
Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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Are you afraid? Do you fear the future?
Are you afraid or at least deeply concerned about America, the radical changes which are occurring in our once great country, and in fact the world over. Do you fear for the future, for your family and friends, for yourself? Do you fear that America has lost its way, is now in the control and political decision making of those who are anti-American, anti-Christian, and wish fundamental and radical changes in our country in every meaningful respect, are you really deeply concerned and afraid?
Many are, a very many, many perhaps by the millions. That fear, to the extent it exists, can paralyze an individual on the one hand, preventing any kind of action, or it can mobilize an individual to do more, to stand up, to fight the fight of faith, and to do everything possible to prevent those radical changes, satanically influenced, from happening to our great country and then to that extent to the world at large. In which camp do you find yourself, the one who is fearful that you can do little or nothing, or the other so powerful that you will do more than you had believed you were capable of doing? Which camp, which kind of individual are you?
The concern for America is real, but the fear of inevitability, resulting in a powerlessness is not. Hear the words of our Lord through the Apostle Paul:
Our Lord has put power in your life, POWER! You can fight the fight of faith for both our Lord and America (God and Country). You and I are powerful through HIM and because of HIM. While at the same time we can show Christian love for our enemies, we cannot love, and we must indeed resist, evil and the devil which propagates it, so that real love can abound.
You and I need, now more than ever, a:
We need to be able to think, rationally analyze, understand political issues, candidates, problems and potential, and we act accordingly, VOTE accordingly. We cannot be deceived by false prophets or false advertising. We must know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for it is only that truth, God inspired, which can make us free and keep us free. That is a sound mind at work, always thinking, discerning, knowing the signs of the times and reacting accordingly. So that, as Christians, even as we KNOW in whom we have believed, so it is in the worldly realm, and the world of politics and government, that we are required to know in whom we can believe and trust to prevent these radical changes from occurring.
I do believe that we cannot ask God to bless America, even to help America, unless WE HIS PEOPLE are doing everything in our power to champion the truth, the right, and Christian principles and values. If we do, in fact, our very best for country, than we can expect our God to hear our prayers when we ask for his help and intervention and to not only help America, but to bless America.
BE NOT AFRAID! In you, there should be no spirit of fear, but only the love, the power of God Almighty! If you are a child of salvation, then you know the reality of that promise.
We, his children, are warned by our Lord that because of our faith in Him, active and uncompromising, we can expect persecution. We can expect hardship. We can expect resistance, separation, disrespect. The more we truly believe and testify of the love of Jesus Christ, the more disrespect and persecution we can expect. But that faith is worth it! In fact, it is more than worth our laying our all on the altar no matter the cost. We do the best we can, but knowing all the while, that God is on the throne, in control, and so very often:
If in fact we move toward the END TIMES, as scripture predicts, then the road grows more narrow, more difficult to navigate, full of hazards, testing us, our character, and commitment, and that really is the bottom line. How much, say all these terrible events, do you love and trust your Lord? For, it is His will which will be done (on earth as it is in heaven) and when we have given our all, and done our best (two absolute preconditions), then it is our duty to trust in Him for the results as God would will. That is so for America, our world, and even the future of mankind.
We should never forget that God is all wise (omniscient), all powerful, all knowing, and in control of everything:
The spirit bears witness within us, leading, directing, goading, prodding when we need it, making sure we do our best for Him. That Holy Spirit makes sure we know when we do not do our best. He made us Americans, responsible for America. He gave us the opportunity to live here, to witness for Him, and we owe Him. We owe Him our best to protect what He has given us, the most unique and the finest country, government, and lifestyle in the history of mankind. Unless we completely spiritually shut down, the Holy Spirit of God lets us know that we have let him down. That is a reassuring spiritual check and balance. Knowing that, there is absolutely no reason why we should be afraid, none at all. But rather, we should claim over and again the promise:
No matter what happens, we should never lose hope. Our hope is in Him and in things to come. The reality is we are citizens of a greater, larger, heavenly, spiritual kingdom. Here, we are temporary dwellers, temporary residents. Our citizenship is there and with Him. How then can we ever be afraid!
Think about David who in his most fearful moments, trusted the Lord, SANG unto the Lord, verbalized his feelings in song, joyfully, rejoicing in:
And the very same for us as Christians, we sing at Christmastime and hopefully all year long:
We sing:
No matter what happens, especially political, God ordained, wills, and is in control and we should rejoice in knowing that. If God is love, and God is love, then we should always rejoice and be glad for IF WE HAVE DONE OUR BEST AS CITIZENS, then the rest, the outcome, the results are up to HIM.
So, my fellow Americans, and fellow Christians, be not afraid and claim the promise of our Lord:
Whether here or there, we are SAFE IN THE ARMS. That should be more than enough to make us rejoice and be exceedingly glad, don’t you think? So, no matter politics, government, the things of this world, we must always remember that only three things abide, and only three things last for all eternity. They are:
Never lose your faith in the God who is in control of everything, EVERYTHING and Everybody!
Never lose hope in Him or the best result for all things as He wills, or hope for a better future with Him or for a better future here as he would will.
And always allow your heart to pour out its love for all things and all people, for no matter what else, the very greatest of everything on this earth and for all humankind is:

The Crawford Stand. This week the President of Crawford Media Group, Don Crawford, is talking about fear, which has been defined as the acronym F-E-A-R. False Evidence Appearing Real. Wow. What a description of these days of fake news lies and deceit. Are you afraid? Do you fear the future? Are you afraid or at least deeply concerned about America? The radical changes which seem to be occurring in our once-great country and in fact the world over? Do you fear for the future, for your family and friends, for yourself? Do you fear that America has lost its way? Is now in the control and political decision-making of those who are anti-American and anti-Christian and wish fundamental and radical changes to our country in every meaningful way? Are you really deeply concerned about all of that and are you afraid? Many, many Americans are and many, many Christians are. That fear, through the extent it exists, can paralyze an individual and on the one hand, preventing any kind of action or it can mobilize an individual to do more, to stand up, to fight the fight of faith and to do everything possible to prevent those radical changes, satanically influence so many of them are, from happening in our great country. So really, which one are you? And then to that extent to the world at large. Again, in which can't be you find yourself, the one who is fearful that you can do little or nothing, or the other so powerful that you will do more than you had believed you were capable of doing, which kind of individual are you? This concern for America is real, but the fear of inevitability resulting in a powerlessness is not. Here are the words of our Lord through the Apostle Paul. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Our Lord has put power in our lives, power. You can fight the fight of faith for both our Lord and America, God and country. You can. You and I are powerful through Him and through His Holy Spirit. At the same time, we can show Christian love for our enemies, and we must indeed resist that evil and this devil which propagates it so that real love can abound. You and I need, now more than ever, a sound mind which God has given us. We need to be able to think, nationally analyze and understand political issues and candidates and problems and potential, and we should act accordingly and vote accordingly, informed and educated. We cannot be deceived by false prophets or false advertising. We must know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, for it is only that truth that God inspired which can make us free and keep us free. That is a sound mind that works, always thinking and discerning and knowing the signs of the times and reacting accordingly, so that as Christians, even as we know in whom we have believed, boy, I sure do, and I hope and pray you do, so it is in the worldly realm as well, and the world of politics and government that we are required to know in whom we can believe and trust to prevent these radical changes from occurring. Do you know for whom you will vote and even more importantly, do you know why? I firmly believe that we cannot ask God to bless America, even to help America, unless we the people are doing everything in our power to champion the truth and the right and Christian principles and values. If we do, in fact, our very best for our country, then we can expect our God to hear our prayers when we ask for His help and intervention, and not only to help America, but to BLESS America, then and only then. So, the Scripture tells us, be not afraid. There should be no spirit of fear in any of us, but only that of love and of power, the power of God Almighty. If you are a child of salvation, then you know the reality of that promise. We, His children, are warned by our Lord that because of our faith in Him, active and uncompromising, we can expect persecution. Have you had persecution in your life? And we can expect hardship. We can expect resistance and separation and disrespect. The more we truly believe and testify of the love of Jesus Christ, the more disrespect and persecution we can expect. But that faith is worth it. Ah, it is so very much worth it. And it is worth each of us as sons and daughters of the living God, laying our all on the altar, no matter the cost. We do the best we can, but knowing all the while that God is on the throne and in control. And so very often, His ways are not our ways. It seems to be happening more and more that way these days, does it not? And if in fact we move toward the end times, as Scripture predicts, then the road grows even more narrow and more difficult to navigate and full of hazards testing us, our character and our commitment. And that really is the bottom line. How much, say all these terrible events, do you love and trust your Lord? How much for? It is His will which will be done on earth as it is in heaven, whatever that is. And when we have given our all and done our very best to absolute conditions, then it is our duty to trust in Him for the results as God would will. That is so for America, our world, and even the future of mankind. Do you trust your Lord when it comes to the problems of this world, do you? We should never forget that our God is all wise, all-powerful, all-knowing, and in control of everything. Complete control, the Spirit bears witness within us, leading, directing, goading, prodding when we need it, and making sure that we do our best for Him. That Holy Spirit makes sure we know when we do not do our best. God made us Americans responsible for America. He gave us the opportunity to live here, to witness for Him, and we owe Him. We owe Him our best to protect what He has given us, the most unique and the finest country and government and lifestyle in the history of mankind. You and I enjoy that. Unless we completely and spiritually shut down, the Holy Spirit of God lets us know that we have let Him down. And that is a reassuring spiritual check and balance, don't you think? Knowing that, there is absolutely no reason why we should be afraid, none at all. But rather, we should claim over and again the promise, fear, not, for I am with you. So no matter what happens, we should never lose hope, never. Our hope is in Him and in things to come. The reality is we are citizens of a greater, larger, heavenly spiritual kingdom. Here, here, we are temporary dwellers, temporary residents. Our citizenship is there, up there, and with Him. And how then can we ever really be afraid? Our future is secure. Think about David, King David, the man that God really loved, who in his most fearful moments trusted the Lord, and sang, sang unto the Lord. Verbalized his feelings in song, joyfully rejoicing in God, his Savior, oh, the Psalms of David are so beautiful and wonderfully written, from a heart that really loved God. So, should be the very same for us as Christians. We should sing at Christmas time, and hopefully all year long, joy to the world, joy, joy to the world, the Lord has come. And we should sing, "Happy am I. Happy am I. Are you happy?" Because Jesus loves me. No matter what happens, especially political, God ordained it to happen, and wills it, and is in control. Don't ever forget that. And we should rejoice in knowing that really, really rejoice. If God is love, and God is love, then we should always rejoice and be glad for if we have done our best as citizens of this world, and of his world, then the rest, the outcome, the results, they are all up to him, and his will be done. So, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, be not afraid. Don't be afraid. And claim the promise of our Lord. Claim it. I will guide you with mine eye. I will guide you. Whether here or there, we are safe in the arms, safe in the arms of our Lord. And that should be more than enough to make us rejoice and be exceedingly glad, don't you think? So, no matter politics or government or the things of this world, however dark and black things look, we must always remember that only three things abide, and will remain no matter what happens to this earth. And they are faith, and hope, and love. Faith, hope, and love. So, my fellow Christians, never, never lose your faith in the God, who is in control of everything, everything, and everybody, knowing his ways are not our ways. But let's learn more about his ways. Never lose hope in him or the best result for all things as he wills, or hope for a better future with him or for a better future here, as God would will and allow. And always allow your heart to pour out its love for all things and all people, and especially for him. For no matter what else, the very greatest of everything on this earth, and for all humankind, is love at God's love. So, be not afraid. Be not afraid. I am your God, and I will guide you with my eye. I've said it before, and yes, I'm going to say it again, it would be a great encouragement to Mr. Crawford to know that you will go and vote. Please tell him in your email to stand at When you want to review what you hear, go to our website When you write to Mr. Crawford, please tell him on what station you hear the stand. The address again is stand at Please write to Mr. Crawford this week. Let him know that you'll be voting. The Crawford Stand is a public affairs presentation of Crawford Media Group and this station, serving God and country. I'm Bill McCormick.