The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hate Mail Monday plus Tom Fitton Joins the Show | 3.11.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie welcomes Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton to the show to call attention to the major Clarence Thomas hypocrisy from the Left and the media (but we repeat ourselves). Then, Grace shares this week's round of Hatred, and Howie talks Illegals in the News.

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11 Mar 2024
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Investing in precious metals may seem daunting to a beginner, but now maybe one of the best times to begin doing so. Find out why in the latest episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. With this week's guest, Silver Dave, of Local Silver Men, wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Force One, the President and I talked about how energized he is to take on Donald Trump. I'm on Jack Johnson, but Matt, no! Biden told me every time he hears Trump speak, he gets, quote, "juiced up." They're exp... exp... you know... Come again. What... what they're gonna do is to ensure a national... really... In English, please. They're all about they're against everything, not for anything, except the things they're the wrong thing. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You promised Black America that you'd have our back. Do you feel you have our backs? I have your back, and I'm not as much as any president has in American history since then, Johnson. But I have always been there with you. I was there when George and wheezy moved on up to the east side, and I was there when Tootie got those terribly painful braces. Oh yes, and with Arnold Jackson got beat up by the gooch, I was there! Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. Can we all agree that there are many loathsome people in the United States Senate? Most of them Democrats? Can we all agree that one of the most loathsome Democrats is someone from our area, actually they're suffering from our area? But today I'm thinking of Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. This is the guy who belongs to the all-white yachting clubs. Most of us of whatever color would not be allowed inside that club unless we were wearing a chauffeur scap. I think that is safe to say. And he's the one who went after Brett Kavanaugh, he's the one who's always trying to smear Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, every... all the conservative members of the U.S. Supreme Court. Well, guess what? He's a hypocrite. I know that's going to shock you. Stop the presses. Sheldon Whitehouse has now had an ethics complaint filed against him by judicial watch, and we have Tom Fitton on to discuss what exactly they are alleging. Tom Fitton, thanks for being back with us here on The Howie Car Show. How are we good to be with you again? Thanks for covering this. And thank you for doing this. He's got... he has a wife, Sandra Thornton Whitehouse, and she is a big green type lobbyist, and she's made millions of dollars, has she not, over the past since he's been in the U.S. Senate? Well, she's done quite well for herself, and she's in the business of working with these environmental groups, and she has a consultancy that benefits from these relationships, and incredibly Whitehouse keeps on sponsoring or co-sponsoring legislation that directly benefits the group she works with. And this isn't just, well, you know, both like higher taxes, so we use votes to raise taxes, but there's a level of specificity here that's really beyond belief in terms of his involvement in the legislation because it goes to the benefit of her and obviously him as their, as their Mary. So let's take some examples here. He, after he got elected to office, so this is about like 15 years ago, he wrote to the U.S. Department of Transportation to approve a $22 million grant for a company that planned to lease offshore land in Providence. To Deepwater Wind. And then after, after he wrote the letter, Deepwater Wind hired Whitehouse's wife as a consultant and nationwide search, in other words. Yeah, that really, really ended up essentially just hiring the spouse of the Senator who, you know, pushed for the company. It's just incredible. You know, in this kind of thing, this kind of gray area of spousal lobbying and family lobbying and being involved in these, you know, or benefiting from what the spouse is doing, who's an elected member. To be clear goes on all the time here in D.C. But sometimes there is a line even in this corrupt city that's crossed and it's clear that Whitehouse is crossed the line. Well, this, this company, by the way, it's not just of, you know, actual conflict of interest in a technical sense. The ethics rules in the Senate, yes, the Senate does have ethics rules. You know, they caution against the appearance of a conflict of interest. And, you know, given Whitehouse's obsessive interest with pretending and throwing out these conflict of interest allegations against anyone, he opposes ideologically in these judicial fights. It really is beyond belief that he takes that position given, you know, what he and his wife are running out of his office. It seems based on, again, this is all publicly available evidence. So this is not like we're going down and, you know, getting secret audio and video. It's all in the papers. Right. Well, I'm just looking at the Deepwater Wind. They, this is the, they, he wrote a letter getting, you know, pushing for a $22 million grant. Three weeks later, they hire his wife as a consultant. The company Deepwater Wind issues a press release boasting that they've hired her. The local media picks it up and runs with it. And then he issues a denial. I mean, this is, this is like beyond hypocrisy. This is quits by here on his part, isn't it? Yeah. And it's still a mystery as to what went on there. I'm not quite sure what the end result of all that controversy was. And this is why the Senate ethics committee, among other reasons, you know, should be asking questions to Senator White House. And, you know, you know, I was, and it's not in our letter, but just say, you know, remember Tom Dachshle? Of course. You sent a Democrat leader. Right. South Dakota 10 years back, I guess. His wife was notorious also for being involved in the transportation sector, airline industry, and such. And, you know, there were similar issues. And we filed a letter with the ethics committee of the Senate. Of course, they didn't want to do anything, but they took the extraordinary step of reminding all senators of the rules, and they, they need to be careful about what their spouses are doing in terms of the obvious conflicts of interest. And, you know, someone like White House, you know, I guess he's there long enough that he thinks like sort of basic ethics rules that wouldn't let anyone else go to sleep at night, or violations of which wouldn't let anyone else go to sleep at night, he can violate out of when. Right. Well, here's, here's one you mentioned. The 2020 Save Our Seas Act 2.0, hundreds of thousands of dollars at funnels and grants to ocean conservancy, which, which pays White House's wife and features content on its website. Now, shouldn't he, you know, maybe it's not like a direct payoff, but shouldn't he recuse himself if she's getting money from this legislation that he's voting on? Yes. I mean, at the very least. Yes. Or, or, or, I, you know, it's hard, I, in many ways, sometimes these senators of wives or spouses, you know, depending on the context, I mean, they have a right to work, but, right, you know, when, when you have money, you know, through his intercession being made available to the wife's specific employer that has a specific interest in the outcome of this specific legislation, this is, I don't think this is an exactly any earmark, but it's kind of like earmarked type activity. Boy, it's, it's, it's max of abusive office. And, and, you know, and to be fair to Senator White House, maybe there's all sorts of explanations for all of this. Well, what an investigation, a serious one. Is this, is this right that Mrs. White House, going back to this ocean conservancy that, that's, you know, where that they're, they have her on the website and she's writing stuff for him, it says she made 2.6 million in total compensation in 2009 while serving as a consultant for ocean. Is that just promotion conservancy or is that all the money she made in 2009? I think it goes, I'm trying to remember, is it 2009 through a period of time? But those numbers that we use in the, in the release and, and in our letter or whatever they say, you know, those are based on tax forms and press reports. So it's, it's a pretty straightforward, you know, and, and, and ocean conservancy is a, conservancy is a nonprofit. So some of those expenditures are reportable on their tax form. So that's where numbers like that would come from. No wonder he can afford to belong to two whites only, protestants only, may flower only clubs in Rhode Island. So I mean, this, this Senator, you know, he's notorious for putting charts up, talking about these relationships among conservative organizations and he doesn't want corporations to support conservatives who file a biggest briefs in the Supreme Court and you somehow wrap that up with a tax on Ginny Thomas and Clarence Thomas. Right. And it's great, and it's frankly, a lot of crazy talk. But then you've got this sort of base evidence, you know, this evidence of base corruption by him with, you know, his wife, you know, benefiting financially from all the successes spending and mandates and government contract he endorses. It's just the remarkable set of facts in terms of hypocrisy. But even if he wasn't hypocritical, he still needs to be investigated because it looks what, what he's doing with his wife and her company or her consultancy and the various organizations she's linked up with. There has to be some type of investigation. But seriously, I mean, the, the chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, the person you sent the letter to is Chris Coons, who is from Delaware and supposedly he's Biden's favorite senator. And as long as the Democrats are in control of the Senate and the committees, nothing's going to happen. I will even anything happen if the Republicans take over in, in the fall. Well, you know, the ethics committee on the Senate side, if I, you know, I'm assuming it's still set up the way since my last check, it's split evenly. So the ethics committees are kind of unusual in that nature because it's mutually sure destruction. So you need both parties to agree to take action. And usually that's a guarantee that nothing's going to happen. Either nothings are done or in the case of the Republican, it's only an inconvenient Republican that's ever targeted for ethics sanctions. But you know, it's the process. So, you know, I think that doing this is important in terms of educates Americans about what's going on. And it's an opportunity for your callers to share their views about how Senator White House should be treated by the ethics committee. So who would you suggest, who would you suggest the listeners go beyond the ethics committee, the all senators have a say here, practically speaking? Yeah. So who would you suggest people reach out to? And by the way, and how do they get to judicial watch to read more on this Sheldon White House ethical miasma that he finds himself in? Oh, sure. They go to our website at judicial watch dot org judicial watch one word dot org. And you know, the sort of ethics committee is is controlled by the chairman is, as you say, Chris Coons, the vice chairman is James Langford. So Langford is the congressman or the senator from Oklahoma. Other members include Brian Schatz from Hawaii, Dean Shaheem from New Hampshire. So another local girl likes. That's a real cast of characters there, including the Republicans. You know, Langford's the guy who signed on to the Biden border fiasco that they were pushing recently. But I guess you got to call somebody. Someone says I'm my anti-war six members, three Republicans and three Democrats. So you know how that's going to work unless voters what your fees be know. No, I'm not anti-wasp. I'm half-wasp myself. But I just, you know, it kind of bugs me that he's in these exclusive clubs that don't let, they don't let most was sent to these clubs that he belongs to by the way. 401 says he also below 202 225 3121. Give me that number again. 225 3121. Sheldon also belongs as someone from Rhode Island to the ultra exclusive reading room on Bellevue Avenue. Men's only whites only restricted club. Yeah. But you know, he's very angry about Clarence Thomas taking a few trips. Right. I mean, but it's okay for him and his wife to do whatever the hell they place. All right, Tom Fenton, always great. Give us the, give us the judicial watch website one more time. I encourage people to learn about our work and join our cause and join our movement. Thank you, Tom Fenton. And good luck with Sheldon Whitehouse. He's a real piece of work. I'll tell you. Spring is here in the outdoor opportunities on the caper special. The Cape Cod Rail Trail on an electric bike is a great opportunity to have some fun. And you can get discounts on the e-bike rentals. They're available from the Nossett Beach Inn. You can view the Great Herring Migration in Brewster. It's a one-of-a-kind fish run with swarms of fish. Again, very close by to the Nossett Beach Inn. There are endless beach and shore paths to hike. And you can watch the return of the humpback whales and maybe even the Great Whale, which was thought to be extinct until last week. You could watch the whales from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn. The Nossett Beach Inn, it's the only public lodging on the Cape Cod National Seashore and now is a great time to visit. Want to warm up after a long day outside? Every room has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn, I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view, but that the ocean view is ever-changing with a different surf to watch. Nossett Beach Inn is pet-friendly. Each room has two queen-sized beds, so it's very family-friendly too. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset, cocktail, or conversation. The Nossett Beach Inn, a short drive to a vacation far away. April rooms from 249-99 and in May, rooms from 269-99. Reserve your room. They won't last long., that's I'm Howie Carr. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to police plotter Facts Friday, every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr show store. He's Howie Carr and he's back. It's time for Howie Cars. 844-542-42. At this time, every Monday afternoon, we like to check in with all of the fan mail, mache notes, voice mail, just the general love that we receive from everybody who watches, listens, to the show, our shows, and it reads my columns. So at this time, every Monday, Grace puts together everything and we call it hate mail Monday. Yes, Howie, and we're going to start with a little critique of your fashion choices as of late. Can I have cut to please? Jesus, how? You've had that same t-shirt on the past two weeks. That thing must smell pretty ripe by now. I watched it. This is the t-shirt that says I didn't I cheaper to deport than support. I'm I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt over it today cheaper to support to deport than support and you get it's available at click on store and we have the special deal continues today. Also, I've been March and save five bucks. Also, Howie, there's a combo hate mail for both you and Taylor. Can I get cut one please? What's the deal with Massachusetts rhinos and their favorite D words? We all know about Charlie Parker disappointed disappointed. Then there's Howie Car. Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, Deerfield, and last and certainly least Tucker Taylor. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Do you know what a rhino is? Disappointed. Went to Deerfield. Disgusting. That guy is a dunce. You know who the last lieutenant governor from Deerfield was Grace? No, who? Donald Dwight. Oh, there you go. The more you know I'm Howie. Did you get it the Ds? It's the Ds. Yes. Yes. Howie, I have another hate mail for Taylor. This one's a little in the weeds. So Taylor, tell everyone your last name in case they don't know. Cormier. Okay. So this person on Twitter wrote, this is again not hate mail for Taylor, but it's a genuine question. Have you been secretly affected by the woke mind virus? Have you been scarred by the Freedom Fries movement when Americans hated the French? Dude, I'm not trying to racially stereotype, but you look French. Hugo, not as heck. And your name, it's Cormier, right? This is semi-serious. Every time I hear Cormier, I'm thinking it's Cormier. Dude, they sent us Lady Liberty. Celebrate your heritage. Viva la France. In the fourth grade, the first day of class, my teacher went around the room and read everybody's name, make sure he had it right, and he said, Taylor, Cormier. And I said, fourth grade Taylor said this. It's Cormier. Where in America? And that was that. That was that. And before I get hate for not reading my own hate, I can tell by the pie on your tie, you're an American. Well, so am I. Mark Snyder said, Hey, Grace, you're a natural beauty, but you need to cut down on the blush. Too much makeup. Whoa. That's kind of my style, Mark. I like to go big with the bright lights. Someone just said I made him nervous when I pulled up my shirt. People wanted to see it. Gotta give it to people like that. Cheaper to deport and support. It's perfect for spring. You're grilling with the Omaha steaks. Thank you, Grace. I'm Howie Carr. No matter what your thoughts on Valentine's Day, some things are better together, like peanut butter and jelly, for a blockbuster movie in a bucket of popcorn. Another perfect match, whatever you're listening to, and Raycon's Everyday Earbuds, with optimized gel tips for the perfect in-air fit, these earbuds are comfortable for all day wear. And like any serious love story, your Raycon earbuds are here for a good time and a long time, with eight hours of playtime and a 32-hour battery life. Most importantly, you get amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. Raycon's Everyday Earbuds also feature three customizable sound profiles, earbud tap functions and noise isolation and awareness modes. And they're used to feeling the love with tens of thousands of five-star reviews so far. Go to today to get 15% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-844-542-42. So many Biden cuts to play here, post-state of the union. But the first one I want to play, because it's finally gotten a pushback from the company he's saying it about. He's been talking about Snickers for all this time. Again, just to refresh your memory, there was an op-ed piece and the guy was talking about how inflation wasn't as bad as it had been when he first took over. But it's still bad and the reason it is is because people buy certain products every day and the price has gone up as opposed to something like a widescreen TV or an automobile. All the price of automobiles are through the roof. And I think they just illustrated the piece of the New York Times. It wasn't a terrible story by New York Times standards with a picture of a Snickers bar. And being senile, he fixated his mind somehow, what's left of it, somehow fixated on the Snickers bars. And he's been talking about the Snickers bars ever since. And he was doing it again in Philadelphia on Friday night, cut 15. Somebody may have seen there was a TV thing on how Snickers bars. Same exact price with us. Don't hold me to the exact number, like 20% less bar. I'm serious. I'm serious. Well, that was about the millionth time he'd said that in the last month. So Snickers finally decided to tweet something back at him. There's a quote. This is their tweet. We have not reduced the size of Snickers singles or share size in the US. Like many industries we continue to face high inflation and spikes in material costs. However, we work to absorb these extra costs whenever possible to provide affordable treats and the best value. Final prices are always at the discretion of the retailer, but we make every effort to minimize cost to provide a full range of delicious products. I wouldn't call them delicious products, but still, I mean, I don't blame them. I'm glad they're fighting back. It's not Snickers fault, whatever they're doing or whatever any of these people are doing it. They're burning money. They're just throwing all this money at Democrat special interest groups, DEI, ESG, Chinese companies, bundlers, people making payoffs to the big guy through through the Biden crime family bag men. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Alan, you're next with how we car go ahead, Alan. How we thank you so much for taking my call because my heads have already to explode. I mean, after he gave this in a union address, this Neville Chamberlain fellow that you call Biden, it just makes me so upset because he was 10 minutes late getting there because Palestinians were protesting and blocking our president from giving the state a union. How we that's not an insurrection, Alan. Nobody's been arrested. Nobody's been arrested for that insurrection. No, no, no, no, how how the only person that was arrested was the poor father of the Marine, the poor father of the man of one of the soldiers, 13 soldiers that Joe Biden murdered over there in Afghanistan. This is a disgrace for our country. We are so much better than that. These Democrats, how we are exactly what we always thought they were. Lincoln Riley, he called her Lincoln. Her name is Lake and Riley. And all weekend, they were so worried more about the man that beat her in her head so bad. Her parents couldn't recognize it. They were so mad that he called him an illegal because he is an illegal. He's an illegal. And they were so upset that he used the word illegal instead of being upset that he murdered this 24 year old American student. They are upset about the perpetrator and how about the MSNBC? Jonathan Capehart, he called her Lincoln too. He called her Lincoln Riley. I mean, it's it's almost like they're doing it as a as a as a conscious slap at Americans. It's just out. It's outrageous. It really is. Thanks for the call, Alan. There was a headline in the Babylon B saying January 6 protesters file a court motion to be called undocumented immigrants. So they could be just like going on parole. And then they can just go on and get on welfare and committed. He crimes they want and nothing will happen to them. Instead of being American citizens, it had been in prison for three years. Some of them. So this was this this was on on Friday in in Philadelphia too. Again, he's confused. This is his one of his big issues is January 6th, as we all know, but this is not the first time that he's forgotten the day that the greatest insurrection since since Pearl Harbor and the Fort Sumter and November 22nd, 1963. It's greater than all of them combined. Cut four. Last night in the U.S. Capitol, the same building where our freedoms came under a soul in July the 6th. Josh, you'll be January the 6th. As if he said June 6th, Taylor, you're the keeper of the cuts. I believe he has, yes. Yeah, January 6th, June 6th, July 6th. It's it's one of those Jay months, you know. And this this is one of his more preposterous statements. He he's going to do something about junk fees. He's not going to do anything about junk fentanyl, but he is going to do something about junk fees. As the Wall Street Journal pointed out in editorial today, whatever whatever whenever you try to, you know, force down some kind of fees, whether it's the remote control that the cable company, that was a big deal back in the 70s. Remember that? And so they we're not going to charge you for for the remote control anymore. That was an Ed Markey deal. And so then they just added on some other charges. It's going to be the same with these the so-called junk fees, which are basically only only hitting on people who are already deadbeats. But here he is talking about junk fees, which just means they're going to be moved somewhere else. And it probably end up costing you more cut 16. I'm also getting junk fees for those hidden fees added at the end of your bills without your knowledge. Without your knowledge, they're on your bill. Okay. And by the way, when your when your son Hunter, your bag man, got out of law school, how come he didn't go to work as a clerk for a for a US federal judge or go to work for a white shoe law firm, like you're supposed to, if you graduate from an elite law firm, how come he went to work for a for a bank in Delaware? Was it some kind of payoff because he was on drugs even then? Biden said he's getting your junk fees. He didn't say he's getting rid of them. Oh, he's oh, let me hear that. I'm also getting junk fees for those hidden fees added at the end of your bills without your knowledge. It's even worse than I thought. 508 calling Biden Neville Chamberlain is a disgrace to Neville Chamberlain. Yeah, I believe Mark Levin said that the other night. We were driving home and he said, he said, people are calling Joe Biden Neville Chamberlain. He said, you know, Neville Chamberlain never took any money from the Nazis. You know, I mean, he was, he may have been misguided. You know, the other thing about Neville Chamberlain is he was a he was an industrialist. He had a company. He actually produced things that people wanted to buy, unlike Joe Biden. There are a lot of differences between Biden and Neville Chamberlain. I don't believe there was ever a tarot read in Neville Chamberlain's background either who accused him of digitally raping her. 844 542. And you know what? Another thing about Neville Chamberlain, he had the decency to resign after everything that he had he had thought he was pushing had turned to excrement. Biden won't quit. He's got a he's gonna stay in there to the bitter end. 844 542 42 401. Most of the junk fees on my bills are taxes. Very well, very well. 802. It's always amazing how Brandon always has a fall guy, no matter the disaster he's created. Yeah, if Trump's not available, there are other there's again, these these banks, these, and all these, all these banks are totally woke. And yet somehow they're they're they're the nasty people. And the the the uh, oh Lord, Joe, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Joe. How are you doing? Good. I like the way you mentioned Biden and excrement that kind of went together. So I was up in Manchester today, working around and traffic was messed up everywhere. And of course, we know who messed it up. He was yeah, he was here. He was in New Hampshire. Yeah, he messes up everything. Okay. But the point I want to make that call that calls and I'm right there with him. The caller was passionate about what happened to like in Georgia. Yeah, I'm with that caller. I mean, this this is got this is got to go have to be answered. If somebody has to be held accountable, somebody has to and they're not going to go because they don't care. No, no there. I mean, how how is it possible that he would apologize to the murderer and the guy is the guy's a career criminal and his brother is in the country. He's a career criminal. Venezuela has emptied out their prisons. And now now we're going to be asked to take in more Haitians because Haiti is falling apart. You know who the do you know what the name of the the guy the he's a warlord who's taken over who's taking over Haiti? You know what his nickname is? barbecue barbecue. You know, used to be the dictator was pop a doc. And then there was baby doc. Those seem like benign nicknames compared to barbecue eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Ron, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ron. Hi, Ari. Hi. So these are the companies here with the Snickers especially so they should be saying that they had to all the employees needed a raise during bite inflation so that they didn't have to live in the woods. And of course, Joe Biden is going to take credit for increasing rising wages. But that's your rate. You know what, America? That's your raise right there. It's either you get half the product or double the price. Yeah, he I'm sure. Oh, I you know what? Ron, I knew I had one here. Cut eight. Wages are up and the inflation is coming down. The inflation has dropped from nine percent to three percent, which is still twice what it was when Trump was president. So you called it, Ron. Wages are up. I mean, that's another one of his lives. Like he never made under he never made more than four hundred thousand dollars until he became president. Such again, he's got how many how many mansions has he got and he never okay. Okay. Never made never made more than four hundred thousand. Right. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Wherever I go, I have my rake on every day earbuds in my ears when I take Roscoe out for his walk in the morning tonight when I go home and I take Roscoe out for his evening walk. When whenever I go, when I go for my walk for my free coffee in the morning to the breakers, I have those rake on every day earbuds in everything you do, whatever you do, whether you're working in the garage or on the treadmill or whatever you do, it's better with Raycans. Raycans offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio brands. Don't believe me? How about there are tens of thousands of five star reviews. Raycans optimized gel tips are designed to fit comfortably into your ears and to actually stay there. Whether you're just walking for exercise or whether you're visiting with your with your friends or your family and you know you just want to take a little break from from the chatter. The rake ons come in so handy. My rake ons go with me everywhere so I can listen at any time. With eight hours of playtime in a 32-hour battery life, I don't have to worry about whether they're up for the task. They have customizable sound profiles, earbud tap functions, noise isolation, awareness mode. Right Taylor, where you've been wearing them over the weekend, your rake on every day earbuds. In my car out on walks or at the gym everywhere. While I'm out grilling, they come in handy in so many places and so many different situations. As you mentioned, they just are the perfect fit for whatever you're doing. They elevate that mood and that aesthetic that you're going for sonically speaking. It's just really great to have them around and they are extremely reliable and durable. And they're just as good as any other brand and they're half the price. Go to buy rake today to get 20% off your rake on order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at buy rake I'm out we car. The howie car show. The emperor of hate. Howie car is back. Just to repeat a story that broke just before we went on the air. Not that it's a major story but it's a feel good story. Sports blogging site Deadspin was sold to a European startup and the entire staff was reportedly fired with barely any notice today. Just months after the publication was forced to apologize for accusing a young Kansas City Chiefs fan of wearing blackface. Boy, that was a bad thing. The NFL, here's the headline. The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in blackface native headdress. Number one, he's 10 years old, okay. And number two, only half of his face is black. The other half of his face was red. He's a somewhat Native American heritage or some Native American heritage. I mean, it was just a crock. These sports riders are as bad as the cream of the political crop at the White House. They are, if anything, sports riders now are more woke than political reporters. It's hard to imagine but I think it's true. 844, 542, 448, 444, 542, 442. Now, we told you about the Snickers but I want to tell you Biden also on Friday was talking about other forms of shrink relation. Cut 14. Looks like companies that you wouldn't notice, they thought you wouldn't notice but you know, if you're giving the same size bag of potato chips, with about 20% fewer potato chips. No. Otherwise, it's not a joke. Have you noticed a smaller, fewer potato chips in the bags, Taylor? I have not. Of course. They used to call them potato chips so they've gotten rid of the P in the, oh, they had now they're called potato chips, apparently. Biden has a, Biden made a pitch to the voters of the Keystone State. Cut 7. Pennsylvania, I have a message for you. Send me to Congress so I can support this right. I promise you, if we take back Congress, we will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Send me to Congress. 844, 542, 42. Ron, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Ron. Hi, how are you doing? Good. Yeah, I just, first of all, I think you have the greatest radio station on the planet and all your affiliates. Thank you. I appreciate you listening. I listen to every day. And the question is, well, this right here, I heard earlier today on a radio station about the illegal aliens they have starting to have free dental care. What do you think? That's been going, that's been going on for a while. I put in the Herald a picture a few weeks ago of there's a truck that comes to the place in Marlboro and probably other places, what used to be the holiday end, and it provides free medical and dental care. You know, Ron, I know a lot of people that keep working after the age of 62 or 65 because they want to keep their health care and their dental care because it's really important. I mean, Medicare, you can get some form of health care, but it's, you know, a lot of doctors don't want to deal with the red tape and the smaller fees, so people keep working. And then these illegal aliens just come here and they get everything for free, Ron. It's irritating, isn't it? Well, it's very sad. I mean, I'm in a different organization, a stature. I work for the Postal Service for over 30 years, how we, you know, everybody's in their own level. I retired almost five years ago and stuff, and I'm being taken care of, so whatever I mean. But I just, you see all these different other levels and it's incredible. It's like, but, you know, I mean, I hear you, you've been, you've been on for a long time too. I have, I have, I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna stay out as long as I can. A lot of illegal aliens are counting on me. Tens of thousands more every day than how we are.