TADPOG: Tyler and Dave Play Old Games

Ep. 786 - Oops! Four Calls!

Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
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You're about to listen to TADPOG. Tyler and Dave play old games. It's a comedy video game podcast. We would like to stress that the host are not experts and are really just very crass commentators. Seriously, this is an explicit podcast that happens to talk about video games sometimes. So please enjoy this pretty okay podcast with Tyler and Dave. (upbeat music) - Hello internet. - Hello. - And welcome to another therapeutic TADPOG podcast. - We're glad you're back. - But it's on me, it's my things, my stuff. So thank you guys very much, recording last week, sitting on, I listened to it, it was wonderful. Fantastic episode at which I'm watching the talk about Warlock. - Is it weird for you to, I know you missed a good one. - Because I did watch it for no reason. - Because you were like, in Discord, you were something along the lines of like, fuck this movie. And I was like, oh man, it sucks that you weren't able to-- - He and I were both convinced that the other two of the trio would dislike it. - Yeah, I didn't hate it, but I laughed at it. - Oh yeah, it was absolutely worth it. - It's just the, and I'm with you, the practical effects. Great, the non-practical effects. - Yeah, the CG, the flying potion. - Yeah, dude. - And when the pages, I'll do this like, so the act, like animation. - Like Bart's nightmare, all the pages, fucking coming together, yeah. - I just feel like it was too realistic on it. - Yeah, it was too slow. - It's too scary. - It's too believable. - Tyler, when you listen, so we had to do two episodes without you this year. When you listen to the show and you're not on it, is it weird? - It's not so you ever listen to the show, it's like, okay, I said people like this. - That's good. - 'Cause yeah, like the episodes, whenever, you know, Jack was born, you know, when you did Minute and Donut County, you know, I listened to those too. No, I dig it, I dig it. - Cool. - But yeah, it's, I got, so basically, I've been out of work the last two weeks. Week one, like that Friday. 'Cause my body's weird anyway, like if I work out really hard that night, I'll like run like a fever, like I'm about to get sick, or break in the middle of the night, then I'm fine. I just held random fevers that break in the middle of the night my whole life. If that happens on Friday, I don't think you think about it. Happens again on Saturday. Don't really think you think about it, but like two nights in a row, that's weird. And then Sunday, fucking damn broke. I was fucking sick of shit. But like, well, maybe, normally if I'm sick, it doesn't last more than like 24 hours, 48 hours, and I'm fine, sick all day Sunday. I get up to go to work 'cause I have to close payroll, close payroll, and it's like, nope, fuck it, I go home, super sick the rest of Monday, super sick on Tuesday, super sick on Wednesday. And it's like, I thought I was gonna get better, I told you guys, I'll cry, I'm like, I'm sick, I'm going to the doctor. By that point, Jack is also sick. Melissa's not, but Jack is also sick. Go to the doctor, she has no idea. She talk, mainly there's a COVID test, I took two COVID tests at home. Me and Jack both are negative. She takes another one, okay, you're negative for that. But I go to my GP, we take Jack to his pediatrician, so they do the full respiratory panel on Jack, and they do other shit on me, nothing comes back. She's like, ugh, I mean, do you want to do a rapid mono, up to send you to the hospital? I was like, that sounds expensive, no. Let's just wait to see what Jack gets back. Jack got back like rhinovirus and terrovirus, which is like, could last two weeks, you're, you know, the first week you're contagious. So it's like, okay, that's probably what this is. And I found out, I kid it as daycare had it. It's like, oh, maybe that's where this came from, okay, fine. Probably. So then we're super sick, super sick. Come Sunday, 'cause I'm trying to keep fluids in Jack. He can't keep anything down. I can't eat anything. I'm trying to drink Gatorade, 'cause Melissa works all weekend. When she gets back on Sunday, that's when then she notices like, 'cause he just been laying in bed. I've been laying in bed. When she gets there, like he's not talking to her. One of his eyes won't open, and then she sees him grinding his teeth. He's like, okay, that's bad. That's, that looks like shunt. So she grabs him, rushes him to the ER. They do an MRI, shunt failure. So he was sick covering up all the normal shunt failure symptoms. Shunt failure symptoms. Sure. So then we don't notice until like, it's bad. So then it was raining, so they couldn't air back him. So they lovable sins on, ambulance down. They get here in like two hours or less. Good Lord. Pick him up, Melissa rise with him, they're gone. So then the next, 'cause I've already taken like all my sleeping shit, but if I'm she'd like got home and got everything done. So then I have to sleep it off. I get up, I drive up there. About, we make it, I make it up there not long after she did, 'cause she had to wait for the, get back and get back up there. So they immediately rush into surgery. They, because he's sick, they didn't want to internally place the shunt in case, like if they put it through his body and there's something in his bloodstream, we go up there and get into his brain. So they're like, we're going to make it external, clear whatever's going on. I'm going to bring in a specialist to help me find a new path, because once you run a certain path, you can't do it again for like five years for a shunt. So they can't go back through his heart like last time. They give the specialist in, but I noticed then they give him, and Seth, you know, super antibiotic after his surgery. Few days later, he's better. It's like, okay, it's not a virus then, what we've got. It's then I called my doctor, like, tell her the story, she's like, okay, she sends me, sends a broad spectrum up to Louisville. I take that, now I'm finally starting to feel better. - So you had a bacterial infection? - We both had a bacterial infection, no clue what it was. Nothing came back on his panels, no clue. I haven't been that sick for that long since I had spinal meningitis, like my first semester of culinary school. And that was a virus I had to wait three weeks for it to pass. That's as sick as I'd have been in my life. - I'm trying to just recently had dealt with MRSA. She had a MRSA infection on her skin. - Yeah. - It had come and they gave her an antibiotic and it went away, but it wasn't strong enough and it came back and it was really painful and, you know, infected and stuff. And I had to put her on some hardcore antibiotics to get it to clear up. - It finally did, but I wonder if it wasn't something similar to that because it sounds like, I mean, you sounds like you guys were really fucked up. - Yeah, 'cause I mean, it was bad and then I didn't eat for like two weeks. I was sick the whole time I was up there in his room kind of waiting an ounce. - Hard. - You lost a bunch of weight. - I did. - Yeah, you look great. You lost so much weight that your eyes look bigger. - Yeah. (laughing) - He's not wrong. - I keep looking at your face 'cause I'm like, God damn, Tyler's eyes are fucking big, dude. (laughing) - Yeah, 'cause when I wouldn't go away to the doctor, I'd lost like 13 pounds just 'cause just-- - Which is a lot-- - A closet fever and no food. - Right, that's a lot to do is that short period. - Yeah, I'm glad you're feeling better. - Yeah, I'm finely-- - But you and Jack both are doing better. - I do my last antibiotic tonight. I'm like, yesterday, I finally really started feeling better. - Tony and I were very, we were really worried about Jack, especially-- - Yeah, 'cause like, it's what was going on with him. - His heart rate dropped in the ambulance, and yeah, but they had like a laser to keep him level in his bed because like, because it was external, he had to be at like a certain level for training. - Yeah, excellent. - So he was in like the ICU until the surgery on Thursday. When everything was cleared, they decided they wanted to go through a different part of his stomach since he's bigger now. They thought it was an infant, it was too small, but now that he's bigger, it's not actually in his stomach, it's just sort of outside his stomach in like the barrel of your midsection. So they're like, "We're gonna try this." They gave him a programmable shunt, which that made me mad. Like, I had it out with a doctor a little bit 'cause programmable shunt can be affected by like, magnets and shit. It's another point of failure. His other two surgeons were like, "We don't do those." We had to go with them we'd never had before that was happened to be on call because it was a Sunday surgery. - Right. - So he told me he was like, "I don't think I could find one, a non-programmable his size in the United States. I had to give him one. I understand why you didn't want to. I didn't have a choice." But, and I did a lot of research into academic papers where they've done experiments on what magnets affect watch shots because like the nurse practitioner came in. She's like, "Yeah, it's programmable." Listen, I were like, "Okay, shit." He's like, "So he can't really use an iPad." And then we were like, "You got a tight amount. That's his communication device. That's his comfort device." What? No, no, that's not gonna work. - Yeah, fuck that. - And even like, when he can't hear it, he holds it like directly up to his ear where the shunt is on the left side of his brain. So it's like, that's, and she's like, "And yeah, it's probably just all they hit on the shelf. Like, you could not have said three worst things that you hadn't studied us over to what we didn't want to hear." - What did she say? - It's one we just had. - We just happened to, but it's probably they just happened to have it. And I was like, that's not, you're a huge hospital with like tons of hospitals on either side. Like it's all we had unacceptable. - Get something better. - Call, yeah, go pick up the lettuce at the grocery store, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah, but the doctor was like, you know, there's one we could've given that was big enough, but it's enormous and it's easier for infections. I didn't want to do it. He's like, this kind is the most minimally that can be affected by magnets. And he was right. I found all these papers. Like she gave me a big list of the shunt. I looked up every one of them. That one, it had been thoroughly tested that it wasn't affected by like a huge mat. Like after an MRI, they're gonna have to put, they have to put like a machine to it to reset it. 'Cause, you know, the valve is, you know, electronically set. So that's the only thing. And sometimes that doesn't even do it. The only time I've ever seen anything affect this is a kid whose dad was a long haul trucker who hauled MRI magnets. - Oh god. - So he was around them 24/7. That eventually affected his. It's the only time I've ever seen it. It's like, okay. - All right, maybe, maybe you're, as long as you don't get a job hauling MRI magnets, you'll probably be with Jack with you. You'll probably be okay. So the big electromagnet I was gonna give you for Christmas, I need to send a hat. - Oh shit. - It was one of those kind you could lift cars with and everything. - What if that guy delivered it? - It was a great. (laughing) - Probably was him, he had a little kid with him. - So right now we're looking at haircuts 'cause Jack, the half of the back of his head is shaved. So we're like, let's find a haircut to match this. So we're working on giving him a haircut. He's got to take it easy. He didn't walk for two weeks. So he's very, he wants to get up and run, but you know, he gets up and is like, "Do it." - Let's go, let's go, let's go. - Let's go, let's go. - Have to watch him, yeah. So it's just, he'll, you know, he can't go back to Dairy Queen to the daycare for two weeks. And so we'll just work with him, you know, more and more until he can do it today. He's with my mom today unless he's off the rest of the week. So, yeah, but everything's, everything's, now it's good. - Good, that's good. - That's really good. - We're except today catching up on two weeks of shit. - Sure, I believe that, I believe that too, yeah. That's crazy. - But what have you guys been up to? - So I watched some stuff. The horror hole is open for business. - Hell yeah. - It's that time of year. All good new horror movies are coming out good or bad, whichever you choose, however you choose to see them. There's fresh horror, love it. - This week, we watched a movie called VHS Beyond. - It is part of the VHS series. - Chapter seven, there are seven of these fucking movies. - I saw that first one. - Yeah. Okay, well this is one, the seventh installment and this one is more about like alien abduction type stuff. It's okay. - That's what the last podcast episodes I skip. Listen to everything else, don't care for the aliens. - Man, and like, I love the X-Files, but like they went hard on the alien and it was like, man, and I've never watched all the X-Files 'cause I like the Monster of the Week stuff. I like the stuff that feels like Tales from the Crip. - From like an investigatory kind of like angle. It's like, okay, that's cool, I like that. All this stuff with tombs and, but yeah, when they get into the alien the government conspiracy is kind of like, ah, fuck. - Well, this one was really only one of, this is, you know, the VHS movies are divided. It's like an anthology movie, and there's like four chapters. And only one of them was about an actual abduction, but it wasn't even an abduction. It was about a woman who had like spent a bunch of time out in the desert trying to spot alien spacecraft and stuff, and she finds one that has landed and gets into the ship, and then it, like-- - Like a little fire on? - Yeah, she just sides walked into the ship like a dummy. - She's like, fuck it. - Pretty much. - I'm the wait for this all my life. - And then she's surprised when she can't find the door and the ship takes off. - Yeah, sure. - And I need to get into what happens. - I read this, you're an adventure. - But that was a good one. That might have been based on it, actually. That was a really good one. There was only one chapter in this one that I found to be stupid. Other than that, the other three were pretty good. I'm giving this one three stars. Wasn't to say, just check it out. It's streaming right now on Shutter, if you have Shutter, or it's probably on your streaming platform of choice. - Did it have a super rapey and credit like sequence? Like is that a VHS staple? Like at the end of every movie, we're gonna show some shit that's way more disturbing than what they all just watched. - Nope, not this one. - Okay. - And then the next thing we watched was there's been a reboot of a movie close to all of our hearts in one way or the other. - Salem's lot. - Salem's lot. - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - They remade Salem's lot. - Yeah, okay. - And then the next HBO. - Then explain some shirts that I've seen. - Okay. - Because I've seen some shirts recently, or it's like, ah, it's an, I feel like it's weird that I'm seeing a lot of-- - Suddenly. - Salem's lot of shirts. (laughing) It's cool. - Salem's lot is back. - You're right. - And those patron episodes is better than I thought. - Man, are there Stephen King Poggs out there? - Probably. - If not, you'd probably have a maid. - Some Gunslinger Poggs. - I slay him with my heart. (laughing) He slams with his hand. We're got in the face of his father. - His father. (laughing) - This, it was a pretty good movie. It's basically just Salem's lot. You know, it's just a fresh make of the movie. - Okay. - You make of the movie. It's got a couple of interesting scenes that are different from the original. - Yeah. - But it's nice to watch because like, it doesn't get into, you know, there's parts of the original. - I've never seen the original in the book. - The original can be slow. - Yeah. - It's very dated. - People is calling him very slow. - Fuck, I can't remember. - It's just some guy. - Some dude, but you might recognize him. I'd have to look. - Are there, do they do any dark tower? Like, not that I could tell. - Yeah, and you would be able to tell. - Yeah. - Damn, that, I get, it makes sense that they wouldn't because of, you know, the timeline of events and everything, but still it would have been nice to get something. - And I don't think this is the first, this movie came out in 1979 as, oh, it was a TV miniseries. - Oh shit. - I forgot about that. And the, it's got, I wanna say Bonnie Bedelia, the wife, the woman that played John McLean's wife in Die Hard. - Wow. - It's like one of her first movies. - Well, let's see who played Callahan, 'cause Callahan doesn't show up in the movie in either movie until like a little more than halfway through. Like he's apparently so unimportant in the book that he's not credited. I'd have to look a little. - That was just curious. - Yeah, I was thinking maybe, I thought maybe it would pop right up, but James Gallery is the name of the guy who plays Father Callahan. Oh, he's probably recognizing it's this fella. He's in some stuff, mostly older stuff. - Yeah, I don't, sorry. - Oh. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, he plays like a lot of idiots. - Yeah, kind of. So anyway, it was a pretty decent remake. I liked it okay, I thought it was okay. I'm gonna watch it. I would watch, it would be fun to see how you felt about both of them, so watch the original at some point and then watch this one and see what you think. There's a couple of really cool scenes in the new one, 'cause the effects can be better. And the fucking vampires are a lot scarier looking in this, because again, better effects, better, I think tolerance of people, you know, like we've gotten a little more conditioned to seeing horrible things. When I was a kid, my parents let me watch Salem's lot when it was on, and it was just on like CBS or ABC or something. - Yeah, sure. - And I was in mini series. And they let me watch it, and I was about six or seven. Oh boy, that was not a good idea, because the vampires floating outside the windows, beckoning to be let in. Boy, I just knew that was gonna happen to me, and that scared these shit out of me. So my parents were very reluctant to let me watch scary movies. And ironically, now I love them. I watch them all the time, as you well know, so. - I remember being 11 years old and not being able to make it through pet cemetery, which is honestly, that's a good, I like that movie, but it is, I don't think it's super scary. Like, when I watch it now, it's like I cannot believe, I was scared of the cat hissing, and it's like I can't believe like that. But yeah, I couldn't make it through that. It was just like, nope, can't do it. - Yeah, but I think the new movie is a little bit less of a grind than the first one, 'cause they had, they stretched it out over three days. This movie was two hours long, give or take. So they did a good job with it, I liked it fine. I thought it was pretty good. - So 24 years since I read the book. - Yeah, so I mean, I'd say check it out for sure. I'd give it three and a half stars. It was the same, just check it out. - Last thing on my list of things to talk about is that, so we had this family move into this house behind us recently, and they are, I believe they're a Mexican family. I mean, I'm almost, I know they're Latinx. I don't know if they're Mexican, I'm pretty sure they are, 'cause I've talked to them a few times and they sound, they have a Mexican dialect, you know what I'm saying? And so, they're really cool, they've got a couple of nice kids that run around the neighborhood and play and have a good time and they have chickens. So like, I'm here in a rooster crow in my house now, which is a weird, but it's kind of neat 'cause it's like I live out in the country. - Does it crow at like weird fucking times? - Oh, there's a rooster somewhere in my neighborhood and it's like I'll come home for lunch and it's like hollering two o'clock. And it's like, okay, oh yeah, it the sun's up. You're right, buddy. - You got it, eight hours late, but you got it. He crows all the time, it's fine. It's never bothered me, it doesn't bother us at all. It's just weird and I'm already used to it. Like, I would miss it if I didn't hear it now. - Sure, it's weird that I don't know how the city is. I don't live in the city, within the city limits, but it seems odd to me that that's a thing. You can just have chickens. - You can have chickens and I think you can have even some small livestock within reason. - Wow, I know I do something. - Like a goat, yeah. - But they changed it recently to where you were allowed to have more than that, more than, a lot of people do that now because it's so expensive to buy food and they're eggs. And so, like once I came out into my backyard and there were chickens all in the alley behind my house because they had gotten out. They'd all gotten out and I was afraid the psycho that lives up the street was gonna drive through the alley at 100 miles an hour and kill all their chickens. - Just to see when he wants to get, yeah. - So I ran over there and told the guy, "Hey, your chickens are out." And he's like, "Oh, he gets his hat." And just is like shooing him back into the yard and they all just go where he tells him to go. - Fuck, he's got the hat. - He's serious. - Go, go, go. Go, but slowly. Don't act scared. So, he's also got some bunny rabbits and stuff. And so, like recently we've seen this big bunny rabbit hopping around in the vacant lot behind my house. And we've had to say, "Hey, yo, you're bunny rabbits out, man. "You come get your rabbit." He's like, "Huh?" He comes and gets to the rabbit rabbit, right? - Gotta get the rabbit hat. - Gotta get the rabbit hat. Hold on, I haven't had you use this in a while. - He actually lives in the hat, you know? (laughing) - Ah, put the hat the wrong way on the shelf again. So, he goes and gets the rabbits, you know? So, the first day of last week, Tanya comes to me and she's like, "Oh, she was like, I had to walk over to the Magnolia tree "behind the house in the vacant lot." And I was like, "Okay, first of all, why? "Are you walking around in the vacant lot "behind our house?" Number one. - There's a rose in there. It must be. It was calling the music was so beautiful. - This is gonna sound crazy, Ian, but I think that we need to protect it. (laughing) I would be like, "I'll get my gun." But she's like, "Well, there was a dead bunny, "baby bunny in the yard." And so, I was like, "Okay." And so, the lot is adjacent to my living room window, which we tend to open. She was afraid it was gonna fucking rot and stink the whole house up. - Awesome stinking. - Which we've also got something dead under our house that I cannot get to. - That's no good. - Yeah, that's awesome. - It's under our fucking front porch, so we've had to put like a tarp over the, just to keep the smell from getting out in there. It's in the flies are coming up through the deck. - Oh, fun. - Even our, and we've got a screen in port, so now it's working in the opposite direction. - Right, yeah. - It's one of it too, which is it's trapping the flies in. - Right. I'm sorry your deck is clearly haunted. - Yeah. (laughing) - It's starting to wane. The smell is starting to go down and we haven't had nearly as many flies as we put the tarp down. But anyway, I got up Friday morning. Oh, we've got this cat too that we started. These are our neighbors. - I don't think your Disney princess and all these fucking animals. - I think it's telling us she attracts animals. We have this like stray cat that we're feeding. We've named him Jones because he looks like the cat from Alien. I think I mentioned Jones. - Okay. - And so anyway, I get up Friday morning and of course I had overslept and time came into the bedroom. She's like, "Honey, you need to get up. It's almost time for you to get ready to go to work." I'm like, "Shit." I get up and I walk in and she's got this look on her face. This I've done something look on her face and she is holding a baby bunny that she has found. Jones, she, Jones caught a baby bunny. So when we talk to the folks that live behind us and they apparently, I told them about the dead rabbit. So they must know this is their rabbit 'cause they have a rabbit. Well, they go over and they're like, "Yeah, I guess this is one of this ones but we didn't even know she had babies." And they apparently keep it in the basement and the basement has a thing, a hole and they got out. I don't know. She's got this rabbit, this tiny little rabbit in her arms looking at me like, "Guess what, honey?" I'm like, "Oh, fuck." - You can literally train these, did you know that? - Yeah. - I do now. - Don't they shit a lot? - Yeah. - Yeah, I work with somebody who owned a rabbit as a pet. I kept a rabbit as a pet and she was telling me about how like, "Yeah, I would just shit." - Yeah, they shit while they eat. - Yeah. - It's like going in one and out the other. - Smart, sufficient. - It's efficient, but they-- - Save time that way. - I told her immediately, I was like, "Nope, nope, sorry. Need to go next door and tell them you've got one of the rabbits." She's like, "But they didn't even know that there were babies." I'm like, "Take 'em over there, no rabbits, no more pets." And I went to work. About an hour later, I came back and I was like, "You can keep the rabbit." - You were thinking about it that whole hour? - I was. - 'Cause I felt like I was being like, you know, less abusive being Crosby in the 1950s. There will be no rabbits in this house. I'm the man and I say no. - Now get my bag of oranges, so I can beat you when you show bruises. - And do the oranges bruise? - I beat her with the oranges and no, I did not. - That's how it works. - It's a law, right? It's like a transport property, sorry. - I should say a law, although Supreme Court, who knows? - Who knows, think of these. But I can only beat your spouse with citrus fruit. - I caved and said, "Okay, you keep the rabbit, but I'm not dealing with it. I'm not gonna deal with it. I already deal with all the other animals. I will end up dealing with the rabbit probably at some point." - Well, yeah, I mean, it's part of the family. - Right, yeah. - And so we went to the fucking, we went to Rural King and bought a fucking rabbit cage and the stuff to go feed him and the bedding and the blanket, fucking burrow into the blanket and sleep. And he's about the size of my palm. He's a tiny little guy. I'll post pictures of him on the discord. We talked to our vet and he was like, "You don't really have to do much. Just feed 'em, give 'em water." And that's it. Just keep up, you'll have to clean up after 'em. And that's it, they're easy. They take care of themselves. - You're like, "You don't tell me what to do." - I will. - If I don't want to clean up after 'em, I won't. - You give him a shot of some sort right now. - Can you make it so that he just takes one big shit instead of like a million little ones? - So now we've got an incontinent dog, another loud dog, a bunny rabbit, three cats. - Oh my God. - Yeah, it's just becoming-- - How are the dogs living nightmare? - How are they handling it? - Pixel, my little terrier is obsessed with this bunny. - Sure, yeah. - She will not, she lays next to it, the cage, and she sits and stares at it for hours, just looking. - She's like, "One day you're gonna slip up, and I'm gonna be there." - Yes, Tanya's had him out, the bunny has had him out, and showed, you know, let the dog sniff of him, and Penny was kind of interested. Penny's getting old, and I don't think she's gonna be with us much longer. - That fucking sucks. Penny's awesome. - Penny's fucking awesome. I mean, she's only nine, but she isn't not doing great. But anyway, she was like up, and like had her ears up, looking at that rabbit, like you aren't supposed to be in here, you're supposed to be out there, I chase you. - Right. - Oh, we've got a possum that's roaming around, by the way, that pixel tackled the other day, got into a fight with that possum. - We live in the city, y'all, I don't live out here with Tyler, y'all probably out here have less animals than we do, apparently. - You are painting a picture of like, you have to climb the telephone hole. - I am green acres, but only it's green acres in the city. - Like a fucked up Pokemon, it's center. - No, granted, why don't live it? (laughing) I don't live in like a big city. - Choose your starter, old dog, awesome. - That's not a rabbit. - Duke is not a big city, by any means, but the area that I live in is populous. There's houses, it's midtown in a medium, fairly well populated city, but there are animals everywhere and they're all coming to my house. So, yeah, anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have a bunny rabbit now as a pet. - What's the bunny's name, did you say? - She named it Wicked. - Wicked. - I don't know why. - Is it Wicked Smart? - Wicked Smart? - Yeah, that's what I like to say, he's Wicked Smart. He likes carrots, so that's right. - Hey, all right, now you know for sure it is a rabbit. - It is a rabbit and not just a guinea pig with really long ears. - Have you tried feeding it tricks? - Which is what it is. (laughing) - Have you ever seen that, did you see that Ted? Ted too, I think. - Oh, no, I wanna see those movies. - Liam Neeson comes through with a bag of a box of tricks. And he's like, I'm I don't understand that these are only for children. (laughing) And Ted was like, no, it's cool, you can buy them. It's fine, he gets all sneaky and suspicious. He's like, you've done me a great favor here today. And he pays for the tricks and he puts it in his coat and this sneaks out. - That's really fun. - I've heard those movies are fun. - They're pretty funny. - Yeah, they are, speaking of wickets. - Right, that's how we got there? - Yeah. - Or the tricks. - The tricks, it's all the big, it's ca, ca is a wheel. And so according to your shirt, you drink nozzler. - I do. - Aside from drinking nozzler, what have you been up to this week? - So you talked about a show on the last episode called The Floor and Nicky and I have watched all of it. - Yes. (laughing) - So you enjoyed my mama with Rob Lowe, my boyfriend. - Yes. - Okay. - Yeah, I thought it was great. It's a cool show. - Great show, isn't it? - It's a cool show. It like scratches a bunch of itches. - Hello. - There's a hello flying helicopter. - Hello, mister. - That is low. - Like it is. - I can hear this Credence Clearwater coming at it. (laughing) - Pew pew pew pew. - Wow. (humming) - All right, anyway. - I'm afraid we're going to go outside and there's going to be like a thin layer of DDT on everything. Yeah, it was like The Floor. The Floor. It like scratched like the game show itch, but also like because there are 100 contestants, it is straight up like people watching the game show. - Oh yeah. - Like it was so fun to be like. - It's the audience. - Dude. - Or something. By the time we got to like the last few episodes, I'm like, there'll be a contestant and he'll be like, his name is Tony and it's like he doesn't, or his name is Tim and I looked at Nick, he doesn't look like a Tim. He looks like a Tony. So we just, I don't know man, it was fun. Henry got super annoyed because he's like, you guys talk too much when you watch that show. - So he was into it as well. - Kinda sorta, anytime he liked it, but like there's so much shit where it's like, he doesn't know why. - He would know what to name it. - But whenever there was. - Like culture stuff. - Yeah. - Like 80s pop culture. - And I was super bad at like they like, when you're like naming celebrities and stuff, I'm not good at that to begin with. Tyler, I'm sure you'd be good. But like they choose the photo, they choose these photographs where it's like, it took me like longer to recognize Andy Richter than it should have. But it's like, because they like chose a photo where it was like taken like below him. And he's like wearing a hairpiece or something. And it's like, what are you doing? And then some of them are like AI generated. Like the one for like wild animals was like, all AI generated. And they looked like the fucking like, extreme sports trapper keepers, where it's like a fucking lion like windsurfing. Shit, it's like, what are you doing? - Like playing baseball, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. But yeah, we really enjoyed it. We watched all of it. - That's fun. - Yeah, I'm really glad you liked it. The second season is underway. - Right, yeah, we're watching that. - You're like caught up now. - I think we're one episode behind. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, yeah, it's fun. I love the concept. It's fun to play along with. - Yeah, it is. - Dude, I'm not gonna tell you. It's weird that I'm like trying not to spoil a game show. - Right, no, I get it. I totally get it. - The one, there's one, the one episode that we watched last week, something happened during a round that was like the most, it hasn't happened before. And it was a moment where you're like screaming at the TV, like, what are you doing? - Dude, there were some, I can't wait to see that. - You're gonna know, you're gonna know exactly what I'm talking about. - Okay. - I want you to report back on that. - There are moments in season one, like there's this one lady who plays, this one contestant, and like, man, there are a few contestants, like when they get up on the stage, you just know, it's like, fuck, they chose this person, not because they think they would do well, but because the producer thinks that they're going to like, well, there's attitude, there's big personalities, there's that, but then there's also like, I swear to you, like one guy went up on stage and looked at Nikki as like, this guy's disabled. Like, I mean, he's just like, no, I don't can't imagine a producer's like, okay. He might, this guy might win at all, 'cause it's like, dude, no fucking way. Like, he looks like Alfredi Newman, like, and they put him on there, 'cause they're like, yeah, this would be fun. But like, there was one lady who got up there and like, I swear she like, she said pass, 'cause in this game, you can pass, right? And when you pass, it's essentially, you waste three seconds. - You lose three seconds. - You lose three seconds before they show you the next slide, or you try to guess. And man, she said pass and then waited like, fucking, the new slide comes in and then there's like nine seconds of silence. - That's what I'm talking about. - Okay, and I was like, I looked at Nikita, I was like, I think this lady thinks that when you pass, that you pass the turn to the next person. And it was just, it was so just like, what the fuck lady? - Well, I'm thinking, this was in season one. - Yeah, well, we saw this in season one. - See, I missed some stuff. I missed some stuff last year in last season because I was here. The show comes on, was coming on like, while I was here recording. - We watched it on Hulu. - Okay, well, she watches it on Fox. - She watches it, yeah, as it comes out. - Okay, now that you say that second thing, I remember seeing this on TikTok, whenever it was like, these two white people and they had to identify celebrities and they missed every single black celebrity who it was. I remember there was a whole big thing on TikTok where it was just-- - It's funny you say that. - They didn't know like Harriet Tubman, they didn't know, current or past this, they got no black figures whatsoever. - They were like, there were two black contestants facing off on, they were in a duel and every time they were doing one of the celebrity ones and every time a black person would come up and they would get it wrong, I'd turn to Nikki and be like, they're racist. (laughing) - That's awesome, I'm glad you watched that. - Yeah, man, it's a fucking great show. - Good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's awesome, we loved it. I mean, we fucking ate it up and it was one of those where it's like, it's not a short show. - No, it's an hour long show. - But it like, it gets, it's done, episode ends and it's like, well, I mean, you wanna watch another one, right? - You feel like, you almost kind of feel like, and we watch it week to week, so it's like, I kind of almost feel like-- - I guess we're doing that now too. I don't wanna wait, I want more puzzles, I want more slides to look at, you know? - It felt like, 'cause Henry was complaining because we talk so much when we watch it. And it's not that he was invested in it, it's just like, he's trying to game, you see, and we're talking. (laughing) Is that's the problem? Yeah, and he's-- - It's not quiet, I'm trying to watch the show. It's quiet, you're cutting into my gaming. - Yeah, exactly. And it's like, he was bitching about it, did it, 'cause I was like, yeah, I gotta record tonight, and he's like, good. (laughing) Maybe I could just-- - I'd finally be gaming it. - And I was like, who's worse, me or mom? And he's like, you. (laughing) And I'm like, what do you mean? You can hear me when you're gaming? He's like, I got my headset on, and I can hear you. - Oh, how the turns have tabled. - Yeah, exactly. (laughing) But yeah, I mean, we talk when we watch it, which is part of the reason it's been so much fun. - Yeah. - It's because normally when we watch stuff, I get in this mode where it's like, I just wanna absorb the content, and I wanna fucking analyze the writing and shit, you know what I mean? - Yeah, totally. - But that doesn't exist with the floor. The floor is just-- - It's so simple and clean, and you can just have, you can engage with your friends or your partner that you're watching with, and-- - Yeah, it's nice. - I liked it, yeah, yeah. So I appreciate the recommendation. - My pleasure. - I've been playing a game called Final Fantasy 2. I don't know if you've heard of Final Fantasy 2. It is like everybody's least favorite Final Fantasy. So that's period, I'll go and put a period at the end of that. I bought it, I bought the Pixel remastered version of it. I've tried to play it before. I'm gonna finish it this time. I'm like, I assume halfway through it. It's pretty good, I like it. - I beat it, I didn't have any problems with it. - Really? - Yeah. - I can see people don't like the grinding of every spell and every ability and-- - But I think it's totally-- - But that was fine with it. - To me, it feels like grinding that stuff seems very optional. - Yeah, you don't have to get 99 fists on your model, you can just play it and you're gonna be just fine. - What version did you play? The GBA or PSP? - GBA. - Okay. Yeah, I was that Donna Soles, I think. Yeah, had one and two on it. Yeah, I didn't try that one, but I did try playing the PSP version. - Then I did three on the 3D remake on the DS of 3. - Man, I've heard that the 3D remake is, I wouldn't say very different, but different enough from the original 2D or pixel-- - Oh, really, Simon? I didn't mean to pop that either. - Yeah, I've heard-- - The story was pretty shallow. - Yeah, I've heard that the 3D remake is more difficult, just like, I haven't played Final Fantasy IV's 3D remake, but I've heard that that is more difficult than Final Fantasy IV. - Oh, IV's most definitely, most, I was shocked at the spike in difficulty in the 3D. - In the 3D. - That's awesome. - Yeah, I like to hear that. - The Golbez fight where Rydia has to summon the mister I get to stop it. - Yeah. - That fight beat my ass like six or seven times before I finally, like, figured it out. Like, and it was a nothing burger of a fight in the SNES version. - You sure, oh yeah. Well, to be perfectly honest, I feel like there's not a lot that's challenging in the SNES version. - Oh, yeah, not at all. - And that's my biggest complaint with Final Fantasy II is that I feel so overpowered, and I'm not grinding anything. It's just, and I'm like getting to the point where it's like, okay, well, I guess I'll switch up weapons and level up different weapons as I go because it's like, I'll get in fights, and it's like, the swords aren't going up. - Yeah. - And I guess they're not going up because I'm not fighting, you know. - Yeah, you've capped out for this area. - So I'm switching weapons and stuff, and it is like, it is very, very, very easy. Like extremely easy to the point where it's like, is it just easier in the Pixel remaster? Like, is that the thing? - Yeah. - And I did, so I looked that up, and they did change. What I like about the Pixel remasters is you can like, you have cheats built in essentially, where it's like, if you want to toggle it to where you get four times XP, you can do that. - That's nice. - Yeah, I didn't fuck with any of that, but I mean, it's nice that it's there. And then they add like the auto battles and stuff, which I totally use, 'cause it's like, oh yeah, I'm just gonna have every character choose fight. So until this battle's over, sure, I'll press X. (laughing) So then it'll just do that at like fucking eight times speed. But a change they made from the original is you gain, there's a chance that characters will gain HP and stay 'em in regardless of whether or not they're hit in battle. Which I think is a nice quality of life change. So you're not doing that shit where it's like, well, three of my party members are gonna attack this one. Other party members, we're gonna do, we're gonna institute friendly fire so that we can increase the HP of a party member. But yeah, man, I like it, it's good, it's good. And for whatever reason it's sticking this time, where it didn't, when I was playing it on the PSP, I think it might, some of that might just have to do with the art style too, 'cause like the pixel remasters pretty much make everything look like it's from Final Fantasy 6. (laughing) It's like they take the pinnacle of the 2D Final Fantasies and make everything kind of like match that. - Yeah. - Which is great for me because Final Fantasy 6 is my failure. (breathing heavily) Other than that-- - Are you watching Only Murderers? - No, I'm not. Are they on season four now? No, we finished the first season. - I'm dakin' it, it's good. - Yeah, I need to get back on it. At this point, it kind of feels like I've been off of it so long that I don't really wanna play catch up, even though I know that it's quality. But that's also one of the shows where I'll sit there and watch it in silence, and it's like, you know what I mean? 'Cause it's well written, and it's entertaining, and yeah. - I'm really enjoying this season. Like, all the seasons have been great. I'm really gettin' in this season. - Well, they really expanded the cast in the season like substantially. - Big time, yeah. - Good choices for this season. - I've been watching some battles on, have you heard of Tactics League? Are you familiar with this? It is a competitive PvP Final Fantasy Tactics. - Oh, shit. - Yeah, so, well, Guaz, I've been watching it. I've been like, well, Tyler's either like, really gonna love this because it's tactics or really hate it because it's PvP. - It's something I would watch, but never do. - Okay, yeah, yeah, I mean, I've been watching it, but it's also been a thing where it's like, I'm probably never gonna like get involved. The community seems fine, you know what I mean? It seems like a positive community, but it's also one of those things where it's like, and this might just be perceived, but like the barrier to entry seems very high. Like I've played Tactics twice. Like I've played it through twice. I think it's great, love it. But like, I don't know tactics like these people in the suite. - Like the granular level, yeah. - Yeah, and when you're having to take like Zodiac signs into actual accounts. - Yeah, right, yeah, and I mean, yeah, it's cool. So they've taken the PSP version of Tactics, which has multiplayer in it. I didn't know that. It has like a rendezvous mode, and which I believe is like the, you can play-- - Yeah, that's how you get the Dark Knight swords and shit like that. - Yeah, yeah. - I played the patch version that included in the base game, so I have to do that. - Okay, but yes, that's you right. That's how they introduced all that stuff. But the Tactics League has a version. They have a patch that they use that you apply to your legally backed up UMD, and-- - Oh god, a UMD? Like it has to be a legit War the Lions PSP copy? - Yes, wink, it does. (laughing) It sure does. - Yes, shake, shake, shake, it does. - But the patch makes some balance changes. And I thought it was interesting 'cause I was like, how do you handle like mathematicians? Like how do you, like-- - Yeah. - And I didn't know that in the PSP version, there's a toggle specifically for that job where it's like include them? - Yeah. - Yeah, which, what, in my version, it was just like, no, I'm not fucking with that. I don't off, I don't know, thank you. - Right, yeah, and in this league, they're essentially, they've been replaced with Sage. - Okay. - So it's cool, man, they got a whole site and like a Discord, I'm in the Discord. We'll probably never say anything. I just think it's, I just think it's-- - That's very cool. - Just think it's neat. - I'm a look at it, yeah. - It's like a potato. - I just think they're neat. - Yeah, and I like watching the videos and like watching the tournaments and stuff, but yeah. - I will look into that, yeah, I wanna see that. - And they run it through-- - It's on Twitch. - I don't know if it's on Twitch. I've been watching the videos on YouTube. It's called Tactics League. If anybody's interested in checking it out, they do it through, I know you're familiar with P-S, P-S. - That's good emulator. - Yeah, yeah. - So that's got like-- - That's how I streamed the one-op stream. - Yeah, and that's how I streamed, I can't remember, I think it was Final Fantasy V. It's a great emulator, I think it does great. It's nice because it's on a lot of platforms. It's on iOS, it's on Android. And from one of the videos I watched, 'cause they've got this Tactics League has these series of videos on how to get it set up and configured and all that. Apparently you can do it on a mobile device and you connect through a VPN and the emulator has built-in net play. - Seems pretty neat, so essentially you could play, you could have a match or someone's on a PC and another person's on an iPhone. - Nice. - Yeah, so that's pretty neat. - I did look on Twitch and there is a Tactics League channel. - Yeah. - But I don't think there are a lot of people streaming it. I think that like they go live. - Yeah. - Active League itself goes live. So I don't know, but-- - They seem like they're, it seems like a small community. 'Cause they just recently, like I said, I'm on the Discord. I checked the stuff out. There was going to be a tournament like yesterday, but like they didn't have 12 entrance. So they canceled the tournament. And it's like, "Well shit, man." That kind of like, on one hand, that's like, "Fuck, that kind of makes me maybe wanna get into it "and try it." - If that's the level I would try. - Yeah, 'cause it is, it seems really small and it's-- - 12 people. I don't mean, I don't mind being 12 out of 12. That's fine. - Yeah, but see that's-- - 2000 out of 2000, no thank you. 12 out of 12? Okay. - It's weird because it's one of those where it's almost like, on one hand, it's like, "Okay, 12 people." That's not that many people, but like on the other hand, it's like, "Well, I could get lost in 2000 people," which is fine. - Yeah. (laughs) - You don't want to be in the spotlight sucking. - Right. - You could suck privately in a crowd. - Yeah. - Like I do an overwatch. - Oh boy, like I do in every single video game. - Yeah, yeah. - No, I'm not ever gonna shine, but I have fun, so that's all it matters. - Yep, yeah. And Nicki and I have been, we've been playing Final Fantasy XIV still and boy, I love doing some fucking low level content and just fucking going at her pace and just not worrying about rushing or anything. It's just been fun to just be like, "All right, well, what do you want to do?" And whatever you want to do, I'll tag along. - Yeah, dude, I kind of missed that, like, sort of, or brutal grind and the Kenyan grind, or it was just by yourself, just with the music. - Yeah, man, dude, I think we're gonna start playing Horizon 11, which is like a private server, a Final Fantasy XI private server. - Nice. - It's been something I've heard about, like-- - Or Dalton's back into it, too. - Oh, is he? - Yeah. - Is he on retail 11 or-- - I'm not sure, I'm not sure which one. - I'll have to message him. 'Cause if he's playing on Horizon, then that's a lock. That's a lock. Nicki and I, we watched some videos and I was like, "Oh, man, I'd like to do this." I said, "Yeah, I'd like to do that, too." So that's a potential upcoming thing. - 11's so good. - Yeah, it is. - It is, it's so good. And it's like doing the low level stuff in 14 makes me wanna do 11 stuff even more because it's like, not to say 11 wasn't complicated, but it's like, it's really different styles of gameplay. I feel like 11's slower and gives you a little more time to think about stuff. A lot of stuff in 14 truly is like a bullet hell because it's, which is-- - You could telegraph a goblin picking up a bomb with a stun in 11, you could actually, and feel gratified that you saw that coming and stop it. - Yeah, that is true, that is gratifying, but you bringing that up does remind me that it is tougher to like pick up cues and telegraph cues in Final Fantasy 11 than it is. - In 14 it is. - Yeah, in 14, everything's telegraph very well. And I think because of that, because things are telegraphed well, it happens so fast. Like it's, 14 is like, it is, for me, like there's like an EX trial that I've done where it's like, I don't ever wanna do this again because as many times as I have done it, which was like not hundreds of times, but a dozen times, like I never knew it was going on. But like never, and I watched videos. Still never, like I knew like what phase it was in and shit, but it's like, I don't know what's going on. It's like there's so much shit on the screen that's being telegraphed, I don't know what the fuck's going on. - Yeah. - So, I don't know, it's just, it's weird. It's different, you know, to see how different they are. But also similar. That's it, that's it for me, I've talked a bunch. - So Luke, one, one other show I wanna mention that long two episodes out. Listen, I've watched it. So, I knew it would be good, but I didn't think it would be this good, which is the penguin. - Oh yeah? I'm the holy shit. - I'm sweating some of these buildup. I have not started it yet, but I'm letting some episodes build up 'cause I've heard great things. - Yeah, it's fucking good, man. - Wow. - Awesome. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - 'Cause Blissett watched the movie, she didn't know. And then we watched the second episode, and I was like, yeah, God, can you be a good Colin Farrell? Who the fuck is Colin Farrell in this movie? (laughing) Look it up. She was like, no fucking way. The pink was Colin Farrell. Like, yeah, that's a fucking good idea. - It is, it is so good. God, that chase scene in that movie makes me so happy. And yeah, but I've heard great things about the show. - I'm excited. - I'm very excited 'cause this has been on my TikTok forever. So it's like, if I see this for about, if it drops to about $20 with free shipping, I will buy this so we can try it on the show. - Okay. - If finally dropped for that, and I jumped on it, and I bought it. So, you know, David and I are spicy boys, Ian, you're not so much a spicy boy. So when people send us stuff, you're not always in the spicy boy challenges. - Right. - But, have something, all three of us can do, sour boy challenge. - Oh, sour boy challenge. - Oh, sour boy challenge. - I like sour stuff, but too. - As long as they're not gross, like those fucking plums. - Well, it's-- - 'Cause those were like, those were watery. - Yeah, this is like candy. - Okay, yeah, right. (laughing) - So it is-- - I don't know what my sour should be held. - Four different levels of, and it's fruit, chewy fruit, sour candy. - All right, what is it branded? Like, what is this? Where did this come from? - This, I'm not sure who makes it. 'Cause I'm subtle over to it. Final boss sour. - Final boss. - Levels one, two, three. - And four, which is the final boss, which is coming soon. So it's only three levels. - Shit, go ahead and send it separate. - I hope so. So here's, I'll open it up for us to do level one. - You got nutrition facts on this? - The Minotaur. The whole, this whole pack is 105 calories. - All right, sweet. - So level one, sour strawberries. The Minotaur. His name is Beaster. So we're fighting Beaster the Minotaur by trying these sour strawberries. - All right. - That packaging looks kind of neat. - It is, yeah, it's very-- - Oh, they're like, it's like pixel. - Oh, so it's like retro. - Pixel art. - The themed. - Sticky. - Sticky. - Well, they're actual strawberries. - Yeah. - Oh. - Oh, okay. - So it's strawberries. - Candy fruit. - Blueberries and cranberries. - These are fucking sticky as far as sticky. - Yeah, I know. - Oh, cranberries? Fucking gross. Okay. - I'm okay with this. - We ready? - Real fruit. - We ready to try level one Beaster Strawberries. - Oh, it smells good as sour challenge. - This smells really good. - Mm. Mm. That's, that's nice. - I'm gonna have another one, I'll pass it back. That's good. - Oh, that's really good. - That's real good. So where did you see, you saw this on TikTok? - Yep. - Mm. - Mm. - God, damn that delicious. - Good, good, good. - It's a little bit sour, but it's so delicious. - Mm-hmm. - Damn, dude. - Mm-hmm. - That was this very expensive. It looks like it was. - 20 bucks. - Okay. - Normally it's 35, I don't wanna pay 35 for it. I'll pay around 20 and it finally dropped there. One day, I've seen it that cheap since. - How much do you, like how much, how many of these do you get? - There are two, two packs of very level. - Two packs of each. - Every level of every, every level of every fruit. - Can you buy them individually? - Probably. - This is just a big sampler kit. - Okay. Oh, awesome. Yeah, I'm gonna check it out. - So are we still on level one? - This is level one blueberries. - Okay. - Oh no, these aren't sticky. - Uh-oh. - Unacceptable. I'm not gonna have many of these. Blueberries kinda fucked me up. - I don't see, yeah, I'll describe two. - Just one for me. But I don't know why. I don't know if it's like a low level allergy or something, blueberries give me crazy heartburn. Yeah. - I'm trying to sour level one. What's the monster on that? - This looks like a glorp-glorp. - Oh, I see it, large worth the pig. - Yeah, glorp-glorp, large worth. - Roadhog's cousin, large worth. - All right, sour blueberries, level one. - How's worth spelled, O-R or U-R? - O-R. - Nah. - It is substantially more sour to me than the strawberries. - I think it's because it's not as sweet as the strawberries. - Yeah. It's sour. - It's pretty tasty. - It is tasty. - But I'm not getting as much of the fruit taste as I am the sour. - Right. - It's there, but it's not as strong as... That strawberry was fucking good. - Dude, I would buy, yeah, packs of those strawberries. - Oh yeah. I'd get all my fruit intake that way. - What are these calling them looking up right? The final boss. - Final boss, sour. - Final boss, sour. - Final boss, sour. Okay. - All right, level one. Yeah, the blueberries are only 100 calories. The cranberries here are only 90 calories per pack. - Okay. I'm just gonna do a flat 100 is what I'm gonna do. - Look, these look more like a craze-ums. - I eat dried cranberries all the time. These are sticky. - Nice. The monster on here is a spider, it looks like. - A rack and a thorn. - A rack and a thorn. The last of the level one bosses. See if we clear. - Okay. - Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. - It tastes like a sour craze-um. - Yeah, I wish craze-ums about a sour. - God, these are good, holy shit. - I wish craze-ums were like that all the time. - Yeah, man. - Like, I like craze-ums, but I like that extra sour bit. - Yeah. - I gotta get some of these. I swear Henry would love those. - Me too. - Ready to move on to level two? - Yes, sir. - All right. - No, I can do level two with you. May have to pause for level three for next week because if I eat too much sour stuff, I get real bad stomach problems. Like, I gotta chill on the sour. If it gets real bad, we'll see. We'll see where I'm at after level two. - So here's the level two strawberries. - Built in the duck. - Built in? - Built in. - More strawberries, cool. - It's gonna be strawberry, blueberry, cranberry, each. - Oh, okay. - I can't help but notice that this isn't nearly as juicy. - Aw. - You know I like 'em juicy. - They're sticky. - Okay. - Oh, good. - This looks like a, what is this, a mallard duck? - Yep. - Duck man? - Our first level two challenge, low two strawberry. - Smells good. - That's by us. That was sour. - Yeah. - Good job. - Whoo. - Goddamn. - That's guttin' there. - Oh. - Mm. - That is sour. That's really good. - That's very fucking sour. - But it is sour. This is about the level that Japanese warhead candies are. - Mm. I have really sour. - Taste you don't. - I need water. - Yeah, I'm gonna have to drink some blood orange water. - Very sour. - So the level two blueberry, Chelsea the crawfish. - If you wanna take these, what's in these packs back to? I've got another pack I can share with the kids. So if you wanna take what's blood to these to Henry? - Man, if you don't mind, that would roll. I mean, he would love these. He loves sour stuff. I can't help but notice that this level of blueberry is more plump. Are these blueberries? - Mm-hmm. - Yes. - Huh. - Oh, yeah. I haven't put my fingers in my mouth or anything. - All right. - I'm good. - Yeah. - All right, level two blueberry. - Yeah. - Oh, boy. Mm-hmm. That's just sour. - Yup. - Oh, fuck. - It tastes like static. (laughing) - Yeah, it tastes like static. - I didn't get as much sour from that one as I did for this strawberry, you know? - That's interesting. I think it's, I couldn't, okay, so I couldn't taste blueberry on level one. I definitely couldn't taste blueberry on level two. To me, that was just like sour. - No, I didn't get much-- - I didn't get much fruit there, yeah, just sour. - Fruit. - All right. - I'm seeing those butterflies too, right? - Yeah, yeah. But I always see them. (laughing) - I'm finally seeing them. - Gotta open your mind, man. (laughing) - Thank you, Quato. - This came from MK Ultra. (laughing) - So, jaw slicer the crocodile for level two cranberries. - Jaw slicer, huh? - Mm-hmm. - All right, I'm gonna get like three or four of these. - Man, this is like, just straight rolled and citric acid powder. All right, level two cranberries. - In your head. - That's a lot. That's a lot. That's sour. - I had nonsense but it used to be that sour. - A team in mine. - Took too much. All right. - Ooh. - That's good. - Still good. - Shawberries are still the best. Flavor wise, I feel like. - Level one, so far, strawberry has been my favorite. From an all around perspective. - It was a good, it was a great start. - Yeah, it really was. - Yeah. All right, level three. - I'm down. - I think I can go level three. - All right. - I hope. - The level three strawberry. Oh, juicy, juicy. - Oh, hell yeah. - Moo the mole. - Pocket the mole. - Pocket the mole? - Is it juicy enough that there's like liquid in the pouch? - Yeah. - Ooh, ooh, ooh, like these glisten. - Oh, shit, man. I'm saying I finished my kool-aid already. I'm gonna pour that in there. I'm gonna have to splort this out here. - Sports flort. - Oh my God, I can see how sour it is. - Yeah, these aren't jazzy as fuck, man. Holy shit. - All right, first level three. - Moo the mole. - Wow. Wow. - It's just granular, ugh. - Okay, I am not getting as much sour from this as I got from level two. - Really? - I feel like, I don't know, maybe I'm just numb to it now. It's sour, but maybe I'm just having a stroke or something. - Well, I think-- - Oh man, you know though, it kind of builds up a little bit. I think it's in your throat. - I think it's also one of those where I feel like, after one and two, I don't know. It's almost like the body is like-- - Like getting accustomed to it. Maybe we should have waited. Well, you know what, if level four comes in the mail or something, we'll be ready for level four. - Oh, there's level four and five. - Cold. - Hell yeah. - Damn. - Okay. - I see there's only one fruit or they just haven't, they're just showing you what the-- - They're just showing you that there's a level four to add a final boss. - The boss is only one boss. - It might just be one boss level four and one boss level five. - Okay. - All right, yeah. Epic level sour, level three blueberries with Connie the-- - I'm not sure exactly what they-- - Chameleon? - Oh, maybe a ferret or something? - Cannalingas monster. - Cannalingas monster. - Do you ever present Cannalingas monster? - All right. - Morning, there's been a Cannalingas monster sighting in the area. - Gird your loins. - These look like chocolate chips. - They do. - They do. - All right, level three. - What? - Wow. - These taste like a pool. - Yes, fuck yes. - This tastes like a pool. - Holy shit, you're right. - Like, I just-- - I'm chlorine. - Oh yeah, I just opened the door to the hotel pool. - It's a wonderful smell. - And breathed in through my mouth. - Ooh. - That was way more sour to me than this strawberry. - Yeah. - That one got me. - I still got a fruit texture. I mean, I just feel like in the strawberry level three, it was just like biting into like granulated sour sugar. - Uh-huh. - Okay. - Ooh boy. - Damn. - Hit me with that level three cranberry action. - All right, last one. - Tyler. - Level three epic sour. Clarissa the Fox. - Okay. - Isn't it weird that it started with like minotaur? And then now it's like wildlife? - Little wildlife friendly animals. - Is level five gonna be like Simon the snail? - Yeah. - Like, it's probably-- - Just seem a bit. - You're reading the walks backwards, Tyler. We started with the hardship. - All right, level three epic cranberries. - Not as well? - Okay, that's stinging. - Oh, the back end, oh god. - Uh-huh. - The back end is rough. - Front end was fine. They're like, oh, that's not so bad. - I know. - Yeah, yeah. - I'll get you there at the end. Ooh boy. That's really good. - Damn. Holy shit. - I'm having trouble speaking. - There we go, final boss, sour VIP kit. - That was fun. That was good shit, Tyler. - Yeah, dude, thanks, Tyler. - Now I can finally lick my fingers. Now that we're not digging through bags. - Thought. - Mm, these are good. Oh, thanks, man. - You guys want to take some calls? - Well, I do have two more things. - Or do you? - Or not. - Oh, shit, try not to have been sucking on my fingers. - I did, mate. Something brand new we've never done before. - Okay, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - I forgot you told me this earlier. I don't know what it is, but you mentioned that you had done something new. - So it's a semi-blind draft. You get to hear all the options first, but it is, build your own Italian meal. You have $15. - Okay. - $15 is spent a bit to choose appetizer, drink, side, main, and dessert, with options ranging from five down to one dollar. - Okay, should we write these down or? - It's probably a good idea. - I had my computer, so. - Oh, yeah, okay. - Good idea. - Yeah, my hands are sticky, so I'm thinking maybe that hand sanitizer will kill some of that. - That's definitely. Okay, it's again, $15. - Okay. - We'll start out with your appetizer. - All right. $5 here will get you a carbonara or ancini. - I know what carbonara is, but I don't know what the other word is. - It is an aroncini. I never knew what they were 'til Casey made them at work. So there are balls of fried cheesy rice. - Okay. - But also with, you know, pancetta and all the things of carbonara in it as well. - Okay. - Aroncinis are fucking amazing. - They sound amazing. - For $4, get you a fried ravioli. $3, Brusqueta. - $2, a caprese salad. $1, some olives. - Okay. - So where are you going there? - We got 15 total to spend. - 15 total to spend, so the blind draft will be that's-- - Oh, that's the blind part of it. - That's the blind part. Then we'll start all over with whatever you have left from this category going under your drink. - Okay, I've got mine selected. - I'm gonna go fried ravioli. I mean, I wanna, I'm sure that the carbonara, Aroncini is delicious. I would definitely like to try that, but I know what fried ravioli tastes like. It's before you even gave us the menu. That's what was on my mind. - Ah, okay. - So, yeah, fried ravioli, four bucks. - I do love me some fried ravioli, but I like with my, with an Italian meal, it doesn't feel right to me without a salad. - Okay. - So I'm gonna go with salad for my appetizer. - Caprese salad. - Caprese salad. - I do love a good caprese salad. - What is a caprese salad? - So it's the tomato mozzarella with the drizzle of the balsamic vinaigrette. - Okay, love a good drizzle. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, that's mine. - So you're drink next. - Okay. - Five dollars gets you an Italian soda of your choice. The, like, the San Pellegrinos. - Okay. - Four, a wine of your choice. Three dollars gets you fresca. Two dollars water. - Two dollar water. - Two dollar water. - Was it like bubbly? - Yeah. I didn't say so, yeah, it could be flatter or sparkling. And then one dollar gets you Beverly. - What's Beverly? - The worst thing you've ever fucking had. It is an Italian-apertif soda that I've only, you could only, it's discontinued in Italy. The only place you can get it is the Coke Museum. - I haven't heard you talk about Beverly, like, since we were recording in annex two. It's been, like, Nazi Coke era, 'cause I think the last time I heard you talk about Beverly. 'Cause it is, people line up to try Beverly because of how fucking awful it is. - It's the fucking producers of soda. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go with water on this one. - Water. - Even though it's two dollars. - I'm gonna save your money. - I'm gonna save my money and go with water. 'Cause I like to drink water with my meal. If it's not Coke, it's water. I like a Coke occasionally with my lunch, but most, it's either water or sweet, unsweet tea for me. - That's fair, that's why I generally go to, as well. - Fuck it, I'm going with Beverly. I never had it before. I'm gonna free up some money for some food later. Go on, Beverly. - Where'd you go? - Fried ravioli and Beverly. (laughing) Just don't pour more tea to me. (laughing) - There's still three more options here. - That's true. - There's still three more things to choose from. - That is true. - So your side. - Okay. - $5 gets you a risotto of your choice. - A foot long. - Okay. (laughing) - $4 gets you garlic bread. - Uh-huh. - $3, roasted asparagus. $2, lemon green beans. $1, white beans. - So I don't feel like a white bean would go good with Italian food. - That's more of a-- - That's like a kennelini white bean. - Oh, okay, I'm thinking of white beans. Like cornbread or ketchup on it. - It's a kennelini, Italian kennelini white beans. - I suppose white beans with cornbread and ketchup is the white trash-- - Hell yeah, willopon. - Hell yeah, love that shit. I was tempted on the garlic bread. That's $3. - $4. - $4 for the garlic bread. Well, I've been conservative, because if it wasn't, I had some greens with my salad. - You did. - And if it wasn't for that, I'd be going with the lemon green beans, 'cause I do like a green bean, and lemon green beans sound actually fucking delicious. - I think it's green bean almondine, 'cause it's like almonds and lemons. - Sounds really good. But green bean, Paula-dine, completely different, totally. But I do love bread. I love bread, and it's like one of my favorite things, and garlic bread with some Italian. It's kind of hard for me to say no to that. - Well, that's $4. - So $4 garlic bread for me. - Dave? - Yeah, it's $4 garlic bread for me. I mean, if I didn't get it, I'd be thinking about it the whole time. And like, I've got the Beverly for a reason. - Right, there you go, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - All right, so now we got your main, $5 gets you pasta carbonara. - Oh, yeah. - $4 gets you a margarita pizza. - That's good too. - $3 gets you kachio, kachio, a Pepe. - I don't know what that is. - What is that? - It is a, like a very, it's very simple, so it's like a big mound of twisted pasta that it's just, the ingredients are pasta, Parmesan cheese and pepper. Like a red pepper or like a black pepper. - Black pepper. - That sounds good actually. - It does sound good. - It's very good, it's very simple. - Okay. - And in the Parmesan, you mix enough pasta water and if the Parmesan becomes its own cream sauce in it. - And that's its whole thing. - What's the cost of that one? - $3. - And it's called what again? - Kachio, C-A-C-I-O-E-P-E. Kachio, a Pepe. And $2 gets you lasagna. $1 gets you spaghetti with clams. - I'm going for the carbonara pasta. - Now is carbonara pasta like sausage and pasta? What is that? - It's pancetta, I believe. Which is like a fatty like bacon. - Oh, okay, okay. You get some peas in there. Lasagna. - Lasagna? - Out of all those things you named, I love lasagna. The one that you said, the Kachio, Pepe, or whatever. - That sounds really good. - Really good, I'd love to try that sometime. But for this meal, I was hoping you'd say lasagna. - Yeah. - There you go. - And so we're having lasagna. - Garfield sighting in the area. (laughs) - All right, so last, well, how much money you guys have left for the last component? - Don't you worry about it. I have just as much as I need for dessert. (laughs) - So $5 gets you gelato of your choice. $4 gets you tiramisu. $3 gets you zabaglione. - What's zabaglione? - It's like a fruit and custard, a very creamy fruit and custard dish. - Okay. - $2 a cannoli. And $1 my most hated Italian dessert, biscotti. I think biscotti's fucking gross as shit. - It is gross, especially like it's so almondy. - It's too. - Well, I don't like tiramisu. I don't like the texture of it. This just freaks me out for some reason. - What was the first one? - Gelato. - Gelato's good, but man, I'm kinda not, I don't like it to finish off a big, a big, sleepy Italian meal. - Right. - I've been working on some shaved ice is what I want. - Shaved ice should be a good finish. - Like some lemon ice. - But I'm already in it to win it at this point, you know? I like, this meal has been crafted perfectly for me. I gotta finish off with a cannoli. - Okay. - For $2, right? - $2. - That's all good stuff. - I can bet a man a simple taste. - Was it cannoli's and been wilder? - I think so. - I've had these. (laughing) - That's such a fucking, like there's no seat in the movie that is like equal parts, hilarious and disgusting. Like, I mean, it's shot so well. - They're still warm. - It's so well. I mean, it's just like, it's, yeah, it's great. - I have $1 left. I'm gonna get the biscotti, which is fine. 'Cause I normally skip deserting. I like, I wouldn't say I like biscotti. I don't have a problem, biscotti. I normally skip desert anyway. I'm there for the main, I'm there for the main course. - There we go. - Hi, I spent 12. I've got $3 to tip my way. - There we go. - I was a cheap date tonight on the food, $15 meal. I like that one. - Well, you could get, could you get an extra helping or something? - Probably, I have $3. - You can try that, cut you away from that bag. - You have that cut you away from that bag. - Yeah, exactly. - And a little bow. - Or, hear me out, three bottles of Beverly. (laughing) - I could have one bottle of Beverly and another cannoli. - That is true. - And water, and wash it all down. (laughing) - So I did add serial killers to the draft. So I've got 10 spots of musicians you could take in a fight and serial killers. We can save those, we can take some calls. - I'm down for whatever, man. - I'll tell you what, let's save it and do some calls. - Okay. - We don't have, we're probably gonna. - Wrap up for too long. - Yeah, we're not going too much longer. I think several calls and we'll be good to go. Is that cool with everybody? - Yeah, man. - 'Cause we haven't done any calls in a while and I want to make sure that we're keeping up with that. 270-883-255-55. - Call us. - Anytime. - The lines are open. - Operators are standing by. - And now I'm hearing us through the headphones for the first time in several months. - Feels like the first time. - Feels like the first time. - All right. - I think we left off with Brewpounder. He had left several messages for us. We didn't have time to get to his last one and that is gonna be this one right now. - Motherfucking catalog. Here, VR boy, Brewpounder. I'm listening to 717, raw, all the raw calls and Ian brings up the fact about me getting poison ivy all over my face and telling me to watch out for poison ivy. Thank you. - I will from now on. - That sucked. - But, so I'm sitting here playing Diablo 4. Fucking storm druid. - Oh, I'm sorry. - Where we'll all day long, baby. - Yeah, we'll, but, so 10 poison ivy, all over the face guys, right? Boom, all up in my eyes, all up in my fucking hairline. - Hell yeah. - Fucking sucks. I didn't have poison ivy anywhere else. I'm like, how the fuck did I get it? All in my sunglasses, like it's perfect shape of my sunglasses, right? So, it's a fucking mystery, right? So I clean off my sunglasses, they get fucked up, stripped out the polarization lenses out of them, that fucking sucked, but shady rays do shout out, they replace them, fucking free, they're fucking balling. - These are promo code. - All of a sudden, like, I'm sitting there, and then one day I don't work, and I'm sitting there, and I'm like, fuck me, and I'm horny as hell. I'm just-- - Hell yeah. - Hell yeah. - So, like, you know, wife left me, fucking no girlfriend, no tender bitches right now, and I got my face all fucked up from a poison ivy, so I'm not going out to the park, you know what I'm saying? - Do you want to go? - Going out to the park to what? - Yeah, they made glory holes for that. I mean, it might be a guy sucking your dick, if you're okay with that, I mean. - I am. - The mystery's half the fun. - That's part of the fun. - Just like with our final boss, Sauer. - Yeah, level five, level five monsters, glory hole worm. (laughing) - If I go home, fucking fire from porn, fucking just sitting there. - Hell yeah. - I'm like, hell yeah, I'm about to, and I'm sitting there with all my dick, and I'm like, holy shit, my dick is huge. Like, I'm talking about, like, fucking double the girth. - It's the first time you've seen it. - It's not much in the way, but you know, I wasn't hurting there anyways, so I'm just like, fucking, I'm looking at it, and I'm like, oh, why is that fucking red? And I'm just sitting there, and I'm like, look at it. - I'm a dog now. (laughing) I'm turning into a dog. (laughing) And I'm like, you're in fucking itches. All of a sudden, dude, I fucking, perfect grip of like, where I grab my dick to take a piss is just poisonizing blisters. And I start immediately, lizard brain, grab my phone, fucking Google Glass, and it's just like, herpes, dog, that's herpes, and blisters are herpes, and I'm like, Google Glass, but you know, fuck you, do me like this, Google. And then I'm sitting there, and I'm like, oh, yeah, it's probably poisonizing, 'cause now it's like, all over my-- - It also could be herpes. - Legs, and then also all over my arms. So that fucking fuck. - That's a real bad case of herpes, it sounds like-- - Father's Day, it's almost Father's Day, to all three of you fucking glorious mother fucking fathers. So yeah, Fuck Mary Kill, Father's Day, Mother's Day, or Martin Luther King Day. That's probably gonna be problematic 'cause I'm pointing out about it before. So yeah, Fuck Mary Kill, love you, bye. - All right, I'm gonna sorry kill Martin Luther King Junior Day because I never get off work for that. - Okay, yeah. - Never, I've never worked a job where we're like, we're cool, and you get Martin Luther King Junior Day off. - Right, right. - Never, never. So Mother's Day and Father's Day, those are typically on Sundays, right? Always. - Yep, yep, yep. - Oh, Mary Mother's Day, because Mother's Day is better than Father's Day, because Father's Day, for me, like no offense to my family, but Father's Day, always a huge disappointment. It's kind of one of those where it's like, well, this is just a regular Sunday 'cause I got it pretty good, I guess, what I'm trying to say, it's like-- - Yeah, I get it. - It's a chill on Sundays, typically. So Father's Day is one of those where it's like, you know, Nick, you'd be like, well, would you like to eat? And I'd be like, you know, just whatever we normally have on Sunday 'cause it's Sunday. But it's still nice, it's still nice. So I'll marry Mother's Day off, you know, I'll fuck Father's Day. Mother's Day's so much better. - Well, I'm kind of in the same mindset as you Dave, for all three answers. Martin Luther King Day is not for me. It's not for me in any way, other than I respect the man and what he did. And I can do that, but that holiday is not for me. It's for my African-American friends and listen, my neighborhood lights up on Martin Luther King Day. We get a lot of, they get out, they have parties and they have a karaoke machine down the street and they get, I've been walking the dog past the party house that I'm talking about. And I think they're like my age or like, you know, in middle age, not like young people partying 'cause they're playing like old soul music and stuff and doing bad karaoke and it's amazing. And at one time I was walking past there and they were like, yeah, come over. You know, they invited me to come over. I had my dog and I couldn't. I mean, she would have pissed in their floor and freaked out on everybody. Dogs are a lot of cool that they were having a great time and they invited me to their party. But again, that's not for me. I like Mother's Day better. Mother's Day's so much better. It's, first of all, the time of year that Mother's Day happens, it's more in the spring, which is a nice, you know, I like spring weather and it's just a nice kind of like Easter. It kind of ushers in, helps us your in spring. And Father's Day's in the summer, which is fine, but again, I'm with you. Sundays are kind of lazy days. I might help her clean around the house a little bit and I'll, I still do the dishes, even though it's Father's Day, not because she doesn't, she'll say, I'll do those, it's Father's Day, I'll do those. Like, nah, fuck it, I'll do it, I don't care. Isn't it weird? Okay, so because you bring that up, it's odd to me 'cause I do the same shit. I'm a lazy piece of shit, most of the times, but for whatever reason, on Father's Day, I get this thing where it's like, no, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna help now. - Yeah, no, no, I don't. - I get that, you're like, I'm the Father, I want to be useful and helpful today. - Yeah, you guys are being too nice to me. I better like, I don't know. - I need to do something here, yeah. - No, my man, I'm gonna be taking out the trash. (laughing) - Tyler. Let's see, I'm gonna marry Martin Luther King Day, grown by Marshall County, I owe it reparations. - Yeah, that's fair enough, that's a good point. - We used to, we went to school on Martin Luther King Day so we could be off on Tater Day until they got in trouble. - Yeah, that's fucked up. - Yeah, that's fucked up. - Yep, fucked up. - I feel like when I was-- - Especially given the general theme at Tater Day. - Yep, 100%. - Like the polar opposite of Martin Luther King Day. And then Mother's Day and Father's Day, I'm gonna line him up and use my kill to kill him both. Just one swook, kill Mother's Day and Father's Day. I think they're shitty obligation holidays where no one's very happy with what you have to do or get, if you wanna go out to eat, it's super slam and they're a limited menu and the food always fucking sucks. - But that's if you go to a good restaurant. - Yeah. - If your mom is always like, I want Olive Garden, and you're like, all right. - That is consistent. - But it isn't gonna be business. - I know exactly what to expect. - But it is gonna be business. - But it's not, I mean, I don't know, it's-- - All right, mom, you got $15. - Yeah, happy mother's Day, you're $15. - As evidenced by me not knowing what 80% of these are, Olive Garden probably doesn't have one. (laughing) - There's your Beverly, happy mother's Day. - Aw shit, man. There's your Tvilla Beverly. Darden family restaurants, right? They're like, fuck, we got Rigor Red Lobster so we can make a roof of Beverly. We got Beverly Stations, we got freestyle Beverly machines. It's all in every Olive Garden. (laughing) - Do you have vanilla Beverly? Chocolate Beverly, we got Beetlejuice tie-in Beverly. (laughing) You guys see, I meant to bring the fucking ad. I got an ad in the newspaper for pizza and then you see the fucking Beetlejuice pizza. (laughing) - No, but I'm gonna be looking. - Oh my God, I have a photo on my phone actually. I think I can share it. Oh my God, I saw this and I was like, oh my God, I have to show you guys. It has like official Beetlejuice logo on it. I'm like, I don't know pizza and if you made this deal with the film production or not, probably not. - I love when I was looking up, they're talking about Beverly on like a co-op museum TikTok. The comments were like, we want Melort and Beverly. - Oh my God, Melort and Beverly, holy shit. Like mixed together. - Yeah. - Oh man, what a cocktail. Oh my God. - The sandworm pizza dessert. - Yeah. (laughing) - Cute. - I saw that. - Honey, honey, you barely touched your beat. - Beetlejuice brand sandworm dessert. (laughing) - Look at that. - Oh my God. (laughing) - Fuckin' fuck. (laughing) - Show note, it's a bad boy I got on. - There's no hate like Christian love and the Beetlejuice pizza, pizza and pizza. (laughing) - Jesus, okay. Well you notice they call it this sandworm dessert so that they don't infringe on a copyright. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. I think, yeah, check it out. Bottom, at least this is, I took a photograph of the ad. Check out the bottom left. - Oh, there's a Beetlejuice logo. - It's a Beetlejuice logo. - Yeah, only for a limited time and only at pizza end. (laughing) It's show time at pizza end. (laughing) - Oh my God, it's a neon green. It looks like, if it didn't pan out with Beetlejuice, I feel like pizza end could've made a deal with 1990s Nickelodeon and done this like the Gack pizza. - Yes. Oh man. Okay. - It's fucking so bad. - It's your macaroni and doom out of doomy's trunk here at pizza end. (laughing) - I guess they're gummy worms, but they look like fucking roaches. - They're like roaches, I mean, that's awful. - That's awful. - It looks like a fear factor thing. - It does, it's not like a fear factor thing. And then Joe Rogan came on it just a little bit. (laughing) They mixed it in real good, so you won't hardly notice. - Yeah, it's like Russian roulette. One of these slices has semen on it. - But it's Joe Rogan's semen. - That either makes it worse or better. - Yeah, depending on the good thing. - Yeah, you feel it. - You're a preference. - Otherwise, it was the right Beetlejuice. Joe Rogan. (laughing) - All right. Thanks for that call, Brew Pounder. - Yes, thank you. - I don't think there's a lot of-- - Herp Pounder. - Herp Pounder. - Next call, June 26, 2023. We're still more than a year behind, if that makes you guys feel better. - Hell yeah. - Hey, chat blog, Connor. - Hi, Connor. - I've been finally got off my ass and started to read Wheel of Time. - Hell yeah! - Very good. I've read all the first four so far. - Yeah. - And it only took me about, it takes me about three or four days to get through a book, so. They're about to get good and then get bad and then get good again. (laughing) - I finished it. Thanks for the recommendation, Tyler. Bye. - Good for you. - Thank you, Connor. - And by now, Connor's probably finished them all. - He's definitely finished them all. - He's doing them in three or four days. - Wait, was that Connor or was that, was that Connor? Connor. Connor? That sounded like Connor to me. - It was, it's, maybe it was Connor. I heard Connor. - I heard Connor too, and there was, there's no mention of what's her name from Doki Doki Lips, I'll probably not, - Well, hang on, let's see. Connor, if we, if this is you, I'm sorry. I heard Connor, and I think I'm reading the transcript to it, it does say Connor, and I'm thinking maybe I'll try to post. - Yeah. - Yeah. Let me play a little bit of that call again. - It sounded to me, it sounded like Connor. - Hey, chat blog, Connor. - Yeah, sorry, Connor. - Oh, okay. - Connor, we got off my ass. - Okay. - Okay, now I hear it. - I hear it now too. - Sorry about that, Connor. I've transposed your name wrong into Connor, and it was, we thought it was some rando named Connor. Like, hey, bud, the, good to see you again. Thanks for the call. - Yes. - Good call, Dave. - Oh boy. Guess what? - 146. - 146. - 146. - Wait, do we get a call from a numbers station? - No, we're the power company still. - Ah! - Ah! - But I forgot, I don't want to have to go back in. - Right, and edit that. - Yeah. - We got another power company call out of, it says the address out of power. Thank you. I think I probably got that right. Pretty close. - You nailed the accent, for sure. - See if I can get to the end of the call. If I have to edit it, I will. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - You're welcome. - That was nice, that was pleasant. Thanks, Connor. - I want to sound bored of that. (laughing) - Thank you. - Thank you. - All right, some of you may recognize this caller from previous calls. - I said my power's out, damn it. (laughing) Thank you. - Thank you. - We'll talk to that, Paul. - Just people love it, Adam. - Love it, Adam. Love it, Adam. - I call on a very happy day with a very sad reason. - Uh-oh. - Today, July 10th. - My wife's birthday. - My birthday. - Wait, wait. - Hey, wait. - Are you married, Adam? - I am married, Adam. - Oh, God. - Why did you tell us this? - We were married for-- - Rob, are you gonna be so upset? - Yeah, we've been married for 32 years. - Yeah, I won't tell Rob. (laughing) - I think I don't know if I've mentioned this before. Maybe it's, it's surely it's come up. - No, I don't think it has, this is-- - Tanya and beloved Adam share a birthday, July 10th. - Hey, but I know the under shadow of the doubt but I did not call Tyler on July the tooth to wish him a happy birthday. - No, he didn't, he didn't. - I've known that since July the third and have not called to apologize 'cause I'm just upset of myself. - Or you're just trying to use this as an excuse to point out the fact that it's your birthday. - Ah! - See, Adam, we know that you're making this a day. - Ah, he knows the tricks of a July 10th, baby. (laughing) All too well for Adam. - I have a reminder in my phone. You have made my phone, both of you, Tyler and Dave. Ian, I don't know your birthday. - I'm not gonna tell you. - I'll put it in my phone, but you're in my phone under my birthday's calendar. I'm with the guy. - My birthday is exactly one month after your birthday, beloved Adam, exactly one month after your birthday. - I don't put anything in my phone. I have no idea when I'm supposed to be doing what but I have birthdays in my phone and if I was reminded the day before and the day of Tyler's birthday, and for some reason, I just didn't do anything with it. (laughing) But I can tell you this. One of the nights of July, or maybe June, someone mentioned in a Twitch chat that I was in that their birthday was coming up on July 2nd. And I immediately typed July the tooth. And he said, I don't know what that means. (laughing) I have a friend named Tyler whose birthday is on July 2nd and he calls it July the tooth. This is before your birthday. So there is physical evidence in the world that I remembered that your birthday was coming up. There's just no audio message. - If anybody recalls that birthday, it's due to that. - I'll find that for you. I'll agree on that. - And I'll send it to you on Discord or Instagram or something. But man, I just gotta let you know, I'm so sorry that I didn't call on the second. I feel terrible about it. I should've called and I forgot. And I want you to know that I didn't forget about you and I hadn't forgot about your birthday. I'm sitting here at the beach drinking coffee, thinking about you on my birthday. And just want you to know, I'm gonna do my best to not let that happen again. I forgot Dave last year or the year before, or whenever I forgot, and I had never heard the end of it. - Aren't these calls every year old? - I made a goal in my mind to not forget. And here we are, boys. - He forgot again. (laughing) - Well, I mean, there might be a call from July this year. - But here we are. And I'm gonna find that you just leave. - We'll get there. - I hope you forgive me. And I love you guys so very much. I hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to the next 39 years with you guys in my life. Have a great one today and I'll call soon. Love you, bye. - Happy birthday. - Happy birthday. - Happy birthday, Adam. That call started with the same energy as I did not have sexual relations with that woman. It was like he was channeling Bill Clinton at the beginning of that call. - It depends what the definition of is, is. (laughing) - Slick Willie. Tyler, I like to do things my way. July the 2nd. - Oh shit. - 2024. - What's up, Pat Paul? It is your beloved Adam. I have not called in a while because this is the first time I've heard the new voicemail with Ian, whose tongue sounds a little frozen, but it was a joy to hear an actual-- - That's kinda like his monster. - Ian, Ian. - Ian again. And man, chef's kiss, if you can hear this, chef's kiss. And listen, I could talk about Ian all day. And maybe I'll call back one day and then do such. But today, today is July the 2th. And today is about Tyler Hollen. - He fucking did it. - He remembered. - He fucking did it. - And if it's all you and we do. - He's son of a crazy son of a bitch. (laughing) - I do turn the big 4-0 in just a few days. - It's over, dude. - It's over, dude. Sorry. - Sorry. - In this with you and wanted to let you know that man, you are so loved. We, as a community, as a family, as a friend, loved you to death, we're so grateful for you. It's been a wild journey over the last eight to nine years. I think that I've been a part of this community to see just everything that has transpired in your life transpired to the point that it is right now. And I know some of the things that you've gone through have not been at the top of your list of things that you would ever want to go through. But, man, you've walked through them with excellence and grace and strength and humility. And it's been such a joy to even watch from afar just a peek into just your life as a man and a dude, as a father, as a husband, as a friend, as a host. And, man, what a joy. It's been a gift for each of us. And so, man, just keep going for it, man. You are just an amazing picture of what it looks like for someone to just get after, everything that they're after in their life, if that makes sense. I'm inspired by you. I'm encouraged by you. I look up to you. And if I lived there, I would look out for you because we would be the best of friends, along with Ian and Dave, no less. But, man, happy birthday. I just wanted to call you and just tell you that I love you and I'm thinking about you all day. And, man, I hope it's been a great day. And just know that you are a gift to each of us. I love you, man. Bye. - That was probably the best non-wife birthday message I had ever received in my life. - I was about to say that man wants to make love to you. - Yeah. - You just got rizzed up. - And he can. - There you go. Beloved Adam. There's your invitation. That was Adam, that was incredibly hard-filled, incredibly touching. Thank you very, very much. God damn. - All right, I'm gonna move past a couple. - Jacob York could learn to run pros from you, my friend. - That was very, very nice. I'm gonna drop back again, back to July, 2023. And here we go. - Hi, guys. It's huge for you to call him. - Who? - You got it, excuse me. - What? - Juiced wiener. - But I want to... - Somebody complain of the voice you know like, I wanna say it was Adam, that... - Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. That's my fault. - Was this supposed to go to the power company? - So, amen, it's Juiced wiener. Hell yeah, Juiced wiener. - Hell yeah. - I gotta run that guy. - I love him. I love him. I love him when wiener gets juiced. It's the best. It's honestly. Sometimes I live down my wiener juice. I'm like, you know what? I can make it through one more day. If I know my wiener's gonna get juiced tomorrow. (laughing) I can hold on. - All wiener's will be juiced tomorrow. (laughing) Free beer tomorrow. (laughing) I love the sign that says free beer tomorrow. So all wiener's will be juiced tomorrow. - I love it. - I'm gonna have that sign made. - Right after the shitty Beatles. (laughing) - Yeah, put it up in here. I'm gonna start that call over 'cause I accidentally clicked on something while it was playing and it cut it off. So let's see if we can figure out who this is. - Okay. - Hi, guys. It's a serious way of calling. You gotta, you gotta, excuse me. (indistinct) But I wanna, I wanna just mention one thing. If somebody's complaining about the voice I like, I wanna say it was Adam. That the transitions, you tell us when you're doing the transitions that it feels like just, you know, you don't really need to do that. So I actually disagree. That was the complaint. I think it's very helpful. Yes, it gives you segment, but it reminds me. These guys gotta pee. They gotta take a poop. - Yeah. - For the human, just like me. And I feel like I forget otherwise. So to me, it adds a human touch to the overall experience that you provided this. So I keep it off 'cause I actually think it's very helpful. And I love it, bye. - I don't know who that was, but he sounded a lot like Vince Vaughn to me. - Yeah, I could see that. - I think it was Vince Vaughn. - Fuck yeah. - Thanks Vince. - Thank you. - I'm sorry, whoever that was. We could not hear your name. - Very sweet message. We love you. - Yeah, very nice. - I wish you know who you were. - Yeah, it was nice. - And I appreciate the appreciation of the bumpers that have been slaving over up until the last several episodes where there haven't been any. - And speaking of having to pee, I'm gonna do that. - Okay. - Yeah. - I'll be back. - Okay. - I hope so. - Yeah, I'll be back. - Here, squeal out. (laughing) - Here is radio boom, boom, boom, boom, fade away. I'm glad you like the bumpers. I like doing them, but lately I haven't done as many because we've just had some turnaround issues. - Yeah, yeah. - Sometimes when we're on a roll, we don't wanna stop. We may do a quick pause for the cause and then jump right back in and not like have a segue, so to speak, but I'm glad you like 'em and the irony is there isn't one in this episode either, but we're gonna do some of that probably more soon. So, thanks. Do you want me to play a call? You want me to wait for him? - Oh, we'll just wait for him. - Yeah. - And we're probably just private after that, honestly. - Yeah, hold on. We'll be right back after this quick pause. - And after these quick, new messages. - We'll be right, man. All right, y'all thought I was gonna do a bumper just then because I was talking about how I haven't done any bumpers in a while, but you're wrong. I'm not doing a bumper this episode 'cause we gotta go. Tyler's ready to rap and-- - I couldn't wait. - No, it was a good prompt to be like, I do need to go get Jack. - Juice Tweeners said, "Talk about like P," and I was like, "Oh shit, I got a P real bad now." - Well, we are gonna go ahead and rap. We'll do some more calls soon. Now that we've got the internet working in here today. - Hell yeah. - So that's a little bit easier to do now. We've got all the stuff. We'll do it. We'll do some more calls. Try to tack some on to the end of a regular episode or something. - Let's talk about Wednesday. Let's talk about our next episode. - You're right, right, right, right, yeah. - So soldier of fortune, Ian, you brought that up. That has been on my list for a long time. - Soldiers of fortune. - Soldiers of fortune. Just because-- - You yankied it up. Instead of adding an S, you removed an S, so they do a new word. - I anti-aldies it. - Yeah. - Kroger's Aldies. - Walmart. - So that, 'cause yeah, I had that one weird episode, one, my parents never brought me gaming magazines. They helped me like one, and soldier of fortune had to walk through the back of it, so I always wanted to play it. But my thought, 'cause soldier of fortune, I think might be a good game, so I don't know how much time to sink into it. This one I know is shitty and wouldn't require a lot. - Okay. - Which is Michael Jordan, chaos in the living city. - Oh my God, dude. - Oh, man, that game, all right, I mean, whatever. I mean, I mean, 30 minutes and we're done. - Whatever. I mean, I could say the same for soldiers of fortune. I mean, I get what you're saying, but I mean like, realistically, how much time are we gonna spend with any game? - Fair. - But Michael Jordan, chaos in the living city, I'm fine with that. - Oh, soldier of fortune, I'm good with that too. - I'm fine with either, but chaos in the living city is real bad. (laughing) I was trying to help when I was like, 'cause I did a search for like, hidden gems. I feel like we've been on a string recently. - I've heard a ship fast, you're right. - But that's okay. I mean, maybe we watched space jam, you can watch that. (laughing) - Well, we don't have to do a movie for this one either. - I know, I know, but I'm just saying, this gives me an excuse to watch space jam. - I hate that movie. - I've heard it's, I've heard that he in particular is horrible, you know, because he's not a good actor. - So off to get space jam so many fucking times. - Yeah, so have I. It gauges us into it real big. - Sure. - This just wasn't. - I mean, it's up to you then. - And I love the love of limited. - The soldiers of fortune or chaos in the windy city. - Soldiers of fortune. - Okay. - Sounds good, let's do it. - But since we're not watching a movie, unless you wanna watch a movie, we can figure out a movie that goes with soldiers of fortune. We can, but I'm down to do that, 'cause it does sound, it does look fun. I love those top down type shooter type games, like 19, 22, 19, 19. - I'm happy to do that. It's one of my lists for a long time. So yeah, I'm good. - Cool, okay. Then we talked about the possibility of doing another special movie game combo, following that. Should I spoil it now or save it? - Let's tease it. - Let's tease it. - Yeah, tease it out. - Next week, I'll tell you what the following movie slash game combo is gonna be. And then the next one. We've actually got a plan, people. - It's weird. Well, we stick to it, nobody knows. But we have a plan. - We do have a plan. And we're gonna make it all the way, got a plan to make it all the way through October. - Hell yeah. - Hell yeah. So, okay. - All right, thanks for listening, everybody. Find the show on iTunes, not SoundCloud, not Stitcher, but on Spotify, YouTube, all over the goddamn place. - Hell yeah. - Lots going on, but most importantly, we got that Patreon. - We do, and before I get into the list, we had a nice comment from one of our Patreon donors. - The mayor of Soso. - The mayor of Soso, which, is it somehow tied with Led Zeppelin? Soso, Soso? - My grandmother-- - Or is it like Soso? - Like Soso, it's Soso. I think it's a reference to a long time ago on the show, I talked about, we would take these trips to my grandmother's house. She lived in Soso, Mississippi, which had a population of like, literally, I think 50. I mean, it's like super small. Or maybe that's just very, maybe that's my self-absorbed perception. - Or maybe this is actually the mayor of the small town of Soso. - I let us know, I hope so. - I hope so too, Soso. I hope so, Soso. - It's like Pig Latin. - It is. The mayor of Soso sent us a message on Patreon. We rarely get messages on Patreon, and he writes-- - I just share the good ones with you guys. - Hello gents, fucking love what you do. My favorite pod. This damn life can be a meat grinder, and your weekly show has consistently eased the grind. I have a show recommendation that I hope will bring you three as much joy as you have given me. It's called Mr. In Between. - Which I haven't checked out yet, but I will. I'll check it out. - He says, check it out. And so thank you for the wonderful, nice message, yup mayor of Soso, that's very cool, that you enjoy our show as much as we enjoyed doing it. So thank you for that. - So this is the part of the show where I ask for money. I generally say something like money, please, and then tell you that you could go to if you'd like to donate to the show, but I'm not gonna do that today. - Okay. - Because then I'd get into the part where it's like for $1, you could have access to all of our bonus content, including the Dark Tower Book Club, which the most recent episode just dropped, which is where we talk about the movie, The Dark Tower, which is an awesome, funny, hilarious episode. - Give us a lot of fun to record. - We had a lot of fun with that one, but you're not gonna want that, so don't worry about it. It's don't give us a dollar, or 20, like our executive producers do. $20 or more per month gets you a title of executive producer, and I'm gonna read the list of our generous executive producers right now, starting with Cubicle Monkey, Gamebug Prime, Nathan Eaton, Pimball Airplane Archmage, Chris Edler, sorry you couldn't be on this episode, Derek Pope Sandwich, Cuthusius Jeff Miners, congratulations on your marriage, Dreeks Smith, Joey Webster, Sandwich Pope, Phil Hawkins, Louisville Correspondent, Princess Consuela, Benanna Hammack. - I have a track. - Taryn Doll, and Canadian Turbo Nerd Thomas, thank you so much for all your generosity. Thanks to all of our donors for your generosity. It's really great that you throw a little money our way in this shitty, overly expensive economy. It's tough right now, and it means a lot that you would give us money. Also thanks to Dane for putting our show up on YouTube every month, and that's what I got. That's the business, that's the old business part of the show. - Okay. - Done. - Now for the new business. - Now for new business. - Nah, not till next week. (laughing) - I love that joke. - Let's see, our theme song is "Moved", I think we're driving to that track. Found the chance to have How you guys wanna close it out? - As three people who just ate a bunch of super sour stuff. - All right. So until next time. - My pee smelled funny just now. I don't know if you guys are gonna experience that or not. - You need me to buy the Roast of Disparagus for your side. - I know. - You need the sour asparagus bibs. - Yeah. - Oh God. (laughing) - Cat Pogg is hosted and produced by Tyler Holland, Dave Moore and Ian Chandler. New episodes publish Wednesdays each week and are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, anywhere else podcasts are hosted. Have a question or comment for the hosts? Call us at 270-883-255-5 and leave us a voicemail. If we like it, we'll play it on the show and respond. Want to send us something? You can do that at Tadpogg Studios, Carav Nicole Nance, PO Box 3785, Paducah, Kentucky 4202. If you absolutely must send us a food item, please use caution and good judgment when doing so. Tasty snacks that look or smell funky or are past their expiration date by the time we get to them, we'll be thrown away. Bonus content is available at with a minimum donation of $1 per month. You can join in on the conversation about visiting our Discord at Registration is free and we'd love to see there. Thanks for listening and if you haven't already, don't forget to subscribe to our show so you don't miss an episode. Now, where did I put that stinger? Oh, here it is. What do we do? - You mean find a reading? - If you want. I don't have anything, we just started this evening, so I don't have anything. Have you guys seen the cut of Macho Man Randy Savage like where it's just his, this is a nail? - Yes, I have seen that, it's so good. - Have you just like grabbed the audio from that and make that the stinger? - Hey, I like that, yeah. - The next guy, Pilgrimob, will make a Miller sniff cut. - Oh, I thought you were gonna say Randy Savage is gonna be in it, and that's like how he communicates. You have to have an inhaling language. - I'll cut it, I'll find the audio and put that in. - Okay, cool. - Gotcha. (heavy breathing) - There's enough to get me to the boiling point.