The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jacked up on mountain dew: Biden's Bizarre SOTU | 3.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Catch Grace's full, unfiltered reaction to Biden's State of the Union. She wonders if the country would be better off without the annual speech at all! Are we over the theatrics, or is it a wonderful tradition?

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08 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We're going to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show and Happy Friday to all of you. Thank you so much for tuning in today. It's the Friday after the State of the Union. The State of the Union. I think we all would have different responses to a degree about what the State of the Union currently is. And I think Joe Biden might disagree with all of us on that. But we have a lot to discuss today, and we are going to go over all of the big moments from last night. Biden actually mentioning Lake and Riley, but accidentally calling her Lincoln Riley, a truly heinous follow-up moment from Nancy Pelosi, who reprimanded Biden for calling the illegal alien killed Lake and Riley, an illegal alien. Imagine, because that is the true tragedy in this story, is that Joe Biden referred to this monster as an illegal alien. We also have Biden threatening the Supreme Court justices, or, you know, trying his best to threaten them, I think. I think it was an attempt at a threat. It actually worked in his favor that he can't really put a sentence together. Because I think if he had been a little bit more eloquent with that, he would have been in more trouble. We also have the Gold Star father screaming at Biden to acknowledge his son who was killed in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. So fear not anything you're thinking of, we are going to get to. And if we don't get to it, I want you to call in and let us know what noteworthy moment you feel we missed out on. We do take requests here at the Grace Curly Show. Jared, you're like a DJ today. You're playing Misty for me, you're Clint Eastwood. And Joe Biden was like Clint Eastwood last night except different movie. He was a little bit more get off my lawn. I saw a lot of people making references to that. And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to start. Well, first I'm going to tell you that the lines are open. Because this first hour it's all about you. Get off my lawn. It's all about your reaction to Joe Biden's speech last night. The number is 844-542-42. I will be monitoring the rumble cam comments, the text message comments to see what people are saying. But I want to start, as I try to do, I want to start with a compliment. I find when you're going to give a breakdown of something, when you're going to review something, it's nice to start with something positive. So, I'll try my best. It was memorable. It certainly made an impression. That's all I got in the positive section. But you can kind of tell how bad a speech was by the reviews that come in right afterwards and how delusional they are. Like how much the Baghdad Bobs feel they need to gaslight people. And I'll give you an example. And you knew that all the reviews were going to be 5-star. Amazing. It was the best thing ever. I mean Joe Scarborough was getting us warmed up for that from the very beginning. He's like this is the most cogent he's ever been. He's never been sharper. He's never been more on point. And Peggy Noonan today, she wrote that the speech showed there's life in the old boy yet. That's how she put it. Now, I should mention that there was something in the old boy. I don't know what it was. I don't know what they were pumping him full of. I think that's what they said about all the yellow too. There was, it was so, he was the concoction, the cocktail, whatever it was. And I don't mean cocktail as an alcohol. It was strong. It was a heavy dose of something. He looked like he was so revved up. He was going to short circuit and start spinning in circles. Like a Roomba that gets stuck on the corner of a rug. Like he was just going to fully break down. So who's ever in charge of making sure he got a little boost before he hit the stage? I guess two thumbs up. I guess you did job well done. Because there was certainly some energy there. But Republicans are disagreeing with the overall take that he did a great job. And you know, it shows that he has a lot of energy. And they're saying that it was an unhinged diatribe full of lies, condescension, demagoguery. I don't disagree with that. I would fall in that category. But there's one thing that I think can bring both sides together. And there's one overall take that both sides seem to be an agreement on. And that is that Biden was angry. The tone, I think, was undeniably angry. The entire night was big mad from the president. And truthfully, it reminded me a lot of the speech he gave in 2022, which we spent a lot of time on as well. I always refer to it as the red light sauna speech. But it was in front of Philadelphia's Independence Hall. He was basked in this red light. He was flanked by Marines. He was yelling at people. The camera angle was kind of, you know, looking up at him. It was very strange. It looked like something out of 1984. And this, to me, I would say, you know how sometimes you'll read something and you'll go, "I know this style of writing. Is this the right?" And then you look at the, you go a couple pages forward in the magazine. "Oh, is that writer I like? I'm remembering this style of writing." That last night I was thinking, whoever wrote the red light sauna speech definitely had something to do with this one. They definitely were involved. They were around the table for this beauty. But I will say, as much as it reminded me of 2022, it was worse because we're two years later now. He's more confused. The country is in an even worse state than it was then. And things weren't great then either. But I get this tactic from the White House that anger might make him seem sharper. And I think that's what they're always going for. If he's angry, but there's two things I'll say. One is that, and we'll talk about this and why he shouldn't be angry. We should be angry. But two is that I think for a lot of people, and this is where I'm throwing it out to the callers, when they see someone that old mumbling their words together and then yelling at the same time, I think it actually reminds people of elderly parents or grandparents that had some sort of cognitive decline because that is a sign of it, is getting mad and snapping at people. So I don't know if the White House is putting that into the equation here and realizing how that could backfire. But the other part of it is that the problem with Joe Biden being angry is that all the things that he's yelling about, he either A, created or B made worse. So it feels like someone who should have a mirror held up and should be able to give themselves a dressing down before they announce their resigning. That's what seems appropriate. And instead, he's yelling at us. So not only did you tell us you wanted this job, that you could do everything better than the last guy, your predecessor. But now, after four years of doing the job and making everything worse, you're mad at me? I'm getting screamed at in this situation. Americans are very angry about their current circumstances. They're angry about inflation, they're angry about the border, they're angry about crime, mortgage rates that decline in educational performance in American schools, drugs pouring in from China and Mexico to name a few countries. And the guy who has been overseeing, and I would argue aggravating all of these disasters, is the one who's mad? It reminded me of when I was a kid and I'd be very defensive about something. Like if I got a bad grade, I wasn't great at math, I'd always come home with bad math grades. And in an attempt to defend myself against what I thought was going to be criticism for my mom, I would oftentimes come in like I was the wrong party here. You'll pound in the table, can you believe this? And my mom used to look at me, she wouldn't yell, my mom was very calm, she's not a yeller. But she'd check me real quick, she'd say, piece of advice, change your tone. Change your tone. Like don't come at me right now when you're in the wrong. That's not happening. I'm not the one getting yelled at about your bad geometry grade. Try again, kid. And that's what I felt like saying to Joe Biden, like how out of all the things that are happening, do you feel as though it's appropriate for you to scream at all of us? And by the way, just another thing here, and we're going to get into all these cuts. Nothing says unifying the country. Nothing says kumbaya, like comparing your political enemies to Nazis right out the gate. Now, if I were part of the best and the brightest, the geniuses, the Ivy Leakers that work with Biden behind the scenes, I might have suggested warming up to that. You know, I might have said first, let's start with a couple of mega maggas to make it clear that we are going to vilify the other side and we're going to make it clear that we don't like them, but we'll start with mega mega, you know, start off slow. Then maybe we'll crank it up a notch. We'll get to Neanderthals. And then right before the end, right before we have the let's come together as Americans, we'll drop the Hitler Nazi comparison. That's when we'll hit him with the Nazi stuff. But Mr. Moderate is not into that. He's nothing if not bold, he comes right out the gates and starts it off by making it clear. And this is how Ted Cruz put it. And I thought it was a really good description, basically saying Republicans can jump in a lake. Is that the way? And the other, the other thing I want to mention here is he's not in a position. Like everyone wants to talk about how Trump has to, oh, he has to try to grovel for these Nikki Haley voters. Biden's in a pretty tough predicament himself. This party is very divided right now. And I don't think that coming out and talking about how you have no respect for half the country is a great way to win over people in the middle. I just, I don't see it. 844-542-42. And the other weird part of it and Charlie Hurt was on Fox today and he gave a really good analysis of the State of the Union and he said typically the State of the Union, you go out there and you say a lot of things that are hard for the other side not to stand up for. You have a lot of lines in there that almost make it impossible for the opposite political party. So if you're a Democrat, the Republicans or vice versa to not stand up and give you a standing ovation, but he said this was, this was not what Joe Biden did. He went out there and gave the most polarizing, partisan rant that I can remember is what I'll say because I haven't watched these for that long, but I can't remember one like this. 844-542-42. And then at the end, he whispers in what he thinks is an off the record moment. Maybe he doesn't know there's cameras at these things. He thinks everyone's hearing it through radio. He whispers that he's going to have a come to Jesus moment with BB Netanyahu. I don't know how that's going to work out to have a come to Jesus moment with the Prime Minister of Israel. Hmm. Okay. But there was so much to unpack, we're going to get to it all and we're going to take your calls because I always love hearing what the audience thinks the day after a State of the Union. So don't go anywhere, so much more to get to when we come back. I love the Eden Pier thunderstorm. Jared, I had some friends over last night. We had a really nice dinner and afterwards when it was time to bring out the dessert, I said, I want the smell of all of this pasta and all of this delicious, you know, meatballs and everything we made. I want it gone. And I turned on the thunderstorm and nobody even noticed because it's so quiet, but then shortly afterwards, people said, oh, is that the thunderstorm? And they understood what it was doing. It was purifying the air of odors, of allergens. And you know, we had rain yesterday, Jared, and you walk outside that smell after the rain off the concrete where everything just smells clean. That is what the thunderstorm can do. Yeah, it actually purifies the air. It ionizes the air. It gets rid of things, allergens, pollutants, odors, you know, it doesn't just cover it up and make it smell flowery or the air doesn't get thick. No, it actually is an absence of smell and completely clean air. It's great for smells. I love it for my allergies because when you have seasonal allergies, they're starting up now. You want to make sure you have the air in your house or in your car. I keep one in my car because each one has this little USB cable. You just plug it in. So that way I've got that ionized air wherever I am. I don't have to worry about allergies. Yeah. With a three pack especially, you can use one in your kitchen, your office or even your car. So go to and use code GRACE3. So when we come back, we're going to play, we're going to start with the big cut, the Lake and Riley cut, which I don't think was planned. I think that when Marjorie Taylor Greene confronted him before the speech, he decided to go rogue, never a good idea for Joe Biden and of course it did not go as planned. We will get into that when we come back. We're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. 844-542-42. Get on the lines now to break down Biden's state of the union with us. And later in the one o'clock, we're going to have David Marcus from the New York Post, from the Morning Wire, from Fox News. He's everywhere all at once and he's going to be on the Grace Curly Show at one o'clock. We also will be joined by Emma Foley later today for a George Santos update, because I don't know if people know this, but we have the George Santos fan club. Coincidentally, they are all within this studio. We have Jared, we have Emma. They are Team George and George is making a comeback. That's all I'm going to say. I'm not going to spoil it. I'm going to leave it for Emma. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. I just, anytime I think of George Santos, you notice he's dressing really flashy lately. He always is. But I found that he's taking it up a notch. It's a little bit more sophisticated. Yeah, now he doesn't have to face an ethics committee, so he can take all kinds of money and buy clothing without having to worry about it. What was his, what was his game of choice at the casino? Was it craps? I think it was roulette. Roulette, okay. Was it roulette? He looks great. That's all I'm going to say. You know what's funny is I think people are really starting. He's endearing himself to people because he's just so out there. He's so wacky. And I saw a photo of him with sunglasses on and this really cool, all black outfit. And yeah, again, I am so tempted to spoil it, but we'll save it for two o'clock. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results of the spark? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, is it time to get rid of the state of the union? You saw this trending on social media. Yeah, somebody actually wrote an article about it and this is something I've been thinking about too, but they said, you know, this could just be an email instead of a spectacle, speech that costs the taxpayers so much money and they send it out before, right? They send out the speech an hour before he actually sent it out anyways. So just make it available on a website or something or now, Jared, something I noticed is when I vote in the poll question first, you always tend to agree with me and I don't know if that's by mistake or you just want to be a supportive producer, but I'm gonna have you voting this first. Yes. I'm yes all the way on this. I know you can get these moments through an email. You need this. I mean, the, the heckling Marjorie Taylor Greene there, she's yelling at him and I used to be kind of lame and say, oh, well, you know, everyone should just be respectful and it's nice to sit and not interrupt and I'm not into the heckling. Now I'm kind of like, this isn't, this is the old professional wrestling fan in me. I'm going, here we go. There's chaos a brewing and he's up there. He's trying his best to kind of survive it, but he's falling apart. He's screaming at people and then Republicans are in the background yelling at him. I love it. I love the theatrics of it all. I don't think you'd get these moments without it. And I also think that it's important to have some event that you were expected to get up at and give a speech. So people know it's like holding up a newspaper of the day. So people know that you are still capable of doing it. Even if you are all jacked up on, you know what I'll say? If you're all jacked up on Mountain Dew, let's be friendly today. Even if you come out all jacked up on Mountain Dew acting like a Roomba that had water poured on it, I still want to see that Roomba. I still want to see you spinning at the podium. So yeah, I'm all for it and listen, they waste our taxpayer money on everything. At least this gives me a little bit of content. Unlike the rats that they're studying in Pakistan, the gender of the mice or whatever, this gives me a full show on a Friday. Like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew. Yeah, so I am pro SOTU. 69% of the audience says, yes, it is time to get rid of it, 31% want to hold on to it. All right, when we come back, we're going to take all of your calls. We've got a lot of people on the lines who want to talk about Biden and his energy levels last night, the State of the Union. And I really want to get into this Pelosi cut because she said a lot of abhorrent things in her time. I mean, she's been around for quite some time. She's an old, old, what does she call herself, master legislator. But what she said last night on CNN with Dana Bash, it might be one of her top five worst moments ever. We're going to get to that, take your calls, and there's so much more in store at the Grace Curly Show. So don't go anywhere, I'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. In a literal sense, history is watching, history is watching, just like history watched three years ago on January 6th, when insurrection stormed this very capital and placed the dagger to the throat of American democracy. Many of you are here on that darkest of days. We're all saw with our own eyes the insurrectionists were not patriots, they'd come to stop the peaceful transfer of power to overstearn the will of the people. January 6th lies about the 2020 election and the plots to steal the election posed a great, gravest threat to U.S. democracy since the Civil War, but they failed. America stood. Okay. Now, a few things on this. I'm not super well versed in American history. I would say I'm decent, but I know that comparing what happened on January 6th, the grandmas and the rotunda to the Civil War, is a bit of a stretch, but we've heard it before. They've compared it to 9/11, the Civil War, you know, all sorts of things. So what I'm going to say now is this, I used to hear these comparisons by both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi about what a dreadful, horrible day January 6 was and our democracy was at stake and, and it used to be really angry because I knew how we're ridiculous it was. But now I think they have an even bigger problem because now when I hear it, it's like hearing the teachers on Charlie Brown. It's white noise. It doesn't sound like anything to me anymore because they're all doing this. And you know what they're all doing, Jared, on all of these networks, the alphabet networks, they're using, they're stringing all of these sentences together with all these different words and none of it means anything because they're all trying to one up each other about how, how much the sky is falling and how no, no, no, no, this time it's real, this time it's real. So they use all these different words, dictator, January 6, democracy, hanging by a thread, freedom, and they push them all together and they vomit them out to people every single day and every person, John Harwood, Nicole Wallace, this is the election that decides if you're going to be able to have elections, they're all so hyperbolic, they're so ridiculous and they're trying to push people into a panic, but it's hard because you've been talking about this stuff for so long. And so what I think is even worse for Biden isn't that he's saying all these ridiculous things and he's ticking off the other side of the aisle. It's that the other side of the aisle and probably a lot of people in the middle don't care anymore. It's like when you see a comedian and they just always have the same material over and over again. It's like, is there anything new? Is there anything fresh that you want to add in here? And that kind of goes back to what Taylor was saying yesterday, which is they have to use a lot of the same stuff because it's muscle memory for him. If they put a bunch of fresh ideas on that teleprompter, I shudder to think what he would actually come out with. So they have to put in this stuff that almost reads to him like a weird sort of pledge of allegiance where he can just January 6, the worst days, it's a civil war and it's muscle memory and it's safe, but it's boring and it's not working. Let's go to the callers here before we get to more of these sound cuts. I want to go to Ron, you're up first on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ron? Hey, Grace, let me just digress for a second from the main point that I wanted to make. The Democrats and Biden, they keep on bringing up January 6, and I pray to God that something like this doesn't happen like we experienced on September 11, 2001. And if you remember, which you might, I was the caller, the doctor that called you up about my subway adventure. Yes, I do remember that, Ron. Yeah. So, you know, while we're experiencing now at the border, I hope and pray that something like that doesn't happen again, but it seems like all the cards are in place and I pray it doesn't happen. But my main point is when I was listening to President Biden last night, he seemed to constantly, or at least once or twice, vilify the Supreme Court. And one of the things that I think is very, very scary in losing a democracy is when you do not recognize that one of the foundations of a democracy is having an independent judiciary. You know, when the Supreme Court justices are not applauding, there's a specific reason for that, because that's showing their disinterest, I don't mean uninterest, I mean their disinterest. And that's the way it should be, because they are not a political body. And I think it's very scary when President Biden tries to intimidate them and make them make political decisions. This would be the downfall of a democracy and certainly let's not to get this. Let's also remember Chuck Schumer talking about, you remember this, the whirlwinds and intimidating. I forgot the justices name, but I'm not dating him. Was it cabinet? Yeah, I mean, it was a cabinet. It was a Gorsuch. It was both of them. Oh, it was both of them. Okay. So it was it was both. He had probably he'll probably scoop in as many as he can get to saying that, you know, but so we're on a dangerous slide here. And you know, I think it's very, very ironic when he talks about losing the democracy when he is one of the the the the the principal suspects in destroying the democracy when he does these things. Such a great point, Ron, and I'm glad you brought up the Supreme Court. We're going to play this cut. And then I want to go back to what Ron is saying because he brought up Chuck Schumer. I think Chuck Schumer's threat was a lot more coherent, obviously, but I think that they're both on the same wavelength, which is trying to threaten the Supreme Court, trying to let the Supreme Court know that they're losing in the court of public opinion, which we can debate that at another time, but Ron is absolutely right that it is completely inappropriate. And it runs completely contrary to all the things Joe Biden claims to care so much about, including democracy. Let's play this cut and then we'll we'll talk more about it. Many of you in this chamber and my predecessor are promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom. My God, what freedom else would you take away? Look, it's a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court majority wrote the following and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral electoral power. Excuse me, electoral or political power, you're about to realize just how much you get the right of it. I think the best part is that that is clearly an applause line, as you can tell, by everyone freaking out, but he didn't even say it. You're going to find out real soon. Maybe it would have packed a punch if he got it right, but I don't even think he knew what he was saying. It didn't matter because they they had on instruction, you know, when he says you're going to find out about whatever he says, stand up and scream and shout and say that's what I don't need. I don't need all this white pantsuit histrionics crap. Were they in white pants? Some of them were some of them were wearing white. That's where the real change comes from. You know that, right? Everyone who, you know, if you're part of the Me Too movement and I don't mean the actual people. I mean the people who glommed onto it like a Meryl Streep and Oprah and all those people. If you wore an outfit, an all black outfit and an all white outfit to an award show or to a state of the union, that's how real change happens. It comes from the style choices of the phoneies in Congress and the phoneies in Hollywood. Yeah, it's just enough with the white pantsuit clapping seals and MTG where their MAGA had like, just we don't need this crap. Well, you know what I'm really glad that Ron brought up is the fact that it's ironic that Joe Biden who claims to care so much about all these principles and democracy and all these things is then openly threatening the Supreme Court during his date of the union. And it brings me back to what we started this weekend. And if you ever miss any of our interviews, I really encourage you to check out the podcast. They're all cut up. You can breeze through them on your way home from work. And we started the week off with John Daniel Davidson from the federalist who has this incredible piece about projection. And a huge part of it is talking about the Supreme Court and how when the Supreme Court does something that Democrats don't like, they call it extreme. And in reality, it's the opposite of extreme. The extremists are the Democrats who want to abolish the Supreme Court when they don't get what they want. The extremists are the Democrats who claim that they're going to protect us all from disinformation and then yet publish disinformation about COVID. And the list goes on and on and on of all of this projection. The extremists are Kamala Harris and Biden saying, if Trump wins, he's going to weaponize the justice department. He's going to weaponize the FBI against his political opponents. What have you been doing for the last four years? Do you hear yourselves? Four years actually isn't even accurate. It goes all the way back to 2015. So John Daniel Davidson writes, the hypocrisy here is breathtaking, but not unexpected. Democrats engage in this kind of projection constantly, taking an extreme position and then decrying any dissent or resistance to it as extremists. There's nothing extreme. The overturning of Roe versus Wade gave the issue of abortion back to the states to decide what they wanted to do with it. You can say a lot of things about that. You can disagree with it, but I think calling it extreme isn't an accurate description of what happened. And calling it extreme from people who can't say what limits they put on abortion, they can't give us a timeline of when a baby shouldn't be, when a baby should not be aborted anymore, whether it's eight months, nine months, those people calling us extremists is laughable. But they keep doing it. They keep getting away with it. The media keeps propping it up. Let's go to Lee. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Lee. Hey, it was a good call. Mr. Ron there. Yes. Absolutely. Let's see if we can go two for two. I'll try. I got thrown off course here, but I'm thinking to myself, maybe they don't. About the January 6th, everybody that watches any news like from Haiti or Israel or anything knows that just January 6th was not an insurrection. It wasn't even a riot, but they still clap in cheer for it. And I sit there and I go, God, what if it really was? Right. You know, where would this country be right now? It's, you know, don't get me wrong, Grace, I would never even think about wanting to have an insurrection. We have to do it by the vote. Okay. That's what I want to say. But holy crap, are these people that blinded or ignorant that they can't see that that was nothing, nothing at all on January 6th, except for a bunch of punks pushing people around. And what I always say, Lee, what I always say, Lee, is that January 6th was not a great, it was not a good day and it made Republicans look terrible. And like you said, it's a bunch of, a lot of times, it was a bunch of morons who were just, you know, acting up and, but it was not the worst thing since the Civil War. And furthermore, your first point about imagine if it was, I was thinking this the other day because I was watching the news and they were showing protests in Russia. And I thought, I thought of a Lexi Navalny because I thought there were places where if you speak out, the risks are high, the risks, the stakes are death. And the people in this country who can say whatever they want posted on Instagram, hate whoever they want, hate Donald Trump, talk about this, talk about that, they're so desperate to feel like those people that are actually courageous and actually taking a stand that they convince themselves that they're in this imminent danger and that they're doing all these things that are so dangerous and they feel so scared and I was crying. I was scared, like AOC being like, oh, I didn't think I'd ever become a mother. I was hiding in my office, they want so badly to convince themselves that they are social justice warriors and the truth is they don't understand what great privilege they have that they live in this country and they're allowed to be such warrens and not be thrown in jail. And I'm not advocating for them to be thrown in jail, but you would think that's what's happening based off the headlines you read, the fate of democracy hangs on blah, blah, blah. You think these people are writing it from the jail cells. You think they were writing it in hiding? They're not. They're writing it from a Starbucks before they go to lunch with their friends, okay? They're writing it from a Starbucks and then after they're done with the article, they're going to go online shopping from Amazon and they're going to get some fancy shampoo. Everything's okay. These people need, these people need a little bit of perspective and they do not have it. They've convinced themselves that they are the underdogs, that they are fighting against Donald Trump and this authoritarian regime and it's all fantasy. Their entire purpose at this point is based off of fantasy. 844, 542, 42, when we come back, we'll play more calls. Well, I'm sorry, we'll play more cuts and we'll take more calls, so don't go anywhere. Auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities, not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. Just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price, it doesn't mean you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. This time tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 by its founder Jerome Manning. So what are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. The buyer signs an exclusive PNS and makes a 10% nonrefundable deposit that day and you set the terms, which all buyers must follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. All Americans deserve the freedom to be safe and America is safer today than when I took office. The year before I took office, murder rates were up 30%, 30% they went up. The biggest increase in history, it was then through my American Rescue Plan, which every American voted against I'm out of it. That was Steve Nakui, whose son was killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal and he was shouting Marines and abbey gate. I just want to say a lot of headlines and I understand why. They're describing this as heckling. I've been on the record saying that I'm not a fan of heckling in most situations because I always think of it from the perspective of the person being heckled. I don't consider this heckling. This is a father. This is a gold star father whose son died because of the incompetence and the selfishness of that moron who we call President Joe Biden. He doesn't have the decency to acknowledge his son during the State of the Union. I don't know what to call it, maybe someone can help me out, but I don't consider it heckling. I consider that a parent's pain and I don't know how a parent would sit there and not say something. Nick, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Nick. Right, I had called about that. Thank you for taking the call. Yeah, he got arrested for something called obstructing, commoding, and whatever, in commoding, whatever the hell that is. Well, I look it up. It's like annoying or whatever. But it's a sad part that his son died because of his administration's stupidity. Those 13, he was one of the 13 Marines of that abbey gate. Along with hundreds of civilians, by the way, that no one seems to ever care about. Why? They were some Americans, by the way, in that crew, as well as mostly Afghanistan people. But no, they don't have the answer for that, and it's disgusting, and I don't even know where you go with that stuff. Just one other quick thing, by the way, that other, I just thought of that. We talked about the 50 million jobs, was it 15 million jobs? Yeah, 15 million. Well, I downloaded a spreadsheet last night of all the initial jobless claims per month. Since 2021, what do you call it, since 2021, 2021 to the present, which you're going to see there, try multiplying 12 years, right? In one year, try multiplying 12 times at least 200,000, excuse me, 2 million jobs a month. Lost. Well, here's the thing. So Biden said there was 15 million new jobs. I'm looking here at the Federalist, they said the president regurgitated the lie that his administration created 15 million new jobs. That assertion is false, as Biden conflated jobs recovered after COVID lockdowns with actual new jobs created. Thank you for the call. We'll be right back with Dave Marcus. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING]