Chrissie Mayr Podcast

CMP 769 - Producer Rob from InfoWars

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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Producer Rob of InfoWars joins Chrissie to talk about the FBI shut down and more!

Originally recorded June 4th, 2024

[MUSIC] >> That's your safe belt, it's gonna be a bumpy bump. [MUSIC] >> Chrissy is hilarious. [MUSIC] >> Chrissy, have you ever heard of the comedian Basha K Ali? >> No, that sounds like something you yell at before you blow the plane. >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> 30 seconds remaining. >> Like what did you say I have to say about this? >> I have to do this with respect to you all. [MUSIC] >> I was scared confused by the title, everything, everywhere all I want. Because that's also what we call it, when the ass takes off his shirt. >> [LAUGH] [MUSIC] >> I shouldn't be up here. I should be in school with the other side of the ocean. [MUSIC] >> Hello boys, girls, members of the Marion Nation. That's a good way to open the show. Welcome to the Chrissy Mayer podcast. You can watch this show all over the place, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Rumble, Rockfin, Twitter, Twitch, all over the place. Guys, before I bring in our fabulous guest, I have a stand-up show coming up Saturday, July 20th, right here in my neck of the woods in Westchester, New York. I'll be doing a show in Mount Kisco at this venue called Jazz on Main. It's gonna be my first stand-up show, first headlining show since my maternity leave. So please don't judge my body, I'm just gonna be in all black, nothing to see here, folks. But it's gonna be great, it's gonna be funny. I'm gonna have a lot of mom jokes and Keanu Thompson will be joining me at that show as well. So keep your ears peeled for a ticket link Saturday, July 20th in Mount Kisco, Jazz on Main. It's gonna be a fun, fun time. It was a crazy week, a lot of news going on. This is the most dramatic news, I think we've heard. Judge Reject's call to immediately shut down Alex Jones, Infowars, in bankruptcy dispute. A lot going on, there was some chaos, some drama this week. I didn't know, and you guys have seen me at Infowars. I've been on a few times, I've hosted for our friend Owen Schroyer. So to help me sort through all of this shenanigans, all this stuff is my dear friend and producer over at Infowars. Infowars Rock, welcome to the show. Hey, thank you for having me. Thank you, it's a blessing and about time you bring me on. Sheesh. Yeah! I love the set. You are on the set of Toxic Culture, which is your very own podcast, which people can watch on every Saturday. And you have described, your podcast is kind of like a Joe Rogan, Meets, Infowars, Meets, did you say, Adults? Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken! Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I try to bring you the news in a different type of aspect. Nowadays, one thing we're really missing here at Infowars is culture. Just because it's such a, it's really a political news organization. So with us expanding, or we were expanding, and you know, Alex telling everybody to do your own thing, and everybody here is so talented, after having so many conversations with just, you know, the guests or the employees here, I was like, you know what, this is a great idea. We need to bring satire back. You know how it is. Every time you come to Infowars, I mean, you host, you kill it because you bring, you have a whole comedy aspect that comes with it. And that's what we really need to do here, is we need to laugh at a lot of these things. We need to make fun of nerds again, and we need, you know what I'm saying, we all need to get back to the basics of humanity, and just really I think comedy brings people together a lot more. Hey, guys. So, yeah, and my show is just long form podcast, but I throw in, you know, these bits of culture aspects. So you're in the middle of the conversation, you'll get videos that'll just interrupt it and kind of get your attention to kind of keep you in the mix. That's great. I love that. It's not too much news. Like my father-in-law watches Fox News just about 24/7, and we always say to him, "Look, it's going to bum you out." You just can't, whether it's a reliable source or not, whether if those even exist, you can't just be watching news and consuming politics 24/7, you'll lose it. We have to laugh or else we'll cry, and it's good to just make fun of anything and everything we can. So, Rob, tell me about what happened this week over at Infowars, because a lot of people on the Internet have been talking about this, you know, the feds can shut down Infowars. No, they can't. Alex's bankruptcy case has nothing to do with the business and the channel, so just kind of walk us through what's happening here. Yeah, so basically, we had kind of not really a board, we had somebody who was set to be in charge during our bankruptcy case, and they're supposed to handle all the money and make sure everything. The reason we went into bankruptcies, because I don't know if a lot of people know, they tried to sue Alex for $1.5 billion, and then they tried to sue him for $2.75 trillion. That's more than an actual GDP of most countries. Not most countries, but of some countries. Nobody, that's like a cartoonish amount of money. Nobody has that much money, unless it's like our country and we're giving it to the Ukraine. Then we can find that kind of money. Oh, yeah, for sure. We got money for that all day, they'll print that. But I mean, Elon Musk doesn't have that much money, he's the richest man in the world. So, you know, we had to file bankruptcy, so that way they can come in and kind of oversee what we actually make here, and everything Alex has said has been true this entire time. Everything that we make, he goes those back into the organization that way we can expand. So, the guy who was running all that tried to make it seem like Alex was incompetent and couldn't run his own company. So, how did he do that? So he filed, he just filed this court order saying that Alex was incompetent, and this was a couple of weeks ago, maybe not a month or two, but this was a little while ago. And you know, it just kind of saw through that, because I mean, we're a successful business. And they, he literally showed up after, was it Friday, after Alex left with another security company, which because he's running the bankruptcy, he had a security kind of as supposed to report to him. But that doesn't mean that they're going to do unlawful things. So he was trying to bring in another security company that is going to comply, and which would have locked the doors and had us out until the court date. That was their goals to get us off the air up until the 14th, because there is, like, I don't know if you watch the show on Saturday, but Alex has some evidence of the corruption that's going on. And he played a little bit of it and he's, he has some other stuff, you know, in the chamber. So they tried to do that on Friday night, it didn't work. So Saturday he, they tried another tactic and then even until all the way through the day. So Friday, so your, your bankruptcy handler, which is opposed to kind of work with your normal security guard, security team brings in another security team that you don't even know about. So how many guys did the bankruptcy handler try to bring in or did you see any of this? Like, do you know how many other people he tried to bring in? Yeah, I don't know how many he brought with him, but I just know that our security team was prepared. They got word that there was going to be other guys coming in at night. So when Alex got there that night kind of surprised them, they're like, Hey, yeah, what are you doing here? There's supposed to be another team coming in after this and Alex was like, what do you mean? Another team. So that's when he kind of got wind of he started asking questions and got window what's going on. And it was just wasn't going to happen. And it's not that our security is incompetent or wasn't doing the job or anything. It's just actually they were doing their job because they didn't let it happen. And they're not none of this stuff that he was trying to do he can do without a court order. He absolutely needs a court order to do this. So he was just trying to he basically overplayed his hand. He was trying to do more than what he was just trying to get away with it and it didn't work. So then, yeah, and then it goes to Monday. So what point do you realize like so is it Friday that you guys had to stay there? Or was that later? Yeah, Alex stayed here Friday night. And then we had a show the very next morning, we're live at 10 a.m. So Alex stayed at the studios by himself. He slept there on Friday. Does he have somewhere to sleep? You got I don't remember you guys having a shower. Oh, man. No, we have a shower on the other side for sure. But no, we don't like no coffee beds, but yeah, there's no comfy beds. There's, you know, he stayed here Friday. We had the all day show all day Saturday and we recorded for toxic culture at night. And with that was, we were running till maybe one o'clock. And then we got some dinner and came back and I stayed here Saturday night to make sure, you know, nobody that this wasn't going to happen. And so Sunday went off without a hitch. And yeah, it's basically we had a stakeout and, you know, that every day they were waiting for us to leave so they can try to convince security to do something else, I guess. But yeah, that's, that's what we're doing. That we're just waiting for us to leave the building's empty. It really does sound like they're overplaying their hand. Like how do they think that's going to go down and just wait until everybody leaves and then break in or convince the security guard to like let them in? I mean, you guys are stupid. Your security team is not, are not stupid. Like you have to be best of the best to work for info wars because of the nature of how everybody wants to like get at you. So I just don't know what they thought they were going to be able to do. No, it doesn't make any sense and especially like with the law being there has to be a court order. I guess they're just used to people complying and people getting scared. If you think about, yeah, if you think about, let's just say COVID for instance, how many people complied because they were scared that they had to comply. So it's kind of one of those things. I think that they think they have so much power that any that people are just going to do what they say without any question, especially if he's the guy running everything. So. So Alex, stay there Friday. Were you the only one to stay there on Saturday? Saturday. I think there might have been a couple of Alex, myself and maybe a couple others. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. And this is so, and what do they think they, so let's say they had been successful and able to lock the building down or shut operations down for what till, what's the court day? Is it June 14th? 14th. Yeah. So basically that would have been two weeks of nothing coming from info wars and that would have, that right there would have tanked us kind of itself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's no shows going on. The radio stations would have dropped us. I mean, we might have still sold products. Who knows? You know, depending on if, if they lock the doors, then there's no customer service. There's nobody to, to process the orders, no one to, you know, take calls for our customers. So it could have thrown a big wrench in, in, in the whole project, for sure. I'm, when I first heard, you tell me about this, I was reminded of same thing during the pandemic, the Attelis Jim out in Belmar, New Jersey, and if you guys remember, Ian Smith was one of the owners of the Attelis Jim. And there's another owner, I can't remember his name, but they just wouldn't comply to, to like the bullshit COVID rules that was at Chris Christie was trying to throw down. And they were trying to lock the gym. They, they, they, you know, remember during COVID, they said, gyms were not an essential business and, and Ian was like, no, I beg to differ. Like, if you're a healthy, you're less likely to get this, get anything, any type of disease or sickness, let alone something serious. So he ended up, you know, he stopped charging memberships, he was letting people in for free, like just simply running on donation. And they tried to, like, lock the doors. In fact, they did lock the front door. He cut, he cut, he cut it with like a bolt cutter a few times. And like those guys were just talking about actual bravery, they wouldn't let, they wouldn't let anybody shut them down. And I was one of the first interviews I did over the pandemic, I just went out there and I remember I bought like a ton of merch, because they sell all the merch inside the gym there. And I was so inspired by them. And it almost sounds like similar type of thing where a lesser person or, or if somebody was more scared and more kind of like, oh, it's just, I have to defer to the authorities. Like, I'm sure you guys are right, you must be here for a reason. And, you know, unfortunately we, it turns out they're more than likely not going to be right. And they're probably there for a bullshit reason, or just to see what they can get, how far they can go. Yeah, absolutely. And that's their, that's always their play. They're just going to try something out and see how the public reacts to it. And if there's no reaction, like, okay, we can get away with this. But if there's massive pushback, and that's when they kind of draw back and say, okay, let's, let's try this again. Was there any type of, like, physical altercation between your guys' security and this outside group they tried to bring in? No, no, everything, everything happened quietly and peacefully, like, uh, uh, one point on Saturday, you know, we had some protesters outside, but I don't even know if they're really protesters or people on the side. There was just some random groups showed up and we weren't sure what they were. You know, Steve Bannon was wanting Alex to give out the address and, you know, a lot of fans were hitting us up, hey, how do we, how do we come and, you know, where's the studio at? We want to come support, like, I don't know, it's kind of, you know, it's kind of weird. You know, I mean, we appreciate the love, but I mean, we're not, it's, there's no point in fighting the feds like that, because it's not going to, you know, there's not going to be a success story out of that. It's only going to lead to some more problems. So luckily everything was, was peaceful the entire time. Um, they didn't really show up when we, when most of the bulk of the crew was here. So they, they try to do things, you know, in, in the dark of the night and when no one's around. So that way it kind of causes the less of a commotion. Is this the first time something like this has happened at the studio? Yeah. Absolutely. It's never, uh, we've never gone to this level of uncertainty at the same time of just direct, direct, uh, attacks like that. Yeah. It's, um, you know, we've been kind of hacked before, you know, and we've been, we deal with little stuff like that, but that we've, no one's ever really made a move, like, like beds did this past weekend before. And let me pull back this article up for, for you guys who didn't know, um, what, what this all has to do with, um, okay. So this was, this article came out just yesterday, a judge on Monday allowed Jones to, uh, keep operating for the next two weeks while it has decided whether his assets should be liquidated. So it's like, yeah, there was no court order. Even the judge said you, you know, you guys could keep going, um, both Jones and his company, free speech systems filed for bankruptcy, uh, after he lost two losses was ordered to pay 1.5 billion to the relatives, uh, this whole thing just blows my mind how fucking stupid this is, like that they actually got it to a point where he owes people money. Um, they, they sued Jones for calling, uh, Sandy Hook, uh, hoax. I don't feel like he actually did though, but I guess they were able to prove that he alluded to it. The families have a word they though, because they didn't, like there was no jury, you know, right. And it was by judge, like, Hey, this is what you did, how much you need to pay. The families have opposed Jones reorganization plans on Sunday. They filed an emergency motion to convert free speech systems, bankruptcy reorganization into liquidation saying Jones has not made progress in showing how he will pay the lawsuit judgments. Um, they will address the motion on the 14th when a decision on whether to liquidate Jones and his company's assets is expected. Like, have you guys talked about like, um, what you would, what you guys would do in like a worst case scenario. Well, and the thing is with that, I mean, all that is, is lies right there. That's the last article you read, because they're saying that he hasn't made progress. He's like, he's settled, he's, he's agreed to settle more than once. And they keep pushing the ball, pushing the ball. And that's what it's led to this mess of them now saying he doesn't want to make, he hasn't made progress. No, y'all haven't accepted anything because settling is not their goal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, we played a compilation today that literally has just the lawyers talking about how that's, that's their goal. They're going to shut them down and they've exposed themselves. And of course, those aren't the clips you're going to see in the HBO movie that, you know, they made a broadcast for where the judge was actually on, on the red carpet for it. Yeah. But as far as a, you know, worst case scenarios, you know, Alex has options. We really don't know what what's really going to happen. We don't know, you know, at the end of the day, Alex has been doing this for going on 30, 30 years now. And I mean, if whatever happens, I would not blame him at all if he wants to take some time. You know, he's kind of said that before. What if I'd say, you know, I might just take a couple months and, you know, lose 30 to 60 pounds and become jacked and it'll be back better than ever or that day, you know? Yeah. I would love that. Yeah. You know, and, and it would not, if he does take time off, you know, it's going to be, it's going to be a different type of, of info wars because who knows, you know, how much of the crew will be able to come back and withstand that type of, you know, time away from work. But at the end of the day, everybody here, that's what I love about this place. Everybody here is so talented that honestly, if we really, really wanted to, I don't see how whatever happens, like if we could just kind of take a day or two, if he wants to go back live and two days later, like we have the talent here to make that happen. So it's, at the end of the day, it kind of is, depends on, you know, the verdict and how Alex is feeling and what he really wants to do and what the actual, you know, what his options are. Because, you know, I mean, as, as a boss should, he's not going to, he's not really going to tell his soldiers what all his options are, is that he shouldn't. We're not expected that, you know, where he's our leader and we follow him into, into battle. And I feel like it's so funny. This weekend, I kind of feel it was like a 300 moment, you know, that movie 300 where, you know, it's the last then. And Alex is up there, like, you know, this is, tonight we dine in hell, like, you know, kind of waiting for them. But you know, things are, I am hoping things will go a lot smoother now that everything's kind of out in the open. I don't, almost everything, he's got some more evidence. You know, he's, he's, he's withholding, like I said, but I, I, at the end of the day, for me, I feel like info is kind of too big to fail sometimes, you know, it's just kind of unreal to think about the government being able to do that to people. But look what they've done to Julian Assange, look what they've done to Trump, look what they've done to Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, all the January six people. I mean, it's kind of par for the course right now for the, for, for the demise, you know, to me, I'm not trying to, you know, be Debbie the downer, but if they get their way, which they do a lot, you know, I really just hope, kind of hope that we are too big to fail. You definitely cannot kill the spirit of, of info wars. I feel like now more than ever. I mean, but truly now more than ever more people, I think are, are awake to what's going on. Even though I feel like so many people are still kind of keeping their head in the sand. It just feels like it's, it's people are more awake than they've ever been. And I think especially after the pandemic, there's a lot of people who are just unwilling to go through that again. And it, and it, I think it would get pretty messy if they, if slash when they try to do another pandemic type thing on us. So, you know, I don't think you'll ever get people to stop wanting to seek out the truth and call out corruption. And you know, the deep state is no longer a conspiracy theory like it was God, even five or so years ago. Yeah. Yeah, even less than that honestly, I mean, they, they, they've had to come out of the shadows and be like, okay, yeah, this stuff is kind of is true, but it's, but it's good though. You know, but it's good. It's, it's, it's, it's for the, for the greater good. Yeah. And it just people aren't buying it anymore. And Alex himself has gone from kind of like a niche character to like really a mascot, like for freedom, like a, he's a, he's a meme. He's like a, he's a forever personality. Oh, Matthew Hammond, thanks for the super chat. It was a default judgment. They claim that Alex Jones did not turn over all of the discovery. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And it's wild for them to kind of say stuff like that. I mean, it's all just for headlines. It's, it's all for the public perception and try to help, you know, push their narrative. They're really good at it. Yeah. And you guys do have such a talented crew there, like just about like you've got your own show there. So does Owen. There's what Harrison, right? That's the same. You got a show. Yeah. Chase does Sunday Night Live now. So again, and a lot of the crew, I mean, they're so good at production and they're so smart. They're just like, now I'm in the shadows and they don't want to go. But you know, sometimes, you know, I'll get them in front of the mic or, you know, picking their brain. Excuse me. Everybody here is just there. It's crazy. How intelligent. I mean, and then having Alex, that's one thing I love about it's like having Alex and Owen and Harrison just throwing all the knowledge at you every day. It's kind of hard not to absorb it, you know, even, even subconsciously. How, how, how, how were you guys doing, like, God, when Owen had to go, how long was he in jail for? What was it? Like a month or two? For two months. Yeah. I felt like the whole time I was like, I'm going to send him a fruit basket. I'm going to send him something. I'm going to send him a book. And then like I blinked and the two months had passed and I was like, well, I'm just the shittiest friend ever. I didn't send him anything. I didn't write him a letter. Um, I keep breaking. How many of my friends go to prison? I'm like, I should have, I should have acted faster. But anyway, so tell them I'm sorry for not sending a, uh, we're not sending the cake and the knife. I always wanted to do that. You know, right. And to a cake, like on the cartoons, but, um, how did you guys function with, with Owen gone those two months? So yeah, that was a surreal, surreal, I, we called me and Owen caught it like an a time warp or a wormhole because, um, not many people know, like I was a person who who dropped, drove them down there and, and, and, you know, helped film and do everything before he got in. And then I went and picked them up as well. So it was a very, uh, Owen is the reason why I'm adding for wars. You know, he was a big step up for me and yeah, I know I did work my ass off, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him for sure. And that was two months, you know, Harrison hosted, uh, the war room and, uh, Chase Geyser did the morning show and they kicked ass. They did very, very well, but you know, it's, it's still, you know, there's a big hole that you know is still there and, and having just to go through the daily routine and, you know, everything's a little bit different. And it's just, I mean, it's like seeing your brother, you know, kind of just disappear for two days or two months, it's, um, kind of a hard pill to swallow. And then, you know, all the stuff that they actually doing to him inside the prison, you know, he was, he was for people who kind of don't know the timeline with him. He was in, when he turned himself in, he had to go to a seven day quarantine because of COVID. This was like three years after. Yeah. So he was in solitary confinement for the first seven days and he got out and made one phone call and that phone call happened to, you know, get recorded and put up on Twitter. So when that happened, you know, they threw him in, they threw him back in solitary for probably another two weeks. Wait. So he recorded his phone call and then was able to post it? No, no, no, it was, um, it was on the outside. It was recorded. Oh, wow. Outside. Yeah. So the fact that to them, it was being recorded by a third party and it's not supposed to be a third parties aren't supposed to be listening to the phone calls. So they use that excuse as the recorder, even though there is a process of downloading it and, you know, downloading and finding your phone calls, either way, he could have got the phone call out to the public and it was just the fact that of who he was, what platform and went out on and kind of, and it wasn't even a bad, it wasn't even him exposing anything or saying, you know, bad stuff about the court, the judge, the ruling. He was just like proving he was, you know, in positive spirits and thanks God and Jesus and they, yeah, they threw him in a, and what they called a shoe special housing unit for probably almost a month after that. He was in solitary for two weeks and he went to the shoe and he had limited, um, run at everything. There's no phone calls, no email and they have an email system in there and stuff. So it was kind of cool, I was the, the only contact that he gave or I was the contacts, he kind of shared information with, I told him, bro, give my number to anybody and everybody. I don't care. Anybody wants to call me, like tell them to call me. So it was kind of, it was in that aspect, it was cool being the, you know, the person that, hey, I get in the call from, you know, Washington jail, you know, give me updates on Owen and this is the people who are in there and, you know, he was in a low level of federal, he was literally in a federal prison for a misdemeanor. So like none, none of it charged. I think it was breaking his probation because he was in a restricted area on the White House and that's why he got in trouble because he was on probation from the Darren Adler thing. So that's really what it's all about. They, they're just, he embarrassed Darren Adler and they're trying to humiliate Owen in this back and shut him down and lock him up. And you were his emergency contact. Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy. And it was to the point like he got pulled in by the warden at one point. He was like, Hey man, like they thought he was some mastermind, like giving all this information to Alex and the crew and it's like, bro, I'm in, he's in solitary. So they're asking him, how is he doing this? He's smuggling things in. Yeah. Check my ass. Yeah. I mean, like. So it was, it was wild and they were like, well, and it got to the point or he was getting so much mail, there was, there was fans. That's one thing. The fans. Wow. Hey, good. Now I don't feel it's bad for anything. Yeah. He had so much mail come in. He had so many people actually calling the jail, inquiring on the status of him because he wasn't able to talk to a lawyer. He wasn't able to talk to, he has to get permission to talk to a lawyer once a week, I think. But we, the fans really made it a thorn in their side and they ended up, you know, he didn't, because of everything happened, they let them out a little bit early. But even that, like they told, they called me and told me the time of the place. And then all of a sudden it's like two a.m. and like they just dropped them off at the wrong bus station and everything in the middle of the night. And if it wasn't for, yeah, they told us an address and they took him someplace else. It took, gave us an address in a time. They took him to another other address at a different time. It just sounds like squid game, like like just a bus dropped you off in an alley. Yeah. It was crazy. And then I was like, holy shit. All right. Well, fuck, we're on the way. We're still like an hour away because where we were staying, it was probably a two hour drive. So we were on the way and we kind of had a suspicion that this was going to happen. Something was weird. It was going to happen because at first we thought they gave us a fake address because it was a totally new person, totally different person who had called me and I was just like, man. I was telling the guy I was with, I was like, bro, I don't, this seems, this seems fucking fishy. I don't know about this. And yeah, sure enough. I mean, that was the, it was the right information, but they gave us that right, that wrong information on purpose. That makes sense. So what were they hoping would happen that no one would pick him up or he would. That's, that's what, that's really what would have happened. Like if, if he wasn't able to use a phone, then yeah, they could have said, no, you can't use my phone. Like, cause it's like, they're like, no, I can't let you do that. And then he's like, bro, I have three big ass bags here. I have no, nobody knows where I'm at. And y'all dropped me off at a different spot at a different time. So he was able to get my number and it's funny. He called the first time and I was like, who's fucking numbers this? And I was like, hello, and nobody really answered. So I hung up. I was like, he called back again. He's like, no, no, no, don't hang out, don't hang up. I was like, oh, shit. I was like, fuck. Yeah. So if it wasn't for, for that, he, he, yeah, it would have been a whole thing of trying to find him and yeah, it could have been a sad thing, some bulk mind is saying they wanted him alone with a chance of getting mugged. They trafficked him. They dropped him off at two a.m. and they're trying to pull a Seth Rich. I feel like I should understand this reference what Seth Rich is the, the guy who let out the WikiLeaks from Hillary Clinton. He was found to be excited. Yikes. Wow. What bullshit that is just the little, the little ways that they can really screw with you. Yeah. That they're technically, I guess, allowed to do. Yeah, because it's just, it's just talking to somebody and moving numbers around for them. So. Yeah. And his wild was, that must have been scary. I would hate that. If that were me, I would just, uh, yeah, there was like, it was the bus stop he was at. There was, it was full of like homeless people and he was definitely the odd man out. I tell you what, and like, what do you wear? Like, I was just thinking like, what do you wear when you're turning yourself into prison? Like I probably would just do. I don't know. Well, yeah. He couldn't even keep that. Like when I, when I dropped him off, they, I had to wait for his clothes or that we're going to throw him away. So like, yeah. So it's not like you can leave in the clothes that he came in. Wouldn't that make a close sense? Yeah. But no. They didn't let that happen. So what do you believe in his or like, gray sweats and a white shirt? I think. Yeah. Gray sweats and a white shirt. Okay. You got to have like a black hoodie. You got to have a coat. You got to be like fucking bundled up inconspicuous. Yeah. This was in the middle of Louisiana, like in the fucking nowhere. Holy shit. Okay. James chart. Thank you. Super chat. The 300 Spartans died better to compare yourself to the British, uh, Roark's drift 150 British beat 4,000 Zulu speak winning. Good. Yeah. That's true. James. That's true. Thank you brother. Sounds so scary. I feel like a weaker person would have broke through all that experience. Yeah, especially in prison. I mean, not, and not everybody in prison was a fan. He did have some fans in there, but not everybody was. There was some, you know, he did have some people on his side who were trying to protect him from those types of people, but yeah, they definitely, his name was guarding it, guarding his butthole in the shower like lined up as like a shower. Yeah. Human chain like away from Owen's butthole. That's. Right. Protect it drops. No one's coming in this one. Yeah. You know what? I guess I don't need soap that bad. I'm just going to do a water only shower this time. How did Owen say like what he did to help him get through, uh, yeah, he, uh, he, he read the Bible and he read the fans letters. He said he had so much letters that, you know, he had so much mail. But he wasn't even able to read all of it while he was inside. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. There are people who were sending them books. So he got, he got through with the Bible with books and with a fan mail. So the rest of the letters that he'd bring home and then read them after he got out. Yeah. Yeah. I know when a couple of his, uh, his live streams for a while, he still, he had like the stacks next to him and he just kind of I'm going to this stacks and I, this stack, you know what I mean? Wow. That's amazing. Yeah. It really is. And it kind of shows, you know, the waves that we really make here at Infowars, they really go a long way and, you know, when you tell the truth, you know, the truth will always prevail. And I think that's, that's where, that's where info is going to end up on at the end of the day. I don't, I, I had, uh, so on Wednesday, or I was on Saturday, I was one of the, I was one person who was like, you know what, I'm not, I could have broken down my studio. I could have took the cameras because this, you know, the stuff that I have is mine. So I could have just packed everything up and been like, you know what? You know, I'm clearing out just in case I locked the doors, but I have faith. Like I, I don't think I don't think we're going to, it's going to be a situation where they're going to lock us out and you're like, you don't have anything. You can't get anything that's in here. First of all, it's like it's a law and the second of all, I mean, everything that they want is, is they already know what they want. So I, I, I have faith that honestly, like you said, Infowars will never die. I think that, and I don't, you know, come the 14th. I mean, maybe when, when after we're at a bankrupt scene, we get, you know, our case thrown back to the liberal judge, it might be a different story. But I'm not, I'm not budging until I absolutely have to. It seems like it was just an intimidation tactic really to pull at, you know, Alex's heartstrings almost like, Hey, look what we're doing to your, to your guys, your people, your employees, you know, we're, we're shutting the whole, I mean, of course, into kill the, the broadcasts would hurt, uh, income, but it just seems like killing morale is a, is a big part of it. Yeah, for sure. And getting people, you know, worried is that fear tactic and, and it just, it's not going to, it's not going to work here. It's, it's not. And it was kind of cool to see everybody rally up on Saturday. And I guess we were, I think we were live from 10 a.m. He took like an hour break, I think, and then he came back and we were live to almost nine or 10 o'clock. Wow. So yeah, it was a, it was a moment that would definitely cherish, but I don't think that I don't think it's the end. So what happens on the 14th now? So that's the judges verdict on whether, um, Alex gets the company back or the Sandy Hooks family, families who want to settle. So if, if they can't kind of, you know, the judges already stated he's not going to shut down a successful company. So if, you know, and Alex has tried to settle with him. And so if they don't come to a settlement, he's like, all right, Alex, Alex is this company's out of bankruptcy and Alex is back in full control, which sounds, you know, great at the end of the day, which is, that's what we need, you know, Alex back in control, but at that point, that just kicks, that it just kick starts the case, the prior case that we had or same case, but it just kicks that back to the judge, the liberal judge in Travis County. And she's, like I said, she was on the red carpet for the, for the review or the, the premier of the red carpet for, well, because they basically, they turn that trial into an HBO production. And the guy who produced that movie, he actually produced the hit piece Michael Jackson movie after he died. So you know, it's just liberals hanging with liberals trying to do what they think is cool. And yeah, so I mean, it's all for show. And now that if they give this judge the reins back, you know, she could instantly just order us to be shut down. And at that point, we'd be shut down, but then we got to go through appeals. So let's say, I don't know if they're going to let the company stay open during those appeals. I mean, why would they hate us? So it just depends. Let's say we do have to go, we do go through appeals. How long is that going to take? How long is like two weeks is too much for us to shut down? Imagine how long an appeal case is going to take. So yeah, we're kind of just trying to see what happens on the 14th. Is there anything people can do to help, uh, I don't know, like, well, yeah, right now we don't have like, I mean, there's always a, you can always donate to info wars, but I mean, by now, I guess it's just really just buying the products, um, know it in for worst and Dr. Jones and naturals. That's, uh, yeah, share the broadcast, share our links and stuff and kind of spread the word on what's going on with info wars, but we're kind of just in limbo. You know, you should get the guy, the, the, the kid, well, he's probably an adult now. Remember short round from Indiana Jones? He'd be like, that's a Jones. No time for love. That clip. That's a good edit to make too. That's a good idea. It's probably old now. Um, I, I enjoy the New York post. I'm going to, uh, bring up their take on this. Seriously, there's Alex Jones sobs and screams while claiming beds are trying to shut down info wars. Okay. I'm going to play with just a little snippet here. Is there a war cry? It's a big joke. It's not really though. I mean, it is, but it isn't. It's also inspiring. He has a torn larynx. I wasn't going to let it go. I do a specific sign. It's my resistance to them. It's like God's transmission is a human under attack. We're going to meet these people. Does he really cry? I'm trying to be dramatic. Yeah. He cried a couple of times. Oh my goodness. He's an Aquarius. Isn't he? February. Yeah. I mean, I don't mean to laugh, but he's like, he's, he's hilarious even when he's crying. Yeah. I mean, he's just coming from the standpoint of everything he's done 30 years and if for some reason, if you hadn't come back on Friday, you know, everything could have been gone. So yeah, a lot of people call that, like I said, claiming and, you know, saying it, it's a hoax. There's, you know, there's been a few news outlets and, you know, some of them have, none of them have retracted. Some of them deleted the tweets and they said, and I'm not going to name names because just going to give them attention. They're kind of pieces of shit, but, you know, it's just how is something that's, you know, claiming or hoax when there's actual court documents for this. So. Yeah. It's just been interesting to see how all this, how this gets spun and how, you know, it gets shared. But a lot of, I mean, people know, I mean, it's not, it's not hard when you actually listen to info was broadcast to kind of see where Alex is coming from. And I think that's the biggest problem. A lot of people just, they're just blindly following, you know, the typical, typical left this NPC. Of all the coverage you've seen of what's going on, what, what's been the most egregious or, or, what's been the most ridiculous take you've seen. Um, just them calling it a hoax, I think, you know, they, they try to say it was a fun raising, a fun raising hug, like a gimmick or something. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, bro, like we didn't have, if we wanted to raise funds, we would have had a money bomb. We would have been here all night. We would have had a ticker saying donate here. We would have had a, you know, a different donation page. Like we don't even have a go fund me anymore, like because we're not allowed to. So we're not allowed to. No, I don't, I don't think so. We used to have, you know, Oh, we used to have one Alex used to have one and we haven't because, because, uh, yeah, I mean, we went ahead and give send goes and yeah, go fund me and cancel this a long time ago. But yeah, we used to have those and we don't anymore. And I imagine it's just because, you know, of all that money that it would be donated, it's going to go to the court. Nothing's going to go to us right now other than, you know, our, our typical process of selling products and it going to the company and then it getting split from there. Yeah. Anything extra? Yeah. We don't, we don't really get. Yeah. Jesus. Wow. Now I feel bad for laughing at him crying. Okay. It's a lot of weight on his shoulders as a human reaction. It's healthy. Yeah. And it's hard to see, especially when, you know, you know, Alex, you've hung out with them. You've seen them and, you know, it's always so fun. Yeah. Yeah. So it just, it catches you off guard. No worries. Yeah. Yeah. Does he ever, uh, like, uh, you don't have to like spill any beans per se, but like how, how close do you feel like he's gotten with the guys that work there? Like, does he ever, um, like share personally things he's anything he's going through with you guys or, uh, like vent to you guys? Yeah. Yeah. He comes into control room or he'll come into our office and he'll just hang out and shoot the shit. And then, I mean, honestly, everything which you get on air is what we get in the back. You know, outside of the show, he's not really no different. Um, he'll, he's, he puts it 100 all the time. So, I mean, uh, I mean, yeah, which he, it's really no different with on air, which, which I really love about it. It's because then everybody has the general idea or has the actual truth of what he really is. And he's not, he's, he's just as fun and just as crazy and just as, as, as, you know, off, off air and outside than he is. Have you guys ever been to his house? Like you, do you guys hang out outside of work? Happy hours. We used to, uh, there was a restaurant that was around the corner who like loved us and it was a big Patriot place and it was close. But you know, our Alex's time frame throughout the day is a lot different than us because just because we have two other shows to work and he just kind of has to worry about his show. But yeah, I mean, there's times when, you know, he he'll like on Saturdays, it's past Saturday. All right. You're coming in. I appreciate you. I'm buying a pizza. I'm buying no this or after this, you know, let's go. I guess come in depending on who it is, like, all right, come on, guys, y'all. So and so is going. We're going to go here and, um, I will say, like, so one of the, like just so people kind of can understand how Alex really is, I'll share the story. It's kind of one of my, probably one of my favorite moments here because it was just so out of the blue and so random where one day it was probably about eight o'clock and me and a friend and we're going to go, um, grab some dinner. So we're clocking out and my office is right next door to Alex's office and I guess we're just being a little loud and we clocked out and my friend was like, Hey, man, I was like, you're ready to go? He's like, no, I don't have my wallet. I was like, bro, I don't get a fuck. Like we don't, I asked him, you want her to go eat and ask you get your wallet. And then Alex, I guess we were being too loud and he wakes up from a nap and he's like, whoa, who's that? Is that Rob? Is that Sean? He's like, hold on. I'll come here, come here. And he's still like half asleep. He's he hadn't even opened his eyes. He goes to his office and he's like, hold on, where's my wallet? And he pulls out $200. He's like, here, here. Dinner's on me tonight. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about either one of your wallets. Oh my God. And he's just like, Oh man, I just am like, how just too comfortable. I just passed out. He's like, all right, well, enjoy dinner. I'll see y'all later. And then yeah, that was that just so sweet. It was crazy. I was just like, Sean, you know, half of that is mine, right? I was louder than you and just, you know, bullsh*t him, but yeah, it was a and this plenty of times like that, you know, whoever's in, he's like, I'm hungry and he'll look around and whoever's around them. Are you hungry? You want something? What do you want? Whenever on the road we go out places, he just makes sure everybody's taken care of. And that's why I will follow Alex into battle wherever, whenever he wants because the man is is is what you see is what you get and it's just a big teddy bear who wants to save the world. What's his favorite snack? Oh, man, we burgers a lot. Burger is not a pizza area. He's double cheeseburger extra on his notes, males. Yeah, we get it depends on what we kind of go through food phases here. Sometimes it'll be pizza, sometimes be burgers, sometimes be barbecue. But yeah, Alex, he's just, he's just a big kid like us who he just kind of, you know, wanted to fight the goblas a lot sooner than us. It is kind of amazing. Yeah. Like I think back to his early, like when he first I was talking about what is that thing that the footage from all the elites go, yeah, Bohemian Grove. And that was like, what was it like 30 years ago, he's been talking about this stuff so long. I wonder if he ever just loses patience with humanity. Like, when are people going to eat like, how could you not buy now? Like, if I was him, you know, I mean, I don't have any hair, I would have put all my hair out already. I would have been, you know, just, I don't know how he does it. Yeah, I mean, I do hope things go, go well for everybody, but like, maybe he should take a little bit of like a spa break, like get his blood pressure down. I don't know. Just like, go to a yoga retreat. Love to see that. You're out of yoga retreat. Yeah. Jones is there. Great. And yeah, we all, we all hope he does. I mean, he does need, you know, some time to himself for sure and family time and he's always said, you know, when once the world is kind of awakened, he feels like he's done his job. He's kind of just fade into the wind. And that's what kind of where we almost were at info wars before all the attacks. And like, if you actually think about how much, so I got this, um, the stat the other day from our YouTube numbers and every day on YouTube, there was hundreds of millions of hours of Alex Jones and info wars consumed every day. So imagine without censorship, without, you know, the lawsuits and everything, like we definitely would be a 24 hour news network right now, we would be the biggest news network in the world. And we kind of already are, but I mean, the numbers and everything would have been multiplied by millions, hundreds of millions. So yeah, he, he, he really deserves that piece. And whenever he wants to take it, you know, we're all, we're, we're here for him and want to kind of make sure, you know, we, we'd rather him ride out on that horse that way than, you know, the opposite and, you know, kind of have a heart attack on air or something like that. But yeah, we know what he wants that. Yeah, nobody wants that. Although it would be quite a spectacle. He would make it, he would make it great, he would, that would take fucking do it live, you know, to a whole other aspect. People be like, are you just, oh, oh, you're really having heart attack or you're not just being dramatic. Okay. I got it. And you guys really are such a talented crew. I'm always amazed at how much you can get done, like the production level. And then you look in the control room and you're like, Oh, there's, this was created with this many people, like there's so few people there working. I'm amazed at how much you all can get done. It's, everyone is so good and so efficient and it's just like literally zero fat in that crew. Thank you. Yeah, it's, it's, it's taken us, you know, year two to kind of get to that point. But yeah, we, uh, I would say without a doubt, we are the best crew in media, hands down and that's why, you know, I, I am concerned for the crew at the same time. Just like, I think any and everybody here could bounce back and I think we will. Yeah. For sure. Oh my gosh. This is insane. I, yeah, I feel like that there's always kind of something. And Alex and info wars always seem to bounce back from it. So I'm, I'm with you. I just feel like nothing's going to keep you guys down. And even if there is a worst case scenario, there, there's so many who are willing to carry on the torch and continue the work and I think just most people, uh, just care about the truth. Yeah. So, um, tell us about toxic culture, what you got coming up. What can people expect, uh, previous guests you've had on, what you would hope, what you hope to do with the show in the future. Yeah. So, um, I am going to be adding more, um, kind of street activism, I guess you could say. I kind of been a saving that stuff for, I guess you could say the next level. I didn't, I wasn't really sure how that was going to transpire and it's been, you know, so great. And so many people have reached out and wanted to come on, which I wasn't, I wasn't expecting that at all. I just figured, you know, it'd be something the crew would want to do and maybe some of the guests, but I didn't, I kind of underestimated how much people needed that kind of comedic relief at the same time of it's another, it's just a whole other entity that info wars I'm bringing to the table. You know, it's not just a news show, you know, I bring you the people who are going to bring you the news, but you kind of get a backstory. You kind of get a lead up. So, you know, knowing the people who are giving you the information goes a long way because and, you know, how valid the information is, you're not going to, you're not going to listen to somebody you can't really trust, you don't really know. So I, I plan on hitting the streets and kind of talking to people more. We have some, I've done some, some activism, I'll probably release tomorrow or Thursday. I'll give you a little sneak peek. Me and a friend of mine, we kind of shut down some EV cars. And yeah, that was, that was pretty fun. And you know, out here, we got six street and I feel like, you know, there's six street and there's another area. I feel like I'm, I'm missing out on talking to people, which, you know, we couldn't be getting a lot of the actual public's opinions on what's going on right now. So you're incrementing, incrementing that, I, I bought, I bought Alex a surprise. And they, it's going to be some great content if I can get him to actually go through with it. I talked to him on Sunday. He's like, let's do it. So you might see Alex's uneasy pods, I don't know, maybe. And at the end of the day, I'm just going to keep having conversations and keep doing, you know, what I'm doing and trying to just bring people the comedic effect. And, you know, I'm going to start bringing on more comedians. I did, I did record with Lila. I got two other people, one of our other actual, I think he met Thomas, Thomas Siska. He's a comedian that's out here as well. So, and then we're going to bring, there's going to be more skits. We haven't really had time to do skits just because of all the stuff that's going on. And so there is probably, we have, we have so many skid ideas that we're going to work into, into fruition. So it's just, yeah, it's a lot more we're trying to, I'm going to try to bring more comedy and more actual people or more public relation into the mix other than just the kind of the long form podcast. You know what I've always wanted to do and hope we can do this on your show one day is like, I'm going to get something called a ghillie suit. It's basically like a big costume that looks like you're going to potted plant. And then I want to jump out and scare people. I don't know how we can. Like make that make sense for your show, but I've just had a lot to do that. We could definitely do that or I don't know, I could pretend to be asleep on 6th street. No, I'll probably fall asleep on a needle or something, but right, we can even do that around the studio. Just a come check out this new plan. This shit is crazy. Right. Yeah. You never find that footage. Oh my God. I'm so annoyed. We shot this amazing footage. It was like I was just goofing off and I was like doing the dishes over at Infowars. Oh, I have that. I finally cut. I finally got the piece of what happened is somebody else who was in that commercial kind of got fired. Okay. So I had to rework it all and I got all the footage. So yeah, I still have your dishwashing. Okay, please either send it to me or I want to do something with it. I just feel like it's some of my best work. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And it was after a man. We realized I was so glad I talked to you about this because I was about to get blamed for this shit. There was somebody who trashed the Infowars bathroom and I was about to get blamed for it who like just left a huge mess. Not me. It was not me, but I was not. So I could clear my good name. I was like, I'm not about to be banned from Infowars over somebody else blowing up the bathroom and leaving it in a crime scene and it's like really, there's so few women who passed through there that it was almost very bad for me. So yeah, I'm glad we got that. I'm glad that I was able to carry the clear air on that. I'm very happy. I love it. Anything else that I forgot to ask you or that you want to mention to the tens of people watching? Hey, if it's one, it's all that matters, you know, to me. Yeah. Yeah. The Marion nation. I'm going to keep saying that. Yeah. So I just have to say, you know, just at the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everybody who is supported and, you know, been a fan of Infowars at any time, whether you believe mainstream, you believe Alex, our hearts will always be open for you. We're not. Infowars will never die. And I mean, personally, I won't let it. I know I have, you know, depending on what we're able to do after, but Infowars will never die. It's only going to make us bigger. And I really appreciate, you know, everybody who is trying to reach out to, you know, even just trying to inquire, Hey, what's going on? I honestly haven't gotten blown up on my phone through Twitter or text messages like this, probably ever. And I didn't even know that's many people had my phone number too. And I was like, Oh, sure, this is kind of cool. So I just, we really truly appreciate the support. Just keep tuning in and keep watching. If you want, you know, byproducts, you know, that'd be very helpful. But at the end of the day, we just ask that you spread the word and keep, you know, we will always support, Chrissy, we will always support people like Chrissy, and we will never shy away from anybody who's trying to show us love. So yeah, I just have to, that's all I can say really say is thank you to everybody and thank you, Chrissy, for even, you know, wanting to, to have me on and kind of clear the air with the, with Infowars, so kind of more people know. Do you guys have any female enhancement pills? You can send my way. I know you have like for male potency. Yeah, we got the super, with a super female and we used to have PMS guard, we might still have that. PMS guard, it's just like a picture of Alex. Right. Oh my God, that's great. No, I'll probably, I probably have to wait till I stop breastfeeding to take any wild supplements. Yeah. Stay boring for a while. But Rob, thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm going to follow this story. You guys will always have, I always will have your guys back. I feel very gay. This is pride month though. So it's okay. It's like, we're part of the course. Okay. At least you're a girl telling me that if a guy is like, Hey, I've got your back. I'm on your back. Like whoa, whoa. Yeah. That'd be a different. Yeah. Right. Oh my gosh. Thank you to the chat for your questions and your comments. And yeah, we'll pray for you guys and for Alex and for Infowars. And we'll just keep the fight going. Thank you guys. And we'll see you all next time. Follow Rob on Twitter at IWROB76 and watch toxic culture on every Saturday. We'll see you guys later. Bye. Glad you guys. [BLANK_AUDIO]