Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo

178. October Predictions and Messages

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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I’m so happy to be back with you this week!

Thank you for all the prayers, love and messages over the last few days as our family recovered from Hurricane Helene. We are doing well and rebuilding. 

Recording this week’s episodes was a light for me, so thank you for being here. 

In today’s pod episode I share October predictions and messages. 

The month has themes of rebirth, the hero’s journey, and luck. 

As always, thank you for listening and please let me know if the messages resonated.


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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome to "Soul Lead Living," a podcast dedicated to helping you live your soul's true path so you can create the dream life you know you are meant to live. I'm Nicki Novo, your spiritual mentor, a fiery Latina, mom of three, and an advocate for living soul lead. You're here because you're meant to be here, so let's do this. Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of "Soul Lead Living." I am extremely happy to be here because, as many of you know, it's been a couple of rough weeks. We had a really bad storm in my hometown. I fled and went to Florida, had to take a week off from the podcast, so I really appreciate you guys sitting and waiting for me and giving me this time off. But I'm so blessed to be where my parents and my brother live in Florida, and I have a good friend who is nice enough to share his podcast studio with me, so shout out to Space Code's podcast. That is allowing me this place so we can be here together. Today's episode is always one of our favorites, right? It is the monthly predictions. So we're a little late for October, but we're gonna do it anyways. So I have our monthly October predictions and messages, and there's some good ones, so let's get into it. October is the month of the hero, or kind of like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. This is the part of the story where you turn shit around. It's like we've been kind of fearing things out, like not sure what way to go, what path to take, and all of a sudden it's like your back is probably up against the wall. You've been kind of maybe forced into a new path, and you're just really gonna go for it. So it's a super exciting month, but it's gonna be hard work as well. And I think that that's sometimes when we think about living into our soul's path, we think it's supposed to be like rainbows and butterflies, and we get kind of scared when there's some hard work there. But the opposite, the only reason there's some hard work showing up is because you're strong enough to do it, and that you are here to really rise to the occasion. So we are the Phoenix this month, guys. It's not gonna be easy, but it is totally possible. So just remember that. So I have seven messages for you, and we're gonna go into them. Again, I want you to turn on your own intuitions. So whatever it is that you feel is speaking to you, if you hear something and you're like, "That's not for me, but that was for me." I really want you to honor that and make sure that you are receiving what is meant for you. You can even set an intention before and see if maybe you have a question and see if something from here will answer that question. Just be open to whatever the message is for you. All right, let's get into it. Seven messages, starting with message number one. Message number one, we're gonna see October really ask us to rebirth and reimagine. So please, guys, we've talked about this before, but we cannot keep doing the same thing. You are gonna be tempted to do the same thing. You're gonna be like, well, this is how it worked for me last time, or I've been doing this service forever, or I've been looking for dates this way forever, and I'm just gonna kinda keep doing the same thing. Absolutely not, like this month, the season that we're in is about, yeah, still seeking the same desires that we have, whatever it is that we're trying to bring into the world or whatever we're trying to birth, but really reimagining it and rebirthing it. You might feel like you wanna dig something up from the grave, almost like a past relationship or a past business idea, and it's okay if you're feeling that, but you really want to reimagine it. So it's like you want to put a new spin on it, do it a different way, reinvent. Those are like really the messages, and I would also just like even think about maybe I'm feeling like scared, so I want to bring something back from the dead and really ask yourself like if you're even supposed to bring that back. It might be more that you're supposed to bring something new or really change the way you guys are doing it. I feel this like my own way, like I was just talking to my assistant cat and I was like, I don't know, I kinda feel like I wanna bring something new in should we just do like another course? Like should we, you know, 'cause I've been doing courses for so long, that's been like a main thing in my business. And we were both like, no, it's supposed to be like something totally new. Of course my comfort zone is in doing the courses, but I'm really being asked to think about other ways to bring that information out into the world and not just like lean into or like lean back into what I'm comfortable with. So big messages of rebirth and reimagining. Message number two, we're also being asked to seek new possibilities. So you know how like when you're trying to follow your intuition or let's say you're trying to be like more in touch with the universe, people always get confused about like, oh am I supposed to just like go with the flow, sit back, pushing is bad. You know, pushing is like linear and masculine. But in this case, I always say like, sometimes pushing is necessary and sometimes sitting back is necessary. It's never one or the other. Kind of like when you're, you know, think about a female that is pregnant, right? Like there's nine months. And if she would start pushing out that baby at two months, then we're in trouble. But if she doesn't push at nine months to push out that baby, then she's also in trouble. So it's not really about whether like pushing or going with the flow is the right or wrong answer. It's really about like using our intuition to know like which season we're in, right? And we're kind of in a season of a bit of a push right now, which I haven't seen in a while. There's, we've been in these seasons of just kind of like waiting, like sitting back, like letting clarity come through. But this felt like a push, like a seeking out. So it's almost like I'm gonna make my own luck happen. And that's what is being asked. There's like these windows of opportunities right now, but we have to go out and ask for them. So to me, this felt like reaching out. If you want something to happen, like finding a contact who can help that happen, networking. I saw like just using like your own resources, your friends, your friendships, asking for help, asking for like leads. Also, it makes me feel like a, you know, kind of, this person might give me a little piece of information that will get me there. Asking the right questions. So I saw like a lot of talking felt very like throw chakra, like talking, asking questions and networking and seeking out. So especially for my like introverts, like this is really a time to go outside of that shell a little bit and ask for what you want, ask for what you need and use your contacts as well. And it makes me feel like there's luck here. Like it's not like you're gonna make this happen by any means, but you're gonna like kind of put it out a lot into the universe. I had this client once who was an older client. She was dating like in her 60s and I loved her for it 'cause she was just so cool. And when she was dating, you know, typically it's like, okay, I'm just gonna get on dating apps or whatever. But she was like, that wasn't really her thing. So she had to like go outside of that way of dating, right? But she still knew she like needed to seek it out and kind of like let the universe know that she was out and like looking for dating. And she actually like started reaching out to these friends that she went to camp with like as a girl and was like letting all of them know that she was single and that if they knew anybody that she was like open to being set up. So of course she wasn't like forcing it. It wasn't like she was calling one friend. She was like, oh, that guy that's friends with your husband, can you introduce me? She was just more like putting it out there but really going outside that comfort zone to like ask somebody that she hadn't talked to in many years. And lo and behold, she got a lot of setups from that. So that's kind of the vibes I'm getting here. You're not gonna make this happen, but you're reaching out and you like putting it out there to the universe like letting everybody you know, know that you're looking for this thing or that you're needing help with this thing. You start to get these leads that are almost like these breadcrumbs that bring you to these new possibilities because there's, I think that's the biggest thing of like now through 2025. We're finally like going to see new opportunities. And I feel like we haven't seen them for a while like almost COVID knocked out a lot of like from COVID to now there was just like a lot of opportunities or kind of like loss and it was just a little sad. And now we're gonna see a lot of like creativity and opportunities, but we gotta like knock on those doors if that makes sense. So whatever it is that you're going for, whether it's a new home or love or business to allow yourself to put it out there. That might be like the best word because these new opportunities are gonna show up but they're gonna come from like really seeking out new ways of bringing it into you. Message number three, guys, things have changed. So don't expect to go back into your old comforts. And this kind of goes back a little bit with message number one where like we may want to, you know, like kind of do the same thing but this feels like you may already be doing something new and you may already be like forced into something new and that there may be times of being like, oh, but I wish, you know, it was still like my old house or I wish it was still like this. Like, or I'm just gonna do this thing that like is my comfort zone. Like we are in the space of, there are no comfort zones right now. So there's like very little soothing and there's very little like space to go back into what you used to do. So it's important to be aware of what like your soothing techniques are, aware of like what those comfort zones are, like what you try to go back into. And we're just gonna have to find new ways to soothe or also like just get comfortable with the things that are uncomfortable. So like start to build that muscle to become more resilient but also to like know that you are like building muscles for this new place that you're going. So just watch yourself like trying to kind of self-stabotage by accident and go into comfort zones. This is going to be the unknown and different and it's going to feel a little bit hard because it's new. So you're gonna feel your body and you're just gonna feel your mind and everything want like things to be simple and you're gonna wanna like wanna go back to the old ways. Like, you know, you're just gonna wanna crawl up and go to like your mom's house but this is really about like you are getting strong and doing something new and eventually the uncomfortable will be comfortable if that makes sense. Okay, so watch out for your comfort zones. Message number four. Guilt, shame, self-judgment, victim mentality. Like none of that can go with us with where we're going. This is coming because it seems like what you're gonna go after, what you're gonna do, where you're moving forward. You may be a little bit of like a lone wolf, you know, like there might not be too many people doing what you're doing or being like as focused as you or whatever. And you're a tribe, like the people you're coming from, like your friendships, your community might be kind of like staying the same and doing the same stuff. But you are a bit of a pioneer. You're like a little bit of kind of like working outside the blueprint. I think those friends in those communities will follow you and that may even be like your industry. Like let's say you're in an industry and you're like moving beyond what the industry norm is but I feel like what you're doing kind of takes you a little bit out of your norm, like your community, your people, and it's going to be natural to feel guilty, to feel a little bit of shame, to kind of want to judge yourself because somehow you're almost like by accident, like judging your friends or judging where you're coming from and like being annoyed at like groupthink or that kind of stuff. But know that this is like normal because you are meant, again, this is the month of the hero. So the hero journey is all about the hero leaves the pack to discover and find themselves and really come back eventually to the tribe with this new information and this new discovery. So you have to venture out and it's always, it's usually not so pretty, you know? Like when you leave that group and sometimes like the breakups or the leaving of the group is kind of ugly but it's only because you have to go off on your journey and you will come back. But you may find yourself feeling like a little guilty or you may find yourself like judging yourself, like being like, "Oh, all my friends are doing this." And like, "I don't know why I like don't want to do that." And like, maybe I'm selfish because I'm focusing on this right now, I'm focusing on, I don't know, making money or I'm focusing on like finding love. And I don't want to go to that baby shower. I don't want to go to that thing. And you're going to judge yourself but understand that you going out and exploring beyond the community, beyond the industry is actually like the most valuable thing you can do for your community. Because you are the explorer that's going to go out, find this like information or whatever and bring it back to the tribe. So be like mindful of that. And just in general, like this is not a time to judge yourself, like judging, guilt, all that. It just cannot go with you. You're supposed to be mission and focus based right now. And sometimes that may feel a little isolating or a little selfish, but it is really more about like you living into your purpose in many ways. So this is like a purpose moment. And a lot of people might not be able to understand, you know, what you're going through or they may seem different than what people are doing, but know that, yeah, just self-judgment and guilt just can't go with you with where you're going. So you want to be like that inner mother that is just like letting you be, like letting you be and letting you follow even if it is making you seem like not a good person, if that makes sense. This is not the time to like try to be a good girl or try to be a good boy. This is more about what I'm feeling called to, like what, like what my mission is, like what my focus is and really being like focused on that and moving forward. So you're going to probably rub up against that like good girl, good boy kind of archetype that we all have within ourselves. And we're going to kind of rub up against that and really let some of that go. Hey friends, I wanted to quickly interrupt this episode and remind you that you can go deeper on each episode by joining my subscription on Substack. If you're working to build a life that looks truly authentic to you, if you have big dreams but sometimes feel weighed down by your responsibilities or lose faith often, the sole lead living Substack subscription is for you. For $11 a month, you'll receive access to my library of healing and activating meditations, journal prompts and you're invited to a live group reading with me every month. My intention is to create a space with high vibe content to help you remain on path so you can continue to create the dream life you know you are destined to live. So head over to and join my subscription today. Message number five, again, I feel like you are going to be doing some things that are hard. So it's important for you and they might not be like physically hard, maybe some of it will be physically hard, but a lot of it is emotional strength that's going to come and believe me you like you are stronger than you think. You are emotionally stronger. So we're going to see you mature emotionally kind of dig deep into this like strength that's like within your belly almost. So and you're going to start to realize just like how strong you are. It makes me feel like you're going to kind of expect more from the way you react to things. So maybe before something was hard you would react a certain way and you would just like you know allow yourself to have a pity party or whatever for a few days and you'd be okay with that. I feel like here it's almost like you know when you like leave middle school and you go to high school and high school teachers are just like a little bit more strict. They're like we don't deal with that like middle school stuff or like the college professors are like we don't deal with that high school stuff. I see some of that for you. Like you are going to kind of expect more from your emotional response. Of course with a lot of compassion we're not going to shame ourselves or anything like that. But it makes me feel like you're going to get tighter on your emotional response to things. And not that you're going to you know bypass your own emotions or whatever but I don't know we all to some degree drown in a little puddle of water you know what I mean. And where we're going we just can't do that anymore. And there's like higher expectations for how we react emotionally to things. So as we're working on our emotional strength we're probably going to see first of all like better nutrients you know because the mind is connected to the gut. And a lot of the times like if the gut is not being fed well enough with like the right foods and even just like the right amount of energy your brain can't handle like harder things and then like our emotions start to like burst. So definitely like an emphasis on am I feeding myself or like giving myself enough rest to handle these emotions. Like am I caring for myself enough to do a hard thing. And it's like the kind of emotions like when you're doing a hard thing. You know it's like you want to give up, you want to cry about it, you want to run away but you are like strong enough for this. And you're just going to you're really going to discover your strength this month. And you're going to realize that there is more in you. Message number six is you're going to be doing a lot. So there's a lot of doing right. There's a lot of like making things happen doing moving forward. But it does seem like you're going to be doing it with joy, with fun because it's actually something you want to do is kind of what it feels like to me. So some shift that we're going to see is that somehow you're going to understand that what you're going after or where you're going is actually happening. And if you kind of you know have a hard day and you don't remember that. But what you're going towards, I just see it happening. Like it's going to work, it's going to come together. But you need to kind of move through it almost like in celebration because you already know that it's happened. I don't think you're going to have to really try to do this. I feel like this is naturally going to happen probably closer to the end of the month. But what you're working on or what you're moving towards. I guess somehow because you bring in a lot of focus and you like let go of that guilt and that shame, you've something hit you at some point in the month, something hits you and you're like, oh shit, this is going to work, like this is going to happen. And somehow that understanding, you keep doing the thing that you need to do. But you do it with like a different type of energy, this like joy or this kind of like celebration energy that actually brings you back a ton of energy because it looks like you've been doing these things before, but there were so much doubts and so much guilt honestly. Like this guilt was like draining you of energy that somehow that really starts to leave because you just click into your focus and because you released a guilt, it's like you know it's going to happen. So it's really beautiful and that energy, I guess from a manifesting place, you know, when you're doing something with a lot of joy, with a lot of celebration, it just like works out better. So that's going to be a nice, just like a nice way, but that feels like that comes towards like the ends of the month. And then lastly, message number seven, I feel like it's just something, it's like a seed that I want to drop, like I don't think we'll fully understand it right now. But a little bit of a north star that you want to keep with yourself this month is there is a better way. So my sense is that again, there's so much of like doing things differently, like reimagining, reinventing, all that stuff, you're still heading towards like a path. But like the big theme is that however you were going about that path before was just more complicated and just not the highest path. So we've all been kind of like pushed on to the true path. And one of the ways to really look at it is that there is like you want to always kind of push yourself to see like, is there a better way to do this? And if you feel like, yes, there may be a better way than it's taking that road. Again, there's hard work here, but it's not, it just feels like it's less complicated. It's a straight shot. So for example, let's say, I don't know, I want to book published, right? And maybe I know that, well, I have to like get a bunch of followers to like book, you know, to like publish my book or whatever. But sometimes it's like, that's kind of a complicated way to get there. Like I can actually like publish a book tomorrow if I wanted to self publish it or I can go straight to like an agent, like I can kind of skip over this part that makes me feel like I have to, I don't know, like earn my worth, I guess is like, this is the feeling. Earning your worth and earning like your spot is really going to start to be removed. And instead you're going to ask yourself like, what is the most efficient way to get here? Like what is, like I don't have to prove myself, I don't have to like earn this spot. Instead, I just want like the best way to get to this path that I'm trying to go to. And I have to keep asking myself like, what is the better way? And then once I get an answer about like, what is the better way to get to this, I take that road. We're really like looking at like moving towards the more, like the true path and like what's truly for us. And that road is just a very, very strong road, but it comes without complications, it comes without like guilt and shame and sometimes like that guilt and everything like complicates the road. So this is, there's a better way. So I'm just going to like, I feel like you might hear yourself or somebody will say that to you this month or you'll hear yourself saying that to yourself. But that's the answer, like there's a better way to what you're trying to do. And that's what this month is about, it's like trying to take you to the highest path. But it is a journey that you can't take a lot of baggage with you. You have to like leave a lot behind. And that's what makes it like the highest path and like also this very simple and strong path. So is there a better way? All right, my friends, that is our October messaging podcast. It was just so nice to be here and you know, share this with you guys. Please remember to message me, let me know if any of this resonated. I always love hearing that and drop me a review. If you have time for that, that means so much and I can't wait to see you in our next episode. That's it for today's episode. Thank you so much for listening. I love you guys so much. If you have a sec, I would so appreciate it if you would leave me a review wherever you listen to podcasts, those reviews are so helpful. And if you're ready to start living your soul-led life, pick up my latest book, Soul-led Living Available on Amazon. Until next time, love you much. [MUSIC]