KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Dissecting the Pathology of Sin | Yom Kippur 5785

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08 Oct 2024
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Sichat Mussar for Yom Kippur | 5785, by Rav Moshe TaraginĀ 

Dissecting the Pathology of Sin; Seeing Through Fantasy and Photoshops; 3 Tips For Immersive Yom Kippur: Watch Your Tongue, Ignore Your Watch and Avoid "Sunday Thoughts"

We're going to talk a little bit about sin because if you don't understand why you sin it's very, very difficult to stop sinning. And you can tell yourself from here to Wazoo I'm going to stop in less about a month. And the great enemy of Chuvazri Sidivism where you regress right back into who you were and how do you break the cycle of regression? Think, understand, analyze. As you go through life you start to understand yourself more and how you're wired and why you sin and where sin happens, what does it come from? And you realize it's not like weeds that grow in the ground that you want to remove because with weeds you just dig vertically. But sometimes sin expresses itself in very parambolic ways. There are certain psychological pressures and they lead to expressions and the pressure that you feel deep down psychologically leads to certain types of sins that would seem to bear no resemblance of psychological pressures. As you go through you start to know yourself better, "Oh, this is why I, and this is why I, and this is when I." So think about it. Take some time to think about what are your flaws, it's a hard question, maybe you never thought of it that way because after all you get a hundred and every test, you're flawless. But now you realize tests will only get you so far in life. Relationships not achievements, character not mental brain cells. So you try to find character, moral character, religious character, think, ask hard questions to yourself. They're painful, but the dividends are great, you come out a better person. Here's a good question to ask yourself. We are 72 hours away, 72 hours away from your kipper, the 96 hours away from the younger kipper. In 96 hours do you want to be a different person? The only way you can be a different person in 96 hours is if you work hard over the next 96 hours. I'll give you some tips and hints. Or you can ho-hum it, hold your breath, wait for your kipper to be over, and I'm the same person. And life just goes on and on and on with same mediocrity, the same banal, banal, vanilla, feel. It's all just making memory through with that really caring about anything. So here's the story that helps us understand sin in its most radical form. The Gammarna Vodazara, source number one, tells the story. And the particular sin is sexual desire, but you can extrapolate from this particular categories into other types of sins. Obviously, each category is different, but this is more of a generic sinful modality, mentality. Why do we go after certain things? Why we're pulled in ways that we regret, ways that we wish we hadn't, and in the back, how do we do that? So humiliating. How do they fail? How could I fail? Everybody loves a Ben Dordaya, and notice it in the Gammaris called "Rebi," at least, as a Ben Dordaya, which is a little bit odd given the profile of this El Luzza Ben Dordaya, who the Gammaris says source number one, a Vodazara, had visited every single Zona. So evidently, especially with this particular vice and Yeh Tohara, you're not scot for your immune just because you learn a lot of Torah. So then the Torah gets stuck up in here. So much about what you're trying to accomplish, and if you're not working at that, at some point, you're failing. Is to unclog the highway between here and here, between our mind and soul, mind and identity. If it's just up here, it's not filtering down. How do you know it's filtering down? That's a separate question. It's not filtering down. Go hire a team of lawyers and sue us for your tuition to be refunded, as you're wasting your time. Because information goes in, it goes out, and then you'll move on to the next place that will give you information. How do you make information stick? Not stick mentally. Not recall. How does it stick and change and become you? How do you internalize information? And try to think about it. How much are you buying into what's happening here in Yeshiva? How do you identify? The navigation is far more important than whether you raise your hand and share and get the right answer. Don't follow that perhaps. This isn't high school. Getting the right answer means nothing. Just like getting the wrong answer means nothing. Attaching, affiliating with the information, having it sing into your subsystem and change you and affect you and move you and stir you, whether you're right or wrong, but they experience itself is so much more important than I've got an open with all the right answers. Come on. So he visited every single zone. Because the nature of sin, many sins, especially this type of sin, is we're looking for ways to break our boredom in life. It feels very bland, very pedestrian, very pettitive. It's called fantasy and escapism. Where it allows us to divert attention from the repetition and the routine. The path to excellence is paid with repetition and routine. If you're going to be excellent in something in life, you need 10,000 hours of repetition. And the sooner that you're rigidify, discipline yourself and learn to routinize yourself and work hard with somebody, the skills you're getting in Yeshiva are skills to life. If you do well in Yeshiva, you'll be set for life because you'll be able to put in 12, 15 hours a day repeatedly, 5 days a week, 6 days a week, 7 days a week, 7, week after week, month after month. And you won't be a scatterer or diffuser of time, you'll be a concentrator, maximizer of time. So many people are looking at something out there and it's exotic and it has an alert, it's fairy dust and it must be and it's, and the nature of sin that there is is a gateway. People say, "What shouldn't that take marijuana?" It's not harmful. You're right. It's not harmful. But the nature of drugs and addiction is that it's a gateway to worse because we're always pushing the bar higher because today's jolt or today's rush or today's experience becomes bland tomorrow and then you have to ratchet up the stimulus and ratchet up the stimulus gets into the very dark places. It's true with everything. It's true with greed. It's true with honorific. It's true with ego. Whatever you feed that's unhealthy, you have to constantly feed the beast and then you are enslaved to that. It's to be free from any of these, not seen as Adam and all of them. It's like a drug addict chasing the next hit and the next hit has to be more stimulating and more invigorating than previous hits. You have to opt the chemical dose or whatever, whatever you're taking. The local son who couldn't fulfill his purely sexual needs, his bodily needs wherever they were. Sexual needs is never really a battle. It's more psychological and he needed for someone else and the unknown and the mysterious and the hunt and part of life is, especially at the stage, learning that sometimes curiosity killed the cat. Intellectual curiosity is a trait. We want to try to promote it but what do you draw the lines? What do you hide your eyes from? At what point does curiosity lead you to distant fire and lands that you shouldn't be visiting? Especially in today's world where that journey is two clicks away. When I was your age in high school, there was a candy shop on Avenue J from Brooklyn right on to the subway and everyone knew that the boundary, the borderline was the onion chips, the onion potato chips, onion-flated potato chips because on the other side of the onion chips were the bad magazines and if you pass the onion chips, you were ready in the bad part of the store. If you sit on the other side of the onion chips, you're on the good side of the store. You guys don't have any onion chips borders. You're sitting in front of a computer, you're two clicks away from the other side of the store. What means you have to think very carefully? What do you wish you hadn't seen in your life? How will you hide your eyes? Not just this, right? Did you make decisions last year? Not to see certain images relating to October 7. I made those decisions. For every reason, it was disrespectful to the dead. It was feeding the prep again, the psychological care of the barbarians. It was something that I wish would not be in my mind. I hope you did. If you didn't, maybe you regret it. Maybe that's part of the alkite that you have to say, "I should have seen that." It's not just the indecent pictures of women or curses or whatever type of thing you should be looking at. They're not made for your eyes. Your eyes are purer than that. Your eyes are more noble than that. He's more dignified than that. So also he's pushing the ante, looking for the next thrill, next for the next jolt, for the next excitement and stimulus. Of course, he hears about the Zona, who lives line number two of a crocheche heya. She lives overseas, far, far away, the distant land of Ogres, goblins, and little Rusty and Woods. Again, it's just something different. He's far away. Exotic. People go wanderlust. You always have to travel somewhere because you can't make peace with your here and now. Traveling is good. Don't get me wrong. It's good. But always looking for something beyond, rather than looking beneath your own two feet. Always looking for something else, grass is green, or always looking for something you don't have, rather than celebrating, maximizing, utilizing, employing what you have, what you have uniquely. That's why it's so important for you to find your own personal identity these coming years. Once you lock into what you are, you'll stop following friends and stop being dragged along by social pressures or profiles that aren't yours. You're saying, "Well, this is me." Jim gave me this talent set, and I feel like I can accomplish these goals with this talent set. Now, let me set my life to it. Physical being in the groove. Now, you're in the groove. You know, exactly more or less who you are, exactly more or less what you're accomplishing with those talents. That's, of course, light changes, those curveballs, and everything is planned, everything's recalculated. Remember, the midst of a kikari kansi, but the finaka, the midst of shilohakein, some things you can't see, some things blindside you, but you're in the groove. So, here you have this very pathetic scene of Elizabeth Dardiah who hears about this one's owner. He had frequented thousands of women. Thousands of women. I can't imagine. There was any desire that hadn't been filled by those thousands of women they had visited. And, yeah, hypothetically, here's about this one woman who lives seven oceans away, and he travels seven oceans. Line number two, okay, she is bakrachayyam, vice-in-law, kistin armbuscaro. He also heard that she was very expensive, and also caught his attention. This was not your average zona. This must be a special zona. How do you know she was a special zona? Well, if everyone pays through the money, she must be special. And that's where sin sometimes enters your heart. When you follow social opinions and social perspectives, rather than saying, "Let me ask myself on my own." Let me mention my own judgments because everyone's watching the video, but it's called viral. It doesn't mean it's a good video. It just means there are two and a half million people out there that have lost their minds. Between half people that have abdicated free will and role conscience to algorithms and social media bots, whenever pressures they feel are the style of the day, whenever liberal stances are stylish or in fat or in motives. You have to learn. I remember when I was a teenager, maybe even a little older, so this was before cable television and before the internet was yet popular, so NBC was a big TV station. It's a big competition in NBC, CBS, and ABC in America, and NBC decided we'd have a killer line-up of shows one evening, it was Thursday evening, and they called it must-see-TV, must-see-TV. I thought there was such an incredible marketing ploy because they're telling you you have to see it. And if you don't see it, FOMO, you're missing out because whole country's seeing it. Whole country's seeing it and must be something special. We'll talk about this when the Super Bowl comes around, still purely talking about the Super Bowl craze, and the March Madness craze, but sports has a way of singing its tentacles into you. It's not just sexual desire. It's, "Are you a slave to public and social morays and opinions? Are you a consumer of sports or are you a sport addict?" It's a really easy question, and you know how you know the difference? When your team loses a big game, do you have a pit in your stomach? Don't you wish you wouldn't have that pit because you become emotionally enslaved to your team, but when they lose, you feel it in your gut, probably more deeply than you feel other things. Isn't that silly? Isn't that really silly about high school dropouts running around in pyjamas who close you to have such a bad day? Don't you wish you wouldn't be so addicted? I think this is the only one answer to that question, which is how you get this. It's not about watching sports and not watching sports, it's about watching sports, but not identifying as deeply emotionally with sports as you do, and that's part of the price of living in 21st century America, 21st century Western civilization. Our goal is not to detox you from sports, our goal is to liberate you from sports tyranny and sports addiction. Say that everyone's watching this video, must be an incredible video. Everyone's paying the Zona thousands of gold coins, she must be special. And look at the pathetic story, the halak of the Avril of Shivan Haras, who travels through seven rivers, seven rivers, how many towns did he pass across those rivers? The plenty of Zonas didn't associate whatever course menial desires he had, it's also sad because sometimes sin surprises you and leaps up at you and captures you and overwhelms you. But here you've got a sin that's some deeply rooted and it's become so routinized that how long did it take him to travel through seven rivers, he wasn't in a jet plane, he wasn't in a helicopter. It must have taken him a week, two weeks, three weeks, he's covering the continent, this is a crock of hang up, it's just some island somewhere, so he's traveling across rivers and he's getting on a boat, he's traveling to some exotic location, and he's visiting this exotic zona, and at some point, think, stop, ask yourself questions, can it be worth this, it's not just he's walking down the street like a huda, and he sees a woman named Tamara and all of a sudden, one thing leads to another and by the time he knows it, sin has been committed. This is so premeditated, one of the al-hates will reside as al-hate-cha-tarn-il-fonecha-biritsas-vaglai-im-la-hara, which means we ran to certain sins. When the last time you were so covetous and needed something so deeply that there was even a time that lapsed between the initial thought and the actual execution. It's a pretty bad state, sometimes you find yourself in a moment of weakness, something happens and you say something, you do something, you see something, you behave, and it happened in a flash. I just had to get here, sometimes you plant it and it's a warning sign, you can't put yourself out that there's a time that he lapses between the thought and the execution, that's called rebellion. When I fall to sin for a moment, it's not a rebellion, it's just slipped up, I fell on a banana peel, metaphorically. I did something terrible, I didn't realize what was happening, but sometimes we cognitively disassociate ourselves in the shame. I just need to be, I'm not turning into Nietzsche, don't worry, not Nietzsche, I'm not walking away, I'm not walking away, you're not dead, but I need you to take a time out. I need to take a time out. You go to your corner, I'll go to my corner, it's a micro-rebellion. Pajano, think about how long did it take him to cross those seven seas, seven rivers. So now, they're in the middle of the act, this is a very, very graphicinar, and in the middle of the act, Bishaz Hergiel, line number three, Dafija, she emits some bodily digestive gas, everything collapses. All those walls of denial and abstinence, refusal, come crashing down, because all the fantasy has been uncovered, because this is not a woman who has been sexualized and is an object of desire, and is, this is a human being, two nostrils, two ears, two eyes, stomach, gas, urine, bodily digestion, like you and me. You have to learn to see through the Photoshop, to see through the mascara, to see through the makeup, especially in a world that overloads people, turns them into gods and heroes, far far beyond their natural proportion. I don't want you to just mean symbols of sexuality, who are they walking to this room and have their makeup on, they would look like nothing, or without the context of which everyone's clapping for them, and everyone's hooting and hollering, those would be average people, or less. The athletes are walking through the room right now, there won't be the same athlete you see on TV with the shine and the gleam and the celebration and the clapping. Look through the veil of fantasy, see human beings. You know worse than these people, don't worship celebrities, don't get caught in that, athletes, celebrities, people are not great because they're more well known. There's no proportion between how famous you are and how much of a role model you should be. You can be the best character no one knows about you, that's a role model, and you can make the worst crime just to grab people's attention and to make headlines, just because people are making a big deal about you, doesn't mean that that person should be the object of your emulation or adulation, so it's the guess, literally, that does it, because all those fantasies and the fantasies he was always concocting in his head, day and day out, each one was another fantasy, another imagination, another odyssey, another escapism, another trick, another trait, oh it's just a body, just a body like mine, gas and burps and whatever, I don't think he graphic with you, so what does he do? I'm Ari says and I'm just going to abbreviate because I have to get to part two because I'm running out of time, he turns to the mountains and he says mountains and rivers please pray for me, and the mountains and just paraphrasing say we ain't too busy, we have to pray for ourselves because in the end of days the mountains are going to be pulverized, we're busy dovening for ourselves, don't ask this to doven for you, and then he asks the heavens, doven for me, heaven and earth, and they say we're too busy dovening for ourselves because in mashiaph was going to be the apocalypse, whatever, hurricanes, and then he says stars and zodiac cycles, doven for me, and they say we're too busy, and then he says oh basically he looks to all the aspects of nature, and he asks them to doven for him, and they say we can't doven for you, what's happening here, what's this story, what's behind the story, it's behind the stage, first of all he's running away from agency and responsibility trying to deflect the agency on other people, in this case none other people but other factors, Chuvah is a celebration of Bechreusches, you guys are now players, you're not spectators, well your kids you're spectators, you're watching life from the sidelines as people make decisions and carve out identity, and handed to you because basically what you do is you're told, you exist within narrow profiles, you succeed more, succeed less but you're in the lanes that are set for you, life is beginning, you have one shot at eternity, the decisions you make this year, and of course beyond, will determine your life not just in the next eighty and ninety years, but for the next eighty and ninety million years, because the next world is a static world, you can't grow, you can enjoy spirituality based whenever a level you achieve in this world, there's no growth, you are who you are, you get locked into who you are, do you have the shoulders strong enough to bear the weight of that responsibility, do you appreciate the moment, it's such an important shift, because until now you've just been following pretty much, I'm saying this in the nicest way, look at Adam will be taken along by a rope, how many free decisions have most of you made, most of you probably haven't, again within the boxes that have been preordained for you, you've moved and you veered and you've chosen, some of you more, some of you less, choose a big responsibility, life and death is hanging in the balance over the next seventy-two hours, for you, rockets prove you could be an azza, you could be an Lebanon, you could be an English itself, it doesn't make a difference, every one that dies, every bullet has an address in heaven, and you could be an Lebanon and be safe and you could be an whatever, I don't have to say whether we're terror victims and whether, and some of the ramifications are on yourselves, so now this is, this is a big league, these are big major decisions that are unfolding, and it's not just that he doesn't want to take agency and responsibility, but he also sees it as something larger than life, larger than himself, I don't have the ability to have the capacity, any larger forces to step in from any mountains and heavens and stars and suns, nah, bear responsibility, but also know you have the capacity, you have free will, you have courage, you have self-determination, embrace the responsibility of life, or with the confidence is you have the capacity to make changes and you have to look to Godolim, to mountains, to stars, to heavens, to suns, do you think anyone in this Ushiva was born that way? Everyone in this Ushiva feels very imposing and very impressive, I've been around the block enough, all the greats that you see in the base of matters, I saw them when they were your age, and they were not better or worse than you are, I'm getting around to get out, they worked hard, they were going to sweat and toil and stay up and work and press severe, be resilient and fall and fail and rise and push, you think Rabbis were born knowing Shouse, I think any of us are a product of anything other than hard sustained discipline, work, day in, day out, shop as if to a new Friday, so you want to be great, you have it within you, trust me, I'm not sugar-coding, my full is praising, I don't know all of you, but most of you have what it takes to be great, not great public, it's except everything, Rabbi Ushiva, whatever, great and you have Otis Hashem, don't be overwhelmed, don't be intimidated because of your pastor, because your last name is this or that, somebody finally realizes, no one's going to help him and he has to take agency, but he can, the guy says he puts his head between his legs and he starts crying, ani ha davar tali ela b, second to last line, ani ha davar tali ela b, ani ha davar tali ela b, he niyach roshel bain birkov, he puts his head between his knees, the ga vibhirih starts shrieking, ani ha davar tali ela b, he dies with a broken heart and a vast call emerges and says, there's a buzzer bin the die is invited to heaven, talam ha ba, chewah the second, but that second and that tear has to be authentic, many of you aren't accustomed to crying, many of you maybe aren't accustomed to being authentic, because authentic means you have to stop hiding from yourself and face yourself, it's harder than to face yourself, it's easier to fall into an area that you've been told or you tell yourself, all it takes is one second and broken harness, even if the tear doesn't reach your eyes, it's the meaning that if the tear reaches your eyes then it reaches your eyes and then it can't, but the meaning is not to wipe it away, because tears cleanse us and cleanse the eyes that need cleansing and cleanse the face that needs cleansing, people actually have a minute to wipe the tears into their face, okay, if that doesn't be a minute, but don't try to avoid crying, you'll think that there's a lot of crying in trouble, so many lessons from this profile of, unless it's been their day, it made it to heaven, it made it talam ha ba, because of that one second of authentic, chewah, I set an alarm on my watch, and I want to switch paths now, I want to switch tones and frequencies, and I want to talk about Yom Kippur that you may not understand yet, but I hope you'll experience this year, and it's so different than the Yom Kippur you're accustomed to that even has a different name, and so nature used to call this day, and people on the know, on the inside, don't even call it Yom Kippur, Yomaki Purim, it's called Yom Ha Gondal Vihanara, why is it called Yom Ha Gondal Vihanara, and what's the difference between calling it that, and calling it Yom Kippur, and more importantly practically, how do you reach Yom Ha Gondal Vihanara, I know how to do Yom Kippur, I'll say it, ashamdulillah, bhagannul fast, don't eat, dahben, how do you get the Yom Ha Gondal Vihanara? So of course the Torah compares Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur, turn them back to the page, source number six, kiwai yamazel y haparelechaam lit Tyres ha mikohat al sekhem, if you read one piece on Chuvah, this year read the piece in Allah Chuvah in which Rabbi Selavatechk distinguishes between kapara and tahara, tahara and kapar, that is foundational, foundational, any more said than all of that, find out all the Chuvah, take a part of that, look it up online and just read that piece, English or Hebrew, Chuvah and kapar, basically the difference is true of its legal, I said, there's a punishment, there's a threat, there's a sentencing, I gotta get rid of it, so I confess and I'm remorseful, the whole nine yards, real remorse, not fake, not a sham, but really, but there's something higher, and then I just want to be the presence of a sham, I want to be his mikohat, and the concept of seeing Yom Kippur and Chuvah not just as an absolution of hate, but as a cleansing and transformation and being in the presence of a sham and rebuilding the relationship with a sham and being, what's alluded to by Chuvah or Naveen, but it should be a kiwai crystallizing, so it's number seven, Davanamal says, "Hairab kabseini me avonino me katashi tairini, I want to be tar, I want to be cleansed," there's a stain, it's rancid, it's decayed, think of that, can you identify, do you feel there's a stain, do you feel there's a stain on you, you feel something stained on you, dirty, I mean dirty, the salacious said, so I mean soil, dirty, uncleanly, less dignity than you think you should have, because of whatever patterns, habits, behavior, and lifestyles, be a Vantara, it's being an awful person, be a classy person, be a person that speaks the right way and behaves the right way, that's polite the right way, that speaks the right way, excellence is contagious, if you're a Vantara, it's going to be an excellent, every single sphere of human experience, that's what Chuvah expects, I should have a mwam.tar, I should have a mwam.tar, I should have a mwam.tar, you'll see tar, this is what tar makes people into, hey how else do you think will be attracted to the unless you see the products of tar? Yom Kippur then talks about Hashem helping the tar process, you know the spasik, visarachte alachamayim taram, it's hard to make hottamosekam, kogulahhem matera, srem, shimafri sprinkles the water on you, so it's not true, but it's kapara, it's kapara, excuse me, it's tarah but Hashem helps, but Ibikiva really built a legend, Ibikiva probably said this statement somewhere around the horrible baysamiktash, Ibah dies around 130 during the crushing of the barqach bariballian, he dies at the age of 120, so more or less he's born year 10 CE, more or less, baysamiktash is destroyed year 7 AD CE, he doesn't learn for the first 40 years, so still around 50 AD or so he's not a learner, so from 50 AD to 130 he learns and he becomes your baysamikiva, she's probably saying this in the aftermath of the horn baysamiktash, in my mind he says it's the first tish above, after the first tish above, everyone's in a panic, because in those days Yom Kippur was much more collective than Aryom Kippur, Aryom Kipp is very personal, your talus, your veto, your makhzor, your true val, your alchate, your ashamdul, your fasting, those days is much more national, everyone gathered in the court yards of the baysamiktash, not everyone, but remember to get there for sikas, you've got to leave a couple days early, everyone has to be in jalim on the 15th, so if you live in baysamish you'll leave on the 13th, but if you live in the golan you've got to leave on the 8th, on the 7th, which means in Yom Kippur, there's a lot of people already in Yom Kippur, there's a lot of people already in Yom Kippur, there's a lot of people standing in the baysamiktash, what are they doing? They're watching, they're just watching, watching the kawan again in a distance, those in the baysamiktash, they're watching the red string, they're watching it turn white, they're watching some of those other ingredients that are much more collective, they're just standing with 3 million people in Yom Kippur, rather than under the hood of your own talus, it's just a different experience, and now the baysamiktash is destroyed and there's nothing, there's no koa in, there's no kotishakar nashim, there's no kotaris, there's nothing, people say, well, baysamiktash, Yom Kippur is defunct, so we keep us broader messages, don't worry, it's not about rituals and ceremonies in karbanas, it's more about a kotish barachal, that's the baysamiktash, without baysamiktash, without karbanas, you still have chirvai, still have kotaris, still have tari, still have kotish barachal, but listen to what he says, it goes to pasaik in yumia, pasaik in yumia 9, mik vai sural, mashiya bai sura, same as mik vai sura, which literally means he's the hope of the Jewish people, mik vai suraik, but to be kiva inverted the word mik vai suraik, inverted the re-engineer, the word mik vai suraik, mik vai suraik, last mish tunde e parach, ashre haf mizral, but thanks to us number 10, le miyatame et tari miyatame et tari sakan avik vai suraik, mai suraik, mai suraik, mai suraik, mik vai suraik, mai mik vai suraik, mai mik vai mai tari, and saktame mai mai mai shbok kotish bok kotish bok kotish bok kotish bok kotish bok kotish bok kotish, mai suraik, mai suraik, mai suraik, so that it can be the president of the c_n_ because of a tummy and so i can't be in his presence later for her that was a certain tell-and-test his is not a no standing for jim isn't the terminus of truth standing for a sham is the process of truth you don't know the mikvah after your car you are the mikvah to be come to our you answer the mikvah unclam's again halofically to metaphor but you're in your worst state of impurities i think wrong to be impure you just could have you know buried a dead person makes it's not that's virtually just a lot of the impure need that to be the biggest of that is in the world she's legally impure the horrible work is a word for time people say impure sounds like a pajard since i'm legally candidate the basement when we just gave birth he's here all this gave birth for nine months nothing wrong with her she just for whatever reason should be in the basement after that moment certainly the word impure has to be careful legally a lot of the impure that's virtually impure but when you walk in the mikvah you're legally impure and the mikvah is the instrument that cleanses you that purifies you so if i associate the metaphor extrapolate the metaphor it's not that i have to undergo young kipro's i can say that i can sparkle i come to a sham with all my flaws all my dirt and all i park marks and all it's a ras morally and if i spend twenty five hours with a sham then that's not the end point of my true of a that's that's how i achieved our doesn't say i don't need anything i just need your attention for twenty five hours i just need to be in the mikvah for twenty five hours be with me twenty five hours and that far surpasses and far transcends kabhara juba and slitha it's with the ashram and that's why it's called yampagadov in our as if you could split the two days in theory you could completely but because they're so intertwined but in theory you could take out the true of the kapara and the slith on the video and say i want to be with the country for twenty four hours of course as you essentially experientially to be with us in twenty hours has to come from moral inventory from a moment of gravitas and mental focus and spiritual expanded consciousness but in theory the two could be split one is yamaki for him one is yamagadov in our dying for you guys to taste what yamagadov in our is stop thinking fast it's not a fast the fast is a springboard dot in spiritual consciousness get past the fast you're all strong enough most of you you can make it you will go for three days without eating you'll be fine you'll have a headache welcome to my world every minute of every day and life goes on and you can still be an accomplished person trust me get past it it's a springboard how do you leave up to the next level on the next that's ten minutes i give you three tips trust me i can guarantee these tips are successful because i have thirty years of giving them and use them for your entire life one is your tongue one is your wrist and one is your future tongue risks and future number one try as best as you can see if you can limit your conversation for twenty-five hours how let you fill in the blanks there are people that don't talk to you you know they're actually people like you and me and i'm talking about people in spot and now i'm talking to trees people like you and me i remember when i was in yu as as the college student i would turn to a friend of mine i was in Israel and said how are you doing the break they looked at me so it was crazy and explained to me no no i took a ton of people said maybe i'm to that one day and in one year when i just made all the honors at a crossroads in my life i think it was ninety-five and four don't get no don't check fact check that not because any newspaper as a maybe i need a ton of people this year to think a little bit more deeply be more focused and i of course talk to the people in your life don't surprise them because i'm trying to stay for spoke to the people said the twenty-five hours don't be insulted and i can talk and try to be with myself with my thoughts with a commercial okay you know the tiny people say maybe one day only well please please don't talk about sports get out of your head please please don't talk about camp please please try whatever your conversation is should be meaningful purposeful deep found spiritual three sixty four days a year to talk about whatever i was going to talk about now you don't talk maybe there's a space between time is deeper which is hardcore commando at all sandal talk which is going to be you know good morning whatever it behind you next level level of difficulty well look at this okay and show you a new visualized because i know first year boys like the visualized take off your handcuffs i'm going to show you how to take off your handcuffs your mental handcuffs time is emotional prison you know that ten minutes this year is going to end more or less and therefore you already clipping emotionally the impact of this experience is going to end it's a different moment for you now that it was thirty minutes ago it's true psychological we know something again you're ready to participate in fact that it is natural how many times how many of you spend your paper like i did when i was your age constantly looking and saying okay did one-third two-thirds left i did three-six did nine hours nine divided by twenty four sixty six percent seventy two percent and four hours left three hours left one hour left six minutes left it's an emotional skate patch because my factory in time you're telling yourself as deep as this experience is it's going to end this term is doing talk about it in a moment could you imagine living beyond time you can't because it's so tyrannical one that you will in the next world will be time obviously that's the next level of your paper is not about not eating and drinking it's just not thinking about time trust me this is your year to try it out because you don't have to follow any schedule no one needs you you can come into the basement at six you can see the mkipper schedules to be shot was at six or six thirty and maravat six forty in the same room for twelve hours maybe a forty-minute break or so you don't need your watch you don't need to be anywhere you're not in the army you don't have to pick any one up you don't have to change any diapers you just you can be for twelve hours in the mikvah without knowing that it's a lot hours please try well with the base matters from Friday night and take off your watch and put into your house try the first night it's a baby pool kiddie pool three four hours you'll see you're indulging in the emotional impact more deeply and we're always looking at the time because that's your hand cuts because you say well living now but it's not good and the real way to do it is not just to take your watch off the real enemy of the mkipper this is the suttons trick he knows he can't get you to think about negative religiously it unhealthy thing is the mkipper come on you're not going to be thinking about reviving your good boys you're over there she want to do the right thing he's a pretty tricky guy and believe me I know him very well and battling with him for years I know his tricks I don't always overcome his tricks but I know his tricks he would love he would love for you to think about sunday about who you're going to get together with on sunday and which cheerling you're going to take on sunday you're going to eat on sunday which movie you're going to see on sunday because there's another way to say you know what this is all going to happen this movie is going to end and it's just a movie right it's just a nightmare you tell yourself it's just a movie it's just a nightmare it's a way of disengaging emotionally sunday is your biggest enemy this year if you're really honest with yourself let's get really honest down to the bone straight talk what are we diving for on jobs in the mkipper we are basically dovening if all of our feels are accepted endgame radicalize it if a shim gave you a magic wand said whatever are you here's a magic wand doven whatever you say happens what would you say yes it's only one answer to that talk about the chauffeur gundo but she is coming all bets are off all plans of sunday failed let's go to base a miktush and rebuild the base of miktush and usher in utopia right china bubby shalom are you hypocrite are you honest you know that the entire young kipper for the rule of bony shalim so don't you want it to happen which means that whatever your plan for sunday is going to vanish into thin air it's going to be a new reality can you dig deeply into that dream and can you say i'm going to avoid any possible as much as possible it's really hard i don't get this all the time but another one my mind starts to wonder i snap back into it i pushed myself away stop stop don't think about building a circle don't think about taking care of your parents don't think about uh... you know visiting grandchildren don't think about whatever because as far as your concern this is all ending by six o'clock because she is going to come cuz it was going to be accepted if you're not only in the way that you know when that happened then you have hearted so when you find your mind wandering off to sunday stop it no baseball no sports no friends me friends continue but arrangements you have in trip to flan those are the three ways to reach the emagado in our watch your tongue don't watch your list and don't let sunday creep into your imagination is all or nothing baby cutting for glory if not then you're not into it what's more important your personal kapara or that everything should change in the jewish people should be restored to that's what you really want you really in even if you don't want it 'cause you like your life too much you want to work i gave you a post that you want that we take the pill if you don't want it 'cause life is too good for you but you may want to want it because you realize that some deeper level that's a better world than the world you live in you want to be in place that you want it so deeply try it out for twenty four hours that's the root of yamagado on our that's the root of being in the micro for twenty five hours of a shit and it's so much more than fasting it's so much more than fasting it's living beyond time living beyond yourself living beyond the pettiness being a malach living twenty five hours in heaven your tongue your wrist and don't let sunday walk into your mind