Fort Fritz

Chapter Five: Chicken Joint Séance

After taking sewer tunnels to escape their past, will a psychic reading tell of a similarly dark future? Featuring stories on the Marburg Virus, Ashley's of Rockledge, Helena Blavatsky

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09 Oct 2024
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We're not in the wrong. I mean they looked old and we killed them. I don't know if they attacked. Do they attack? Or do we just kill them because they're old? Yeah. I'm asking you guys. I don't care either way. I think history is going to show that they were zombies and that's how I'm going to cope with them. Yeah. It's either that or blood rage. Guys were screwed. It was a battle. It was a war. Let's just move on guys. Same thing for ourselves. I'm hungry. Let's go to the chicken joint. I am very hungry. Chicken joint sounds so good right now. You know what I could really go for if we go there? Chicken? Yeah. Yeah. You're not really well there. Just in case anyone's never tried the menu. I have to say though this is one of the nicer tunnels we've been in so far. Yeah. For sure. It does smell like fried chicken in down here. Yeah. There's a trail. There's an AC unit? Yeah. I would like to kind of wash off some of this water but I think this is the brown one. No. I would not touch that. I don't know about it. I could think of a gray one. Oh, it seems like... This isn't where the water comes from is it? I hope not. I hope not. God, I don't know. I would never drink. This looks a little chunky here. It's got some, I dare say, floaters in it. Oh, that's not great. Stop it. Don't bathe in the floater. So it looks like straight ahead is the chicken joint because of that big sign. Yeah. What else would be here? Wow. They put a sign in the sewer. Exactly. What are you talking about? I guess this is the main entrance. I guess it's like a sewer entrance only now. They have air conditioning in here. How do people do they accommodate here? Let's just get up. These steps are a little bit. I'm still hungry. Yeah. Stairs and hunger do not match. That's not a good thing. I'm hungry. Everybody watch your step. Go ahead and open up that door. I see we have a little trap door up here. Let's unlatch. I am covered in guano and bat urine. Do they just eat a you? Anything. I need to angle one of them. You know, guys. This was planned. Who did this? This sucks. Literally right below that trap door. They just all crapped right on that. This is not good, guys. I know that we just like promised ourselves we weren't going to jump to conclusions and mass murder people anymore, but this is actually, I think, I think we're doomed now. Really? This isn't very bad. All of us now. That god is going to come and consume me now. There's only one thing that's going to help the situation. See if you're close, though, man, daddy, that guano is valuable. Yeah, you might want to burn him. That's true. That's true. I could set myself on fire and be a wick for like three weeks. If you guys want that, you know, we need some warmth. Sell out to a cosmetics company, you know. You are going to want to probably burn yourself before anything happens to you because I think we're probably-- Maybe take the clothes off first. We're probably all-- The same. We're probably all infected right now. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait and university hospital doctors were puzzled as micrographs of the virus showed unique shepherds crooks in the physical shapes of you and six bundled together. What? This is the U6 Suertonal Eyes. Oh great. The patients were then treated at nearby hospitals, some dying the day after admission. Wait, what? Of the 32 infected, how many do you think died? 34. Of the 32? 34 died. Okay. I'm going 32. 32. From Marie. 28. From Angela. Go prices right numbers here and let's go with $1. Well, Nick's price circle gets the square because 7 died. Oh wow. Well then we're not fat too. It's the flu. It's the flu. Just wait. This grim and infamous introduction to one of the rarest and most severe diseases the world has seen would be named the Marburg virus because the Frank Fert virus sounded delicious. Yeah. It does. It's just a hankering for a hot dog. And here's the flu. Yeah. Initially the origins were traced back to a pharmaceutical laboratory as several lab workers employed at the Berenverka industrial plant in Marburg were patient zero. At that same time, the Yugoslav capital Belgrade also had cases with lab workers presenting the same symptoms. The three cities had one common denominator, all patients were conducting tests on a shipment of "grivit monkeys" also known as the African green monkey. Green monkey. Uh oh. Really? It doesn't sound good. It's a great song from the 60s. In Germany, the scientists were performing necropses on the animals while in Belgrade live testing of vaccines cause the infection. All of the animals came from the same shipment originating from Africa, which usually shipped from Uganda directly to Frankfurt. However, the six day war prevented this, and instead, the cargo went to London because of an airport strike. It stayed there in an animal storage area for two days. Wait, this is the Heathrow? Oh, I don't know if it's Heathrow. It's just London. Okay. I guess I don't know. 1967. But they actually do have an entire amazing, like, vet wild animal exotic animal section. There's a whole documentary on it. Really? Right. A lot of, like, zoo animals go through there. Like, that's like the customs where they check them and make sure they don't have any substances. Like, they have quarantine for a couple days. It's a fascinating thing. The animals are believed to have been in Uganda, but there is a possibility they were exposed to other animals and myriad substances while in London. They were just partying. After it was shipped to Frankfurt, Marburg, and Belgrade, where the virus made the jump to humans. In 1975, skipping forward, an Australian male journeyed to Zimbabwe to explore bat-inhabited caves. Great. They exhibited symptoms in Johannesburg such as fever, headache, muscle pains, and vomiting before he died a few days later. How's everyone feeling? It was then scientists learned that bats carrying the virus could infect humans through droppings. Mandate. How are your joints, Mandate? The main suspect in this case was the Old World Egyptian fruit bat. Very cute. Found all over Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and the Mediterranean. It's like a whole different fern golly down here. Since 1967, there have been over a dozen incidents and six outbreaks mostly localized to Africa. However, a few isolated cases occurred in the Soviet Union in 1988 and '90 and the Netherlands and the United States in 2008. That was when the patient went back to the United States and he was immediately quarantined. Marburg virus predates the Ebola virus in discovery by nearly a decade around eight years, yet the two diseases are indistinguishable and Marburg virus is considered the cousin of Ebola virus. It's not a family reunion, I don't want to miss it. No, it's a bad one. Show me deadly diseases. Details concerning signs and symptoms come from the well-documented multinational outbreak in 2008 and the following comes from that period. The incubation phase is generally day one to 21, so within that range we're going to break that down, with averages of five to nine days. The generalization phase from day one to five are the aforementioned... Hey Amazon Prime members, why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus save 10% on Amazon brands, like our new brand Amazon Saver, 365 by Whole Foods Market, a plenty and more. Welcome back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Select varieties. Sticker, aches and nausea along with vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and a non itchy skin rash. Oh, yeah, this is when the virus is just knocking on different cell walls and they're like, "Let's move the edges." The new neighborhood. It's replicating so fast that the body has to shut down a little bit. Oh boy. This is great. From day five to 13 includes dyspnea or labored breathing, edema or fluid retention, and central nervous system symptoms like encephalitis, confusion, delirium, apathy and aggression. I've had this literally for a year. That's a very fast escalation in symptoms. I like how apathy is right next to it. Oh, yeah! That's me. That's true. Oh my. You've always had this. It's burp. Yeah. After there are hemorrhagic symptoms including bloody stools, so this is like the body just bleeding, bloody stools bruising blood leakage from venom puncture sites such as IV mucosal which is eye ear and mouth, and visceral which is bodily organ emerging. If it can leak, it's leaking. Yep. And possibly hematomesis. That's the vomiting of blood. Oh. Still, there's an opportunity for full recovery despite this phase. Really? Doesn't sound good at all. You have to be magic Johnson. Money. With money. So, the phase right before this was the organ phase. The late organ phase. Uh oh. It gets worse. The late organ phase is from day 13 up to at least 21 days. And I say at least because that's when people die. Here is where the survivors split from the decedence. For the convalescent patient, symptoms include muscle and widespread body pains, hepatitis, vision issues, and psychosis, but you can recover. The unlucky will suffer from confusion, comas, convulsions, loss of coagulation in the blood, shock, and ultimately death between days eight to 16. Wow. The fatality rate has fluctuated from 23 to 90 percent per incident, which means the death median for Marburg virus is 80 percent, making it the most fatal of all known viruses. 80 percent. Wow. The only treatment is supportive with IV fluids, pain management, and antibiotics or anti-fungals for secondary symptoms. The good news. The good news is that a vaccine candidate has been developed and found to be successful in non-human primates like Griffiths and Mandates. Hey. Wait. Wait. Again. In fact, it could protect against both Marburg and Ebola virus because tests showed no evidence of reinfection. It's like a negative reactivity or whatever it's called. If you had Marburg, you might not get Ebola and vice versa. So if you survive Ebola, you're not going to get Marburg. It's kind of like a chicken pox and shingles. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, but nobody's really willing to test that. You could have a kid have all your kids over for an Ebola party. Yeah. Let's get over to get the Ebola. Let's go together. It'll be fine. Yeah. So did they ever find a link between those green monkeys and the bats like some sort of origin point? What's going on with the monkeys and the bats? Somebody ate a bat. No, because there's no way to know what was in that airport for them to kind of like cohabit. But at the same time, the Six Day War was between Israel, Arab states, and Egypt. So there is a possibility that Egyptian fruit bats were in the same area as the Griffith monkeys. Okay. What were you going on? Here's the bad news. Human trials have been inconclusive or unsuccessful. Who really cares, though? Me? Because there hasn't been enough quantitative data cases or deaths, quite frankly, to warrant mass research and certainly not mass production. The cost of handling the virus, along with the number of qualified facilities, means there isn't enough commercial interest at the moment. That's because it overwhelmingly affects poor countries. All in Africa, but wait, it gets worse. The World Health Organization classified Marburg virus as having true pandemic capabilities. Now it isn't airborne, but if bodily fluids slough off or whatever, touch someone else, it's currently listed as a category, a bioterrorism agent in the US and the same group as anthrax mopox and the plague, but you got to get mad because the plague is the plague. It's a category, a bioterrorism agent, and this might be because the Soviet Union reportedly dedicated an entire institute to enhancing its biohazard. This was led by Dr. Nikolai Ustenov until he contracted the disease and died. His post-mortem revealed samples of Marburg virus exponentially more powerful than the original strain. But thankfully, it wasn't entirely in vain. This new strain, called variant U, had been tested successfully, weaponized and approved by the Soviet Ministry of Defense in 1990. The plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US. The plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US. The plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US, and is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US, and the plague is now in the US. It's unbelievable to me that 5 people have $7.23 in their pocket, and you guys get one bucket of chicken and one small side of waffle fries? Imagine they're bats, and you're eating them angrily. There's four buckets of chicken, and you each now have a bucket of chicken that's awesome. Angela and I have been coming every Wednesday night for the last four years, and we've never gotten free food. What did you guys do? Have you seen us? Look at the majesty of the people you're looking at. I mean, we come in, and three chicken just gets thrown at us because of TV. Yeah, we're in the prime of our lives. I feel a great saying that with Bono all over you. Thank you. I mean, yeah, but I wear it well. That's like a ghillie seat. Everybody's been here is leaving. No, they're being ushered out actually. Oh, you're right. Are they getting kicked out? Maybe I shouldn't tell them for a viral moment. They're suspicious. No, no. It's much more spacious. It's alright. Hey Amazon Prime members, why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop Prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus, save 10% on Amazon brands. Make our new brand Amazon Saver, 365 by Whole Foods Market, a plenty and more. Come back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop Prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Select varieties. We don't want to play out with some chicken. I'm going to go see if I can get a Coca-Cola. No, there's no. No. Alright. I can't. We'll catch a break here. Is anyone feeling that? Chills? Oh, I mean, my body is covered in a caking of guanos. Yeah, I ain't getting chills, though. It is chili in here. Drafty chili. Yeah. Not like fever chills. Yeah, I just wanted to hear that. Weird noise. Oh. This creep me out. Is there anybody? There's no one else in here now. So if you're hearing footsteps, it's not us. It looks like the manager is closing up this shop. Okay. At least out of here. Yeah, but I'm hearing more than that. How many footsteps are you hearing? Lots. Wow. Wow. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I just felt a bit. I'm not touching my shoulder. Okay. Seriously. You know what this is reminding me of? What? Have you guys ever heard of Ashley's of Rockledge? Oh, sh*t. There's something. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go, y'all. It sounds like you're about to set it off. What? All right. So Ashley's of Rockledge. By the way, still a restaurant in Rockledge, Florida. So Rockledge, if you don't know, it's a little town in Florida. It is the oldest city in Brevard County. And it's between Melbourne and Cocoa, just west of Merritt Island. So it's like across the Indian River from Merritt Island. Very close to Cape Canaveral and all that. This is from a YouTube video from 2015 called Florida Today. There's Dr. Ben Brodermarkle. Yup. That's his name. That's a great name. He is part of the Florida Historical Society. He says that Ashley's of Rockledge is notorious worldwide for its haunts. There it is. A very famous haunt here in central Florida. There are some reports that say that Ashley's was an old train station that was built in like the '20s or '30s, 1920s or '30s. We have to say that now. Okay. Right, right. Yes, yes. That burnt down. But that's not true. It was actually built in 1933 by entrepreneur Jack Allen. I'm assuming he built this like the day after the repeal of prohibition because like that was like December 5th of 1933. So since it was owned by this guy Jack Allen, they just called it Jack's Tavern. Jack's Tavern. 1933. Check it out. Classy joints. Men would wear their top hats with their coats with the tails and everything. Women would dress in their finest clothes. Make them a little monocle. Yes, exactly. Very fancy. Especially 1933 in Florida. Like, geez. That's a signed photo of Mr. Peanut on the wall. I would love to see that. Inspiration. Yes. It was in a great location right by a major highway near a railroad. It's been a tavern in a pub for years. Okay. Jack's Tavern. Then it was Cooney's Tavern. Then it was called the Mad Duchess. Nice. I would go drink there. Wait. Then the loose caboose. Oh, no. We've all been there. We've all been there. Yeah. That's great. Sparrowhawk. Ooh. That's so amazing. I know. And then it was Gentlemen Jim's before it became Ashley's of Rockledge in 1985. So it's a town favorite still to this day. A local watering hole. It's got pub food, drinks, and haunts. So again, YouTube, Florida today, 2015. There's this guy. He's a ghost hunter. His name is Steve Kertzky. Shut up, Steve Kertzky. Steve Kertzky. Big ups. He goes to the restaurant every Monday from 5.30 pm to 9 pm to just discuss all these haunts and legends with customers. Okay. So he shows up on Mondays and just talks about things. The original ghost tour. Yeah. And he says he's taking pictures of them. He's used thermal video, something called spirit box footage. Oh, yes. Yeah. That's insane. I think I've sent a couple of videos to Marie. Those are insane. Yeah. But these photos include something of a little girl. She's like the little girl upstairs who was apparently run over on the highway near. I don't know what year this happened, but he describes her personality as being very prank-like and child-like. He also has a thermal image of a tall woman in an old-time dress found in the hallway. Yadda yadda. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The spirit and old dresser is like that old. That old thing. He also explained that due to the background of this place, it's actually a designated historic site. So no one's going to be knocking it down and creating. That's great. It becomes like a little tourist for sure thing as well for people to go there. Yeah. It's not hurting anything. Built-in clientele. It just drunk historians. And like Rockledge, too. Like even today, that is like such a small town. There's really not that much going on over there. Over the years, there's been like psychic-led investigations. So like local police officers were called there. There's that other spirit there. Like they'd nicknamed her Sarah. She's been accused of harassing employees. Really quick though. So if cops were called there, there would be police records, right? Yes. Maybe not if there's not anything to investigate. Well, it's still being called. That would be flagged for something. Yeah. I would assume it has to be something because they probably have to take the names down of those girls just in case they-- Yeah. Even if it's a misuse of nine-- Correct. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. And Sarah. Got it. Do you guys still have the mac and cheese, can we take that? I'm going to take that comb to the misses. Another story says that two girls rushed to the police station after entering the locked building. They went to find a man. He was like bursting down the stairs talking about having-- this is very Robert Durst-- killed them all. Oh. Oh. So like a psychotic about? Yeah. So these girls were saying like there was a guy in there that go to the restaurant and the police went to go check on it and the door was unlocked, but there was no trace of anybody. And the manager said she like locked it herself. Like, so there was just no explanation of like why there was some guy in there. There was another, according to today newspaper, there's a former manager, Judy Cowell's in 1882. She went to go like check the restroom before leaving and she looked and saw like two boots, like legs underneath the stall and went to go check on it again and like turn the light on and it was totally empty because I looked and I saw it for a couple of seconds. She's like, I noticed it because it was all because I'd never seen anybody wear those kinds of shoes before. So like stood out to her, like these were very old-timey or like unique looking boots. In addition, sometimes the water and the basin of the sink will like turn on unexpectedly and a few people have seen an image of a young woman in the restroom mirror. Like bloody. Oh, like she's sleeping. Yes. So Ashley's, this might explain the leading in the mirror, Ashley's is also the last known site where Ethel Allen, not related to Jack Allen, apparently Jack Allen's the guy who created. Yeah, built the place. So Ashley's is the site where Ethel Allen, when it Brevard's most brutal homicide victims was seen. Oh. Still to this day, one of the most brutal homicide victims. What's going on in Brevard County? Let's go another location. She was killed. Here we go. She was about 18 years old, who was born in 1916. She was a very free spirited teenager, as they say, but I think her spirit got a little too free. This was when it was still Jack's tavern because this was like right in 1934, I believe. She was a regular at the restaurant. She came from a broken home. She lived in a boarding house. Some people have suggested she was a quote unquote lady of the night, possibly a vampire. Uh, yes. She had a tattoo on her thigh, which was a rose with a noose around it. That's a bad ass. That's pretty cool, right? That's pretty bad ass. Pretty metal, right? That's a bad ass tattoo. So she was last seen one night in 1934 with a man named William Billy Wilson. Willie Wilson. Bill Bill. Until her body was found, mutilated, burned on the bank of the Indian River. Investigators suspected Billy Wilson was responsible for the murder, but there was no motive. There was nothing ever confirmed. And they were also unable to find him. So therefore no one was ever arrested or charged with her murder. 1934. So it's like. Oh, yeah. And techniques. And, you know, if it was rumored that she was like somehow a sex worker, a lot of people don't hold those people in those jobs as high value or that anyone's going to quote unquote miss these society has never done that. Yeah. So, so once I couldn't find the one suspect, they were like, well, can't find him. Don't really know what to do. No witnesses. Move on. Yeah. So her body was found by the river. Many patrons, there are psychics and then, of course, paranormal investigators, they visit that place and they think that the murder actually occurred inside of the restaurant. Yeah. That makes sense. There was a psychic that claimed that she was actually chased down the stairs and stabbed before dying in the restroom. Hence, why people see her in the mirror where they get that feeling of someone being in the bathroom. And again, there's all these reports, like they have all these like approximate times. Everything's just mostly in years. There's not even dates. It's just like 1934 around this happen to this girl. Like, I don't know how many days it was since like last off or like, and then she was found in the river. Yeah. So what's crazy is that we're, we are all people that watch true crime documentaries, everything, and we're watching stuff that is like sometimes from the 70s or 80s. And you can see how slap shot it was then. Yeah. And so to imagine going back to the 30s, no, they're just like, Oh, she's dead. It's still terrible now. Oh, yeah. Fairly doing. Done. Right. Ever since then, strange occurrences such as objects moving on their own people will feel kind of tapped or pushed even as recent as like 2023. There are some servers that reported feeling almost pushed down the stairs. It's the two story restaurants. Oh, that's like maybe it's just Becky just showing them the issues with this staircase inside of this place. Why don't they just put it in an elevator? Exactly. They probably have one now, but they're still stairs. So what happened to Ethel Island? I think she's trying to tell us. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Her body is buried in crooked mile cemetery, also known as Johnny cemetery on Merit Island. What a cool, a little lady name for it's legit. I looked it up. It's crooked mile cemetery. It's also known as a cemetery. That's like Chappie Miles Cemetery. No, I love it. Her tombstone said just her name, Ethel Allen 1916 to 1934. No specific dates. So she was like 17 to 18 years old. She's. Someone left these like cement, like bunnies of her tombstone, like little like, yes. But I think that her spirit is hopping around Ashley's of Rockledge trying to tell her story. Still to this day, to this day, ghost bunnies hopping around, telling of murder. That's beautiful. All I'm saying is this is a little creepy in here. Yeah, does this place have stairs? We just crawled up. Yeah, we just came up on it. I got ****. That's not fun. It looks like it's a big place from the outside because I've never, you know, obviously used the sewer entrance before, but from the outside, it always looks like it's a bigger place than it is. But I don't know what they have in there. It's kind of like a reverse. There's in there. I don't know. It's like a reverse tesserack. It looks huge from outside inside. It's just us. So Angela, you're saying that there's a ghost inside that you can do it. Yeah. This guy might get nervous. Oh, another. What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that? This is vegan chicken. There's no vegan chicken, man. You don't know that, man. I do. Where did this come from? This is... It came from... Jesus **** with the scary chicken. Hey. You're the manager, right? I think that's all. I am the manager. I saw you earlier doing the whole, like, Gustav Fring. I saw you enter, and I noticed what type of individuals you were, and I thought that maybe you were in need of my assistants. Welcome to my chicken joint. Thank you very much. Yeah. We've been fans for a while. Hey, is Sabrina working tonight? No. Sabrina has... left for the... Nice. All right. I know what's possible. Always miss her. Why is that so spooky? By the way, my name is Deb. Deb. Deb. Deb. Is that sure for anything? Deb, bro. Okay. Okay. Check out. It's like one of those old timey names, like Shirley and Leslie. Yeah. I like it. It's a family night. Yeah, definitely. Nice to meet you, Deb. Absolutely. Absolutely. Right now. Why was the restaurant closed down? Well, as I said, after hours, should we leave? Should we go? No, no, no. You are my guest here for the evening. I saw the five of you walk up in here, and I noticed that there was a parlor that you had about you. We were tired. We were hungry, and we were poor. It's been a really long day. There's more than that. Do you do this for all the customers that come in here with... No. That's right. Well, there is a million. Oh. That is? You have a lot of spirits following you. It's like, it's like the restroom at a cure concert. Wow. Just a bunch of sadness and bad smells. Great. Yeah. I got the bad smells. You guys have sadness. So hot. Yeah. I feel like you all might need my assistant. Yeah, how about this? What sense are you willing to offer? Yeah. All right, Deb, this is the kind of life I'm living right now. I'm hungry as f***. I got nothing to eat. You keep giving chicken to these assholes. I got nothing. I'm getting mad, angry right now, and I got a late uncle. I got to find his f***ing manes and a fort, and I'm pissed off about it because he also wants me to stay the night who asked that after 18. I have two answers. Oh. And all you had to do was ask for fries. You didn't ask me. That's really all you had to do. You did. You just have to ask. I'm tired, thanks. Well, thank you for the fries. Do you have barbecues? It's a sure. It's right here. It's filled with pork. Could I get one more? No. And the second thing is, is that I am able to assist you by providing a sale. Oh. We've never done a sale. What? How have we never done that? How have we never done that? Because you probably haven't had an experience seance, yeah, like myself. Is that how you say that? It's like a sommelier, but with spirits? Yeah. So can you contact anyone? Who do you want to talk to? Well, I mean, there's one specific person that could make our job a lot easier here. Selena. Yeah. Alright, Marie. I will tell the story if you insist. Ah. So my late uncle Felix Fritz, do you know him? It seems like... Intimately. Oh. You really do. It does seem like this property is on his back 40. Three could just ask him where his body is or whatever that would be. That would make this a lot similar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's been a long few days and we could have just, you know, let's jump to the end here. It might shorten the season though. So why don't you follow me upstairs to my salon and we will start with the same. Why are you touching me? Why wouldn't I? Oh my. Okay. You just talked about these spooky stairs. We gotta go upstairs now. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Fumbling. He's like, "Coffered." Hey buddy, buddy, it's okay. So there are, there is a second. Guys, I've never been upstairs at the chicken joint before. I didn't know there was one. This is tight as well. Yeah, this is first time here. This is my private salon. Yeah. This is tight. Let's take a break and then let's get up to a stranger salon. You're listening to Fort Fritz. Hey, hey, hey, it's Dad. Hey, hey, it's Dad Mortgage Guide Don. My two decades of experience and dozens of wholesale loan options give you a competitive edge when shopping for a home loan. It's so easy to get a free quote at Already have a loan estimate? Hit the Compare My Quote button. 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Get out of here. This is my favorite record. You said I'm no longer allowed in this song. I got love for Phil, I got love for Phil, but I'm a Peter Gabriel fan. Angela, what were you asking? What is this over on the shelf here? Oh, yeah. That is the seventh monkey part of the seventh monkey's song. Oh, what does that mean? What does it do? Rub it and find out. No, no, no, no. Don't rub it. Don't rub it. Is it green monkey? Oh, that's bad, that's bad, that's bad. Mind yourself on that rug down there. Oh, oh. It was an original from what this place was before it became the chicken joint. Oh. It was hot dog tasting. It was hot dog tasting. It was called the wienery. Oh, wiener. Oh, oh. Some confusing times. I bet. Yeah. What is this in the corner over here? It does not smell good. Oh, yes, smells good. Oh, that is a ninth century witch's eyebrow. Ooh, eyebrow. Oh, that's cool. I can go into the history, but it would take a while and I don't think we have that topic. No, I don't think I do. I got a question. What's in this sack that's got your name on it? It's my lunch. All right, everybody, please. I think we're ready. The drinks have been had. What do we sit down at the table? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Now everybody as we are all gathered around here, please take a moment to take a breath. Let go of any attachments you have to use. Look, you just sat down on that stool backwards. Oh, yeah. That's a cool dude way. There you will. As I said, don't know what riker means. Please, actually, I was going to say join hands. Okay. I hate the spark. Oh, look at that. We have cold hands. Who's got the third hand? Oh, I got your third hand right here. The microphone back. Oh, why did you talk that? I'm greasy. All right. Everybody, take a breath. There we are. I'm asking any spirits to calm down who have any words to say to these individuals here. No, wait. You're setting me up now, man. Calm down. This is not going to go well. She spoke it's nice. Listen, the line is long and those are the fushest. They're going to find their way there. Okay. I'm getting very angry. Spirit. He's yelling and he's very upset. Probably. He's so in the curse words. Oh, boy. Does anyone know Pepshire? Makes sense. Does that make sense? Peppa foms. Peppa shire. Wait. Isn't that the lab assistant that was exploded by Felix out of jealousy in 1994? Oh, God. I think it was. And if there's any way to be exploded out of jealousy is the worst way to be exploded. Peppa shire. Christ, I understand that. Mmm. Now Peppa shire seems to be going on. Okay. See Peppa shire. Here comes another one. This one seems to be a little more easy going, a little easy breezy. A little cover girl. A little ugly grieves. A little ugly grieves. Goes by the name of Arnold. Arnold. Ficket. Oh my God. I know. Ficket? What? You know Angela? Yes. I can't believe you guys will remember. No. Arnold Ficket. He was the retired pianist. He contributed to the musical. He like arranged our musical. Oh my God. That musical is just a nightmare in my world that I can just remember occasionally when I'm screaming at night. I remember the 17 straight weeks of working with him now. Yes. What a great man. Yeah. He was awesome. So he's digging what we're doing tonight. Yeah. He must be dead now. Unfortunately. He was old. Well. He's coming to visit. Well he's touching your arm right now. Oh. That's really cute. See I told you. If he's digging what we're doing man. Thank you Arnold. We couldn't have done that without you. Oh. Oh. One last spirit is now stepping through. Oh. He seems sad. Oh. Sider than the other. Oh. Was Felix involved in a relationship. Oh. No. With a young man named Joe. Joe. No. Joseph. Joe. No. No. No. Finn. Joseph. No Finn. Joseph. Yeah. Oh. I got this one. There's no buzzer to ring him. Okay. I think Joe. No Finn. Wasn't he. He was the guy that didn't follow John's. Kill that dude. Oh my god. That was the dude. The dude. The dude. We just talked about that dude. I didn't remember his name. Yeah. Following John. That guy. Apparently, if I'm remembering correctly, they were. I remember that guy. He was very sad when he passed. I'll just say that. Like really sad. Yeah. They did a thing. They did a thing. Can he get us to Felix? That's the guy we want to talk to. Right? We know what he is. Great seances. They're fun and everything. But I don't know. I don't know. I love that. It's not a great idea. Because I've done some research on seances and mediums and all that. Even extra larges as well. And there's a lot of conflicting information when it comes to seances and mediums and all of that. Have any of you ever heard of Helena Blavatsky? Excuse me. Ooh. Yes. She's sound Hungarian and/or Russian. Or like a fart. Now. Now, Helena Pretovana Blavatsky, which, where a lot of people put stuff calling her H.P. Blavatsky. And as a fan of H.P. Lovecraft. His writing. Yes. Yeah, we get it. You know? It's like. We're not talking about him as the person. There we go. Now, she was born to an aristocratic family in Russia in 1831 and later became one of the founders of the Theosophical Society. Oh. Tough one to say. I know. Theosophical. You just, when you look at your brain goes, that's not a word. Theosophy attempts to blend science, religion, philosophy, and a little bit of mysticism. So basically the same thing as religion except with less prescribers. Well, it's just trying to become like a unified field theorem of religion, science, and spirituality. I love that you do that. Yeah, just trying to combine all of those, which, of course, is an easy task. Yeah, how'd that go? She says she traveled the world in her younger years and studied under many different teachers and many different disciplines. She claimed to meet masters of ancient wisdom, where she claimed in her dreams she met this man that was directing her towards her spiritual journey and then eventually met him. Didn't write his name down, but, yeah, but, and so it's just, this whole idea that there are masters of ancient wisdom that have connection to beyond our material way of looking at religion, our material way of looking at the world, that there are these ancient masters out there that you can connect to that will give you the true wisdom of life. I see the three chambers of Shaolin. Welcome to religion. But she's right, right? Yeah. Yeah, she's got it. She claims to have spent much time into that, even though at that time outsiders and especially women outsiders were not allowed in. One biographer stated that it would make her, quote, "one of the greatest travelers of the 19th century," although they eventually added, "in all honesty, I don't know if anything stated happened," you know, that you say that, quote, "hardly a word of this appears to be true," you say a word, a word. All right. Just a load of Blavatski. If she's a woman, nobody believes a woman. I mean, this-- Should they? This continues to this day. They're like, we're going to go down that road. Yeah. Not tonight. You can always trick someone into believing you're bull-- oh, yeah. --and then you just keep going. They're being modern politics. Exactly. [LAUGHTER] Now, regardless of the veracity of her travels, her ideas and writings have made her basically the mother of the New Age movement. She's really looked back at who and talks about modern spirituality, they go back to her. I don't know. They should. But they do. Going against most spiritualists of the day, she believed that spirits that she encountered were not spirits of dead humans. They were actually beings from other planes of reality. Like so? That's cool. And she also believed that there are five root races of man. Okay. That was the polarians. They were ethereal, meaning they were composed of ethereal material and they had no matter form. No corporeal. Thank you very much. You're listening to that word. They reproduced by dividing like a meba. Okay. Which is kind of cool. I got really like me. There should be more of me. Look, let's do a me. Okay. That's not masturbation, by the way. Yeah. You just sit for a while and you go. Yep, there you go. There I am. That's just pooping. And I doubled. They existed while the earth was still cooling. Hey Amazon Prime members. Why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop Prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus save 10% on Amazon brands. Like our new brand Amazon Saver, 365 by Whole Foods Market, a plenty and more. Come back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop Prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Variety's. So, you know, that's why they are so. They're steamed, they're just steamy. Now second with a hyperborean who are golden yellow and reproduced by budding like a plant. Okay. Which that's cool. We can really think about it. It's like, it's like, well, is that, is that a mole or oh, it's a kid. That's a kid. There goes my knee. Oh, it's a baby. The third root race was the Lemurian who lived on Lemuria. Yeah, right. Yeah. Which sank into the ocean because it's one of those hidden civilizations we'll ever know. I think I've heard of the Lemurians too. I think it's something to do with like hollow earth or something like that. But they did reproduce by laying eggs. Okay. They reproduced by laying, laying eggs, which, yeah, come on, I mean, you, that would be a great way. It's like, you know, I just got an egg on this, let's put this over here and what happens. I have a child. How am I going to have breakfast? I like the way this guy thinks. Now the fourth was the Atlantians who lived in Atlantis. Oh, yeah. I don't think it's Atlanta. Yeah. Yeah. The lost thing of Atlanta sunk into the sea. The Atlantians, of course, you know, Atlantis sunk into the sea, but they began with bronze skin. Eventually evolved into the American Indian, the Malayan, and the Mongolian races. And now we, we in this room, are the fifth root race. Okay. She called us. Dummy. Crackers. Oh my. Fucking. Worse. Arian. Oh, no. She called us Arian. Negative. There's a lot of problematic issues with that name. There's a back of the thirties. Eighteen thirties. Eighteen. There's a lot of problematic issues here, including with stating that other races didn't have the spark of the Aryans. Oh my God. And yeah. So the Aryans are the superior race? Yeah. That they had a little bit more of the spark and yeah, in case you didn't notice a certain man in Austria took notice and was very interested in her work. And really was like, hey, we could utilize this. Now, Jazza claimed to have multiple psychic powers, including clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, and even the ability to make objects appear out of nothing. However, this was disputed by many. When a group of researchers went to investigate, she made a letter written by spirits appear in a cabinet. However, once they investigated a little bit more, they found out that there was a hole in the cabinet that went through the wall and that the letter appeared to be in her handwriting. Hmm. This seance is sponsored by the letter Z. Nope. That's in the street. Once she went on a picnic with a group of friends to an area that she claims to have never have gone to. When they unpack, they discovered that their one cup and saucer short. When someone jokes that Heleda should produce one through magic, she began to look around the area, seeking and seeking, and so she told a man to dig in a certain spot, to grab a knife and dig in the spot. He dug six inches and found a cup and a saucer that matched the set they were using. Hmm. That's pretty convenient. Now, they said that there were tree roots covering the objects, so it had to have been there for a while, that there's no way that she just went there and dug it up, or that chance someone got there and dug it up and like pull up the tree roots and put the stuff under it and then put it back down and cover it. There's no way that happened. No. There was obviously magical, mystical science. You know what I think is so funny, back in the 1930s, we can't figure out who killed a lady by a restaurant on the banks of a fucking lake, but it's like 80 years prior. But this saucering cup, of course, I don't know how it works or how it's all works. That's magic. Now this was the time seances had become very popular, giving to the rise of people that were called. I love this spirit rappers. Yeah, like that, like drop a beat right there, drop a beat right there. Right. West Coast East Coast beef. Now they're named spirit rappers because a lot of the the the performative was having spirits wrap on the table or wrap on the wall. Okay. And that, of course, could be done through many different techniques. There's a lot of different ways you can do it like this. Wait, well, it's a dead the dead are talking to us. However, in 1885, she was declared a fraud for the Society of Psychological Research in Cambridge. They said, and I quote, I love this quote. For our part, we regard her as neither the mouthpiece of hidden seers nor is a mere vulgar adventurous. We think that she has achieved a title to permanent remembrance as one of the most accomplished and genius and interesting impostors. Wow. In history. That's great. You know what? Cut you down. Yeah. It's like you suck and this is why you suck and in time immemorial people will know how you sucked. So fundamentally, the underlying concept behind Blavatsky's Theosophy was that there was an ancient wisdom religion that once been found across the world, officially, the society base itself upon the following three objectives, the Theosophic Society. There are three objectives where a, to form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity. That's a great without distinction of race, creed, sex, cast, or color. Yeah. I mean, she just made the distinction of five different reasons. Right. But just saying it like the nucleus of this is like, all right, you got me on the first couple of words. Like I love the word nucleus. I love that. I love that word. I love the word. Great. Great. Wait till you hear about mitochondria. The powerhouse of this. I was waiting. I was so hoping. I would say that the other objective was to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science to investigate the unexplain laws of nature and the powers latent in man. She also showed an encyclopedic knowledge of any number of religions and religious texts as proof of her contact with these ancient masters. But others have claimed that she just had an idetic memory that she was like, she did the doctor strange thing. Just like read everything and like, oh, I don't know this though. That's still kind of impressive. I don't have an idetic memory. I just have like a traumatic memory where like anything bad is just locked in. Everything else. I have a good time. It's gone. You're like Mary Lou Hender on a bad day. Super unfortunate. Dude, don't Mary Lou Hender reference, man. Yeah. Very dope. She claims to have had this contact with ancient masters. Others have called her work, quote, a melee of horrendous hogwash and of fertile inventions of inane as so teria. That's great. That's a lot of great words. Yeah. Not really. Not really a good work. Some great dishes towards me. Or like comments like this on the internet. Yeah. Melee. Yeah. Or prolix verbatim. Modern day trolls could learn a lesson from this person. Right. Now, no amount of negative press stopped her and she continued to publish a number of books and the growing of the theosophical society, which still exists to the day. It's still going on. Her idea is she is looked at as the mother of the modern new age movement, the idea that it's there's other dimension that there are other beings that we can contact through our own thoughts and processes. Let me ask this, is it a deaf cult where like if you die, you you gain the most wisdom or no? No, that that's the thing is that they don't believe that when you're contacting spirits, you're contacting the dead, they believe that there's other levels of existence and other levels of experience. Right. But if you were to die, would you gain more experience or like XP points? No, you just become another thing. You just become another level. It's almost like there's a fifth or sixth dimension. It's like New Game Plus. New Game Plus. It's New Game Plus. There we go. It's not because death cults are always like the only way you can figure out is because of this. This was just like there are other levels. She actually did claim that there is two other, uh, there's two other root races coming that we have not experienced yet. So we're just like the, you know, like the, uh, let me take a guess at what those are. We're the beta test. She passed away in 1891 while she may have been a fraud in many ways. Their influence on modern metaphysical thought is undeniable. She is credited with opening up the minds of the West to Eastern spirituality and the beginning of the modern New Age movement. So she had a lot of troubling background and, uh, okay. I mean, and here we are. We're just hanging out with a dude we've never met who does make delicious chicken delicious chicken. You have to say that. Really good to you. But he's ready to open up our minds and open up our spiritual world as something else. So this is all up to you. I'll, I'll go in if y'all are in so far. He's like three for three. Yeah. We're that is true. Oh my God. Come on. Come on. Wait. Wait. Wait. We need to break. Oh, oh, yeah. I keep potty. Wait. Okay. Yeah, I need to be here. Yeah, I need to shake the reason. Okay. You're listening to Ford free. Hey Amazon Prime members. Why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus, save 10% on Amazon brands like our new brand Amazon Saver, 365 by Whole Foods market, a plenty and more. Come back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Select varieties. Welcome back to Fort Fritz. We took break after that Alina Globotzky story. I'm Fritz, joint as always by Deb. Goodie. Next bride. Hi. Marie. Angela. Hello. And the co-host, my daddy. Hi. So we are getting a vibe now, right? I feel like I'm in a lot of ways right now. Realize spirits. Standing on end. What is going on right now? You're sitting on the thing. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. What? There you know. I'll get the electrician. I'll get the electrician. Okay. Now, before we begin, I have one more spirit. Two is very, very anxious to talk to you. I believe he wants to talk directly to you. Okay. He's preparing himself. I give you guys one f***ing objective and you guys are mass murderers now. I feel like he's a f***ing mass. We're all mass murderers. We've been killing people for a long time. What have you done? Take my name out of your f***ing mouth next bride. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. We didn't really meet. Wait. Okay. Guys, I know this way. Yeah. We definitely know. Yeah. Marie, I got no qualms with you. I just want to say I haven't killed anyone this evening. So, by the way, Deb, thank you so much for your wonderful chicken. How dare you call me here? What is this? Felix. I have a very important question to ask you. Me either. Which angel is your favorite? I'm not gonna answer. He Felix. Is that Marie? It is. Wait. I have a question for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know we've kind of chatted before in the past. Is there where you could tell us where your body is stored at this time? Doubt it. Next question. Oh. Come on. Hey. You have a right for it. Okay. Follow up question. Oh, is that next bride? The man who's dead to me? Well, I just wanted to know if you could tell us where your body is. You got 47 seconds left. Go ahead. Can you just tell us where your tomb is? No. Next. All right. I have a question for you, Felix. Oh, who's that band adding? Man daddy. My question is, how dare you? What a joke. How dare you? Next question. Actually, I'm not part of this, but I do have a question. Oh, Debbie. Yes. Yes. What is the afterlife furnished with? Well, I got to tell you. I bet it has those cool 60s space chairs. Oh, the one is like an egg? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can I talk? Can I talk? Do you guys want me to talk? Okay. Do you guys fancy me here? Yeah. Am I wrong? No. Do you have a CNCA? Slap you? The afterlife is next. No. I'm wrong. Not even for Deb. Yes. Nicely. He makes really good chicken. No, I love him. But I'm not going to answer that because you guys are assholes. You guys are a mass murderer. You are a mass murderer. You are a mass murderer too. Okay. We thought we were defending ourselves. You guys killed an entire retirement community. And our defense we had no idea what was going on. Fritz, do you have a question? Which one direction song would you be? Next question. I'm going to do with this. What do we do with this information? Well, no. We need to get to this. You're not okay. We need to be answering any questions. Thank you. Now you guys are asking the right questions. What do I do with this information? Yeah, Marie, do you want to chime in? I do. Yes. What are you willing to offer us as far as information? I'll tell you this much, Deb. You know how everyone loves the music they grew up with, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, everyone looks back in time to get inspiration for the future, right? Right. All I've got to say is this, look for the next generation. The future always brings you back to your roots, roots, roots, roots. That doesn't make any sense. I mean, how do you make answers out of that nonsense? All I've got to say is you guys are on the right path, getting out of the crime scene of the mass murder you committed. The next generation, the future always brings you back to your roots. Okay. Back to the fort. I don't know why you guys looked at it. Why do you guys look at my map? Just say, hey, guys, let's go back and stop killing people and go back to the fort. Yeah. Can you tell us directly? You guys took my map and you decided to go to my RV park. Yeah. Defense, that was airdrop. Thank you. I wanted to show you how it feels. You guys look at my map and you go, oh, let's go away from the fort, the furthest point. Yeah. All right. What did you try? It's called exploring. The adventure. Is this what we do? Exactly. The spirit is lit. Oh, well, that sucked. I didn't even ask a single question. Yeah, we didn't figure out a damn thing. Everyone asked questions. We have no answers. You yelled it, but you're drunk, uncle. Well, by your, you're looking at you for it by your, my, I don't even know this guy. So first of all, I have to say I feel about one inch tall right now, but what I got out of that is we probably have to go back to the fort, right? Yeah. Let's go. I think you said that plainly. It's, you know, go back to the fort, weird ass adventures and we get monsters and we got tentacle bees. I just want to go back to the fort. I just want to go back to the fort. That's what I got back to. Oh, okay. What are we doing? Oh my gosh. Hi. It wasn't back up. Let's get out of here. Okay. I know. He yelled at all of us. Just an angry person. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, is he so free? I'll talk about you. Yeah. Have you seen Jameson? Definitely talked to that guy before. Of course you have. He interviewed you when now you moved in. Oh, yeah. You might know. I mean, he immediately said he had no qualms with you, Murray. I mean, he had cleared me from the beginning. Yeah, I just, you know. Everything is connected. Everything is connected. You're the new roommate. She's acting like the owner. I'm just saying. I'm just putting that out there. Deb, thank you so much for this enlightening experience. We would like to get out of here. All right. Well, before you go, there's one last thing before you go. Okay. Yeah. You got whatever you need. It is about the chicken. Mm-hmm. Great chicken, by the way. You do owe me some money. Oh, that's not great. That's an issue. That's an issue. That's an issue. I mean, they were just brought freely. We didn't ask. I just kept on giving us. I just kept on giving us free. Me. I used my last second year. We had a coin when we paid for the coin. What did we talk about? Like, just the chicken? It was just being? $15 a fuck. Oh, okay. What? $10 a person. Okay. Ooh, that's... Well, uh, Sritz has a tag, right? Thank you. We just put on this tab. Yeah, this is all our friends. This is all our friends. It's here. There it is right there. Totally. How much is it? All together. And this is the seance, too? Does he do common core math? That'll be $300. Whoa! $300! Look at this receive. I know it's a good chicken, but I don't know how to do this. There's a service charge for the seance. Thank you. Is that it? It's Adam. It's Adam. Oh, her person. The BBQ sauce. Her toast! Oh, my God. My drink was $75. Yeah. You offered that. I assume that was on the house. You didn't ask me. Here's my credit card. Do you have a pen? A swipey? Sure. Why was Arnold thinking more? Why am I paying attention? Thank you all for coming. Oh, thank you very much. Thank you. Dad, it was terrifying. Can we get out of here? I want to go get to the fort, I guess. That's all we always do. Just go back to the fort. That's all I can say. How do we get out of here? Down the stairs. You guys have plenty on me. Thanks, Dad. You did that. See you soon. Be careful out there. Come back and visit us when you can. See for dinner. We'll see you next Tuesday. We'll see you next Tuesday. We'll never come back here again. You will. Let's go. Oh, man. I can't wait to have the Waffle Prize some more because the Waffle Prize is really good. We can all admit the Waffle Prize here. Oh, they were seasoned. They were so perfect. Oh, so good. All right. Let me play this Felix tape for you. I think this one really adds a lot to the nuance of who he was, especially after that crazy seance. Oh, yeah. So here it is because the FBI wants it so badly for whatever reason I have done nothing wrong. I'll tell you my upbringing. I was born in the 30s. I don't remember when maybe the 1933s to 1936s. I wasn't given a government card you see because I wasn't adopted. I was thrown away in a trash can behind a convenience store with which I will not honor to mention. My first job. I can't remember how young I was, but I was a railway or dynamite. I had no idea how the **** they worked. I just knew you lit it on fire and you tucked it away and you ran. I was young and I ran really, really fast. A lot of us did not and they're dead now. I am still living, which then made me think I need to get out of this profession post-haste. I began that by earning my chemistry degree from various correspondence colleges nationwide in an attempt to better myself. I then felt woke as a chemist for the Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation, which was on the level, not long story short. I became a billionaire. Now with that newfound money, I then started using off the grid. I hitchhiked, found numerous jobs where I learned skills and trades such as carpentry. And that is how I met Dr. O. Dr. O was an anesthesiologist. I thought he was really cool. He liked industrial music. He also liked reggae, SCA, and two-tone. Thank you very much. After that, I was helping Dr. O improve his house. I was learning plumbing, electrical, still trying to get the hang of some things like roofing. But I was able to meet Peppershire after that because he hired that son of a bitch as a second assistant. Peppershire actually better than me in all things, including an alchemist and as a black magick seer. And I felt slighted. I felt like a little **** you and I left and I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to the black arts. And I've had revenge and all of that was made up. I just made all of that up because ****** offense. You're never going to get me alive. He sends a bitches and I'm going to do some cocaine about it before I give you part two if I do that it off **** you. Okay. That was just one sample of his tape. It's all completely rational. That's exactly how you should deal with what he was dealing with. Yeah, I'm up to that. Yeah, like I say the truth, but then go. I'm just getting at the end. Yeah. And that always holds up in a quarter of a while. Sure. If you are this person, not at all here. Sovereign Citizens. You have to boat dock now. I guess. I guess. Yeah. We need to find a way to get past it through this lake. Yeah, I feel like some sort of defeat all the time. There's only victory. All I do is win, win, win. What is this coming towards us though? Oh, very ominous. Giant boat. Okay. Oh. It just kind of stuck the shore for us. Maybe we should just hop on and, you know, between Angela and I, we've got this. We can get back. Well, there's no other boats here, so we might as well. What can go wrong? What can go wrong? Like, this keeps happening though, like every time I walk towards. All right. Here we go. It's a little bit more. Bend your knees. All right. Don't stand up. This is a motorboat though, actually. Yes, I got it. Back here. All right. Okay. Do you smell like a pink guy on the back of the boat? A pink guy on the back of the boat. Oh, what? I'm not the pink guy. No. Oh my God. Oh, it's a little baby, baby, baby. Look at that. That is a baby. Folly junk. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. Oh my God. It's like, it's like a triple with tentacles. This is so adorable. I'm gonna. No, no, no. No, no, no. I wouldn't. Don't know what that was. When he's shaking my hand. Oh, God. He's coming. He's coming. He's giving you love. Look at it. He's trying so hard. He wants to help us out of the bay. He's trying to get us out of there. He's out of the back of the boat. He can't do it because he's so tired. Look at that. Did Folly Jumps have a baby? Maybe the damn burst. Is that how Folly Jumps are born? Damn. Let me open up this sardine can that I have. Oh, you saved that. We've been starving and he had sardines on him all the time. He's the most disgusting. Look at him. Oh, look at him. Look at him. Oh, he loved it. He loved it. He's like a little kitty cat with a cat nip. Oh, throwing it up in the air and then fucking devouring it. Whatever that is. Is that a mouth? Is that a ball? He's doing bunny kicks. Oh, yeah. Bunny kicks. He's playing with his food. All right. Oh, he's doing zoomies now around. Oh, Folly Jumps. Zoomies are the best. He's pushing. He's trying to push it. He's too small. All right. I'm going to try to step him out of here. Wait, hold on. Make sure he's away. I wasn't going to destroy baby. You guys are monsters. Do you guys think that this is what Felix was talking about with the next generation? Maybe. It's a little 2.0 Folly Jumps. It's a little baby. So it's not about us. It's just about them. Look to the next generation. So what direction do we see pushing us in? I'll steer it towards that direction. Go for it. You got the motor. Let's go to the fort. Let's go to the fort. This is waving goodbye to us. Bye, baby. All the tentacles. All the tentacles are waving by bye. There it is. Yeah, it looks like an island. There's no other place around. Everything else looks overgrown. Like a swarm. This is not good. Nope, that's a greenhouse on an island. Why stop there? We need to get home. That maybe Folly pointed out this in this direction. Oh, yeah. I want to trust that. I'm going to go to the roots. The greenhouse has got to be some roots. Oh, there it goes. That's where they put the roots. That's where they put the roots. The generation is getting us to the greenhouse. The greenhouse has got some roots. I think we're on the right track, guys. I think you guys are focusing on the wrong thing here. Oh, sure. What's the thing you should be focused on? It's a greenhouse. It's a creepy-ass island we're going towards. I feel like it's just where we need to go. We're getting closer to it. This thing is hauling ass, by the way. You know, it's crazy to be in a boat that actually has a motor and not sails because this is really fast. Yeah, we're getting there right now. Burning fossil fuels is great. There you go. That's why the creatures on the earth love us burning. Yep. Follow what the kaiju say, which is an old saying. Everyone said that. Since I was born, my parents used to tell me, "Go with the kaiju say." As you said. Yeah, right now. My parents said this into it. That's a weird thing. Thank you. All right, well, that's weird. But at least we're here. So, yeah. Let's check this out, huh? All right. So let's check out this island and see what it has. And, you know, thank you for listening to Fort Fruits. We've got Fruits over here. Hello. My name's Daddy. Hi. Angela. Yo. Nick Spry. And, uh, let's just, uh, see what happens. 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