The Howie Carr Radio Network

Bibi, Jesus, and Biden's SOTU with David Marcus | 3.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes columnist David Marcus to the show to unpack the strange comments caught on a sizzling hot mic after the State of the Union.

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08 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. There were a few very controversial or interesting moments that happened last night. And then after the State of the Union, there was some interviews, including Nancy Pelosi on CNN, that had people talking. But I think it's safe to say that overall the number one moment was, and I'm not saying good or bad. I'm just saying the moment that everybody's talking about was when Joe Biden said "Lake and Riley's name" after he was challenged by Marjorie Taylor Greene to do so. I want to play this before we bring on our next guest. This is Joe Biden Cut 3. He feels political win. He's going to be a political win for me and a political loser for him. It's not about him, it's not about me. I'd be a winner, not really. All right? Lincoln, Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That's right. But how many of thousands of people being killed by legal? To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to having lost children myself. I understand. Now, a few things stick out. One is that he even went there when it was Curly, not on the script. Two is that he said Lincoln instead of "Lake and Riley." And three is that he called her murderer an illegal, which we know is not really PC anymore in the Democrat Party. He's getting a lot of pushback on that. But we're bringing in David Marcus now. He's one of my favorite guests of the Grace Curly show. And he's a frequent contributor to the New York Post and Fox. And I'm sure you guys read him everywhere. David, I always think that Joe Biden is always fluctuating between what his handlers tell him to do and what his natural instincts want him to do. And last night, I think that he was challenged by Marjorie Taylor Greene. I'm sure he was told, "Stay on script. Do not go rogue." He did anyway. He couldn't help himself. How do you think it played for him? Did it help him? Was it a strong moment or is he going to come to regret that? I don't think it was a great moment for him, but I do think it helped him. It's funny. Like, literally 30 minutes before the speech started, I posted something on X along the lines of "Can we all agree that the stupidest thing a Republican could do? Is heckle Biden's here." Because we saw how that played out last year. He handled it better last year than he did this year. Obviously, the mispronunciation of the name was bad. But that's an issue that he really doesn't have a good explanation for. And so instead of him hemming and hawing and fumbling at that explanation, it turned into a cable news hit with two talking heads yelling at each other. So I don't think, I don't know that anybody looks great there. I think maybe both bases might have thought like their guy won, but I think that the voters in the middle who both Biden and Trump are vying for, I don't think they were not so bad at any of that. And I don't think there was anything as far as his speech goes that was really new or that surprised anyone. He was hitting on January 6. He was hitting on Roe versus Wade. It was all pretty predictable, even if there were some stumbles that we were watching. My question for you, David, is someone who writes about all the issues that Americans are facing, what were some topics or some subjects that he didn't talk about that you thought might have been important to the American people or that maybe a viewer at home was watching and going, how was he not mentioning this? Yeah, it's funny. I looked at some of the recent polling of what the top issues are. And he did sort of tick off most of them. He did sort of address the border of those. We just talked about that got kind of like fouled up a little. You know, he talked about foreign policy. One issue that I don't, two issues that I think he didn't talk enough about or could have talked more about, one is crime. Because he kind of brushed by it by saying crime is down. A day after Kathy Okel in New York had to activate 750 National Guard to go police to New York subway. And so I don't think that worked. I also think he kind of glossed over China a little bit. And I will say, because I look at the studio eyes of a writer and I thought it was an incredibly poorly written speech. Really? But the line that I really thought was awful was when he said, "The line was the greatest comeback story never told." It's such an awful, awful line, right? Because instead of doing what a Bill Clinton would do, which is to bite your lip and say, "Hey, I feel your pain, but we have a plan. We're going to make this work." He's saying, "Shut up. You're making it up." And I thought that was horrible. Yeah, like we've already fixed everything. You guys just aren't reporting it. It kind of goes along with this idea of, "Oh, it's the messaging." That's their way of saying, "You guys are too stupid to understand how great everything is." The other moment that's getting a lot of attention today, and it actually wasn't during the speech it was after, was a hot mic moment where Biden mentioned that he was going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with BB Netanyahu. I want to play this for you, David, and get your reaction. This is kind of '11. I was telling the Secretary, and everyone was assured that the law was created by the country. Last weekend, I was just, you know, we got to keep pushing the information to fill it on the given and the turning stuff into all this stuff. So, I told him, "Baby, it's one of the pieces." "Baby, you don't want to get caught." She said, "Just, just, just." So, kind of hard to hear there, David, because it is a hot mic, but he said, "Baby, you and I are going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting." Now, the issue of Israel versus Hamas, this has proven to be a real tough thing for Joe Biden and his party to navigate. There's a lot of division within the party. What do you make of that moment? And how do you think he's doing as far as figuring out a way to bring his party together? Well, I mean, first of all, if he's able to bring Benjamin Netanyahu to Jesus, that will be quite an accomplishment. I think all of us would have to admit that that would be truly remarkable. But beyond that, no, that was horrifying. I mean, that was horrible. I'm going to be in Israel next week and I'm going to be talking to some officials, and this is definitely going to come up because even in the speech itself, right, in the speech itself, the only time that Joe Biden wasn't like visibly angry was when he was describing the atrocities of October 7th and talking about Hamas, right? That was all very nuanced. That was sort of like in a calm voice. And two minutes later, he's angry at Israel because of the conditions in Gaza. And I thought that was extremely noticeable. You're exactly right, as Marco Rubio put it, that was about a two-state solution, not in the Middle East, but Minnesota and Michigan. It's a dangerous kind of pandering because that kind of pandering empowers Hamas. It empowers Iran. It's really disgraceful. You know, it's funny. I had Libby Emmons on for the Post Millennial. I know you're right for the Post Millennial a lot, and she was on this week. And I asked her, I said, when it comes to Israel and Hamas, Joe Biden, I get the sense that his handlers and, you know, the best and the brightest in the White House, that they're trying to figure out where they're going to lose more support. Like, if they have to choose one, are they going to denounce Israel? Are they going to, and tick off that section of their voters? Or are they going to, are they going to throw their support behind Hamas, essentially, because we know that they're taking all of this aid that's being sent there, to make these young radical Democrats happy? Do you think, David, that that is a calculation they're trying to make? And if you were someone behind the scenes, and forget, like, you're more accomplished, your beliefs and things, I'm just talking about numbers-wise, which group do you think they'll lose more votes from? I think they've got a problem with the far left, even beyond just the Israel question. I think the Israel question is clearly the central focus of it, and we saw that when AOC was getting, like, accosted by leftists in Brooklyn. So, they've got a problem there, but ultimately, when you look at the stance on Israel, when you look at the stance on almost everything, right, notice he stayed completely away from the culture war, that was probably smart of him, you know, aside from abortion, he didn't get into a lot of the, like, culture war stuff. I think he's got a problem in the center, and you're right, that they're trying to balance these two sides. But it's really hard to pull off, right? There's a point at which, when your own political party is fractured on something, it's hard, right? Trump's kind of walking this line on Ukraine a little bit, but Trump isn't president, right? So, I mean, Trump can kind of avoid it. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know that there's a good answer for Biden here. I mean, the good answer for Biden is let support Israel the way that we always have, but he's clearly not willing to do that because he's worried about his left. Yeah, and I think he's worried that those people who are voting uncommitted right now in the primaries will actually just not show up because they'll be so angry, and I think that's a real possibility. I don't think he should cater to those people, but I can understand why they're in a full-blown panic. David, you mentioned what's going on in New York with the National Guard Troops, and I heard you today on Morning Wire discussing this. I love you to give the audience here a little bit of info about what they're doing in New York to try to stem some of this crime that they're seeing in the subway system, and also what I really appreciated this morning was that you kind of, you compared this to the reaction when Tom Cotton suggested deploying the National Guard just a few years ago, quite a different response from people on that one. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, Tom Cotton had written an op-ed for the New York Times calling for the National Guard during the George Floyd riots. I was writing it at the times a little bit at that time. The guy who I was writing for, Jim Bennett, got fired over it. There was a newsroom, a vault, and everybody across the country was like, "How dare you?" And now, yeah, Kathy Ogle said she's not writing an op-ed about it, but she's actually doing it. The National Guard are now holding long guns in the New York City subway. 750 of them, 250 state police as well. Look, I mean, I guess I applaud the measure to the extent that hopefully it will dissuade some people from committing the crimes that we've seen. I think it was 45% increase this January compared to last January, but it doesn't fix the underlying problem. And I'll tell you, one of the underlying problems that I think gets a bit of short shrift is New York City subway ridership is at about 3 million a day. Pre-pandemic, it was at 5 million a day. And in an urban environment, I mean, I've never lived in Boston, but I imagine that this is true in Boston as well. In an urban environment, there's a big difference between being in a space with 40 people and being in a space with three or four in terms of how safe you feel, how safe you are. Those situations where you're more or less alone, that's when a lot of stuff gets scary. And I don't know how New York's going to fix that. You know, people aren't going back to work yet that the effects of the pandemic are still lingering. So, look, I hope the National Guard keep people safe, but this does not solve the problem. Yeah, speaking of the pandemic, David, before I let you go, please give yourself a plug here and let people know where they can buy your book and where they can read all of your work. As I mentioned, you can listen to David a lot on the morning wire, but tell people more about where they can find you. Oh, yeah, thanks. Yeah, my book's called "Shirade the COVID Lies, the Crustan Nation." I wrote it during 2020. It takes place from the beginning of the pandemic and basically ends at about the election of 2020. And it's 12 chapters, each one is sort of a myth that was being propagated at the time. And I wrote it because I could tell very early on that history was going to be rewritten very quickly. So, I wanted to write it down as it was happening, what was right in front of my face. And, you know, you can read it now. Yeah. Thank you very much, sir. We really appreciate it. And you can follow him at Blue Box, Dave, on Twitter, that's Blue Box, Dave. We will be back, we're going to unblock the lines and take your calls. A lot of people are texting me in what they consider the worst moment of Biden's State of the Union. I know there's a lot to pick from, but we're going to get some more of that. And I also want to play the cut from Nancy Pelosi because now Joe Biden, out of all the things he said last night, out of all the things he didn't say. One that keeps sticking out to me is that he didn't talk about the decline in the American education system, the fact that so many kids can't read, so many kids don't have basic math skills. That didn't really seem to interest him at all last night. But out of all the things he spoke about, what the Democrats are most offended by is that he used the correct term when discussing Blake and Riley's murder, the Georgia nursing student. So we will talk about that when we come back. Nossopee Jin just opened reservations for spring. I can't believe it, Jared. I think we're past the tough part of the year. We're heading into spring. It's a beautiful time, and it's a really spectacular time on Cape Cod. Yeah, imagine being down at Nossopee Jin today with this, whether it's sunny. It's in the 40s. It's the perfect day to be down there. Actually, it's probably warmer on the Cape than it is up here. Have a couple of coffees down there. Yeah, you can hear the waves this time of year because it's still the off season. You can just have this nice tranquil getaway when you go to the Nossopee Jin. My wife and I went, we love sitting by the fire pits. We watched the sunrise, drank our morning coffee. And, you know, if it's not a 50-degree dance, a little chilly, every room has a fireplace and a picture of windows so you can still enjoy the views of Nossopee Jin. And you can stay nice and warm and cozy. And, you know, I was reading how Massachusetts is a really popular spot for staycations when people want to get away, but they don't want to, you know, go to a different state. They don't want to go to a different country. They don't want to get in an airplane. So for our New England people, this is the spot to go to because it's a great deal and it's a great way to reset and relax. So right now you can book your April stay at the Nossopee Jin from 2.49.99 tonight. And this May rates from 2.59.99 tonight. Don't delay. These rooms go fast. Go to the Nossopee Jin. So go to nossopee That's We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccine that saved us from COVID are now being used to be cancer. Turning setback into comeback. That's what America does. That's what America does. I haven't read a whole article on all the cancer lies he's told, which is such a strange thing. You know, it's such a bizarre, it's weird to lie about anything nowadays when you know how you can get fact check pretty quick. Although if you're a Democrat, you probably won't. But it's a lie so much about cancer. He's always kind of confused me and there's a really great piece today in the Federalist that breaks down each of Joe Biden's lies. And the one I really like that I wouldn't have focused on is the fact that he constantly talks about how he beat big pharma. And Sean Fleetwood wrote this story and he just quickly fact checked each thing. And his rebuttal to Joe Biden saying he beat back big pharma is how can you say you beat big pharma when you required all these people to get these people back. All these people to get these COVID shots and then you fired them. You had them lose their jobs and not be able to go into public places or private companies because they didn't have a shot brought to you by big pharma. But you're supposedly the guy who was fighting it. You were like the David and Goliath with big pharma. It just doesn't make any sense. And then he starts bragging about how drugs are cheaper and other. Well, not bragging, but talking about drugs are cheaper in other countries. You can get like you hop on Air Force one and get 40% less and Toronto. Yeah, but he's getting prescription jugs. So we really don't know, you know, what the rates are over there. I don't know the jug translates how much it translates to in Canadian currency. The other thing he talked about that was also easily fact checked and there's so many. But he talked about how inflation is the lowest here. There's no other countries have lower inflation. And Sean Fleetwood said that's just, I mean, a lot of this stuff is just easy to look up. I actually, I texted a friend of mine today and I said, do I have to explain why everything he said last night was a lie? Or is it just something that we can accept and focus on the other parts of it? And my friend said, yeah, you should probably explain a couple of them, especially with illegal immigration. Again, you go to the custom embroidered patrol website, you go to and you'll find all of the stats that show that illegal immigration increased drastically after Joe Biden was inaugurated. You don't have to be a genius to figure this out. I'm not a genius. Believe it or not, I know everyone's, I can hear everyone in their cars going, wait a second. I don't think that's true. But I was able to fact check a lot of this. And I didn't even need to look anything up. I was just looking at, I'm going, wait a minute. Has he not seen the videos of Bill Melugin at the border? Does he not know about any of this? If what he was describing was true, we would all be living in a utopia. And I haven't felt like that yet. And we've had a few callers in the past couple of years who have been living in that utopia. And I just want to know, to quote one of my favorites, Jennifer Oliver O'Connell, what are you smoking and why aren't you sharing? Because we all should be involved in this at this point. Joe Biden's describing America where prices are down and gas prices are down and crime is down and, you know, happiness is up. According to Joe. And I just, I want to be part of your world. And so far, I haven't felt like that. We are going to continue to play these. And by the way, one of the, one of the textures said to me, actually on Twitter said you forgot to talk about Mike Johnson's eye rules during it. Those were, some people were happy with his expressions during it. And some people felt like he did a bad job. I was talking to Taylor today and he didn't, he wasn't impressed by Mike Johnson. Other people on Twitter think that his eye rules were almost how he car-esque. We can debate that as well. More from you when we come back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. A couple of months ago, it was probably in December. We had Libby Emmons on and we were talking about the pro-Hamas. Protesters and activists and demonstrators at these Ivy League schools and really everywhere. You know, it's popping up all over the country at museums and on highways. And Libby said, yeah, they put down their climate signs and they picked up their anti-Israel signs. And it's just that simple. And I've noticed because I just watched some museum, beautiful piece of art and there's this brave, brave soul. This really courageous social justice warrior and she spray paints it. And I'm sure it has a protective screen. I'm sure it's protected. I'm sure it's not actually going to do any real damage to the painting. But you know what, you know what though? Even though now they have these ways to ensure that the artwork won't be permanently damaged, you know. Number one, they will find a way at some point to actually do some harm here. Like they will find a way to get through whatever those plastic screens or glass barriers are and they will ding up one of these paintings. Number two, you're just disrupting the entire day for, I don't know, maybe some parents and their kids who are at the museum to see the artwork. And then all of a sudden everything has to get shut down and moved around because you came in and wanted to take a stand by spray painting a piece of art. But the second thing is I haven't seen a lot from the climate people since this has all started happening. Like I still check when I see a story like this to find out what the righteous cause is behind whatever damage is being done. And 99% of the time lately, it's anti-Israel pro-homos demonstrators. It's not really the climate people anymore. They've kind of been pushed to the side. It's almost like these protesters don't really have conviction about whatever they're really feeling. They're just onto the next thing. Yeah, but maybe they said, "Hey guys, we have to put the tire slashing on the back burner for a while because we have something else to worry about." And I don't know. I don't know if it's going to come up again, but I just, I haven't noticed a lot of the climate, the Greta Toombigs, the Greta Brigade lately. Now, I will mention that the pro-homos agitators, this is from Red State, they were blocking Biden's motorcade on his way to the Capitol yesterday. So that's just the latest. I like to keep people posted on what these radical progressives are up to. Arthur, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Arthur. All right, I think we lost Arthur, but you know what I want to do here? I just mentioned this, Jared, and I found the article finally. I mentioned Sean Fleetwood's piece where he fact checks all of Biden's lies. And I had you pull a couple of them, and one of the callers just mentioned his claims about cancer. Biden falsely claimed that COVID jabs are now being used to cure cancer. Can I get cut six? The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccine that saved us from COVID are now being used to be cancer, turning setback into comeback. What America does. Now, Sean, on some of these, if it was a numbers thing, like the 15 million new jobs that he created using air quotes that he didn't actually create, Sean would fact check it with the truth and explain why it was wrong. On the COVID shots in cancer, he didn't even bother doing that. He just said, this is what Biden said. In other words, you can figure out why it's not true from the sentence that COVID shots were not true. I think that if COVID shots, considering they were given out like glazed donuts and beers and lottery tickets and hamsters if you got a COVID shot, I think if we had found out at some point that COVID jabs are being used to help be cancer, someone would have told us about that. So Operation Warp Speed cured cancer? Is there nothing President Trump can't do? Yeah, he better be careful with that. He's on thin ice. Yeah. He might be given the other guy, as you like to call him, the former guy, a little bit of credit. Now, also, as we mentioned, the U.S. inflation rate, that was a big lie, and now we got to get to the fallout from Joe Biden's comment about Lincoln Riley, he called her Lincoln Riley. Can I have cut three, please? He feels political win. He'll be a political win for me, and a political loser for him. It's not about him, it's not about me. I'd be a winner, not really, all right? Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that's right, but how many of thousands of people being killed by legal? To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to having lost children myself. I understand. All right, so that was his comment. Now, a lot of people are focusing on the fact that he called "Laken Riley Lincoln Riley," that is not her name, and also that he went off script to begin with, because this was clearly a challenge from Marjorie Taylor Greene. She said, "Say her name," and he did. I think that that's why I always tell these journalists, and there are still a few real ones out there, that if you get him in person, it's pretty easy to figure out what's going to get him talking. Like, he's been instructed time and time again, do not talk, do not talk to the reporters, do not take questions, but if he's challenged, if it comes down to his pride or he feels like he's being pushed around or he's being called weak, he can't help himself. Like, his instinct is to be a tough guy and to show up that person and say, "You don't think I'll mention her name, I'll mention her name," and it goes completely off the rails once he does that. Now what Nancy Pelosi decides to focus on, and you know what? I have in the past been very gentle with Nancy Pelosi, not only because she's old, but when all of the shenanigans and the situation with her husband happen, I notice the people on the right were really making fun of the whole thing, and I felt bad for him. I didn't think it was scary what happened to him and he's an old guy, but I will say this, she's a nasty human being. This young woman is murdered by an illegal alien, and Nancy Pelosi has no problem with that. She has a problem with the terminology that the president used during his State of the Union address. Jared, can I have Nancy Pelosi with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash cut 12? Madam Speaker, one of the clearly ad-libbed moments was during the section about immigration, and I'm sure you saw the buttons that your colleagues across the aisle had, and he had one of those buttons. We believe it was given to him by Marjorie Taylor Greene, and when she said something to him during his speech, he responded, "I think we have that. Let's listen to it." I didn't see any Republican buttons. Lincoln Riley, a innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That's right. But how many of thousands of people being killed by legal? To her parents, I say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand. No, you should have said undocumented, but that's not a big thing, OK? What's the big thing about that? No, I actually wasn't even going to ask about that. I was just going to ask more about the moment, but you do think that he should have said undocumented? That wasn't going to be my question. Well, we usually say undocumented. He said illegal. I don't think it's a big deal. OK. I don't think it's a big deal. But more broadly... Because I think that his focus was on the sympathy for the family. Yeah. It's a terrible tragedy. Clearly, that's where your focus is, too, right? That's what I'm gathering from this whole interaction. What a witch she is. What a flippin' witch. I love how she's on there. You agree to do an interview. You old hack. And then, before they even ask you a question, you're already condescendingly. And trust me, I'm not big fans of Dana Bash or Jake Tapper, so it takes a lot for me to drum up sympathy for those two. But compared to you, they seem like decent human beings. They don't even get a question out, and you're already dismissing it. I don't think it's a big deal. Well, it's a big enough deal for you to flip and bring it up before anyone even asked you about it. You moron. She's getting so... She's always been unlikable. And she's always been power hungry and despicable. But she's so impatient now, like that's the old lady in her where she's just cranky. Like she's cranky. Dana Bash is sitting there going, "I wasn't even going to ask you that." That reminds me of Kristen Welker saying to Joe Biden during the debate, "Why would you say that when he brought up transitioning away from fossil fuels?" And she was like, "Ugh, I wasn't going to hold your feet to the fire. I wasn't going to be a real journalist, but now that you've talked about it, I have to do kind of my job." That was Dana Bash in that moment. She's like, "I wasn't even going to bring it up, but since you just did, you're a big idiot, now you have to talk about it." And that cut is unbelievable. I should have played that a lot. I should have started the show with that. Holy moly. Can I hear? Can I hear the second? We don't need to go through the whole thing, but I want to hear from the end of Biden and Nancy Pelosi's reaction to it. So just cute. Parents, I say, my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand. Now you should have said undocumented, but that's not a big thing. Okay. What's the big thing about... No, I actually wasn't even going to ask about that. I wish he was going to ask more about the moment, but you do think that he should have said undocumented? That wasn't going to be my question. Well, we usually say undocumented. He said illegal. I don't think it's a big deal. Okay. I don't think it's a big deal. But more broadly... Because I think his focus was on the sympathy for the family, but it's a terrible tragedy. That was going to be the basis of my question about it, which is, as you well know, maybe you didn't know about the buttons, there's been a lot of talk, a lot of news about this young woman who was a student at University of Georgia, and she died, and apparently it was an undocumented immigrant. And the fact... Wait, wait, hold on, hold on, Dana. Again, this is why I say I don't have a lot of sympathy for these two eggheads either. Now you can understand why. She died. That's a weird way to phrase it. That makes it sound like she had a stroke or something, and she just dropped dead on her jog. She died? Aren't these people journalist like, doesn't it matter how you frame these things? Are you burying the lead a little bit there? And I love how Nancy Pelosi, that's her takeaway from that cut of Joe Biden, bringing up this young girl, this young woman who is a nursing student at the University of Georgia, who according to the reports I've seen had her skull bastion, and Nancy Pelosi's takeaway, what she's gathering from this tragedy, from this atrocity, this avoidable atrocity, is that Joe Biden should have said undocumented. I bet that's what her parents care about. I bet that's what Lake and Riley's parents are concerned with, Nancy. Is the verbiage that Joe uses? What a horrid person. Just horrid, and so bitter and cranky. What is she so cranky about? Like, why are you going on TV? Don't you go on TV and you want to start off on the right foot? Keep in mind, these are the same people who go on these shows and they get wet flippin' kisses. They get the royal treatment. They get the most kid-gloved treatment you could ever ask for, and they still are nasty to these anchors, whatever you're going to call them, before they even open their mouths. They're ready to feel like they're being attacked. How dare you ask us this? And you know what it is? It's the arrogance of Nancy Pelosi that she feels like no one can question her. She doesn't have to answer to anybody. She's queen Nancy Pelosi. She doesn't have to answer for me, and nobody in the Democrat party has to answer to anybody. But I appreciate the transition to, it's about the sympathy. Oh, is it, it's about the sympathy for the Riley family. That's so funny that it's about the sympathy, and yet your first knee-jerk reaction was to talk about that he called him an illegal and undocumented immigrant. That's weird, though, because clearly you're so focused on the sympathy part of it. And I mean, this clip has everything. It's got Tapper throwing his co-anker under the bus. Oh, Dana brought it up, you know, don't, don't look at me, Nancy. I mean, this is just the media and Democrat machine all encapsulated in one clip, and it's purest, most undiluted form. Don't be mad at me. I would never do real journalism. I'm Jake Tapper. I would never ask you a real question. Okay. I would never ask a follow-up. By the way, Dana Bash didn't even ask it. She brought up a topic from the state of the union. She didn't ask her about illegal versus undocumented. Nancy Pelosi managed to get into that bind all on her own, brilliant master legislator that she is. And the best part is she wasn't even done yet. There's more? There's more. He was ready with that, with the button, with the response. What do you make of that when it comes to not just the substance, but also the performance? Well, I think that it was, if that's spontaneous, see, I don't know about the buttons, and you're telling me that they had buttons. I didn't do too much schmoozing with the Republicans before. Usually we do, and we had some conversations, but none of the ones that came over to converse with us had those buttons on, so I didn't see the button. So we want to make a thing of the button. The president, I think, handled it very well. Yeah. And I think he handled it very well. It's a terrible situation that anybody losing a child or a family member. It's a terrible situation, but I think he handled it well. Yeah, and I can just feel the empathy oozing out of your porters, Nancy. I can see it. I can really, it's palpable how badly you feel for that family, which, well, I'm sorry. I don't usually go this hard, Jared, but I'm taken aback by that cut. It's astounding. I mean, the way she treats reporters who kiss her ass at every turn, it's so embarrassing for them and they deserve it. They deserve it. They deserve to be treated like dirt from her because this is what they wanted. This is what you wanted, right? So wonderful. Recently a Grace Curly show listener Candice called in and she was telling us how much she loved her thunderstorms. Her furnace was serviced and afterwards the smell of oil was lingering. She turned on the thunderstorm and it just gets rid of it. Jared, tell people how the thunderstorm works because I always say it eliminates the odor, but you understand the science behind it. Yes. I'm going to do some science in here. So what it does is it actually ionizes the air, it sends out ions and that creates a super oxygen. And what that super oxygen does is it eliminates any allergens or pollutants or odor causing things in the air. It doesn't cover it up. It doesn't make it smell flowery. It actually eliminates those odors and as Ron Burgundy would say, it's science. It is science. And if you want to get your hands on, not just one, but three of the thunderstorms, go to use code grace three at checkout. So you're going to go to and don't forget to enter code grace and the number three. You can use one in your car, in your kitchen, in your basement. The possibilities are endless with the thunderstorm. So go to code grace and the number three will be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join grace in me for two eight Tuesday. It's Tuesday's at 2 p.m. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, is it time to get rid of the state of the union? No, no, we get so many little nuggets of craziness from these state of the unions and they're only getting crazier as the country goes not here. So do the state of the unions 47% of the audience says no 53% say yes. It's about a seven vote difference. Wow, everybody, get to Your voice matters now. Let's go to the callers here. We have time for one caller. We'll take all the rest of you right at the two o'clock. So don't, don't hang up. We'll get back to you. But let's go to Ed right now. Go ahead, Ed. Hi, Grace. I actually was going to disagree with you. I would say we could either go back to how we did it before Woodrow Wilson and just have at least a Republican president say I'm just going to submit a report or do you want to address from the overall office? But while I was on hold, actually a different idea occurred to me. You don't have to do it in front of Congress. Why not just select like a purple state, a mixed state like Pennsylvania or Wisconsin or someplace like that, Georgia, and go do it in front of their state legislature. I think that would shake things. I think the thing of doing it in front of Congress, I think that's getting really tired. Yeah, and everybody is, it's becoming very theatrical. You can just tell. I mean, some of those lines where all the Democrats stood up, you know they're just following marching orders. You know Pelosi's telling them this is when you stand up, it's when you sit down, Chuck Schumer, like everybody's trained, these Democrats on how to do it. And the same thing goes for when a Republican gets up and I get why people are tired of that. It also just dawned on me. I'm like the last person who's who's opinion on this you can trust. Obviously, I'm going to say they should keep doing them Jared. I host a show and this gives us a full day's worth of content. Like I'm going to be anti-state of the union. That's like looking a gift horse in the mouth. We'll be right back, we'll take more of your calls and then 230 we got Emma Foley for last call. TGIF, don't go anywhere. You're a one-person opponent.