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SportsTalk 10 - 07

SportsTalk 10 - 07 by SportsTalk

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08 Oct 2024
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[MUSIC] This is Sports Talk with Phil Cornblud and Chris Bergen. Sports Talk is heard across the state on radio affiliates of the Sports Talk media network and is streaming live on, as well as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The South Carolina Education Lottery lucky number to call in is 888-898-2525. That's Triple 8, 898-2525. Now, here are Phil and Chris with tonight's edition of Sports Talk. >> All right, welcome in everybody to Sports Talk, Sports Talk Media Network on a manic Monday after, what a crazy weekend, where do we start? Who do we want to start with? What do we want to start with? Triple 8, 898-2525, we'll step aside here and let you take over in just a few minutes. Triple 8, 898-2525, South Carolina Education Lottery in the Sports Talk. You can also follow us on the Internet, on X, and on our SportsTalk web page,, hope you check that out regularly. Lot of great stuff on there for you, so check that out and streaming on YouTube, of course, and in podcasts, et cetera, et cetera. Phil Cornbloot and Josh Cohen here in Columbia joined by Chris Bergen at the Bergy Palace in Sardis and Matt Smith at the Smithtown Ranch down in Georgetown. Smithtown, because there's so many Smiths around there, they just formed a town, Smithtown Ranch. So we're all together, this is the one place and the one place only on the radio in South Carolina, where you bring together the three guys who actually go to the games of the FBS teams. I was at Tallahassee, Smithy was in Columbia, Bergy was in Conway. So we've got all three, we've got in person our own eyes and ears. We don't have to rely on anybody else to tell us what to think. We see it ourselves so we can think for ourselves. So we've got a lot to talk about. I'll just sum up Clemson, things are going well for the Tigers. They played not a great game against Florida State. Didn't need to play a great game against Florida State. They built a lead. They ran the football, filmed MAFA 154 yards. Club Nick was continuing to take a step forward with his growth and performance, made some really good decisions. Tigers Antonio Williams was special. The defense was really good all night, I think they just gave up one late drive, otherwise they kept him at bay. I would say if you want to nitpick on the Tigers, not finishing drive. Seven field goals are too many to attempt. Didn't finish a lot of drives, had two field goals blocked. That did not sit well with Davos Winnie. Then again, Nolan Houser, he booted five. But five field goals, that's too many to attempt. That'll get them beat down the line when they play better competition. So Florida State, a shell of itself, put up a good fight, played hard, but a tough year down there because of the team, plus they're going through reconstruction of the stadium, so they're down about 20,000 seats or so. But they were there in mass to start the game. They weren't there in mass by halftime when Clemson had a comfortable lead. Tigers up to number 10 in the AP poll, so they continue to climb. They're continuing to be included in the conversation for the post-season, the playoff and all that kind of stuff. Saw one projection now has them hosting, Ole Miss, another one has them playing in Athens. I'd sign up for any one of those two games. So all is good in Tiger Land. No major injuries to speak of coming out of the game. Guys who've been a little banged up are getting healthy and coming back. The Philiong Green is dealing with concussion protocol. That is one area of concern and also a Sewell dealing with some concussion, I'm sorry, concussion protocol. According to Larry Williams of Tiger Illustrated, find out more on that from Davos Winnie tomorrow. That kind of sums up the Tigers. All is good in Tiger Land. Smitty, how about you with the Game Cocks? I think you can just reverse most of what you said. It was a really difficult Saturday for South Carolina and Gamecock fans especially. I'm going to get to the game in a moment, but I want to highlight something here right off the rip and get your reaction to it in real time. I have down here in my notes that I was going to say quite a bit about Dylan Stewart, who is a phenom. That is without a doubt and I was almost going to soften the blow. I was very hard on him over the weekend on both Twitter and then in my post-game analysis and then I was almost going to soften the blow and I went to Twitter to see if Dylan Stewart had maybe issued an apology or a bit of an explanation or an I'll do better, a help, but instead on his Twitter feed right now, Dylan Stewart, we actually had this tweet come at us previously but someone had tweeted a video of Dylan Stewart's machine gun celebration taunt in the face of Jackson Dart which cost the Game Cocks dearly and then we know that later in the fourth quarter he playfully shotted his teammates which I thought showed a significant lack of awareness and then Gamecock swag retweeted that and said said I had enough of being held the entire game and then Dylan Stewart retweeted that. So to me, this team is showing remarkable lack of maturity. They need to me, they need a leadership and an accountability transplant stat after what I saw on Saturday and again I was almost considering softening that somewhat but I think I've got to continue to be critical and now it's no more talk. Coach Beamer said they had a good week of practice. Coach Beamer said he's going to address these things. Coach Beamer said that he was shocked but at this point I think everybody has to sit back across their arms and wait for this team to showcase some maturity. Now some of these players are very young, the North Sellers, first year starter on offense Dylan Stewart we just mentioned he's a freshman, he's a very young player but you know a lot of this speaks to leadership. This has to go from the coaches to the coordinators to the position coaches on to the game itself and then we'll get your reaction to that but I was accused of being reactionary after I criticized the game cocks out offense after that old dominion opener but we're five games in now including in a bi-week and this passing offense right now is worse than pedestrian 176 yards per game and actually Sellers numbers are lower than that. This team only completes 14 passes per game, 14 passes per game. The service academies are close to that. They're averaging 75 penalty yards per game and in this last game 76 plays were run by the game cocks and that produced just three points. So I think Gamecock fans were very frustrated based on what I saw on social media and kind of the reaction, the mulling of the crowd, the groans from the crowd. We'll see what kind of calls we get tonight but to me corn I think right now they're lucky to be three and two with the fact that they don't have much of an offense in terms of passing the football. I think you could say that Oscar Attaway the third and Rocket Sanders do what they can. I think Lenore Sellers helps this team running the football they're very difficult to defend in that way but I think as the season progresses the Texas A&M's, the Missouri's, the Oklahoma's, the Alabama's, the Clemson's, those safeties are going to creep down into the box and they're not going to buy the South Carolina's wide receivers can win against DB's, find open space. I don't know that the concepts are there and look I'm no, I'm no, I'm not going to criticize Dowell logins specifically other than to say I'm sitting in the press box so I'm kind of got that all 22 view. I don't see a lot of open players. I don't see a lot of route concepts that are working outside of the rubs which were actually called offensive pass interference a couple of times in this game. So I'm highly critical of where this team is offensively at this stage and I think it's until they get the leadership and accountability and penalties cleaned up. They're going to have a tough time beating some of the tougher competition ahead. I have a lot of good things to say about the defense except for the fact that the, the fact that they committed those penalties that they did defensively, they kind of aren't as good as they should be because some of these penalties that they're committing are defensively as well. So I saw a team that didn't put a good product on the field and that's after a week off. Now, I'm, I'm not going to be so critical as to say they can't pull upsets against in Oklahoma or Texas A&M or Missouri, they can because I think they're that talented. But I also think that everybody has been waiting to see the criticism of a Shane Beamer and the hiring of dialogues would have been these guys. These are awfully big positions for these coaches that haven't held a lot of positions like this. Shane Beamer never been a head coach before. And right now that criticism looks warranted. The jobs look very big for those guys and we'll see how they respond. I'm perfectly happy to sit back and wait and see it. But at this point, what Shane Beamer says to me carries very little weight, how the team performs moving forward will carry and, and acts and acts on the field will carry a lot of weight. Well, I'm not sure any coach in America had a worse day than Shane Beamer did Saturday. Let me Kalen DeBore, I mean losing the Vanderbilt puts any head coach in a, in a bad light, especially if you're Alabama. But when you look at things that happened in that South Carolina game and decisions that were made by that coaching staff, you have to wonder what were they thinking and what have they been doing the last couple of weeks. That team did not look anything like the team that went into Kentucky and rolled Kentucky. They didn't look anywhere, anywhere near the team that had a 17 point lead on LSU and by every rights had a chance to win that game. That team, team regressed, regressed against Akron some and then regressed in the two weeks between games for whatever reason. But some of the decisions, for example, I'll start off simple. If Rocket Sanders was healthy enough to come in for the second series, why wasn't he healthy enough to start and give him the football and get your offense going with him? Number one thing that jumped out at me as the game progressed, I'm watching the game heading to Tallahassee at that particular time. But then the other things that occurred, the mindless penalties, the, the inability to run some past plays without having other receivers blocking illegally and creating these past interference calls. I've never seen so many offensive past interference calls in my short life and it's been short. Now you get to the Stewart stuff and to me it's very simple, very simple. If you're a head coach with a spine, you sit him down immediately. Not only did it cost your team, it was one of the most disgusting things you can do in this day and age to mimic a machine gun shooting the quarterback or a shotgun, whatever he was mimicking and then to mimic, then to mimic it towards your own players in a form of celebration. How mindless and senseless is that? I just can't believe that nothing was done from a coaching standpoint. I just don't, I can't believe that you allow your player, any player, I don't care how important the player is. You got to sit that player down right then and right there. I didn't even sense anybody went over and talked to him about it or chided him about it, you know, and there's no better way to send a message to an athlete than to sit him down and take his playing time away. So you know, that was shocking. Now, you know, I know today's athletes are different. I looked this up, you know, on three has an NIL evaluation algorithm. I'm dropping a big word in there for me, algorithm. Anyway, this kid supposedly is worth $413,000 in NIL money, whatever that, I don't know if that's crypto or real dollars. I mean, who knows? Is that real money? Is that what you actually are getting? Is that what they value you at? Is that what you can walk in and say I demand $430? I don't have any sympathy for these guys. They're getting paid to play the game now. They're getting paid in some cases, six figures. So act like, I don't care if you're just out of kindergarten. If you're being paid to play the game at this level, you know, act like you're being paid to represent people. You represent yourself. You represent your family. You represent your school. And this just wasn't any sort of, you know, standing over a quarterback and yelling at him or, or taunting him. I mean, this was in this day and age, you don't mimic shooting people, right? Can anybody disagree with that? You don't mimic that and not, and I didn't see anything come from South Carolina sideline to teach him a lesson. Now maybe he's having to run to stadium steps and all that kind of stuff, but there's nothing no greater lesson in sports and sitting somebody down. That's that. And then the other thing, the other thing is the just blatant, the blatant taking advantage of a non rule that Lane Kiffin is doing at Ole Miss. Okay. You're right. It's not in the rules. You can have a player drop down and fake an injury, which they were doing repeatedly. There's no question in my mind they were faking injuries, fake, fake, fake. And there's nothing you can do about it. And it's time, you know, Shane Beamer had a golden opportunity to explode over that. I wish he had for their sake. Agreed. He should have spewed all over that nonsense. I mean, the political correctness gets you nowhere, it gets you nowhere. They were cheating. Well, I guess they weren't cheating because there's no rule. They were not being very sportsmanly. If that's even an issue in today's world, but that's very unsportsmanlike as a head coach and Lane Kiffin, who is already a guy that, you know, you want to, you have a lot of disdain for simply because of the way he is, but he is an excellent exes and owes guys. But as a head coach, you know, and he'll say, well, there's no rule against it. And I've tried to get them to put a rule against it. Okay. So since there's no rule against it and they haven't listened to you, we'll just go ahead and do it. We're trying to make a point to force their hands to make a rule. But to this, the point is that's very unsportsmanlike to do that. And I mean, they need to, you know, my suggestion was on Twitter or X, you know, a guy goes down with an injury because you can't believe them now. You can't believe kids are being coached to do this. You either sit out five plays or you sit out the rest of that series. Let's see how quickly that gets these people healthy, right? All of a sudden that cramping and the pain in the lower leg or the back or whatever that's all of a sudden just magically knocked them to the turf, that'll go away real fast. Oh, yeah, that'll go away real, real fast. You got to sit out a minimum of five plays or the rest of that series. And if that series, you can also add in, if that series takes less than five plays, you got to sit out the remaining number of plays on the next series. Let's see how quickly that gets you healed up. Yeah, that got me worked up pretty good because I just think that's low. I just think that is just low as you can get. So the only one that, well, I mean, the Tigers are happy. You're happy, Berge, because Coastal Carolina played a heck of a game. You're quarterback through for a lot of yards. You made too many penalties, but you still got a nice winning home. Quick thought though about the injury situation and why your idea won't be passed. I agree with you. I think it's a really, really good idea, but the problem is, what do you tell the player who is legitimately hurt, goes over to the sidelines and gets cleared by the doctors two plays later. He's got to still sit out. Yeah, I think you do. I think that's because I'm sorry, somebody's got to suffer because of the insufferable people that are running college sports today. And if that's what you have to do to clean it up and that's what you have to do, I'm sorry. Well, that's fair. I mean, that's the reason our insurance rates for cars are so expensive. It's because not the good drivers. It's the bad drivers. Not at Larry Lucas insurance. Not at Larry Lucas. True. And I'm stunned, speaking of our poll question, I don't get to Coastal, that 25% I'm assuming these are all gamecock fans would say nothing and let him play. And my fear is the reason they're thinking that is, well, if you sit, Dylan Stewart, then he's going to transfer. I mean, what we've seen today, Alabama kid has jumped into transfer portal because what because they lost a Vanderbilt, you know, and my guess is that's why they're voting that way. I would have said him for the rest of the game. You've got to have some discipline on that team and right now, South Carolina is about as undisciplined as any team in the country. I mean, the most penalty yards per game or most penalties per game is anybody in the SEC. And that's on your coaches as much as it is on your players. Mm hmm. Agreed. And they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, the jumping off sides, the jumping into the neutral zone, they're doing it at critical times, the, the offensive pass interference stuff. I don't see how they haven't cleaned that up, you know. So all right. Go ahead. Coastal. Good day. Now to coastal. Yes. Coastal, a nice 45 37 win on Saturday in a game that seemingly took eight hours to play and partly because of the speaking of penalties, coastal just uncharacteristically had a ton of penalties. 15 in the game for over a hundred yards, clearly, and, and that's something that's unusual for coastal because it's first three games. The shot clear has committed a grand total of 13 penalties and they've committed 22 in the last two games. So something that I'm sure Tim Beck is hoping to clean up before they go to James Madison on Thursday. But in the meantime, you know, there are a lot of teams around the Sun Belt that were ready for grace and recall to graduate and get out of coastal because of how much damage he did against every other team in the league, speaking of Grayson, certainly hope he's okay again. I've seen those hits that he took on Saturday against Wake Forest in an NC State uniform, way too many times in a coastal uniform, so I'm hoping he's okay. But nonetheless, because of how well Grayson played, they wanted him out of the Sun Belt. Well, on the flip side, Old Dominion cannot wait and may actually come to the graduation of Ethan Vasco when he leaves coastal Carolina. His first start last year was at Old Dominion. He played high school football about 15 miles from the ODU campus in Chesapeake, Virginia and rushed for over a hundred yards, threw for over a hundred yards and sparked the comeback last year with a 75-yard touchdown drive. He tops it on Saturday. He throws for 300 and where's his numbers? He throws for 367 yards, career high, three touchdowns, a career high against, oh by the way, Old Dominion again, and helped the shot of Clears win that game on Saturday and really a fun game to watch, certainly a fun game to broadcast as well because it went up and down the field in that typical Old Dominion game. They have now played of their last 19 games, 16 of them have been decided by one score, like the South Carolina game, like the coastal Carolina game. But turnovers hurt them, just as it did against the Game Cocks against the shot of Clears, so they had a hard time holding onto the football when they came into the Palmetto State this year. I've had a fumble return for a touchdown by Joanne Powell, and for Coastal, that's their fourth defensive touchdown this season. I haven't checked the updated stats. They came in tight for second of the country with three. They perhaps are tied for first now with defensive touchdown scored. And now the competition level steps up a notch as they've got a quick turnaround to go to James Madison on Thursday for a nationally televised game on ESPN 2. And JMU is funny, I referenced what the Game Cocks and shot of Clears sort of similar against Old Dominion. They're going to each have to face the team at home, coming off a lost at neither one of their teams expected. Alabama certainly didn't expect to lose to Vanderbilt, and James Madison didn't expect to go to Louisiana Monro and get beat, especially after scoring 70 and 63 points their previous two games. They get held in 19 by the Warhawks on Saturday. So it should be interesting up in the Shenandoah Valley on Thursday. Looking forward to it, Thursday night football, you'll have the nation to yourself as far as the college game is concerned. In fact, we've got football now starting Tuesday night, like every night during the week, rest of the way for a while, so that's good to know. A couple of quick things, and then we'll get to a phone calls triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five. Talking with Scott early late this afternoon, executive director of South Carolina Athletic Coach Association. Of course, tomorrow the high school league executive committee is going to meet to talk about what to do about the high school season in South Carolina. And Scott, let me know that in talking with the Shrine Bowl folks and all that, should there be a delay of a couple of weeks, if they push the season back a couple of weeks, let's say they will move the touchstone energy bowl to the 21st, which will be the same day as the Shrine Bowl, and they will kick off at different times, but the Shrine Bowl will coordinate with the touchstone energy bowl on the Mr. Football halftime announcement ceremonies, because obviously finalists are involved in the Shrine Bowl. Shrine Bowl roster came out yesterday, we'll go over that later. So just wanted to pass that on. The other thing to think about too, is that in the future, in the future, not this year, but in the future, they should look at, they may look at, maybe they will look at the dates for the Shrine Bowl, because right now the Shrine Bowl will be the same Saturday as the College Football playoffs. And do you want the Shrine Bowl to be going up against the College Football playoffs? So maybe to the Shrine Bowl people, it doesn't matter, you know, they know their purpose, they know what they're serving with their game. The people who are interested in high school football, and those players, and supporting their cause, will still go no matter when they play it. But it will get lost in terms of the media, and especially around here, if teams from South Carolina, North Carolina are in the playoffs, it will definitely get lost. So just something they're going to have to think about, I would think they'd have to think about it, or maybe they won't think about it at all. It's the perfect opportunity, I think they should think about it, Phil, because you're going to have attendance dip, if you have to go up against College football playoffs, especially if they're glimpses in it. I think it's a perfect opportunity to now move the Shrine Bowl and coincide the same week as the Touchstone Energy Bowl, play it on the same day, and figure out a way that fans can go to both games. Have a double header of all-star games the week before, I think it'd be perfect. Maybe have them at the same location, Myrtle Beach is a beautiful place. We'll be back. One calls after the break. All right, we're back on Sports Talk. It is, indeed, a manic Monday coming off a crazy weekend. What about that race at Talladega? Pretty awesome finish, pretty awesome wreck, 28 cars in a wreck, and no women were involved either in that, Chris. No women were involved in that wreck, so it's that surprising, and let's see, phone number triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five, South Carolina Education, lottery lucky number. Got a major league baseball playoff game going on. That's a dandy. All right, Joshua, close your ears because you don't want to know since you're a Tigers fan. They're in the top of the knife in Cleveland and they are scoreless between Detroit and Cleveland in that one. Kansas City and the Yankees are to follow tonight, only American League games tonight. We were talking about getting those two all-star games down to the beach, and Josh had a great suggestion that if you want to make plans to be there, and of course you've got to have a place to stay. We call our man Jimmy Smith at James Smith Realty and let him get you set up for that weekend, or of course that's down the road, and it's still conceptual in nature. My point is if you're going down to the beach and you need a place to stay for a week or longer, let Jimmy and the staff work with you 843-237-4246 for your perfect beach getaway. They can also help you purchase property at the beach. Paulies Vacation Rennels dot com and Jimmy Smith 843-237-4246 is the number. Real quick, the poll question of the week, Berge alluded to it at the top of the show, brought to you by Larry Lucas State Farm Insurance in Columbia 803-799-1998 the number for great insurance service from Larry Lucas and the staff. Gamecock's defensive end Dylan Stewart was flagged for mimicking shooting the Ole Miss quarterback after sack. He repeated the action later but was not flagged. What should Shane Beemer have done? 49.6% of 115 votes thus far today, bench him the rest of the game, 26.1% sit him for a series, 24.3%, nothing let him play. So that poll question is on our website and on our X at Sports Talk SC. All right, to your phone calls, we begin with 90 seconds from Gamecock Larry. Good evening, Larry. Hope you're doing well. Well, I'm not doing good at all but you know what, I was like, that's a game just past Saturday and I will tell you, I had to leave after minutes third quarter started. That game was lost on the second three reasons a game I think when our coach calls that fake part and then turn right around and fumble them all next time and I'm gonna play some round of people like it, they might not like it but I'm gonna tell you right now. Some of them are not ready for the SCC. I don't care what they say, he might have been a great high school football player but old game coach Larry will tell you like it is, he is not ready for the SCC because he might have been hurt. I don't know if I'm last and yes, I would have missed Thomas, whatever the name, I would have missed him and I might have even, no, I wouldn't have put him on the bus. I don't know, no discipline and saying you got to be a coach. You got to be a main coach. You got to be a head coach. You got to quit playing around with these kids not there's nothing. You got to be a drill sergeant saying, and all the coaching staff. I blame this on the coaching staff and you have to lay and kick it and you'll fake, fake, fake, fake injuries. I see the quarterback on the bench in the race bar's game, notice the, most of it a player to fall down with a player fell down. Got to the thing, got to the bench instead of checking the shoulder but it was hurt. They showed his check and it was like, yes, this quick bow was messed up. But I don't know, y'all, but he got my back in the bed, being like, you got to stay in the bed, you got to sleep on one side, all that, old game coach Larry, he just did no, but I still a game coach, I love my game coach, I be a game coach. But I love y'all, keep business for you, I talk to you with, and talk about, talk about, I know I'm going over 90 seconds, but talk about, I can handle on your radio, call in, tell our game coach Larry, hello, love y'all, go game coach. Alright, love y'all. Thank you Larry, thank you very much, glad you got to the ball game, hope you feel better, always good hearing from you, yeah, the fake punt was ridiculous as well, I mean just, you know, when you do something like that guys, you have to kind of, you weigh the risk reward factor there Smitty, even if they'd gotten the first down, no guarantee that they were going to go down and score. But the percentages were pretty high that if you didn't get the first down and turn the ball over there, that Mississippi was going to get something, three or seven, they ended up getting seven out of it I think didn't they? So very, you know, the risk reward call there, plus they didn't fool on this, Ole Miss was lined up in punt safe, they kept their defense on the field, I would have burned a timeout and got my punting team on there I think at that point in time, they totally blew that and that just, your defense had gone out and gotten you a stop, okay the offense didn't do very much, you're in a position to punt, play the field game. You know, punt them back deep, see if your defense can get a stop and get the ball next time in better field position. A hundred percent correct corn, you know, a punt fake and Shane Beamer should know this growing up at the foot of his father Frank Beamer and frankly Shane has had plenty of fake punts and fake field goals and fake extra points, go his way. But it's a field for the game, right? Is execution involved but then there's also a field for the game and to do it against a team. Where do you think Ole Miss's heads were? Do you, how many times do you think they were told this week, watch for the fakes? South Carolina wants to win special teams, his name is Beamer. How many times do you think that was drilled into the player's heads? And maybe you can catch Ole Miss napping but you catch them napping in the third quarter when they, when they, there's some back and forth in the game to try to do it on the first series. When your last name is Beamer, to me, made no sense and I'll, I'll give you one more point about it. There were several people in the press box that said they might fake here because they had called a run play on third and long to get to fourth and one on their own side of the field. So when you're doing that, it almost makes it look like you're tipping your hand. You're telegraphing, you might go for it because you didn't throw the ball on third and long. So, all the way around, all the way around and of course there's one other, a nuanced note about something that happened later in the game as well. At the end of the first half Kyle Canard had a sack against Jackson Dart which would have set up second and 17 and Shane Beamer elected to take a holding penalty setting up first and 20 and two plays later. So the extra down that Ole Miss got on that series resulted in a first down. I think they went down and kicked the field goal but the point to all of that is, nobody had a good game. Shane Beamer didn't have a good game, Dow Logins didn't have a good game, played White didn't have a good game and South Carolina's players didn't have a good game. I hope everybody enjoyed the tailgate because that's where the joy stopped Saturday. And Vanderbilt did not do them any favors, none whatsoever because you know they're going to get Alabama's complete best shot and alert Alabama team, not that they wouldn't have been alert and ready to play at home against an SEC foe but they're definitely going to be, they're going to be wide eyed and ready to beat up on somebody, they've got to regain their reputation. So the gamecocks are going to Tuscaloosa the absolute worst time. But maybe that media member filled at Vanderbilt to win the SEC during the preseason wasn't that far all. He's not the big idiot that everybody thought. But what I'm saying here is if you're the gamecocks you've got to think we're good enough to go in there and play a ball game and make a good accounting. As far as Sellers is concerned, listen people, listen, remember Kade Clubnick of last year? Remember the issue, remember the growth factor involved? Sellers has only played in five games, forget last year. He's only played in five games and he's played three of those five games against some of the best competition in the country. I mean Kentucky on the road, very difficult, LSU and Ole Miss at home, very difficult. He's a baby and he is a baby. When if you're discounting last year, he's only played in four games this year. What's their record? Remember he missed Akron game. Oh you're right, you're right, you're right, you're right. So that's right. So he's only played in four games. So he's a baby, you've got to give him time, it's going to be, you know, growth while on the job is not easy. Ask Clemson fans, you know, I mean they were ready to run Clubnick out of town last season and he made a lot of mistakes and a lot of dumb plays and bad plays. Now they're ready to crown him King of Clemson because he's playing spectacular football. The game slowed down for him, he's got an understanding and he's in his third year. This cat's only in his second year and last year was just to sit on the sideline and learn behind Rattler. So give him a chance. But I don't understand why they did not bring Robbie Ashford back in. I know he fumbled, okay, but what, I mean you bench him for that but you don't bench Dylan Stewart for faking shooting people with an AK-47. I mean, both are egregious and Robbie Ashford could have gone back in there and maybe helped you. If Sellers was struggling, you changed it up. You know, Ashford can certainly help you with his legs too and maybe hit a pass or two. But anyway, something else that went wrong for the Gamecocks from a coaching standpoint, I'd say. We continue with your phone calls, triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five, Hank in Columbia. The Tigers just hit a three run homer, Detroit's taking a three run lead. They're going to. Josh didn't care about the game, he was jumping out of the seats, yeah, I saw him down there. Hank, welcome in. How are you? I'm doing fine, Corey. Yes, sir. Got a couple of, couple of comments on all of this, first of all, I think Sellers is gonna be fine and still fine because it really, you said, even after that, before the Akron game, the one disadvantage of them not playing in that game and not playing in the second half of the game before was that I have to get the ankle a little bit better. But he was trapped in the more reps he got, the more comfortable he was going to be. So that was the, you know, he was kind of, that was the thing because if you look at his completion numbers, they're not really attempting a lot of passes. So that's, that's one thing, is that like their, they're going 11 for 35 or something like that. He's actually getting some decent completions for the number of passes they're attempting. But I think part of it with him, with I see it is, it might be overcoaching him a little bit. So when Lamar Jackson was in his first year in Louisville and Bob Bocchino would give him a couple of throws and other than that, he let Lamar run around. He did it because it was going to be a process for him to play quarterback and I think the reason that he let them, you know, they didn't even know through throws, but that'll be him is because they didn't want to take away all that athleticism. He had, there were times Saturday, you could see the North was almost making himself stay in the pocket. And dance around where he had lanes, he could have gone. So sometimes I think he could kind of overcoach a young quarterback, just let him, you know, let him get down plenty and keep it limited and let his athleticism do it to he's more comfortable. One thing, the other thing now, you know, freshman, you don't do all this vision and stuff like that. Yeah, you pull him out for serious energy. I know somebody talked to him. I know that for a fact. And it was also missing afterwards. But you get that freshman and then during the week, and that's where you handle that with him. I mean, if he was doing it. I'm sorry. No, you don't. I'm sorry. No, you don't. No, you don't. You don't have to prove the fan. You don't have to show the fans how you do it. That's the, that's the king of make me look good. If you don't have to show as a head coach, you need to show the fans. I take it. You need to show the fans that you're, that you are in trouble and that you're not going to tolerate actions like that on the field during a game that embarrasses, I think, embarrasses everybody. And then I'm sure they addressed it, corn, but I'm sure they talked to him. I'm sure they addressed it. But the best way to address it is to sit somebody down on the bench for their fan face. Well, you know, I mean, I didn't see the series after he did it, you know, the second time I worked with said, but I know stuff was said to him. But what I'm saying is he's still a freshman. out Alabama. That day and I saw guys were second and third year. Alabama had an issue Alabama had an issue. Alabama had an issue Saturday. Yeah. Yeah. So he showed me. And I would have said this but down as well and I'm sure. You know. Refusing to come out of a game. You're being sub for and and and showing complete disdain for your your coach and your defensive coordinator. You can't tolerate that. You can't tolerate that. Yeah. So that's one thing but this is the other thing to corn. I think he's interference calls. Now the jumping off sides and all that. We're not a discipline team and that's what Shane and have to clean that up during the week. Point. All of it. Everything are in practice. Office of the passing affairs calls. I'm putting that on the the coordinate. And I'm going to tell you why there were two or three times that night. The SEC network showed it where he got called for passing affairs where the receiver did not touch anyone. And but they they taught it in session. He was like well that was that picture keeps in on the receiver and it looks to see if he's tried to the block. Well, one of the things that was. For the passing affairs calls were all in the same type of route concept where the guy goes about 10 20 or down the field and then him and a guy Chris cars. And that's what they were called. They we went back to Kentucky. They even went back to Kentucky and said it showed it happened during the Kentucky game. So then that's not a design. That's on a play design that you got to just get out of there. Whenever Clinton had to go with the little rubber out. Yeah. Sorry. What do you call their and it says what's your target call is. Well, again, I mean, if that's what they're teaching, then they need to unteach it because they're being. That's what I'm saying. You remember Alabama crook length about that question of rubber out and that's what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah, I get to say they were running and kill somebody called it. If you're and we got to go. Thank you, Hank. If you're coaching it, then you need to stop coaching it. If it's a play, you need to take it out of your playbook. You're exactly right. But, you know, I mean, Chris, it seems to me like it's a good play. Just teach them how to do it the right way. Right. Right. And there are ways you can do that. Yeah. And teams do it all the time. Just go stand. You know, just don't make contact with a guy and make it look like a basketball screen. That's the problem. Now, I didn't see the play that obviously that ain't referencing, but my guess is that's pretty much the case. They almost said a basketball pick and you're going to get called for that every time. And if you're teaching that, then you're teaching your own. There's no question. All right. Going to hit the break. We'll come back with more of your phone calls. So corn, Luke, Chris, Bergen, Matt Smith, Josh Cohen, all together with you tonight, Manic Monday edition of Sports Talk. 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Touchstone Energy is an alliance of the member-owned electric cooperatives and as a member, the power is yours. Experience the power of co-op membership with Touchstone Energy and find out how much you can save on electricity and a whole lot more at All right, it's gone final. Detroit evens that series a game each, 3-0 win, 3-run homer, top of the ninth. Of course, who cares? Yankees and Royals are coming up. That's America's team, the New York Yankees. When the Yankees are doing well, inevitably, America does well as well, at least as far as I can tell. I'm going to pull Randy Quaid from Major League 2. They'll blow it into playoffs. You know they will. Let's go to the playoffs. All right, quickly, back to the phone calls. We go to AAA 8982525. It is Bobby in Charlotte with us next. Bobby, welcome in. How are you? Hey, guys, you know what? I'm a little worried that Hank has been watching too much women's basketball. He's getting a little soft in his old days. That's ridiculous. Hey, let's go. Hey, let's go. Hey, Stuart, it should have been on the sideline. Like you said, that's just, they must have given him a really good talking to the first time, seeing as how he came back and did it again, just embarrassing. Hey, how about we teach our kids that you don't showboat when you're down 3 touchdowns and you're getting walked all over the field? I mean, how about we start there? You know, I was just pathetic. And, you know, somebody mentioned, I mean, the immaturity, and first of all, how in the world did we go from having Steve Spurrier call in place to we went into that. We went back to back with Marcus Satterfield dowel logins. I mean, Clemson hired Garrett Riley. It took him a year. But like you said, they're humming now. You know, they hired Matt Luke. How does their offensive line look compared to ours? You know, it matters, you know, who you hire to bring into your program. And then, you know, the immaturity stuff, is anyone that our team would be immature? I mean, what does Shane Beamer project? I mean, Phil, the people that the Kataba fish camp are really excited. You saw season. I mean, he is so thin skinned. And somebody said his last name's Beamer, which I'm assuming. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's 90% of why he got this job in the first place. And I'm just tired of the immaturity, like you guys said, in the uneven play. You don't know what you're getting. The only thing you can expect is the unexpected. Except for this week, I know for a fact, Bama's going to drop 50 on us. You take that one to the bank. So, but guys, I'm just obviously super frustrated. Another season where you start to get your hopes up a little bit and just boom. Coming out of a bi-week, just insulting. Thank you for the call, man, can hear the emotion and passion in your voice. Yeah, disappointing, disappointing outing for the Game Cox in so many ways, having two weeks to get ready and to put that kind of product on the field in front of your home fans. That's got to be disheartening, but you got to hang in there with them. Game Cox fans, you just can't walk out on them just yet. Be right back. Welcome back to Sports Talk. On the Sports Talk Media Network, you can reach the guys with the South Carolina Education Lottery lucky number. 888-898-2525. That's AAA-898-2525. Now back to Phil and Chris with a second hour of Sports Talk on the Sports Talk Media Network. All right, welcome back. Welcome back, everybody. Sports Talk, Sports Talk Media Network, Manic Monday, Phil Cornbloot, Chris Bergen, Matt Smith, and Josh Cohen. Back to your calls in just a moment, AAA-898-2525. Very quickly, they announced the Shrine Bowl rosters yesterday. I thought I would just run through the sand lappers. I always like to acknowledge the kids that make our All-Star Games reminder that we'll have in a couple of weeks. The rosters for the Touchstone energy bowl north-south game. So the quarterbacks, AJ Brand, Will Wilson and Cutter Woods, Ermo, R&E, and Westside. Brand and Wilson are athletes as well. They can play other positions. Woods is a pure quarterback, so we'll see what happens there. You can't play three quarterbacks in an All-Star game. That hurts everybody, I think. AJ Brand, Will Wilson, Cutter Woods. Runningbacks, Tyderian Greer, Fairfield Central, Marquise Henderson of Belton-Honeya-Path, Landon Stone of Clover. Tight ends, Brandon Ambrose, Katauba Ridge, Jordan Collins of South Point. Wide receivers, Chamarias Beaumar of Westside, Connor Brown of North Augusta. Malik Clark of Rock Hill, Jaden Sellers of South Florence, Michael Skinner of Riverside, Jamarka Smith and Gaffney. They did not take the two new receivers who reclassified for 2025. I don't know why. I don't know that there's any rule against it. Maybe because they didn't go through the summer combines with the other guys. I don't know if that did it, but I can promise you the Touchstone energy bowl will invite them. You know, it's got to be an invite and they got to accept. They'll be invited to play in that game. Offensive linemen, Jake Duncan, Crescent, Victor Gory, South Point, Christian Hun, Carolina Forest, Kevin P. Lancaster, Bryce Rainwater, Hillcrest, Cedric Serrat, Gaffney, Hunter Taylor, Greenville, Kendall Walton, Lamar, Aidan Wiles, North Central, the specialist, Grady Dangerfield, James Island, defensive lineman, Amir Adams, South Florence, Jalen Kord, Manning, Michael Edwards, Wallace, King Street, Andrew Pickett, Northwestern, Sterling Sanders, Blythe Wood, linebackers, Anthony Addison, Sumter, Jekwavius Dodd, Eastside, Jordan Lowery, Sumter, Dylan Polanski, Ashley Ridge, Cam Smith, Spartanburg, Josh Smith, Dutch Fork, any relation, Smitty to those Smiths? Farjanae, probably. Yeah, not, you know, with NIL and all that, you can become an uncle real fast. And, you know, anyway, Torrance Wilson would be better. Torrance Wilson, Lake City, defensive backs, Ramani Brewton, J.O. Mann, Damarian Co., Hartsville, O'Marean Davis, Indian land, Devon Geronomy, White Know, Demarcus Leach, Abbeyville, Elgin Sessions, Dutch Fork and Cam Strong, T. Elhanna, South Carolina, of course, got commitments on Friday, Saturday. We'll talk about that shortly, but a total of 11 Gamecock commitments are on the two rosters between the North and the South. So doing a good job of eyeballing and getting commitments from top talent in South Carolina and North Carolina are the GameCocks. OK, triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five, reminder to check out our website, It is absolutely loaded, loaded, loaded with great stuff. So make sure you check that out. It's free. We ask that you read the stories. Maybe click on the advertisements on the site. You get some really good deals with some of these advertisements. For example, if you're shopping for a Russian bride, we can probably help you out there and with some other good stuff as well. So anybody in the market for a Russian bride? Josh, you're looking for a bride, aren't you? Please, if you will, listeners, hit on the local and regional sponsors. That would be more helpful for us. That's true. That's true. Hit the people we know. All right, back to the phones, triple eight, eight, nine, eight. What if Phil knows one of the Russian rides? Mm-hmm. I'll never tell. I'll never tell. is Siberian Sheelos right there on the bottom. Triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five. Back to your phone calls. Appreciate your patience. Let's go to Bruce out in Missouri where they got shell shocked. Whoo. What a beat down the Tigers took. Hey, that's my secondary Tigers, not the first Tigers now. I get that. You got to understand I'm a Clemson fan, OK? We know that. You know, you're around about the white guy being a machine, good and machete guy where you can remember this movie where Adam Stanley was a football. It was a son or woman that kept calling football. Food ball. Food ball. Food ball. Yeah, that was the water boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, right. Well, guess what? That's what we got today. It's nothing but a damn food ball game. It's nothing but show my butt down the sideline or down the middle of the field. After I touch somebody, you know, I did this. I did that. It's all me, me, me. And that's what the guy was doing. He was doing the ultimate Adam plant doing the machine, good machete thing because it's a bunch of crap going on on the football field. You need to stop that crap. They need to play football and not show football. That's what they're playing today is football. Now I give it to you. Take it away with me. All right, thank you very much. Appreciate it. I don't know if some coaches today have the guts to stand up to their players anymore, guys. I mean, the players have all the power, right? We're seeing players right now left and right opting out of the season. You know, I'm going to take advantage of my red shirt of the transfer of portal, John, it's happening now. I mean, a month into the season, guys are just quitting on their teams. We've we've lost all semblance of what of what it used to mean, right? I guess we've just sold out. We've just totally sold out. We've all sold out. We've sold out. I've sold out. You've sold out fans have sold out coaches have sold out university presidents have sold out commissioners have sold out. We've just all sold out. Well, we're all at fault. We're all at fault here. I'll say this first, I was sold out or I didn't get anything for it. I just want to say, you know, if you keep the focus and this is a little bit what Bruce was alluding to, I remember I interviewed Bill Curry once. And, you know, an old time coach and football player and he said the one thing that hasn't changed and he's saying this, you know, seven, eight years ago is you play for the guy next to you. That's what football is all about and always has been about. And that is what was lost for Dylan Stewart. He cost his team so much. And so we talk about, you know, what the coaches have to do. But frankly, it has mostly to do with is Dylan Stewart going to do what's best for his teammates or not? That's the decision that he has to make and others have to make. Like the players you're talking about that enter the transfer portal. The problem is not not the NIL, not quitting on the team. Because money does not change your character. It simply reveals it. So this is who you were that you're showing who you were and the play, the decision the players have to make is are they going to play for the guy next to them? I'm sure Dylan Stewart's a fine person, a great kid, a wonderful teammate, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, we're not inside. We're not around. We don't know. I don't know. You don't know. Listeners don't know. But you draw conclusions by what you see and what we saw in that particular case was not a good look. And if you ask me, it's compounded by the fact that nothing was done and something should have been done. And I mean, I don't get it. I just don't get it today with some coaches. And the thing is South Carolina lost. They played poorly. OK, you can understand that. You have those days, you play poorly, you coach poorly. All of that came together in one three-hour period for South Carolina. But to me, as an observer, antics that happen on the field just aggravate the losing situation. It's one thing just to talk about a loss. Yeah, you you didn't play well. You dropped passes, you had penalties, fine, you move on. Exinguating circumstances that are part of the game, Chris, on the field that shine a poor light. I mean, it just adds that just adds more fodder for people to talk about when they discuss your loss and your failure that particular day. Well, and this was the perfect opportunity because of the way the game went for Shane Beamer to take a strong stance against one of his top players on defense. I mean, whether or not Dylan Stewart played in the game the rest of the way was not going to change the outcome one bit, at least in that game. But you take him out, make him watch the rest of the game and explain to him why he's not playing anymore could affect his play and help him moving forward and certainly help your team moving forward. He stayed out there. It wasn't going to matter. You bring him off. It wasn't going to matter. They were going to lose to Ole Miss just because of the way they showed up in the first half. But you send a message to everybody on that team. Look, win-loser draw. We're going to play to a standard and we're going to act to a standard, especially as Smitty pointed out earlier. What are you doing taunting anybody when you're getting your brains kicked in the way they were? Yeah, absolutely. All right. Continue with your calls, triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five. Let's go to Ricky in Spartanburg. Ricky, welcome in to Sports Talk. Good to have you with us. Thank you, Phil. How are you doing tonight? We're doing great. Thank you for joining us. Before I ask my question, I just want to say one little thing. Many, many years ago, I listened to you Monday through Friday, every night, every week. And you're the best talk show in South Carolina by far. And somehow along the way over the years, I lost you. I don't know if our station up here dropped you, I guess, or life got in the way. I don't know which, but about two months ago, I found you again on a station out of Greenville, and I've been listening every night. And Phil, there's no better talk show sports wise in in South Carolina. Listen to another couple of stations up here in the upstate, and there's some great shows there. But it just reminds me of all those years ago, I'd listened to you and Teddy Hefner and the professor and just how much entertainment knowledge I got from that. And I just want to thank you for that. Well, thank you. Appreciate that. Well, there's so many nights I can remember the night Danny Ford was let go. So many things I could say. And I sat here listening to you and got what I knew about it from you. And it was good stuff. So thank you for that. Thank you. But that thanks me to my question. We don't have power up here this weekend. And so I listened as much as I could on the radio to the Carolina game. And I missed this, but this morning I was listening up here to another station. And they talked about a first downplay, I guess, there was a penalty. And on second down, Beamer had the choice of making it second and 20 second, 17 or first and 20. And he chose the first and 20 and it came back to bite him. I just want to hear your thoughts on it. I heard what some guys up here were talking about this morning when it came to that. And I've been interested all day in hearing what you would say. Well, thank you. I am going to turn it over to Smitty because he was there and I'll I'll join in. And I listened in, of course, on the conference call yesterday where Beamer gave his explanation where he said he basically just he just blew it. He made a mistake. But what did you see? You make that mistake as a head coach, though. That's obvious you can. But, Smitty, you were there watching it live. So what did you what did you see going on on the field? Think you muted yourself, Smitty, unmute yourself or maybe we've just lost it. We're not hearing him. Well, I'll step in and yeah. The to your question, Ricky, bad decision, Beamer has owned it. You know, he owned it some after the game. He said he needed more time to go back and look at the video and all that kind of stuff. And then he owned it fully yesterday where he said he made a mistake. He said he normally talks with the officials, gets the complete breakdown of what happens if you take it, what happens if you decline it, gets the full picture. I think he was confused over the difference in the yardage and thought that by taking the penalty, it was going to be a much bigger yardage mark off and make it more difficult for Ole Miss than the other way around. As it turned out, the extra down gave Ole Miss that chance to convert and get another first down. So he just blew it. You know, he said so himself. He just made the wrong decision. Well, I appreciate that. I will say this. You call it from Charlotte a few minutes ago hit on the fact that a lot of us out here feel like the the immaturity of the team goes back to the immaturity and the lack of experience from the coach. And there's another example and I'll leave it at that. But Bill, I can't tell you, thank you enough. Thanks for all you've done all these years. That means a lot to us, guys. Well, thank you so much, man. I appreciate that. It's good to hear from you. Please keep in touch. Is Smitty back with us? Can we? No, we're having a we're having an audio problem. The gremlins have gotten in there. So let's hit the break. I see him talking. I see him talking. I see he's waving at us. He looks good. Does the Smitty look good to you? Thin and well rested. He always does. Yeah, he's a handsome man. He is. Man, I can see him playing, you know, for the Detroit Tigers. Third base. Hot glove. He's got more concerns right now after that. Jumping, they took last night back to San Diego now. That was a beat down. Break is coming up. We'll continue with your phone calls. We've got the recruiting report coming up. Zach Willis will be with us first in 10 at 735. Be right back. Farm Bureau insurance agents live in work 30. They're not at the end of some 1-800. For thousands of miles away, the personalized attention, competitive rates and a reputation for fast, fair claim service sets Farm Bureau insurance apart from the competition. For your auto home and life insurance needs. Trust Farm Bureau insurance. In Clinton and Lawrence, give Buddy Bridges a call at 864-984-0413 or stop by the office at 726 East Main Street in Lawrence to see how local makes a difference. Football season is upon us and that means Columbia is welcoming fans from around the corner and across the country. 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And that game will be a noon kickoff and catch the network, but it will be on TV. South Carolina in Oklahoma will either be noon or 1245 still to be determined on either ESPN or the SEC network coastal. In the game, by the way, ACC network, ACC net coastal Carolina homecoming game in a couple of weeks will be against Louisiana. And that'll be noon on ESPN U. All right, by the way, just recapping the rest of football around the state Saturday besides Gamecocks Tigers coastal. Furman one, SEC state was a winner, North Greenville and limestone on winners and the other losers. Wofford, PC lost in overtime at San Diego on a scoop and score with PC at the three yard line. They fumbled San Diego. The Galchos recovered, ran it back for a touchdown. That's how they won Charleston Southern lost, Newberry lost, Citadel lost, Benedict lost, Allen lost and Anderson lost in overtime to Kataba. All right, back to the phones. Triple eight, eight, nine, eight, two, five, two, five. They are the Torreros, by the way. I'm sorry. The Galchos, the Torreros. I think Santa Barbara, or are they the banana slugs, either way? Yeah, I should bone up on my California. Every gentleman wins a college out there. Let's go to Keith. Keith and Camden, are you a Torrero or are you a gaucho right now? I'm a gaucho. What were you before we put you on the air? Well, I was hopeful, but, you know, I didn't listen earlier, didn't get into about seven. So don't want to be redundant, but looking at Saturday, you look at Ole Miss just very methodically. Take what they give you and then three, four times a game, they go over the top and burn us. We got exposed physically on both lines of scrimmage. They owned this game plan was terrible. It was just a bad day and you had two weeks to look that bad. So maybe I'm, you know, I don't know. Maybe I'm in over, I don't know. No, you didn't. No, you didn't. You had every, you had every right. Every Gamecock fan had every right going into that stadium to think they were going to win that game, every right. You had beaten a Kentucky team that had gone in and beaten them at their place. You had two weeks to get ready. Everybody significant was healthy. You had every right as a Gamecock fan to walk in there thinking you were going to get a W or at least a competitive performance. Of course, you got neither. Yeah, well, feel, you know, things and I don't know how drastically, you know, it's easy from the living room. But the whole game plan, just, I don't know, just seem like it would. One thing is obvious. We don't have a threat throwing the ball. That's obvious. Yes, I say patience, patience, patience, for sellers, K club Nick, K club Nick, K club Nick. And you do have some good receivers. And you do have some speed, you got some guys that can separate like a Mezio Bennett, but he's young too. And we'll be back. Now, first and 10 exact winners in the sports talk media network. All right, Monday night on Sports Talk, manic Monday, first and 10 was Zach Willis here on Sports Talk. Good to have the coach back with us for another Monday nights. Lots to talk about start with South Carolina and just just a bad day, just a bad day at the office. I mean, in many, many ways, but I don't think you can just shrug it off as a bad day at the office either. What did you see going on out there? Well, there were a couple of obvious things to me feel as a coach. And again, you know, having to come off the way the season started with it. Even in the loss of great effort and good execution to see the way they played Saturday was really frustrating. I think for everybody really disappointed in the game management. The fake punt really kind of spelled it. I mean, it was kind of the day in a capsule. They go out in an obvious formation that's going to be a fake. OMS is not stupid. They're a fairly well coached team, at least schematically. And they get the punt safely, which for the fans out there, we're going to talk dirty for a minute here. Talk dirty to me. They they are Brett Michael's made that famous. But anyway, they didn't punt safe, which basically means they've got one of the best defensive lines in the country. And they leave those cats out there. South Carolina trucks out there. You know, a small snapper who looked like he was about a buck 85. He was probably bigger, but against those guys, he looked tiny. And the rest of the coverage team, which are not offensive linemen, they line up with their first defense and a base defense look and proceed to destroy that line and hit the guy that caught the snap in the mouth and body slam him. And they do all this. And I don't know me. It's a 36 yard line, but they're on 36 yard line to make matters worse. There was no reason for it. No dean, even if it's sent the wrong message is a message of desperation. You're not going out here to be all that. We know South Carolina has athletes to play with teams like Ole Miss. They beat a Kentucky team, beat them badly. They just beat Ole Miss in a tight game, you know, in Oxford, Mississippi. And it just, to me, from there, it went down hill, you know, driving the ball, a second driver of the game. They decided to bring Robbie in and Robbie Ashford in and made it one of a trick play, but the mesh read on a zone pool like that is something you need to practice any thumbles of all. And they give up 14 points off two turnovers. One, it was, you know, I think I can live with a fumble, I guess. I wish it had been sailors running the ball. He can run it just as good if not better, but OK, but the fake punt just, you know, and I felt like they just were not the same team we've been seeing all year long. They had two weeks to prepare for this game. I'll cut it there and let you guys ask questions, but there was a lot, a lot of things were not going right on Saturday. Yeah, they had they had a number of different issues. What about the confusion that Beamer admitted to on the penalty deal where he. He took the penalty, did not take the sack left. We gave basically gave Ole Miss another down to play with and they were able to get out of the hole and to get a first down eventually. Well, that I mean, OK, I'm trying to edit myself without editing myself, but that was about as boneheaded as I've seen. And the thing is, it's not just on him or some of his staff. Somebody should have stepped up. But I mean, there's no Pete Limbo anymore. You know, you got guys over there now. I would think that logins if he was paying attention and he may not have been. I don't know because that's the defense. But somebody's got to step up there and say, hold on a minute, coaches. I was standing up in my living room having a fit and it's just a basic deal. I mean, you know, if it was a lot of high school in McCollum, nineteen eight coaches would have known better either one than to do that. And I'd say their whole staffs would have and I hate to have to do this. But, you know, we got to praise them when they deserve it. But this is not one of those times and that was a rough. And I am glad he didn't pull a real must chant and try to lie about it. He owned up to it and owned it. So good for him. There's respect. There's a mistake. Yes, but a reflection on the man's character. Thank God for that. Look on the positive of that, I guess. He's owned everything. He's owned everything. Yeah, he's a solid guy. I mean, the Dylan Stewart deal, how I think that should have been handled considering, you know, and everybody likes to say, well, this day and age, this day and age, this day and age, this day and age. Yeah. The quote, the quote Deon Sanders, bull junk on that. Okay, that's bull junk. He says, you all know what I mean? Look, that's inexcusable. This shows a lack of character on that young man's part. He's not controlling his emotions. That's the lack of character. That means by a kid, he came back and made a play later that I'm going to be honest, I'm going to be clown is capable of making the sense I've been watching South Carolina play. This kid is going to be a superstar. And by being a superstar, everybody's going to be watching every single thing he does. All over Columbia, no matter where he goes, he's going to be followed along with the sellers. So you're going to have to give them some tough love. Hopefully he was up bright and early this morning running the stadiums at Carolina doing something to that measure and he'll do them every day until he realizes, yes, what, but you can't lose your mind like that. And that was a huge sack, a huge sack and a great play, but you can't. There's never been a day and age where that's allowed because it's such a violent act. I mean, what he was looking like, he was shooting a punk shotgun into the guy's face or chest. I don't know how anybody, no matter how progressive you want to be can say that's okay. And it's a kid being a kid too. We don't want to overdo it, but I mean, it was just kind of a meany meltdown. They can come back from all this stuff. But it was again, you know, you just want to throw something at TV and you just get really frustrated at because we know they're better than this. We know they're capable of far better, far higher level play. What about later play hard? Yeah, but what about from the coaching standpoint on the sideline? I mean, my thought is you bench a guy like that and he sits the rest of the game. I'm sorry if it hurts the team, but I mean, you got to get, but people will say, well, they punished him during the week or they punished him in the running the steps and they had a talking to him and I don't know. I've always heard the greatest punishment is sitting on the pine play in time. Well, play in time. I mean, here's the thing you got to you got to bounce in college football day. Shane Beemer is at a critical juncture with his team. He's got a head in the right direction. But, you know, I'd say he's on the hot seat after last year. I don't know, I hope not in a way, I really do. I'm not for that, but see, it pushes coaches who weren't really resolute in what they believe to kind of waver in favor of. I don't want to hurt the team. I want to chance to win this game, especially the big lane. Kevin, who's symbol of everything is wrong in college football. We can deal with that later. I would have ripped his rear end verbally. I would have sat him down and I would have had my coaches, especially his position coach monitor, his behavior because it was still a lot of time left in that ball game. And if I solve it, he was contrived, had the right attitude out of putting back out there, but the whole stadium would have solved him. He did it in front of people. He embarrassed the team in front of people. He would have got embarrassed in front of those same people so that the people that care about the program, they're putting money in the program. People that are supporting that program, covering that program like me. And you are seeing the discipline that's going down. OK, and the fact that I don't know what because I couldn't watch the sidelines. You guys have to tell me if you saw any consequence that I'm sure they said something I can't imagine they wouldn't because it was such a huge penalty. But the that's the very least and then he'd be consequences. We'd have a captain's meeting the captains that hold him accountable. And he didn't run the crap out of you for at least a week, at least a week. He wouldn't start the next ballgame. That's how I handled things like that. I didn't want to overdo it, but I would let the punishment fit the crime. He came back later and seemed to have himself under control, but they got to send a message that would not be tolerated because that's what everybody else on that football team is watching what's going on there. And that's a critical that the coaching staff handled that immediately and in a very direct way, no, no, no wavering on that. You mentioned Lane Kiffin and, of course, the fake injuries. So why is there no rule? Why has the NCAA not implemented something at this point time? Now, listen, Kiffin, I think he's a jerk for doing it. I think it's very non sportsman like to do that. But there's no rule against it. He knows there's no rule against it and he might just be flaunting it because there is no rule and daring them or maybe trying to convince them to make a rule. So why do you think they have an imposed a rule? He stands for everything that people like you and the sports top team. And honestly, I think the entire NCAA as far as fan base goes, the problem is he's got Jimmy Sexton at his man as his agent and Monte Kiffin as his daddy. And he's shameless. He doesn't care. He's ruling three or four programs in his career, Tennessee, Lenny Cowell, the Raiders and Alabama and started a clown. He was there from the inside out and we don't need to get into details of that. Everybody knows what happened there with him and Nick Sexton. And he is just that's who Lane is. And I've known him since he dated one of my fellow teammates or fellow coaches, daughters and ended up marrying her. I know the guy, OK? And what you're seeing is a middle finger to the to not not to the establishment. Probably doesn't even they're scared to make a rule because what is some kid really is hurt. Oh, we might hurt their feelings. It's not kid around about this. And they coddle people like him because he takes advantage of them. It's a problem. What are you teaching these young men? OK, you know, Davos Sweeney and I thought to think that James doing this too, they're trying to build carry Davos, but Davos got to heal. He's dying on it. He ain't taking a trance first. He's doing his own way and he's sitting right now and I'm going to be honest. I'm pulling for him too. I want both of these programs to be successful. But because of people like Lane Kiffin and he did. Here's one big one, Phil. You hear this in baseball all the time. He's disrespecting the game. That's what he's doing. There's not a rule against it, but he also said it half time. Hey, man, we shouldn't even be this close. We did this is he had no respect for South Carolina players. He doesn't respect himself. How can he respect another human being? I mean, he didn't respect his marriage. And I could go on and on with him. He is a hot button subject for me because I diametrically oppose everything. It stands for including, I mean, we talk about mental toughness and you're giving kids a signal to fake an injury. How do you how does that translate into building character in the young people? And we got people paying to watch these ball games. You know, paying these kids to play down. You're telling them to fake injuries. I don't understand other than to say he doesn't respect the game because he never had to work hard to get a job. He didn't grow up in Atlanta. He didn't grow up in the cotton fields of South Carolina. Dreaming about being in one of those states. He was born into it. He is exactly what this country does not mean in leadership of an SEC program. And every time he wins, it makes us weaker. And I hate to say it doesn't matter what school is at, OK? But when you when you fake an injuries, you're teaching people to be cowards. That's a coward's way out. Put somebody gets a big play on you. Now, you're a hurry up team to and you fake injuries. I don't know why he fakes them on our fence. It's just like then I think he used to throw his nose at the game. It's not the rules. He doesn't respect the game. And I I'm sorry. I sound so judgmental on him, but I mean, I know by what I see. And then when and here's the thing, when you got Jimmy Sexton back in you and you've got an ounce that are also represented by Jimmy Sexton and I'm talking dirty politics and football now and they're replaying it coming out of a break and showing the signal being given any kid just falling down knowing its fate. I think I think a rules coming. But we need to have a rule against people like him being in the sport. If you want my opinion, that's all it is. But I just don't I do not he needs he needs he needs to start going to church and have somebody pray for you. And that's all I can say without kissing. One correction I am from Ladda, but I never stepped in a cotton field. So just just so you were in the department store and you had to work there. I did I sweat floors. I did sweet floors and sold underwear and things like that measure. I had some good good Sunday socks to according to my mom. I measured crotches for pants and things like that. That's awesome. So that's a demeaning job. You can bounce back from that one. Get in your fill. It's a demeaning job. I'm going to say I've been topped. I've been in hog pins. I've cleaned them out. I've cleaned chicken pins and I've cleaned I've been in cotton field. But I ain't never measured nobody's crotch. But you got me on that one. It's an important part of selling a suit. Well, the worst part was Phil was doing with his eyes. That was the bad. All right, real quick because I got to get the recruiting in. But thoughts on Clemson and their climb up. Well, I'll tell you, man. You know, Dabo has been doing this a while on shows. It's like, you know, he went into that ball game. They got a lead and they started working on their run. It's like, listen to the show when you talk about them being able to run the ball. Could they run the ball and we're all big film off of fans and he showed us why. You know, they did not turn it into an ugly game, but they dominated that game with four minutes and oh gosh, I got it in my notes. So in four minutes and 22 seconds go in the third quarter. Clemson had 23 first downs in Florida State had one. That's the kind of dominance that a championship team has. They didn't win by a ton of points, but they were never not in control of that game. And I really felt like he did a great job playing smash my football, just getting physical, working on its physicality for down the road because that's what playoff football comes back to. And you know that as well as anybody feel your Packers were the best at it back in the day. And then we do it again with Dorsey Levins. It is a must have for playoff football. And I think that's what we saw. I was very impressed with what they need to accept their field goal team. Got to get that left side straightened up this footwork that they got to correct. It's very correctable. And you know, the Tigers, they tune the correct things very quickly. And I'm hoping the game cops will do the same thing. All right. Yeah, the Gamecocks, huh, they're stepping into the into the Lions then on Saturday because Vanderbilt certainly got Alabama's attention. I can't imagine what their practices look like this week. Well, we don't have Nick Saban down there anymore. We got a guy. We don't know what he's going to do. And so that's the only hope as far as winning. I just want to say I'm going to play with great effort and intense to be like they did until this and get their wide receivers straight down on pick plays because those were legit pick plays Saturday just for the fans out there. Yeah, got to clean that up. All right, clean it up. Thank you, sir. Great talking to you. Talk to you next week. OK, have a good one, guys. Appreciate you first coach and 10 with Zach Willis here on Sports Talk. Now it is time for the recruiting report. The sports talk we're getting. We're going to sponsored by C well, yes, sir. Time for recruiting brought to you by C well's catering. Very best in the catering business. You know, it's going to turn cool. Yes, it's going to be fall a couple of days in the fall. We turn our attention. Yeah, I know Berge is happy. He's he's ready for snow. I'm so excited in the fall. We turn to things like weddings and all kind of things parties, awards, banquets, business luncheons. Not on a Saturday morning, though. You need the very best in the catering business. What's wrong with Saturday mornings? It's a football. If it's on Saturday, I'm just telling you, I don't want to go to an event on Saturday. But if you have an event to go to, you better hope that C well is it. If C well's is catering yet and you know that when you skip the football game just to go eat at C well's to eat. I probably would wedding crashes. Go watch wedding ever watch the movie wedding crashes. I have not. No, you can be well fed and see, well, you see, well, you know, they were the the official caterers of that movie wedding crashes. Oh, yeah, for all those different weddings. Anyway, check them out online at for information. 803-7717385 and don't forget the daily luncheon buffet. Give me a quick menu rundown tomorrow. Hamburgers, hot dogs, Southern fried chicken, Wednesday spaghetti for fried pork jobs, baked on Thursday Thanksgiving, carved turkey with cornbread dressing, Southern fried chicken lasagna, Friday recipe, Friday, honey, barbecue and hot wings and fried sway nuggets fried fish nuggets. Nice. All right, of course, you know, by now, South Carolina Saturday, because they got the commitment on Friday, then Saturday receiver Malik Clark of Rock Hill committed he's in the 25 class. Very good receiver, very good speed through six games going into Friday. 38 catches 480 yards and five touchdowns of quality. Also Saturday, 2026 tight end Jamel House for 210 of Newberry committed over Virginia Tech, Louisville, West Virginia, Cincinnati, UCF, South Florida, Liberty and Coastal Carolina and USC became his fifth major offer. Last October made several visits to South Carolina recruiting visits, game visits. He said he just talked to his parents and was ready to get it over and he likes the Carolina is home, that's not going to change likes the coaches, the fan base. Last season, he had 36 catches, 789 yards and nine touchdowns, versatile tight end and a guy that can play attached or can split out. He gives the Gamecocks four commitments for the 26 class and back to Clark. Of course, he was originally committed to Florida State backed off to that last week, South Carolina had offered him with James Coley. Remember James Coley? When James Coley spent a couple of days in Columbia, he offered Malik Clark and then they re offered him with Mike Furry and they built up their relationship. North Carolina and NC State were some others who were in on him, but he had other big time offers. 21st commitment for the 2025 class and the fifth at wide receiver. So they are really building up that wide receiver group. USC offered 27 running back David Georges, six feet, 190 of Chattanooga. Eric Kim Reese's coach and 2027 defensive in Andrew Rogers, 6, 6, 2, 40 of Greensboro, North Carolina, 2027 offensive lineman, Gay Prince of Atlanta was at USC Saturday among all the others. One time Clemson target offensive tackle, Mario Nash, decommitted from Mississippi State, he was at Florida State Saturday. So I don't know if he was watching state or Clemson, but he's back on the market. Clemson target linebacker Storm Miller offered by Penn State. Steve Wiltfong of on three has logged expert prediction for Alabama to get Austin native 2025 tied in Marshall Pritchett, who currently is committed to North Carolina. So Wiltfong says he's going to flip Alabama and in baseball, 2026 left-hander Colton Semelman, a Brookfield, Wisconsin. He committed to South Carolina. That is recruiting brought to you by Sea Wells. All right, heck of a show tomorrow talking Tuesday. Smitty, you're heading up the hill to listen to a Dabo Sweeney tomorrow. Absolutely. We'll find out what he has to say and frankly, Dabo Sweeney has to do this every now and then the schedule is going to soften a little bit for Clemson. So they need to play to their standard, keep focused and keep growing. They played really good football since the Georgia loss, but now the names on the jerseys aren't going to snap the kids to attention. But the coaching staff to keep them locked in. Mm. So they're going to go from like Charman to what is softer than Charman. Oh, I mean, it really is a soft scare. Things have just no doubt they have gone Clemson's way. And by the way, did you notice that you talk about healing powers? You always bring this up. Adam Randall was dressed and available to play about that Saturday night. I tell you, the Clemson Sports Medicine Department is phenomenal. I don't know what they do up there, but it is quite remarkable. And I've got a question. And conversely, oh, Missus must be terrible the way their players just fall out. You breathe on them and they hit the ground. I mean, it's just they're not even in conditioned or. I'll be at South Carolina tomorrow. By the way, go ahead. Who's the best team in the SEC? Best team in the SEC ain't Florida can eliminate Florida. Yeah, I mean, it may very well be Texas. You got a handful of undefeated in the league right now, Texas. LSU hadn't lost a league game, I don't think. Tennessee is still really good. Listen, I'm not going to hold anything against Tennessee in Alabama. They lost Arkansas. Yeah, it's going to happen. I mean, and you know what? Coaches are like him and these teams will be like, you just shrug it off. Hey, it's one loss. We'll still make the playoffs. But you do have to walk a fine line now after losing the game. Yeah, there are only so many one loss teams that can get in though. All right, the SEC would love to have all 12 teams, but yes, the teams. But that's not the case. I mean, right now the Big Ten has got how many of the top five are from the Big Ten. Four of the top five, I believe. Yeah, of course, they're going to start playing each other. And it's Penn State for real. They are fraud again. I mean, every every year they they look good. They move up in the ranks and they get beat, you know. James Franklin is still their head coach, right? He is now you're just answered your own question. Yeah, that's fine. But look, you got you got some great matchups coming up because Georgia's got to play Texas. OK, so somebody is taking on L there. Tennessee's got to play Alabama coming up. Somebody's taking an L there. Georgia's going to be playing Ole Miss coming up. It's going to be dicey for some people getting into late November. And, as importantly, guys, how will these teams be treated? I think we've seen in the past Georgia and Alabama get the benefit of the doubt. Alabama has that Vanderbilt loss. If that were Arkansas or Tennessee, they'd be out. So we'll see how they get treated by the committee. That'll do it. Thank you, guys. Thank you, Josh. Thank you, everybody. See you tomorrow. [BLANK_AUDIO]