Ribble FM

The Food and Drink Show

The Team present the best food show on t'radio - sponsored by Ramsbottom Kitchens

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) - Ribble FM weather, sponsored by Steadplun, driving you further. - Here is the forecast for today. Mostly cloudy with generally light showers and outbreaks of rain, turning windier through the day and feeling colder than of late with a touch of rural frost overnight. High temperatures of around 14 degrees Celsius. Food and drink show on Ribble FM, sponsored by Ram's Bottom Kitchen. See the website for more at ram's ♪ Ribble FM ♪ ♪ Panic on the streets of London ♪ ♪ Panic on the streets of Birmingham ♪ ♪ I wonder to myself ♪ ♪ Could I better be sane again ♪ ♪ Deep side streets with your skin down ♪ ♪ I wonder to myself ♪ ♪ What's may lies in the grass here ♪ ♪ But he may not say this ♪ ♪ So you run down to the sake of the town ♪ ♪ But the panic on the streets are hollow ♪ ♪ Dublin, Dundee, Henderson ♪ ♪ I wonder to myself ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Could I do a bit ♪ ♪ I'm down at disco ♪ ♪ I'm the rest of DJ ♪ ♪ Because the music that they constantly play ♪ ♪ There's nothing to me about my life ♪ ♪ Oh, the blessing of DJ ♪ ♪ Because the music that's possible for you ♪ ♪ On the lead side switch it just slipped down ♪ ♪ The provincial town's a joke around ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ ♪ I'm the teacher, I'm the teacher ♪ There we go, another one of those food and drink shows here on Rebel Affirmary's Wednesday. It moves us here. - Hello. - Hi buddy. - I am. - Have a good week. - It's been a chill day. - Yeah. - Excited today as well because something that is really trendy and really cool. - Oh yeah. - And certainly grown massively over the last 10 years. It's coffee. And these are not coffee experts, these are coffee jeddies today. The brand, the look, the taste, everything. Simon and Tom are here from Godhead. Good afternoon, Jim. How are we? - Very good. I really appreciate the coffee jeddie. - Coffee jeddie. - Coffee jeddie. - Coffee jeddie. - We thought, right. If we talk, let's put it into context, right? If you were talking to Major General Thomason from the British Forces, he'd explain the caliber of the weapons and everything. Whereas jeddies just wield it and they do what it's supposed to do. So, you know, we've said this before, Simon, on a number of chats, that you could talk about all the technicalities of coffee. He's morgues is ridiculous. And I want to just do it with a little feathery duster thingy and put air into it, right? We're not into that. We're into what they taste like. - Some people are into that, though. - Yeah, weirdos. But with you guys, the brand Godhead is just simply stunning to look at. But when you talk about the experience of drinking Godhead coffee, it's not just about flavor, is it? It's about the experience. There's an emotional connection. - I mean, you can really paraphrase this really well. Like, you clearly go through the long-rooted process of creating that coffee, don't you? - Yeah, so you can go from something as simple as grinding the coffee and putting it in a cafeteria or a filter. But I go through the, I weigh out the beans, grind them, then weigh out how much water that was through into, like, yeah. - Very fancy. - And you can go into a really great detail. - But it's therapeutic. - I find, like, a theater practice. - Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I'm very, very OCD about it almost. Like, everything has to be right. In fact, I actually told you I was watching a TikTok of all things. There was a guy on there that had one of those little, it was like a rubber balloon. When you squeeze it, it blows air out of the nozzle. He was doing that to get rid of the residual grounds on the porthead filter and all that sort of stuff. And I was like, ah, that one, which, yeah, no, okay, that's it. - So anyway, you're going with this and I like it. So the segue that was using there is that's your method of using it. - Yeah. - The Godhead is a brand, our tagline is connect to what matters. - Yeah. - So we noticed very early when we were building the brand that, like, coffee is the ultimate connection tool. - It is. - You connect into yourself. - Yeah. - That's a way of going in. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - A little moment of peace making all of it, yeah. - Which clearly thinks you're psycho. - Yes. - Yes. - It can be a coffee in bed with someone that you love. It can be a coffee with a friend who knows him for ages. You know what I mean? It's like coffee at the end of the day is the ultimate connection tool. - Yeah. - When you really, really think about it. And that was the brand. That's how we went around it. It's just really building something that brings people back to what's most important to them. And that's how we... - I think this... - about this junction out, please. Go and just go on to the Godhead Coffee website. And you'll get a picture and some of the artwork on there, because Tom's here who is responsible for all the photography and the cinematography. It looks incredible. - Visual Jesus. - He is. - Yeah. - I love it. - He is. - I love it. - Yeah. It's because that adds the layers that it needs. I've experienced it because I've worked with you guys. I've had the coffee. I've had the full chat. I know the extras that come with when your little box arrives. And it's great packaging. And then Godhead and the logo. - Oh, yeah. - Already the anticipation started. I haven't even known the bag of beans yet. But the anticipation, because I know this is going to be right because of how it's all put together. But for people who may not just quite get that, go and have a look at the website now. And then some things that we talk about over the next hour in the future, I'll make a little bit more sense. There'll be a little bit stronger, bond emotional feel to what you guys tell us about the coffee. - How many cups of coffee do you drink today, Tom? Yeah. Or a little? - I used to drink a lot. - Like Mega? - Yeah. Like seven to ten cups a day. - You think? - Yeah. - Is this in America of the good stuff? - Well, the bad stuff before this brand came. Well, yeah. - When I say that, I mean, the good stuff's like whether it's packing a punch, you know, because there's some coffees that, you know, maybe wine all day when you're surely. - Yeah. Yeah. So I've, I've cut it down to one or two now in the morning, just to get started with the game. - Get started. - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just kind of get going with stuff and after that I just drink tea. - Don't look cold and barren. - Yeah. Yeah. - Everybody's used to it. - I'm probably like, I should say two or like two, three, four. It depends what I'm doing. Like for me, it's kind of a subconscious habit. You know, and if you want and through walking through somebody, you just end up making them on an idiot. - It's a bit, bit, bit of a natural practice. And you go from meat and it's like, oh, just everyone wants to be on that as well, have one with them. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's just a smell, I think, more than anything. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You come down in the morning and you, you know, I don't grind it, but I've got the grounds there. And boy, he walks through and it's just like, and he goes, that's... - It's like the perfect start to a day, isn't it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Ritual. - It is. - Yeah. - It's the ultimate ritual. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Right. Lots more to come from, it's Simon, Tom, and of course, me and Mugs, when we back in a second after this. (upbeat music) ♪ Yes, this means you're sorry ♪ ♪ You're standing at my door ♪ ♪ Yes, this means you take it back ♪ ♪ All you said before ♪ ♪ Like how much you wanted ♪ ♪ Anyone but me ♪ ♪ Said you'd never come back ♪ ♪ But here you are again ♪ ♪ 'Cause we belong together tonight ♪ - Yeah. ♪ Forever you know that here is home ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ You gotta be tonight ♪ ♪ And I say ♪ ♪ My life ♪ ♪ What's I gonna do ♪ ♪ Without you ♪ ♪ Baby, I was stupid ♪ ♪ Telling you goodbye ♪ ♪ Baby, I was wrong for ♪ ♪ Trying to pick a fight ♪ ♪ I know that I've got issues ♪ ♪ But you're pretty messed up too ♪ ♪ Either way I found out ♪ ♪ I'm nothing without you ♪ ♪ 'Cause we belong together tonight ♪ Yeah, like forever, you know I didn't hear you so loud Yeah, you gotta be tonight And honestly, my life, what's driving through, will I hear you? I've been with you, I saw this functional I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go, yeah 'Cause we belong together tonight Yeah, like forever, you know I didn't hear you so loud Yeah, you gotta be tonight And honestly, my life, what's driving through, will I hear you 'Cause we belong together tonight Yeah, like forever, you know I didn't hear you so loud Yeah, you gotta be tonight And honestly, my life, what's driving through, will I hear you Welcome back to The Fender Drink Show, I predominantly drink today, I must have read, because we've got Simon and Tom from Godhead Coffee, and yeah I had a Godhead this morning, this morning we tried in the proper coffee machine, the transcend So I'm going to write Oh, I'll have a three, it's a transcend blend, just, so I want to try and trust me, today is all about coffee, 'cause it is such a big thing in our lives, isn't it? And we've been saying before, just off air that, listen, a Starbucks is your thing, that's your thing, that is coffee at whatever level, yeah? But we were talking about how many people don't have coffee machines at home, so maybe haven't experienced the level that Godhead is at? Yeah, it's a luxury thing, isn't it, at the end of the day, it's bliss to have this brilliant cup of coffee, the way everyone could have a 12-day machine in the house, that's right, yeah, which end of the 12-day machine, yes I was saying earlier, the price of a decent steamed coffee machine, you know, with the bangy bit, what have you, what's he called again, mugs? The port ahead, the port ahead, you know, you let you see in restaurant track, they are coming down aren't they? The price of them are coming down, I know that Sage are doing an entry level one at the minute, which has got no milk steam ransom, but you can just make proper coffee espresso's, and then also milk in the microwave and pour it on top, yeah, it still works But down to 120 quid now, which I think is a great price, and it's only then will the disciples be able to continue their work, because trying to convert people to good coffee without having the facility to make it properly is difficult, isn't it? Yeah, essentially it's really a good point actually, that was one of the reasons why we started the brand in the first place, I was in Peru, so we lived on a coffee farm for five or six days, so it was like getting avocados from trees and picking it, yeah, it was an amazing trip But that was the first time in my life, I actually had real coffee, fresh, you know, little peruvians, it was just incredible, and when I came home, everything I tasted after, once you've had something amazing, you don't go back It's like I applied first-clashing, you know what I mean? Yeah, and in fact, it's really bad, it kind of built from that really, because I'm not going to name brands, but we were literally trying to get another coffee, and we couldn't get to that level So that was one of the key routes for us, was like, how do we bring what's actually out there to the UK, because it's just not, yeah, and a lot of stuff we get here is burnt, it's got fungus, pesticides, plastics and stuff And for us, one of the big things was to make it on a healthier aspect, you know, fix the problem, fix the... Well, okay, I didn't realise there was that much, when you say you had fresh coffee, the beans had still been roasted, though, hadn't they? Yeah, roasted, but it was literally, they'd been picked, washed, dried, it was done in a matter of... Because I hadn't realised the massive process that goes into making the coffee bean that we see, because when they come off the tree, they're actually quite big berries, and then they need to break that open on them, they... Is it called a cherry? Is that what it is? That's true, and then you have to break that open, and then the beans... When I was fortunate enough to have been to Jamaica, and we're into the Blue Mountains, and I know Blue Mountain Coffee is supposed to be one of the best, but to sit there and just watch these ordinary mountain folk in a big old steel pan that was black from the salt, just stirring beans with a lump of water until they roasted over an open fire, and then taste the coffee. I can't describe it, I just can't. But what I do struggle with is what you said earlier, once you've had good coffee, you can't go back. And whilst I know we'll put up with things, because we can't always have, I don't know, a Philly steak for dinner, you know, sometimes we do have to go for the tea per option. But I don't think that the price point that Godhead is at, which you can find out on the website, is expensive at all, in comparison to other coffees. However, the taste and flavour and the experience is completely different in terms of levels where we are. Yeah, that's, we're really proud on the feedback. That's what we ever hear is, for us, the biggest barrier is how do we get people to taste it to the point, and then we go, like, would you guys? As soon as you were like, yeah, I could tell by the way you started smiling, how do we try to do this morning, and you're just like, you're glowing. I mean, just speech it, so also vibrating, and yeah, that's the air cup. What you were saying earlier, though, is whilst, you know, that particular one that we tried this morning, the transcend brand, you have got all the labels, and I loved the names of them all. I can't remember what they were now, but I'm sure Tom will remember. Oh, now you put me on the flower. It was a bit despite, Mom. It was silence for you, ain't I? Oh, God. So we've got a more transcend, Wonderlust, Spice Bomb, Coco Touch, and then the two black labels, which is Nirvana and Vintage. Yeah. The two black labels are very, they're very hard to source, like, it's rare, really rare. So one's the highest grown coffee, like, in the world, wow, and that one's washed in imported mineral water. I mean, I'll be eating that, yeah. Yeah, it holds all the mineral, incredible. Yeah. So you obviously brought some of that with you today to leave with us, looking forward to that. We've got a new path coming back when we get back, shall we say, and coming up, going to be finding out what you boys think is, I'm going to give you a little bit of time to think about it. The perfect accompaniment to a godhead coffee in the morning or in the early evening. Bye. Travel. ♪ Stay with me, but if you want to leave ♪ ♪ Shake your things, forget all about me ♪ ♪ Tell me why you fell to realize ♪ ♪ That you might not ever get another try ♪ ♪ You'll play ♪ ♪ Nobody told you me ♪ ♪ But it's not a brand new thing ♪ ♪ You're gonna do your own thing ♪ ♪ I hear what you're saying ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you're playing ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ Like if you've been acting mighty strange ♪ ♪ To me it seems your attitude has changed ♪ ♪ And suddenly you just don't see the same ♪ ♪ Instead of playing all those silly games ♪ ♪ You'll play ♪ ♪ Nobody told you me ♪ ♪ But it's not a brand new thing ♪ ♪ You're gonna do your own thing ♪ ♪ I hear what you're saying ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you're playing ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ Nobody told you me ♪ ♪ But it's not a brand new thing ♪ ♪ You wanna do your own thing ♪ ♪ I hear what you're saying ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you're playing ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ Like if you've been acting mighty strange ♪ ♪ To me it seems your attitude has changed ♪ ♪ And suddenly you just don't see the same ♪ ♪ Instead of playing almost silly games ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ ♪ Nobody told you me ♪ ♪ But it's not a brand new thing ♪ ♪ You wanna do your own thing ♪ ♪ I hear what you're saying ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you're playing ♪ ♪ You can play that game, you can play that game ♪ The food and drink show on Ribble FM, sponsored by Rams Bottom Kitchen. 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What I am is what I am, you what you are. Oh, what? What I am is what I am, you what you are. What I am is what I am, you what ♪ I say I say I say I say I do it ♪ ♪ I say I say I say I do it ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ I just want to throw this one to you guys, actually, really quickly. Last week, we didn't get chance to include it last week because he came out a little bit late. Tom Hanks, all right, was it a big gig in the old LA Malibu or whatever? And he was offered a glass of champagne. He said, "I'm kind of like trying to steer away from alcohol a little bit." So he had a half a glass of Diet Coke and he poured the champagne into the Diet Coke. And it's become a viral hit. Everybody's trained it and saying it actually works. Diet Coke and champagne. That's like putting sterilized milk in Godhead coffee. You just won't do it, would you? Would you ever imagine what that is? Just try to imagine it as it works. It doesn't work. It's always weird, isn't it? Right. Let's go one step further. I mean, it's sort of like, you know, the Dean themselves is the prestige food he brand. White strawberries. They've grown white strawberries. So my question is, why? What was wrong with the red ones? It's like it was laughing. I don't get it. You know, the red ones are doing a perfectly great job. They look nice, they taste nice. That food, isn't it? Yeah. People like things that are completely off the end of the spectrum. Like, bodybuilding. Natural bodybuilding was cool, but everyone's seen massive people. Like, the weirdest something is people go crazy for the weirdest aspects of it. Right, I'll pass it to them. So that's why... It's amazing. Yeah, but it was really... I just saw them and saw what was wrong with the red ones. That was my initial thought. I mean, it's like this thing dipped in white chocolate. Fine. Yeah, absolutely fine, but... He's the same. Yeah, but to all, he's fine. Oh, did he say it's like Percy Picks? Oh, that'd be a game changer. The milk bottles that they used to get, the Harry Potter milk bottle things. Yeah, can you imagine? Right, we said just before we nipped off that we'd set you a little bit of a question. Right, now Tom's looking nervous already, so he's going first. Right? The perfect accompaniment to a morning brew of Godhead coffee. There'll be a cup of walnut that you can like. Oh, yeah, maybe that, maybe that. But a one-year favourite, your favourite, that could set you up... You know you've got a day of hell in front of you. So you're going to get your Godhead coffee ready. What's the little bit of nutrition going to be? It's just a day of hell. It'd be sourdough bread, two poached eggs, smashed avos. Well, I didn't know I could murder that right though. I couldn't... Right there. Love it. Love it. Right, Simon, morning. Same morning. Yeah. Yeah. Surf. Surf coming in coffee, pastel denata or a croissant. They're simple, and then probably eggs. You haven't got to do me, didn't you? Yeah. That's us. Good. We've had a little sort of like drop of some Portuguese in there. Yeah. Pastel denata. It's the answer, it's incredible. For those who don't know... Pastel denata is the... It's almost like the Portuguese egg custard tart, but it's how lovely, flaky, volvination is. It's got a gorgeous amount. Mmm. Can't we have both? Because both of those are doing me, right? Evening. Evening. And I... Would you advocate... Are you one of those that drink coffee in the evening? It's a martini. Oh. Or a coffee, I wish I... Yeah. Mmm. But what about a nibble, though, to go with it in the evening? You just kind of... At the end of the day, you got home. You haven't had the day from hell like Tom. Yours was a bit easier, because it normally is. Erm... No, it's the day. Oh, come on. It's the day. So, how would you nicely round off that day just thinking, you know... Well, what? Don't you relax, day? Or has it been stressful? No, it's been a hard-grafty day. Oh, it's been a hard-graft. Yeah. Erm... You do realize you're buying card, eh? You're buying card for Tom, eh? You realize... Geez, gang! Oh, wants to play in, like, New York Vanilla. Erm... Erm... And basically, it's probably a heavy-gig. Geez, gang. It's just trying to... Yeah, we can get the Nutella every once. Erm... Yeah, erm... Just kind of went out. You're not going to be bad. Oh, yeah. Because this is radio, right? We've all found one's house. We got used to it, right? Erm... When you look at Simon, and some of these stuff that's on his social media, like... Humming in Buddhist monk areas, whatever they call it, I don't know. He does all that kind of stuff. Fit, lad, and everything. And then he talks about... Right? Is it quite sophisticated, Tom? Please, you've got to bang me up on this, right? And then he says... Geez, K. And then freshes it... With... Bayleys. That's food, tart. I'm not having that Simon. The... You've been thinking, though, because it's... If you're having, like, a... A coffee whiskey... Gorgia, if it's not supposed to be martini. But it works. No? Yeah. Yeah, I'd say. Sometimes a bit of food, tart is good. Come on, Tommy. I'm staying out of this. Oh! Oh! Quiet, quiet! Honestly, that's not right here anyway. What would yours be? In the evening. Just... You just want to kick back a little bit, and... That desire to have a nice coffee, maybe with an apparently for something, but... It's the food! Because it... What you were saying earlier, Simon, was about... God had coffee being that experience, that feeling, that connection, that... So... There is a huge connection between food and drink. And so, with coffee, Tommy, it's got to be something... A little bit different, maybe. So, we've been trying to develop the best decaf coffee that we can. Right. I mean, we spent a lot coming soon. We've spent the last year trying to figure out the best way to... That has the same kind of intense flavours and... Et cetera, but just with those. The process to make decaf is very different and very complicated, and I'm not going to try and explain what it is. See, I'm trying to not drink caffeine, you know, later in the day, so... It'd be a... God had decaf. Yeah. And a chocolate hobbed up. Oh, yeah! It's very... I feel like something that I'm simple as about, isn't it? No. That's it, isn't it? Barely. It's cheese cake, really. Right? A chocolate hob. It's just... It's golden. It's crunchy. The last bit, you've got actually deep in. You know what I mean? Just soften it up a little bit. Yeah, she's taking it. I love it. More. It's not about you. Have you anything that you'd... For the morning? Yeah. I am lovely pot of black coffee, croissants, butter, jam. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, croissants. Very French. Mm. With a cafe au lait and the croissants and yes. Right, go on. What about your evening? Evening. It depends how late in the evening. It's getting on a little bit more, I might sit there with a nice coffee, cigar, something like that. Yeah. Oh. No, no, tell me. Oh, that's a good answer. Yeah. Oh. Just lumps of black, dark chocolate. Yeah. Yeah, just coffee, dark chocolate, and just allow it to melt in the mouth with the heat of the coffee, and that's me. You've got a question for you. So, out of those two, you've chosen two completely different flavour profiles. Yeah. Coffee, which coffee, out of the ones we've given you, would you choose those? You see, I'd like to go before. I'd probably go for the cocoa touch with a cigar. So chocolate Nutella cigar. Yeah. Because it kind of like counter-balances each other, and I think you'd go with dark chocolate and the cocoa touch would be just, it probably would work, complimentary, really. But I think at least, and I'll just leave you to it. I think it would probably also be a case of a clash. So I'll probably go for the spice bomb, or the blend that we had this morning, or the names of trusset. I don't. Yeah. Dark chocolate. Okay. I'm going to play devil's advocate really quickly for just a couple of seconds. Is this not all a bit over the top? It's a change. Really? Life. And which brand, which of our blends would you use to do certain topics? And I'd get flavour profiles. But is it a bit too much? Well, I could come back to you with something that you're more familiar with, which is wine. That was the parallel I was drawing. You know, there are wine connoisseurs that describe all the little nuances of each of the individual grapes. And some would choose this particular wine with that particular kind of meal. I get that. But this is coffee. And... But that's the problem in the industry. Yeah, nobody... And people moan that coffee's bad. Yeah. Right. Yeah. No, I get it. I get it 100%. You would quite easily be able to pair a Pinot Noir with a certain dish. Or you might pair it as... So when you're on block with a certain fish dish, or you would pair things very easily, like, yeah, if you have done with me in the past, it's very similar. Right. Okay. And I get it. We've said before, I like that term that we use, which is flavour profiles. I get it. I get it. But I just... I just wanted to play devil's advocate because at the end of the day, people would see still I think people still see coffee as a morning beverage. And he's like, throw it down before I jump in the car and go and do two hours in a traffic jam. Do you know what I mean? Can I play devil's advocate to the devil? Yeah. Absolutely. How much does it ruin your day when you have an awful coffee? So you paid £2.50. Oh my god. So... Yes. Yes. I love it. Yeah. That highlights it perfectly, doesn't it? Right. 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