FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Representative Dale Strong - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 10-09-24

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09 Oct 2024
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[music] Welcome back to the Jumpboard Show on FM Talk 106.5. They just stick it around on this Wednesday morning. We do appreciate it. Texalany would be in touch with the show. All you got to do is hit me up 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-0-6. Any feedback is appreciated. We'll get to your text and more covered in the next few segments. Still to come on to program about an hour from now. Joey Clark from Montgomery Radio News Talk 93-1. And Scott Butcher, my friend from the Trussle Tribune, in that 11 o'clock hours, please stay tuned for that. But joining us now, always a pleasure. A very nice guy. You got to know him really well when I was on up in Huntsville, but he makes time for our program down here in Mobile. We're definitely appreciative of that. Congressman Dale Strong from the 5th Congressional District. Congressman, good morning, how are you? Hey, Jeff, it's great to be with you again, man. Hey, thanks for making time. Thanks for coming on. Well, we ran into each other at the Auburn game a couple of weeks ago, but you got to get to spend a little time with President Trump at the Alabama game later that day. Talk a little bit about that. Well, I'll tell you this right here. You know, I've got to know him pretty well. And his spirits are great. It's pretty exciting. You walk in the room and he calls you by your name. And he said, I know you're here. And he said, the big thing is, he said, I'm sure you want to talk about space command. And it's funny because we've had a lot of discussion about that. And the process we went through, and of course, he recommended it for Alabama. And then, of course, his administration tried to send it to Colorado. And I believe we're going to get that thing flipped around here at Virginia with the 2020 sworn-in this is next president. Yeah, that's a-- And it's funny how that played out, but you anticipate. I mean, it may not go to Alabama in the long run, but it certainly doesn't seem like it needs to go to Colorado, right? Well, I'm pretty bullish on it coming to Alabama. You look at it, there was a 21-category process that was very thorough. And it determined that Redstone Arsenal was the site that was most suited for it. It was the site that was best for national security. And you go through this process. And then, all of a sudden, the president goes in there and says, let's take it to Colorado. Colorado was fifth in the process. And there was an appearance at every level you can imagine. But the secretary of the Air Force, Secretary Kendall, recommended that it go to Alabama. But then what we watched-- and that's what the law requires-- is that the Secretary of Defense of the Air Force has to make that recommendation. But I believe in the end of the day, they're going to look at all these processes and everything else. I think it's going to come. We've got an investigation going forward. Microoggers has been very thorough in other Alabama. And it was his vision for this Space Command at Space Force. But sending it to Colorado to an area that doesn't have the education that is desired, neither. They've also at least a $54 million building that's 9 and 1/2 miles outside of the military base with zero force protection doesn't have dual feed electrical to that building. It doesn't even have as much as a concrete barrier in front of it with some of the art nation's top secrets. Unacceptable, I think Biden and Harris will both be exposed during this investigation. And let's do what's right for national security. That's been my position from day one and the evidence we have. It shows the redstone archival in Huntsville, where it ought to be. Yeah, and you mentioned something interesting there that I guess some of our listeners may not be aware of. Chairman Rogers has been really, really big on this Space Command, a visual Space Force movement. And Washington for a long time. I remember sitting in his office and you bring up Space Force, or I guess in this case it would be Space Command. But he's like very, very, very invested in this. There were a lot of people that didn't agree. And even those that didn't agree years ago now say, it was as forward thinking as anything. And Mike Rogers is a very smart individual. And so I believe it's going to move forward. There's no doubt it's going to move forward. The big thing we've got to do is just to be sure that we don't let this administration make a decision based on where they can get a vote or two. Let's go and do what's right for national security. And I promise you, Mike Rogers has got an investigation going on right now. The IG is investigating. And we feel comfortable that when this investigation is done, it's going to show an appearance at every level. And that's why people just hate government. Because let's go do what's right. Let's do what's right for national security and not what's right for a couple of votes. So that's the end around that we're doing. Now, I want to get your thoughts on this. And you have some experience as a first responder, volunteer firefighter, EMT. But this hurricane response, we've seen from the federal government. What are your thoughts on it? I remember Katrina. I was down here for Katrina in 2005. And Congress, in George W. Bush, reacted right away. What we're seeing in Western North Carolina, North part of Georgia, Northern South Carolina, and even West Virginia and Tennessee, are Western Virginia, I should say. It's just very, very underwhelming. What do you make of it? What are you hearing? Well, if you look at it, the one thing in the background and the natural disasters I've worked, of course, they're all a lot smaller than what they're dealing with in North Carolina, Georgia, and even in Tennessee. But anybody with walking around stands knows that you've got to have forward staging for everything, from food, to water, to shelter. And then one of the things that we've seen is Alabama has stepped forward. We've got folks from Alabama Power, Huntsville Utilities. We've got private electrical companies that have got hundreds of people over helping rebuild this system. But it's crazy. I've had calls from multiple people that says of all the disasters they've worked, they've never got to a situation of this nature and not had somewhere to lay their head for a couple of hours, even if that's a tent. And so that's probably the biggest call that we've had is like, look, man, you've got emergency folks over here from different sheriff's departments, law enforcement. They set up 9-1-1 centers and ran that forum. But again, this is the thing, the frustration with natural disasters. But I don't know one thing. They better be ready because this thing is coming to Florida. But that's staging, in many cases, when it's coming to Florida, they stage in Mobile. Everybody has seen the helicopters there before. But again, I think it's been a pretty disappointing effort to this point. But did anybody expect anything less from Secretary Marorkas? We've been peeped in. The Senate should have taken that up. This guy is a poor leader. He hates America. And his first statement was is that they didn't have enough money. Well, it doesn't take a smart person to understand. I'll step him to the 26. We approved him an additional $20 billion. So money's not the issue. It's the lack of substance and able to take care of and respond. This is a huge natural disaster. But this is how it always happens. About the time you start working one, get ready. There's another one coming right behind you. So the excuses have gone long enough. And what we're going to do is we're going to send it. I mean, we're sending everything. Alabama is great. We've got church assistance. We've got-- you just look. The faith-based community's been phenomenal. And then you look at the electrical folks that are there. Let's get them somewhere safe to sleep at night, somewhere out of the elements. And let's let them do their job and get government out of their way. Talking to Congressman Dale Strong from the 5th Congressional District here on the program. Congressman, yesterday with Gary Palmer, you're probably gone. And like to think, he's kind of talking about this yesterday with him. Well, you've seen a lot of-- I think it's like vulnerabilities into federal government. These essential services, I would say. It did, too, to like really come to mind that I've been out there. Obviously, this FEMA response you and I are talking about. Secret service as well. Do you think the sort of level of incompetence or this level of like-- I don't know, just just slow roll or whatever it is, is sort of emblematic rampant throughout the federal government? Well, if you take Butler County, Pennsylvania, for instance, you had an enormous amount of the secret service that are trained to do personal protection that were all at the Democratic National Convention. And then what the evidence is going to reveal is that they rolled in folks from Homeland Security. And they watched a two-hour video to show them how to do personal protection. You look at this Butler County. It was a total failure at every level. You look. You've got-- the president is easily-- I know you-- I think you've met him before. He's at every bit of 6'3" and I'll be generous. He's 240 plus pounds. They couldn't have got him off that stage if they had to. Then you look a little bit further. And that's where I was able to ask some questions to the colonel of the Pennsylvania State Police. You look at the exit strategy. They got the president Trump into the bulletproof Tahoe police package. And then they moved it up about 20 or 30 feet and sat for over 30 minutes. I'm sorry, but they sat for over three minutes trying to exit. Looking in comparison to when Reagan was shot at the Washington Hilton, they threw him in that limousine, didn't even know if he'd been shot, spin the tires, get out there immediately, and took him to a hospital. You look at it. That Tahoe sitting there was a danger. There's also been communications that they had a gate that they had trouble getting out of. But here's the thing. I do believe when we were in Tuscaloosa, the security was at a different level. You look at Milwaukee when he came in to the Republican National Convention. He had people 6'3" to 6'8" protecting him. You've got the cover body mass. And you look at the threats that they know that they're out there. It's a miracle that it didn't get shot at the Trump National there in Florida. I've been to that golf course with him before. And I'm telling you right now, he was a sitting duck out there. And it's a miracle that they happen to see that barrel sticking through the fence. It's just-- you're worried about that because I don't know what else might go wrong in America. But our federal government just doesn't seem to be functioning at a, like I said, at a competent level. And we-- I mean, especially those on the left sort of deify government at times, it's probably-- you're right. I think most-- I'm not going to say anything too crazy. It's probably time for at least a change in Washington to some degree at the very, very top. Yeah, if you're right on the money, you think about it. As many rallies as Trump has been at, we've been at several of them. But it's unbelievable that Butler County was the first rally that he had, that he had a counter sniper team. That will blow most of your listeners' minds to know that that was the first time they had a counter sniper team. And you're thinking that would be the first thing, but that was denied by the Secret Service. Then you look at who they put in as the acting director. He was over counter sniper team. So he's the guy making the decisions not to put counter sniper teams on the top candidates that are running or president of the free world. I think that he's a failure. They need to pull him out of that position also. But this is stuff that's going to come out at a later date. Then you look at anybody with walking around sense or that has ever done any type of surveillance or hunting. The best vantage point was the water tank in Butler County. And I'm telling you right now, it's unfundly with several of our members and folks that were Navy SEALs that were there. You would, at any point, take that vantage point in Butler County and our Secret Service didn't do it. And then you got the guy with the best vantage point on top of that barn or building. And he's not the guy that made the shot. There was another sniper that took the shot. But again, total disarray. Our country deserves better. And these are things that we're going to continue to work on. And I'm praying for a new president on January the 20th this morning. Just a few more minutes here to go, Congressman. Let's talk about you and I are talking off air about how you're traveling around, keeping the house, building on your numbers here. And if you could just build on your numbers, it probably solves a lot of other problems as well. How you feeling? Talk a little bit about that effort. Well, you know, right now we have a four vote majority in the United States House representatives. That's really not a majority. We've got to gavel. There's a lot more business. We need to do it. We need to stop splitting hairs. And let's move forward with America. I'm excited. I think the Senate looks good. I think that people are seeing through what Chuck Schumer has failed to do for this country. You look at the bills that we passed in the House, HR2, that would have enacted, remain in Mexico, and would have stopped about 70, 75% of these illegals coming into our country and threatening jihad on us. But you look at it. We've got a lot of close races in the House. So I know that in the weeks ahead, I'll be traveling with Steve Scalise. We've got about four days with him going all over the country to try to solidify those. Don't take them for granted. And then I'm actually with Mike Johnson for four days doing the same thing. But we just got to be sure to get our people out. Let's get the Christians off the sideline. This election, we can make a difference. And this republic is alive and well. But after four years of Biden, Harris, and she's got to take a responsibility. She's the one that failed us at the Southern border along with the president and look what we've got. We've got them coming in from 160 different countries. They're not coming for jobs. They're coming for jihad. And anybody that doesn't believe that, better wake up. - What a last question. The Haitian resettlement stuff. And I know, I guess there were reports, at least Athens, limestone County there. But have you got any clarity on what's going on there and what's going on with the Biden administration? - Yeah, they're going to flush them into everywhere. They can bring these illegals. You start thinking about just the mere numbers. 15 million, they're saying T and everybody knows it's north of that. You think about the last time that I was at the Southern border went up in a black hawk helicopter to kind of take a look at the Southern border. We couldn't even tour because we looked up in the mountains. And there were hundreds coming through the mountains. And all of a sudden it wasn't Latinos, it was Iranians. And I'll promise you, you look at them, every one of them 19 to 26 years old. And that was just one day that we were there. The drugs that are coming across for every one drone that our borders patrol were flying. The Mexican cartels flying 17, they're flying it into US airspace and they're bringing 100 pounds at a time of fentanyl. You look at the partnership between China and Mexico. China's providing the precursor to make this fentanyl. Then Mexico gets it into America. We're going to lose a generation of Americans if we don't get some leadership at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And that's where the problem is. You look at the Indo-Pacific, it's absolutely a tender box. You look at Ukraine that is fighting against Russia. If they wouldn't have thought China would have been in Taiwan by this point. But I'll tell you this right here. With Donald Trump's leadership, we will change it. He's not a perfect person, but look at your options. Kamala Harris is not a leader. She can't handle anything on the national stage. And you look at what Biden's doing. He's out there just searching for two scoops of ice cream and that's unacceptable. And they covered him. People try to say that the media's covered him for about four months. Man, I met with him within the first two weeks. I went to Congress 18, 19 months ago. He couldn't carry on the conversation then. I saw it firsthand. The American people have not seen it. But I'm telling you right now, he is not equipped to be president of America. Congressman, we always appreciate your time. Stay safe out there on the road. Let's do this again soon. Vote Republican. We'll see you soon. Congressman Dell's strong right there. We're going to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is Deach, a poor show. And if we talk with 065. [MUSIC PLAYING]