Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 10b

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09 Mar 2024
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You don't matter if about two-thirds of the way down the amourd, the new machinist says as follows "Razamitzia if a person will call him Al sees a lost item, Veenafala land falls on it Uba Akher and someone else comes along, the Hixikban Grasps onto it, Zeh, Shehixikba, Zakhaba, the guy who held on to it he gets it That's the Mishnah. Amour, ragelockish. I put a diamond around the amour and double underlying ragelockish And the reason I did that is we're gonna have a series is actually only two of ragelockish members if you flip the page About 17 lines down or so first word on the line is c-day in the middle of that line I diamond the amour and circled ragelockish and that's essentially gonna be the shear Those two ragelockish memories So here we go. Here's the first Amour, ragelockish Again, we diamond the amour double underlying ragelockish. We shoom and I underlined Abba Kahan of Bardalah Arba Amour, Al Amour, Al Am Qainis, Loy, Bixal Makkhaim What's he say that a person, you know that a person the foramis that he has around him are kind of like him Well, those foramis will be kind of for the person Bikal Makkhaim, which sounds like if there's a hefger item somewhere within his foramis No one else would be allowed to grab it because his foramis being within his foramis automatically acquired it. Well, my time up What's the reason for this? And just look at more a takkinu Rabbanan Delo Aussie in Suye Maybe Delo Lacey in Suye, but the rabbis instituted that this should be the case so as not to have These types of issues come to a makhlokus or come to quarreling or come to disagreement Okay, that is the racial understatement A and B now Amour Abba Yay, I know and Abba Yay and called this A and one line later I underlined Rava and called it B and these are the two Issues that are going to be raised against racial issues point A Says Abba Yay, Mysir of Kia Bariosafe payer of Kia Bariosafe as we'll see shortly in a few lines from now is going to bring a question on racial issues from a Mishnah in Mesakus payer and Amour Rava and land Rava's name We'll see when we flip the page Mysir of Yankov Bar Eddy Ne Zeekin Rava is gonna point out that Ravi Akbar Eddy has a question from Ne Zeekin in other words two questions She said colon here's the first. Hey, I'm Rava Yay, I started by his name Mysir of Kia Bariosafe payer So Abba Yay in the name of Kia Bariosafe is asking the following question Which seems to go against racial issues principle again racial issues principle is that a person's arba Amour is will be able to be kind of something That's after The hallmark said the snake source I box it off it goes for just over two and a half lines It's a mission for Mysakus payer payer is the corners of the field The anem have the right to take it. Let's say you have an onion. I'll mix us payer He takes part of the payer. That's there and then one of two Possibilities of what he does next possibility one visara gala shar he takes that payer that he already collected and throws it on top of the Rest of the payer aim loy ba clume. He gets nothing. That's totally an effective comma Possibility to and I died underline these three words not for loyala if he falls on top of the payer or Paris Talisa le he takes off his outer cloak and spreads it on top of the the payer Mavir Naisei hey meno they basically say all right, but let's we're gonna remove you from this The chain but in my shoe cut and the same would be in the case of shit. Look how which is the Forgotten bundle. That's the end of the snake source now We want to focus on that second possibility which was if he falls on it The eomus says the point if you want to say Like rich luck is stayed up above that arba al my shell Adam clean his labor home walk him a person His forearm is the area around him acquires wherever he might be which is based like much luck is said Nick new lay Why don't we say that this fellow? Should have a choir for him our bomb a city day like if he fell on it Purposely he was definitely within four ommas of it. Why would his form is not work? So the more attempts to answer this on behalf of racial occassion says well, haha I ask you none, you know what's going on over here is why it didn't work Deloitte Amart's where the fellow did not state clearly the verbal declaration of acne That I want it to acquire in other words at this point We're thinking that the four ommas of a person will acquire only when he says that verbal declaration. I'm hereby acquiring well one second if that's The declaration has to be said the e talcun Rabbanan if the Rabbanan said that four ommas of a person acquire everywhere, which is what? Rachel like is said Then why does he have to say anything? I'm even if he didn't say acne my hey, it should totally work So the Gomara gives two alternative answers both of which seem to stand the first answer is over here I put a number one above the word cave on and on the top line of almond bays The public gives a second answer. So the first answer is you know what's going on here? Really like Rachel like a set of persons are up us is kind of but from the fact that he Purposely fell himself cause himself to fall on to it cave on did not fall Why is he doing that if his arbamas is created without him even falling must be cave at the knuffles since he fell on it On purpose galay Daita. He's revealing his intention to beneath feeling the hale di knick knee come a connector but our Brahma's money hale di knick knee the only reason he's doing that is because clearly he's indicating that he wants through his Dropping himself on top of it that that's so he wants to acquire and not through the arba Amos he does not want that to acquire for him Okay, and he figures that you know actually falling on a physically might be better for him the truth is it's actually worse but he figured the That wouldn't be the case a second answer is that which was offered by Rapapa Rapapa I'm under London of Papa's name. Kita Kili Raban and Arba Amos Where is it that the rabbi said that a person if something is within his four Amos, it'll work that is Ba Alma, that's in general Or the gifts of the groves Bissaude Da Alma the way Let's read the next line then we'll see the rash you besauded about by is that's just a field that's out there in general but if it's a individual-owned field low takina lee Rabana in other words in somebody else's Private rishus hai yachte the Rabana never made their takana comma connect with a forgot de zachie lee rachman a big avay even though the merciful one in the tyrant In other words Hashem did give rights to an aani to go into somebody else's field. That's In as much as kizakh lee rachmana la hal luhibah to enter it to walk through something else's field Ulin a cuti paya and to take the paya however Comma le maha bechad say road for to be considered like the hot sir of the aani in other words Here's our abram's for the aani lo zachal e rachmana that the Torah did not give him the rights to the top rashi On this omlud says hai kar sinan qi takal arabana ba Alma qi gaiin so what type of errors are we talking about that? It would work Bissimto which was kind of like a an alleyway shoe who rishus the haladam That's everybody's so right to be in there or in the rishus our abbim in a regular old big rishus our abbim or Bitzidei rishus our abbim those are the three possibilities either a symptom an alleyway That's sort of everybody's or a regular old big rishus our abbim or the side area of the rishus our abbim Which what does that mean that side of the rishus our abbim? Well, it's hef bill the robin lem shi hai hai hai hai street in lats es bien hai dechach So those areas that's where it applies. I'm our rava I circled Rava's name now Rava We had already introduced And Amad alif was going to ask a different type of question from Revanqiv bar eddy, so I'm our Rava moi shiranqiv bar eddy nizikin and nizikin is well. Let's see. Where is it nizikin? Nope, that's our Mishnah. So here's a quote of our Mishnah. What did our Mishnah say? Right angles for about a line and a half Rasa mitziya, you have a person's summit. See if enough Allah and he drops himself on it Ubah ever hixi pahan someone else comes along and like holds on to that item Zeshi hixi pah zakhapah the other name even look at the guy like fell on it first The one who was hixi pah is the one who gets it now That's the end of the quote of the Mishnah of Yarmas Rava Amai shiladam kind of slave Qalm alqam If you want to say like Raish Lockish did and Amad alif that oh, no a person's forearm is cutting it for him wherever everywhere Nick Nulay Rava Amai's d-day let his forearm is acquired for him And she's a Gomar. This is going to be a similar shock of its area to the that which we had in the Eyelush and in Abai's question Haqomai Asqinan what's okay? So over here de lea Marah Akne it's where the person fell but didn't verbally declare his Intention to acquire it. Well, one secondly safe a ha e takun rabbana if the rabbana said a person's four almost is clean And for him bachom alqam then qulayyamar if he didn't even say the term Akne is so what my have a he fell on it And that's the rabbinical decree Look Amara here. He did On the Amar alif has two answers answer number one. I put number one here is cave into nafala lea well since he fell on it Again all this every time I say fell it means like put himself on it on purpose Galay Daiti he's revealing that his mindset is de bina fila nihalay de nikni that Through cause himself to fall on it. That's the way he wants to acquire it barba Amai's lonihalay de nikni but using the old just being within foramas of it He does not want to have that institution acquired for kama a second answer is offered by rifshas i put a number two here I'm on rifshasas in the previous in the abi approach It was a rapapa who offered the second answer rifshas here is the one who's going off for the answer It's quite similar to rapapa's rifshas amar qi takun rabbana Where is it the rabbana instituted that a person that would that person is within foramas of something it should acquire for him That's bissimta. That's more in sort of like a side Ali now a side ali everyone has the right to be there But there's just not a lot of people there the low dakki robin where it's not like filled up with people However bhirishus harabbim dikka dakku robin Like almost that the name itself indicates the rifshas harabbim where there's lots of people there low takinu Rabbana there the rabbana did not make their takana Because a person does really have his own foramas because it's like lots of people over there and there's just ha robin Vaha, but one second didn't raise chocolate statement and i'm at all if the one we keep questioning ydinti say quote bhulmokaim End quote that's what it said. Let me look back here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the arba amas But we even like double underlined it. So bhulmokim sounds like everywhere now What is that bhulmokim mean? kholmokaim last week it comes to include not only a simptah But also the tiktirishus harabbim so that bhulmokim comes to include not only simptah, but also tiktirishus harabbim period Phamma raish lakish we had put a diamond around the vamar and circle raish lakish uh, this sugea other than being Raish lakish and being in bhamma see adafiramid base is a totally separate sugea so here we go Says raish lakish me shum either aba kohin or aba kahana bardala katana is squiggling on the word katana aimla kat sir and double underlined in the kat sir the aimla arba ama says a concept we were just discussing it that a person his court year so to speak is a um has the ability to acquire things for him um and uh arba amas is what we were discussing directly Previously so according raish lakish a katana. Let's say that's a girl who's 10 years old Um does not have a kat sir and does not have arba amas to acquire things for her whereas ribio khanan a sir ribio khanan Me shum ribian ayamar y asla kat sir and I double under the asla kat sir Oh, no, she does have a kat sir the asla arba amas and she also has this concept of arba amas being within for amas of her of this 11-year-old girl it will uh she'll be able to acquire Okay. Well, what is the mahlokis in other words? Where are they arguing with jakish and ribio khan? Where does this apply be mike? I'm if leaguey question mark and here's what they were arguing about Do you say that the kat sir that a person has that it's kind of like an extension of them? Is it based on yad or is it based on schliqus? Mar savera iskulana and the maras would be riyokhanan that a person's kat sir that it could acquire for them kat sir me shum yada isra boy. I don't underline yada that in this case is a 10-year-old girl Her kat sir is just like her yad kama kehehehe just like the isla yad she has a yad like if she were to accept a get she would be divorced even though she was 10 years old hot sir nami her courtyard also is la does she have does is katana have umar saver Iskulana in this marish lakish is of the opinion differently that hot sir right hot sir works in general for person But it's included in working for a person in general because of schliqus Just like a schliqus can do something for a person so to a kat sir can do something for a person The kehehehe to schliqus la isla if the 10-year-old girl asks somebody to be a schliq for her that will not work kat sir nami la isla So she also has no halakhic kat sir Mihika asks the kama right now. I um put a triangle on this mihika This is the first mihika question on the Second of the wider lines is another mihika in the middle of the line and I put a triangle around that So here's a few questions on This is there really mihika and this question takes about six lines to develop starts here Mihika mandamra is there really an opinion that says kat sir mihum schliqus la boy Really that a person's got to work as like a shaliyah The hat tanya but we have a tiniq source and the explanation of it which seems to indicate otherwise Says the brice that goes for just under two lines quoting the posseq um this is by the ganav and it says if it shall be found in his hands Beyada is squiggling or beyada if it should be found in his hands Maybe they'll say his possession but we'll call it his hands literally his hands like if he's holding on Oh my goodness like uh, that's the stolen item and he's got it in his hands So beyada says the posse name leela beyada. I only know if it's in his hands Kamma, let's say if the thief has the item in gaga and son is roof or hot sayer All you guys squiggling on a cut say right or car piffy Court error is back here. I mean nine that that would also be considered as though he stole it Well tamaloy mar the posseq says uh, he might say t might say it shall surely be found which indicates mikomok In any way that he could business and not only if he actually has it literally red-handed in his hand But even in his roof his cluster is car piff. Now. That's the end of the take source v Salka die dech if you're gonna try to say that hot sayer that would you person's hot sir considered extension of the michum schliegeses traboy has to do with a schliech well Interesting point over here the gomer makes In cane then you would have a scenario of a schliech lived vara vera In other words, if the person is self stole fine if the person told bob hey bob Can you go steal that from me and bob steals it? Well bob's right if not this person But here we have this person and his hot sir If it's because of schliech is so to speak acting as a schliech lived vara vera And we know that can't be the case with chymal on Ain schliech lived vara vera if it's enough vera that's being done You don't have a concept of schliech so it can't be because of schliechus Okay, so that's the gomer's question of is there anyone who really hold the hot sir michum schliech was it Definitely seems to be um hot sirs michum. Yeah Well, i'm a ravina and i put a number one in the margin and about eight lines later Last one a line is hei hei put a number two in the margin there and Underlined on that same liner of samah so two approaches to answer this the first is ravina i'm a ravina Hei chamrin and where is it that we say where is it that we apply the principle of Forward phrase ain schliech lived vara vera Comma where is that that there's no such thing as somebody else Doing the avera and the one who sent them is the one who gets the negative points for it Where is it that we say in schliech was vara vera that's heihe de schliech barchiy uva Who that's where the schliech is somebody who has to pay for whatever is done about the hot sir We're talking about a courtyard de la barchiy uva who the courtyard doesn't have any things that is that a person Then michai of shul hoe we could certainly be michai of the one who so to speak sent the courtyard Which is the owner of the courtyard Asa komor ala meato what one second if that's the case how amir le ish of the evid let's say a person says to a Female happens to be married. She's mrs Smith the evid or a slave that he's leeroy now. We know that um, they both basically don't have their own Assets so let's say the uh person goes over to this married woman or this evid and says su gun vule Hey, can you go with steal something for me De la vnehi uva ninoi dot online where de la there not people will have to pay um because Forget about because they don't have to pay Hachinami de michai of shul han are we going to say that we're going to michai of the one who sent them We don't say that so come on answers. No amris each of the evid really a female who's married or an evid Who's currently owned by the slave owner banehi uva ninoi they really have a Heave it's just that currently in their state the woman when she's married or the slave as long as he's got a master vahas Shul hula shul hula shul hula they don't have any personal assets to pay with It's not like we see that that's actually true in the mission of where if let's say a woman stole Last month and she was married and then she gets divorced nis garsha heisha or le roy or tyroam Stole something last month when they were a slave and then nish chakra if they were freed Hayav on the shalom almost like retroactively would have to pay the only reason they'd have to pay in the first place is because they were just in a Scenario let's say for the woman. She's married she doesn't have any personal assets But as soon as she does she has to retroactively go back and pay for it. That's the end of the snake source for samma Has his own approach we underline her samma if samam are hey khamrin and where is it that we say Forward phrase ain schliel hutzvar of era. Where is that? That's he had the eboi of it the eboi loi of it Where the shaliel can question so to speak? Has free will matter of choice in other words person who can choose like this or like that Avala hot sir when it comes to a person's courtyard De bal core emosif bei doesn't have a choice and something's put in it. It's put in it there mechai of the Shul hoy we will be mochai the one who so to speak sent the hot sir in other words the owner of the hot sir Okay, those are the two approaches might be nahi who where's there like the practical Uh case that would bring out the difference between the number one ravina approach or the number two revsam approach Well, you could be nahi who uh the following case will have like two cases then we'll see the nafkamina Let's say a kohind amalayli astral you have bob kohind he says to a israelite Save a kaddishli isha grushe. Hey, can you go on my behalf and get engaged to this uh divorcee Which is very interesting because the kohind himself that couldn't do that That would be in a vera, but he is strong that wouldn't be a problem at all So the kohind is sent in the astral as a shul hoyach to mikkaddishis grusheina I mean alternatively you could say the case is is isha dama la la isha If you have a man a male who says to a female Akfi lee cuts and I'd like you to take this razor blade and like shave off the um the sideburns and the Of this minor child now the haq lish according to the number two loshan of rasama dama who had said uh... this is like a i guess a line and a half of his shita kohai kadibai avedi boy lei aved in any scenario where if you wanted to do it or if you wanted to be wouldn't do it loy mikai of shohai then you would not say that the one who sent the person is going to be high of haqanami so too over here e-boy of it e-boy lei avedi if he wants to he can if he doesn't want to he doesn't have to and therefore lon mikai of shohan you're not going to be mikai the one who sent them however that's according to the second loshan lahaq lishan according to the first loshan the one brought to us by ravina now about uh... fifteen sixteen lines ago de amris he's the one who had said kohai kadib shohai yach la barch uve mikai shohai yach la barch uve mikai shohai so wherever the shawliq is not one who is haib in those things which by the way a yeshroll who's acting as a shohai from the half of the co-end these roles that's not a problem to mary gusha or in the other case if you have a uh... man who says to a woman uh... i'd like you to shave off the uh... with a razor blade the cotton while the woman doesn't have that uve haqanami so it's over here kevin de la vene uve an innocence they're not haib mikai of shohan we will be mikai if the one who sent them mikai we already put a triangle estimate because this is the second of the questions that we were going to ask on uh... uh... uh... ribby rich luckish who had said that a katana doesn't have a hot sir and reveal khanan who had said that she does have a hot sir miklama dama hot sir love me shumi adesra by is there anyone who says otherwise that hot sir is not because of yada the patanya we have a brice the brice goes almost the line starts here the politics says yada uh... regarding the giving delivering of a get so it says and uh... it should be put in her hand in the elia does only know if it's actually in her physical hand come let's say it was placed gaga on her roof or hot sir uh... a school in a hot sir or in a courtyard or carpifia her back in the night that would also worked on the line are the nah son and he shall place which equals mikol mokheim it could have said the yada nah son uh... in her hand it should be placed but instead said the nah son first and therefore it's more than the cena the others one place it could be even got a set up if you okay number one the indian get when it comes to the divorce document kulei amalay pliegy even racial issues would agree the hot submission that is for a body that there in that case the hot sir works because it's an extension of yada so comes to get for sure that's the case keep legal maklokas though is the union it's the uh... if it's a lost item that is the maklokas between your bill and on and rich lakish uh... marsov are school and on the marsov there'll be open as of the opinion alphinan we learned mitzia me get we take it as a president and we learned that the uh... from it and uh... therefore uh... the uh... she would have a yada to be uh... kind it there be a yada to a katana who marsov are a school and on the marsov racial of the opinion lo yafina mitzia me get no no true by get but we don't learn mitzia from that as we don't get into precedents be by zema a second approach uh... to the answering this uh... maklokas for the open and rich lakish how we do it but katana if the girl is a minor collabal a plea the alphinan it's the me get for sure we will learn uh... issues about if it's a lost item from what what we say about a divorce the hocha over here the maklokas is not by a young girl rather be caught on come if we were talking about a young boy under age colon mar so for a bill is the opinion is what we learned on the mari alphinan we use as a precedent and therefore we'll learn katana from katana just like it on the works of it by katana kama mar so far as we learn on the mar this would be rich lakish loy alphinan no just because it happens by a katana because of certain circumstances we do not use as a precedent and learn cotton from it be by zema a third and final approach is either based on the first approach of the second approach that they're talking about different cases barham arcada will maram arcada the label as rashi says um... on the second narrow line of the rachis maram arcada rasim and lakisham are the indian mitzia he was talking about if the issue question was the lost item rebion khanan then you get what's rebion was talking about uh... as far as uh... uh... the uh... uh... lady of being with receive a get in army alternatively the female lakish in the maklokas is la dafka and therefore rish lakish maram arcada katan uh... maram ar that we're talking about a female minor made namely a katana