The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Elon Musk Simps for Trump at Rally | Hoda Kotb, Henrik Lundqvist, Gabriel LaBelle | Monday, October 7

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING] From Studio 6B in Rockefeller Center in the heart of New York City, it's the financial starring Jimmy Fallon. [MUSIC PLAYING] And I'm going to give it his guess. What a topic. 100 Clung Play. Gabriel LeBell. [MUSIC PLAYING] [APPLAUSE] 23. [MUSIC PLAYING] And now, here he is. 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[ Laughter ] Yeah, Elon campaigned alongside Trump for the first time, and he really made quite the entrance. Take a look at this. -The only reason we can now send America astronauts is this mountain. [ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -That is the reason you don't give kids Mountain Dew. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. That's -- Speaking of Trump, he's once again facing criticism over his refusal to release his medical records after promising he would. I mean, I think we all know why he's not releasing him. Trump's basically a walking Czech engine light. You know what I'm saying? [ Laughter ] -Could be anything. Could be anything. [ Laughter ] -It's probably best not to know. It's almost like when Applebee's revealed the calorie counts of their menu, and people were like, "Should have kept that a secret. We don't need to know. Just one wing is that one." -Yeah, so that Vice President Harris just appeared on an episode of the podcast, "Call Her Daddy." Not to be outdone. Trump was just invited onto Putin's podcast, "Call Him Bladdy." [ Laughter ] Well, guys, the Major League Baseball playoffs are in full swing in both the Mets and the Yankees are in it. [ Cheers and applause ] Go to New York! The Mets are battling the Philadelphia Phillies. And this is fun. If the Mets win, Philly's mayor is sending New York's mayor a cheesesteak. And if the Phillies win, New York's mayor is sending him 10 first-class round-trip tickets on Turkish airline. [ Laughter and applause ] Isn't that amazing? [ Cheers and applause ] Wow. Guys, I'm so excited. NHL legend Henrik Lundquist is here tonight! [ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. I'm excited, too, Jimmy. It's just -- What's up, tree? -I just hear people have trouble spelling his name. -I heard that, too. Maybe a song would help him out? [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -♪ Henrik Lundquist, you know he's the king ♪ ♪ He's a sweet, sweet dude on and off the ice rink ♪ ♪ But spelling his name, I might need a guy ♪ ♪ So listen to us and you won't be off-sized ♪ ♪ H-E-M-R-I-K-L-U-N-D-Q-V-I-S-T ♪ ♪ Henrik Lundquist, we spellin' Henrik Lundquist ♪ ♪ Well, first you take an H, then you add an E ♪ ♪ And then an N, then an R, then an I, Henrik ♪ ♪ Then you gotta add a K to make it Henrik ♪ ♪ Well, here's the last name, and it's gonna stick ♪ ♪ L-U-N-D-Q-V ♪ ♪ Wrap it all up with an I-S-T ♪ ♪ Now you're done spelling, you feel like a pro ♪ ♪ So chill ♪ ♪ Every tie I like the number 3-O ♪ ♪ H-G-N-R-I-K-L-U-N-D-Q-V-I-S-T ♪ ♪ Henrik Lundquist, we spellin' Henrik Lundquist ♪ ♪ Henrik Lundquist, everybody ♪ [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you. -Thank you, buddy. [ Cheers and applause ] Well, listen, this McDonald's is suing major beef producers for allegedly conspiring to limit their supplies. Meanwhile, Arby's is like, "This doesn't affect us." [ Laughter and applause ] We don't know why. It just doesn't affect us. In a great show, what a copy is here tonight! [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, no! Henrik Lundquist is joining us. Gabriel LaVell is here. Come on back, everybody. ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ] Our first guest is the co-anchor of "The Today Show" and the host of "Making Space," which is available wherever you get your podcasts. Please welcome our pal, "Hoda, Hot Me." [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ Welcome back to "The Today Show." I can't take it. I can't take it. I love you too much. Welcome back to "The Show." You made a giant announcement on the show, and just a week ago, you said in 2025, you're going to be leaving "The Today Show." And it shocked the world. I mean, my gosh, I lost it. I was like, "I don't know what to tell you." I'm like, "Dude, I love you so much. How are you feeling with this announcement?" First of all, the favorite card that I got was "View," and the card you all said, "What the hell?" [ Laughter ] And it was a big bottle of wine with it. Yeah. You know what? I think I'm doing this, like, repotting thing. You know, when you pull yourself up by the roots and you're kind of dangling, and you're like, "Oh, my God, what am I doing? What's happening?" But, you know, you're going to land kind of infertile ground. Yeah. And when I turned 60, something weird happened, man. Really? I turned 60, and we had this beautiful party at "The Today Show." And I looked out at the seat of all the people who came and beautiful signs and so many well-wishes. And I knew in my heart, like, "This is it, man. This is what the mountaintop must feel like." Like, I'd never had that feeling before. You're leaving on top. No one does it, by the way. I mean, no, you -- 'Cause you go, "It's so good. I'm not going to leave this." And you're like, "I think I'm going to do it." I mean, but you hold it what you do for this network. I can't even tell you. I mean, what time you get up in the morning? -Um, 3.40 -- Well, 3.15 is my usual wake-up, 3.15. -I know, right? No, is it time? -No, no, no. And no one knows this. And then you do "Today Show" from 7 o'clock, all the way through 11 o'clock. -11. Yeah. With a break in there. Yeah. -What? That's all your time. Your life is going to completely change. You're going to -- This is fantastic. -What am I going to do at night? -You're going to go to concerts. -I am! -You're going to go out on dates. You're going to go out to restaurants. You're going to watch "Bad TV." You're going to do whatever the heck you want, because you don't have to wake up at 3 in the morning. -This is going to be totally weird. I've woken up at this time for, like, 17 years. This is the first time. -I can't imagine. -No alarm. Click it off. -And what do the girls think? You have two beautiful little girls. -Oh, yeah. I've got a 5 and a 7-year-old, and I was telling them, "Mommy is going to be able to take you to school." And they go, "Oh, Wednesday?" I go, "No, honey. Not Wednesday." "Next week?" I go, "No, honey. Not next week." Probably, you know, somewhere in January, February. January? I mean, I love you. -I like you're reading this moment. -I might as well, like, continue working forever for them. It's like, to the end. -Yeah. -But I think, you know what, you just have a feeling when you watch them grow, man. And I was like, "I need -- they need a little more of me, and I need more of them." And so, I think it's all going to work out beautifully. -That's great. -But I'm going to be doing stuff here in NBC. I'm going to say to the family. -You can't leave us because we need you. The world needs you. We need you so much. Please, we love you so much. I was like, "I got a person with Nancy." We were like, "Oh, my God." -Do you remember your first day coming into the building here? -Oh, God. I actually started here, you guys, 26 years ago. -Good for you. 26 years ago. -I've spent -- I mean, this is, like, the longest love affair of my life at NBC, and it really is a love affair. And I remember, on the first day, I had my ID and my badge, and I was trying to, like, scan in. It wasn't scanning, and, you know, I used to work in New Orleans, and my heart was sort of there, and I was like, "I can't get in here. This is maybe not working for me already." And there was a tour group from New Orleans, and they were like, "Hold up!" And I go, "Yeah? Ah, we're from New Orleans. Now, you hold your head up. Hold your head. You go in there. You show them." And I remember, I was like, "Oh, my God. I can do it." -Yeah, you can do it. -And I walked in here, and started working, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I was wandering around this big, beautiful building, feeling intimidated. I was-- -Do you have any clue that you were going to be fantastic at this job? -No. -You were fantastic at this job. You created a whole brand. You wrote a copy. Like, people, they need you in their life. You're part of everyone's life. I mean, you're great 26 years later. -When I was starting here, Jimmy, I started working at Dateline, and I'll never forget it. I was-- everyone was better at everything, you know, compared to me, better interviews, better writing, better everything. And I was like, "But, you know what? I have a pretty good voice, so at least I got that." And my boss, Neil Shapiro, called me in one day, and he was like, "Hey, I need to talk to you about that voice." I go, "What about my voice?" He goes, "Look, you really need to work on it. I'm going to set you straight right here and now." I go, "Okay. What do you want me to do?" He goes, "Read this paper." And he wrote down, and then something amazing happened. And he held it up to me, and I-- I go-- and then something amazing happened. He goes, "No, no, no, no. Punch it." I go, "And then something amazing happened." He goes, "I didn't say yell." I said, "I said, punch it." He took the paper, and he goes, "Listen." He goes, "And then something amazing happened." He said, "You see what I did?" He goes, "You've got to do that." So I wander out of his office. I hear Keith Morrison tracking a Dateline piece, and I'm standing outside listening, and it's beautiful. And when he's done, I go, "Kieth." I go, "What are you doing in the booth?" He goes, "What am I doing?" He goes, "Oh, I'm reading my kid a bedtime story." And then something amazing happened. -Wow! -He's like the Rosetta Stone! -That's great advice! -So he's kind of changed my whole behavior at Dateline. And I think from there, I started to get confidence. -That's great advice. -Yeah, he really saved me. -But now you're doing-- making space. -Yeah, I got that. -But this is a giant thing. It's a whole world now. -Yeah, making space is my podcast that I love, and we're doing a wellness weekend at the end of October on the 24th. We're going to Austin, Miravol. We're doing our show from there, and we're having all the bells and whistles. -Have you done this before? -I'm into wellness. I'm into breath work. -Are you doing mouth tape? -Are you doing mouth tape? -Wait, no! -You do that? -Do you don't know that mouth tape? -I'm afraid of mouth tape. -No, it's totally great! -Doesn't work? -I don't know. My wife loves it. She goes, "Go ahead, tape your mouth. Whatever you want to do." "Jess, I want you to don't snore, man." And I go for it, but I've been using breathe-right strips on the nose and mouth tape. I'm totally taping my face before I go to sleep. I'm so into all that stuff, man. -You too, man. I can't get enough. I'm, like, in station. -But what is the wellness weekend? What is it? -So, we're going to go to Austin at Miravol. A bunch of people are coming. They signed up. They're coming to do the whole weekend. We have great speakers like Arthur Brooks, who wrote -- He teaches courses on happiness at Harvard. We've got Maria Shriver. We've got a whole ton of people, Suzy Welch. So, we're all going to be getting well together, man. -Yes. Well, again, I love this. -It's going to be awesome. -Congrats on the podcast, and I just can't even tell you, "Thank you so much for coming on," because I know this is, like, it just happened last week. I'm like, "Can you please come on and explain what's going on," because I love you so much that I'm going to miss you, but you're not going to be away. -No. -You're not going to be a stranger. -By the way, tonight means a lot. Thank you for asking me. -No. You're always been supportive of these. [ Cheers and applause ] -Oh, God. I love you, bud. For the copy, everybody, catch her on today. Week 8 Morning's on NBC, and check out "Making Space." Wherever you get your podcasts, we'll be right back with more "Tonight Show." [ Laughs ] ♪ Do not let me in, kiss ♪ [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪♪♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪ You're willing to come back to the roots ♪♪♪ ♪♪ I get the job done ♪♪♪ ♪♪ You're just the one that can be easier to ask me ♪♪♪ ♪♪ I got the -- ♪♪♪ -Our next guest is a five-time NHL All-Star and Olympic gold medalist and a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame. He's part of a new health campaign called "Life Disrupted," which you can learn about at Please welcome Hendrik Lundquist, everybody. ♪♪♪♪ -We want to know, and they welcome back to the show. -Thank you. -I always love seeing you, but I've very been very lucky to sit next to you at a Ranger game, which is unbelievable. -I know. -[ Laughs ] -To sit next to you, and sometimes they put us on a jumbo trap? -Yeah. -Yeah. And I always pick -- Here's a picture of us. This is us, and if you sit next to Hendrik Lundquist at a Ranger's game, the place goes crazy. And I always pitch you dumb ideas. Like, we should do something funny. -Yeah, I remember that. That game. It was probably for five minutes, Jimmy. You wanted to -- Like, what should we do? At that point, the game was tied. And then, come and slay the Rangers with down two goals. I told you, it's very important. Don't try to be funny when the Rangers are down. -Yes. -It's like, "That's not my one rule at the guard." -Yeah, it was great advice, but I was pitching. I said, "Maybe we should lay in the trap a hot dog." [ Laughter ] -And you were like, "I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that." -Yeah. -But they need to buy five rolls on my throw. -All right, good. They need to give you options. Do you get nervous when you see yourself in the jumbo trap? It stresses me out, because I have to think of a bit instead of me. -Well, I think it's the timing, right? -Yeah. -The first one, two seconds, you're comfortable, but it always feels like it's going on for one or two seconds, too long. So then, what I do now, like, I already waved. Like, continued to wane. So, that's -- I always tell them, "Keep it short." -Yeah. -Yeah. -But everyone goes nuts when it's you. We also got busted once, because we both were at a Harry Styles concert. [ Cheers and applause ] We got busted for dad dancing. -Yeah, well, hey, what happens? -I'm not known to be a great dancer. That's just the way it is. But I had a great time. -No, we had the best time. -That's time. -But then I have a picture of you here that you're at the Heiress Tour. -Oh, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Now, did you -- -Yep. I took my kids, so I spent my summers in Sweden. So, it was a quick flight down to Milan. So, we saw her down in Milan this summer. And it was an amazing show. I mean, we were there for three hours, plus the opening act. So, we were probably there for five hours, right? But it was never boarding. It constantly changed him with the stage and the -- -She's amazing, right? -Unreal. -Yeah. -But back to dancing. There was a lot of dancing for me. -You didn't do it. -Now, because I wasn't there? -Yeah, probably. [ Laughter ] And then, I just loved standing there watching my kids sing along to songs and see their excitement. I mean, to be, you know, being retired now, to be around your kids a lot more, being able to share moments like that, it's unreal. I think it's the biggest change when you do retire, and you have this opportunity to just be around them more. And, friends, like, your priorities can change a little bit. -Yeah, you live for them now. -I do. -Yeah. Let's talk about life disrupted. I mean, this is -- How did you get involved? This had to do with your retirement? -Well, so I was diagnosed with recurrent percuteitis three and a half years ago. It had a huge effect in my life. Forced me to retire from hockey. -What is it again? -So, it's inflammation around your heart. And when I had the diagnosis, I was trying to come back to the NHL after an open heart surgery. But at that point, with so many questions, the first really guidance I got was, like, "Don't do anything for the next five months." Like, low heart rate, and I didn't really know what to expect. But now, three and a half years later, I still deal with it. I do have setbacks, but I feel like I'm in control. Now, I understand it, and that's part of this campaign to educate and support a lot of people that have similar challenges out there. And I think, to me, it's -- yeah, educate yourself, but also to set the expectations, right? -Yeah. -So -- -Good for you to do this. -Yeah, no, I really enjoy it. Health is so important to me. I took it a little bit for granted when I played. I played hockey for 30 years, 35 years. And now, you know, just being able to go to the gym for 30 minutes. I mean, I appreciate small things now. When, you know, I went through so many things over the course of 12 months. -I have to say, you're also a great analyst, too. I see you on TV, and it must be -- I go -- well, that must be a tough jump to go from just star player to analyst. And then I got a chance to be -- to do commentary at the closing ceremonies at the Olympics. -It's really hard. I was like, "Dude, this is the toughest job ever. My treatment was great to me. He kept going like this to be like, calm down, like kind of not like -- 'Cause I kept talking. And the more you talk, the trick, exactly. Sometimes you got to let the game speak, right? You don't want to overshadow the game. In sports, sometimes you feel like you have something smart to say, but sometimes it lasts his more. -Yeah, man, that is the truth. The more I talk the dumber, I say, I was like, "I could just see him go like, "What are you talking about?" -Listen, I mean, and that's one thing I've noticed, you know, being a commentator, I sit in the studio now, you can win. You know, talking about the sport. As an athlete, you can win or lose. But watching you have felt like you won. You spoke like a champion. -I did? -Yeah. And with that in mind, you know, I thought -- I brought this. This is my gold medal from the Olympics. I think you should have it. [ Cheers and applause ] -I mean, you're going to -- This is -- [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, no. -You're going to serve it. -Thank you so much. -Yeah. -When do I have to give this back? -No, well, maybe I have to do a commercial break. -Okay, all right, all right, all right. -Henry Glosquist, you can check out his NHL coverage this season on MSG and TNT. More tonight show when we come back, everyone. Stick around. Look at this thing. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪ I'm coming back ♪ ♪ She started at the bottom down ♪ ♪ Told me at the top, but I'm hardly finished ♪ ♪ I know I'm only at the top ♪ ♪ I figured out she's probably strong strong ♪ ♪ But I got thud ♪ ♪ So I dirty-spirited on the top ♪ ♪ It's like it is a cattleman ♪ ♪ I'm blackin' at the top ♪ ♪ I'm only a hooligan ♪ ♪ Who's a classy slacker calling ♪ ♪ It's graffiti on the walls on our -- ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ Take the time, take the time, baby ♪ ♪ Mr. P. Wylan, wake up my heart ♪ ♪ Hold me down, surely we're the sound of y'all ♪ ♪♪ -Our next guest is a talented actor who you know from the movie "The Fablemans." Now he's starring as Lauren Michaels in the new movie "Saturday Night," which is in select theaters now and everywhere. This Friday, please welcome Gabriel Labelle. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Hello. -Welcome back to the show. -Thank you, darling. -Thanks for coming back. Your first big role, you got to play young Steven Spielberg. -Yeah. -Yeah, and now you're playing young Lauren Michaels. -It's weird. [ Laughter ] It's a great film. It's called "Saturday Night." I want to know everything about it. How did you first hear about the role? -I first heard about it. I met Jason at the premiere of "The Fablemans" actually in London. -Jason Riteman. -Jason Riteman, who directed the film -- -Great job, brother. -He's a genius. And he wanted to get coffee, and he pitched it to me. Like, "Yeah, you know, he was there shooting the last Ghostbusters movie, but he's like, "I'm just trying to meet some young actors, get a vibe of who to cast for this." And I was like, "Okay, if he's thinking of me, I might be in the background," or something. And then it wasn't for, like -- It was in January of '23, and then it wasn't until, like, a couple months later in June that they asked me to audition for Lauren of all people. And -- -Did you think that would be who you would play, or -- -Not at all. Look at me. No. I didn't -- -Yeah, but -- -I didn't know. So they asked me to put myself on tape or in person, like, in person, obviously. But I'm living in L.A., and they, you know, they wouldn't pay me to fly to New York where he was. So I flew myself out, crashed on some family friend's couch, and just kind of, like, walked around the streets in New York prepping for this audition. I came here. I came to this building. I walked around the ice rink. I really wanted to get it. It's actually so weird being in this building, first of all. -I'm going to say, is it? 'Cause, yeah, I mean, the movie is so well done down to every little detail. -'Cause it feels like I've spent a lot of time here, but I haven't. We shot in Atlanta. I'm walking around in these hallways, and it feels so familiar, but it's not at all. -Yeah. And did you get to -- How much research did you do? Did you meet cast members? Did you talk to anyone? Did you -- I wanted to. I wanted to meet everyone and interview everyone. And Jason wanted us to do his minimum work as possible. He didn't want, like, direct recreations of these cast members and of these people. He wanted just, you know -- He wants us to feel like them and inhabit them and bring as much of our personalities as actors to them. And so I was like, "When can I talk to Lauren?" He's like, "You're not." And I was like, "Yeah." I'm like, "But when I meet Lauren, right?" -Yeah, yeah. I'm playing, "Lauren, he's here. I can -- You should talk." -But he thought it was better to, you know -- -Did Steven Spielberg give you any advice? -You know, it's funny, 'cause I -- We were doing, like, costume fittings at the Universal lot, and he -- his ambling office is there. And we've been texting a little bit, and I'm like, "Hey, I'm gonna be there. Like, if you're there, let's catch up and hang out." And he was like, "Sure, so after one of my fittings, I just walk into his office, and it was good to see him. And as soon as I sit down, he's like, "So this is what I know about Saturn in that life." 'Cause he -- He had just -- Jaws had just come out that summer. And so he was connected, and they -- And everybody heard of this thing that was happening in New York, like what's happening in New York. So he was there for the first episode. And he was living in L.A., but he became such good friends and loved the show so much that every Friday of that first season, he would fly to New York, watch the show on Saturday, and then fly back to L.A. on Sunday. -Really? -The whole first season. So he told me stories of everyone. And I was so -- It was amazing, but I was uncomfortable, 'cause Jason didn't want me to talk to anybody who was there. -Yeah. -But I'm not gonna tell him to, like, shut up. -It's Steven Spielberg. -Yeah. -Steven, Steven, excuse me. -Yeah, hold on. I was like, "You're ruining my character, yeah." -I don't want to hear any of these interesting stories. -Stop. Yeah. -Yeah. But you actually did get a chance to meet Lauren, right? He invited everyone to -- -He was great. He gave us his blessing and invited us all to watch, you know, the actual show. And Josh Brolin was hosting. It was in March. And it was so weird, 'cause our first two days of shooting were in -- were in New York, like, at the ice rink. -A story outside on the -- Yeah, right? Like NBC, the neon sign out there, yeah. -The rest of the film was shot in Atlanta, but for those two nights, we were in New York, and Lauren invited us to watch the show. Like, the day before we started work, which is nuts, 'cause you're tired and you're, like, nervous, and you want to do a good job, but you have to -- -I'm making a movie about this. -But you have to stay up late to see it. -Of course. -But it was -- It was great. He didn't have to do that. It was really, really kind of him. -He's the greatest dude ever. He's awesome. Did you watch "Territ Live A Lot" growing up? -Oh, yeah. I grew up with, like, the best of Will Ferrells, Chris Farley's, best of the commercial parodies. -Who else is your favorite? [ Laughter ] -You were -- I -- you're -- Some of my favorite sketches are with you. There is one with you. -Thank you. -Rachel, Jack -- No, no. You didn't have to say that? -No, no, but Rachel, Rachel, Jack, you and Will are in a hot tub. -Yes, that is true. -And that's hysterical. -Thank you. -Yeah. -Let's leave it at that. -So French celebrity company. -Yes, thank you. -Yes, thank you. -Gavrielle LaBelle, everyone. Saturday night is in select theaters now and everywhere. Stick around! -Lilah, lilah, lilah, lilah, lilah, lilah, lilah. -My answer to the hot -- get something, lilah, lilah. -Oh, my word. Wait, kid. Let me do what I get. I like it. He ever -- [ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah! -My thanks to Hoda Kapi, Henry Glunkwiz, Gabrielle LaBelle. Whoo! And the "Rue" tribe there from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Thank you for watching. Good night, everybody. -♪ I got it for ♪ ♪ I got it for ♪ ♪ Get, get, get it for me ♪ ♪ Get into it ♪ ♪ Do it ♪ ♪ Uh-huh ♪ ♪ Get into it ♪ ♪ Star Wars, so hard workin' ♪ ♪ Mr. Dynamite ♪ ♪ Whoo, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Yeah, baby ♪ ♪ Go knock ya ♪ ♪ Go knock ya ♪ ♪ Go knock ♪ ♪ Let's get 'em out ♪ ♪ Whoo, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ♪ Thanks for listening to The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Don't forget to subscribe to get the latest episodes weekday mornings wherever you get your podcasts. Watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon weeknights on NBC and streaming on Peacock. (upbeat music)