Joy-Philippe Bruce

Honour Relationships

Preached by E.S. Joy-Philippe Bruce at The Fountain of Life Cathedral, The Word Encounter Service - 6th October, 2024

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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God, I want a blessing it is to be here this Sunday morning. Thank you so much for your blessing. Thank you for your grace, thank you for being with us, even when you say these are the cases, that's so grateful. And that's the time that I pray that your way will come on the wings of your spirit. I pray that our heart will be soft, and Lord will be ready to be able to receive from you. Do you indeed be all over Greece and all the glory in Jesus' mighty name? And all that she started to flock shall say, amen and amen. You want to just find your Bible and listen up this morning? And you want to say, this is my Bible? I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today I'll be taught the way of God. I'll never be the same. Never, never, never. I'll never be the same in Jesus' name. God bless you, take your seat. Hallelujah, amen, amen, amen. It's a blessing to be back here with you, amen, even though the sound and this before wants me to start by fighting. But I will remain focused on the end of the service. I rather know that you have missed being blessed. So I think today, blessed will be turned on fully after service. But I'm really glad to be here this morning and thanking God for his blessings and his message. We were touring the changes of our economy from whenever to, well, we started hearing from us actually from Alpha to Proteas, Alpha is the change of weary, Proteas is the change of our mind. And then we continue to wear it back. And from there to Haswa, and from there to condition. And then there was a short meeting somewhere in Manpong. And then last week, Sunday, I was in the ahead process. Quite an experience, final experience, and finally in hope. So we can work for his message and all that he's doing. And it's an amazing church to watch because they follow our Father better than we do. Yeah, yeah, they follow seriously. I even the church, they are suddenly very quiet. And therefore, you see the fruit of the culture. You see the fruit of the following. Just like that, because I do see these churches every year. And every year we see an increase in the church. Alpha doesn't matter, they're nice. Every year there's an increase of like 20, 30% in the numbers. Yeah, it's really something. And we'll put it together all the things we have links from them. Wow, we shall share them one day. How they will react. Amen, then we came to meet the H.A.K.S.A.D. and even though many pastor clearly has said it, I just want to underline it that I mean, we came to meet the world organized to see it. And God bless those of you who put your hands to the plow and who did it away. Yeah, and went walking and inviting people and sharing flyers and I mean, it's one of the most enjoyable proceeds that we have had time in the house. Yeah, it wasn't without this challenge. That's normal for proceeds. That's we had 179 people giving their lives to Christ. And we had a couple of very low-table healings. One or two of them couldn't come up stage because their Muslim community is very close. Anyway, most of them anyway, actually. I can't come up here, but they were interviewed by others and we can't go too much for opportunity. And for those of you who did it take part, didn't even share a flyer, never made yourselves available, never did anything, didn't appear on the grounds. My only comments is they don't have this in your soul. That's all, yeah. Because I think we said enough, yeah. They don't have this in you. Whatever excuse you thought was more important than that is up to you, I think. (audience laughing) Oh, I'm not back yet. If I went back, you would have felt it one time. (audience laughing) So there they are, come back. Oh, I just ain't going down this road. You're just not a good thing to have. When I'm back there, you know, that fire does not come. It's a love you to be. How they live we are. But I don't plan to die in the COVID, so. (audience laughing) How they live we are. Today is only your profit someday. Amen. Hallelujah. And in this church, we take time out to honor our profit. And to understand what fundraising is, that's why for four weeks we teach about honor. Are you there? It's something that should be in our lives because it's one of the ways of being blessed. Amen? It's one of the ways of being blessed. And I know you hear me so very good preaching right on this topic. And today I'm just about to continue. I'll be happy to be with you. So we've been preaching from those who honor you. And we are going to continue. Hallelujah. We are not at all going to back down. Amen and amen. Today I'm just sharing with you on honor relationships. Honor relationships. Let's go to Romans chapter 13. And we are at the seven. Romans chapter 13 and the seven. Render therefore to all their deals. Trebutes to whom tribute is due. Custom to whom custom. Fear to whom fear. Honor to whom honor. This one applies that was being given by Jesus. And he, very gosh, you say, oh by poor, by poor, but do the spirit of poor, you know. Telling us that I want our way in life. We're going to meet various things. There are some Christians who say they shouldn't pay tax. We are out of order. That's the meaning of the way it should be saved. Shributes to whom tribute is due. So somebody will tax you and you got to pay. Are you in the church? Custom to whom custom. Fear to whom fear. So these are all things that are owed to people. Our emphasis today and for this few weeks, it's just on the last bit there. Honor to whom honor. Amen. There are some people who feel that, oh, no, no, no, no. And you don't want to be a person. I don't know which part of the world you were born in. But you can see that in areas where people are not on edge. They have also certain issues that happen. I have no troubles, these years, in a place where authorities are not on edge. Either authorities are on edge much. So that means a father in the house is not on edge. The boss in the house in the office is not on edge. Don't even mention the priest God cannot see at all. And one of the things you will notice in many of those places is that the people have a certain deficiency of life. They may have money, but there's a lot of issues. They may have money, but things don't work. Yeah, things don't work. Are you there? Because there are things that are stayed by honor. As father, he is pointed by his children. They said it stays something. It stays something. Are you in the church? And we can see in the old Testament that all the fathers who were on it when they spoke, the things they said came to pass in the lines of their children. When you dishonor to, where else we are here, they bring on the house, and that is these problems. You don't want to go there today. And so I want to learn the lesson upon you so that we understand it well for our lives, our entire lives, our church life, yes, but our whole life, our school life, our work life, it's something that we need to understand. It says honor to be honored. Amen. So there are different kinds of different precautions of honor, but it's very important. Amen. Now, if you don't get honored to honor as you, you also don't have a right relationship with certain people. So you see, for example, that you honor your boss in a certain way. You see that a certain relationship comes up, which may even continue even after you are no longer working with that person, because you have honored a person as your boss. Are you in the house? Now, some very important relationships, and I want you to write these down because these are relationships that should be honored. You honor God the Father. You honor the Son. You honor the Holy Spirit. You honor your prophet. You honor your pastor. Sometimes the two are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You are the same. You honor your husband. You honor your father, biological. You honor your mother, biological, and other such things. Are you there? Because not all relationships command the same honor. So their relationship with your siblings and your friends and your cousins is at a different level from these relationships that I am listening in. These are the ones I'm concerned about this morning. So let us look at a couple of things concerning honor. Amen. And I mean, you should have this book. I don't want to struggle about it. Now, the first one that we want to think about is the honor to our Heavenly Father. You see, when you honor, it brings your life into that relationship. So you want to honor God and it brings your life into your relationship with God. Let's go to verse 1, chapter 2 and verse 2, where God the Father was speaking. It says, "Wherefore the Lord God of Israel says, I said indeed that I house and the house of thy father should walk before me forever. But now the Lord says, be it far from me. For then that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed." Hey. Can you see that? You see, that's why I tend to bring your Bible because you are appropriate to check whether it's the same or what's the same. You see? And what God is saying is, what's telling them to listen? I told you that this was what you should do. I said, this is how you should walk before me. But you need to do it. So now, are you there? Look, I said, I want to honor those who want to meet. And those who despise me will be lightly esteemed. You may wonder, Father, say, "God, Father, Father, how can we lightly esteem Him?" But we do lightly esteem Him in many ways. And there's one very interesting example. You see, when he was talking about this, it was in relation to something. It was in relation to somebody who valued His family more than you, but in God. Like some people here. I should say. Let's go to the storm and see what we have there. Now, the sons of Eli, Eli was the chief priest. Where sons of Eli, they knew not the Lord. And the priest's custom with the people was that. When any man of his sacrifice, the priest's servants came, while the flesh was in seeding, with a flesh book of three teeth in his hand. And he struck it into the pen or kettle or cauldron or what. All the flesh that came up the priesthood for himself. This is what they did in shield to all the Israelites that came. They did that. Also, before they bend the fast, the priest's servants came and said to them, "The man of that sacrifice gives flesh to rest for the priests, for he will not have sudden flesh of evil at all." And if any man say unto him, let them not fail to bend the fast presently, and then take as much as thy soul desire it. Then he would answer in name, but thou shall give it to me now, and if not, I will take it by force. Wherefore the sin of the young man was very great before the Lord, for men uphold the offering of the Lord. Now, what is the background of the story? The background of the story in that. The priests were sent from the offerings that were needed to the Lord. But there were rules. The whole issue we brought and presented is like I brought something into the house where your father is. Bring everything in sight, and after he has received it, then your question is given to you. But you are saying, "No, no, no, no, we can't wait." "We can't wait." I want my question now. That other person is now coming out of the gate. He's saying, "I'll take your question." It's very disrespectful, and this is what these priests were doing. Are you in the house? So, there were no ways for what is the Lord to be given, and the way that they should be treated and handled. They wouldn't allow it to finish. Before the come, they said, "A man had a stick in his hand, some of you." I don't want to talk about it. I know somebody who grew up with his friends. They said, "I don't know what the plan was, but this is what these guys were doing." And God was so happy. And he said, "I don't know what the plan was, but this is what these guys were doing." And God was so happy. And he said, "I don't know what the plan was, but this is what these guys were doing." And God was so happy about this at all. Just wait. It's not that they'll give you some. And God considered it as an honor. He considered it as an honor. So, let's see what now is linked up to this 22, same chapter. Now Eli was very old, and he had all of his sons did unto Israel. And how they may be the women that assemble at the door of the Torah called the congregation. So, you had this consult already day. Then on top of that, at the door, they couldn't even sleep with the women day. Okay. Please don't comment because Eli was old. And he said to them, "Why do ye such this? Why hear of your evil feelings by all these people?" "Name, my sons. It is not a good, not good rapport that I hear. You make the Lord's people trying to transgress. If anyone months him against another, they judge our dad him. But if a months him against the Lord, who should entreat for him? Not with that indeed. How can not answer the voice of their father because the Lord would slay them?" Now, so they didn't listen. Here they were, misconducting themselves. Are you in the house? Misconducting themselves. So, first, they were tampering with the Lord's offering. Second, they had these women. They are not what they were there for. But they were also having sex with them right there. And their father had about it. He was the head. He was the chief priest. And he just tapped them on their hands. When I say tapped them on their hands. He's like, "You're just going to hear your people. What are you doing?" And it's this stopo, stopo. And he just regarded their father and he continued. And their father also did nothing about it. And God took a stand against them on it. Are you there? And that was why he was 30 of the same scripture. 3-0, please. Then the Lord began to speak. Are you there? And that is when he now said, "You won't honor me. You will be like this, please." And he later on followed it up with a kiss to this house. He told you like that. You were your house. He said, "Your house, you will never be without a leper." He said, "First, you will die on the same day." He said, "You know, I mean very previous things. Now, the reason was that they didn't honor God. Now, the things that they have done now is talk about it. To ask this sounds very selfish. And it sounds like, "How about why are they doing that?" Until our minds have brought back to us like that. Some of us, we are doing it today. We are doing it today. He asked me for his time. "Don't bring it." He said, "Whatever you get, 110, you are busy having happiness and discussions about it." When you like to bring it, when you don't like to bring it, all the regrets between you and those who are taking me as they can put it inside the box. They are very quiet. He said, "Send me to this day you will do." And I told him some people, "Don't do it. You can do something else. Noise very well back. This is what you think. These ways you are the same. I will honor those that honor me and those that despise me. I will also take them like me. And I want you this one, don't think of anyone that has considered yourself. Because that's what he's saying. Many times as a pastor, when I stand and I try to get you to do the right thing, I can feel the right. Yeah, I feel the right. I don't know how that sounds. I'm gonna talk too much. Let's move on. Let's move on. But I refuse to be polite. So I'll keep saying. And I'll keep saying. Because in life, you don't remove those words from there. So I told them that, "Listen, it is spoken to you and you will not do out." That's the end of it. That's the end of it. As you ask what we should have made them with. Are you there? When we don't do what we should do, we lose control of everything. Everything. Yes, some of you, you think you're in charge of your lives. And actually you lose control. You lose control already. we have a church in certain times. (audience cheering) It's unfortunate. For me, I've made up my mind that I see a girl, I don't see a you. Whoa. And if you do, I need to change. Hey, girls are hoping, good to spoken. No, we don't want anyone to leave the church. But if, because of this, we will eat bad, it's nothing but sleep, I do. And it is what we have seen it before. (audience cheering) Oh, I will be a church because I will not let my love or you stand in between me or not. That because I might be able to see. He says, bad fruits, who create the opportunities for you to be a fruit or talk? (audience cheering) When you don't, I'll keep saying, okay. (audience cheering) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I will be a church. Because I have also seen churches where they foster and the whole church, the whole church is lost. They are dead and the whole church is meeting by the presence of God is not dead. So I'm not being said, the spirit of God has left. What then is the point? What then is the point? So I have the risk of peace on me. I'll keep talking. I made a church for you, I'll travel. Or you want to go home. (audience laughing) The next relationship is your relationship with Jesus. This is a very interesting one. It's also a relationship to honor. Now, God, the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit. Three and one. That all of them believe this is a relationship that you should honor. And these are personalities that you are linked to in different ways. This is the point of Jesus' life that gave us a salvation. I believe it is that the presence of the Holy Spirit will end right now that helps us and empowers us to live as Christians. And we can all just live in a house. Now, Jesus shouldn't ask a couple of things that show us how to honor Him. I believe, my future alternatives for Him is one example, giving us an insight into something. He that preceded you, received at me, and he that received at me, received at him that sent you. So he'll show you something. If God sends you somebody, God sends you, He's representative, and you don't receive the presence. It's not just a passive, it's him that you are disrespected. Ooh. No chapter 10, verse 16. (bell dings) Oh. He that's here with you, here with me. And here that despise at you, despise at me, and here that despise at me, despise at me, that sent me. So there are people who are walking around their homes and they have despised the laws of unwanted. And Jesus has taken it and you have despised me. And because of despised me, you have despised the one who sent me. I am in a church. I know I love very happy what I'm saying, but there's a way of course. It is a way of course. And there are some churches back in it. So that's one way to honor Jesus. You are honoring the people He sends to you. That's why as far as it lies with you, you never reject someone who you sat on on to their visit. Either you will notice, you see? You know, I'll get it. I'll come to that. I'll come to that. I'll come to that. Beautiful. Are you in the church? Now, another way to honor Him is when you honor His people. Amen. When you honor a Christian, you're honoring Him. Let's go to Scripture. I really like the Scriptures because they explain it. Matthew chapter 25 in this 40. And the King shall answer and say, very I say to you in as much as you have done it and to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it and to me. Can you see it or you can't see it? So Saul was very shocked. He thought that he was working for God and he was going around killing people because as far as he knew, what he believed was what was right. But let's go to Acts chapter 9 and you'll see it there. Acts chapter 9, when he has this Damascus experience from verse 3. As he gently became here, the Damascus and suddenly there shine right a brown out of him and light from heaven. And he fell to the head and head of the boy's scene. So Saul, my persecutors, I want to ask you, this Saul, this acute Jesus and Saul when he was on earth. As far as we know, we have no head in it and not about that. Saul, he took us, who are you Lord? We were yours the Lord God, who are you? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecuted? So as you had went around capturing random believers, tell that to young man to stop before my fire holds on in. I'm just trying not to look at it. Stop, you're in church. If you want to see this upstairs, then shut out there. Are you in the house? He says, I am Jesus, whom thou persecuted? So you were doing something useful that you were just doing this to one of the people here. Not only that, she says I take an issue with it because you've done it to one of his people. You are here, you are cheating someone in the house of God. He has seen it, he has seen it. The Bible says that we must give or not those who are of the house of God. I am in the house. That is why as as children of God, when one of us comes to another place, you'll be surprised at how people will receive you well, just on the basis of the fact that you are a member of the house. But in the same thing, when you reject, when you insult, when you talk in a certain way, you are also disrespecting the Lord. That's how he is. He said you are persecuting them. It's me that you're persecuting. Obviously that's why they're quiet. And the third group of people to honor are the Jews, the people of Israel. For what reason? Yeah, she says people, that's the way it came from. That's the way it came from. I don't think it should be too much to ask. And by me, I can't agree with what they are doing. Number one, your opinion is not needed. Test up is sought after. Number two, if I were you, I would slow down. Then I'm not ready to because of all this matter at all. At all, but this is very quiet. Because if you want to look at it logically, you know where they're being liked. Number three, so I've given you two people to honor. For the Father, honor Jesus, the Son, the Fan One, all of the Holy Spirit. You see, as you give one another's weight, it gives the life to your relationship with him. There's a very interesting scripture in Hebrews, chapter 10, in this 29. I want us to take it in the NLC version where we have simple English. So now we understand it. Just think how much waste the punishment will be. For those who have trampled on the son of God and have cheated the blood of the captain which made us holy, as if it were common in our holy. And have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit, who brings God's mercy to us. All right. We shall name our city, but is that you? Don't make the mistake of disrespecting the Holy Spirit. When you see something going on that you don't understand me, it's best to just say I don't understand it and go and do something else. Because we are not the Holy Spirit. You are not the Holy Spirit. You cannot determine what it is and what it is not, what you should be doing. You don't know what you are saying to the person. You don't know what you're doing at this time. I am in the house where you are trampled. Yeah, you see David had a very interesting relationship with the Holy Spirit. And I want to just read some scriptures to you so that you can see it very clearly. Are you ready? Let's go to says I was 54 and there's six. Now, remember that David was pissed you by Saul. Saul was the king and he was pursuing David. And many of us would have said that Lord, he so far as he's pursuing the other rights to also read and eat. But look at something that David said. He was now in a position to his back. And then he says, "They're not forbidden, that I should do this thing unto my master. They're not anointed. To stretch forth my hand against him, seeing me is not anointed or not." He sees it. So it's not a matter of I'm not saying that a guy has that right too. But this guy, he has been anointed before. That's why he's even king. What's this going on? That's why he's even king. So because Saul has anointed him, I'm taking it in the desperate authority that he also does this thing or could have done. He, I'll not read, I'll not read. It was only once, let's go to this head. Below this day, I have seen how the Lord has delivered thee into my hand. He was now telling Saul because he could. Either in the cave, some babies are told me to kill you. But my eyes stand there and I said, "I will not put forth my hand against my Lord because he is the Lord's appointed." Some of you in your homes, men of God are disrespected, men of God are insulted. Ain't you at your voice? Hey, my goodness, trust me. Listen, from today, and none of what you see, something you don't agree with, he's standing there, let's switch. That's why channels are plenty. He knew I was his only spirit. And by the way, I look at you, the honeycoast, save yourself and don't be silly. This man isn't Saul and Saul was out of order. He was chasing David to kill him, but David had so much respect for the holy spirit I had. Somebody upon whom the holy spirit is upon. I will not stretch my hand. I'll look at you, you are there. What do you have that you already have a mouth that you are talking? (audience cheering) I'm continuing. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. First, I want you to see that he was a future of his life. The notes are noted and begel us. What is the lesson we need to learn? What is the lesson we need to learn? You wonder why you have so many problems. Maybe you're one of those women for many years about some kind of work on social media. You're also up in your mouth and you are saying some. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. And last year, we are really suffering. People are really suffering. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. People are suffering. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. 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It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation. It is one of the greatest characters in our nation.