FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 10-08-24

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08 Oct 2024
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We all picked the cotton, but we never got rich Daddy was a veteran of Southern Democrat They ought to get a rich man to vote like that, sing it song song of the south Sweet potato fly and I should my mouth gone, don't know the win Ain't nobody looking back again Welcome back to the Jet pore show, what if I'm talking 106 5 thanks for hanging out with us on what's left of this Tuesday morning 2513430106 to be in touch with the show. All you gotta do is text me if time permitting that last segment We will get to some of those joining us now on the line is the chairman of our Republican party here in Alabama Usually joining us about this time Every Thursday. I mean every Tuesday. We're appreciative of that John wall is on the line chairman. Good morning, aren't you? I am doing well. It's good to be on the show. Thanks for making time. Well, it's appreciated We can get off here. I mean these last few weeks. We've been using this segment to kind of play a play play punditry But I like looking at some of these swing states and I think the trend feels to me like the numbers even where Trump was down But it's the move seems to be mostly not completely in his favor I mean this this latest like kind of spade of interviews that Harris has done and what she's she was on the view today She did cold bear. She's about to be or she was on 60 minutes and then this stuff's really going well and I know the media are kind of playing cheerleader or whatever and It doesn't seem like there's panic in that sector, but it looks it has all the hallmarks of A pseudo panic Look, it is a panic. It's a full blown panic. The Democrats party they've already removed one candidate because they lost They were going according to Donald Trump And now we're watching it's her honeymoon phase comes to an end and the American voter are starting to realize who she actually is her record It's part of the current administration and then Her her inability to really communicate the message that convinced the American public that she's not a fault It's all starting to come unraveled right now And and you see that in her interviews. She looks flustered. She doesn't look like she has a vision She doesn't look like she knows What's gonna follow these problems that she is herself helped create And so I think you are I think you're right I think the media can't even see your scene from all here at the campaign panicking You're seeing the Democrat machine panicking because the bottom line is the numbers have not just pulled it for her There's actually reversal that's starting to stabilize and it's starting to actually reverse and trend towards Donald Trump's direction Especially in the swing state like Georgia Pennsylvania Arizona and so I don't know I'm very cautiously optimistic I think that American people are smarter than the major media sometimes give them credit for And I think they they understand that the lack of substance you can say anything you want But just because you can say it because you have your own opinion doesn't make it back Well, yeah, I think you're absolutely right about that I just tried to like track behavior and understand it but back to the polls and It's the one that's always stuck out to me chairman was Arizona What do you think changed in Arizona what why because this Trump has never trailed that has been a blue state going back to I guess McCain and McCain won his home state, but it's trended blue And it just all of a sudden trumps up big. I mean I say what you want to about Carrie Lake I don't think she has any sort of coattails. She may be even be a drag somewhat But that that is probably more emblematic of what's going on in the electorate than we realize I would agree and I think there's two things that really play a role in Arizona. The first is The economy a lot of the heavy population around in and around the pink area Which is the vast majority of the population are retirees And they They feel that the economy crunch they're on fixing them They know that food is more fast, but they know gas is more fast, but they know it's hard to pay their rent And they're feeling this and they know that this is these are not young people who haven't we don't have a record They know what a good economy looks like and they know what a bad economy looks like and they know when leadership is giving them a bad economy And I think that plays a big role here for the for the you know those who are retired on fixing guns And then the other thing if you're a donut has a front row seat watching the disaster that the Molahirus has been on the 7th order And she was put in charge of this on abortion you know he would love to treat that under the rug right now and ignore that And try to do a con job on the American people and say hey, I'm you know day one I'm gonna call this Well, we tried to pass the bill and the Republicans refused it wrong She on day one took charge with the Biden administration of the border And her first thing she did was reverse Donald Trump's policies that had slowed down the illegal immigration And we saw an immediate tractable in record increase Now the rest of the country can debate that in the future to fool them you're not gonna fool Arizonians on the direct consequences of that They saw it happen right before their eyes And so I think those are the two biggest factors between Arizona They have the front row seat on the 7th order and they have you know the elderly and 6th incomes were feeling the economy more than more than some other people Who may not you know, California or other states may not be feeling it as hard Yeah, because the way it just feels to me though, this doesn't have the same Now look I came out of '08 even and in 2012 thinking that Romney and McCain could pull it off I was less optimistic about Trump at 16 and then in 2020 I didn't think it was possible at all Just given impeachment and COVID and the way Democrats are capitalizing on it But but it definitely as Trump at the head top of the ticket feels way more There's way more like just emotionally reason to be optimistic this time around It feels like a campaign it's this it's this chairman that I don't know if there'll be an October surprise I think all this is baked in anyway and there could be and no one's gonna It's not going to have the so they're gonna have the blow that it had But just the conditions on the ground and people aren't necessarily voting a personality Trump or Harris they are voting the status quo and it's more this election is more of a referendum on the status quo No, that's right. Look, we all know it. It's not a surprise. The Americans will feel it If we're on it about the situation, we know the economy is worse We know the borders worse. We know our form of policy is worse and parents You know, the younger voters parents across this country know that their kids are being hot things at school that they don't agree with And I still think that's a golden issue that for some reason are conservative consultants Either perfectly or foolishly ignore it's stronger It's cool stronger than a board the abortion issue that the Democrats are trying to use And we don't push it and we allowed them to be a lot of means for media not to push it But look, we've had three debates now, two presidential and two and then a vice presidential debate Education and transgender issues have not been brought up in any of those states And I think that it's absolutely a I forgot the right word for it That's a tragedy But it's also got to be intentional by the means to me if they don't want to talk about that issue Because they know the Democrats don't just lose on it They paint on it And I think that's why it's so important for candidates for the Republican Party And we need to get our consultants on board with this We need to be talking about this issue We need to bring it from the center Because this is what actually, you know, we talk about getting parents on board We talk about getting, you know, suburban moms Talk about what's happening to their children That will get them excited Here's something else and then we'll run this by you But look at our federal government Especially these high-profile circumstances I mean, if the federal government is at a high-profile Circumstance or a high-profile situation It's probably not a good situation It's responding to something, okay? And I say the Trump assassination attempts And these storm responses Are like two things You expect your federal government to be on top of This is not like griping about taxes or mail delivery or roads or whatever But these are things that were unforeseen And you really need your federal government there And then they've let people down And I think people look at it and they say, "What's going on?" Like, "Why does our federal government keep letting us down over and over again?" And either fairly or unfairly, and I think fairly personally But that's all the ballot as well Like, you can't get your disaster response right You're unable to protect the President of the United States Out of former President of the United States Who's the Republican candidate And if he gets shot, I mean, just think about what that would do To, like, the markets and the fear you would put in the country Like, just how important it is That you may not like Donald Trump But you need to beat him at the ballot box Not have something like that happen Because there are unintended consequences You may think all your problems are solved Some of these deranged left-wingers think, "Well, you just put a bullet in the city It's not a problem anymore" But that inspires other reactions And I think most importantly, kind of throughout the economy But that's why the federal government has to do its due diligence here And, you know, like I said, these high-profile circumstances They're really letting the public down And I think it's a reflection of the Biden administration You look carefully looking And not that we should ever expect government to be efficient That's why we as Republicans believe in small government Let the free market work Let the private sector work more Because the government is always going to be efficient They're always going to be loaded They're always going to be slow by nature That being said I think it's very important for us to remember There are priorities that the Biden administration does get done Things like funding Ukraine Where every citizen you've given enough money to Ukraine to give every citizen $6,500 Meanwhile, the response to our United States citizens In this disaster From the storm in North Carolina And the sea has been to give them $700 in the few dollars Almost a tenth of what they've given Ukraine Look at the immigration members What they're giving free handouts from taxpayers Now, the money doesn't grow on trees This money is coming from somewhere And it's coming from the hard-working Americans Who are going out there and earning a living by the Twitter, the browse And then the government is taking that money from them And they're giving it free to illegal immigrants Who have never paid nor systems who don't belong here Who broke the lottery here And they're giving them handouts Free handouts from the youth and tax their money And then they have the nerve, the gall To come back and say Oh, we don't have enough money In a FEMA account to help American citizens In a true and honest disaster Who literally watched their entire lives You watched downstream And I think this is This is a level not just of incompetence This is actually Un-American And it goes past incompetence to do with long priorities The Biden-Harris administration Would rather prioritize Illegal immigrants And other nations Over United States citizens And that's why, despite the Mainstream, medium, date, tech, and censorship We went up with Donald Trump for ten years Donald Trump is going to win this election Because the American people are looking for someone They're looking for a person who's willing to be politically incorrect And they're looking for a person Who's willing to stand up And you know what? I'm not ashamed to say it's time to put America first together And I think that's what this election is about Well, something else And you tell me this This is where a lot of my friends in D.C. who Do the prognostication game for a living Who, you know, understand the betting markets And the polling data and what it really means This is what they say, it's like Well, at the top of the ticket is very weak For Democrats, there's no question about it I mean, they'll readily acknowledge that But where Democrats are able to make up some of that ground They think is that they have a vastly superior ground game to Republicans Now, this will show us quite the case right now But that is like, that's their No pun intended here That's their Trump card They got the play is that They're willing to do things They have people who are on the ground This is not a top-down election And if it were, I mean, they'd be in trouble Because the top of the ticket is very, very weak Well, look, and there's some truth to that Because most Republican activists are working hard to put in tables for their families And all they want from government is to be left alone They want to apply it in peaceful life Where they can enjoy the fruits of their labor Meanwhile, your Democrat activists are being paid not to work And they have a lot more time on their answer And I think there's definitely a discrepancy there There's definitely more manpower for Democrats on the Democrats' level Because of that structure And I think that's incredibly sad But it's a situation that we do have to look at, we do have to realize Yeah, well, I just, that's Like, if we're going to like After this election immediately, Chairman When you're sitting with your fellow chairman and other Like, RNC types Like, that's like catching up to the DNC And I think there's a lot of like, mismanagement there I'm not saying that they are the role model But they do something very, very, very well That Republicans need to catch up with them, right? And that's got to be win or lose Something just got to be worked out, right? No, absolutely. Look, I come from the grassroots side of the party You know, here in Alabama, we're very much grassroots oriented We already have our first team headed over Georgia this week You know, as soon as early voting started this week We had our team headed over on Sunday And we'll have Alabama volunteers on the ground in Georgia until election day Because we believe and do want to probably believe in working hard and mobilizing And I think that this is something the Republican Party has to learn It's not about, the Republican Party is not a social club It's a political organization that's designed to help our candidates get elected And to stand for our values And I think that's absolutely something the Republican Party as a whole It's time we got more of it, it's time we turn more back to grassroots I'm a grassroots guy at the Florida grassroots leadership with the R&T And I think we're seeing that shift happen I think the R&T is becoming much more effective at raising money Better with this new agenda And it's far, far, we're headed in the right direction Getting the R&T turned around Yeah, I think there's something else There's something else we have to concentrate on for Republicans too And if we win, we're asking the American people for a chance If we win the White House, we hold the House and if we get the Senate We have got to have a backbone And actually follow through with what we have Our elected officials have got to actually follow through and do what they promise they would do Yeah, it's not like we're just running on all of this that we've been talking about It's that, well, it's like you keep telling us You're all going to do stuff and you've got to actually do it And then the checks sort of all of the fundraising And all of that sort of takes care of itself You're no longer just this all-bark, but no buy, right? Well, that's one area the Democrats have figured out When they get control, they actually have a backbone They fight for their base And they deliver and then their base is energized And it makes them more effective than the next election cycle And Republicans, I don't know if they're trying to be nice If they're trying to be different I don't know what it is, but our Republican elected officials It's time they listen to the people Got back to the platform, the values we represent Freedom, liberty, limited government, head spending Good for responsibility All these family values protecting our children All these core things, they need to not just talk it They need to walk the walk And if they do, and if they start delivering these wins I think you'll see the base respond in future elections Chair, we got to leave it there, always appreciate your time on this program We'll do it all again next week I'll always have a pleasure to be on the show John Wall, I'm the Republican Party Chairman there We'll be right back, this is FM Talk, 106-5 Just to send it on down the line Hello, experts, and your cold minor limits, thank you for your time You were the 49th week for a limit Just to send it on down the line This is for the one who drives the big risk