Reality With a Twist

Season 3 FINALE - The Puberty of Seasons

1h 32m
Broadcast on:
08 Mar 2024
Audio Format:

I'm thinking to be so good, give me your best and the rest of me, leave it all to me, yeah, leave it all to me, yeah, leave it all to me. Welcome back to the finale of-- No, we are not-- Yes, we are. Continue, Dylan. God, OK, are you right? Yes, yes. Welcome to the finale of season three of "Reality with the Twist." I'm Dylan. I'm Ben. Hi, I'm Gabriel. And I'm Gunnar. And the whole-- this is our now second attempt to record the finale. And now in a little bit of a better setup here, where we're all together. What? Did you laugh at that? We wanted this episode to be more organized and better than our-- I was drunk in that episode. And we literally got ourselves into the near same circumstances. Exactly what we get here. We're like, let's do a shot at Crown Royal. Let's do a shot at Jim. Let's do a shot at Jim. We take five hits and they delta a pen. Yeah. Whoever said that. Yeah, I know because somebody to hear definitely said that. Someone definitely looked at me and said, hey, Dylan, can you take six hits of your delta a pen? And I was like, fine, I guess I will. And took one for the team. I took one for the team. He lost the dots. I mean, I would not want to know what would happen if Dylan didn't do those six hits. I have to go to a work. [LAUGHTER] But yeah, no, hopefully this time, though, we can maintain some order, keep things organized. Because that was pretty high last time I was hosting. I heard we're having a special guest on this episode, though. Really? OK, yeah. He-- his name is Dracula. Wow. He recently came out, so I'm very proud of him. Yeah, I'm proud of him as well. So since coming out, he's-- he's foreign. He's reading into it a little interesting. And he now goes by gay Dracula. OK. OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys heard yet? I mean, this might. I knew he was coming out, but I didn't know he was doing the rebrand. Yeah, this is the first time I've hearing of this part. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he's coming to join the butt ghost tonight. OK. Yeah, Dylan, do you want to inform the viewers on what butt ghost is? So obviously, we found out that Gabe's apartment was haunted by the spirit named butt ghost. Now, that may might-- might seem scary to you. Might have different meanings. But what it is, it's just a ghost who really likes to play with your butt while you're trying to fall asleep. And not even sexually, just like-- He just like-- He's just like playing with it. Just like, yeah, yeah, it pokes it, grabs it. Yeah, he'll kind of like a slop around it. Yeah, yeah. He's not going to go too far. No, no. He's disrespectful about people. No, no, no. And he is a very strong practitioner of consent. Or as they are. Yeah, you don't really know who they are, actually. Yeah, it's a ghost. It's a ghost. But anyways, but yeah, evidently butt ghost and gay Dracula are great friends. Yeah, yeah. And they'll be on later tonight on the podcast for recording. You might see them, maybe they might cancel. Who knows? Yeah, well, we will find out. What are we doing on this episode? Well, obviously, it is the season three finale, as I mentioned at the beginning. And with that, every single finale, I take reigns of the hosting of the podcast so that we can go through tier list, ranking each episode that we did during the season, including mini twists. Yes, yes. And we have a lot more episodes in season three than we've ever had in, I think, any season thus far. So this should be a long and arduous process, but it'll be a very fun process. Yes, of course, it definitely will. And so, as you know, how tier list ranking system works is you will grade an episode or grade whatever from a scale of S tier, which is the highest tier you can get in a tier list, all the way down to F tier. So obviously, S being, this was an amazing episode. It was the gold standard of what a R-Wet episode should be. Nothing was really bad about R. There was barely any imperfections. And then, obviously, F tier being like, everything was out of the loop, things shouldn't have gone as planned, and all of it could have been better. That's what F tier, and obviously, you can fill in the gaps from the rest. But I think, let's just go ahead and get started. Obviously, each of the boys, including myself, have been tasked to kind of think back and retrospectively think about each episode they hosted or were a part of and just come with their honest opinions about it. So with that, I believe we start with whoever starts every single season, Mr. Gabriel Bickle, your first episode being dreamed therapy. Yes, season three episode one nightmare therapy with Gabe in this episode, I tried to kind of take the fellas through their dreams, their recurring dream ask them to kind of tell me what their recurring nightmares, recurring dreams were. And I tried to, using the internet's resources and the internet's knowledge, try to kind of see what the dreams could mean and see if it applied to their life and see if it could change their lives for the better. Fortunately, as we learned through the episode, it is just a pseudoscience. There are small parts of dreams that are meaningful, but usually just the very basics of dreams that carry any meaning. But yeah, I got basically zero for three with their dreams, but I thought it was a very, very fun way to kick off the new season. I think it doesn't feel like a season two episode. It feels like a season three episode, which is weird to say because it's just an episode reality with a twist. Do you mean it feels like a season two episode, not a season two? No, no, I'm saying it separates itself well from a season two. It feels like it's doing something new, which is it really, it's pretty classic when it comes to reality with a twist. Oh, yeah, for sure. But I thought it was a very fun and funny episode. And I think it just kind of took the viewer on a journey of like kind of starting to believe in the science and the pseudo science, and then immediately all of their dreams getting dashed when you realized that it wasn't accurate at all. Yeah. And then I also, at one point during the episode, there being a, oh god, hold up. I just completely forgot what I was gonna say. Oh yeah, there was a bad marketing segment where you talked about the Elementals film, I believe. Ah, yes, I think that might have been my first ever bad marketing, I want to say. Wow, I think you're right. Yes. That was a, actually, that was, I still think about that bad marketing frequently. Really? Because sometimes I will get like TikToks of like, oh my gosh, this movie is crazy. And then just like, it's obviously, it's very fake upon it. It's like one, I mean, it's like, it's obvious. But like two, why are you recording in a theater? Exactly. It's like Pixar themselves was like, yes, we're recording in the theater. But like, it was just, it was so, like it was something that was like rule number one of like not trying to fake stuff like that 'cause people see right through it every single time. And it just comes off as desperate and cringy. And obviously now looking in retrospect, said some movie has now passed. Completely bombed. Yeah, it did not do too long. Unfortunately too, because I watched the movie, it actually was a decent movie. Fair, yeah. But it's the bad marketing that I get, I guarantee you would turn a lot of people away in the mix of like the general movie critic reviews that will always put like Kate's movies and stuff in like a 40, 30% of the style. But I will say for this episode, it was a memorable episode, but it's our first episode where I kind of getting our bearing straight. So I'm gonna say I'd give it a B. Yeah, that actually totally reflects what I was gonna say. I mean, it was a very, very good first episode of our season. I would say like, I can't remember too well all of our first episodes of each season, but for a first episode of a brand new season, it was a very good episode. Yeah, thank you. And it was memorable. So I'm also gonna give it a B. Fair enough. Obviously, I'm typically a little bit more strict when it comes to like tier listings and whatnot. And I think though, I agree with all your points, everybody, like it's a great way to start off the season. It really shows how much we've grown since the last two that happened. But I think even though like it had its moments, I think it's a good place to keep as our baseline. So I think I'm going to be ranking mine at C tier. Okay. I think when it comes to first episodes, this has probably been my favorite so far. I think Gary Gateri was a very fun episode to record. And I still love that episode, but I just think this one was a bit more in line with what our values are on the podcast now, like what we try to convey and what we try to do on the podcast. So I'd say for my own, I'm gonna give it a C, but just because I know I could do better and I think it's a good place to start. Okay, this is where we're gonna have to decide what we're gonna do going forward. Are we going to round up or round down? Well, .5s user usually round up, but I don't know. I think we gotta be consistent through this. I'm gonna say round up. Okay. So that would be a B. So a B minus. A B minus. A low B. A low B are possibly a high C, depending on where you live in America. Yeah. Cool. Well, that brings us on to our second episode, which is our mental health awareness. Yes. This was really different from what we usually do because we are a educational comedy podcast. Yes. Joking about mental health, not really a great thing, which is why we took this episode very seriously. Yes. So it was more just an educational episode. My goal when making this episode is to get everybody to collect resources for their own respective colleges, plus more like IU and IUPUI, for example, but anyways. So I just, we have quite a few followers and I just wanted to use that platform to promote mental health awareness. And I think we did a really good job. Everybody came prepared. I really appreciate everybody's just diligence and honestly just cooperation and making the episode. Not like you guys are ever like uncooperative, but still like you guys, you guys handle it. Like, you know, it was a very appropriate episode and I respect that a lot. I will say though, because it's not our usual, like, you know, episode type, I probably would still bring it back to a B, but that's just me. Yeah, I mean, like, I remember when you were telling us that you were going to do this as your first episode, I was very excited. Yes, I think talking about mental health is a thing that is always so seen negatively, because like, you know, all the negative connotations that come with like dealing with it and everything, but I think it's so important to talk about. And I'm so glad that, you know, I can share my own wisdom about like dealing with mental health and mental illness or whatever. And obviously telling you the viewer, which I'll be once again repeat, you are not alone at any point. If you ever feel like you are alone, please do not think that because you truly are never, never, ever alone. For sure. No. I think we had a lot of goofs and gaffs in this one, like not, obviously not as many as normal, but we still did find a way to get some kind of comedy. Yeah, talking about the Muncie mental health resource office or whatever. Yeah, something like the Ball State. Yes, yes, yeah. We definitely had some laughs in this one, but it was never inappropriate. Something about this episode that I really have always felt, it always feels like a new episode, like it always feels like it's one of our latest episodes, which sounds super, super stupid when I say it out loud, but it just feels like we're going in a different direction with it and it feels like we're kind of experimenting with it, but in a very, very good way in a very, very refreshing way. I think it was a very refreshing episode. For sure. And I think it's good. We were able to be a lot more vulnerable. We were able to really just stick to being educational. And I think a lot of the stuff we said, it's not, obviously it's no replacement for therapy or anything like that, but it all. This is a safe space for our viewers or anything like it's, we're never going to be like, crass or like abrasive with any kind of mental health issues because we deal with them a lot ourselves. Yes. Yeah, no. I never actually get my ranking for this. I think though, all things considered, I think this was a very great episode to kick off after the first one. I think it really touched a lot on our educational aspect, especially looking out for the viewer. It was a very important topic. So I will get our general charm in there and I'll see, you know, I think, not I think, but I know our side bits afterwards are little segments were great as well. Yeah. I put this one at a very solid B as well. Yes. Yeah, I completely agree. I'm going to put this one at a very, very solid B. Almost a light A. But almost a light A, yeah. Keep it in B. But this is, I think unfortunately, this is actually one of our worst performing episodes. So if you haven't watched that episode yet or you haven't listened to it, please do. Yeah, please do. It's a very good one. It's definitely worth a listen. It's not just like we say all of the things that you should say, but like it's not some generic episode where it's just like, oh, call 988. It has a lot of substance to it. Yeah, I mean, if you want to get to know us better, which is one of the goals of this episode, is just to kind of dive into our own experiences and character and kind of where we're at today and where we have it in the past, listen to this episode. I mean, it's had a great message and we got to do exactly what we wanted in this episode. And it was a fun one. It was memorable. We did exactly what we were setting out to accomplish. I would also put this at a very solid B. I actually really appreciate you saying that. Like, it does get to know us, you know, obviously. So first, sixth, first. It's a B episode, but anyways, like, that's a great point, but like, you know, and some of you mentioned it early, I think it was Gabe, we're very vulnerable. I think it just makes you realize that like we're human. Like we go through shit every day. Yeah, yeah. Even the famous, the famous for the rich. Filthy, filthy, rich, famous. Top of the world, our wack crew. We put our pant legs on one leg at a time too, so. I mean, they're just golden. They're gold? Yeah, they're gold. I mean, I actually just got platinum, but you know, yeah. I got diamond crusty toenails. Diamond crusty toenails. (laughing) Diamond crusted? Diamond crusted, not ain't crusted, not ain't crusted. That shit crusted, that shit is crusted. Bro, ain't washing that shit off. I mean, if it's diamonds, I wouldn't wash it off. That's what I'm saying. Anyways, I think that brings us to our third episode. Yeah, this is one that I hosted. This was The Nashville Nest. Wow, what an episode. Very similar concept to what's going on right now. Yeah, I was extremely inebriated. Every time I listen back, you can just tell exactly when Gunnar gets way too drunk, where he's just like, "Guys, we got a stop button." Gunnar was nonverbal for most-- Yes, yeah, he was good at the first 10, so minutes, and then speaking of nonverbal, me, I was at a bar last night, and that last night, I had close to 14 drinks. Oh my gosh. Anyways, went nonverbal in the bar, but kept drinking. Anyways, several people reported to my girlfriend. They had just met me, a lot of my girlfriend's friends, and several people were like, "He's nonverbal." And my girlfriend, even today, was like, "You were nonverbal last night." And I was like, "Yeah." You're going to have to get used to that when it comes to Gunnar. Yeah, especially when I'm inebriated. But anyways, a little side note. Yeah, I'm going to do this a couple of times tonight, but this episode, specifically, I do not remember recording this episode. I have very faint memories. I remember the pain that I came with it. I remember, obviously, the time to poop alarm. I was up to poop alarm. It was one of my favorite ROI openings ever, 'cause we did not plan that long. No, literally, it just all lined up perfectly. Me setting the-- It was Ben, I think. Somebody here sent the alarm, like mid-day. We all come back, we all forget about it. We're all like, just record, and then boom. Yeah. Could not have it in your lifetime. Perfect. Well, I think this goes to show how inebriated I was. I don't even remember that. Damn, that was literally what we started recording to. Wow. But then I almost, back to the pain part, remember I lost an odds where I had to do a lemon juice shot, and at shit burns. Yeah, it literally like, oh my God, that was bad. I think you got off easy. You didn't have to do Gangnam Style on camera. That was about to mention Gangnam Style again. Dude-- Oh my gosh. All you had is emotional pain, bro. I had like, my crone start flaring up again. Oh my God. But yeah, I think though, it was a fun episode, regardless. It was a nothing episode, however. And you could, I remember becoming, I start not remembering stuff after like the first 30 minutes, because that's when the delta eight edible, which is legal, I took really hit in, and I was starting to become nonverbal at that point. It was a very fun and funny episode. Of course, we thought it was funnier at the moment than it ended up being. But I think it still holds up very well. We were goofing and gaff. And all of our in-person episodes, it's just so fun. It's always so fun. Like this one right here? Yeah, because it's just like our chemistry is so much better in person, and I think I've said that on the podcast a few times, we're just so much funnier in person. And unfortunately, with this one, we were still doing our old recording style, which was just sitting around. Around a table, we didn't have a good camera. It was Ben's laptop camera. It was like 10 feet away from us. It was at a weird angle, weird lighting. We're all just like hunching over this microphone in the middle of the table. We're all inebriated. And I had the freakin' sandy cheeks, Texas-sized background. I showed it to the camera at one point. I understand the pain now. I 100% understand the pain. If you know what I'm talking about, if you watched the last mini twist that we did. Yes. But what was this episode? What would you guys race? I would put this at least a C, but like a low C. C, I always am unfair to the in-person episodes and that I always just remember them so fondly. And I love re-listening to 'em. 'Cause it just kind of takes me back to when we were in Nashville. I have to give this one an A. Not because of the quality, but just because of the memories. I was actually gonna say the same thing. I'm kind of in the same boat as Gabe. That was, if I had to go back and look at the most fun episodes to record, I know it's probably different when listening to it, but gosh, that one was so fun. And I remember just laughing so hard during that episode. I think it was a little educational too in its own ways. Yeah, we did like weird news and we did all, Gunner actually did a wine fact. Oh yeah, yeah, he did talk about bourbon and the difference between bourbon and whiskey and what makes bourbon bourbon. Yeah, I would give it an A for sure. Yeah, A for me as well. What about you Gunner? Why not? Then I don't remember it. It feels really unfair for me to actually give this one a rating, so I'm leaving it to you. So then it's two A's against a low C. That'd end up to like B. When high B, yeah. High B. So our third B in a row. Yeah, one great, great job when I talked about consistency here, people. I just, I had so many good memories. It's gotta be an A for me. I mean, it is very fun to listen back to. Don't say that, don't like, take us. I mean, yeah, it's like, but I'm trying to rate these on like a viewer perspective where it's like, I was not what these motherfuckers. This was, I mean, like, but still, I think that the chemistry, and of course that's just the fucking purple word, like the buzzword I keep using, but like, you can kind of catch the feeling of the room from listening. Fair enough. It's like the classic, like, have you guys ever seen that picture of like, the meme where it's like, what it feels like to listen to a podcast? And it's like a picture of three people and then a real life person just like sitting next to him and like laughing along with them. Have you, nevermind. And most white ass, I'm gonna put that picture in 'cause I'm not fucking crazy. I'm gonna put that in. - This is, this is like one of those like, it was supposed to be like a wholesome podcast account on Instagram or some shit like that. - Huh? - Wait. - What do you mean? - I don't know what Dylan was talking about, but my question is, you said like three podcasters in one real person. What does that even mean? - Okay, okay, okay. - You call this not real? - I'm gonna cut this out. So cut here. I'm gonna show you this. - Ah, fucking shit, we're actually figuring out those two. - Yeah. - Hey, hey, hey, hey. (laughing) - We are not cutting this out. - I'm cutting this out. - If I didn't already, if I didn't cut, then we're back in. - God. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughing) - Okay. - All right, Dylan's cracking out the goldfish in the milk. - Guys. - Don't, don't do that so. Look, look, it's on the freaking audacity. - I need a snack. (laughing) - You fucking held it at the same rate next to the microphone. (laughing) - All right, okay, let's move on to season three, episode four, which was Dylan's. - Another one of mine, yeah, let me figure what it was. - This was-- - Oh yeah, the history of one of my favorite episodes I've ever hosted, 'cause this season I really wanted to make it a goal, where I started doing episodes, hosted relatively boring stuff to a normal viewer, but for me, it's super interesting. - So what I did is I just really wanted to show the guys, this music genre or whatever, and of old Roblox music. And I just, man, these are these goldfish shirts. Sam, I can't keep doing this bit. I was doing a bit where I kept getting more zesty eating the rainbow gold, and nobody was paying attention. - Nobody knew you were doing a bit. - Okay. - Anyway, the old Roblox music episode, I showed the guys audio, like old music clips and files from my time, and talked about the importance of them, and what impact they had on the community and whatnot. You didn't tell it, prompting people to join the platform. You know, I think you guys like the music. I know Gabe got very emotional listening to one of the songs. Wait, wait, wait. Okay. - What? - Cool. - Yes, I did. - I was able to celebrate. - Bitch, you're gonna say, you're gonna say, you're gonna have to forget the pain. - I was able to somehow make myself cry on demand for like the first time ever in my life during this episode. - Wow. - Couldn't have been a better time. - I have never been able to do that before, but it worked, I don't know how. - Did we talk about chocolate rain in this episode? - A little bit. - Okay, so I do want to bring up chocolate rain because our previous episode was Nashville, right? - Ben is okay if I talk about this. - Oh, absolutely. - Okay, so it was our last night in Nashville and Ben drinks too much, drank way, way too much. Anyways, and he was vomiting like nonstop for about 12 hours. - It was about the first time that I went that far. - Yeah, it was bad. Anyways, well, he's on a little bit of a hiatus from vomiting. - No, he vomited like two weeks ago. - No, no, no, no, I mean it for the day, for the day. - Oh, the day, my back. - Thanks for outing me. - No, he vomited today, he vomited. - Dude vomited right before the show. - You were literally vomiting in like this right here. - Oh my gosh, no, no, no. Okay, anyways, he hadn't been vomiting for a little while that day and he goes, this was the morning we're heading back. - This is the morning we're heading back. We had just left the car museum, what's it called? - Lane Motor Museum. - Lane Motor Museum, anyways, he vomited there. - Yeah, it's a lot, I felt so bad. - We're about an hour and a half into the car ride, hasn't vomited yet and somebody put chocolate rain onto the playlist and it starts playing and everybody else is completely fine. - We're all fine. - Yeah, I was sleeping in the back of the car. - And we're just cracking up to it. Anyway, well, no, no, we're just vibing. I don't think we were making it. - I was like, singing it to my, I was like, "Cook it, really?" Like, I was, how was it enjoying the fucking... - Anyways, I'm focusing on driving and then Ben goes, "Please, please change it, please." And then I change it. - And then he starts vomiting. - And then he starts vomiting. - He's in the passenger seat, he grudges. (laughing) - And then like, where I wake up and I hear Ben vomiting. - And then he finishes and I was like, "Ben, what happened?" He goes, "Say a binge." - Ugly rain. (laughing) - I just remember waking up and hearing that, I'm like, I started laughing my ass off 'cause I was like, "There's no way that stupid son "I added got you sick." - We ended up... - It was you. You did it. That's what I was saying. - We ended up stopping off at a gas station and like getting toilet paper or paper towels. - Yeah, paper towels. - I was like rinsing my mouth and spitting into the trash can and one of like families who were traveling. (laughing) - I don't know why I'm like, "Gurgling rain." - I don't know why. - The second that song started playing, it just, something went wrong. - Oh my god. - I started to feel good. - You hate Taze On Day, you hate Taze On Day so much. - Well, I ever meet Taze On Day, I'm just gonna tell him that. - Please do, he'd probably find it funny. - I will say for the sake of that memory and just how good that episode was and like just the timing of it all. Like, I still think about the Roblox episode. - Mm-hmm. - Easily an S-tier episode for me. - Damn, wow, I'll let you guys have an opinion on that next before I give it one. - So, is there one lower than F, now I'm kidding. (laughing) - Stop! - I need to restart the camera. So this episode, I would give, I think, I do love this episode, but I think I would stick with a low A with it. - Okay, then. Focus. - Focus. - This is a really good episode. Especially 'cause I used to play Roblox like from a younger age. - Fly, fly, fly. - We don't need a sob story. - It looks like Ben's holding the mic like this. (laughing) - I really like this episode, guys. - This is a really good episode. - Okay, for real though, I definitely enjoy this episode a lot 'cause I definitely grew up playing Roblox and some of these songs and music just like, what? - What are you doing? - What are you laughing about? - I definitely grew up playing Roblox a lot. I don't-- (laughing) - It sounded like a fourth grader writing a paper. - I definitely like, I don't know if I play Roblox. (laughing) - Games over here going, the fourth grader writing his paper before 20, 3, 59. (laughing) - If you listen to our last episode, it's not nothing, nevermind. - Can I content-- - Please. (laughing) - Ben just dropped his paper. - I'm also trying to-- - Well, look at that. (laughing) (laughing) - I'm so nasty, that was-- - Ben has a gummy Krabby Patty in his bur-- burberry poke. - Okay. - Oh my God, I fucking hate you guys. - So I grew up-- - Whoa! - I'm sorry. - Whoa! - Sorry, I'm sorry. - Whoa. - Sorry. - Too far. - Take it back. - Okay, let's-- - I'm sorry. - Let's take it back. - Okay, let's take a long break. Maybe we can start recording again tomorrow. (upbeat music) - Okay, so it's the next day. - Yeah. - Yeah, we took a break. (laughing) - I'm ready to get into the next episode. - Okay, yeah. - We didn't finish ranking it. - No, we didn't finish. - Guys, guys, I am too hungover today. Can we do tomorrow? - Okay, yeah. - Okay, all right. (upbeat music) - All right, it's tomorrow. - Yeah, so welcome back to reality with a twist. - I have one, a dentist appointment. - Oh, okay. - I guess we'll have to reschedule tomorrow. - One more day. (upbeat music) - And we're back. - We're back. We're back with reality with a twist. - How was that dentist appointment, Ben? - That was good. I had nine cavities. - Oh, my God. - Oh, wow. - I bet you're gonna have a follow-up appointment for that. (laughing) - What is the follow-up appointment, Scott? - Oh, it's actually today. - Okay, let's do it tomorrow. (upbeat music) - Welcome back. - Welcome back, guys. - How was the feeling of the cavities? - I kissed Ben a lot, and now I have cavity. - Oh, count on. (laughing) - Okay, just one more day. - More day, no more. - Everybody, okay, let's do tomorrow. - Okay, welcome back, finally. - So I grew up playing a lot of Roblox. (laughing) - I, yeah. - This is the rank. Just give us a rank. - Just give us a rank as A. - Yeah. - Hi, I'm Lai. - Ben, I'm gonna also, I appreciate Gunnar for saying S. I appreciate Gabe and Ben for saying A. - Of course. - I think though, I'm gonna say humble to myself, and I'm going to just say A for this one. - All right, so it's an A-tier episode. - It's an A-tier episode. - Yeah, awesome. - Yes. - Did you go on? It's a Ben episode, and it's, Ben's my clown. - Very unfair episode. - Oh, no, this was, this is the justice system, and we all know there are no problems with the United States criminal justice. - Zero, it's perfect. - It's perfect. - One time I got accused of murder. - Oh, did you make it? Did you beat the allegations? - Yeah, you were. No. (laughing) - And he did it, he did it. I was there, I was an accessory. - Wizards, when they're beating the Dark Magic allegations? - Yes! (laughing) - What? - It's a meme. He sent me on Instagram, it looks four days ago. (laughing) - Oh, our podcast listeners will love this one. (laughing) - Okay, so Ben's mock trial, basically what I did was I kind of took everybody through the steps of what a jury trial looks like in a criminal case. The, we kind of did a little role play. I did the defense versus the prosecution, and we had Gabe as the lawyer representing Dylan. - Yes. - And Gunner was the prosecutor of Dylan in this case, who was being charged with, there were several charges, basically-- - All revolving around a school speed zone. - Limit whatever. - Yeah, Dylan basically was beating-- - Allegedly? - Allegedly. - Yeah, it was a legend. - No, you lost, you lost the case. - Hey, yeah, you wanna know the evidence, you wanna know the defense I had to like, you know, defend myself from that. The accusation, nothing. They said I quote unquote did it, and there was nothing I could have done about it. - Yeah, we'll get into that in a second, but yeah, continue. - Yeah, basically, I just, I wanted to like, help everybody kind of understand, and even myself, because this helped me kind of learn the different steps during a criminal case, like in the court. So basically, I gave Gunner a massive list of evidence against Dylan during his crime, like pretty hard evidence, even video evidence. - I'll say. - I'll say, right? And then I just messaged to game in Dylan on Discord, or whatever it was, and said you have no evidence, he did it. - So I had to fabricate some wild fucking tale of what happened, and I was like, okay, what could this possibly be? So I went with insurance fraud, which is, I think about the best-- - It was actually working. - Yeah, it was the best defense I could have come up with in that scenario, given all the evidence. - Gabe did pretty good as the defense, and it was, Dylan brought in like a, what was it, who was your-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it was not Dylan. Gunner brought in a school bus repairman that was just himself, and I was like, oh, so we're playing dirty now. - Just hit himself with a hat? - Yes, so then Dylan ended up bringing in his, like best friend-- - Damien. - Damien. - Damien. - Oh yeah, Damien. - Damien also happened to be just Dylan with a mustache. - I know, it's a very different person. - But it got really cookey from then on this. Okay, I don't want to interrupt you. This is probably one of my favorite episodes of this season. - Agreed. - This is such a fun one to listen back to. It is so just, like we were just bouncing off of each other, and it was just such a good time through and through, and such a so fun to relive through, like listening to it. This is an absolute ass for me. - 100, I like, it gave really hit it all there. I fucking enjoyed just being a lawyer. That was a bad lawyer. I was a very corrupt lawyer. - I said, I would save the lawyer. - It was so frickin' fun. I had a great time, so it was best here indeed. And like, it was, like, it was educational, but in a very unique way. - It is exactly what we want the podcast to be. It's educating in a super fun way, and we were able to be so creative with what we did, and it was just, it was such a goofy time. - Estier all the way around. - I remember when I was originally, like, when we originally recorded this episode, I think I gave it a lot lower tier, but, you know, thinking back on relistening to it, I think I'd have to agree with you too, and say estier as well for that episode. - Wow, well, thank you, boys. I remember having a lot. - It wasn't you that did it. It was us. - Yup. - We kind of carried your little stupid topic. - You know how we said Gabe and I were lawyers? Did I say Ben was a lawyer? - Ben the judge, okay. - You're all guilty, you're all guilty! Joe! (laughing) - No, Jeremy was the judge. - Oh, no, Jeremy was the jury. - The jury, yeah. - No, he was the judge and jury. - No, I was judge. - Jeremy was in this one. Jeremy's not joining us today, but... - Moving on to episode six. - Wait, did we, did we write this? - S-S-S-S-S? (laughing) - What does it matter? - Okay, okay. - Let him cook, let him cook. - Why do you give it? - S-plus. (laughing) - S-plus. - Okay, so the next episode was Jeremy's episode. It was season three, episode six, burger review. Of course, like Jeremy's not here too. Describe this episode. This was a super, super fun one. This was basically, it was a long running joke where Jeremy tried to come up with a super quick, like segment when we first started on the podcast. We were like, "Oh, think of a segment." And he didn't think of one in time, so he was just like, "Oh, burger review." And it was just a running joke, and he decided to turn it into an episode. Super, super vanilla classic R-Wat episode, a quiz, a game, a lot of banter. It was a lot of fun. I wish Jeremy hosted more episodes this season, but this was one of the last ones, if not the last one that he hosted. And it was a great episode. It was a very just classic R-Wat, so I have to give it a B. I'm not, no, a A, I don't know why I said B. I thought A and said B, A. - Hey, Ben. Ben, yeah, what the, what did you say? Boop on the podcast. - No! - No, stop, no, stop. - Two, no, stop. - Oh my God. - Okay, good. - Two, I hope it does, three, two, one, one. - No! Boop! (screaming) Okay, okay, too much, okay, tomorrow, tomorrow, okay. - All right, we'll record tomorrow, guys. - Okay. - Welcome back to-- - We're not doing this bit again. (laughing) - Okay, this was a funny episode. - I need, can we take a little alcohol break? - No, we can actually, I want to make myself another drink. - Oh, guys, you can get worse. We have like two more, we got like so many words. - It'll be super quick. - I'm enjoying this setup a lot more than our previous ones. - Yes, yes, this is very fun. - Yeah, guys, who are we? Like, well, can we do an alcohol break, please? Please, please, please. - One drink, please. - Please. - All right, boys. - I'm begging you. - So, with season three episode six burger review, I give it A, who, A, I give it a low A. - I'll give it an A, too. I had a lot of fun with this. I liked being able to, you can see-- - I'm still salty about the two cheeseburger meal. - No, yeah, 'cause, no, I listened to this episode very recently, and I was like, no, that really does not make any sense. Jeremy's question just like, didn't make sense, 'cause Dylan should have gotten it right. That is a menu item, and it's like, it's not a secret menu item, it is not, it's number seven. So, I still do not get that. - I'm giving it a beef burger. - All right, really big Carl still resonates with me? - Oh, really? - And when I went to California, over winter-- - Really big. - And it's all like, Carl's junior? - Yeah. - I could not stop thinking about, like, the first thing that came to my mind was really big Carl. - How big is that Carl really big? (laughing) Bro's dying! It was too big! So like, you call over one! - Oh my gosh, that was funny. - They didn't come at all. You were dying, and they didn't do a single fucking-- - Reality with the Twisters, get it right. - Come on. - Do you think the Twisters, sorry? - No! - Reality with the Sisters. (laughing) Reality with the Sisters. - That's what I-- (laughing) - I'll pop it, pop it! (laughing) (laughing) - Okay. - Oh my gosh. - Is this getting a-- - Aye. - Aye. - Yeah, it's aye. - It's fine. We're moving on to season three, episode seven. - Episode seven, "Marketing the Hoosier Heimlich." This was, I just listened to this one today, actually. And had such high hopes for this, we recently had a trend of kind of doing episodes that related to our majors. Case in point with Ben's judicial, kind of episode. And I wanted, I was like, okay, let me do something surrounding marketing. So I wanted to do marketing to Hoosier Heimlich. The marketing process that I came up with myself, a five step process. It didn't go nearly as well as I wanted it to. It dragged on way too long. It was a very fun episode, but it just, I feel like you guys weren't like super into it, so it just didn't go super well. So this one I'd honestly give a low C or a high D to. I still think it's absolutely worth a listen, but it's just definitely not one of my best episodes. - Yeah, I remember, you know, obviously, I think it was, any episodes fun to record and whatnot, but I think about me as being a part of the episode. Like, I feel like that's the amount of stuff that I would have learned. I already kind of knew that knowledge of. So like, can you guys stop? - Benus, don't say that, that's really bad. - It's getting a C for me. - C, okay. - Ben is laughing right now. - He's laughing about something. - Ben is extraordinarily drunk. - We're talking about, we're talking about reality with twist, and he's laughing. - I asked for a sip from Gabe's drink, and he handed it to me, and then just took it back. - Yeah, because you just kept holding it steady. They'll see, they'll see, for like 30 seconds straight. I was like, okay, you guys, I'm not, he's not gonna take a sip. - Yeah, so that's what we've done. Hi, D for me, low C from Dylan. What about you guys? - A C, that one, I would say that's a solid B or low A. That one, I know it was a little like, it was a little odd, like, we had some, I don't know, there was some awkward moments in it, I feel like, with trying to like record it, and I don't think that we were all the best prepared for it. - Yeah, fair enough. - It didn't go the best way that Gabe was planning for it. - Yeah, and I don't, I can't blame you guys, but like, yeah, it was like, we kind of really kind of leaned into the goofy side of it, and it was just like, well, I don't know, it just, there wasn't a lot of learning. Like, the five step process, I just re-listen to it today, everything is still valid, like everything's good, but like, it didn't go as well as I wanted to do it. - Yeah, this is one of those episodes where like, the host plans it a certain way, and then like, everybody else just takes it a totally different way, and the host just has to cope, but with the way that it turned out, and how much fun I had with it, I would, I don't know, I'd give this one like, maybe a low A. - Hell yeah, fist pump, thank you. - Yeah. - But that was not a fist. - That roughly ends up too. - Thank you. - He always picking his nose. - He's absolutely, he's absolutely picking his nose, that was not fake. He's not gonna eat it, right? There's no way he's gonna eat it. - No, no. - Okay, you know what? - You guys turn the podcast off. - Guys, you know, I'm done with the podcast. - No, no, he's on the microphone, he's eating the microphone. Dylan, what do you have to say? - Yeah, no, I think I still stick to that episode B to C, might be me. - Okay. - So we're giving this episode what, a C or a B? - A, C, C. - I said high D or low C, I don't remember. - Okay, a C. - Okay, it's a C then. - Alrighty, that's season three, episode seven gets a C. Let's move on to season three mini twist one. And this was your episode mostly, Dylan. - We talked about my time at RDC 2023. - What a Republican dick convention. - Yes, yes, totally, that's what we meant. - No, they compare sizes. - The Roblox developer conference. - Mike Pance wins the competition. - The largest is the point one. - What about Greg Abbott? - 3.2 inches. - Yup. - Yeah, very welcome. - Great, immediately it is not bigger in Texas. - Yeah, so what a thought. But anyway, in that episode I talked about my, the alleged incident that allegedly happened at RDC with somebody who allegedly was trying to do something there while I was there. And I told a bunch of other crazy stories about like everything that happened. Yeah, yeah, Scutter? - I allegedly took off my pants. - Yes, when he listened to it, I was there. He could not resist. - Like, could not, pants off, pants off. - It got so crazy that we actually had to cut out parts of it with the stories that Dylan ended up telling. Like, we couldn't leave it in just because of the NBA. - Right. - It was crazy, it was a crazy episode. A lot of crazy stuff happened. And it was thoroughly very, very entertaining. - But still, I think though, it was the first week twist of the season. I think it was definitely a lot of like realistically shooting the shit. I think realist, I keep seeing realistically. I think I'm going to give it a C, all things considered. - Fair. - 'Cause I like a lot of other mini twists that we did later on a lot better than I did that one. - I, Solid B, had a lot of fun recording this one. It was really nice to talk to Dylan. I love talking to Dylan one on one. And it was just such a crazy episode. We got into a lot of, just a lot of shooting the shit. And it was just great hearing the stories. And the RDC seems like such a fun event to go to. So much drama for no reason. For no, the Roblox developer conference, it should not have this much drama, but it did. And it was very fun to hear about. - I'm going to have to give it an A, Dylan storytelling phenomenal. - He actually is very good at storytelling. - So yeah, just, it was great for a mini twist. A tier episode, thank you. - It sounds like it was a very good episode. I don't believe, I actually ended up listening to this one, which I'm getting kissed to make it up. - Dylan's mad, oh, he's happy. (all laughing) - Oh, he's mad, oh, he's happy. - I do try to listen to the mini twist whenever I can. But I think this one, I just said I was going to listen to it later and then I just forgot. I mean, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I don't think I ended up listening to it. So I'm just not going to vote for this one. - Yes, okay, fair enough. - So we have a C, a B in it, nay. - Yeah, that will probably be-- - That's B. - A, B, C. - Another B, a solid B. - What comes after? ♪ What sound does the letter make ♪ ♪ Letter make ♪ ♪ What sound does the letter make ♪ ♪ Put it all together ♪ ♪ Now you're heard ♪ ♪ Sound it all out ♪ ♪ Now you're reading words ♪ ♪ Eight goes ♪ ♪ I see ♪ ♪ Somehow the world will change ♪ ♪ The B and B so won't be full ♪ ♪ The Apple ♪ ♪ The B goes ♪ ♪ The B and the B for people ♪ ♪ I know somehow we're going to get there ♪ - I was perceived to sing all over the Flautics song by Gracie's Corner and the I Curly theme song at the same time. They do the entire song. ♪ What sound does the letter make ♪ ♪ Put it all together ♪ - Season three, episode eight. - It is zero, 29. - The iPhone 15 in creating an animal army. This was our seasonal, one seasonal nothing episode. This was such a fun one to record. It was goofy. The title does not give it justice. This is one of the worst titles I've ever fucking come up with. But this was actually a very, very good episode. We had a lot of good discussions. We talked about time traveling vans and rings that you put on to let you read books just by touching them and like a bunch of wood you rather. It was just such a fun episode to record and it was a lot of just banter, which is some of my favorite. I know that we're an educational comedy podcast but I really love when we get super like banter-y and we just kind of get at each other's throats in like a very fun way. So this one, I really do love this one. I listened to this one recently as well. Solid, solid A for me. - Wow, I was, I don't know, looking back on this episode, I don't remember a whole lot from it, but I remember, I actually remember being a little disappointed with how this episode turned out. - Really? - Yeah, I just, I don't know. I felt like I was hoping for it to go one direction and it might not have gone that exact direction. I know we had a lot of fun with the discussion but there are some days when we record an episode like of mine and I just kind of look at it and I'm like, man, that could have been a lot better or whatever so. - Fair. - I don't know. For that one, I honestly would rate that as a C. - Really? - Kind of a big difference there, but. - I can see. - The road is burping to the microphone. - No, I went. - Oh. (laughing) - Is that any better? (laughing) - So we're speaking. - I'm sorry, go ahead, go ahead, Dylan. - Damn! Anyway, are you getting mad at me for speaking? (laughing) - You guys are being rude. I'm putting in the podcast. - I'm good, bye, bye. - Bye, Dylan. - Bye, bye. (laughing) - I think, I remember saying this the last time we tried to record this at like Finale. I have very little memories of this episode. I don't know why I cannot remember it. Even after like trying to listen to it back, like I couldn't really follow along. That's more on me, but I'd say realistically, like from what I did gather when we did record it, it was a more fun nothing episode. So I think I'd probably have to put it more at B if I'm being honest. - That's fair. - Mr. Johnson? - I don't really remember this episode too much. - Yeah, I don't think you were on this one. - Well, that would explain it. (laughing) So in that case, I will sit out from voting. - So you have an A, B and C again, right? - Okay. - Yeah, so if you have a B. - B, B, yeah, there you go. Next one is season three, mini twist two. I'm already doing our second mini twist. TikTok is Team Girl and Reels is Team Boy. This is such a fun episode to listen to because halfway through Dylan accidentally joins and then next days, it is such a funny episode. This is the unfortunate last one that Jeremy has appeared in so far. I guess we really don't know if he's getting appeared in many more. He's very busy with school. But great episode, really nice talking to Jeremy. We had a lot of hot takes in this one and the super fun episode to record and when Dylan joined, it just got all the better. So say a very, very high B. I would give it an A, but I'm just getting a stick with very, very high B. - Good. Obviously even, I would say like my appearance, like obviously I wasn't meant to join. I, well, I saw them in the VC and I was trying to click on a tech channel and what I thought was a tech channel was actually the voice channel and it just plopped me right in there. So I was like, you know what, screw it. I'll give it a go. I enjoyed my time like, you know, recording it, doing my hot takes about things, talking about whatever. I would say for a mini twist though, I would probably still put it at sea. - Okay. - Once again, I still feel like there's some more strong competitors for a mini twist coming down the line. I wanna save my higher ratings for those. - Very fair. I remember listening to this one and it was definitely a fun one for sure. And it was, it's one of those things that like, it's a thought that you've always thought but it never gets talked about. And it's like, I think it was a great idea for the hosts to bring this up of like, this is something that's happening and we all know it, but it just hasn't actually been discussed. So I think it was, it was a fun thought to think about and just kind of get into and then like kind of the weirdness of Dylan just randomly joining and then staying. That was really funny as well. So I'll give this one a B. - Thank you. - Johnson. - He's thinking. Guys, I think he's gonna say something. - Don't pressure him. - Okay. - Right, right, right. Sorry. - Go. - You scared him off. - I'm sorry. - He's not gonna say anything now. - He was gonna say triple S. But yeah, so triple S. But let's not count it because I pressured him. So. - He's probably not gonna come back and say anything else. - He's not gonna. - He's probably, oh my. - Oh. - Okay. - Look what you did. - I'm sorry. - So we have a B. - Don't tell me you have a B C day again. - I think we have a B C. - Oh my gosh. Okay, B. - A B episode. - A B. Okay, next one is our introduction to spooky with a twist. This is our first ever spooky with a themed portion of our season. - Yes, first ever spooky with a twist on the history of the podcast. We've been around for almost two years now and this is our first ever spooky with a twist. I loved these episodes so much. This is nose frotting more like racist frotting. - You'd like to. - Anyways, yeah, this was our episode about Nosferatu or Nosferatu. I don't really know how you see it. - Nosferatu, I think. - Okay, anyway. - It's Nosferatu. - Oh, boom. - It's no. - Actually, it's neither. It's penis frotting. - Oh. - No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - It's racist frotting. - Oh. - I mean, it was definitely anti-Semitic frotting. - It was extremely anti-Semitic because the way they portrayed Kao Orlock. - Yeah, I keep forgetting that Nosferatu was not his name. - Which we discussed that the person who wrote the story was gay, so like another targeted individual by the German Third Reich. - Exactly. - So it's kind of crazy to think that he had room to be anti-Semitic when he was kind of on the same level, according to the Third Reich. It's ridiculous, it's kind of a cool thing. - It was, the history of the movie is crazy political. - Yes. - For absolutely no reason. It's just an adaptation of Dracula. But anyways, for, in terms of quality though, this was one of my rougher episodes. I was going through a really busy time in farm school. Last semester was just insane and I did not have the ability to put a lot of time and attention into the podcast and that really showed on this episode. - See, okay, I get what you're saying and I would have agreed with you. But the last time I listened to this one, it's short but sweet. I think it doesn't keep itself too long. We don't like dwell on it too long. We talk about the episode or we talk about the movie and we kind of do some jokes, do some bits. We get the main gist of it and then we move on. I think it is a bit quicker than our normal episodes but I don't think that's necessarily bad because this is kind of a short topic to talk about. There's not a lot to this movie. It's very entertaining and it's a very entertaining concept but we kind of explored all of it. So I think it went very well. - Yeah. - No, I think I - I agree. - Who invited you? - I take initiative. - Anyway, I still, I think for the Rush, more than Rush Nature. - I'm not holding the mic to my face. I think for the more Rush Nature of the episode, I still had a lot of fun like learning about the Nosferatu movie and Count Orlach and realizing I probably shouldn't quote that episode of SpongeBob as much 'cause of the tones of that character. So I think I really enjoyed it. I think it was a good way to kick off so give you the twist, I'm gonna put it at A. - Fair. I think, quick aside, I think a lot of old SpongeBob is kind of unfortunately kind of not aging soup so well. - Really? - I thought it aged pretty well. - A lot of the ages well, but do you remember the episode where SpongeBob pretends to be dumb for Patrick's parents? - Oh yeah. - There's a lot of like, there's a lot of like, he like puts on a helmet to act stupid and it's just like, I don't know. I don't think it ages super well. I think it's kind of insensitive, but I don't know. That's just, that's just what Gabriel thinks. And Gabriel's, he's a kooky one so, that's a quick aside but I think this episode, short and sweet, good introduction to the spooky with a twist. We do our haunted news, our first ever haunted news which went super well. Nosferatu was super fun topic to talk about. I'd give it an A as well. - Yeah, this was a really fun one. Ever since that episode with, oh, what's his name? The hash-linging slasher. Ever since that episode of SpongeBob, who's flickering the lights? That has always made me a large fan of Nosferatu or Nosferatu as many say. You know, it was a fun episode. It was a very, very fun episode, especially because it was a spooky with a twist. And I'm also gonna take this opportunity to shout out De Pome. - Yeah, so I was about to say that. - Yeah, it's like, yeah. - Our, our, our, our WAT theme creator, he created both the theme for the original R-WAT and as well as the spooky with the twist theme. And I wouldn't be surprised if there are other R-WAT themes to come from him, so please go check him out. And no, it was, it was a-- - Man was so great, he did not want to be paid for our spooky with a twist theme. - Yeah, we have not paid him. I thought you did. I did what you like 15 bucks to pay him, I thought. - Oh, oh. - I thought you paid him 30 bucks for it. I thought that was gonna be a great-- - That was the plan. I will show you the text of his pocket like $30. - I will give it back to you, I forgot. - De Pome, we owe you $30. You're getting $30. - Yes, yes, that was a great, great song. - I've been trying to Venmo him money, but he will not give me his Venmo. Like I've been-- - De Pome, I can't, Ven, you're his Venmo. - I mean, at this point, I'm gonna have to mail him money. - Literally, literally. - Because he will make me your address. And you're supposed to carry your number. - Yeah, and your credit card. - And the three funny numbers on the back. - But-- - Don't forget the day I did my experiment. - And all reality with twist, though. He will not give me his Venmo, so he will not accept a payment, but I'm trying to pay him. So I'm glad you guys remembered reminded me of this because we need to pay him for that. But he's an awesome artist. He's making me music every once in a while, so please go check him out. - Yeah, super talented, great guy. - But anyways, for this episode, honestly, I had a lot of fun, and I'm gonna say I'm really between a high B and a low A, but just given the fact that it's the first spooky with the twist and we're still trying to get acquainted with it, I'll go ahead and just give it a B. - A, A, B, what did you say? C. - C. - Are we going-- - And B, no, it'd be a B. - I change my mind to A. - A. - A. - I change my mind to B. - All right, we'll say final A. - When my best bud walks into the club. - A. - A, best bud? Okay, so yeah, we're staying ahead for this one, let's see if we should-- - I love you, Gabe. - I love you too, Gunner. - Hey. - Let's go too. - Shut up. - Damn. You guys should solve friendship and, right there on camera. - I'm waking at him. - Yeah, we're winking. - I didn't see it, so it doesn't mean anything to me. - All right. - Anyways-- - I don't know if I'm kidding about that. Okay, werewolves. - Spooky with a twist. Spooky with the twist, season three, episode 11. Werewolves are-- No, no, no, no. - Wait, no. (laughing) Wait, this episode is not going to end. - Spooky with the twist, season three, episode 10. - What was worse? - What was worse? - You used to sound like, or used to look like. This is still in episode-- - Yes, so. Oh, yeah, it did stop recording. - What the penis game-- - Stop! - All right, next episode, Spooky with the twist, season three, episode 10. What Roblox horror game is used to look like, Dylan? - Yeah, obviously this was another episode playoff of the one I did prior, where I talked about old Roblox music, but instead of old Roblox music, I talked about niche horror from the late 2000s, so the early 2010s. This was an episode where I educated the fellas on old Roblox games, like how the horror genre was grown on the platform, stuff like that. And even got a little music bit segued into there as well. I was very happy with this video, I was very proud, or this video, this episode, damn. I was very proud of what I did. Dr. To my own horror, I'd probably give myself an A here. - Yeah, I think this was a very unique take on the Spooky with the twist, which is a very good thing. We're not just doing like ghosts and ghouls and that kind of thing. We do obviously hit on those with like the haunted news and everything, but this is a very unique take on it. And I think very unique in a very good way. I would also give this one an A. - Ben. - This episode screams A to me. It was a very fun. - Aye! - Game also screams A to you. - Genuinely scared me. - Great trip sitter. - I'm so glad. - Me and my homies were supposed to take care of me while I'm drunk. - Aye! - It was a really fun episode. Dylan very much got into his element on this one and it kind of educated us while keeping it very fun. This is an A for me, for sure. - Absolutely. - And then also wanted to clarify real quick that since Gunner was really part of any of the other Spooky with the twists, I believe you're going to stay neutral. - Yep, I'm gonna be staying quiet so he don't start any bits unintentionally. We gotta finish this up. - Yeah, we gotta get through this. - There's a whole A on this one. We issued it an A, very well deserved. A on this one, season three, episode 11. Werewolves are just spooky frees, if you'd like to do this one Ben. - Yeah, this episode was, I think this one was kind of not the best prepared, but basically we kind of just rated the different Halloween icons. So I believe what we did was what werewolves, mummies, ghosts, and vampires. - Why do we say that completely in sync? - Guys are like, we're still in love. - Why? - I mean, reality with it. (laughing) - Anyway, moving on. I got Team Vampire. - Yeah, I got Team Mummy. - I had Team Vamp, werewolf. - Ben, you did that during the episode as well, and Gunner, who is fittingly not here, he was not there for the episode. He had team ghosts, which he pre-recorded. Very funny bit. - I think he ended up winning, like in the community sentiment, like. - Maybe he did, I actually do not remember. - He knows Jordy McNeil, who said that. - Oh yeah, which I cannot wait to touch on her. That's. (laughing) - I'm coming past him out. I'm coming. I can't wait to talk about her, but I said. - He came out so well. - I'm so sorry, Jordy McNeil. Okay. - We all know what you actually meant. - Okay, yes. - You did not need any harm by that statement. - Yeah, totally shit, okay. Can't wait to talk about Jordy McNeil. - What are you doing? - All right, yeah, I can't wait to talk about Jordy McNeil, but yeah, she's the one that kind of ended up giving us the final say on this episode. Wonderful episode. I think we didn't like it at the time. At least I wasn't like a huge fan of it at the time, but upon re-listening, very fun episode, I always love our debate episodes. I do think this is, and this is kind of, I don't, this will sound bad, but I don't mean this in the bad way. I think this is the worst of our debate episodes, but our debate episodes are so wonderful that I can't hate them in any way. - I still give this one an A totally. - Yeah, I had a really fun time doing it. I got to talk a lot about the realism of vampires. I think I'd give this one an A. - I was actually gonna give this one, I don't know, I'll give it a B. It wasn't the worst episode. It was definitely pretty fun. We got to give our own shares and we had some banter on that one, so what does that put us at? - I think it puts it at a low B, if I'm not speaking. - What? We both gave it an A and he gave it a B. - Or a low A, I mean, and low A, in my apologies. - Low A on that one. Next to the final episode of Spooky with a Twist. - History's worst torture methods, I actually stole this idea from Ben. I was gonna do the Halifax explosion. That one just seemed too depressing, it was real people dying. It would have been fun to talk about, but I'm glad I went with History's worst torture method because that was a lot older. - I knew, we were able to separate ourselves from it more, and I actually really love this episode. I don't wanna pat myself in the back too hard, but I think this was one of our best episodes in this season. I think it was super fun to listen back to. And super fun, I think it was kind of the, what I wanted the Spooky with a Twist to be. So I'm obviously not gonna be giving an S, I would never give myself an S on anything, but I will give it an A, I really loved this episode. - I had a lot of fun learning about it. I did surprisingly well, and then I had the best, final answer, best comeback. - That was insane. - I hope instead of the whole entire podcast, I would also, you know, put it a day, thank you. - Yeah, I mean, who would know that a Spooky with a Twist would be so educational? And especially something about torture methods. I mean, you could take that so many different ways, but I think Gabe did a really good job of incorporating the history and the education to it. And I genuinely feel like I learned from it. Like, I feel like if somebody were to ask me about a certain torture method that was involved in this episode, I'd have a little bit of an edge now after participating in this reality with a Twist episode. - I add to this episode, that's for sure. I do really love this episode. I, yeah, definitely, what would you give it? - An A, are you an A? - An A, all right. - So it's an A on the board again. - An A, yes, this was our last week of the Twist. I, we didn't really touch on it much, but I loved our haunted news segments, that is. Again, I hate to pat myself on the back 'cause I was technically the host of those, but they did so well. It was such a funny, funny bit. We were so goofy with it, and-- - And so, Gabe is about to get his wish. We are going to start talking about season three, episode 13, 40, McNeil. - Yes, Jordy McNeil, this was our first ever and only ever so far guest episode. She was wonderful. It was Ben and I interviewing her and she was just the perfect person to start interviewing. And I don't know, it was just, it was a very fun episode. We just kind of shot the shit, which is kind of weird to talk about in past tense, but we just kind of shoot the shit the entire episode, talk about our old YouTube channels, talk about different things. We go into a little bit of an educational section with the weird animal facts and weird animal abilities, but it was just kind of a great way to introduce a guest, and I really do love this episode, but I don't think it was any of us that made me love it. I think she was just so great on it. - Yeah, I mean, it was really unique and fun to have a guest star on reality with the twist. Like it was our first ever one, and it was a very good one to have. So she really just, I think, connected with us well. And I mean, I don't know, she just fit right in on the podcast. I mean, I have no complaints. I think it was very fun. She did an awesome job, and I'd give it an A. - Yeah, but I would like to say real quick, this is where our lack of odds start. Neither of any, nobody in this episode did the odds we were supposed to. You did not watch the Bratz movie. - No, I did not. - And returned. I don't think she is done. She might have at this point, I don't really know, but so far as of recording this, I don't think she's done the wearing the short odds, but I don't blame her. - That is fair. - Yeah, it's totally fair. - He didn't hold his side of the deal. So yeah, this is kind of, towards the later episodes, we started really not holding our odds very well, which I want to discuss with you guys. But yeah, okay, sorry, go ahead. - Who? - You. - I didn't say anything. - You bro. - I thought you were talking last. - Hey guys, welcome back to the, go ahead. (laughing) - Anyhow, I wasn't present for this episode, obviously. We tried to record the bits that came after, but then obviously that's gonna probably be a Patreon only, say, but it did not go super. - I don't remember why it didn't go well, but we decided not to put it in. - I think the episode was, I mean, I think it was a revolutionary episode for the whole series, we got our first guest, but I think it was really missing the end parts and more of like that naturalness of the podcast. I would probably have to put this one at sea, unfortunately. - Hmm. I don't know, I, for this episode, I think, I don't know, it was definitely a fun one. We had some good segments in there, and I definitely learned, I know I had a hard time keeping up because personally, I'm not a farm student, but it was still interesting to hear the perspective of a farm student and just kind of see what kind of things Gunnar gets up to at school and learn a little bit of his perspective on things, and yeah, I don't know, I'd give this a very solid B. This was our first ever Q&A episode, which is a very kind of foreign format for us, and I think there were some growing pains with it, but I don't think it's a bad format I want to explore further, and I think that's exactly what we're gonna do in season four, is it try to explore this format a little bit more, where it's just kind of like, ask me some questions about it, I will answer them. Oh, show them, show them, they'll love that. So, if you're watching the YouTube video, you get to see that, which is wonderful. - Watch the YouTube version. - Yeah, so this, I think there was some growing pains with this, I don't think it was necessarily Gunnar's fault, but I would have to give this one a C, just because I don't think it was our best execution of this kind of episode, but. - I agree with Gabe, I, in this episode, I realized I knew a lot more than what the baseline knowledge of the subject was, and it was really hard for me to form a Q&A. - Fair. - And so, realizing that you guys probably have no idea what a cytochrome P450 was. - Hey, me and him go way back. We love grapefruit, we love grapefruit. - Well, there's tons of them. - But we drink grapefruit juice all the time together. - Oh, yeah. - Wait, you don't invite me to that? - Why would I? - We're not doing more bits. - It is a very intimate-- - It is a very intimate. - Okay, fair enough. - No more bits in one place, please. - I'm gonna have to agree, it's a C episode. - Wow. - So what did that put us at? - Dude, you guys haven't voted yet, right? - I did. - Would you give it? - This is still talking about the Jordy Muffin episode, right? - No, no, we're talking about Gunnar's drug-filled hour. I like this one. - Ben is the one that switched the episode. - I've been looking at him showing pictures of myself. - I voted a B. - I voted a B as well. - C, C, B, B. High B, low C. - I mean, high C, low B. - High C, orange. - We are rounding up, so low B. - Let's-- - Low B. - Low B, okay. Let's go ahead and talk about-- - Season three mini-twist three of the Christmas party. - Christmas party. - Very quickly run down to this one. This one was another Gabe and I mini-twist. We talked about the Christmas party, we talked about Secret Santa that we did, we talked about Muncie feeling like Silent Hill after 1 a.m. - Yes, yes. - This was a very fun one, this is what I was talking about where I wanted to save my higher ratings for the better mini-twist, in my opinion. I gave this one an A, honestly. - I think that's very, very, I think this one was very, like mini-twists aren't supposed to be educational and I think this is the best example of that. We don't even attempt to educate really anything. It's just talking about a fun party that I hosted, actually in the very apartment you are looking at right now. Very fun, very fun day and a very fun story to tell, a very fun episode and I would also have to give it an A. - Yeah, I remember having a lot of fun listening to this episode for sure. It just kind of recounting our experiences at the Christmas party was definitely fun, just considering everything that went down at the Christmas party. Honestly, I don't have any reason not to give this an A. - I remember the last time we tried to record this, you were so adamant that you were in that episode, like as a person, like a phone call. - You were sworn you were in that episode, but I think you just listened. - No, he was on a phone call. - Yeah, he was on a phone call towards the end of the episode. If we create a Patreon, you will hear that episode if you subscribe to Patreon. - It didn't help the fact that when I was so adamant about being in that episode, you guys were like, okay, listen, and then you played a clip and then I started talking on it. - No, you talked in the phone call. When we tried to play other clips for you, again, if you subscribe to the Patreon, you will hear this. You did not, you were not present, but you're like, I know I'm in there somewhere. I know I'm in there somewhere. - You were so adamant. - You were so adamant you were in this episode, but you were not. - I just want to clarify, we do not have a Patreon yet. - We don't. - Not yet, not yet. - I'm trying to future proof. I'm trying to say, hey, eventually we will, hopefully. And if you subscribe, $5 a month, that's the price I'm saying. - Damn, you're already promoting something that don't exist. - Yeah, I think $5 a month is fair. - Well, that's totally fair. Gunnar, did you have an opinion on this mini twist? - No. - Okay, all right. - It's an A-episode. - A-episode. Okay, season three, episode 15, Fartiger Arrow. This was your episode, Dylan. - Dylan hosted thing, yes, this was the time where I got to talk about fruit as your arrow. A very cool art style of the 2000s to indicate the new millennia. I really love doing this one. I wish, this is one of those times where I wish like we could have, we have this set up so I can be more like visual and storytelling about fruit as your arrow and whatnot. Had a lot of fun doing this episode. - Absolutely. - Let the others say they're rating first before I see mine. - This was one of the most fun episodes I can think of to date. There's a couple of them that match them, but like this is exactly what our wad is all about. Like, you know, it's, who knows about fruit as your arrow? Very few people. - Very few. - And the fact that it like, who cares about a font or an art style, right? We made it interesting and that's exactly what we did. So to me, this is a very, very core S tier episode. - Damn. - Wow. - Yes, I know. - This one, yeah. So it was kind of, I know TikTok's kind of a fan of feeder share arrow, but for a very good reason. It's a very, it's at the point now where it's almost becoming nostalgic, which is crazy because it's not that old in the grand scheme of things. But I'm very happy that it's becoming nostalgic. People are taking a little bit more of an interest in it because it is a very fun kind of style and it's very fun to talk about and it's very nice to reminisce about being the age group that we are, like kind of early Gen Z. And yeah, I'd have to go to the front of the day as well. - Yeah, this-- - Wait, did you say S? - S. - I'm giving this one a day. - Yeah, this episode was definitely very fun. I feel like coming into this episode, this is one of the only episodes that I've come into knowing absolutely nothing about the topic. - Fair. - I had never heard of Fruit of Jarrow. I actually didn't really even know like what exactly, 'cause you know, Dylan let us know beforehand. Hey, this is kind of what we might be talking about. Just come ready with this kind of stuff. I did not understand. Like I didn't know what-- (sighs) God. - Get the news out of me. - Fine. - I didn't really know what this episode was gonna be about. And yeah, so stop, stop. - What are you guys even laughing about now? - I'm trying to talk about Fruit of Jarrow and Gates over here going. (laughing) - I was looking at his Bomba Socks. And I was gonna say, do you like those Bomba Socks? But I was like, oh, feet. - What do you give it, Ben? What's the rating you give this episode? - A, A. - I'm gonna see my own horn here. I'm going to say, I'm gonna say an S-tier episode. I was very, very happy with this one. - So we have an S-A-A-S, that means we are rounding up to S-tier. - For S-tier of the-- - S-tier of the-- - Yes. - Yeah. - Absolutely S-tier. - Now let's talk about an episode that Ben hosted that I gave some harsh words about last time we tried recording. - Do we have to talk about this one? - This was season three, episode 16, "Opposite Day." I don't know what I was thinking. I was thinking, oh, this'll be funny. We'll do the theme of everybody, everything we say is opposite. And we're gonna-- - It was interesting on paper. Like, let's get that started. It was very interesting on paper. - Yeah, the biggest sin you committed was trusting us. You wanted to do an "Opposite Day" thing, and I think you had a much more organized idea in your head than what ended up happening. We always commit to the bit way too much, and we don't know what you're thinking with it, so we just kind of were doinking around, and it was kind of confusing. As a listener, it's confusing to listen to it some ways, but it was still a very fun episode, but yeah. - Yeah, I appreciate the kind words, and while the intention was absolutely there, the actual performance-- - Execution was terrible. - I'm giving this an F. - I don't have any shame on this. - I disagree with you, it'd be an F as well. - I don't, that's too harsh. It reminds me a lot of the season two episode with improv, which-- - Another one of mine. - Sure, it did not go well, as well as Ben was thinking it would, we just kind of took it in our own direction. But just because it wasn't what Ben was wanting it to be, I don't think it was bad. It was just silly. And silly is okay, so I would have to give it a C. - Wow. - I had a lot of fun doing this episode. - Yeah. - B, for me. - Whoa, wow. So we have two Fs, a B and a C. - I think it gives us healthily in D, maybe even low C. - I'd say D, just so we can have some divers being on the tier list. - D for opposite day. So let's move on to the season three, mini twist four boys culture. This was the first and only only me episode, second ever one boy episode. - I'm not gonna lie, I was a listener to this. Why was like half the episode you just like venting? Like we were your therapist. - Yeah, no, and I said that to the camera, I was like, "You guys aren't my therapist." But I don't know, I struggle to find things to talk about because it's just me. And I was very honest with that on the episode. Definitely was not our best. I still think it's like, it's fine to listen to. - I think it was a good, like I was listening to it while I was working. I think I'd give it to C, honestly. - Well, thank you very much, that means a lot to me actually. Given that this is one and this podcast is for four. For this one, I really just wanted to do a test of this equipment, make sure that I knew what I was doing, knew how to edit it, knew how to record it. And it sounded great, it looked great with the Lumix G7 that I have. It was all of the aesthetically pleasing, but it just, the content wasn't all there. I didn't have a lot to talk about in this. I didn't educate, I wasn't super comedic there. I think there were some kind of funny parts in it, but I'd give it a D. - I actually, I started this episode, but I didn't finish it. I do not think I heard enough of it to honestly give a vote. So I'm gonna have to abstain from this one. - I'm exactly like Ben. - So, what was it? - They hate me! - I guess, I guess. - It was a D and a C. - C and T. - Which was up to C. - And right up to C, another C tier. - Okay, well, I am fine with that. - Then let's get to the final episode that we have so far and the final mini twist for the season. - Yes. - The, another tier list we did, but for the Midwest states. - Yes, and we, season three mini twist five, missed the Midwestern state tier list. I think the other tier list we recorded actually is not out yet. I think that'll actually be out in season four, but this was honestly one of my favorite episodes to date. It is such a good mini twist that I almost consider it a regular episode of reality with a twist. - I honestly am. - It is so funny. It is so fun to listen back to. We had a beautiful view, a wonderful natural light on us. We looked great. We looked super sharp. Sharp meaning like quality wise. - Quality, yes. - Not what we were wearing. We weren't wearing sharp clothes. - No. - But like, super funny. We were definitely uncomfortable at first, but you could physically, like you could actually hear and feel how we got more comfortable as the episode progressed. And genuinely my favorite ever mini twist. In terms of mini twist, I'd give it an S, but in terms of regular episodes, a high A. - Yeah, I mean, for this kind of episode, I agree with you. This was one of the most fun episodes we recorded. My only regret is the fact that we didn't have Gunner. - Yeah. - Gunner ended up having to leave. - I got her. - Which is okay. I mean, we were not upset with Gunner for any reason. He just wasn't able to be there. - Well, you weren't. I hate Gunner. - We sold him to the guitar center to grow up to buy the XLR cable. Eventually, they did a rebate system where they paid him back to us. - If you guys remember that one episode of SpongeBob where Mr. Sharp sells SpongeBob Soul for $0.62 and then the flying Dutchman gives him back. It was actually crazy. - Gunner was like in the store. I remember listening to the recording, he was actually performing the Krabs verse that's not going in fries. We'll be fries either way. - The time center said, okay, okay. Leave this to sweet water. Give this to sweet water. We don't want it. So we ended up with Gunner back, which is wonderful. - Yeah. I'm back. - But I mean, I would say I would have given this an S but the fact that Gunner was missing, there was no real structure and no educational content. I mean, it's going to put it at an A. I would say it's definitely a high A. - I would also put it at a high A as well. - Gunner, do you have an opinion on this one? - No. - Okay. - Hi, so I got our high, high, high A. - It's another high, high, high, high episode. And that's it for all the episodes. We did really good this season compared to past seasons. - Once again, it shows the personal growth for all of us. - I want to really quickly delve into, I want to introduce this to our season finales in which we rate our seasons on an S, like on a tier list. So let's start with season one really quick from what we've remembered. What would you guys give it on a tier list? - I would probably give it a C once again. I think it was a baseline. Everything needs a baseline. And if we're having season one be our baseline, I'd say that's a pretty good baseline. - I don't know. I mean, I think we had some definite misses. - Our mitigation, laundry boys, pencils mightier than the sword. - Yeah, we had a couple misses in season one. - Fair. - Honestly, I would even consider our first ever episode a little bit of a miss. - There's always very much miss. - Yeah. But like at the end of the day, we had so many classics. - So many. - Like our wack classics. I want to say A, but like based on quality and comfortability, I will bring it onto a B for sure. - I'm very much going to give season one an A just because there are so many episodes that are, even if just for us, just ingrained in my mind. - Yeah. - Some of my favorite episodes to date were in season one, which isn't a bad thing. I mean, we've definitely grown since then, but like just, it's so fun to go back and re-listen to some of them. They're not that old, they're from 2022, but still. Like just looking back on an A tier. - What do you think, Gunner? - Yeah. - A. - A tier. - Well then that's it. - That puts it at a B. - B, wait, what did you say? - I said C. - Damn. - Well, okay. - A, A, C. - What makes you put season one at a C? - I said it's, I think once again, I'm thinking about every other season and like how much we've improved and we need a baseline. So that's why I put season one at C. - I, okay. We can say C for season one. - Wait, B, sorry, B for season one. - But I feel like it's just, 'cause mine is like a pretty healthy A, yours is a healthy A. - Why are we debating this? Just make it B. - Okay, B. - High, high B. - Very high B. - Because C's a tier. - Very high B. - I think once again shows how much we improved. We were doing a lot more experimentation with our episodes, getting more comfortable. - Tombstones, one of my favorite episodes, but Tombstones is actually one of the episodes where we realized that we needed this equipment that we're recording it to right now. One of our worst sounding episodes unfortunately. - Yes, very sorry to the listeners, but aside from some of those technical issues, and once again, I'll always see a couple of this episodes, I say this one was an A tier season. - Yeah, I mean, the boys get creative. Scripps Skoundrel's one of my favorite episodes. - The Scripps Skoundrel's the improv episodes, like those were done so well. - Buzz Boy's classic, linguistic lads, amazing. Eating sink bananas is one of my favorite episodes that I've ever done. - Oh my god, the plantains suck healthy. - Healthy, healthy, healthy A for me. If not asked, but I'm gonna stick with A for season two. - I also like the Antisepso as well, so. - I think the C, okay. - What are you doing? (laughing) - What do you think about season two? - I like season two. (laughing) - What do you give season two? - For our listeners, I scratched Ben's head with my index finger. - We'll talk about why later. For season two, it was a very good season. I would, honestly, I'd put it. (laughing) I'd probably put it at the same level as season one. - It doesn't have the same nostalgia level of season one, but quality, I think, probably makes up for it. So I'm gonna give that one an A. - Okay. - A, A, what did you give it to? - I gave it an A. - A. - Mr. Johnson. - A. - A, so it's a special A for season two. - And then for season three. - Season three, I would give season three. It is our, I think our wackiest, our most experimental season yet, positives and negatives with that. It's our longest season yet, it's six months for just the one season, but I don't know for this, this is actually really hard. 'Cause when we recorded our season two finale, I think we ended up saying it was a B tier season, but looking back on it, I think we realized that it really was A. So we might give it a lower rating than we actually think. - I think we were too cocky this season. - Too cocky, okay. - What do you mean? - I mean, we did try to go weekly. - We did. - We thought we were gonna be able to do a lot of content and I think that-- - We thought we were the big dogs. - We thought we were the big dogs, in fact. - I think for this season, it is definitely very hard to say. I think we did a, we probably did a little too much experimenting, like we just kept going back and forth, back and forth on different things, and this isn't anything against Jeremy, but we were trying to figure out if Jeremy was gonna still be in it, and just, I don't know. A lot of us were very, very busy and trying to get the podcast in the schedule. I really hate to say this. I think this season and all the growth that we've came from with it is going to result in a great season four, but for this season, I'm gonna give it a see overall. - I hate doing, I think for me, I have to agree with a lot of it. I think trying to do weekly, really bit us in the butt. I think we're really backfired, but I'm obviously improving in our talking and doing the episodes and whatnot. Great, top notch. In terms of the actual due diligence to you guys, the listeners and the viewers, we kind of let you guys down. For that, I don't think it was at the same tier that we had with the pay seat of season two. I'd have to put this as a B, a B as well. - I think this was our growing pain season. I think this was our puberty season. This was our junior year season. - As well as the junior years. - Yeah, this was our rough season, and it was our longest yet. There was a lot of changes, and I thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for sticking with us through the changes. We've kind of lost Jeremy, not literally, he's still alive, but like, when I'm-- - Do not, but again. - Yeah, he's not really part of the, as far as we know, he's still welcome, but he's very busy with school. He's not super part of the podcast anymore, and it's so much so that he's not even really reporting that he wonders anymore as far as I know, which you still should check out the episodes that they have released. But I think this is kind of the season that will seal our, like, seal what season four will be and the rest of the podcast. This will kind of boost us in the future. - Yes. - I think this is kind of our sacrificial, like, we are experimenting, we are figuring ourselves out. So I'm gonna say, I'll say B, but just because I know this season will be very important to our growth. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - Okay, so that puts this season as a seat or a B. - Yeah, but a very, very low B, I will say. - But obviously what these growing pains means that once we start doing season four and start releasing, hopefully this coming spring, just like a spring blossom season four will soon surely be our best season. - And this is crucial, please, please, please reach out to us and let us know what you want from season four. Let us know what worked this season, what didn't work. Or if you have something totally new or different that you want us to try out, please let us know. And obviously if you wanna have some more people, like be a part of this experience of seeing season four and just listening to the podcast, please follow us on Instagram @RwattPod, listen to the podcast, reality with a twist on Spotify, Apple Music, whatever music streaming platform you wanna be on. And obviously go to our website at and has our email address, has a bunch of our other social media links and whatnot. Share the podcast if you want us to keep succeeding and hopefully launch a lot of cool stuff, do a lot of cool things, episodes, helps support us so, so much. - And what were you gonna say? - Just email us at We will respond to you. I don't think you understand how much we will respond to you. So, and also tell us your favorite guest from the season. There's a lot to choose from. - One. - And yeah, tell us which one of the one that you like and give us some guests for the future and rate us on Spotify. That is the number one way you can help us is rating us on Spotify and Apple podcasts that spreads the word more than almost anything else. And yeah, season four is gonna be our best yet. And honestly, season four, thinking about it, it just sounds super futuristic. It sounds like we're gonna be freaking have those laser glasses on. - It's true. - And we're gonna have like bionic arms and we're gonna be talking about like futuristic things like iPhone two and like it's gonna be crazy. It's gonna be crazy. But it's just gonna be a very, very fun time. And thank you guys so much for listening to us this season and bearing with us. But I wanna wait until Ben is back to end the episode. - I know, yeah. I guess we do a quick clap and then he'll come back. - Yes. - Three, two, one. Ben's back. - Yes. - We were talking about how we appreciate you for sticking up with us at one season four and we were getting back to the end of the episode out. But I do wanna give a teaser real quick for season four, episode one. And it's gonna be about retired and rare soda. - Whoa. - So like sodas that didn't last too long. We're not really gonna talk about New Coke that much 'cause that's kind of the cliche one to talk about. Everybody's heard about New Coke. But you guys are gonna surge is gonna be in there. - Yeah, a lot of-- - Well, don't reveal everything just yet. - Oh, I know. I know, but a lot of nostalgic sodas are gonna be in season four, episode one. - Well, gentlemen, I think that's a good place to round things off for the episode. We've been recording for long enough. I think our cumulative group odds is that what are the odds we'd go into season four better than ever? - One, three, two, one, one. - Yes. - All righty, well, I'm Dylan. - I'm Ben. - I'm Gabriel. - And I'm Gunna. - And we'll see all of you in season four in reality with a twist. - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music) - Hi, Ben.