Yeshiva of Newark Podcast

An October 7th Special-Yesurin Shel Ahavah-Getting Lost and Finding Klal Yisroel

Broadcast on:
07 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) - You're listening to the A Shivov New Work podcast. I'm your host and curator, Rabbi I'm from Cleveland, and I hope you enjoy this episode. (upbeat music) - Welcome. On this anniversary of October 7th, I want to re-release a program that was recorded in Erics Israel a number of days after the war began. The audio quality is lacking, but I think there's an emotional quality of the story and the incidents and what occurred that I hope can inspire and cause us to reflect the seriousness, the gravity of those events, and perhaps a way to ready ourselves for appealing to God at this moment during this important week plus areas who made Chubah as we approach him keyboard. So here it is from last year, the Serencho Ava. - Hi, good mayor of Shabbos. I thought my last recording was going to be the last one before Shabbos, but I have to get this one in. Today was a comma-spot saver for my dear, dear cousin Yudah from Cutner, Allen Cutner. He was one of my closest friends and the relationship that we had, although in terms of actual relation, in terms of being first, second cousins, might've been on the head on the distant side, but there was no one in my family outside of my immediate ones that I felt closer to than Allen. Allen was the maktahir of my father when we brought my father back from Chicago to Memphis. And he was the person that I called consistently. And he also taught me something. He taught me how to be a loving grandfather. He had all his grandchildren up on a wall, like at the front of his desk and he was constantly taking calls from them for so many years. And every time he answered the phone, it was with such love and such knowledge about each one. And even though the grandfather comes natural to many people, it was always great to have that image of Allen in front of me. So Allen, of course, was raised and died, never from the United States, but his family decided that they were going to bury him in there to throw him. And here was the day for that kamos maktahir. They didn't realize, of course, that there was going to be a war as no one else did, but that the day was assigned anyway. The directions were not so clear. There was a number of other relatives who weren't able to find the place exactly. And I was determined to go, I could figure it a half hour. That's enough time. Well, of course, there was a lot of traffic jams. I don't know what was going on, but a little bit of Israeli style maneuvering got me around and towards Harmanuheis. Of course, Harmanuheis is a labyrinth. It's gigantic, it's outstanding. It takes your breath away, and of course, perhaps that's proper for a cemetery. Not only the great views of Yruchawai and the maktansi, the maktam of Navi Sammo, of course, of Shma Navi, but miles and miles. And the Qur'an of course are indicated with names of Satikim, Satikim from our past, Satikim of our past of the hundreds of years ago on the task of today. But I wasn't sure where to go. Appropriately, his maktam of course is a great heart, it makes sense that it would be a fugalam of death, but where was fugalam of death? Well, I went deep into Harmanuheis. I didn't see fugalam of death. I stopped, I asked people, not nobody knew. But what I saw was many, many leviote. I was going for a comma smart saver, but here were people coming out of leviote. And although there was many people dressed in black, perhaps appropriately, there are many others dressed in green, the green khaki uniform of [speaking in foreign language] And I realized that this was a day of funerals, a day of air shavat, where people were being buried, people who had just been killed recently, and I'm going to stay aircraft, the war zone. Well, I still needed to find a place. I didn't want to call Alan's wonderful son of Frei, and too many times he gets busy, of course. Where are you, when we go? So I stopped the car, put it in neutral. And I went into an office, soldier direct to me there. And he said, yes, of course, and there's a way of giving directions. Oh, (speaking in foreign language) Okay, where exactly I'm on, which, which I'm in? In fact, there were two, the throat actually goes in two different directions. When you do go to the left and then to the right. Okay, those directions were probably good enough. But the soldier was with me. He started to speak with me a little bit in English, but I switched to Britain. He told me that, of course, he was coming back. He had just come back from, we'll stay a crowd. He was burying someone who died right next to him. They were fighting an assault against the monsters, against pure evil. And the soldier next to him was Sean killed. I'm not sure if he was his friend or not, but he was going to go to the La Vaya. He was going to go to harmony with us. And this fellow is there, but I keep up, of course. And I'm telling him, I turned to my sister that I love Sean. (speaking in foreign language) Well, if he don't love you, every single Jew, (speaking in foreign language) he turned to me, he nodded. He knew that he was on his way. He wasn't going to spend Shabbat like I am with my grandchildren. He was going to get spent Shabbat somewhere, somewhere where there were no mattresses, where there was no water, there was no hollow, no no tillusia die. Well, then, okay. I decided to follow those directions as best I could. Well, I turned and I turned, maybe the wrong left and the wrong right. And again, I encountered a group of people coming out of from a funeral. I asked them, do you know where Fukolanda Bet is? Of course, what the fellow said. Well, it's in ways, (speaking in foreign language) Okay, everyone thinks that waste has the ability not only to get you to the cemetery, but to get you to the exact spot, the exact grotto, the exact cemetery plot. So he's giving me, he says, (speaking in foreign language) and try going. And he's so confused that waste is exactly (speaking in foreign language) All right. I said, okay, let me try again. I turn around and I stop at the place where people stop before they get out of the cemetery to do netility of dying. So, visually, no matter who, they're on their way out of the cemetery at least hard-wrenching events, but this is where we stop and do netility of dying. So, there was a sort of a building. So, I walked in, three soldiers were there, three soldiers. Of course, nobody knows anything about where (speaking in foreign language) But I tell the soldiers, you know, I just broke down. I said, it's not just the "metinati" show that loves you. The whole world loves you. Every Jew over the world. Know that you're fighting for that. Know that you're our agents at the (speaking in foreign language) You were our agents to do this, to do this. I guess they were pretty, it's down to some guy, nowhere. But they all came close to me. I spoke with them. Whatever sort of broke us I could give. I guess it's an old guy. And I told them that, you know, oh, I'm in pain for them. (speaking in foreign language) That you guys have to go back, that you won't have to show us. Three fellows. Three fellows. (speaking in foreign language) And I could see that as much as tough as they were. It probably meant something. It meant so much to me. I was lost. But as they said, an amazing grace. The boy was, I found. Well, anyway, back to the office. I came up with this idea. I said, well, you didn't find (speaking in foreign language) You have to go about that. He gives me the same directions again. So he has a little notebook in front of him. I take a pen and I said, okay, listen up. Okay, I said, can you draw me a map? Okay, no, I said, no, I'll draw the map. So I draw in my crude way. Okay, up here, yes. Oh, now I get it. It's that other turn. I was able to get it up after we drew the map. They go up there and find the base hat for it is to find, not the base hat, but to find the grotto, and to find the exact calupa lemon bit. I was already 10, 15 minutes late. I felt like I was at some here to smokey and abandon film, like driving up there and shooting in there. And I stopped the car putting the neutral in. I was able to join the family, my family around one of my closest friends. I sat with, I stood next to Ruby Silver, and he had a small hold until I'm standing beside his tail of course, reading it together. Feeling how every pulse it somehow made so much sense, not only for the nift, but made sense for everything that was going on, reading it together. I was emphasizing things, looking at my looking back into them, talking to them, saying that they haven't. And I saw that the huge mud saver that would be put on, on where Alan laid. I put a lot of work in the mud saver for my dad. It's such an incredible thing to do to be able to write. There's no mud saver that it's talked about for Alan. And one of the things that said there, and Barbara, my cousin also, my cousin's wife, Alan's widow, she read the mud saver. There was no husband. She read the mud saver, and I could see, and courage. I had courage to wear Alan's. It was always there to welcome, to be Alan's gatekeeper, to be Alan's assistant, to be Alan's advisor, was a doctor, really, Barbus of today's world knows this and it came out. And he was this incredibly strong woman, who didn't do so much. And she read about Alan was the type of facet that he did. And then she read about him, cut to the line that he was my cobbly, sort of, and it was there, of course, it hit home. 'Cause we'd all knew that that could be sereneed, gone through. Nobody knew it more than her. The oddity radiated towards her, towards the world, even in his username. That's where her voice cracked. That's where all of us cracked. All these girls being the cobbly as Surin. Those soldiers, they were the cobbly as Surin, but you can see the avo that they had towards their country. And the avo that they knew was being radiated towards them. I told you the silver afterwards that, they were saying, "Till him, "singing it, declaring it." Yeah. We know that's the job of the Livian. The Zora Club says that in the future, the Kohanim of today will raise to a level that we won't even comprehend. And the Livian will almost take the place at Kohanim. That's why the Zora says, "Korach" was sort of right, because he was sensing what that future is gonna be. And we'll be the missionary. We, Yistro, will be the singers. We're gonna use "Safer Tippen" to Makab, opening Mysheach. That book that speaks so movingly of his pain and suffering and overcoming. We're gonna be singing that. We're gonna be in Makab, or Yistro, and hear Baha'u'llah. And we're gonna be Mysheach, or when Mysheach comes. Mysheach. Their advice says that a certain study can, we'll have TSMAs in this one, Mysheach. It's not for everybody, the people that we need, safe from mingle-dove, and you can look it up in their advance. It's from people we're gonna need. There are a bunch of show-nose. Probably the people that were the most long-suffering, the ones that Korach, Yistro, can be a beacon for it. Mysheach, or when Mysheach offers you a key too. Good job. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope you liked what you heard. If you did, please take a moment to share this, or any of the many episodes available on our platform with friends in order to help grow our community. Until next time, Shalom. Shalom. 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