The Craig T. Owens Audio Blog

Ungodly leadership is unsure leadership

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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Ungodly leaders are also unsure and unstable. Here is a great case study for what godly leaders can and should avoid. 

I talk more about a godly leader’s sure calling in my book Shepherd Leadership. And in this blog post, I give a three-word statement that can help godly leaders navigate through the toughest of decisions.

This is part 79 in my series on godly leadership. You can check out all of my posts in this series by clicking here.

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[music] Welcome to the Craig T. Owens Audio Blog with Craig's blog posts in audio format to go. Craig's new book, "When Sheep Bite," is available now at Ungodly leadership is unsure leadership. After examining Jesus himself and then getting a report back from King Herod, Pontius Pilate announces to the crowd of religious leaders, "I find no basis for a charge against him." But, John Chapter 18, verses 38 and 39, "The but signals the language of an unsure leader." Pilate knew the truth. He knew the Roman law. He had soldiers around him to protect him from physical harm. No recrimination or rebuke would have come from Rome for letting Jesus go free. Yet, Pilate wavered. He was unsure of his leadership position. "Did I earn this position, or did I manipulate my way into it? What will others think of me if I make this decision? Is there a way that I can keep everybody happy?" Pilate gave himself an out. "But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Would you like me to release Jesus?" Pilate was hoping to satisfy the fickle mob that was pressing in on him and pastoring him to give in to their demands, even if it meant he would be perverting justice. Unsure leaders are always trying to find a way to navigate the current situation just to get on to the next chapter of their leadership. History records that about three years later, Pilate took his own life in the face of being removed from his office. A godly leader who is sure of his calling can make tough calls while still preserving justice and maintaining truth. A mark of an ungodly leader is one who is both unsure of his leadership authority and unstable in his leadership activities. I talk more about a godly leader's sure calling in my book Shepherd Leadership and in another blog post to which I've shared the link in the show notes, I give a three-word statement that can help godly leaders navigate through the toughest of decisions. This is Part 79 in my series on godly leadership. You can check out all of my posts in this series by checking the link I've shared in the show notes. Craig's new book, When Sheep Bite, is available now at which is also where you can get in touch with Craig. Read more posts and access the huge library of resources he's gathered. [MUSIC]