FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Car Doctor Show 10-7-24 no service stations, competing for service, Hurricane Milton, disc brakes

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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It's the car doctor with Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Klexton on FM Talk 1065 called Kevin and Tom Nell at 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 with your car maintenance and repair questions the doctor is in. Well you heard the story of the hot rod race that fatal day when the Ford and the Murphy went out to play. Well this is the inside story and I'm here to say it was a kid that was driving that bodily. And welcome to the car doctor show this is the car doctor Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Klexton you have any questions give us a call or send us text 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 shows brought to you by U.J. Chevrolet's every mobile since 1939 Alabama pipe and supply and ed's seafood share. And tabular seafood shared on top of the hill in the Spanish fort yep yeah because I'm fine vitals over there. I tell you what that's some good seafood there. Yeah I was always putting out some good seafood that's always good. Let me some scrumps. Got some good scrumps over there. Yeah I like that. I'm a dean's fish there too. Whoo what you talking about. And a slaw is always free. And the slaw is always good. I'm gonna buy some two or three quarts of that. Take it up to Tennessee on Thanksgiving. Yeah I think some of those people need to you know. Got me a cooler set up. Got me a cooler set up so I can keep it cold. Keep it iced down so I'll be there at about eight hours. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah if anything happens you got something to snack on. Hey go on. Go hungry. That'd be good. That'd be good. But if anybody has any questions please give us a call and we'll see what we can do for you and try and get your car issues handled before you. But I'm sure Tom and I will come up with something that we can talk about. Yeah we're going into our little winter event. Yeah it's going to get in the 60s. We're starting the summer. We talk about trying to get our car ready for the summer. But now we may be going into the little chilly time. It doesn't really get that cold. Yeah but they need to consider you know taking care of those vehicles and getting them ready for that checking the cool ups or what have you. But you know we don't have service stations anymore so nobody ever raises their hood on the car. Nope when it breaks then they got you know take you to the shop. That's the extent of it. Exactly. Exactly. You know that's why it's so important to have someone change your wall at a shop that you know will do an inspection while they are changing the hole. You know just dropping the hole and filtering and putting the hole back in it and seeing you down the road is not really doing you a good service you know. And you know most places even you know even even like the dealer like we are UJ. We're competitive with any of the fast blue or any of the other places that do it. You'll actually have a check sheet. Yeah that your technicians use to it when they're changing that hole and getting it all ready. It's just about every time I've been there they would you know come up and tell you you know about some particular item that they found they thought it might need to be serviced on my car. Yeah we have a I think it's 27 point inspection yeah where we we check your brakes your tires your wipers your lights and filters and and all that stuff and check for leaks and and all that cabin filters and things you know cabin filters that we don't check into that stuff you know we drive them and we get in we we have enough problem just to stop it in a substation and you know put a few of them right right but uh you know they're uh these things are getting so hard to uh to work on that you know that most do it yourself is even the more advanced do it yourselfers can't do it anymore well we can't do it without without all the the diagnostics yeah yeah you know they're as far as the repairs you know and then the diagnostic part of it you know the basic basic do it yourselfers can't do it anymore well you know well i'll give you example even even on my car i i uh airbags like chemo man i went to my buddy's place and uh even with this eight eight ten thousand dollar or diagnostics machine it could it told me that yeah when you would head up our airbag light problem but it wasn't able to define an area right right so uh you would have to go check in all of those items i would guess use a tech you could you know you're the guru right but i thought hmm now i know guy that it was a big heavy duty Ford tech so i went and checked on his now he had a totally different diagnostic machine right that was primarily for the for a Ford motor company and so when he got into it you know it boom boom boom you got two areas right you know right and then then then you can go to each one of those areas and it tells you what amperage you're supposed to have or what you're looking for in those two items to see which one of them is even wrong yeah rather than just arbitrarily trying to replace both of them and you get into that kind of stuff you don't want to start replacing that stuff you talk about a medical bucks yeah ain't none of it cheap and you really you better know what you're doing before you ever touch that system yeah because you can blow something up in your face yeah yeah i can hurt you kill you you know the average car has it's going to have a driver's side there in airbag or passenger side airbag knee bolsters which you know is just another airbag at least on the driver's side if not both a side impact bag uh on on the driver and passenger side um you don't have a rollover bag in the in the roof rails um and then boy then you have what they call the pre-tensioner air but uh well not an airbag but a pre-tensioner device that's built into the seat belts right and that is to pull that seat belt tight before you get thrown forward right you know it's it's a it's a it's a it can't do it before it's an impact because it doesn't know you're having an impact but you know once it has an impact it has to deploy quick enough to lock it and pull it tight before you could reach the steering wheel or dash you know uh so there's a whole bunch of stuff going on and all every bit of that um yeah you could if you could get there is a resistance value and if you could get a a meter on it you might get away with measuring it but you got to remember your meter is sending voltage through that that system to to be able to measure it had really thought about that and you can set that airbag off just by measuring the resistance on it so you got to be really careful you know what you touch and how you touch it and all that kind of stuff so uh you really need to I mean on the RS I know you know I hooked to it with a scanner and I I look at it and then it will show me the resistance value on each component without actually having a breaker meter out and okay yeah so well yeah but see you have a Pacific diagnostic tool designed for that right and that's where we get into trouble back in the days where we only had three manufacturers they could put all of that stuff in one diagnostic machine and are you we bought programs on a monthly or every three four months for a deal right so that you could change a card in it or motherboard and and be working on a Pacific area once you didn't find out what it was right but uh hey we've got what 60 70 80 different kinds of vehicles out here now oh yeah you know yeah and even you know and even a lot of the the manufacturers like Ford Chrysler GM you know whoever you know not all of their cars are made by one manufacturer right you know right uh just I mean just GM you know for an example yes the majority of our cars are or built by General Motors but some of our stuff is built by other manufacturers right to have you know the small car yeah you know it's just what they focused on and that's that was a better deal and some of a lot of people don't understand that you know take you take for example the transmissions that they put in those Nissan's of the they built drive transmissions they were not only in Nissan's but they were also in some of the hundreds they were in some of the Subaru's and they were in like just about all of the vehicles that that came out of Japan right because that transmission was designed by a Japanese company and they kind of dropped the ball a little bit there yeah yeah I think you know it just it's this time they've straightened it out and got it squared away but yeah they're better they are better we have some some of the CVT transmission right now transmission some of our small cars and they are better than what they were and it's like anything else so find and find a way to make it work well you know I think I've run it up before we had it back in the day we had a car it was a assimilated first come out with some of the first part of the first of the computer stuff on it and I know after about the fourth or fifth year it had a hundred and thirty-something recalls oh yeah you know yeah because it was more or less an experimental version of the cars they're putting out there so that they could feel it but they couldn't tell until they put it in field right what would we really go far it's like I always say it's you know waiting till they put it in the hands of Billy Bubba and his buddies right yeah a bit about me a bit about baby we picked it like right right right now right well no we're gonna fix this right now all right we're gonna take a break and let you hear from our sponsors and we'll be back [Music] It's the car doctor with Kevin Raywinkle and Tom Clexton on FM Talk 1065 called Kevin and Tom now at 3430106 with your car maintenance and repair questions the doctor is in and welcome back to the car doctor show this is car doctor Kevin Raywinkle on Tom Clexton if you have any questions give us a call or send us text 3430106 and speaking of calls where our phones apparently have been down the first segment here so if you give us just a few minutes I think we can get them rebooted and I'll give us a call now you know going back to our seat belt deal yeah well one of the other things that was on that seat belt the thing was that it could say that it couldn't tell where the seat was located because you know it had I can move the seat forward and back right why why what what part does that play well what it does is it can actually limit the amount of pressure that's that put to that airbag oh okay because if it if it knows that you you're right on top of the seat I mean on the steering wheel okay okay it's not going to try and deploy it full full force because they can control that hurt you yeah you could actually hurt you doing oh hell okay I didn't realize it had a you know I think it just boop if it went off it went off I didn't realize it there was some systematic control of how much pressure right oh it would be released now there's no it's it's a pretty smart system I mean they're they can they can vary the deployment of those well from layer yeah thinking about that if you know if I'm sitting in my car then I posted it's pushed all the way to the back but then if one of the ladies get in there and drive it or you know my wife they're gonna pull the seat forward right and so in reality we wouldn't need the pressure right you know on her that they would need on mind to get to generate pressure to get the back back to me right okay cool all right don't exactly hold on me here and you don't live and learn don't forget it all but uh we do have a collar collar all right all right back I'm not getting damn phone working again yeah you had a right if they had to run down and pay the bill that's all right say somebody forgot to buy the bill yeah I don't know what I think it was filled market or tell market yeah I apologize for not making it down to duties Saturday but I end up having I got called in to work so you know we'll we'll that's always a good excuse to our edge yeah well when you got to work you got to work oh okay yeah like you know you still you still like to eat uh yeah I do like to eat every once in a while but uh hey y'all notice how the closer we get to the uh presidential election how cheaper the gas prices are getting oh yeah yeah you know I wonder why that happens you know I always want well even though we're in the the the the special blend and the most traveled time of the year it's right funny how those prices go down it is yeah it is but you know what but uh it's not funny when we get uh two hurricanes on top of each other either and then uh oh you know you know you can they can't prepare for that yeah but and they ain't got no money to pay for it because they spend all their money uh they know he ain't got no money but you know give me started there because they've done put money out the well they put money out to be a um you know jar head and uh and spent that money actually spent spent some of our doctors down there and had to change the amount of people that they could see at the clinics because they didn't have all the doctors there they were down it to friggin border hmm yep well I just got I just got home uh I got that that little thing in the mail that says hey you got to come down for a jury duty and uh I can't talk about the case or anything like that but how would you like to have and and damn if I didn't get picked but how would you like to have me on your jury load up if I look around them I don't want that hip and looking sucker over there oh my oh my case yeah I don't need that damn redneck ill maybe on my damn case hell no I'm somebody I do I I never have a little question for you and we had talked about this uh earlier as uh uh uh two thousand and nineteen kia sportage having a little trouble with with starting and um uh well let me say uh friend of mine had uh uh got a look at it and he said that the the battery terminals were oxidized so he put a little oil on it you ever heard about that um yeah I mean whatever you can do to kill the oxygen oxidation um you know will help uh but you're really better off to go ahead and pull the battery cables off and and clean them properly and put a brush yeah yeah right and put them back on and I have have actually used a dielectric grease um on the on the post and terminal and put it back on and that way yeah and that way it's uh is tendency to corrode is is way less because it's uh lubricated with a protecting grease well now you said dielectric grease that's not that's not grease that you put on your wheels or no you put on bearings it's um it's the grease that if you've ever pulled a light out of a light socket that had a like a grease in there that's what it that's what that is does that grease transmit electricity well yes it it'll it'll let it uh go through it you know let electricity go through it and uh makes it you know it enhances the contact okay all right well you know there's new fangled uh battery terminals are you tighten them down and and and they pull up a little like a little lever type deal on it and uh when the young lady asked me to look at it I first put my wrench on it and I tighten them and I was like well they're pretty tight and I went to get that one on the the back work it it connects into the little fuse box deal back there and I put that on it and the whole uh negative terminal turn I said well that ain't right no yeah so we tighten some more torqued on it a little bit more got back in the car hit it one time and it did the same thing but it said system check could it back off turn it back on thing cranked like a charm yeah yeah well you know and sometimes it has to go through a reset once you've unhooked power and hooked it back up um you know it has you wouldn't necessarily excuse me you wouldn't necessarily have to unhook it but if it just lost contact yeah if it lost connection enough like yes it can do that okay you know once I what once I figured out what was going on and that that was loose I rotated it a couple of times and you know kind of you know got it where it was slipping and sliding and then tighten it up again and like I said it cranked right back up you know so what you're saying what you're saying Kev then is it what when he was moving it like that though it did lose contact all right it thought it thought it had been disconnected right right it lost his power momentarily and uh so it had to kind of go back to a system check before it let it crank again who okay um damn thing smarter than me yeah well well before we get too late let's talk about a little racing all right i'll say the wreck Talladega everybody loves the wreck at Talladega well i don't know about everybody there's probably 28 people that didn't really like it well when you when you hit somebody in the rear and you turn them sideways that's going to happen especially when you do it right at the front of the field Dolly would you please go tell Brad because life's getting that i think this i saw about the fourth or fifth time that i've seen him turn somebody around and it was always the guy hit him in the rear it wasn't him well Talladega is Talladega well you know they don't they don't they don't go to watch the car race they they go to watch the wreck yeah yeah that's the coliseum baby thumbs up thumbs down all right guys well y'all have a great night i'm gonna be listening in and uh unfortunately i did get picked so i'll be back down at mobile in the morning at nine o'clock and sitting in that little chair yeah hey whoever it is give them a break okay unless they molestic kill somebody or had something to do with a kid yeah if they had if they did eat one of them just tell them oh he's guilty yeah well i started wearing shirts that killed them all the well you could get one of pieces of black stuff but across your nose and your cheeks like ride wounds that on yep out of your body just qualified right away all right guys have a great night we'll be listening in we're gonna take a break and let's hear from our sponsors and we'll be back it's the car doctor with kevin ray winkle and tom klexton on fm talk one oh six five call kevin and tom now at three four three zero one oh six with your car maintenance and repair questions the doctor is in and welcome back to the car doctor show this is car doctor kevin wrote a long time five so you have any questions give us a call or send us text three four three zero one zero six but we do have the donut man online here number one fan to do that man how are you doing tonight done pretty good done real real good i am on the best talk ready no show in the state about about my old lord but i am confused about why they have a big joy to build the damn jury can you take the truth nobody else oh i feel so sorry yo over there i won't over there i don't cover bullball that got some of them guys sleep on that bridge over there that's right at nine and what's that nine and ten yeah yeah well that's one of those incentives to keep people straight whatever what do you know that they put the first dish break on the car and what could what car company read it read it read it when you had to put the first dish break on the car and the car company webbed it hold on let me let me google this oh i'll take a stab at it but i'm gonna say it was jaguar probably somewhere in the late 50s i'll call it i'll call it 58 you said jaguar yeah 1949 crusher imperial what okay okay because you had one probably i should do it yeah yeah 1949 crusher imperial man that is unbelievable that's something yep but it took that you know it come out then it took that as long so that when when did we really start seeing them in the 60s or 70s yeah yeah mid to late 60s yeah it took 15 16 years or so before they became plentiful though i mean they were still yeah drum breaks were still pretty much standard on most your car is up into the like 70s oh even 70s all the shavales and all that stuff oh yeah yeah so all those cars had your drum breaks on them yep whichever like drum breaks better than you did this break oh no no i mean this a drum break can do a decent job if everything is right yeah it takes maintenance to keep it right hmm you know you have to you have to just clean it and all this kind of stuff you have to change the springs every once in a while oh yeah well then well then the shoes have to fit be fitted to the drum too yeah you know they had to remember back in the day we used to have those old ark grinders and right then uh you would actually fit the shoes for the break break drum before they they were went on the vehicle yeah you turn the drum turn the drum and get it fixed get it right and then start trying to fit the shoes put it on your grinder yeah you get to get the break shoes where they would fit otherwise you'd only get maybe 15 or 20 percent or 50 percent but if you grind them and what they call it arch arch grind mark around them yeah arch grind them and uh but you could get a full contact then and they really would work good yeah yeah well back in the day now we they ran those uh breaks uh those breaks shoes like that on the race cars yeah you know i mean know that oh yeah they drum run the drum breaks but she's in that well into the 70s oh yeah way up in the 70s even you know in the early 80s on some of the race cars uh you live in there the technology for brake calipers and all that kind of stuff in the pads and the rotors was not there to right right you know for that high performance high heat situations that you had in a race car yeah i can remember looking even when we were racing in the 70s looking for some of those those old brake drums that had the fins on them so they would cool cool quicker yeah they had a fin sticking up on them about oh probably what three-eighths one inch yeah they have them cooling them down yeah they'll be you're breaking around they were finned and had a metal liner in it right and uh it was aluminum but it was uh lined they were lightweight and they worked they they worked good you get some good you know get the right kind of brakes used to put on it yeah they would work uh you know they had a lot more weight to them than what the disc brakes had yeah you know and that was one of the efficiency ways they went to the disc brakes was all of the weight that they got off of the car and yeah but then as the as they started using them they saw that they had to start changing the rotors and the calipers and the pads so that they would become efficient too you know so even though they even though they had a lightweight so but technology made it all happen yeah yeah i i i got it i got stewing i got a way that your hair can get off a jury due to law all right all thing he needs to do is go up to the judge turn around pull his pants down and do the guys do it then leave they're gonna mess with him you crazy they don't want that not on the jury you know you know you crazy bro hey man bros i got you on my prior list well when you the number one fan you better better be even proud of it yes sir we appreciate you bless you brother thank you sir all right take care thank you what was what an awesome gentleman yep i look good where i see you rolled up a a good point just in in the brake systems um you know we've we've come light years oh yeah you know with the brake systems and and what they're capable of doing and the uh their ability to stop a heavy vehicle and uh to dissipate the heat and all that better um you don't you don't have brake fade like you did at one time oh right right you know i can remember having you know driving some cars that you know i i stopped two three times and then you just didn't have no brakes right yes i know well even like the drum brakes you know my 55 Chevrolet years ago had the factored drum brakes on it and if you're gonna race it if you made two passes back to back you're right your second pass you were you were in a bind trying to stop yeah you were in trouble trying to stop yeah yeah just it didn't take long for them to get hot and uh but it now was that what that being said was that a factor of the heat in the drum or was it the the uh and or did it disperse that heat to the to the shoe and crystallize this shoe and put a slick coat on it rather than letting you grab or what what was happening well i'm not exactly sure uh i believe it's more to do with just the pad and the and the drum getting hot and their ability to grab each other you know okay you know as it gets hotter it actually builds up um it it actually lets off a gas so you're you're actually getting like an air pocket on the drum uh you know between the pad but in the drum yeah um they do some they do some weird things they really did well but those you know back then they didn't even have fins on the drums to to even help cool them down right that's true you know they're they're rolled cast iron drums too so they oh yeah you know they didn't disperse that heat off of the good last like that old big black skillet where you cook with on a stove you know right oh cast iron it holds the yeah it holds the heat yeah so it it uh they've learned a lot of stuff that uh you know has helped them over the years you know the the big thing is the design of the drum and the way they're they're vented and uh you know they they keep their their ability to cool down better you know of course they've gotten away from drums and pretty much everything right now um you know even the even the ones that were still using the drum break in the rear they're pretty much all gone to disc oh well that being said about your your new vehicles now especially like your orbits and all our what do we see a particular type metal that's not just a regular steel rotor is it um and pretty much you know depending on the level of brake system you have on it um I mean the top of the line brake system on the Corvette is actually a carbon fiber rotor oh really yeah it's ultra lightweight and it can stand the heat way better than than a metal rotor and uh they're not cheap you know you can get them well what don't want to that being said now I mean I was thinking you would use a ceramic based or a ceramic type or ceramic impregnated disc brake on uh on a good uh rotor that had a lot of uh good metal in it all maybe it was some titanium or something to make it harder yeah but um what what kind of damn she just breaks what they put what kind of pads would you use on that and you know I'm not exactly sure exactly what the composition of the pad is it is a special pad for that rotor yeah um but I mean you're talking fifteen hundred dollars per rotor oh yeah um you know and the brake pads aren't cheap either so it's you're paying for it but it does well you can get a brake job it could be six eighteen grand yeah yeah yeah now I know I don't need one yeah you can you can I could have bought a brake job um BMW was you know they had some of that going on themselves too oh really about any days when you were there yeah when I was oh you all had some exotic you had some exotic cars there yeah yeah we had some uh you know they're they're M series cars you know they had some really sporty you know vehicles and and they needed the the brake system to go with it uh that's one thing I will give BMW credit for is that they really all of their cars stopped very well oh yeah oh yes they were overkill on brakes yeah but yeah you could see it on the rims too though yeah you know they would they put them they put some dust uh they put some dust on those rims buddy yeah absolutely does sound like it's time for us to take a break and let's hear more sponsors and we'll be back it's the car doctor with Kevin Ray Winkle and Tom Klexton on FM Talk 1065 call Kevin and Tom now at 343 0106 with your car maintenance and repair questions the doctor is in and welcome back to the car doctor show this is car doctor Kevin Ray Winkle along with Tom Klexton you have any questions give us a call or send us text 343 0106 but uh I don't know let me ask the question we talking about brakes I see some of these rotors has got a bunch of holes in them yep and then I see some of the rotors has got grooves cut at them then and slotted yeah what the hell is that for well then we were we kind of got in into that uh a little while ago it uh it's actually to let the gases out from under that road that passed now you know I've been in the automotive industry over 50 years and I've never heard anything about the gases that they developed right but I guess the organic compound of the pad and the chemicals that they use to produce that to make it a pad would have uh under certain temperatures would release some kind of chemical this starts releasing just a little bit of a gas of some sort I don't know I'm not going to pretend to know I know what kind of gas it is but it's uh it does put off a uh it does create almost like an air pocket on top of the pad oh really well and between the pad and the rotor so to help that and to also cool that they have the grooves and there were the uh the drilled rotors that that gives it somewhere to go and helps cool it so in other words the chemicals that are coming out of the pads manufacturing compound of the pads is so strong and it has a reaction to the heat then it could actually keep the rotor from touching the pad well are some portions of it it's not going to keep it from actually touching it but it does reduce the effectiveness of it you know as far as how good of contact it makes okay you know it reduces the pressure that you're trying to apply to your caliper to the rotor you know it just uh normal driving you never know it you never know yeah okay you just you would just wouldn't never know it if you really start getting them heated up yes you know that's that's where part of your brake fade comes from and all that um you know most of our cars and the way we drive them brake fade is not an issue especially here in the south you know we don't have the long grade and you know to stop like yeah like going up to the hills like what is that dealing Chattanooga was going up top of that hill yeah the yeah don't make me i thought i was going to burn my brakes up when you're coming down off of that yeah man i'll finally brown up putting my transmission in low gear you know and just letting it coast yep yep letting the motor stop it well you know and a lot of these little a lot you know even the equinox i drive you know runs great drives great everything but if i had to rely on engine braking to slow that car down i don't know how well the wheel up would do it don't have a big motor does it's got a little to be motor that doesn't have a lot of um a lot of compression because it's turboed so it doesn't have a lot of engine braking you know that it can do okay uh we're like our big v8s and that you know they're well yeah they have higher compression and all that so you let off the gas it's not firing it actually is a pretty good drag on the on the car okay yeah but so that being said then the uh but it's a lighter car this got good brakes on it so stopping it's not an issue well yeah we're talking about the exception rather than the rear you're not going to hook a heavy heavy but if you drive it and you're out there guys that uh you well i know some girls that put it put it hard to you know they put it up on cars but uh you know you have to consider that if you if you're out there running around on the street somewhere and you're stopping you know three or four or five quick times and for any period of time uh next time you get to that that intersection you hit the brakes hard it it might not slow down as quick as your customers slowing down right you need to consider that when you're driving that's a safety factor that uh can slip up on you oh yeah it can it can but uh like i say and most of our uh vehicles nowadays it's not a real problem and you know and if you have to do a aggressive stop if you you know let off the pedal and take back off and you run down the road you know a quarter mile they've cooled back off enough right okay to where they're they're gonna work fine you know it's uh you know they're vented they're you know they're getting air funneled to them you know they put uh they're actually cool off quicker if you go and drive then then if you just pull up the red light and stop oh yeah they don't yeah they stay in but i think that's one of the reasons excuse me we've seen a lot of our rims now have um like five or six big spokes in them and have some holes in them so that you get that air through there too to cool off your your brakes and recool off your calipers and rotors right you know they they do have a lot better airflow around them than the old solid steel wheel that was on the typical vehicle um you know now most of them have a styled aluminum wheel on them but that actually lets a lot of air right there you go through it's actually fanning them yeah the way the disc they've just dispersed in the air over that what else i mean too that we see is hooked all that stuff now it's has uh aluminum calipers and stuff right and uh are the aluminum calipers that we have on the new cars today are they still well they solid aluminum or so they still have a little steel sleeve in it no the most of them are do have a uh an aluminum you know surface um you know i know and i know where you're you're thinking of is the Corvette in the early days that had you know an aluminum caliper right um they worked great for a little while and then they started leaking mm-hmm yeah but the technology to build the caliper and the piston and the seal has come so far since then that is not a real problem so it's alleviated that problem yeah so um you know in the way they they repaired that problem back then was they bored the caliper out and put a stainless sleeve in it right and uh and then that's what that's what your seal on your piston well as the pistons would sit was the pistons be steel in aluminum caliper uh normally they are they do have a composite piston and some some of them um and they you know the way they used to do the core of that one was the the seal was on the piston and the bore had to be perfect for its seal properly they've actually took and put a seal in a groove in the in the caliper and then it sealed on that stainless piston okay um just just made a much much more serviceable and and uh easier and better sealing surface okay all right well it's got a good time right good to see you again big guy always good to hear from everybody and always good to be here got to get the jar hit and the number one fan to do that may call in yeah all right and good to a big shake and howdy to all of our veterans out there and the first responders who are yep and we will be back next week one that was long black one day I devised myself a plan that should be the