The Howie Carr Radio Network

Israel, Bibi, and the Oscars with Ari Hoffman | 3.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Ari Hoffman of the Post Millennial to the show to share what he saw during his recent trip to the Holy Land. He breaks down the unity among the Israelis in the midst of unrest and the consensus toward the Biden administration.

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11 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. I am thrilled to be here. I always love when you guys start your Mondays with us. And I'm very excited about our next guest. We have Ari Hoffman, one of my favorites from the Post Millennial. He's a fellow radio host in Seattle. He is going to react with us. So he's from KVI, Seattle and he's, to be more specific here, he's the West Coast editor at the Post Millennial. He is outspoken. He is informed. He's been incredibly generous with his time when it comes to the Grace Curly Show. And we appreciate that. So Ari, thank you so much for joining us again. With intros like that, I come back anytime you want me, Grace. All right, we have so much to get to. Let's start with Biden's recent comments on Israel. A lot to unpack with his latest interview on MSNBC. Not only did he try to explain away the bizarre hot mic comment about having a come to Jesus moment with Bibi Netanyahu at the State of the Union, but he also had this to say about Israel's attempt to eliminate Hamas. Let's play cut 12 for Ari Hoffman. He has a right to defend Israel, a right to continue to pursue Hamas, but he must, he must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. He's hurting my view. He's hurting Israel more than helping Israel by making the rest of the world. It's contrary to what Israel stands for. And I think it's a big mistake. So I want to see a ceasefire. So Bibi wasted no time reacting to that Ari. I would love your response to Joe Biden's assessment of the situation. The only thing Joe Biden's worried about right now is not the Americans who are still held hostage by Hamas, not the Americans who are murdered by Hamas on October 7th. The only thing he's worried about is losing votes in Michigan and Minnesota. And the reason he's saying all this stuff is because he's worried about this movement to get people to vote for unclaimed or whatever it is on each state ballot. But what it is, is it's basically uncontested delegates in Washington state. They did this in Michigan. They did this in Minnesota. They're doing this in all the remaining primary states. They're encouraging people to vote for uncontested delegates as opposed to Joe Biden to say, we're not going to vote for you unless you do what we want. And let's be real. You think anybody in those worlds is going to vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden. What they're worried about is these guys staying home on election day because according to all polling, it's going to be a very, very close election. And in 2016, when people stayed home, that's what handed Donald Trump the election over Hillary Clinton. Plus, there's a whole bunch of people who didn't want to admit they were voting for Donald Trump, but they still haven't figured out how to effectively poll that. Whatever Joe Biden is talking about with the Middle East, it has nothing to actually do with what's going on on the ground. It has everything to do with not losing his radical base. Yeah, and I'm glad you brought that up because I want to keep going with this interview from MSNBC and getting your reactions. But before I do, Ari, oftentimes a lot of this, a lot of these responses from the White House and from Democrats in general is based off of information that Hamas is telling us based off of. Casualty numbers that Hamas is giving us, how insane is it that that's the information that we're trusting here in the United States? I was in a debate with somebody recently, and I said, even if you debated every single thing about COVID, you can still go to some website and find the information from the state and health. We know how they were actually giving us those numbers, but that's neither here nor there. But if you ask somebody, give me the casualty numbers, where'd you get them from, from Gaza? And they always say, well, the Gaza and health ministry. And I go, great, where's their website? I go, how about this? Where's their building? What's their address? If it was there, don't exist anymore. Where are they actually getting these numbers from? They're making them up. They are completely making up. They have been from the beginning. I don't know if you remember the story way back at the beginning, the Hamas claim that Israel had bombed a hospital when actually one of their own misfired rockets had landed in a parking lot. And they still haven't retracted the number of 500 people killed. And here's something else, Grace. The most recent hostage ceasefire talks broke down because Hamas could not provide proof of life for the hostages. Why? Because they claimed they don't know where all of them are. Because let's not forget on October 7, multiple Palestinian terrorist groups, including the mostly innocent peaceful civilians, came into Israel to take hostages. And they don't even know the status of 136 people. So how are you going to tell me they know the status of 25,000 of 30,000? When Lloyd Austin made the same comments, he had to retract them last week. And then Joe Biden goes out and spouts him during the State of the Union. Why? Because he's worried about losing Michigan and Minnesota. Yeah, really well said, Ari. And the other thing Biden was asked about by Jonathan Capehart from MSNBC is if he would go back to speak to the Israeli parliament. I want to play this for you. Let's have Joe Biden. It says here that his brain was breaking at cut 13. Some have suggested you should go back to Israel and address the Knesset, the Israeli, Israeli parliament. Is that something you would do? Yes. Would that have to be at the invitation of the prime minister? Or could that be at the invitation of the president? I'd rather not discuss it more. Does that mean that that has been that has been discussed the possibility of going back to Israel and addressing the Knesset? Okay. Doesn't mean anything so uncomfortable. Capehart doing his best to kind of hold Joe Biden's hand through that line of questioning. You recently came back from Israel, Ari. So do you think Biden would travel there? What do you make of that response? He's never going to go. And the reason he's never going to go is he's going to get booed out of the chamber. What he's going to go to Israel who just suffered the worst terrorist attacks into Holocaust and tell them you have to be more compassionate. Have that a proportionate response. So what's the proportionate response to Hamas raping, torturing, murdering, and kidnapping 1200 Israelis taking the other 250 hostage? What's the proportionate response to that? There isn't one. So what Joe Biden's going to stand up at Knesset and tell a country that's united like it's never been before that we need you to do a better job of not killing the civilians that Hamas puts in harm's way that Hamas uses as human shields. I just got back grace. I got to tell you something, Israel is united like I have never seen in my lifetime. And the one thing they all agree on is that they are not stopping until they are done. And Joe Biden knows this. Whatever. Whenever he wakes up in the morning and remembers he's president, he knows that Israel isn't going to stop. And like I said before, and I'm going to keep going with my thesis. This is all about keeping the votes in Michigan and Minnesota. Yeah. And the other person who weighed in on this, Ari is Kamala Harris. Now we didn't have you on. I thought about having you on right afterwards, but the timing wasn't working where she said Hamas has to do its thing when it comes to negotiating this ceasefire. But now she was talking on CBS with Margaret Brennan and she's she's talking about whether or not Israel is at risk of losing US aid. This is cut 19. Are the Israelis at risk of losing US aid? If this continues, the president said last night, there's a come to Jesus meeting coming with P.B. Netanyahu. You know, in this, on this topic, I think it's really important to distinguish in how we are. And there are a lot of feelings I understand about all of this rightly based on the horror of what has happened October 7th. 1,200 people slaughtered. Many young people who are just attending a concert, women were horribly, horribly abused and raped, raped being a tool of war. And then you look at what's been happening in terms of humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which again, the horrific images that we are seeing come out of there. But I think it's important for us to distinguish or at least to not complete the Israeli government with the Israeli people. The Israeli people are entitled to security as are the Palestinians, an equal measure. And our work is always as the United States of America going to be to do what we must and what we always have to stand for the security of Israel and its people. And also to do what we have done behind closed doors and in public around forcing a better path forward in terms of what's happening currently in Gaza. Now, Ari, there's a lot of questions that Kamala Harris answers and she gets accused of being unprepared. That's actually been kind of a theme of her vice presidency is that a lot of sources or a lot of people close to the administration say that she's just not doing the work behind the scenes to prepare for these questions. There's some questions I would say it doesn't really matter. Like, it's not going to make it. She's talking about school buses most of the time. It's not the end of the world if she fumbles something. But this is high stakes. So these are questions that if you're not ready to have an answer, if you don't have kind of a succinct answer that's going to clearly state your position, you should probably just remain silent rather than be thought of fool. What do you say? You know, you remember Grace when we were in high school and college and they had those little blue books. And if you didn't know the answer, you just kept writing and writing and writing and writing. You know, exactly what I'm talking about. That's Kamala Harris in a nutshell. I mean, here's the simple answer to that question. Here's me doing it because I actually know how the Israeli government works. When there's a time of war in Israel. They have a coalition government all the time. But when there's a time of war, literally Bibi Netanyahu is sitting with his opposition Benny Gantz and coming up with the decisions of how to run the war. Imagine for a minute, if you will, if Joe Biden and Donald Trump had to run a war together, that's what's going on right now. You can't say the Israelis aren't being represented because in a coalition government. Every single little piece of their coalition is at that table running this war together. So she clearly has no idea what she is talking about. She's just scribbling at her little blue book rambling on long enough that somebody thinks she knows what she's talking about. That was always my tactic. I'm like, if I just write enough words, then maybe they'll think that I did the work. Ari, the last thing, speaking of people who don't know what they're talking about, no one had high hopes from the Hollywood hypocrites last night. The supposed feminist and social justice warriors. No one thought they would make their voices heard on behalf of the victims of October 7. But even so are even for the low expectations I had the theme of the night from these celebrities who decided to address because a lot of them just decided not to get political, how convenient now. But for the ones who did decide to make their voices heard and to address the current Hamas Israel war, the sentiment was notably anti Israel celebrities like Mark Ruffalo wearing ceasefire pins, even though Hamas has made it clear several times that they have no desire to reach a ceasefire with Israel. But beyond that, there was a cut from Jonathan Glazier's speech, his acceptance speech. I want to play this. Ari, I know we're playing a lot of cuts today, but there's just so much to get to. Let's play cut 21 and have Ari react. Thank you to Academy for this honor and to our partners, a 24 film for access and Polish Film Institute to the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum for their trust and guidance to my producers, actors, collaborators, all our choices were made to reflect and confront us in the present. Not to say look what they did then, rather look what we do now. Our film shows where dehumanization leads at its worst. It shaped all of our past and present. Right now we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. Ari, can you break down what he's saying there and why I saw on your Twitter feed and on other places on social media? A lot of Jewish people are, they have an issue with his sentiment there. Sure, so zone of interest, I haven't seen it, but I was planning on it before his comments is about a family that the patriarch of the family goes to work in the concentration camps and they live next door to Auschwitz and you never actually see what's going on in the concentration camps. You just hear it through different sounds and stuff that's going on. So I guess that Jonathan Glaser takes its best that all Jews are just victims dying helplessly on the other side of a wall out of sight out of mind. What happened was after the Holocaust, a lot of Jews said, well, we want to hide our Jewish identity. It's actually how you've got a lot of liberal Jews that assimilated fully and completely dumped their Jewish identity. You know, they tried that also in Germany after centuries of anti-Semitism and Hitler didn't care what kind of Jew you were. He didn't care if it was just your mother. He didn't care if it was just your father. If you had any trace the Judaism, he wanted to kill you. He wanted to wipe you out. So Jonathan Glaser's solution to all of this is to refute his Judaism and say, let's not be Jewish anymore. And I'll take you back to 1994 when Steven Spielberg won the Academy Award for Schimler's List, him and his producers gave very impassioned speeches about educating about the Holocaust, about teaching about the Holocaust. Well, apparently Jonathan Glaser never got that lesson because otherwise he would know that it's our job to bear witness, which is why so many people are going down to the nova site. It's why so many people are going down to the kibbutzes in Israel to bear witness to all this. And you would think that a guy who studied the Holocaust in theory in order to make this movie would know something about that. But apparently he just proved that he knows absolutely nothing about Judaism, that this was all virtue signaling. And the worst part is, is that he is profiting off a movie, talking about the horrors of the Holocaust and then accusing Israel of profiting off October 7th. This guy is just an absolute, absolute fool. Harry Hoffman, I think we'll end there really well said and thank you for sharing all your insight on all these different topics and for listening to all that sound. Ari, tell people where they can find you because that's always the number one question is where can I follow this guy? Absolutely, you can find me at the half other over on Twitter or a health and official on Facebook and Instagram. You can find my writings over at and you can listen to me streaming at or on the KVI app. Thank you very much friend. We'll talk to you soon. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he is the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile. But what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you're proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and in your personal life. You just feel better and who doesn't want to feel better? And what I love about Perfect Smiles is Dr. Houghton is such a nice person. He's so passionate about what he does and he walks you through it at your own pace. If you decide, hey, I'm only here for a teeth cleaning, that's fine. That's wonderful. But if you decide I want to take that next step, I want to transform my smile, but I want to do it slowly or I need a lot of advice or I don't know what I want to do with it. They will walk you through every step. They will personalize it and they will have you leaving with the smile of your dreams. So they're conveniently located off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking and you can reach them at Again, that's You can also check out their video testimonials there at We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show, just a reminder. I always like to give people a heads up. If you miss any of our interviews, whether it's with Ari Hoffman, David Marcus, Libby Emmons, I'm hoping we're going to have Peter Schweitzer on this week. That's a little tease that's going to come through hopefully in the next couple of days. You can always check them out wherever you get your podcasts and share it with a friend, spread the word. We always love new listeners. And now it's time to talk about our poll question, which you can vote in at Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Selena's, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results. I mentioned that I've got Mark Selena's on speed dial for when this Fannie Willis disqualification ruling comes down from Judge Scott McAfee. So whether it's family law, criminal defense, or some other legal concern, Mark Selena's and his excellent team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Selena's at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Should TikTok be banned in the United States? Yes, no, or not sure. TikTok, it is such, it is such a back and forth debate. It's always on my radar. The TikTok debate has been re-energized because former President Donald Trump reversed his previous stance on Congress banning the Chinese social media video sharing app. When Trump was president, this was imminent. This was going to happen. He was going to, or they were going to sell it, or there was a timeline on it. The clock was ticking, and he was pretty anti-tik-tok. And then over the weekend, he comes out, and his reasoning is that what's worse is Facebook and some of these American social media companies. Or social media companies run by Americans. He obviously has an extra grind with those ones for obvious reasons. If you follow Matt Taiba or Elon Musk or any of those guys, and you followed the Twitter files, you know that social media here in the States haven't been that great to Donald Trump. But it got me thinking because there are conservatives who tend to fall in line on some things who are very intellectual who feel very differently on these things. Now, Rand Paul, guaranteed he does tend to go more libertarian, is on the side of banning an app, banning social media is dangerous for the First Amendment. And it's something that you would see in China, and that's not what we want to do here. And also, if you force, well, this is another argument I heard, if you force TikTok to sell to an American company or an American tech company, then these are the same tech companies that have found it. They're the same tech companies that have suppressed a lot of things from conservatives in the past. So I'm going to say, I'm going to take the cop out here and say, I go with Lindsey Graham who says he's torn on this. He doesn't know enough yet. He needs to hear more arguments. I agree. That's the vote I'm going with. 14% agree with you and say they're not sure. 12% say no. 74% say yes. Yeah, we will come back to this conversation in a little bit, but it's definitely something to watch because I get certain points of each. I get Tom Cotton saying this is extremely dangerous, not only for young people, but for data collection. We don't want all our information going to China. And at the same time, I can understand the argument that this could become something we don't want to be doing in the future banning social media apps. Morning Wire had a really good segment on this. You should check that out. We'll be right back with more. Don't go. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. Sweet. You know what I'll say, Lordy, Lordy. That's what I'll say. I don't want to offend anybody, but this White House is all over the map today. Now they're coming out and saying Biden's not apologizing for calling the murderer an illegal alien. Someone should tell the White House he already did. It happened this weekend. Did they not have access to cable news? Are they not watching? Are they subjecting us to these interviews of Joe Biden rambling with Jonathan Capehart and they're not actually watching them? If so, I don't think that's fair. If we should have to sit through these train wrecks or at least, you know, become aware of them via Twitter, X, whatever you want to call it, they should have to watch them as well. Insanity. Yeah, but they say Biden's not apologizing. It says Biden not apologizing, but he says he regrets saying illegal. Now, maybe I am just not as smart as these people. I didn't go to an Ivy League school. Go Friars. Those kind of feel like the same thing to me, Jared. Saying you regret saying something. We're kind of mincing words here if we go, Oh, well, he didn't, he didn't apologize, but he regretted saying it. So it's pretty much it's a lateral thing, isn't it? It's kind of on the same plane, I would say. You're not exactly standing tall here, staying tough. I wanted to talk about something else though, beyond this situation, which is horrible. It is pathetic that Joe Biden is apologizing for correctly labeling, Lake and Riley's murderer as an illegal alien. But, you know, his fecklessness knows no bounds. That's one thing you got to say about Joe Biden. I wanted to just follow up here. We had, and we're going to continue to take your calls 844 542 42. We had Ari Hoffman on and Ari's from the post millennial hosts a radio show in Seattle. He's awesome. And he was talking about the Oscars. He was talking about the speech from Steven Spielberg after he made Schindler's list and how he was, you know, very pro Holocaust education and informing people about what went on, you know, the old saying, if you know, if you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it. And he also today posted this speech of Branko Lustig, and I hope I pronounce that right, in this is, he was born in 1932. This was his speech when he won an Oscar, just to give you a little bit of a reference as to how far we've fallen and how crazy everything is. You have a man who gets up yesterday and refutes his Jewishness. While he's winning an award, an Oscar about a movie about the Holocaust to take a stand against Israel. Versus this speech from this man, whose family was murdered in the Holocaust. Take a listen to this speech. My number was A3317. I'm a Holocaust survivor. It's a long way from Auschwitz to this stage. I want to thank everyone who helped me to come so far. People died in front of me on the camps. The last words were, be a witness of my murder. Tell to the word how I died. Remember. Together with Jerry, by helping Stephen to make this movie, I hope I fulfill my obligation to the innocent victims of the Holocaust. In the name of the six million Jews killed in the shore and other Nazis victims, I want to thank everyone who acknowledged this movie. Thank you. Just slightly different from what we heard from Jonathan Glacier last night, and also some of you should all keep in mind, and this is also at the Post Millennial. There were activists. I mean, you had to know the activists, the pro-Palestinian activists, the anti-Israel activists. That's, it's really, they really fall more into the category of anti-Israel, anti-Zionism. They showed up at the Oscars to greet all of the celebrities wearing pins. I guess the red pin for ceasefire wasn't enough to keep the protesters away. It says celebrity Oscars guests were delayed by anti-Israel activists carrying the bloodied head of Joe Biden on a stick. Now, these are the voters who Joe Biden is on his knees, groveling to begging to forgive him, begging to accept him, begging to give him another chance for the next time around. Next time around. Next four years, I'm going to do something. You'll be surprised. Next time around. Make you happy. These are the people. They've got a bloodied effigy of Biden's head on a stick, and they're walking around LA, and he is, at the same time, trying to appease these people in hopes that they will give him another chance. And like Ari said, and it's absolutely true, and you could, you can focus here on this situation with Hamas and with Israel, but you can expand it because it applies to so many different issues. The Biden White House is dealing with. They're never going based off of any sort of strategy, any sort of plan, any sort of overall belief system, any sort of scruples. They're really just going based off, let me lick my finger, stick it in the wind, and see what's going to tick off the radical progressives at these Ivy League schools and, you know, spray painting artwork at museums. And I will contort myself into whatever I need to be to please those people to feed that alligator. And it's not working for Joe. It's not working, because he can't say what they need him to say. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let's go to Gio. You're up next on the Grace Curly show. What is going on Gio? Hi. Lots of talks, but at any rate, I wanted to talk about Jose de Barra, who's the suspect in the murder of Lake and Riley. Gio, I want to hear what you have to say about Jose de Barra, who is the suspect involved in murdering Lake and Riley while she was on a run in Georgia, but I need a better connection. So we're going to put you on hold, call back, we'll get a better connection going, and then we can come back to this. Now, another big topic, since I was talking about the Oscars, just to lighten it up for a second here, just a second, and then we'll get back to all the all the important topics of the day. My takeaway from the Oscars, Jimmy Kimmel obviously opens it up. He can't help himself. He makes a joke about Katie Britt. He makes a joke about her rebuttal to the State of the Union. Really lame. He's just, and you know, it was a really good summation of the fact that Jimmy Kimmel's hosting the Oscars, which I forgot about. And I don't know if I give credit here to Stephen Miller. That might be the person who pointed this out, but it's always worth noting. The Oscars at one point was going to have Kevin Hart host, the comedian, and then they dug up all tweets that he had already apologized for. Homophobic tweets is how they were labeled, and he got canceled. Like they wanted him to apologize. They wanted Kevin Hart to apologize for something he'd already said sorry for. If he were to host the Oscars, a black man was going to host the Oscars. He was so excited about it. It was a dream of his. They said, you had a homophobic tweet. You got to apologize. Kevin Hart must have some sort of moral compass or like he has some self respect. He has some pride. And he said, I already apologize for this. I already apologize for these jokes that people think are so unforgivable. I already said, I was sorry. I don't want to do that again. And so they didn't let him host or he just said, I'm not going to host. And they said, fine, you can't unless you apologize. And it was kind of a standoff. And he said, fine, I will host. And so what do they do instead? They bring on Jimmy Kimmel, a lame comedian who's worn blackface to host the Oscars. He's morally virtuous enough, Jared. He's pure enough. His record is spotless enough that he can host the Oscars, but Kevin Hart couldn't. Some old jokes you're forgiven for. Some you're not. It's just a little bit of a double standard. So what does Jimmy Kimmel do? He makes it about Trump. He ends the show with Trump. Just, you know, same old, same old, but there were some some other moments that I wanted to mention. One of them is the fashion for my ladies out there. The fashion was chef's kiss. People look so glamorous. It was like old Hollywood. The dresses were beautiful. Everyone looked. I'm not everyone. Some people still go crazy with it. But a lot of these actresses looked so phenomenal. That's number one. Number two, John Cena was naked. A lot of people are asking on the text line, my response to that. Here's what I'll say about John Cena. He follows me on Twitter. Okay. So that's my take on it. He follows me on Twitter. I don't want him to unfollow me. He's probably the person who follows me who has the most followers himself. So we'll keep it at that. And number three about the Oscars, I would say I'm curious about the ratings as always. And I thought Ryan Gosling did a great job. He was breaking it down on stage. Really good performance. I didn't watch it in real time because who has the time for that? They do like six musical performances now. It's really become Red State pointed this out. It's really become like the Grammys. They do so many songs. But I thought, I thought it was fun. I thought for the most part for the people who didn't take it to an "I hate Trump" type of deal, it kept it pretty fun, which is what it used to be all about. By the way, I did hear that Robert De Niro was on with Bill Maher and that he embarrassed himself. I'm going to do some digging and try to find that. Since we're talking about Hollywood, we might as well play a Robert De Niro cut. Let's go back to the callers here because I'm very, I'm dangerously close to talking about the royal family. And I'm going to spare you all that for now. I'm going to say one thing, Trump. I'll save it. I'm going to bring the pop culture in in small doses. We don't want to overwhelm everybody at first. Let's go to Joe. You're up next, Joe. What's going on? Wow, this is a surprise. Grace, how are you? I'm good. How are you? Oh, I don't care about me. Just checking in on you. You're doing well, though. I can see that. And I just want to say it's a tough day in New Hampshire because you know who was here and he hasn't given us current blush in what? Two years? You know, you know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, Joe Biden touched down. I think like 10 minutes ago, right? Yeah, it's literally like 20 minutes or a half an hour from where I actually live. And that's just knee jerk reaction for me. And that's not a good one. But, you know, there's so many people in New Hampshire that just don't buy into this guy. So I'm wondering, I wanted to kind of get your feeling as to why he's poking around up here because I know there's, we've got our fair share of the left side that want to go. Oh, he's so wonderful. And, you know, of course, can you define what wonderful means because I don't see that at all. Yeah, I want to get your take on this. I think Joe, I think he saw, well, first of all, he ticked people off in New Hampshire. I don't have to tell you this, but the whole thing about the primaries and kind of making it seem like New Hampshire, they didn't really legitimize New Hampshire being the first state in the primary. And I think that that got a lot of granted status upset. I know this from my own experience, my sister-in-law's from New Hampshire, people from the granted state, they take a lot of pride in that in that part of the process and that their state plays such a huge role in it. So I think he's trying to make up for that. I think also Dean Phillips embarrassed him in New Hampshire and New Hampshire is a place where a lot of people look to that state as an indicator of what's going to happen in the general. So I think it kind of scared him a little bit. And you know who would be great, Joe, and I'm glad you brought this up because he's speaking at 2.30 and I'm selfishly so happy that because he's speaking at 2.30, that means he won't actually be speaking until 4. I'm going to say 3.30. I'm going to give him a solid hour. He'll be speaking at 3.30, which means we are in the clear. It's out of our hands. We can't play him for you today. How we will be able to take him live if he wants to or wait and get some cuts from it, but we can't play him. But I'm glad Joe that you asked me this and here's why. I don't know exactly what he's doing in New Hampshire. I think it's it's pretty common. It's it's pretty normal for a president to go there to campaign there to stop by to get a sense of what's going on the ground there. But to give you more insight into it, I'll try to get Caroline Levitt on who's Trump's national press secretary this week because Caroline Levitt is not only very close to Trump and she's working alongside him in this campaign, but she's also from New Hampshire. She ran in New Hampshire. So we'll get her insight into that and hear what she thinks Granite Staters are taking away from Joe Biden's visit 844 542. Now, for everybody else in the line, John, Lisa, everybody, just hang on and we will come back to you. And I am Jared. Do you blame me at this point? Like Kate Middleton and this royal family stuff? I got to talk about it, right? It is a story. It's a story. It's everywhere. It's everywhere. And this kind of feels like my time to shine a little bit. I'll tell you something. I don't know anything about this. I don't have any reference for this. So I am learning as I go with you here. You know what I'll tell you? I'll tell you this much. You might be more interested in this story than you'd originally think only because crazy conspiracy theories are coming out of it, which is kind of your bread and butter. Yes. That's kind of a big part of your life. So you have something to look forward to and maybe we can get your like you have a radar for this year. So if I read you these theories, you can tell me, oh, that's ridiculous or I'm on board. I'll hit up the chat rooms. I'll figure out what's going on. Oh, so masks are clones. Got it. Recently a Grace Curly show listener called in and she was telling us how much she loved the thunderstorms. This is nothing new. People love the thunderstorms and we know why. And sometimes it just takes people a little bit of time to finally try it and then they come back and they go, oh, you weren't lying. This is a really, really useful device. It will clear out the odors in my home. And here's the thing about whether it's odors, allergens, pollutants, everybody has something going on and you might think, no, I don't, but you could also be nose blind to your home. But more likely than not, you have something, you have boots in the mudroom, you have, you cook a lot and then you have that leftover smell, you have a musty basement, like you are going to find a really good use for this product. And the best part is right now, you get the three pack, which is awesome. So go to eat and check out the three pack special. This is a small device, doesn't take up a lot of, it doesn't take up any floor space. Plug it into the wall, plug it into the side and you're good to go. You're barely going to notice it except for the fact that you're going to notice the absence of smell, you're going to notice the air feels fresher, it's moving around, it's circulating. Even if like in this office, you can't open the windows, it's a great way to keep things fresh. So go to eat and with the three pack special, you can put one in your basement, you can put one in your car. Maybe you share one with a friend, the possibilities are endless. And here's the key though, when you go to eat, you check out the three pack special. Don't forget to enter code grace three. That's eat code grace and the number three, we'll be right back. Follow grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. When you have someone on from the Post Millennial, they have a really great team, they cut up all the clips and they post them on social media. And it's great and it's scary at the same time. Because when you post something on social media of Ari Hoffman and myself, and we're talking about, you know, we're very pro-Israel, you are about to set the Internet ablaze. People are very angry on the Internet and they're very angry at BB Netanyahu. They're very angry at Israel. They're very angry at any Jewish people who are proud Zionists. And yeah, it's already getting kind of heated on the interwebs. 844-500-42-42. One of my texts were said, "Oh, Jimmy Kimmel made a joke about Trump being in jail at the end of the night." I saw that. I didn't really even think it was worth playing. It's so predictable. That's my only thing. Like comedy, I don't have to agree with everything you say. There's plenty of comedians that I get a chuckle out of that I don't agree with their politics. But you have to be funny. Isn't that kind of the rule here? It's so boring. We've heard these all before. Jimmy Kimmel does this same routine every week night on his show. And by the way, I think at this point in the night, this was when Martin Scorsese was literally dead asleep. Because, or not literally, but he was conked out. And if you're still watching the Oscars for Jimmy Kimmel's final wrap-up joke of the night, here's a little hint for you. You've been watching for too long. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. Hey, Grace. How are you doing? I hope that guy that was on the Oscars. What's his name again? Jimmy Kimmel? John Cena? Oh, John Cena. Who are following you? The one who's following you. Oh, John Cena. John Cena. Yeah, I hope he's not following you naked. I just hope he's following you regularly. But that's not why I'm calling. I wanted to make a comment about this. It seems like, you know, I hear from you a lot and I listen to how I love your show. And at the risk of sounding like an anti-Semite, and I'm not, but I'm going to make some points here. For the Trump supporters who you are, and so is Howie, when Trump was the president, there was, we have a number of very powerful Jewish politicians and Jewish people. Hold on, John. I'll be making- No, no, I know. I'm not cutting you off. Just stay on the line, John, because you're not going to have enough time here to make the point you're trying to make. So stay on the line and we'll come back to this. Just hang on there for me for a sec. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]