will get to your text. Real quick rundown, once again, Gary Palmer at about an hour. Congressman from the sixth congressional district. That's sort of Birmingham-ish, but not completely Birmingham. And I'm a Republican party chairman, John Wall. That's a knee eleven o'clock hour. So please stay tuned for that. Joining us now in studio here always appreciative of, anybody who's willing to come in this studio from the Eastern Shore Republican Women's Club, our good friend, Judy Barlow, Judy, good morning, how you been? - I'm great, Jeff, how are you today? - Doing well, doing well. Thanks for coming on, or thanks for coming by. We appreciate it. Let's kick it off here. Well, I mean, we're less than a month out of this election. How you feeling? - We are three Tuesdays away from voting. So we are feeling great. I was talking to someone on the Trump team this morning. Then the numbers are looking good. We still need to get the vote out. As a Republican party, we're not used to early voting. We're used to going on the day of and voting, but we are really encouraging. And we're actually seeing people going ahead and going to the polls, and that's really important. - Well, and you know, Republicans typically, they tend to want to vote on election day, but who knows what happens on that day, right? - You know, it's tradition, but that's where we grew up. That's where we grew up voting is on election day. I went and voted yesterday, absentee ballot at the Baldwin County Place, and that's really easy to find. It's in Beymanette, you go up there, it's at Attorney-at-Law-Will's office. It's one, two, three, Do-Leve Street, and it's a really easy, safe, secure process that they have set up, and in place, it won't take very long to do it. And you never know, you look at the storms that are battering Florida right now, it could easily happen to us. So go ahead and get out and vote. - Yeah, I just November 5th. Well, here we are to throws a little of an election, and all these hurricane, all this inclement weather, sort of creeping away, and we're due. - You know, we are due. We're past due for storms. So, and you don't know what's going to happen in your family life, what the weather's going to be like. So, just play it safe. And yes, we are a safe state for getting President Trump elected, but that down ballot voting is really critical, especially in some of the districts. District two, for instance, is one that Eastern Shore Republican women is working extremely hard on to get Caroline Dobson elected. She's going up against Democratic, Democrat strong figure, Shomari figures. And when I talk about district two, I wanted to read off those counties. So, if you have any listeners that are in those counties, it's really critical for you to get that vote out for Caroline Dobson. And we're talking Butler, Pike, Bullock, Macon, Russell, Barber, Montgomery, Conneca, Monroe, Washington, Northwest, Mobile, South Clark, and Crenshaw. And if you have any questions that all reach out to us at, we're always glad to send you in the right direction. You can go to the Secretary of State's website to get more information as well. But we really need to get the vote out for Caroline. And she still needs help with phone banking and door knocking. So, if you can help, let us know. - She's really, I think, an impressive campaigner. And this goes back, I mean, think about this, Judy, she's been running for that seat ever since that court decision came out. And you see her everywhere. You've seen her over here. And this is not in District 2 and over here campaigning. I don't know how much that's gonna matter in the end. I think a lot of it is going to be whoever wins the top of the ticket is gonna have coattails. People will just go vote straight, public in the straight Democrat. But maybe, maybe there are a few demo, or a few, a couple of Harris voters who will pull the ticket for her. I don't know anybody who's gonna vote for Trump and vote for some already figures down ballot. But as far as doing what you gotta do, what you can control, what's the, what her, try to control her own destiny, she's really put as much into it as I've seen candidates do it a long time. - She has. Caroline has been out, you know, visiting with the people in that district and talking to them and listening. What are their needs? What are their concerns? What can we do to make your life better for you? Because it's not good right now. What we're looking at across America and in district too. Shomari even mentioned, you know, well, what's going on nationally doesn't affect district too? Yes, it does. What's going on nationally? Absolutely affects our everyday life. So she's out there as an average everyday mom, wife, aunt, sister. She is just an average person out there trying to represent the people of that district. - Yeah. Well, I hope she pulls it off, but I think if she does it, there's certainly an opportunity there for something else in the future. Let's go through what you got here on your list here. A meeting coming up October 10th. So this Thursday, what you got for them? - We have Secretary of State West Island coming in and we thought as a group that it would be great to hear from our secretary, what's going on with election integrity, what he has done across the state of Alabama to make sure that our elections are safe because we don't see that across the nation right now. And that's a huge concern of our people. And we want them to know that their vote does count. - And, well, I mean, well, you got Jerry Carl, this will be his last stop before November, 'cause he's obviously not running on the Republican ticket, so it'll be it for him. - Right, we had Congressman Carl's wife in Heather Moore last month to give us updates. And then Congressman Carl is out of session right now. - So it's a great opportunity to hear what's going on, what the latest is out of DC, what he can give us updates on. And it's good to keep our people informed so that they can make the right decisions when it comes election time. - And this meeting, this meeting's at Fair Rock Yacht Club 1130? - Yes, people start arriving around 11 just to mix and mingle, but lunches at 1130, the meeting is from 12 to one. And with both of these great speakers, we will be packed for time, but we will get out at one. And it'll just be a great chance to hear what's going on. And for me to give you just a few updates on some things to watch out for as far as when you go to the election, to go to vote, some of the amendments that are on the ballot, and give you some dates that you need to know. - Oh, and then you got right after that next week, you got your night meeting. For those who can't attend like a lunchtime meeting, it's still on the causeway, right? - Yes, yes, it's at the original Oyster House on the causeway, and we do have people that can't attend our day meetings. And this day meeting, we're almost up to 90 right now, so I expect it to be probably 100 people at our day meeting. But our night meetings are smaller, they're more intimate, you get a chance, last month we had Jack Barrell in, City Councilman from Fair Hope talking about the bridge. We have Fair Hope Mayor Sherry Sullivan. - So we touch on topics from local community, up to the state, up to national, with our night and our day meeting. So that's what this one is going to be. - And those who are trying to circle their calendar, they got your veterans meeting on the 14th, and we'll see to be determined on the 19th for that night meeting. But if you want to get involved, it's a great way guys. These are sort of Public and Women's Club, what's their website duty? - and you can email us at if you want to reach out and get any information on what we're talking about today. - What are we hearing? So the mighty Alabama Strike Force, we talk about that a lot, but there's, well, there's not just, there's a bunch of other different things. It appears going on with this general election cycle, like we're in that month window, but the forces have been deployed. The force, we are in the middle of our ground game. And I usually go out on the mighty Alabama Strike Force with several of our ladies from our group, but this time we state, the few of us that we're going to go from our club state at home, because we've got so much work to do, but I talked to Joan this morning, Joan Reynolds, who is in charge of the mighty Alabama Strike Force. They are out there in Northern Georgia right now. They were going to go to Pennsylvania, but the Trump team pulled them back, sent them to Northern Georgia because those votes are critical. Georgia is one of those critical states for us to win. They're in Rome, comings, and Peachtree corner right now as we speak. They'll be coming home this weekend. Shout out to the Rome team. They had the most door knocks yesterday. So it's a friendly competition, but it's, I get chill bumps when I think about it. When you go door to door and you're talking to prospective voters, independents, non-affiliated voters, trying to get them to vote, to get out the vote, it's really, it's really a worthwhile thing to do. And then they're going to go back the last week of October, going into November 5th to election day itself, and they'll be back in Georgia again, getting the vote out. - Join by Judy Barlow from the Easter short publicly women here on the program. One more thing we got a plug, and you've been at the game for a little while. You got a podcast going, talk, talk. Tell us what it is, how you started, but then tell us what we need to know and check it out. - So for, I am chairman of the legislation and research committee for the National Federation of Republican Women. So as a local club, we belong to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women, which is our state organization. And then all the states pull together and we are part of the National Federation. So one of the things that we wanted to do this year for our legislation and research committee to get information to our women, which is 60 to 70,000 strong and we reach over 120,000 with our emails and podcasts is for us to be able to talk to elected officials and find out what's going on. So we've had, and these are all available on our NFRW website and on our Eastern Shore Republican Women website. But we've had conversations with Senator Ted Cruz from Texas on the border situation, which is our number one issue that we're focused on this year. Last week, I had an interview with Congressman David Swikert from the first district of Arizona. And that's like Maricopa County and that area. And that's a critical Arizona is one of those seven states that we've got to win. But he's talking about what brought us in our economy situation that we're in. It's not just about the cost of gas or the cost of groceries or the cost of medicine or rent or whatever, but what brought us there? We are $35 trillion in debt. And yet the Biden-Harris administration keep handing money out and printing it every day. So next week on Thursday, I'm going to be talking with Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas again about the failures of the Harris-Biden administration. And what has led up to where we are now and where we can go to get our country back right again? - You know, every time I, there's a, let's see what's going on in Western North Carolina, going to these supply chain panics because of strikes and we've had too many supply chain panics in my life, in the last few years, I had to say, I'm ready to get this loser out of office and get a change. And I know like this is like, this national election really, I wouldn't say for the first time, but probably more directly feels like it's, what's going on in DC at the very, very top of the food chain really is trickling down to everybody. And like you see this concern about refugees, being resettled in these communities all throughout the state, you even just go down the summerdale and go check out the school. Well, don't do that. But the second language being English there and there's a lot of things going on in this country now. I think people are kind of ready for it. It's hard to page on it. The inflation is the one that is the most obvious, but there's more where that came from. It is and it's like, where do you start on that one? You have a failed immigration policy, you have out of control spending, you know, it's just you don't even know where to start. When we look at the failed immigration policy with a systemic abuse of the asylum parole process, the CHNV program that we've all talked about recently, that's one example of that, where we're bringing in illegal aliens to the tune of 520,000 were flown into the US. That doesn't even count in the ones that are crossing illegally over the border. We are flying these people in. We are giving them money. We're giving them visas. We're giving them Xboxes. We're paying for all kinds of things. We're putting them in housing. We're giving them a talk to somebody the other day in the veterans administration. We have veterans that are being put out of their housing so that we can house illegal immigrants. We need to take care of our people first. Once we get our people taken care of in this whole situation with FEMA and what's going on with the hurricane relief, the money that's being spent, I've got numbers right here, we're not taking care of our own people. We need to take care of our own people first and then we'll be a strong nation and ready to help other countries that are in need. Well, you can't count on the federal government for a whole lot, but right now we're in a place for the federal government. I mean, like you sit around and wait for the government to solve your problems. You're in trouble, but now it just seems like the federal government is a force for like taking us in the wrong direction. It is doing me wrong things. It is sending people back. You know, it's okay if it just sort of we're in the stasis and things are where they are or you're determining your own destiny and you know, through hard work and software alliance and everything. But we have a federal government that's intentionally working against people. That's right. Yeah, they need to look, they need to work for us. Kamala Harris talked yesterday about Congress coming back to work. They need to get to work for the American people. Let's get a quick break in here. Judy Barlow, one more segment coming up. This is the Jet Force show, what if I'm talking about 065. ♪ Get on a mason, dixon line ♪ ♪ Bitch my life ♪ ♪ Oh, it's alright ♪ ♪ My big T landing line ♪ ♪ More ♪ ♪ Much more than this ♪ ♪ I did it my way ♪ ♪ Yes, there were times ♪ ♪ I'm sure you knew ♪ ♪ When I fit all ♪ Welcome back to the Jet Force show and I've been talking about 065, 2511-3430-0106. Want to be in touch with the program. Just head us up on that text line and we'll get to your text in the next act. Just a few more minutes here with Judy Barlow. A few things we're gonna get checked off the list here before we go part ways. Trump talk, tell us what that's about. Trump talk is something that we have out right now from the Trump team. And it's calling 10 people to call 10 people. And what you do is you will call 10 people, encourage and do two things. You encourage them to vote and encourage them to get the vote out. And then have that person call 10 people. So it's calling 10 friends to call 10 friends. We're working on that right now. And then Al Gop has straight force information online as well. Our Alabama GOP. They're targeting Georgia and North Carolina. All the month of October through November 5th with door knocking and phone banking, you can go to our website and get the link to get to Al Gop or you can go directly to So those are just some more information, some additional information. Let me go back to Trump talk for a minute. You can reach out to all seven states from the comfort of your home. So you can call people in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, which are those seven key states. And you can, one call makes a difference. Talking to one person makes a difference. So sit in the comfort of your home and help us with Trump talk to reach out to these people in these battleground states. - One more thing here now. You mentioned you went ahead and you've absolutely voted, but Al, you said for whatever reason, the idea is just get people out there and get them voted. How do they do so? - You can, for Baldwin County, you can go to one, two, three, Doleve Street. It's Attorney Will's office and there are signs out front. That's where we're doing early vote and not early voting, it's called absentee ballot voting. You can take your application or get an application there and get your ballot there and vote and it took me probably 10 minutes to do it in Baymanet yesterday. - There you have it up. We're gonna close it out on this. I saw this the other day too and you and I are talking about this off air. Hillary Clinton, I don't know who thought it was a good idea to roll out Hillary Clinton right now on the Democrat side, but talk about a toxic brand. But here we are in the throes of a presidential election and she's out there and it turns out she's saying lots of she's saying concerning stuff about controlling the message and losing control. And that's the way these people think though, right? Judy, that they command a narrative, they command the, they are the messenger and if it's a great unwashed out there, start democratizing our news, well, then we're not gonna have this advantage anymore. - No, and we, you and I won't have the opportunity to do what we're doing today and that's to get the message out to people. But you listened to Elon Musk talking about it right now. When I watched Nora O'Donnell reach down and press that button to mute. - That's the everything you need to know. Like that is a, that is emblematic of why the media view themselves as these gatekeepers, right? - They'll look on her face when she did that. It's like they are the boss over us and that we're just stupid people and we're not. - Right, yeah, these guys, let me tell you something. I know these people, I was around these people for a long time in DC. They are not impressive people at all. - Judy, we gotta leave it there, but thanks for stopping by this morning and we'll do it again soon. - Thanks for always having us. - All right, we gotta get a break here. We'll pick it up on the other side. This is the Jeff Pore show. And if we talk, we'll know 6'5. ♪ For the moon ♪