The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Tries to Make Nice with Laken Riley's Alleged Murderer | 3.11.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Was calling the violent murderer of Laken Riley an "illegal alien" a Freudian slip for Biden? The designation wasn't untrue, as the man was in fact illegally in this country and a foreign native. Still, Biden apologized publicly for getting the Democrat talking points wrong. But will he apologize about getting Laken Riley's name wrong?

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11 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show and happy Monday to all of you. Thank you for joining us. I know you got a lot of options out there and we love that you keep coming back to The Grace Curly Show. And you're starting your week off with us and boy, do we have some stuff to get to. We're awaiting the decision in the disqualification case of Fanny Willis. Judge Scott McAfee is expected to have his decision at some point today. Hopefully Mark Salinas is listening right now, but I am going to shoot him a text and tell him to be on standby. He's our go-to when it comes to these legal cases. Full disclosure, he represented Trump in the ballot ban case in Massachusetts. It was very successful with that, but I always love getting his reaction when these decisions come down. And he is hopefully on standby as we await this decision from Judge Scott McAfee. And if we don't get it during our show, the great thing is how you will get it during his show. So you're going to get a reaction from the Howie Car Radio Network in one way or the other. I actually wanted to start the show today and there's, again, there's a lot of crazy stories out there. We are going to, Jared, you know we're going to dust off today. We're dusting off the royal news sounder. Oh boy. Yeah, I know that is not the tease that anyone should be giving to start the show with this audience because people get so angry if they know I'm even going to veer into that territory. But guess what? Once I see it on conservative outlets, like on conservative websites and it's trending on Twitter, I get a free pass to talk about it for one day. I'm not saying it's going to be 15 minutes. It's going to be short, but we're going to address it. We're also going to talk about TikTok. That debate has been re-energized. That has a lot to do with our poll question. Nancy Mace, Emma Foley is going to come in later on and talk about the incredible exchange between representative Nancy Mace and George Stephanopoulos. And as Jared was saying off the air, it's when George Stephanopoulos is shaming a rape victim on TV. He knew there were cambers there. This wasn't a hot mic moment. He knew he was miked up. He was proud of himself. He really thought he was doing something. It really does show you that old habits die hard. Yeah, Hillary wasn't around to do it this time, so somebody had to. Yeah, he was going back to his roots with that interview. Imba eruption squad. And I am... I don't tend to agree with a lot of what representative Nancy Mace says. And I think that's because sometimes she flip-flops on certain things. But it is completely out of bounds. And just a horrible thing to do to another human being, to take somebody's trauma, to take the fact that somebody was raped, and try to use it against them, to beat them in a political argument, or to shame them, which was really what Nancy Mace kept going back to and kept reiterating, to shame them for supporting a political candidate that you don't like. And of course, it's never enough for liberals to just be hypocrites or to be bad people. It takes it to another level when you look at George Stephanopoulos, when you look at his history with the Clintons, when you look at his history for carrying water for Joe Biden, who doesn't really have a squeaky clean record when it comes to his treatment of women, we are going to get into all of that. And I'm really glad we're going to have Emma on to discuss it because she is just so smart and so well-spoken, and she's going to break down that topic for all of you. But what I wanted to start with today, which I think is the biggest story, and we got to kind of rewind here. I want to walk people through it. I want you to know that the lines are open because I want to hear from you, and you can always check me. You can say, "Grace, it's not that big a deal. He'll get away with it. He gets away with everything. You know, you're making a lot of nothing." But I want to rewind here because Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Congresswoman from Georgia, I think what she set in motion at that state of the union has the potential to be detrimental to Joe Biden's re-election chances. I think, and I don't know if at the time, and she probably had no way of knowing how big this was going to become. But something that a lot of people, and some people did write this off as a stunt or, you know, heckling, what she did was she set in motion a conversation that could derail this entire presidency. And in order to discuss it and take your calls, by the way, the lines are open and the number is 844-542-42, we have to rewind because I don't want to miss any of these because if you even took five hours off of this story, since the state of the union on Thursday, you might have missed the evolution of this train wreck because we've gone through different stages now. So let's go back. Biden is challenged prior to getting to the rostrum at the state of the union. He's walking through shaking hands with everyone, and he's challenged by Marjorie Taylor Greene, the representative from Georgia, and she's asking him whether or not, and she's really challenging him, whether or not he will have the courage and the dignity. You know how he loves to tell us about dignity? It's about dignity. What? He's only lectured us on dignity about a million times at this point. And that's, that's guessing on the lower end here, okay? So she asks him whether he will have the dignity to, or the decency to mention the name of the young woman, Lake and Riley, who was murdered by an illegal alien while on a run at the University of Georgia, the Athens campus. She was a nursing student, and she gives him a Lake and Riley pin, and she tells him to say her name. Now, this is not in the speech. This was not something Joe Biden was told to say. The White House clearly thought that he would be better served to not mention Lake and Riley. But Marjorie Taylor Greene figured out something about Joe Biden, which very few people have really taken advantage of. And that is that his ego trumps all. So it does not matter how many instructions, how many talking twos he gets behind the scenes. If you challenge him and you poke that bear, he can't resist. Him and Trump have that in common in a lot of ways. But the only difference is that Trump can actually usually take someone on to a challenge, and he's pretty good at dressing people down. Joe Biden is in a very, very fragile state. So when he takes on these challenges as high as his IQ is, and it's higher than everybody in this room. I'm alone in this room, by the way, but Joe Biden just crushes me when it comes to IQ. And now when he takes on these challenges, there's a lot of danger in it. There's a lot of when he goes rogue, that's when Republicans are really showcasing what a travesty it is that this man is the leader of the free world. So she hands him a lake and Riley pin. And son of a bitch, he actually decides to mention it. But staying true to himself, staying true to Joe Biden, he's not going to say her name correctly. That would be just, you know, that would be a bridge too far. So let's play this original cut-jared. Lincoln, Lincoln Riley, a innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That's right. But how many of thousands of people being killed by legal? Now, I never really got into during the show the second part of that, how many being killed by legal. And I guess, and Trump got into it during his speech over the weekend, which I thought was a good move. I guess what he's trying to do there is make excuses for himself and say, "Yeah, well, she was killed by an illegal, but there's a lot of people killed by legal Americans." It's a terrible argument. This is kind of the argument that the administration likes to make, though. It's the same thing they do on all topics. Like, "Yeah, you think inflation's bad here, but look, it's worse other places." They never want to take accountability for the disasters they've created. So at the time, though, him mispronouncing or, you know, saying the complete wrong name, I thought was going to be the worst of it for Joe. I thought him calling her Lincoln Riley, as opposed to Lake and Riley, was going to be the worst of this problem. But what ended up getting a lot more attention, and maybe I just underestimated the stupidity of Democrats, what ended up getting a lot more attention was how he described the monster who bashed this young nursing student's skull in while she was on a jog. That's what the left chose to focus on. And you could tell a lot about people, especially Democrats, based off what they choose to focus on, but also what they choose, in best case scenarios to ignore, and in worst case scenarios to actively suppress. So immediately the fallout, because this is where their priorities are, was about the fact that he called this savage monster an illegal. Can we have a little bit of Nancy Pelosi? You should have said undocumented, but that's not a big thing. Okay. What's the big thing? No, I actually wasn't even going to ask about that. I was just going to ask more about the moment, but you do think that he should have said undocumented? That wasn't going to be my question. Well, we usually say undocumented. He said illegal. I don't think it's a big deal. A big enough deal for her to bring up, though, out of the blue. Nobody else brought it up. As Jake Tapper pointed out, it wasn't him. You know, don't blame me for this. This was all day in a bash. Who also didn't bring it up, but whatever. Then Biden's asked about it before he leaves for the weekend and before he goes on to all these campaign stops and does all these interviews. And this is what he said on Friday. Now, our show was over at this point, how we did get this sound. And we all kind of thought Riley Gaines tweeted out too. She said this is a rare win for Joe Biden. He actually said something that makes sense. Take a listen. Do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir? Well, probably. Technically, he's not supposed to be here. Technically, he's not supposed to be here. Now, a lot of people on social media are pointing out. And I think that this is a part of the conversation that kind of it's hard for me to even wrap my head around the level of fury. That Lake and Riley's parents must be feeling because. Obviously. It's a kind of pain that most of us knock on wood never experienced to lose a child, but to lose a child. In this way, in this horrific way. And then to have the story be about whether or not the correct terminology is being used for the barbarian who murdered your daughter. So full of life had our whole future ahead of her. And what people care about in this sick and twisted world we currently live in is are we calling the person undocumented or illegal. I can't I cannot fathom how they don't wake up every day and put their fists through a wall. Because that's how nutty it is, but it gets even worse. So then Joe Biden does an interview on MSNBC. Jared, do we have this? Let's have let's have the latest. During your response to her heckling of you, you use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed. Undocumented person. And I shouldn't have usually been undocumented. And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of the things I talked about on the border was that his the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I talked about what I'm not going to do, what I won't do. I'm not going to treat any any of these people with this respect. Look, they built the country. The reason our economy is growing, we have to control the border and more orderly flow, but I don't share his view at all. So you you regret using that word? Yes. Theclists put that and I'd also like to point out that he's saying, I guess his overall message is illegal aliens built this country. But what I take from that is since he regrets using it in the case of this illegal alien, he thinks that people who are here illegally, like this guy are the ones who built the country, this man who, again, I know I keep saying it and I'm sorry if it's upsetting to people. Murdered this girl while she was going for a jog in cold blood and according to the autopsies, crushed her skull. It was a heinous murder and he's here singing this guy's praises essentially. He's not going to do what Trump does. He's not going to try to vilify this murderer. I have so much more to say on this and I want to talk about Marjorie Taylor Greene and how this move. I don't think she even had any idea how much this was going to snowball and it has eight four four five hundred forty two forty two get on the lines. Now we'll take all your calls and your reactions to this. I really want to know what everyone's thinking. It was the most tranquil place that I've ever been, which I loved. I went in the off season. I went in December and the Cape in the off season and spring is still kind of the off season. It's picking up a little bit, but it's not the the insane crowds and lines and traffic that you're going to get in the summer. So take advantage of this now. But it's peaceful. It's tranquil. You can actually enjoy the beach because at the noss at beach in you are out the door of your room. You are steps from the beach. It's right there. You can hear the waves. You can walk along the sand. They're pet friendly. You can bring your dog and have run along the beach, play in the ocean, do whatever dogs love to do down there. You know, a day like today is great because it's a little chilly, so they have fire pits so you can sit outside. You can enjoy nature by the fire pits or if it gets a little too cold, every room has a fireplace and a giant picture window. So you get those views. You can stay warm. You can stay cozy. I also love this time of year because we're past what I think is kind of the dark days. You know, we're heading in the right direction. We're going. We're going to the clock change. So we are past the. Yeah. And it's like, you know, when you ride your bike up a hill and then you get to just coast down. We're heading in towards summer and warm weather. And that's a really exciting time on Cape Cod. A really great time to check it out. And right now you can book your April State, the Nossett Beach Inn from 249.99 tonight. And this May rates from 259.99 tonight. So don't delay. Go to That's A lot of people already stacking up the lines who want to talk about Joe Biden and his response to this murder in Georgia. We'll take your calls on this when we come back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. A lot of people on the text line are asking, so illegal aliens built this country? Well, the illegal alien he was talking about was also a murderer. So I think that's something that we need to specify here. He's singing the praises basically. And you know, if it were Trump, I wouldn't even have to give all the details and say, I know what he was trying to say, even though what he was trying to say is ludicrous on his face and insulting to Americans. That's that's one thing. But I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here and saying he's so old and so, you know, and so afraid of these radical Democrats that he's willing to say whatever they tell him to say he's willing to back down on anything. He has, you know, John Mulaney is one of my favorite lines. You have the moral backbone of a chocolatey Claire. That is Joe Biden. He will do whatever they tell him to do. Backbone like a ramrod. But if we wanted to give him the Trump treatment and just take what he said and spin it in the most, you know, unforgiving way imaginable, I would say he's singing the praises of this illegal alien. He thinks this illegal alien and others like him have built this country and he's not going to demonize this guy who killed Lake and Riley, not Lincoln Riley, Mr. President, Lake and Riley. He's not going to demonize this guy because he doesn't want to be seen as a horrible person like Donald Trump. And I just want to read you all some great, great social media posts. I try to steer away from them as much as I can, but I got to give credit here. Jim Treacher from Substack said if your daughter was murdered by an illegal alien in the President of the United States got her name wrong and then apologize to her murderer. I'm sure you wouldn't have any problem with it. Yeah. And then this, this other Twitter account said it's oil field. He said your daughter gets brutally murdered by an illegal released into the US and protected from deportation by Democrats. The Democrat president gets her name wrong, doesn't apologize for it, but does apologize for calling the murderer an illegal after Democrat lawmakers throw a fit over it. You go to a rally for a presidential candidate that wants to deport people like your daughter's murderer, you wear a red hat. And suddenly, you're the bad guy in this whole situation. I use the term bizarro world a lot, because I don't know how else to describe it. But it doesn't even do it justice. And I can't imagine how these parents feel. They must wake up every day and feel like they're in a nightmare, just a complete nightmare and that no one is. No one has their back. The present United States is walking on eggshell so he doesn't offend the beast who murdered their child. And it's just another day. It's just another day in Joe Biden's presidency. And one other thing I would add in here. You know what I'll save it. I'll save it for when we come back and we'll take your calls 844-542-42. This is a level of disgustingness and incompetence that can only be brought to you by Joe Biden. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Tretria studio. Before we went to break, I had something to tell you all. And it was in regards to one of the tweets I read about Lake and Riley's murder and the subsequent reaction from the present United States and the Democrats in his party. And I think it's worth noting because Joe Biden's obviously going to get the most attention for his deplorable reaction to this as he should. But he is not alone in any sense. Ilhan Omar was almost immediate in her condemnation of Joe Biden calling this the murderer of Lake and Riley and illegal. She said no human being is illegal. They were all very quick to rush to the defense of this monster. If only they would be that quick to rush to the defense of a young nursing student who's going out for a jog and then had her skull bashed in. But they don't seem to care as much about that as they do about mislabeling someone. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. Ibarra. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, right? He's the real victim in all of this. David, your next stop on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, David. Grace, the fact that that illegal alien was here because the policies that Joe Biden and they call him a murder. The bottom line is her face was bashed here with that son that she was unrecognizable. There's really nothing more to say. If that does not enrage people, who's the next girl who's the next person out there that's vulnerable for the next illegal predator immigrant. Not immigrant illegal alien coming here. Let out of the prison. Our citizens are in great danger. There's nothing more to think about than just think about how her face was bashed in. That's all I have to say, Grace. Yeah, and her parents went and they met with Donald Trump at one of his rallies over the weekend. And now that's the story. Like, this is how twisted everybody is. It's completely backwards. And I will say that there was a time where when people would shout things out at the State of the Union, I was I was robbed the ask. I'd say, you know, we need to go back to the old days of having a little decorum. It's nice to have decorum. And once we crossed the Rubicon, like once people were shouting things and Democrats do it all the time as well, I thought, Hey, let's embrace it. Let's be a little bit more professional wrestling. Let's add a little razzle dazzle to this affair. But what Marjorie Taylor Green did was beyond that. It was beyond theater. It was beyond grandstanding. She brought an issue to the forefront of the narrative and the media can't avoid it. The media has to acknowledge it. And the president by taking her up on that challenge has caused such a problem. And it's an optics problem for his administration. I mean, even I have to imagine that even Americans who are on board with Joe Biden's version of America, the Biden boom, you know, the price of eggs soaring the price of gas soaring an open border. Even those Americans have to be looking at this and acknowledging that this was a massive train wreck. And, you know, we had David Marcus on last week. If you ever miss any of our guests, we have, I don't want to brag here, but we have really great guests, including Ari Hoffman. We're going to have later on today. But we had David Marcus on Friday and he was breaking down the state of the union and I started with that because it was the biggest moment from the state of the union was Joe Biden calling Lake and Riley Lincoln Riley and a lot of the textures are saying, Hey, I would, it's not a common name. I would mess it up too. Maybe you'd mess it up once. Maybe you'd mess it up twice. But you would either a apologize or be at least have the decency not to run cover for her murderer. So for all the textures texting and telling me I would have probably messed it up too. Give yourself a little bit of credit. I don't think you would have messed it up to this degree. Don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to bleep things up. But we had David Marcus on. You can check that out wherever you get your podcast. And I asked him about this. And I said, do you think it was a good moment or a bad moment or, you know, does hurt Joe Biden? And he kind of said neither. He said, I don't think I think Republicans are going to look at it as look at this ass who messed up. And I'm paraphrasing David Marcus is a lot more eloquent than I am, but they're going to look at it as a win for Republicans for highlighting this issue and Democrats are going to look at it as a win because he took up the challenge and he was tough guy Joe. But I would love to ask David what he thinks today because I don't think there's any denying that it has snowballed into a real problem for this administration. And even Joe Biden going on. I mean, I can't get over this cut. Let's play this cut one more time before we go back to the calls. This is Joe Biden with Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC apologizing. The weakness of this man apologizing for correctly referring to Lake and Riley's murderer as an illegal. This is cut six. During your response to her heckling of you, you use the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed on Riley. An undocumented person. And I shouldn't have usually as undocumented. And look, when I spoke about the difference between Trump and me, one of the things I talked about on the border was that is the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I talked about what I'm not going to do, what I won't do. I'm not going to treat any, any, any of these people with this respect. Not even, not even the ones who murder young women while they're out for a jog in the morning. He's not going to treat them with disrespect. Now, now, keep in mind here. Keep in mind here. An important thing to note is if you think this level of respect that he's giving to Lake and Riley's murderer applies to Republicans, or as he likes to call them Neanderthals, you would be mistaken. He's going to continue to denigrate anyone in this country who dare not vote for him. He's going to continue to insult people who are not bored with his climate drift. He's going to continue to deride anyone who has a different political opinion than him. But he will not stand for mislabeling a guy who allegedly murdered a young girl in cold blood. That's where he draws the red line, which by the way, the red line situation with Israel, we are going to talk about later. But isn't that something, isn't that something he's, maybe this is what they know when they said, "Oh, he's a unifier in chief. He's a unifier in chief. He's going to bring everybody together." Well, he's not going to bring Republicans and Democrats together, but he's not going to ostracize the illegal aliens who are murdering Americans. He wouldn't want them to feel as though they are being misjudged. Good stuff. Can you feel? Can you feel? What do you feel more? Do you feel the normalcy more? Do you feel the unity more? Is it a little bit of a cocktail of both? Tom, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Tom. Yeah. Number one, with Trump's comments about illegals, as far as the comments of vermin and poisoning the blood, poisoning the blood is referring towards not racial purity. It's referring towards fentanyl. And I understood the context of what Trump meant on that. And, of course, it gets, you know, our news media lies. And go back a couple of weeks ago when Trump acknowledged that CPAC, the conservative conference, his wife Melania, and then he said the name Mercedes. That that was originally reported that Donald Trump is losing it. He called his wife mispronounced his wife's name. No, Trump was referring to Mercedes Schlapp, who's some big wig in the CPAC conference. Yeah. I know Mercedes. She's on Newsmax, Tom. And you know what else? Because you're talking about Trump being taken out of context. There was another cut floating around. I didn't even bother having Jared poll because I don't think my audience, like, I have such a high opinion of my audience. And I know that you all are aware when the media is selling you a bunch of lies. And they were selling this lie that Trump was making fun of Joe Stutter, and he was doing all these things. Then if you take the cut in full context, he's not. And I thought, well, yeah, of course, like, of course they're taking them out of context. This is what they do. And they don't even try to hide it. We were talking about a story last week. Let's see if I can have my recall here. I told Jared, it's getting worse and worse as I get more and more tired. From having a nine month old, but there was a story last week where there was context and they just completely left it out and it had to do with Donald Trump. I'll think of it in a second here. But they do it all the time. They do it like every single day. They just tell you something. And if you're even a little bit tuned in to their game, to the way they operate, you know you're not getting the full circle. Oh, I got it. I got it. See, nobody else cares, Jared, but for me, that's such a big win when I remember it. It was the North Carolina gubernatorial candidate who said, I want to go back to the days where women couldn't vote. If you take the cut in full context, even people from the board were saying, if you take the sentence in the words in that order, yes, you could say that's what he meant. But if you take the whole thing, he was trying to make a point about the fact that back then Republicans were fighting for social justice and they were fighting for people and freedom and all these things. But the media, I can't remember the exact publication that took him so wildly out of context, but the media just loves to do that and they don't care. Now, if it's a Democrat on the flip side, if it's a Democrat and a Democrat says something in black and white that is alive, that is terrible, that is whatever, they will explain it away. They will give you all the reasons why it's not what they meant. For example, Joe Biden saying, I'm going to set up the biggest voter fraud system in history. Well, no, what he really meant was obviously what was going on in his head at the time. If you look into his heart, if you can see inside his soul, like we can, like the fact checkers at the Washington Post can, then you know what he really meant to say was fill in the blank. They don't do that for Trump. They don't give Trump that. In fact, they do the exact opposite. They take something and they try to contort it into the worst thing possible. And it's so obvious to people who are paying attention. I'm going to go right back to the calls here in a sec, but I wanted to read the poll question here. I like to get it out pretty early on so people know what we're dealing with because lately we've been having really close poll questions and today's poll question, which is very convenient for me. I just was talking about Mark Salinas. It's brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should TikTok be banned in the United States? Yes, no or not sure. I, for once in my life, maybe not for once in my life, but it's a rare, there's been few occasions where I agree with Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. But I am on team Graham with this. I'm undecided. I want to hear more. I want to hear more from Rand Paul, who thinks this is a bad idea. I want to hear more from Tom Cotton, who I think you need to ban TikTok, the Chinese social media video sharing app. I want to hear from everybody. I want everybody to make their case because I have a very, I've listened to a lot of these senators, you know, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, all these guys. And they're all very intelligent. And there's been times where I fully agree with each of them. So I want to hear why they think this is the right move and then I'll make my decision. But as of right now, I'm torn. I see both ends of it. So I'm going to go undecided. 12% right now, we're not sure. 11% say no. 77% say yes. Okay, so later in the show, I'll present the flip side of why people think this is a dangerous idea to ban them. And maybe it will change your opinion. Maybe it won't. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Stay on the line. Everybody. Oh, we got a lot of ladies on the line. Gene Nancy Lisa. Everybody stay right there. We'll come right back to your calls. Recently, a Grace Curly show listener speaking of ladies Candice called in and she was telling us how much she loves her thunderstorm. And Jared, I don't want to start any sort of marital feuds here, but her husband was a non believer. Her husband was rolling his eyes at Candice when she would say, this is a really cool device. It's cleaning out the air. It's purifying the air. It's eliminating the odors. He said, it's all in your head, Candice. And then they got their furnace serviced. And he said, oh, this smell is a weird smell. And she said, hold on a second. She had two of them. She said, let me bring up my thunderstorms. And Mr. Candice had a change of heart. He realized these are really awesome machines. They can clear the air. They don't take up a lot of floor space. They don't make a lot of noise. They almost are unnoticeable, Jared, except for the fact that they're eliminating odors. Yeah. And you can understand why Mr. Candice or Mantis, we could call him, why he didn't believe that it worked because if all you've ever had are those flowery spray things or that like gel stuff that you have to unscrew, then, yeah, you're not going to believe it. But no, the thunderstorm, actually, it is unlike any other air purification device you're going to find because it actually ionizes the air. It creates a super oxygen. And that is what eliminates any odors in the air. And it can also do the same thing with allergens and pollutants. It's great for my allergies. It's great for smells. And like Grace said, it's easy to use. You just plug it in and you turn it on. Do you think Mantis is thinking to himself, how did Candice calling up and giving this nice review of thunderstorm turned into a character assassination? Like, how am I? What character assassination? How am I getting the brunt of all this? Well, you'll think twice next time you question your wife, won't you? You're the plucky comic relief here. With the three-back special, you can use one in your kitchen, your office, even your car. Here's what you want to do. Go to and use code GRACE3. That's, code GRACE and the number three. We'll be right back with your calls. Stay on the line. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Happy Monday. I hope your week's off to a good start. Let's go to Nancy on the line. Go ahead, Nancy. Hi. How are you, Grace? I'm good. What's going on? I have three quick points. Number one, if Joe Biden was so prepared, which he seemed to have been, if someone brought up Lake and Riley's name, why did they not make sure he knew how to pronounce it right? And then if he did, mispronounce it. Would it kill him to apologize, even if he didn't really want to? Great point. I mean, politically, it's just stupid. And my other point is, where are women's groups? I am in my 70s. And I remember when the women's movement started. And where are all these women's? Women are being attacked at every turn right now, including, you know, rapes and murders and community with this latest murder of Lake and Riley. And on the sports field, where are these groups? What happened to these women? Where did they go? That's my question. It's such a good. You're so passionate about it. Thank you, Nancy. It's such a good question. It's such a good question. And I have two things I would like to add to that. You said, where are the women's groups? And when it came to this murder of Lake and Riley, and there's a lot of murders that have been similar to this, Kate Steinle being one, Molly Tibbetts being another. When it comes to this murder, the women's groups, the feminist publications, I saw a few of them. The spin they put on this was, oh, this is about running. And don't get me wrong. Women should be careful when they're running. You should always be cautious. And there's a conversation to be had there, but to take this and to bury the lead and to not talk about the fact that this person never should have been in the country in the first place to commit this heinous murder. That is a level of ignorance, willful ignorance that is hard to put into words. And the second part about the sports field. I'm glad you brought that up. The sports, whether it's swimming pools or the field hockey, we've seen a lot of that in Massachusetts. I'm so glad you brought that up because over the weekend, my husband listens to a lot of Joe Rogan podcasts and he said to me, oh, Riley Gaines, he said, Grace, did you meet with Riley Gaines once? And I said, yeah, I had the opportunity actually to meet with her before she gave a speech at Harvard. And I was so impressed by her. I really was. I came on the air the next day and I said, I don't say this often to people, but I told her you really should get into politics because you have, we were talking about the backbone. She has the backbone for it. She has the thick skin for it. She was on with Joe Rogan and he was blown away by her as well. I think she really has that effect on people when she breaks down how she's not far right in the slightest. She is just talking about sanity versus insanity as Sarah Huckabee Sanders once said. She is just stating the obvious. And when she told the story of how unfairly she was treated in comparison to Leah Thomas, Joe Rogan's jaw was on the floor. And the great thing about that is she's getting the message out to an entire audience of people who otherwise might not know the details of her story. So Nancy, what I'd say is there are strong women out there who are making their voices heard. Don't lose hope. Ari Hoffman coming up next.