Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Close the Deal

When God opens a door, don’t procrastinate! Every season has an expiration date, so take a step of faith and close the deal! 

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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When God opens a door, don’t procrastinate! Every season has an expiration date, so take a step of faith and close the deal! 

♪ ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are next in line ♪ ♪ Glory to God ♪ ♪ Come on ♪ ♪ A full of miracle ♪ ♪ This is your time ♪ ♪ This is your time ♪ ♪ To a rise and be blessed ♪ ♪ You are next in line ♪ ♪ Glory to God ♪ ♪ Come on ♪ ♪ For America ♪ ♪ Come on Church ♪ ♪ This is your time ♪ Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, me and Pastor Amy, we give you praise this morning. We join our faith together. We cover your people in the blood of the Lord Jesus. As we continue this series, all the coming adversity, minister to them, touch them, encourage them a lot. We pray for your wisdom to be imparted to them. Strength in their faith, Lord your words as faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. You know exactly what your people need this morning. And we say, "Not our will, but let your will be done and make it so simple and so plain that even a child could understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. In Jesus' name, we pray someone say, "A laude, amen." Praise God, good morning to you again. So good to be coming back to you with the word of the living God. As we continue this wonderful series, overcoming adversity. And on this morning, we are talking about close the deal. Close the deal. Seal it, man. Go all the way. When you see God opens the door and everything lines up, just don't walk, run. I used to be a business-to-business salesman when I lived in Jacksonville, Florida. And we would have to... I mean, of course, we would train. We would talk out a cold turkey, knock on an office, or walk in and get past the secretary to the decision maker and sell him printers, papers, all kinds of office supply equipment. So we had a strategy. It didn't always work. But if you were consistent and knock on enough doors, you'd make all the sales you can. So, Pastor Sean used to be a business-to-business salesman. Lord of mercy. I remember those days and I'm sure glad they're over. Praise God. So, once... I can't repeat some of these things that they would say. But we would say you have to get past the secretary. They had some other terms for that right now. Right? Now, I was a Christian, so some of it was funny. Some of it was funny. All right? It was just not too bad, but some of it was funny. The way the world looks at things, sometimes you just sit down and laugh at you. Shake it and you think, "Lord, save these folks." But anyways, but there would be a part in when you're pitching that decision maker on your products. There would be a time in your presentation that we call "Close the Deal." There would come a moment and you know exactly what to do. We would train on all the signals and the sign and the person's facial expression and all kinds of stuff. I don't want to share too much, all right? But there would come a time when you just knew this person's ready to buy. Let me pull up my paper and I just start filling the paper out in advance. I mean, you talk about ready to close the deal. That came a point in that sales presentation. I just knew. I just knew they wanted to hook. I mean, that's on the hook. I was not a thief like now. These are the folks I work with. Lord, they were lying. Look, I was a line for nobody. What I would do is focus on what Zig Zigley used to teach. He would say, "Look, always be honest with people and find their need. Meet their need with what you are selling." Don't just try dumb stuff on people to make money. Be honest. So that's the way I operate it. But once you find their need and they realize it made sense, they realize, "Hey, this can make our job easy. We can get a whole lot more production with these products." Then it made sense. So once they understood that they were going to benefit from what you were presenting to them, you can tell they were ready. So I just started filling the paper work out. Even before they say, "Yes, I want equipment." You just knew, "Hey, it's time to close the deal." And you fill out the paper in advance and you just put an X and show them that aside, and they gladly sign. So that comes the time when you got to close the deal. Come on, somebody. So boys realize I have the property. This woman is mine. It's time to go all the way with it. It's time for me to close the deal. She's mine. She is mine. I'm going all the way. Now watch this. So, let's go in the root chapter 4, beginning at verse 11 through 22. Then the elders and all the people standing in the gate replied, "We are witnesses. May the Lord make this woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, from home all the nation of Israel descended. May you prosper any frather and be famous in Bethlehem. And may the Lord give you descendants by this young woman who will be like those of our incestive prayers, the son of Tamar and Judah." Wow. Amazing stuff. I think this is coincidence that Bois is of the tribe of Judah. Well, you'll understand in a minute, just hang with me. So Bois took Ruth into his home and she became his wife. He closed the deal. She is mine. I got the property. I got the inheritance. And I got Ruth to be my wife. So Ruth went from rag to riches in one ceremony. She went from having nothing to feel that Ruth used to be picking scraps on. She became the head. She owned a whole thing along with her husband Bois. Thank God those workers were nice to Ruth. Look, you know, my dad always would say, "Be careful how you treat people because you never know when you're going to need them again." Thank God those workers were nice to Ruth because now Bois is a husband. She owns the thing. So you see, if they were nasty to her, she could have just had them fired. This is why you've got to be careful. You've got to be careful of the seeds you sow. You've got to be careful how you treat people, how you talk to people, how you listening to me. So let's go on with this because I don't know with you but I'm just loving this. So Ruth and Bois became husband and wife. The Bible says verse 13, "When he slept with her, the Lord enabled her to become pregnant. And she gave birth to a son." Wow. Then the women of the town said to Naomi, "Praise the Lord who has now provided a redeemer for your family. May this child be famous in Israel." Wow, little I didn't knew what they were prophesying, right? May he restore your youth and care for you and your old age for he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons. Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own. The neighbor women said, "Now at last, Naomi has a son again." And they named him Obed. And Obed became the father of Jesse, the grandfather of King David, through whom the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, would eventually come. If you go and study the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospels, you would see Bois and Ruth in there. Now you see why God was working all of this detail planned together to bring Bois and Ruth together because through that marriage, through that union, would come the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate kinsman redeemer who would redeem us from a world of sin, from death, hell, and the grave. Are you listening to me? Lord, I dare someone lift your hands to heaven and say, "Close the deal. Close the deal." Look out what came out of that union with Bois and Ruth. No wonder, because Rahab was the mother of Bois, no wonder when Joshua sent in the spies, God led them to Rahab, to Hollitt's house. Why was Rahab spared them? Everyone in Jericho died except Rahab, an intermediate family, because through Rahab, the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, Christ would come. When you are connected to Jesus and the God's plan for salvation through Jesus Christ, all things will work together for good because you love God and you are called according to His purpose. His plan. Blessed be the name of Jesus. We're talking about overcoming adversity. You can't do this without being connected to Jesus. Great to see that's in you, then he that's in the world. But for the Bible says in 1 John 5, "Who is He that overcomes the world? He that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." Wow! Isn't this thing loaded? I said, "Is in this loaded?" To think that Obad was the Father of Jesse, and Jesse was the Father of David through whom the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ would come. What an amazing, what an amazing book in the Bible to study. But remember, the whole purpose of Ruth and Bois coming together was to help bring about God's plan with Jesus Christ coming to die for the sins of the world. And tomorrow, we will pick up where we begin to jump into the life of David as we talk about overcoming adversity. This book just sets the whole stage to bring David on the same. Oh, bless it. Did you enjoy the book of Ruth? Are you enjoying this series on overcoming adversity? What a mighty God we serve. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Come on, let's pray, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank you for how you have spoken through the book of Ruth to your people, because Jesus is the ultimate kinsmen, redeemer, the one who died on Calvary Cross, that we could be saved, that we could be forgiven of our sins, and that we could make it into heaven. In Jesus' name we pray, someone say, Amen. Listen, I want to give someone a chance to come to Jesus. He loves you so much he cares about you. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. He is calling you. He died on Calvary Cross for you. He wants to forgive you of all of your sins. He wants to make you his right now. Without any further hesitation, I want you to bow your head in reverence to God and say this prayer with me. Say, Lord Jesus, I believe. You are the son of God. I believe you died on Calvary Cross for me. They crucified you. They murdered you in cold blood. But on the third day, God raised you from the dead. You are now seated at God's right hand and soon and very soon. You are coming again. Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me of all of my sins and writing my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Amen. If you prayed that prayer with me and meant it with all of your heart, let me and my beautiful wife, Pastor Amy, be the first to say to you, welcome into the family of God. Your sins have been forgiven. You are saved and on your way to Heaven. Welcome into the family of God. Given this offering right now, visit us online. Sean pinned the nut and that forward slash give. You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that our dress is PayPal dot May 4 slash Sean pinned the ministries. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is info at You can also give through the ministry cash up account. The ministry cash of our dress is the dollar sign Sean Pinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinda ministries, P.O. Box, two seven, two six, McKinney, Texas, seven, five, zero, seven, zero, and never forget. May best Amy, we love you. We'll never take you for granted. We appreciate you. God bless you. [BLANK_AUDIO]