FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Rep Matt Simpson talked about Death Penalty and Jubilee Regulations - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 10-08-24

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08 Oct 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot to tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean the deal we got drink pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock if you don't like it Last question. Were you high on drugs? Right away we go FM talk 106 five midday mobile client to have you along another couple hours of live local talk and If you're new to the I mean everybody else they know how to get in touch But if you're new I welcome first won't glad you're here Easy to get in touch with the show three of the easiest ways or the phone line in the text line 34 3 0 1 0 6 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 and also the talk back feature on the FM talk 106 5 app that's waiting for you over at the newly anti-trusted Google Play Store I did I wish I would have had some kind of influence that you know they talk about certain Google Play work with app developers to give them, you know a better standing on I can get that offer We just made the app and put it on Google Play But if you're an Android user, it's on Google Play. If you're an iOS user, it's over at the app store Just look for FM T a L K 1065 and yes, you can use it To send us a talkback message, but they stream the station there all our podcast the first place They post is right there show schedules traffic maps all that information online one place the FM talk 106 5 app so check it out So three four three zero one zero six for a texture call or you can use that talk back feature on the app All right, this I mentioned it this morning, and it's good to have this man back in studio He's been actually in studio and in Hosting this show and also been a guest many times on this show So he's good good to see him back in studio district 96 represented Matt Simpson. Thanks for coming in This is awesome. I had such a good time hosting the show the other day Sean or I guess at the other day It seems like it was the other day. Yeah, probably a few months ago now. That was a really fun day for me I really enjoyed that opportunity. Thank you so much. Well, listen. I'm taking some time off in November So we'll have to we'll have to talk about that first of all from your District district 96 there's going to be part of your district at least and what I've been here in this morning just saying it totally That you know people with the buckies this morning with a lot of Florida tags or some stories up There's a lot of evacuees coming from Florida and you not before we're just talking during the news break It does make sense because Florida folks often would evacuate to Georgia and the Carolinas, right? But look I mean now those areas are so messed up that maybe those people that normally we go there are going to come It up and hang a left turn and come come west It's you know, it took me a while to get across the bay today to get over here to come see so it's it's one of those things It come through the Bayway and the tunnel and it's an opportunity for us to show Florida Indians How bad we need that new Bayway and new tunnel involved in County and Mobile County, so You know, it's one of those things. I My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that's already suffering from Helene and still trying to recover from Helene And that includes Floridians and Georgia and North Carolina and to have another storm come right behind it The way this one is this is it's not good. Yeah, it's a national discussion I had yesterday with Congressman Carl about you know If FEMA's so taxed as we heard from Mayorkas that he can't get the work done And they couldn't have didn't have the money for the second storm not only is this a second storm But we'll talk to Dr. Bill y'all in about 25 minutes about this this hurricane built in it's real deal stuff I mean, this is this is the kind of stuff that Frightens me because I've seen you know, something said well It might only be a three by the time it comes on shore only a three Frederick was a three y'all remember what it looked like I mean, this is Really bad this is and it's you know The last one Helene was moving so fast and just dumped a ton of water and so quickly that you have the flooding that came through This one's not quite as moving as fast as Helene was and that's when the dangers start getting there I mean you but the Sean you remember Sally. Yeah, absolutely stood over top of us It was a category one, but if it stays over top of you it causes more damage. So, you know, it's I I'm glad the models are showing where it's showing and they're they seem pretty consistent where they are But I've been watching this one for a while. I follow Mike's weather page up with the spaghetti models spaghetti models dot com unpaid advertisement Yeah, I keep it up on my phone to make sure that you know This is something that we've had to pay attention to and living down here and everybody that's in your listening radar Can understand this is this is part of the south and we all come together So when Floridians are filling up buckies or when we take too long to come across the pages understand it But for the grace of God that could be us trying to travel through another state trying to get away from this So it's it's a rough time for everybody right now is indeed back here at home. It is the Pre file season. I will call it pre-fellow season when looking forward to the legislative session in 2025 Members like you are pre-filing bills. First of all, when is that? When when does the season change that you go from all right last session is in the rear view and now it is time to start Think about pre-filing things for the fight is I mean y'all leave there. It's May or something like that When when do when do thoughts turn to the next session? Well, I know that there were some people that filed bills on the way out of town from the first session So we ended in May, so I know people had some bills ready stock loaded ready to go that they filed in May before they were there You know, it gives you a chance to come home and talk to constituents I think you're having a lot of pre-filed bills this time just because the nature of the beast from the last session There's a lot of bills that died from gambling and a lot of a lot of good bills didn't move So there's some people that are refiled bills I've filed a couple of bills that I've refiled also think it gives people a chance to get back into the constituents and be around and anytime you're You know kids are off so you're around other people and you're having these discussions to start Hey, what you what about this bill? Have you thought about this or that's a good idea? We need to look into this and so you get a break for summer you're back in the district you're back around with everybody and then LSA and everybody's back to work after Labor Day So people are like, okay, nobody's taking summer vacations anymore Let's start getting to work and let's start getting going what we need to be doing Okay, as you look at those pre-filed bills and all it'll get specific here in a second Do you also try to figure out now you talk to constituents? But do you figure out your other members of the legislature and say You know, hey, can I get some while I get some support from you on this? I mean do you start like we're crooting? Yeah, we you know, we have several we have several conferences throughout the summer that we go to and we're around and you start having these Discussions you start you know people you start asking about hey, what are you working on? What are you thinking about what you looking at for this upcoming session? So as you start going through that someone says, hey, you know, I'm working on this. It's like that's a great bill I'd like to be a coach. Okay, so you do have a heads-up before you even officially pre-filed. Oh, yeah, what's happening? Mm-hmm. Okay, cuz I was wondering this one Bill that you've pre-filed that I think you're probably gonna get a lot of yeses on Alabama bill that would make Particular rape cases eligible for the death penalty your history as a prosecutor here. So you come to this First of all describe what those certain cases are so it would be if the child was less than the age of six Okay, if a person then commits the offensive rape or sodomy on a child under the age of six Then this would allow for the death penalty be to be used in these type of cases. I've prosecuted those cases before My prosecuted multiple cases where children was less than six with some of the stuff that they've done. I In my honest my you know, this is something that I'm bringing from my heart This isn't a political move. This is some I think this is worse than some murders You know, I could see somebody getting angry and getting upset and there's a fight or something goes on through there But crop of passion. Yeah, I'm a passion type thing or what what goes on? But to do something like that to a three four or five year old. I don't think it's rehabilitable I you know, people talk there's a question. Yeah, people talk all the time We need to go to prison and you can be rehabilitated to come through I don't think you can do that at three four or five year old once you've done that to a three four or five You are you have have have changed that child's life for the rest of eternity as they go through and to do that in that manner I've got no sympathy for you. So would this be a first in the nation? No, it wouldn't actually this is a move to kind of counteract What's going on? What happened was in 2008 in a case the United States Supreme Court in Kennedy versus Louisiana Ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional for cases where the offense did not cause the death of another person So in 2008 they said you can't do this what they looked at for their rationale was There's only five states at the state that five states at that time that allowed for the death penalty for rape charges for child rape charges And they said because there's only five that means it's unusual and this violates the crew Okay, and and they're their rationale in fact or was look we look over time We've gone back to look through how other how states have changed over time and they've gone away from the death penalty Well last year the state of Florida passed a bill to change it to where they would have the death penalty for child rape charges This year this session the Tennessee legislature passed a bill where they were having child rape charges could get the death penalty So what we're doing is changing the narrative of if you're saying this is unusual We're gonna change this right back and use the rationale on you and say no It's not unusual and we come back to the the essence of this which is the most important I'm kind of getting off in the politics of it. How many states do you think it would be before it does not? Become unusual. Well, that's what we're checking. You know, Florida is going I'm sure Florida is going to be the first one to be challenged because Florida led the way last year DeSantis signed it as governor promoted it. They've already started a prosecution under that under this statute to go through to pursue the death penalty So I am sure that that will so that'll be the case it kicks up to the Supreme Court That'll be the case it kicks the Supreme Court, Tennessee won't be far behind it through there But what we want to be able to do is show. Oh, no, this isn't a change This is something that other states are getting on board and getting involved with and and and right now The last time that I saw this I think there are five other states that are particular that are looking to try to do this To try to move into the death penalty for child rape cases. You have states in Arizona, Idaho, Missouri, New Mexico, South Carolina and South Dakota are looking into it It hasn't passed yet, but so there's a movement But there's but there's like an idea of a critical mass right of a number of states that would put this in codify this and then it would be not unusual right and if that when that was the only that was the only rationale the Supreme Court used Was it was unusual because there were so few states doing it So if we can challenge that and say it's not unusual. This is what we're trying to do Look if they want to talk about the cruel and unusual punishment Sean I think it's cruel to send somebody to prison for 50 or 60 years and just have them sit in there You know, I don't think we use the death penalty enough So I think we need the opportunity to show the Supreme Court We have a new Supreme Court, you know It's a change from where it was in 2008 And I think that there's an opportunity to support states like Florida and to support support states like Tennessee and show them now We've got your back. We're here with you. We believe in this too So I because there's not a there's not a federal prohibition to the states on whether they're death penalty or not But there is this question of of what it can be used for obviously They haven't fought it for murder, right certain those capital offense that capital offense, but in the case of a rape They had that's not on the books, right for for adult Horrible subject here, but adult rape, right? That's not on the books now women. Okay, but in this case it would be Six and under mm-hmm. This would be a death penalty offense. Correct and now it's again to the discretion of the prosecutor It's not where every case would be automatic to get it it'd be it up left to the jury the jury could determine Yes, I think the person's guilty, but I don't think they deserve death It's the same it'd be the same process as the capital but that option would be on the table for it would be on the table also as reading through there's a then under 18 what there's another so basically what it is You can't put someone under you can't put someone in a death on if they're under 18 at the time they committed the offense Okay, so you know what we put through there is it's going to have to be a life without possibly the parole if you're under 18 And you commit the offense or or I think if you're under 18 It has to be life with life if you're if you're over 18 You're either getting the death penalty or life without the possibility of parole All right, we'll come right back more of our conversation with Representative at Simpson right here on midday mobile Text line is open and already busy at three four three zero one zero six same for the phone calls three four three zero one zero six be right back This is midday mobile with Shawn Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five All right, welcome back midday mobile glad to have you here and good to have Representative Matt Simpson in studio Co-hosting Our subject this hour three four three zero one zero six on the phones and let's go to Phone calls first and then we'll get to a bunch of texts coming in here as well. Let's see. It's George immobile George. You're up first Good Actually, what I would ask or what I would like to say is I would like to see some kind of law enacted in which if a person fired into an crowd an occupied car or a house With disregard or other lives If that definitely would be on the table for that person and what I mean by that is obviously we all know that you know gun violence is gonna occur and You know, I'm not naive. I know you're gonna have let's say use the term gangbangers or whatever else But if two people are firing at each other or a person drives by house and intending to hit one guy Let's say person a but inside is a five-year-old child that gets in or a grandmother or somebody else That will not be intended to work at obviously Which may be retribution or something like that then that person would then be you know, subject to a death penalty case For killing that child is like if somebody fired into an unarmed Unoccupied vehicle and they were trying to kill the driver and kill the baby in the backseat Okay Representative, what are your thoughts on that? Well, I'll meet you half way and I'll tell you that there is a bill And it's bipartisan. It's being carried by representative Barbara Drummond and Mobile to increase the penalties for shooting into an occupied building or vehicle Yeah, change the level of felony, right? It would change it from a class B felony to a class A felony So your class A felonies are 10 to life in prison because the fact you use a weapon There's an weapon enhancement that would make it a 20 to life in prison of what you're looking for through there So that is a bill that representative Drummond carried last year. I don't know if it made it through the house or not I'm fully supportive of it. I know Sheriff is I've talked to him about it. I know she's going She's her plan is carried it again And that is a bi-partisan bill that we're working on to see what we can do because you're exactly right And and I'm sorry. I'm mr. Callers name That was George George. You're exactly right. That is something that we need to step up our Prosecutions for because you have so many people just firing randomly and just with the no Care or caution for the rest of public life. This isn't a situation where people anymore At point gun aim gun fire gun, right? They they're not aiming. They're just firing for the purpose of firing So I think you're exactly right, George and and we're working on that. We're working to increase the punishment now for death penalty I'm gonna take it one step at a time. I'm a pro death penalty guy I don't think it's used enough But let me focus on the child rape part first and then we'll come back to you on the other Terry says on the text line Just put the child rapists in general population. Let nature run its course saves the state time and money It does, but then you get the federal government talking about how dangerous our prisons are and you know I'm I think that part of the problem that we have with our death penalty is as well as it takes so long to actually enact So you commit a crime and you know and you've got 30 or 40 years before you actually face the punishment of the death penalty The jury could tell you you know, you commit the offense. It takes a while to get a capital case to go to trial anyway Just to go to trial the jury could tell you something and you're still looking at 30 years after the jury's ruled that you're just sitting there We're paying for this person. It's been committed to death row. We're just gonna let them sit there for 30 years I think that's that's a problem too I think the more immediacy that people can see when the press gets out of hey this person committed an offense and now You know, they're dying because the state is putting a needle in there I'm not because they just died of old age waiting on the death penalty I think if you want to use that deterrent to prevent other people from committing those offenses They need to see it happen sooner rather than later Okay, cuz I you know, let me read that this text coming in from B. Dark said sentence them today put them down the next day And the prison population will be fixed along with crime That could because you saying you know the day they get sentenced the next days The execution and that that because the you know, I've argued this for a long time. I Listen, I'm talking to a prosecutor. I know you are I don't but I don't see it doesn't mean death penalty doesn't have its values society I don't see it as a disincentive for the majority of people because I don't think they think they're gonna get caught I I agree with you. Okay, I think I agree with you from this sense of I don't think the bad guy goes I'm not gonna do this because I could get the death penalty But I think he gives justice to the people that lost the person I don't think the bad guy is going to say I could get the death penalty because I'm gonna commit this cuz I'm gonna commit that and I'm gonna choose not to do it because it's a death penalty I think that there is a societal deterrence of society in general is saying like I'm not putting in that situation because Death penalty can be used and I don't want them to bring it against me I think if the person's acting in that act they're not worried about what the punishment might be but before they get to that Ex society in general the law, you know, they're man. No, we need to use the death penalty more I think as a deterrent and the problem with using it as a deterrent is when when the offense occurs And then you have to wait 30 years so that family you could have a family member that hasn't deceased there They have to wait 30 years for actual it doesn't matter what the jury the jury could give you life for life without parole But if you're sitting in jail for 30 years before the death And only that family's that family doesn't have that opportunity to see that justice actually and act it So I think that's what I think that's the for me It's always been the stronger argument when people are advocating death penalty I see it more on the victims family love one side than I do as that deterrent Oh, and by the way, yeah, B. Dark also says about your foul bill He said I agree with him, but it should be under the age of 12 I just said And we can have that discussion the reason why I put six right now is because under the current law six is mandatory life without parole So if you're already going to be life without parole, why not just have the death penalty as part of it there Look, I'm all for using it for increase But I'm a I'm a let me get what I can get six the rational argument that I can get all right coming back I'm bored with representing that Simpson plus I dr. Bill joins us here in just a couple minutes with the latest on Milton This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 Right 1235 FM talk 1006 5 and midday mobile glad to have you along on this Tuesday in the latest on a Very strong hurricane Milton out there. We'll check in with our staff meteorologist dr. Bill Williams doc. Thanks for your time Yeah, this is quite a storm. I'll be talking about it yesterday when it reached to an incredible intensity of 180 mile per hour sustained winds and it carried that on into the evening the storm is now beginning to move away from the Yucatan peninsula and Headed more toward the northeast. It's actually east northeast at nine five per hour and It should maintain that direction and maybe pick up its forward speed At the moment the highest winds are a bit less than yesterday and the reason we had what we called an eyewall Replacement cycle last night When storms are this intense the eye becomes very small and it reaches a Small diameter and then begins to collapse and a new eyewall forms at a larger diameter and during that time period The winds drop off and so what happened is this morning the highest winds were down to a mere 145 miles per hour and Quite a change from yesterday but what will happen now is that it is going to gradually intensify and now that there's established a new eye Which will gradually gets smaller with time and sometimes over a long track the eyewall replacement cycle could happen several times But right now, it's up to a hundred and fifty miles per hour. That's very possible. It could reach a hundred and sixty later today So look forward to a slow intensity. I don't think it'll get back up to the 180, but Certainly, I think 160 could could happen the target still remains the tan Tampa area and that will occur tomorrow night It could be a little bit to the north of it a little bit to the south, but certainly Tampa is the is the target When the storm gets closer to the to Florida and the peninsula We may see it decrease a bit and that's because some wind shear will start the higher of latitude it goes More creeps to the north The stronger the upper air winds are and that will tend to weaken the storm. It affects the structure But it's still going to be a very strong hurricane when it reaches the Florida coast anywhere from 125 to maybe as high as a hundred and forty miles per hour and When that those are the sustained winds and they're talking about gusts that are going to be higher than that Even at a hundred and twenty five miles per hour. You can have gusts that be over 40 so the target again is the is the Tampa area and The storm surge is going to be rather significant. It'll be record setting for the western side of the peninsula Because in the Tampa area could be as high as 15 feet and we're looking at a range of 10 to 15 feet for the Tampa Bay but also the 10 to 15 could apply a little bit to the north say clear water and and also quite a bit to the south through let's say Sarasota and 10 foot surge, which is a record breaking for many areas That could occur a will to the south of Sarasota particularly to the south of where the eye actually moves across so After it impacts Tampa and what's really different here is it's more of a direct hit in the past the western part of the peninsula would be involved with a Recurbing storm and that means that many times it would be parallel to the coast before maybe moving inland over northern Florida This one is more of a direct hit and that amplifies the storm surge so we're looking for those really high values and then the storm will cross the peninsula and that will be tomorrow night and and then early on Thursday and We'll eventually move off shore and out into the Atlantic probably pretty close to Cape Canaveral It will have a serious effect on Orlando Orlando maybe just a little bit to the north where the center of the storm finally moves across the peninsula But and it may end up following interstate 4, which is the main artery from Orlando to Tampa And then it will decrease a bit as it goes across and maybe drop to a Category 1 or 2 when it arrives on the Cape Canaveral area and then we'll move out directly out into the Atlantic It's not going to go up to the Carolinas, but it's going to go out to see it head all the way out to Bermuda Dr. Bill, it's God bless those people down there and once again this impact you believe is tomorrow or tomorrow evening What kind of what's the best guest on that time? It's going to start in the evening the impact will most likely occur Yeah, it's going to be after sunset so it'll be late in the evening and Perhaps closer than midnight or maybe a little after midnight But that's going to be the time that it reached the coast the other thing too. It's just going to be a serious problem The peninsula's had quite a bit of rain recently and now we're going to see an additional 5 to 12 inches And maybe as much as 18 inches of rain closer to the to the center of the storm so flooding gonna be serious and We also may even see some tornado activity especially to the south of the storm center Dr. Bell we appreciate the update as always and we'll be checking back with you soon on Milton Okay, Sean. All right, there goes our staff meteorologist and tropical weather expert Dr. Bill Williams It's been doing this for over 40 years and he's always a great resource to have I continue our conversation with representative Matt Simpson and another bill pre-filed and it's something that you and I think we talked about back in July when this all happened the Jubilee gate there that went down with a Jubilee. I think the first of the year the second of the year and And questions about who could who could take and there was a rest made I want to point out the arrest That was made was not for somebody Being a Jubilee without a license. It was resisting law enforcement, right? Right and I think they were over the limit Yes, and they were also had fish that were not the size so yeah They were undersized and over the limit and they fought with law enforcement Which is I don't know if y'all have checked the stats usually doesn't work Okay, but you have pre-filed a bill that would no longer require a fish and license to take part in a Jubilee, right now Explain your logic here. My logic is simple There's only two places in the world that this occurs this mobile bay and in Tokyo and Japan if You're walking down and you have an opportunity or there's some a notice that goes on that says hey There's a Jubilee going in and you don't have any fish and equipment, you know This isn't something that you can plan this isn't something where you're like hey me and the guys are gonna go out And we're gonna have a weekend at Jubilee because you don't know what the conditions are gonna be you never know when it's going to arise Right so if we say look if I've got family coming in from my my wife sister lives in Maryland If they come down from Maryland, it's like hey, let's go experience a Jubilee. I just I got a buzz I got there's a post we can go check out and see what a Jubilee is Why do they have to have a fishing license from the state of Alabama to walk down and ankle deep water where fish are just surrounding them To say, you know what you've got a you've got to go get a license to do this to check through this stuff Well, I mean if they just want to stand there and ankle deep water and not take if you want to pick up a fish Then you're taking if you want to pick right you're taking so if you want to pick up a flounder that's sitting there Not understand these flounders these fish go back to they're not dying there They have this idea they all died they do not they do not all die they don't all die there But but the the simple protrusion of hey, you're walking down the beach There's fish right there if you pick it up. You have to have a license from the state of Alabama Well, then why it to me it's about not the method but the harvest right so that what is done here What we do because we have a finite resource with fishing game. We have to have limits and we have to have We have to have policy to make sure we have more flounder next time next time your kids my kids their kids down the road Right, we saw this in the North America when we had unlimited harvest, right that the normal human um, you know Motivation will be to take everything I can get and then get some to put mom's freezer, too But the the license there which you can get Online out the Alabama app you could I mean I've tried to use that No, I use it all the time somebody has brought me to try to use the app and say hey There's an app that you can go do it sure now if you already have a hunting license if you already have a fishing license Yeah, it's probably pretty easy to renew or do whatever you need to do there from some what you have there But if you're somebody that's coming in that doesn't have a hunting license doesn't have a fishing license to try to figure out Find out how much is a fishing license to have to go through? It's not readily available on that if you would know if you hit it and hit license. I mean, oh, I've done this Sean I'm telling you find out license find out license. Okay. Here's my license. All right. This is gonna be fun. All right, so licenses All right purchase a license. Mm-hmm. How much does that cost? Which one are you getting let's say we're getting a fishing license salt water fishing lists on the saltwater fishing license I have the lifetime, so I don't know. Let's see. Uh-huh. Yeah, you're you're an outdoorsman You would have it but if you weren't if you had to go through and download this. Yeah, it never it is twelve dollars and ten cents Where's that because I had to download that if you go? Yeah, if you go when you're at the app and you just hit recreational saltwater fishing mm-hmm And you just click that and you can go non-resident so because there's your people from Maryland and It'll give you the annual the trip the pier You know the Things you're right there. All right, let's go to the outdoor. All right I mean, I use we use the apt of everything from purchase sappr fishing or you come deer hunting with me We're using this thing. All right, so if I'm purchasing a license right you you're putting in all your Information I have to go through there if you scroll if you scroll past it. All right, where am I scrolling to just go to the bottom that screen? I'm sorry radio audience You scroll, but y'all get your apps out and do the same thing. So if you scroll at the bottom It says learn more about the types of licenses available in pricing. I see that and if you click that. Mm-hmm So you have non-resident and you have resident recreational license and license and prices for non-residents and residents, right? I am pulling up salt what there it is. It wasn't there. There we go. All right, well I'm saying is there's there's the ability to to get the license and to say to say that this is Well now you're switching the topic on me because this is a problem that I have this this is a main thing I want people to listen to. What is your core here? My core here is you've talked about over harvesting and how we need to make sure the population is there and how we make sure Mm-hmm in the bill It says this does not change the collection. It does not change the size required. I've said that every time I've talked about your bill I've said you you can't pick up more than six. You can't pick up less than 14 You know, that's that's that's we have to follow the lines and I've said that the whole time with your bill But let's not license you've been great, but I've gotten into a couple discussions with department of conservation natural resources even officers The other day it pulled me and we were in an event the other day and somebody who's are officers You're just going to allow anybody to come and pick up and whatever they have and so now that's not what we're trying to do We're trying to make sure that they do have to stay within the limits Okay, but let's talk about the license feature that we have to have right for anything else. Mm-hmm. You know why we have a license You I mean I can go full libertarian on you Why do you have a license to go full? Yeah, why do I have to have a license to go to the government to approve it? I've pulled a fish out from the water right so because it is something that's held in trust commonly You know, it's not private if you have private pond you can go you can come my house this afternoon We catch every bass you can catch and we keep undersized oversized, you know, we could not Catch is made brim as you want, but because it's a public resource. Okay, and it's finite Okay, they're so the licenses the money in licenses goes back into Let's talk about flounder the hatchery. Uh-huh that's providing the flounder making this rebound on flounder That takes money. They've done a tremendous job at conservation at the resource There's a great job through there license money also goes to enforcement because if there's not enforcement then what the things I agree with you on about keeping to the limits and keeping the size limit and creole limit if there's no enforcement People might stray right so licensed money goes back into that enforcement license money also goes into matching money for like I think it's wallet bro. There's these things exist where the there's a federal excise tax on hunting and fishing equipment that money goes to Washington we can get certain amounts of it back But we have to use it as a formula with how many licensed hunters or anglers we have in the state and that money comes back It's a matching money from money. We've already spent you and I go by Suspin and rods today. We're paying it's a built-in excise tax. It's even before it hits y'all store You can't it's already in there. Well, that money goes to a federal fund and if you then use it It's a ratio of how many license you use you sell for that thing. Let's say it's on the fishing side. How many, you know, rods, reels, nets Tackle waiters all these things right that money then is sitting up there We as a state say we have X number of anglers in the state and then we get money back from the Fed to match our money That bless us put in boat ramps and hatcheries and all these kind of things So if they take that flounder and I get I get your idea that people want to do this, but If they're taking that flounder, why do they have a right to take that flounder without giving back because they got a door to Jubilee But you and I are gonna go off. Well, let's say we're off But maybe the you know mouth the Blakely River Some bullmados and we catch them with hook and line. We still took them to they're gone. They're out of the thing So what are those people paying back into the system to heart? It's like the gas tax the much more on gas tax, right? But we have gas taxes because you put gas in your vehicle and you ride on the road you tear up the road Do you have a user fee it's a user fee? You're exactly right. So I mean, that's that's my thing about the license part of it And you know, you've never said take everything you want you are always on that from day one But the license in portion is if I'm harvesting something in this system and I Lord knows I can go full libertarian But the decades of yeah, I was I was pretty wild in my 20s on that But the years of pragmatism have pushed that away and because it's a public resource that's managed for all the people of the state and visitors You have to give back to be able to have that resource and be able to use it now now The where I'm gonna differ with you and there's cuz you talk about the rods the reels to tackle everything from there We're not talking about that in the Jubilee perspective But because you're not going out with a rod and a real to catch the fish right? So they then cells have not given they themselves have not even contributed any money like the people that bought the brought the rods reels monofilament line kale hooks treble hooks Corks, right. They haven't they haven't contributed. They haven't bought You know marine fuel with the tax on it. They hadn't done any of that. So but they get to take the flounder The flounder now the flounder that came up to them. They're walking down the street They're walking down the beach and the flounders up there, you know, we didn't part of it directly It came to get air, but they came to get air and they're walking on the beach It's not like they're walking there. They're on the boat going out and we're gonna say hey, let's this is where we have right So I think there's a difference there. I also think and we've had some preliminary conversations behind the scenes to figure out Okay, do we need to have a lifetime Jubilee bill where you pay a license and you have a lifetime credit for a Jubilee And is that something that the people down here would take what it would accept to come through as part? Okay, I'm not I'm just not a big fan of raising fees. I get that there's a purpose for it I get that there's a need with what we have my question to everybody and we start talking about these conferences I'm gonna bring a full circle right back to when you start talking about to other legislators from out the state When I tell them to come in not everybody's an outdoors Not everybody is somebody that's going to be hey I got the hunting license. I got the fishing license I've got this but if they come down they come to one of these wonderful conferences that we have at the Grand Hotel Mm-hmm, and they're sitting there with their family and somebody says, you know what? There's a Jubilee There's a bell ring and there's a bell ring and the Jubilee is going on right now. Let's go check out the Jubilee with what they have To have to have the state government to come into know you have to have a license before you can go down there And get involved in that that's that's that's a problem for me That just I think we need to promote the Jubilee with what we have I think we need to talk about it But what if those people your family from Maryland comes the farm with me right and we're now in mid-January and the ruts going on And this has happened Buck we've been looking for forever happens to stand in my front yard because he's chasing those But they don't have a license, but gosh, this is your chance to shoot that I mean, this is a 130 inch buck Wouldn't you just go ahead and shoot him because it's this opportunity here? And I think that may be a that may be a solution that we have through this process I think if you're bringing your rod and reel you're bringing tackle you're bringing your buck You're bringing your gun you're bringing something to have through there. You're prepared to go through there But you're just walking you're just like hey, there's a fish. But what if they use a gig? I'm fine with them not using a gig, but if they do use a gig they're using a tool Yeah, if they're using a tool they're paid for what they have to go through there I think I think if I think we're missing where I'm talking about the people that aren't involved with bringing a tool down or an Art gigging or aren't fishing the people just walking by to be up say hey I'm gonna pick up a flounder as fast as the fastest way to pick them up when they're like that They'll get coming right back up more with representative bat Simpson's right here on mid-April wheel This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk Subject we could take into extra innings for sure just a few more minutes left with representative Matt Simpson Matt I want to read so many texts in here Moz first up says if my wife has to have a hunting license to sit with me in a Dovefield or deer stand heck yeah, you need a fishing license if you're gonna take from the resource this texture Big Jim says Sean's plan is simple if Alabama residents have a fishing license everybody should and Where's that one gone? It's uh This one from Who this is unnamed textures and it makes it very hard to purchase a license They want to add a bunch of BS when I only want a simple salt water license So I'm just saying back to your saying about hard to get that license This texture says on named texture. He's right Sean. It's ludicrous to have a license for Jubilee Used to be you didn't have to have a license to fish with a cane pole I think actually you still don't have to have a license inside the County of residents You don't have to have one Dell says so I can fish and keep crabs and other and just call it a Jubilee It's a say and have a safe haven and that's a question I had I don't want to have time But when do you define the start of the Jubilee and the end of the Jubilee and that's a question We've got to figure out you know some of the stuff We want to file a bill to get the conversations had we I've been on your show a number of times talking about this bill and talking About this process to go through it was one of those things of I think you want to get the discussions And that's why you filed early. This isn't something that I've filed and wait Hey, wait a minute late at last says you've been very open about it since the word go And you know if we can come to a ground if we I'm more than willing to take anybody's an input I've talked with several people who are very angry with me about this bill and upset about what it could cause and what it could do And I am more than willing to sit down with people and say okay. Here's my here's my goal What can we do to make it the least intrusive as possible? What can we do to make the bill better to accomplish what some of the other people are trying to do? I think this is a legislative process. This is not something where I'm drawing a line in the sand and saying dang it This is what we're this is what the bill is going to say right. I'm coming to the country to not try No, this is my intent. This is where we can have and let's see what we can do to make a bill better All right Monty said that Jubilee should be treated like a tax-free holiday when it happens you're lucky enough to be there Creole limits should still apply as well as fines for not conforming to such not many people get to partake in Jubilee's That's what you've been saying B. Dark says in South Baldwin County You better have both have both and seventy dollars to get them Oh, he says what is crazy is any citizen should be able to pick up a fishing life fish without a license So this is you know There are people that have absolutely said that there shouldn't be any licensing B. Dark says that it's crazy Any citizen should shouldn't be able to pick up a fish without a license in South Baldwin You better have both and seventy dollars to get them both Ken says if you pay property tax on the water, you shouldn't be arrested for picking up a fish Terry says Jubilee harvest is traditional use by the people of the community Terry has an argument there that if I was if I was an unfair arbiter I wouldn't have read because if you look at federal law traditional uses absolutely So that's the reason native cultures too can harvest like salmon in ways that you know non-native cultures can't you know People that mark part of a tribe can't That's an interesting argument. That's that's a good one Terry. I like that one Dang it Terry Matt says hey Sean. I'm definitely on representative Simpson's side with regards to this issue It's a rare event and folks don't need to be harassed by law enforcement unless those folks showed up with commercial size coolers leave them alone Let's see John Duckman says residents should have more rights than non-residents I don't think I mean if you have a fishing license you buy now the state fishing license Let you know I fish in Florida fishing Louisiana, Mississippi once about that license. I had the same rights as the the native That's the interstate commerce clause It's very tough or you can limit and say only Alabama people can fish here. Yeah, I mean it's how that work when we said We're gonna have a different toll on the Bayway for people living mobile in Baldwin counties. The fed said there's ways around that I do still think okay ways around that's another conversation. That's another conversation This the texture unnamed texture said and what's this person gonna do with the flounder when they pick it up leave the law The way it is too many exceptions to all the walls and regulations Michael says I'm a hundred percent with you on the Jubilee Sean. They're welcome to take in the site sounds and excitement They just shouldn't be allowed to possess those fish how you can tell it a ramp who picked up from a Jubilee and who netted them So and then this is just the tip the iceberg of the text It is a very hot topic that I can go to the store. I can go to Publix or Target I've got friends of mine that reach out to me all the time and say hey, you're wrong on this and you know That's a fair argument. I appreciate the debate. I appreciate you being here. Thank you. Absolutely (upbeat music)