Daily Motivations

S19 Ep89: Be Different

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08 Oct 2024
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When you are misunderstood to the point where people think you're psycho and you're nuts and you're this and that why are you in a gym at one o'clock in the morning was wrong. You would never understand what is wrong with me. There's a certain delusional quality that all successful people have to have. You have to believe that something different can happen. You're crazy until you're successful, then you're a genius. There are a lot of people when you're grinding as a small channel, people think you're too obsessed, you're weirdo, stop only making videos, like get alive, be realistic. You know, I mean, people will come into your mind for wanting to do this, but then what's your successful? They're like, yo, your drive, your tenacity was great, but it's like, yeah, well, where was that back then? You know, I didn't get that when I was a small channel. It's only delusional until it works. So is it really delusional and then once the world see it, there's nothing delusional about it. Now your delusion becomes, oh, he was a genius. You must try things that may not work and you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul. What I say is true. Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great. I always feel like I can do anything. That's the main thing people are controlled by. That's their perception of themselves. They're slowed down by their perception of themselves. If you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything. I was taught I could do everything. You will believe in yourself. Reminder that if you want to be exceptional, you're going to be different from everyone else. That's what makes you exceptional. You can't fit in and also be exceptional. Both have discomfort. When you fit in, you have internal conflict because you're not being 100% you. When you're exceptional, you have external conflict because everyone sees you as different. Pick one. When your friends start to say, you've changed. Remember, it's because they don't know how to say, you've grown. If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. If you're going to try, go all the way. This can mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs, and maybe your mind. Go all the way. There's no other feeling like that. You'll be alone with the gods and the nights will flame with fire. All the way. The fear is never reaching your potential. That's it. That always fall in short. Always quitting before you're done. Always procrastinating. Always not doing the right thing. And then one day you're an old man. Yep. And you look back and go, "God, I could have been great." Yep. "I could have been great." That's not normal. Because we don't want to be normal. We're malady. There's more weak people from all limits. I got that. But where do you go to? You wake up on the morning. It's cold. It's wet. It's dark. You've got no cartilage in your knee. You've got to be short, whatever it is that's the issue today. Keep talking. You've got these problems, right? I needed you to keep talking about what you were just saying. It's warm on the couch. Your missus stays staying bad. It's comfy. It's cozy. You've got work later on. You had an argument last night. You're slightly hungover. God, I know every flicker ain't going to do what I'm going to do. Be the now of what you want to be later. It starts right now. And if you're not doing the now, don't ever expect it later to be the person you want to look in the mirror. Everyone's like, oh, later in life, I want to do this. Later in life, I want to do that. Later in life is turning around looking in the mirror right now. That's the later in life. And unless that turn around, it's something in progression. Later in life, ankle bathing dip. Believe. When you turn around, you're going to see something. Then put a smile on your face. It's going to make you turn around the next day for action. Remember, belief in the productivity. Otherwise, while you're in here, man, you're in here to grow up. Thank you, boy. Thank, guys. Think of what you want to be before you start with us now. Let's do carbon. I'm trying to do carbon. You guys. Start trying to follow someone else's path, success. You guys are basically confused. You must travel your individual path, success. Someone else's paths have already been done. It's not for you to incorporate what you believe in. Make the only thing. Everybody wants to know what I would do if I didn't win. I guess we'll never know. Let me tell you about a voice. Not this voice, but the one inside. The one that whispers. It tells me what's right and what's not. When to leave and where to go. It's not Shakespeare. It does not speak in memorable lines. My inner voice always gives it to me straight. It tells me who my real dreams are. When to say yes, when to say no. Whether the person sitting next to me is the one I'll be spending the rest of my life with. Or not. Sometimes that voice is crystal clear. Go. Stay. Right. Wrong. Sometimes it merely whispers. Don't let it drown in a noisy world. Because in the end, no man, woman, or all the rhythm knows what's right for you. Always trust your inner voice. Everybody has one. Feel and listen to it. What is it with the kids and everybody these days spending so much time trying to convince every single person that they know that they're going to be what it is they say they're going to be? But here's the truth. This is the reality, okay? Nobody's going to believe in you. Until you've already done it. Nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it. All right. The work is going to come before the belief. Which means you're going to have to work for a long time by yourself with no applause, with no awards, with nobody telling you good job. And then once you start to build something and people start to see the momentum and they start to see the result and you start doing some things, then you're going to get a little belief. You need to work on yourself. If you just try to be pampered, and if you're trying to be soft, and if you're trying to be the victim, those of you that are going to go anywhere, we need to get stronger. We need to get happier. We need to get tougher. We need to not be afraid of failure. We got to go into the work. We got to face adversity. Adversity breeds character, strength, and fighting and resistance. It does not only make the muscle grow, but it makes also your head grow, makes you a stronger person. We have to be willing to go through hardship, through suffering, through pain, through crying periods. All of that stuff, don't shy away from any of that because it just makes you stronger. When you're in the car turn off that fucking radio, be in your thoughts. Ask yourself, why is it that you do what you do? Ask yourself, why do you wake up in the morning and do what you do? Why is it that you pursue the goals and the dreams that you pursue? If you have these conversations, be comfortable in your own skin, if you're uncomfortable, ask yourself, why is it that you're experiencing these things? Ask, why is it that you are in a situation where you don't like to be by yourself? Because if you are with yourself, it doesn't mean you have to be lonely. You don't need other people because when you're on your deathbed route, nobody's going to be there. It's just you yourself figuring out, did I live a successful life? Did I do what I say I was going to do? You can't say, "Oh, because this person said this or this person said that, no, no, no, no, no, you're fully accountable for your life." And when it's all said and done, it's all up to you. So why not live that way? I say, pay the price today so you can pay any price tomorrow. And the winners all say this man, discipline man over motivation. Discipline man. Discipline man, show up, show up when your eyes are bleeding. Show up when you don't want to show up, show up when it hurts. Show up when you're winning. Show up again. Show up when you're 50 points ahead, put another seven points on the board. Just keep playing it on him. Keep crushing so that you know, okay, I can crush everything. And there's no slow in me, there's no stopping me. It's not for the public, right? It's not to be me. Be impatient towards the good things. Be impatient towards doing the good things every single day. Be impatient towards waking up and going to the gym. Be impatient to get on your sales calls and close those clients. Be impatient to pick up that book and read. Instead of being impatient about the results, be impatient about the input. Because you can't control the output. You can control how many seeds you plant. You can't figure out which seed is going to grow and how many apples are going to come from that apple tree. You can't control that. You can't control the day you're going to become a millionaire. If you say, I'm going to become a millionaire in one year, good luck. Because if that year rolls around and you're not a millionaire, you're going to feel like, you're going to feel unsuccessful. But if you're like, my success is determined by my input and not my output, dude, be impatient as a mother. You're getting that input, grinding, understanding that money, success is a lagging indicator. So hustle, do what you have to do on the input and then let by natural law, which is a principle that applies to the universe, right? My personal question to you is why not you? You've got the brains. You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life. You can grow immensely in the next few years. You can make your dreams come true. You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy. You can become powerful. Why not you? Success is the only revenge. As you expand, they shrink into a relevance. As you get louder, no one can hear them. You don't beat them. You cast a shadow so big, no one can see them to begin with. When people copy, they copy the wrong stuff because they don't know why it worked to begin with. copy the wrong stuff because they don't know why it worked to begin with and when it breaks they don't know how to fix it because they didn't build it so don't sweat it copycats will always be behind you being a to yourself may not get not there in squeezing that in so loud every day yeah if you grind home I got time to worry about your monkey I got time about you man because tomorrow I got to go back to the grind and tomorrow I go back to the grind again and again and again again I don't have time to put you into the haystack. There's no hate. It's all filtered out man through the grind. You don't get it. There's there's great joy in the grind. The great joy in the suffer is totally cleanses your body out man if any kind of hate makes you grow up. This is all about the quitting mind. So what's the quitting mind? So let's say it's day one of a job interview where y'all know what that feels like. You have your clothes laid out, you got your food ready to go in the morning. You've been preparing for weeks and weeks and weeks. You show up and you bring your best self. You get the job made for Christmas. All right. At the couple months you start showing up to work a little later. You don't look as good. Your clothes are laid out. Your breakfast isn't ready. Your mind is getting softer. We do that with everything in life. Renew you is coming up. Guess what? Don't have a f***ing quitting mind. Repetition every day. Stay hard. You see that look right there? Don't ever let a man see you like that. Did you give him the power of you? You gotta take it out. You're taking what your head up. Chest up. Like a man. Make the hard decisions. Make the sacrifices. Make the unpopular decisions. And become comfortable in your own skin. And if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with, that is the one person in this universe that you have full power, full right and full responsibility. If you had to create a human, what would you put them through to make them tough? It probably wouldn't be a really chill life. What would you put them through to make them patient? We probably wouldn't give them things immediately. And so it's like we want these trades. But each of the trades has a price tag attached to it. It's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing? And so I think if people reframe the period of life that they're going through, as the price that they're paying out of their wallet, but the wallet is their time, it's the seconds of life that they're trading for it, then I think more people will be willing to make the trade. Because at least when I look at myself, like when I'm maybe something years old and I'm looking back at my life, I want to have these trades. But in order to have those trades, I know I have to go through these things. And I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times. You love this game. I mean love it with your whole heart. Because if you don't, it's not even bothering. Let's not open that door. They're just going to slam it right in our face. I love this game. I live this game. There's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession is going to be talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? Is it all you ever think about? Let's face it, it's you against you out there. When you walk on that court, you have to think I am the best guy out there. Whatever you do, you've got to be a little bit gone to it. You're not all there. You've got to be almost insane to your craft. Not a lot of people can understand that. That's why I don't know about nothing else. I do not pay attention to nothing else. There was games of football on yesterday. There was rugby. There was that. An enormous society is like, let's talk about this and let's engage in this. I just don't, I can't do it. People are talking to me and in my head, I'm counting something. I'm counting up a number. I'm knee-deep in a sequence on the mat or on the feet. That's my life. Sequences and numbers. No denounce. I cannot pay attention to nothing else. The fear is never reaching your potential. That's it. It always fallen short, always quitting before you're done, always procrastinating, always not doing the right thing. And then one day you're an old man. And you look back and go, God, it could have been great. My personal question to you is, why not you? You've got the brains. You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life. You can grow immensely in the next few years. You can make your dreams come true. You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy. You can become powerful. Why not you? People don't see that. People will never understand that. To be success. You know, all they think about, well, you bet it 202. You know, and you struck out certain number of times. Yeah, okay. But the effort was there. And the learning curve and the passion was there that has transcended not just to me, but to other people who are afraid to do things because they're worried about the perception that may come from other places. To me, that's more gratifying than either. You know, so that's the things that my father and my mother instilled in me. Take a negative and turn into a positive. Don't be afraid to fail. When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is. And your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. But life, that's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it. When this goes online or whatever it is, it really matters. And it like really doesn't matter. What matters is, you know, the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it. It doesn't fucking matter. Fuck you. You know, like, because it's about motivating the doers. We're not on this stage just because of talent or ability. We're up here because of 4 a.m. We're up here because of two a days. We're five a days. We're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way. If anything tried to bring us down, we used it to make us stronger. We were never satisfied, never finished, we'll never be retired. My high school English teacher, Mr. Fisk, he had this beautiful quote and it read, "Rest at the end, not in the middle." And I took that to heart. I believe there's time for resting at the end. But for me, that time is not now. To have a dream, sacrifice for it and never ever rest in the middle. Be the guy who embraces the ugly, the miserable. Be the guy who embraces hard work, the grind. Don't be afraid of being hurt. Don't be afraid of sacrificing some blood. You want to be great? You want to be the best motherfucker ever at what you do? You're going to be misunderstood by everybody because you're going to be so fucking obsessed and so driven to get there. That's what it takes. When people don't understand you anymore, you've arrived. If you haven't gotten what you want, then you're not worthy of it, period. Now you can admit that you suck and improve. Better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime. You're not making as much money as you want because you're not as good as you think you are. You're crazy until you're successful, then you're a genius. I think for a lot of people, when you know you're grinding as a small channel, people think you're too obsessed. You're weirdo. Stop only making videos. Like get a life. Be realistic. You're, you know, I mean, people will commit to you out of your mind for wanting to do this. But I didn't want you successful. They're like, yo, you're driving. You're tenacity. It's great. But it's like, yeah, well, where was that back then? You know, I didn't get back when I was a small channel. It's only delusional until it works. So is it really delusional? Once the world see it, there's nothing delusional about it. Now, your delusion becomes only as a fucking genius. I'll tell you, the harder and harder you're working here, the harder and harder it comes, except the failure out there. The second place isn't an option anymore, guys. The more you give it in here, the more you get out there. I hope you not want to give it at all. What else are you going to do? If you come here and kill it right now, or stay home on a couch, you know, watching the life pass by, what else would you be doing right now? I'm taking the time off. I'm taking the time to get ahead. If it doesn't seem so easy to you, it's because you don't believe in yourself. You believe in yourself, you want to be in here killing it. Because giving you that much more chance because you can't come there. Because they don't believe they can ever get in there. So if you want to take the precautionary steps to sharpen it homey arsenal, they're really good at battle. Because they don't even want to go to battle, because they're not going to lose. I think you want to look in the mirror. Everything will be winning. If you want to pause the reinforcement, or you want to make it, what about you? I didn't want people to see you. A lot of times, I'll be in a tour of my run or something like that, and I'm all jacked up. Body's broken, mind's broken, spirit's broken. I'm starting to say, "What if I can pull this off?" It's the what if I can pull off a fucking miracle? What if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be? And just me talking about that, I have hair going up on my arms. Because it makes me just like, what if? Sometimes you've got to say things just what they are. Just what they are. Passion, passion is fear. Nobody can charge you for passion. Nobody can tell you what passion looks like, because that's all about you. Effort, effort is isolated. The reason why effort is isolated, because nobody can dictate. Effort is 100% in the mind. No coach, no player, nobody else can make you run to the ball. Nobody else can make you finish attack. Nobody else can do it. That's why it's the most isolated thing in this Earth right now. It's effort. I'm finally figuring out how to win real battles. It's final fundamentals. That's what wins championships. That's what wins battles. Blocking, tackling, blocking, tackling. And today get tired, because you don't know what tired feels like. Let's face it, it's you against you out there. When you walk on that court, you have to think, "I am the best guy out there." But here's the fact, all of you have extraordinary capabilities. All of you, you have to decide if you are willing to do the things to put you in that category. Don't put on the show, fricking win the game. Don't put on the show. You win the game. Don't put on the show. You win the game. Don't put on the show. You fricking win the game. You don't put on the show. You win. Get back into your head, and they'll take this on me. Can you go in here and you kick this ass, man? You stop being new. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame. Like a big shadow. Damn, Ron, come on! What's the matter with you? What? There is no tomorrow! There is no tomorrow! There is no tomorrow! Say blackjack, Vinnie. This is it. This is it! You see this guy here staring back at you? Yeah? That your top is the opponent. Every time you get into the wing, that's who you're going against. I believe that in boxing, and I do believe that in life. Let me tell you something you already know. You, me or nobody, is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Anger is your biggest tool. Quite an angry act drains you, twice as fast. Vah! Vah! Yeah, the guy in the ring is your enemy, but because mistakes be his destruction. Now go out there and show me how you do things. Show me how you live. Show me how you fight. Because I want to be great. And you're not. I want to be one of the greats. You love this game. I mean, love it with your whole heart. Because if you don't, it's not even bother. Let's not open that door. They're just going to slam it right in our face. I love this game. I live this game. There's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession's going to be talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? Is it all you ever think about? I want you to understand the difference between a risk and a gamble. This, what we do here, this is calculated, okay? We weigh the odds, we make a choice. You see that man right there? Do you remember him? You gotta block out everything and be in the moment. Not the past, not the future, right now. You have control of this. This belongs to you. This is yours. You're the captain. You're the master. You're the foreman. You're the general. You're the head. Don't give control of this to nobody. Don't let this man control you. Don't let it control you. You gotta get real stylish. Now, like I was telling you before, if you want to be ordinary, you ain't even gotta listen to me. Just go about your business. Hard times create hard men. Hard men create soft times. Soft times create soft men. Soft men create hard times. If you don't fail, you're not even trying. My wife told me this great expression. To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. Now you're his finicky. Thank God. Now, the only place to go from failure is to win. You have to achieve failure. You have to take it that far. Nobody wants to go that far. It's too scary. But you know something? I got news for you. That's where winning is. It always has been. Nothing's changed. Damn! Come on! What's the matter with you? Come on. There is no tomorrow. There is no tomorrow. Les Brown, the motivational speaker. He made an analogy about this. He says, "Imagine you're on your deathbed, and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghost of the ideas you never acted on, the ghost of the talents you didn't use, and they're standing around your bed angry, disappointed, and upset." They say, "We came to you because you could have brought us to life," they say. And now we have to go to the grave together. So I ask you today, how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes? I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and insufficient and the most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one who's stopping me. Lex is a conqueror. No, I'm Alexander. He's no Alexander. I'm the best ever. There's never been anybody who's losing me. I'm Sonny Liston. I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. There's no one who can match me. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable. And I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want eating children. Praise be to our love. You have to learn how to fail. A lot of us have big dreams, big goals. And when you have goals that are maybe outside your reach, you have to know that getting to that goal, you're going to have a lot of bad days. So I teach myself how to fail right. And what that means is, when I fail, I can't spend much time in that fail zone. I have to be able to get up and get out to the next day just as fast. I don't have time to stay here and feel back myself for weeks and months and years because I'll lose that time. The mud consumed each man until there was nothing visible but our heads. The instructors told us we could leave the mud if only five men would quit. Only five men, just five men, and we could get out of the oppressive cold. Looking around the mud flat, it was apparent that some students were about to give up. It was still over eight hours till the sun came up. Eight more hours of bone chilling cold. A chattering teeth and shivering moans of the trainees were so loud, it was hard to hear anything. And then one voice began to echo through the night. One voice raised in song. One voice became two. And two became three, before long everyone in the class was singing. The instructors threatened us with more time in the mud if we kept up the singing, but the singing persisted. And somehow the mud seemed a little warmer and the wind a little tamer and the dawn not so far away. If I have learned anything in my time traveling the world, it is the power of hope. The power of one person. Work, work, work, work, work, work. No results, but I'm a little bit better. Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work. No results, but I'm a little bit better. Work, work, work, work, work, work, work. No results, I'm a little bit better. Work. Boom. Just got paid. I just got paid. And it looks like overnight success. It's like, oh, it happened in here. No, bro. It doesn't. The truth in front of you is it sucks. It's painful. It's fucking mind-numbing. Because this is what it takes to create another voice and sometimes going ahead alone. All the time going ahead alone because no one's going to believe in you. And that's that. I love this game. I live this game. And there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession's going to be talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? When you walk on that court, you have to think, I am the best guy out there. The hardest thing in life is figuring out who you are and what you want to do for the rest of your life. And once you figure that out, you wake up every day and you work toward it. It's impossible for you to fail. If you know who you are, what you want to do and you wake up every day and work toward it. When I seen that Bentley at the box, it jumped. And I seen that diamond Rolex. I said, I want that. And I knew what it took. So I know when my opponent is sleeping, I'm out there four or five in the morning, chopping trees, working to this day. Because I can retire today. I'm well-off, very comfortable. But I got the will to win. Take yourself out your comfort zone. Do not live in your bubble. Put some more air in your bubble. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's why you will fail. You will fail in your comfort zone. Success is not a comfortable procedure. What if we have that kind of attitude? The cause repossessed. Nobody believes in you. You've lost again and again and again. The lights are cut off. But you're still looking at your dream. Reviewing it every day and saying to yourself, it's not over until I win. The heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold, but unmade decisions. The reason you are stressed is that you have decisions to make and you're not making them. Embrace the process. Then by the time you get up in years, you can be a manager proud of. Okay? So this is just an encouragement to just... Chill out. Just chill out. Embrace the process. You say, "Do we want process? Life." Be the guy who embraces the ugly, the miserable. Be the guy who embraces hard work, the grind. Don't be afraid of being hurt. Don't be afraid of a sacrifice to some blood. You cannot change your life unless you change something. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. People leave yourself and you can too. You can do anything that you want. You can get same lessons, get a better job, make more money. You could be even like rich. You could live in the White House someday. You could be president. Do what you want to do. It's not up to other people. It's up to you. You're always afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing ten miles down the road. But you can do anything you want. You are bound by nothing. What are you passionate about? Some of y'all don't want it. That's why you ain't got it. Excuses sound best to the person that's making them up. There's pretty much nothing that you could say that you went through that I haven't went through and I'm still here. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get off the pity party. Wake your ass up. Awaken the beast inside. Get in shape. Get off the pity party. What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? You knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that you could not fail. What one thing would you set as a goal for yourself? What if you only had six months to live? What would you stop doing? What was you more of? Who would you spend time with? What is really important to you? Seventy-five years. That's how much time you get if you're lucky. Seventy-five years. Seventy-five winters. Seventy-five spring times. Seventy-five summers and seventy-five oranges. When you look at it like that, it's not a lot of time is don't waste them. Get your head out of the rat race and forget about the superficial things that preoccupy your existence and get back to what's important now. Right now, this very second. You know, if every time someone asks you a question, you try to say the right answer, your entire life is a test. And when did you have the most anxiety in grammar school and high school? On test day. No question. So your entire life become this test. I ain't trying to say the right answer. I am just doing what I feel. My mama said trying is failing. There is no ifs, woods, coulds, shoulds. It just is. And we just are. I would say ask her out. No matter who she is, whether she's a job or a new city, an opportunity or a fear or an actual person, whatever she is, man, ask her out. Go out there and make something of yourself for God's sake. Be an honest person and work and get to the top of whatever it is that you want to get to the top of. Stand up for yourself like a respectable human being and be a bit of a light on the world instead of a light. That might make life worth living. It's like, yeah, it might. So why don't you go do it? The time is now. The time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves. The time is now for it to be okay to be great. People in this world shun people for being great, for being a bright color, for standing out. But the time is now to be okay to be the greatest you. You and I are capable of doing whatever we can see. We can hold it in our head, we can hold it in our hand. Don't waste your life. Set your goals high. Quit thinking about what's wrong. Start thinking what's right. Plug a little more hate a little less. You have no idea what you're capable of doing. Make up your mind today, you're going to figure that out. When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. But life, that's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. It's to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you're just going to live in it versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it. What do you really, really want from your life? If you had no limitations, if you had all the money and all the time and all the talents and all the abilities, if you could do or have anything, what would you really want in your life? You know, that comes a day, man. Everyone's going to have this day. That comes a day where being average, being mediocre is just sickening to you. It's just sickening. It makes you want to throw up because you've seen people with far less talent than you as you're growing up with them. They're childhood boys, wherever else. They didn't have what you had. Yet now they're fucking going to become something that you hadn't. There comes that day. It's either when you're young, you know, and it strikes you in the baseball field because you're sick of striking out. Or it's when you get fired from your fifth job, you know, when your wife and kids run your ass because you don't have support. You know, there comes a fucking day where push comes a shove. Where being mediocre, being like average and shit just fucking burns. It sucks so much. You can't deal with it one more day and you get off your fucking ass and you create something that's always been there. It's always been inside of you trying to come out. But you've never wanted to unwrap because there's too much fucking pain and commitment. You're scared you want to fail. You're scared if you started, you never finish it. You didn't want to tell anyone about it. You knew it was there, but you never went into embark on it. Get success, remind you what you could have been. And then the fucking spark is born. Get success, remind you what you could have been. And then the fucking spark is born. And no matter what happens, I'm never going to be in this boat again. And you get up and you go, even if it gets knocked on you, keep going, keep going, you're wild man. And life has never been so sweet. That can happen at an early age, it can happen at a later age. It's going to happen to somebody, you know, no matter what's going to happen to you. And when it does happen to you, take your lucky stars and finally you're alive. Don't give up. If times are hard, good things or bad things last forever. But most generally, we are in control of our own destiny. It is that you're all in. No matter what you do, you're all in. This is going to kill you. So I think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting, because do you have anything better to do? Really? Why not pick the best thing possible that you could do? Why not do that? Maybe you could justify your wretched existence to yourself that way. I think you could, because you're more powerful than you think. Way more powerful than you think. I mean, God only knows what you are in the final analysis. You're blind to your own weaknesses, but you're also blind to your own strengths. It's like, how far could you take that? If you stopped wasting time, and if you stopped lying, and if you oriented yourself to the highest possible good that you could conceive of and you committed to that, how much good could you do? Well, I would say, why don't you find out? It's kind of unwrapped to the potential you can be. Superior, man. It's within you. It's within every single one of us. And the people that have risen to that level were no different than any one of us. It's as they believed it, and they were willing to work their fucking ass off to get it. It wasn't about the potential. It wasn't about the genetics. It wasn't about the perseverance. And it wasn't about being the hardest fucking worker in the room. That's what got them there. It didn't happen overnight. They got knocked down more than they ever stood up. But they kept going and kept going and kept going and kept going because what else of the alternative could be average again? That sucks, man. I had a difficult childhood, but there's no excuse for people not being able to do what they want to do. You can do anything that you want to do. What do you really, really want from your life? If you had no limitations, if you had all the money and all the time and all the talents and all the abilities, if you could do or have anything, what would you really want in your life? I'm going to have setbacks, I know. But if I'm feeling bad, that doesn't mean I'm doing bad. That doesn't mean I am bad. That doesn't mean that I can't steal. I can take some action because yeah, nothing changes and nothing changes, man. You're the backbone of this country. You're the backbone of the world. I don't care if you're in Asia, Africa, Korea, Japan. I don't care where you are in the United States. You are the leaders, the future leaders of this world. It happened in life, folks. You cannot change your life unless you change something. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. The unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives. It is. It is. And it could have been the story of mine. And I tell a lot of people, "What's your biggest fear in life?" And my biggest fear honestly was, let's say this. Let's say I don't care if you believe in God or not. I don't care. So this is a play game with me. Let's say you're God. And we have a big fucking long line of people. And I made to heaven. 75 years old, I'm 300 pounds. I made to heaven. I worked for equilab, my entire life, praying for cockroaches. That's what I did. But I'm dead. I'm in heaven now. And you're judging us all now. So we're in line. We're all sitting there in line. And you have Adam Brown. Here's a big board up. And you're talking to Adam Brown about his life. And you rip it down. I'm next in line. David Goggins. I see my name. I see all this shit. And God goes, "Hey." You say, "Read this, man." And I'm reading this list. And I'm seeing 182 pounds. Navy Seal. Ranger School. Motivational Speaker. Changing lives. Okay, man, pull up record, all this shit. And I'm like, "That's not me, man." And God looks at me and says, "That's who you were supposed to be." I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life. I'm always waiting for everything to be perfect before I live my life. As soon as these things line up, I'm going to live my life. Man, I'm so guilty of that. It's not all going to -- I'm never going to get to that where everything's okay. Where everything looks a certain way. And in the meantime, I'm burning the best time I do have available. I'm burning that candle up. I'm burning this candle down. And I'm saying, as soon as it gets bright enough, I'm going to show up. But the candle's getting smaller. Ten years from now, you will surely become someone. The big question is, who? Ten years from now, you will surely arrive. And the question is, where? So to answer the question of where you want to arrive and the kind of person you want to be, you've got to get serious. You think when you're young that you have all this time, you have no time. There's no time. I mean, one of the quotes on the wall in the gym and there is, there is no tomorrow from Rocky 3. You know, there is no tomorrow. Fuck that shit. Let's get all this shit done today. Well, someday ain't a day of the week. You know, there's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday. Look on your counter. Some days not on there. So you've got to say, okay, I'm going to take this small step by here, this small step by there, this small step by there. And pretty soon, you know, we don't leak tall buildings in a single band. We take it a floor at a time. Everybody's in their bed, sleep, dreading that it's a Monday. Hey, this is Monday. And I'm loving it. I'm loving that whereby it's getting weaker. I'm getting stronger. It's not about to run into swimming to push up to sit ups. It's about what those things do for your mentality. You don't get better on the DAG on couch. You get better about coming out here and getting the fuck after it. Every DAG on day. The greatness is not meant for a few chosen people. It's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up. So just a mentality, really. Aspirations come from people that do amazing things, but they're really ordinary people just waking up every day doing it. Doing the little things that other people aren't doing, so. Every morning when you get up, say over and over to yourself, do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Whenever you have this tendency to procrastinate, program your subconscious mind with this automatic conditioned command. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now. The best way to fight the demons that chase you in the night is to stop and turn around. Turn around. Face them. Man up. You need to look back on that week with pride. Okay. Okay, maybe stop breaking promises to yourself when you say I'm going to wake up tomorrow at 7 a.m. And when the option comes to hit the snooze button, don't do it. There's one win that you've got for the day. That's action. The path of the exceptional person is one of an exception, which means that you are not with other people. And rather than fighting that or bemoaning it, see it as an indicator that you're on the right path. Because if everyone else works hearing you on, then it means you're not in the right place. Because it means you're just like everyone else and that's not where you want to be. When you were born, you are a phenomenon. You are unique. Your DNA has never occurred in the history of the universe. Going back billions of years, it will never occur in the future. Your life experiences with your parents and everything that you experience in your early years going on up is unique. It's yours. You are one of a kind, right? So that is your source of power. To waste that is just the worst thing you can do in your life. And what the power is, is finding that uniqueness. What makes you, you, and how you can mind that and how you can go deep into it and use that to create a career path. So just go and do it, try, learn from it. You know, you'll fail at some things. That's a learning experience that you need so that you can take that on to the next experience. And don't let people who you may respect and who you believe know what they're talking about. Don't let them tell you it can't be done. Because often they will tell you it can't be done. And it's just because they don't have the courage to try. What if I told you this was the last Monday morning of your life? What if I told you you died this week? Would you complain about your crap job or that test you don't want to take? I doubt it. You go much higher level thinking. If you're not pumped right now, if you're grunging what you're about to do, if you're not looking forward to it. Look, we're living in a world where there's so much more opportunity. Please, take a step back and think about how awesome it actually is. Recognize that you can attack the world in a totally different way because you were lucky enough to be born during this era. I'm going to have setbacks, I know. But if I'm feeling bad, that doesn't mean I'm doing bad. That doesn't mean I am bad. That doesn't mean that I can't still take some action. Because yeah, nothing changes and nothing changes, man. There'll be times where you succeed and there are times that you fail. So, wasting your time doubting whether you're going to be successful or not is pointless. It is. You just put one foot in front of the other. You control what you can't control. And then you see what the outcome is. If you went great, you're going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey over again. If you lose, it sucks. But you're going to have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again anyway. So, it's really pointless to sit here and debate or have doubt or just any other. You train as hard as you can and you step out there and you let it flow. It's time to stay focused. It's time to decide fuck clubs, fuck partying, fuck trying to fit in and socialize. Rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird. Why are you so anti-social? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you staying on the basketball court so much? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when there ain't nobody else out there? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you not clubing like every time I text you and invite you to go do some fun and cool? You always studying because I'm trying to get it. Let me tell you something homie. These women ain't going nowhere. These clubs, these parties, all this shit ain't going nowhere. The more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your shit. Molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your craft so that when it's time for you to make your rounds, you're going to fly. Stop running around here trying to live up to the hype homie. Now you guys are sitting there and to make that first step towards greatness is the hardest step. There is one thing hard on that my friends. It's later in life. As you look back on your life, the windows of opportunity has closed. Your ability is no longer present and you think back and you could have been great. Right now you have the ability to never have that debate inside your head. That's the debate you can never win. I don't know what freedom you have, but I can guarantee you that there's somebody in the hospital right now playing. Begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now. Don't blow it. It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric. It is time to go from being counted out to being counted on. An hour lost today is an hour lost forever. In life there's no time out. You can't raise your hand and stop the clock. It doesn't happen. So instead I recommend you learn how to switch. That switch will be something that is overwhelming or challenging. You put that switch that says go time. You don't have forever. Stop acting like it. That's the way life is. You don't have enough time. You got to make time. God told me to tell you don't play no more. You don't need to play. I gave you life. It's precious. You don't want to play with it. You the one taking it for granted. You getting up late. You got to add it to. You don't steal it. Then you brought usage. Get there early, man. You got all this stuff you want to do and you never say you got enough time. Get there early. No one's there. No one's doing anything in the morning. And my personal question to you is why not you? Your biggest enemy is you. My whole book is about you battling yourself. People don't understand as you against you. The only person that gets in your way is you. Nobody else is you. You cannot change your life unless you change something. If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got. It's more socially acceptable to be our own biggest critic than it is to be our own biggest cheerleader. Listen to the pain. It's both history, teacher, and watch until. Pain teaches us who we always. Sometimes it's so bad we feel like we're dying. We can't really live till we die to the camp. You've got the brains. You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life. You can grow immensely in the next few years. You can make your dreams come true. You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy. You can become powerful. Why not you? The fear is never reaching your potential. That's it. That always falling short, always quitting before you're done, always procrastinating, always not doing the right thing. And then one day you're an old man. And you look back and go, "God, I could have been great." It could have been great. Take yourself out your comfort zone. Do not live in your bubble. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's why you will fail. The unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives. It is. It is. And it could have been the story of mine. And I tell a lot of people, "Where's your biggest fear in life?" And my biggest fear, honestly, was... Let's say this. Let's say I don't care if you believe in God or not. I don't care. So this is a play game with me. Let's say you're God. And we have a big, long line of people. And I made it to heaven. 75 years old. I'm 300 pounds. I made it to heaven. I worked for equal-ab-mind, tireless, praying for cockroaches. That's what I did. But I'm dead. I'm in heaven now. And you're judging us all now. So we're in line. We're all sitting there in line. You have Adam Brown. He has a big board up. And you're talking to Adam Brown about his life. And you rip it down. I'm next in line. David Goggins. I see my name. I see all this. And God goes, "Hey." You say, "Read this, man." And I'm reading this list. And I'm seeing 182 pounds. Navy SEAL, Ranger School, motivational speaker, changing lives. Okay, man, pull up record all this shit. And I'm like, "That's not me, man." And God looks at me and says, "That's who you were supposed to be." You've got to be a little bit gone to it. You're not all there. You've got to be almost insane to your craft. Not a lot of people can understand that. It's that when it feels scary to jump, Ian, that is exactly when you jump. Otherwise, you end up staying in the same place your whole life. And that I can do. You're always afraid to take the first step, because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road. But you can do anything you want. You are bound by nothing. You love this game. I mean, love it with your whole heart. Because if you don't, let's not even bother. Let's not open that door. They're just going to slam it right in our face. I love this game. I live this game. And there's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession is going to be talent every time. You've got all the talent in the world. But are you obsessed? Is it all you ever think about? Let's face it. It's you against you out there. When you walk on that court, you have to think I am the best guy out there. I'm going to have setbacks, I know. But if I'm feeling bad, that doesn't mean I'm doing bad. That doesn't mean I am bad. That doesn't mean that I can't still take some action. Because yeah, nothing changes and nothing changes, man. Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it. You can mold it. Then you had that third failure in a row. Did you think I need to pack this in? Never. Why not? I don't ever give up. I always felt like I could do anything. That's the main thing people are controlled by. They're perception of themselves. They're slowed down by their perception of themselves. If you're taught you can't do anything, you won't do anything. I was taught I could do everything. To all of you watching here, come close to the screen and listen. People don't have to like you. People don't have to love you. They don't even have to respect you. But when you look in the mirror, you better love what you see. You better love what you see. Thank you to the critics! Thank you! Sometimes life can really hijack your mind. When that happens to you, you're all fucked up. Your goals, your ambitions, everything is out the window. In life, we all go through different things. Sometimes your girlfriend or boyfriend breaks up with you. Guess what? Get the fuck over it. They no longer want you. Maybe you fell a test in school. You worked yourself. Guess what? You fell a test. Get over it. Move past it. Learn to not let life hijack your brain. At work, you can work on yourself with that new promotion. You don't get it. Someone else does. Maybe it gets better than you do. Guess what? Get over it. Life will hijack your mind if you let it. Don't allow all these things to make you a lesser person. You must own your mind. Don't let life own yours. It's time to stay focused. It's time to decide clubs, partying, trying to fit in and socialize. Rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird. Why are you so anti-social? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you staying on the basketball court so much? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when there ain't nobody else out there? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you not clubbing? Like every time I text you and invite you to go do some fun and cool, you always study it. Because I'm trying to get it. Why would you not go for it? Why would you not take a chance? At one point in time, you got to take a chance on you. To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. Les Brown, the motivational speaker, he made an analogy about this. He says, "Imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghosts of the ideas you never acted on, the ghosts of the talents you didn't use, and they're standing around your bed, angry, disappointed and upset. They say, "We came to you because you could have brought us to life," they say. And now we have to go to the grave together. So I ask you today, how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes? I ask the question, "Why not you?" And now here's my last question. My very last question on the questions to ponder is, "Why not now?" There never was a better time. Take this dream and not let it die. Take this dream and give it life. Take this dream and breathe into it, your own personal spirit. Until finally, it becomes a flame that burns around the whole world. Let's go do it now. Eventually you are going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life. You have got to try to live. If you are waking up thinking that it's got to be more to your life than it is, man believed that it is. But to get to that life, you're going to have to jump. You