The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Return of George Santos: Last Call with Emma Foley | 3.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace and Emma cover the bombshell announcement by disgraced, expelled, former-Congressman George Santos DURING the State of the Union as well as his...shiny...look.

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08 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Scary situation in Houston, a United Boeing 737 Max, suffered a major landing gear failure and skidded off the runway at Houston. This is from the Daily Mail. Looks like everyone's okay, but there's 160 terrified passengers who've been rushed to safety as FAA launches a new probe after third Boeing incident this week. And I'm sure Pete Buttigieg will tell us, "Hey, these things have been happening all the time." You know, it's nothing to worry about. All these mistakes happen all the time. Pete, I'm here at the office. That's a strategy from the White House that I have been noticing more and more. And Joe Biden kind of implemented it last night when he said that we have the lowest inflation out of all the countries, which by the way, not true. There's plenty of countries you can look up who have lower inflation rates. But beyond that, it's like, is this where we're at now? Where, instead of acknowledging what people are dealing with, instead you just say, "Well, it's worse, other places." Is that our standard now in America? Would you rather be in Romania, Jack? It's worse in other places, so don't complain. Or, you know, like, we're not going to try to do anything to fix it. I wanted to mention one other thing before we go back to the calls. We have a lot of people on the line for the State of the Union. There was a cut here. We knew he was going to go after the billionaires. He talks about that all the time. It's muscle memory. He loves to talk about payer fair share. He doesn't mind if people want to make money. That's the folksy, you know, that's the old Irish guy. And he's like, "I don't fault anybody for trying to make a buck, but you got to pay your paper." We've heard it so many times. But I just had this thought. I just had this idea. So I want to play cut two, and then I'll tell you my idea. You know, there are 1,000 billionaires in America. Wrong. You know what the average federal taxes for those billionaires? No. They're making great sacrifices. 8.2%. That's far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. That's wrong, by the way. No, billionaires should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher or sanitation worker or a nurse. Okay, okay, so that's false. According to PolitiFact, most of the richest Americans pay a tax rate of more than 20% of the income the government counts under the current tax code. But he doesn't want to get let facts get in the way of good story. And also the idea that there's 1,000 billionaires in the US, according to Forbes, there's 735. But for him, that's like pretty much the truth. Like that's close enough, I guess. If it were Donald Trump, it would be a mega lot. You'd add it to the list of the little counter, the little ticker at the bottom of the screen that they used to have, counting all Trump's lies. That one would make it. But for Joe Biden, 735 versus 1,000, it's like whatever. But while he goes on and on about just pay your fair share, I think it would have been nice. I don't have the exact phrasing down yet, so I'm open to ideas. But I thought it would have been nice if at that point, Republicans started up some chant about Hunter. Because it really takes a lot of gall for this guy to get up after his son has been, you know, collecting diamonds and tons of money from all these corrupt governments and from all these corrupt businesses. He's collecting all this. It's funneling back to the Biden crime family. The IRS is investigating him and he's going to lecture everybody else on paying their fair share. I just thought it would have been nice. I don't know if it's a where is Hunter, but it has to be almost like a hockey chant, you know? But I can't think about Hunter's a tough one, Jared. You know, it doesn't work well in a chant. How about Hunter? Something like that. Now, you might say, "Grace, that's not very classy. We've crossed the Rubicon on class, okay? These events, these state of the unions, have officially become banana land. Everyone's yelling at each other, people are throwing, you know, say this, don't say this. Yeah, it's just crazy. So if it's going to be crazy, then you might as well be ready for it. And first, I thought, "Well, I'm kind of Monday morning quarterbacky here. It's easy for me to come up with an idea after it happens." But you knew he was going to say this. You knew he was going to say billionaires. And that's the first thing I thought of. And I don't count by the way that Gold Star father, I don't think that's heckling. I don't know what it's called, but heckling to me feels very demeaning to call what he was doing and asking the President of the United States to acknowledge his son who was killed in Afghanistan because of this president. I do not consider that heckling. And I would have liked a little bit of heckling when it came to the billionaires paying their fair share. I just want to like Hunter to be brought into the mix even just a little bit. Speaking of heckling, one more thing before I go back to your calls here. Patricia James, New York Attorney General, she was at an event honoring firefighters in New York and listen to what happened to her. This is cut 16. Oh, come on. We're in a house of God. First, um, simmer down. I want to thank Commissioner Kavanaugh and Chief Hodgens for that recognition. Yeah, it can be effective if you get enough people into it. That was great. Yeah. And I saw people on social media saying the law fair in New York, the law fair across this country, the political law fair that they're waging against Donald Trump, it's not working and worse. It's backfiring. And there's three things I would say are certain life. Death taxes and Democrats overplaying their hand. And that is what they did in this case. Big time by going after Trump with all of these ridiculous cases. They have reenergized the base in a way I didn't think was possible. All right. Now let's go to the callers here. Lou, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, Lou? Yeah. How you doing, Grace? Well, what we had last night was a bizarro president speaking to giving a bizarro speech to a bizarro audience. That audience of Democrats, they reminded me of the audience of the view. That's how bad they were. I mean, the way they were clapping like a bunch of seals. But I want to say one thing about what you were talking about, about Dana Bash and Nancy Pelosi. They don't get the point. The point is that Biden has led in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Venezuela and MS-13 and other gangs and criminals into the United States. And they are now praying on the people of the United States. And they don't arrest them. And when they do arrest them, they let them go and they go out and commit murders like this. And that's the point of the whole, you know, like a robbery thing. That is the entire point that they don't seem to get. Yeah. And it just sounds me that that a newscaster won't present those kind of facts to somebody like Nancy Pelosi because that's the point. Biden's policy is going to lead to more of these. Because when he talks about reducing crime, when you don't arrest somebody and you don't charge somebody for a crime, you don't count it as a crime. And that's the way the Democrats work. So that's how they reduce crime. They just don't arrest anybody or charge anybody. So this is the whole thing with that Dana Bash, Nancy Pelosi thing. They don't get the main point of why his stung everybody and made such a big impact in this country. And that whole, that whole, that whole speech was nothing but just nothing but a big bag of life. You know, instead of like trying to save democracy, what they're saving is hypocrisy. Yes. And I really encourage everyone. I know I keep plugging this and you think I wrote it. I didn't. But John Davidson's piece on extremism and how Democrats are the extremist party is playing into exactly what everyone who's called in is saying. It's classic projection on so many different topics, whether he's talking about abortion, whether he's talking about the border. Whatever they're accusing Republicans of, they are doing. And the other part of this that you just brought up about this speech and about Joe Biden is you're right. It was so far left. It was so political. And I don't think that he won anyone over. I don't think he convinced anyone that he's doing a great job. And Bonchi, who's one of my favorites from Red State, he put out a tweet about this lake in Riley cut with Nancy Pelosi. And he said, this is the Democrats. They're more concerned about calling an illegal alien an illegal alien than they are about an illegal alien murdering this young woman. How bleeped up is our society? That it's like, oh, my biggest fear is if an illegal alien murders someone on a jog, what if the media starts describing them as illegal aliens than an undocumented worker? Or an undocumented person? That would be really sad. It's the Norm MacDonald tweet. It's the Norm MacDonald. When Norm MacDonald said, I'm really scared that there's a giant terrorist attack that will be worried that there will be a backlash against Muslim Americans or Muslims or something. It was something along those lines. And that is actually what's happening. People are more concerned with the politically correct term rather than the fact that this guy, and to your other point about how people are coming into this country, there's a piece today by Jenny Tare, who we've had on the show before. She did work on the marijuana grows in Maine, and now she was at the Daily Caller. Now, I guess she went to the New York Post. This is what this is what it says. The Venezuelan migrant charged with murdering Lake and Riley. Or as Dana Bash said, Lake and Riley died. That's how she put it. Was waived through the US border and not required to check in with authorities until two years later. An investigation by the post can reveal. Jose Ibarra was now marked by authorities as part of the deadly El Trendel Aragua gang, according to sources, was arrested for illegally crossing into the US in September of 2020. After less than 24 hours in custody. Very, very rigorous vetting process. He was released on parole and given free reign in the US until October 2024, according to ICE insiders. Ibarra made his way to the New York City, where he appeared carefree, living in a shelter provided by the city. Big Apple. And posting pictures of himself smiling at big Apple landmarks. Ah, New York, New York. He was even arrested by police in the city, but let go before fleeing to Georgia to meet his allegedly violent brother, who had also been allowed in the country, but cut off an ankle monitor to evade to evade authorities. This is like, and yeah, welcome, welcome. Why not? As long as you as long as you know that there's a risk that Joe Biden might call you an illegal alien. If you're okay with that, then come on in. I think Lou's given them a little too much credit. They know they get the point. They just do not care Nancy Pelosi and the journalists in the media do not care how many Americans are killed as long as she gets to get votes and power and they get to keep doing their newscasts. Yeah, and the other part of this too with with the response, not just Nancy Pelosi, but someone who had a good response to the state of the union was Ted Cruz. I wasn't overly impressed and she didn't do anything wrong. The was it the Senator from Alabama, Katie Britt. She did the response to the state. I just thought it was forgettable. It was fine. Nothing wrong with it, but I mean, we're not going to play any cuts from it. But I thought Ted Cruz was great. He was on Fox with Hannity. And this is the part of it that I really thought was important to note. This is cut 15. But what's remarkable, Sean, is Joe Biden in the Biden White House. They apparently made the decision. A, they want no Republican votes because this told every Republican go jump in a lake. We don't care about anything you believe in. Yeah, and that's the part of the speech and I've mentioned this before on the show and I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I do think it's important to differentiate is that Donald Trump, you can have a lot of issues with them. He's got a big ego, but he never it never seems as though he's given up on anyone in this country. And I'm not saying it because he's morally superior or, you know, he has a wonderful compass that that guides him. I think that part of his ego makes him think he can win everybody over. That's the New Yorker in him. That's the deal maker. He's like, you give me time. I'm going to create a country. I'm going to create an economy. I'm going to create a safety, a feeling of safety that you're not going to be able to resist and eventually you're going to love me and we all know those people. Just give me a little time and eventually I'll wear on you and you will like me. You'll really like me. I have a little bit of that in me. People hate me on the text line. I respond back. I'm like, don't give up. Just give me a couple more days. But you have to have that as president of the United States because who wants somebody in there who's already written off half the country? Donald Trump, he talks really tough about these politicians, but he doesn't disparage potential voters because it's just not a smart business move. If you want to think of politics as a business, it's not a smart move to disparage potential clients. Like you want people to vote for you. So listen to Donald Trump. When he speaks, he'll go after Pelosi. He'll go after Chuck Schumer. He'll go after AOC. But he's not giving up on people, on Americans. Whether they agree with him or not, he still thinks he's got a chance. And Joe Biden doesn't seem to think that. He's totally fine telling Republicans. And really in a way telling anyone who's sane, anyone who complains about his utopia that he's created, to go jump in a lake. 844-542-42. We'll be right back. Arthur, Roland, everybody, stand the lines. We'll take your calls when we come back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. A few textures are asking that I find the exact Norm McDonald's tweet. This is from 2016, and I think it ages like a fine wine. Norm McDonald wrote, "What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans, imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims?" You could spin this in the same way and say, "What terrifies me is if illegal aliens start flooding over our border, unvetted, and start murdering young women across this country and just American citizens across this country, imagine if Democrats start to call them illegal aliens? The backlash? I don't like it." Undocumented is what Nancy Pelosi feels comfortable with. And by the way, another texture brought up, Grace, don't get pious on me about Marjorie Taylor Greene heckling. We crossed the Rubicon once Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's State of the Union. I'm over that. I'm over that. I'm all for it now. I'm Team Heckle. I'm Team Yell. If they're going to do it, which we've seen them do it during Trump's speeches, if they're going to rip up the speeches and stuff, it's no hold bar. I say, heckle away. I'm just mad they didn't heckle about Hunter. I thought that would have been a good opportunity. Roland, you're next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Roland? Hi, Grace. Good afternoon. Thank you for taking my call. I opted not to watch that egghead last night to spare my television for many spontaneous actions that may have happened and probably in good judgment. I have two points on his speech after digesting it today. Coming from a Gold Star family, my uncle, Richard, my father's brother was killed in Vietnam. I think it was a complete travesty the way that Gold Star dead was treated last night by this administration. I hope that every single Gold Star family and currently serving brave service person's family members witnessed this and saw how this administration treats you after losing a loved one that they left behind. My second point and you kind of stole my thunder was when he started talking about paying his fat taxes, why every Republican in that chamber did not start screaming at the top of their lungs, Hunter is beyond me. Oh, OK, I'm glad we're on the same page, Roland, because I was wondering if I'm losing my mind if I'm getting a little unhinged here. I thought it'd be a good chance to shine some light on that. Your first point, though, about the Gold Star families is that I don't think it's lost on any, not only Gold Star families, but any military family in this country. And by the way, a lot of military families are in red states. I don't think it's lost on any of them. The way this president treats the members of the military, the way he treats people who have lost a child, the way he makes everything about himself almost immediately, the way he's more concerned about optics and about people being mad at him and he gets defensive and he doesn't have time. I mean, who can forget the dignified transfer. He checked his watch multiple times in front of the family members who have lost loved ones. It's despicable. And I don't think at this point, almost four years in that this is news to anyone, especially Gold Star families. By the way, that father, he had to pay a $50 fine and the misdemeanor charge was resolved without going to court. I bet he'd pay that $50 fine a couple times over to have that moment because Lord knows Joe Biden deserved that outburst. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. These poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is it time to get rid of the State of the Union? No. No, no, no. It's just starting to get good. Emma? I love the State of the Union. Oh, really? Yes. Yep. Oh, it's those girls against boys here. I think it should be totally partisan. If you are Republican, that's your floor. Get those people going. I don't love the outbursts as much, but I do like divisive statements. Okay, good to know. We know it's not a cheese on. What about you, Jared? I say get rid of it. I'm just put out a PDF document. Is that because you have to pull the sound? Is that what you say? Are you feeling bitter and twisted over that? No, I just, I don't need the MAGA hats and the white pantsuit clapping seals and the shouting and just the pontificating of like octogenarians, the eye rolls. No, I don't need any of this, my politics. You know, and say, give me however much of my taxes it costs to put that on. Just give it back to me. Well, you know, they're not going to do that. Now you're just talking crazy town here. Well, save me from paying for it anyway. 50/50. 50/50? Okay, I'm making a pitch down the middle. I'm making a pitch to everybody. This gives me so much content every year, good, bad, ugly. Don't be this way. Just go in and vote the way I'm telling you to vote. Okay, democracy's at stake if you don't do what I want. And if you guys don't do what I want, I will kick the other option off the ballot, just so you know. You have to keep the state of the union so you can see the speaker of the house's reactions. Okay, so that's actually a point of controversy. Some people, and I saw Newt Gingrich tweeted out that he thought my Johnson did a really good job. He said it's a really hard thing to balance being semi-respectful and also acknowledging when things get ridiculous. And he said, I thought he did a good, like, nuanced job of rolling his eyes when appropriate, but also -- It's all in the face. If you can nail the facial expressions, you're a good speaker of the house. I think I'd be good at it. I have a very expressive face. Grace for speaker. My eyebrows could get out of control. That's always a risk if you put me behind the president. But I think in general, I thought Kamala Harris was trying to have a lot of moments. Like, she would look at Mike Johnson if he didn't stand up when she stood up and kind of give this look of, "Are you kidding? You're not going to get up for this." I thought she was doing a lot. You could tell she was embarrassed by the Lincoln Riley. She didn't know what to do. At one point, she kind of made, like, a grimace, like that. Yeah, okay, so Emma Foley's in here, and she's in here for one reason, and that reason is last call. Last call! Time now for your end of the week. Wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. All right, Emma, this is the time where you give us a couple stories that we might have missed out on this week. What do you got? So, the State of the Union obviously was last night, and one thing I always like to check up on is, who was the designated survivor in case everything went down at the joint session or State of the Union? Someone stays back, it's usually a member of the Cabinet. I think at one point it was Marty Walsh last year, yes, a local boy. In the past, it's been Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, so these people would assume the role of President, acting President, if everything goes down. Last night, they kind of assumed the role of everything, right? Wait a minute, Hillary was a designated survivor, and something didn't happen? How did I miss that? So, last night was Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, who's not a very good education secretary, doesn't really know the history of the United States, and I don't think it would make a good President. We have a quick cut cut 25 that illustrates what I'm saying here. You know, we're going to set up follow-up calls with every governor we met with to make sure we're available. As I think it was President Reagan said, we're from the government, we're here to help. There are resources there, there's technical assistance there, and there's a playbook that could support the work you're doing. Count on us as a partner in this, our students are waiting. Thank you. Yeah, obviously the quote is that it's the nine most terrifying words in the English language. He thought that Reagan was saying it as a positive, like, "Hey, I'm from the government. I'm here to help." And Reagan wanted to dismantle the Department of Education, so it was really several mistakes in there. So, I'm very glad that nothing drastic occurred, and we can move on without Miguel Cardona as the next President. And speaking of education, though, I thought that that was a huge topic that Biden didn't really hammer. I mean, we're getting more and more information about the damage of the COVID lockdowns, and really the decrepit state of education in this country. And how reading kids are meeting, reading requirements, math requirements, like very basic levels here of reading and writing and math. And he didn't really talk about that at all. And you're seeing upticks in homeschooling, you're seeing people send their children to charter school and private school if they can afford it. So, you have to ask yourself what's going on with public education. And it's probably due to the fact that that's the guy running it. Not great. Now, very exciting guest at the State of the Union last night. He's back. Ladies and gentlemen... You know, this is actually a twofer, because we're talking about the return of George Santos, but it was also the return of the mask, because Bernie Sanders had a mask on which he then took off when he greeted Joe Biden because, as a lot of people on social media pointed out, science. But tell us about the return of your favorite, your hero Emma. George Santos. It is a high George Santos. Disgraced former Congressman George Santos has returned to the State of the Union. I tried to find who let him in. I don't know. He was actually in the building. He was sitting with the rest of the Congressman, yes. No way. As a former, he said he was talking to somebody on there. He said, as a former member, he has privileges. So... Well, we know he's in the group chat. I guess he's still a lot back in. It was a couple weeks ago, he said something in the group chat. He was basically like, "Oh, you guys will rule the day that you made this decision. You're a bunch of losers. Look at you lost the seat now that I had to give up and look at... Seriously, I'm going to roast you." So, he read them to filth, as people say. He read them to filth. I didn't realize he was there. I knew he was making an announcement, but I thought he was just doing it at the same time as the State of the Union, kind of like Trump to distract from or detract from the attention the State of the Union was getting. I didn't realize he was in the house. He actually bumped into Ayanna Pressley. He looked very chic. Yeah, but you got to talk about his outfit. So, he's wearing a suit, right, and he's wearing a pin with Lake & Riley on it. Underneath the jacket, a bedazzled shirt. So the collar of the shirt covered in rhinestones, and then he's wearing these shoes, these silver shoes that look like he's ready for a 70s prom. You know what? You f*cking slay on that look. I am pro bringing a little razzle-dazzle to the outfits there, and that's the same reason that I liked when Kristen Sinema would mix it up, because if you looked at all of those, especially the Republican guys, everybody's in the same outfit. Everybody's in a navy suit with a red tie. And I'm sorry, I'm not a, clearly I'm not a snazzy dresser, but it's a big event. You know TVs are going to be there, like you know, cameras are a better word, are going to be there. Let's put a little effort in. Let's do something different. Right. Now, you said it was Trump-esque that he made an announcement during the State of the Union. I thought so, yeah. See, I went your usual route, and I thought it was Taylor Swift-esque. She announces a new album while she's at the Grammys, and George Santos announces that he's going to be running for Congress again while at the State of the Union. It's an interesting strategy that I do think could work, but in this case it didn't, because you get overshadowed by everything else. I mean, Joe Biden saying Lincoln Riley is the headline. Everybody's talking about that. Nancy Pelosi critiquing Joe on calling the murderer in this case, an illegal alien, an undocumented alien, and then furthermore, other Democrats coming out and saying the same thing. They're disappointed with Joe Biden that he said illegal alien. That all took precedence over this announcement, and it kind of was drowned out with all the other noise. Yes. So he took to X to make this announcement. He said, "Tonight I come to the State of the Union with an open mind and heart, because I believe in the great idea that is the United States of America." New York hasn't had a real conservative represent them since I left office arbitrarily. Now, that did earn some community notes that it was not arbitrary and that he was expelled in a bipartisan vote because of indictment for multiple fraud schemes. But anyway, tonight, but not convictions, yes, yes. So perhaps it was arbitrarily. He says, "Tonight I want to announce that I'll be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick Laloda for New York District 1. Now, last time he was the representative for New York District 3, but you do not have to live in your district. So he will now be going for the district that was currently is held by Nick Laloda. So the primary is on June 25th. This encompasses kind of the northeastern part of Long Island. Always goes Republican. Very rarely goes Democrat. Well, and you're going to say yes, because if you don't say yes, we're going to have a problem. Hats off to you, George, I'm rooting for you. And this is like a good game of roulette, you know, anything can happen. So yeah, yeah, good luck. Good luck, George. Hey, Anna, I have something to tell you. You know how it's the 10-year anniversary of the Malaysia flight that we're missing? Last night I was having a dinner party and we were sitting around the table and one of my friends had a great discussion question, which I think you both would like actually. She said, if you could have one conspiracy theory or mystery in the world answered, you get the answer. What would you choose? One of my friends mentioned the Malaysia got mine already. Oh, yeah. What is it? I think about this all the time. What is it? Did we actually go to the moon? In 1969. That's a good one. I wouldn't waste it on that. We absolutely did. I would. I don't even think it's waste. I think we need to know. You think we need to for the non-believers to get on board? Yes. All of the non-believers out there who I'm concerned about, they're really biting their nails over this. They don't know if Americans walked on the moon. I think we need to figure it out for them. It's charitable. I want to know. You're doing it for other people. You're so, oh my gosh. You're so kind-hearted. I want to know about the lizard overlords and the deep underground military bases. Okay, but give us one for the audience that they might know. Oh, they know. Okay. Yes. I want to know about that I didn't even know it was a conspiracy theory until last night when I was looking up. Great mysteries. Have you guys heard about the glitter? Say more. There is. You know what? I wish I had more time to explain it. I guess that there's one company or person or place that buys a tremendous amount of glitter, like more glitter than anyone else in the world. It's the largest consumer or purchaser of glitter and it's unknown what they're using this glitter for. And the woman who worked to the company was asked about it. Yeah, okay. I remember- Do you know what I'm saying? I heard about this, yeah. And she said, oh, people would never guess what the glitter is used for. And then in the interview, the person interviewing her says, would they notice that it's glitter? And she said, not really. And I started thinking about it, that is so strange. Someone is buying a tremendous amount of glitter. We don't know what they're using it for. You think that sun just burns by itself? This is less of a waste than man on the moon. Man on the moon is like, okay, so you're going to ask that to the magic, eight ball or whatever. And they're going to say, yeah, it was true. Unless. Yeah, I guess. I guess. Is there anything else that that we're missing here? How much time you got? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, and anything else you want to throw in? That's it for me today, Grace. Alrighty. Thank you very much. Come back. I know what howie cars would be. Can you guys guess what howie's would be? JFK. He'd want to put an end to that, you know, just know for certain. By the way, a lot of people buying Kennedy Babylon one and two lately on Grace click on store. I've been noticing. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile, but what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. If you like your smile, you like the way you feel, you like the way you look, everything gets better. And if you're not afraid to smile, every other part of your life becomes a lot easier. 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Did they figure that out last year? Some say. Yeah, they've thought they found the person, but it wasn't confirmed. Got it. Okay, when we come back, we're going to talk to Howard Lawrence Carr. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. It's only the random things you say that get the text line on fire. You're getting a lot of people contributing what conspiracy theory they would want answered. Today's car crossover before I ask Howie about his is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC Fisher. GMC and Fisher plows from TuxTrucks GMC Fisher in Hudson, Mass. TuxTrucks GMC knows what's best for your needs as a business in New England. Talk with a sales consultant at TuxTrucks GMC Fisher, call 1-800-My-Truck. Howie Carr joins us now, Howie, if you could have any conspiracy theory answered, which would you choose? JFK assassination. Now, where can people read about that? They could read about it at Kennedy Babylon, volumes one and two, but mainly volume one. And all the different theories and a lot of the great mob quotes about how they wanted to kill them and the FBI didn't pass any of those quotes or those sound cuts on to Bobby Kennedy and Jack Kennedy when it happened. Then there are all the other theories. Fidel Castro said, he told American reporters in the spring of 1963, they tried to kill me. Two couldn't play at that game. Some people think that LBJ did it. Roger Stone is one of them. I don't put much faith in that. Yeah, it's very interesting and everyone should check that out. So get your copy of Kennedy Babylon 1, go to and click on store. Howie, I know today you're going to be breaking down the state of the union. There's plenty of cuts from it. Would you say the lake in Riley or Joe Biden called her Lincoln Riley? Was that the standout moment for you or is there something else that caught your eye? That was pretty much the nader of the whole thing, I think. But also when he threatened the Supreme Court on the electrical returns. Yeah, it was weird because we've heard threats to the Supreme Court before. If you're a Democrat and you do that, that's allowed. If you're Chuck Schumer, for example. But before they'd been a little bit more coherent, so we knew it was a threat. This one, I think he almost gets away with it because he didn't really finish his sentence. How about the threat to democracy must be defended too? That's an interesting one. Yeah, it was very strange. By the way, Howie, what did you think of Katie Britt? I know you were talking about her yesterday in your show. What did you think of her rebuttal? That's so hot. Yeah, it was a little corny, I thought. Yeah, you know, again, she's a swamp creature. I know she's from Alabama and she's wearing the cross and all that, but she was a congressional aide, just like Mitch McConnell was a congressional aide, just like Paul Ryan was a congressional aide. I mean, not all congressional aides are bad. I mean, someone's got to do it, but I mean, is that really the path to a visionary leadership? I'd rather have the president of a Hollywood Union, like Ronald W. Reagan. Yeah, and Howie, my last question for you before I let you go here is there's been calls from some people, some think pieces about moving on past the state of the union that we don't need them anymore. A lot of people are saying this is a speech that could be an email. It can just send it out. Right. Isn't that what it used to be? It used to just be a letter to Congress, right? What do you think? Are you pro or anti-state of the union? I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind if it went back to being a prepared statement. This poll question Howie is 50 50 right now. I don't know. I mean, I guess it just depends on your stomach for this kind of nonsense. Well, you should be voting pro because you're going to get all this content today. You've got a cut sheet Taylor just told me it's got like 50 sound cuts on it. I know I've got to I've got to have him send me a few. Oh, I didn't even see the second I didn't see the second one. Yeah. Do you want to change? Sir, do you want to change your vote before we shut down the ballots here? No. Okay. Okay. Well, Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a great show plan for you. Thank you everybody for tuning in this week. Thank you for listening. Please, if you missed any of our interviews with Libby M and John Daniel Davidson, David Marcus, Toby Leary, Mark Salinas, check them all out wherever you get your podcast. Howie Carr has a great show and it's coming up after the break. Yeah. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]