Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now 595: Joker Folie รก Deux

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
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We are now reporting and this is out now with Aaron and Abe. I am Aaron and as always this is Abe hello. How are you Aaron? I'm doing you know what I'm doing pretty well I play I played 38 holes a minute of disc golf yesterday. Now is that a game and a half two games? It's two games plus two holes because the course I was on has an extra hole. Okay, so yeah, I played two rounds in a row and given that like my shoulder like went out a year ago and I've been kind of working my way back and it felt really good yesterday. I was playing and I just like didn't want to stop. So it had a good game. Okay. How are you doing? How are you doing? I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. It has been too hot in Bay Area. It's been had some triple digits but also in the high 90s. Not very common and I hate it. Switching for October. It's crazy. He's a can we still call them Indian summers like that doesn't seem like it's a thing we can. What do we call? What do you replace that with? We replace it with just like the worst summers ever recorded for a time. Climate change is real summers endless summers. Hey, there you go, but that makes it sound more romanticized. Yeah. And like I'm wearing like names complaining because it's hot. That's the that's the crux. It's true. Out now as a film podcast or even more weather more weather. Even I discussed new movies weekly. We dig into fill be a bonus for your review. They killed a commentary tracker. Some other movie topic. This is episode 594, 594, 594 really close to 600. We've talked about it already. We're getting there. And this week we are talking Joker colon fully ado. One of the more obnoxious titles of the year for a movie that we definitely all saw joining us to discuss Joker Folly Adoo. We have from movies, films and flicks and deep blue sea. The podcast. He might just have a joke for us today. It's Mark Hoffmeyer. I found the like longest staircase I could in the Atlanta area. And I'm just going to be recording from there. I'm doing kicks right now while walking down. If you hear me rolling. It's fine. No, it's not fine because I'm not John Wick. It's going to really hurt. But yeah, I just want to go method for this episode. So a lot of kicks, a lot of arms out putting my head back staircase dancing and talking. I love it. Especially like the head back part, you know, that's like it's a lot of times that he does that in the soon be. Let's just move. Yeah, I know. Like remember, like, is this really what we're doing? And knocked up. They're like, well, he keeps doing the dice. Like he's got to stop doing the nice thing. That's all he's got though. That's all he's got. So I think that's all he's got is the head thing. Yeah. Like, I don't I don't even have one thing. So I would like like endless summer, I would ride that wave until like, you know, the head tilt fell off. The head lean. What is it? It's not a head tilt. Is he always told in the backwards? Yeah. I don't know what it does only his bag of tricks is pretty limited. It seems. Yes. Yes. He does go for the for being a joker at all, but Jack Nicholson probably has better moves than he does. Oh, one out of first. I guarantee Jack Nicholson has better. I mean, like we should really rag the joke, the joker dances. Yeah. Well, for first off, I think Caesar, a barrel probably comes number one. Oh, yeah. Just we've had it out Jared Little's got that rock star thing going. So he's probably like got some moves he can pull as if they're good moves necessarily. Yeah. Well, he's got the blade smile. So, you know, Jack, Jack's, Jack's obviously got plenty of moves. So that's for sure. Yeah. Mark Campbell's got moves to guys. Let's not forget this. He can deacon the. I forgot. Yeah. I keep forgetting Mark Campbell because he's like pretty, he's been joker longer than anybody. He's very prominent as joker in like all the series and games. I don't think leto dances. Nah. Have you guys ever seen leto dance? He's he's on like fucking TikTok all the time and stuff. Of course he does dances. Yes. Like in his movies, no, no, he's not right. He's not stationary and he's not doing it in the movie so much because he's so serious. He's a serious guy. A record. He's serious, you know, but but but but again, he is a rock star. Like I know he has to be able to like pull some stuff out if he needs to. Yeah. And again, he's on socials, a weird amount like in other people's socials. He's like, like he appears to have like a lot of influencers, socials and like for one thing, stop scrolling to this shit. Also, get out of here, Jared leto. I don't even get away from these 20 year olds. What are we talking about? What is it? Is he like a EDM guy? Is he like a slipknot guy? Is he like a Leonard Cohen guy? Like, I think we've established a joker joker is a rat pack guy. I think that's made clear by this movie. Yeah, a lot of covers, a lot of covers, especially traditional jokers. They dress, you know, they wear nice suits. They have an old school clown sensibility to go offset their murders. They're they're they're listening to the old classics. That's that's that's that's. Joker listen to Prince in Batman, because Jack Nicholson wants to be hip, you know, I get it like, but he's still coming from an older time. I mean, look at it. He was working with. What's his face? Jack palance Jack palance. Yeah, you know, that's an old school gangster, but he's also like, hey, we're going in the new generation guys. We got to do this. Do you think you ever find out where you the joker nurse or curly's gold is two things. First off, absolutely. So we have a twin. I don't do it. I don't do it. Jack very often. But I think that was pretty not bad. Does he? Does he have the talent should have come back in the sequel as a twin? That's not you. So funny. Yeah. Okay, it was a real disservice to the flash movie, Jack palance and flashbacks parts. I'm like, I would have traded in Nick Cage in the flash to see Jack palance appear in the, that would be a problem. I said, I don't know what happened. What if they're showing all this shit in the flash at the end and they're like, and now here's Jack. He's back from that universe in the card thing in the hat, which I guess is the one he's in because that's the Michael Keaton universe. So it's like he just, yeah, he's just there. That's about Carl, I'm Steve, Steve Grissom, what ended pushups, baby? That's a pole. Yeah, he did, he won the Oscar and then did the pushups, right? Yeah. That's it. That's how you explain it. Yeah. Yeah. And so my John love it to see her. Yeah. Well, he took over for Bruno Kirby from the first one. That's true. Yeah, they had that. Yeah. We're melding all the things with Jack palance. That's for sure. Yeah. Exactly. Did you ever send us? Then I signed up for cops at Robbersons. Where are we at all this? I'm glad that we all know movies. We're so deep in this bar for like what segment we're on. We're on show notes. We made it a reached one. Let's go over some show notes real quick for the show. I'm the wrong guy to have on because I'll go with anything, guys. I'm sorry. Like anything you go with, I'm with you, like I'm going. It's October, which means that we have all of our fun horror themed specials coming out all month long. We released our first one so far. We talked about one hit wonders within the horror genre. Very cool show. And we have another one coming up at the time of the recording very soon. So stay tuned for all of these. We got five total coming this month plus another bonus, I think, too, because we got a certain date of a certain clown this week, so we're going to have a special extra bonus horror episode as well. We'll talk about it. Not looking forward to it. Definitely looking forward to that episode. That's pretty sure. Has Jack Palance done any horror movies? Jack Palance has done horror movies. He was Dracula. He was Dracula. Yeah. That's it. Has to have. Has he done any work? Yeah, he's Dracula. Of course. That's the thing. Dracula. That's it. That's exactly what he was. That's certainly one way to say it. But what else? New commentary track is coming this month. It's part of our horror specials, but we will be talking the ring at the end of the month. That will drop. Stay tuned for that. And otherwise, I had two degrees of reviews and ratings, of course, if you enjoy all our nonsense on this show or any of the shows that we provide nonsense for, feel free to log into it to just Spotify, go search out now if they're in an Abe and give us a rating or it'd be great. Thank you so much, other fans. All right, let's move on. Let's get some end up with you. Chad Rock. We're not knowing whether we're talking about the week as I do it. Chad Rock, it's pretty good. Thank you. It's pretty good. Mark, what have you been watching recently? I watched Trap last night and I love it. Hey! Hey! M night out there just making thrillers, original thrillers. There's a great bit involving a wallet in the jacket. It's just a good time. Like I really, I just, it's a, it's, I liked it. I really like Trap. And I watched the Superman documentary. I watched the- Which documentary is that? The Super. Super. Oh, Super. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chris for a reason. Yeah. And I don't know the right word for it, but that thing ripped my heart out of me a few times. Like it hits hard. Mm. Yeah. So those are two, and I watched the secret life of Ebelin, the Netflix documentary that's coming out about the kid who was on World of Warcraft. That was good. What does that look like? Detailed that for me. What is that? So there's a guy, let me see what he had, but he, he came with like a rip. A rare degenerative muscular disease, and he passed away at 25, but it just means like when he was young, he used to fall a lot. And they, they realized that he had a, a muscular thing and he had to go into a wheelchair and then just couldn't really move anymore. So they made him this really nice rig where he could play Warcraft online and his parent like he's Norwegian is like parents didn't really understand like what he was doing. I've heard of him. Okay. And you know, eventually he sadly passed away at 25 and his, he gave his dad the password and his dad wrote on his blog about, you know, our son passed and he just got thousands of messages. He has like a bunch of friends and everything. Yeah, I've heard of this movie. Okay. From the, the Warcraft community. Uh huh. And they like do recreations in this film of like conversations of his entire scripts and just kind of like he helped a mom and her son kind of become closer and he, he like broke a couple hearts in there. He's kind of a, a kind of a ladies man, like your parents never realized like they were just like, oh cool. They're going to avatars, whatever, like you're having fun, like we want you to enjoy your life. You know, like we want you to do what you want. But yeah, you have a lot of friends in there and you had a blog and you wrote some blog posts that just make your eyes completely fill up with tears. And yeah, it's just a really, it's a remarkable life of, of Evelyn. And yeah, it was, I mean, it comes out later this month on Netflix. Yeah. Netflix. And it was in Sundance people. That's why it was at Sundance. That's, that's where I remember hearing it from. Okay. You get it. And you go to cool festivals. Yeah. It's a drink and go anywhere. And I watched it from here, but like massive multi multiplayer games are, they have communities, you know, it's, it's pretty great, which is why I think like something like, uh, which we saw with red brother one kind of really works out and kind of hit a lot of, um, of these personal milestones for folks as well. But yeah, my brother love plays, uh, Warcraft and he's gotten his son to play it too. And they have a great time. So I will have to check out this documentary. Man, at the beginning of it, just, I was like, I wasn't ready for this. Like, I was like, guys, you know, you, you, uh, this, this kind of, it got me between that and the, in the super slash man documentary. I usually have an emotional weekend. Yeah. It was crazy. Uh, but no, it's just now mark. I need you to count how many leaders of tears you cried. So to be fair, I haven't cried since the fountain. I cried one tear during the fountain and it's not because I don't like crying or thinking it's wimpy. I just, I guess they just don't work. But, um, my eyes feel up. My eyes definitely fill up with tears. Like they, well, but I haven't had a tear escape. Doesn't have that there. Yeah. Doesn't have the spillover. Yeah. I probably haven't had that in 20 years. And not because I'm tough, you know, um, I love feeling that you're not in the field. Okay. No, but yeah, I, that was the last time I think, cause I distinctly remember a tear went down my cheek and I went, I cried. Like I remember saying that to myself in a room watching the fountain and I was like, I cried. It was one tear on the list of out and out T shares. We should definitely have, I love feeling, uh, with quote Mark Hoffmeyer on there. I think that's, that's a good, that's a good candidate for that one. I'm not closed off to the world. I just, for some reason, the, the, the, like, uh, I like being hydrated. So it's like, Hey, man, like you can well up. That's close enough. So, but I well up a lot. Like I watch American Ninja Warrior and I well up. Yeah. So it works so hard to get to this point. I get it. Yeah. It gets me. So like I'm all like, sometimes people see me like, did you just cry? I'm like, not trying to though it's, it's one of those things. But yeah, I didn't, not many leaders of tears got it. Okay. It cries all the time. He ruins white T shirts and especially the white T shirts. That's why we're all the time. Everyone was always seeing Dave's nipples after movies could soak in T shirts up. I forget what me loves name is, but I want to make that joke like, yes, it's just like eating meatloaf in, in a, in the bike off bike, Bob, five, three wet white shirts out of five. That's your, like a three hanky movie. You have a three white T movie or a three way to say this is a band, not three white trees. Yeah, wait. They they're a cover band. Hey, they're Delilah. Exactly. Hey, hey, hey, they're Sonya. That's their other song. It's important to have a love baby, important update Jack how it's has appeared alone in the dark. That's when I thought for four movies, but also without warning, it's another horror film. He's in a Jekyll and Hyde film in a 10 seconds to hell. That's just a good title. Yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah. Abe, what are the movie we've seen? I have seen no other movies because we've still been catching up with a ton of other things. So I've never really been able to watch anything beyond Bob's burgers, which I love. This one up here gives you have not seen a lot of those as of yet. Not, I'm not seen make a lot of this, but I don't know that you dropped it. Special love said with. You got to hurry. It's not going to be there very much longer. I mean, you know, from what I'm hearing with the discourse between Joker two and make a lot less may make a lot of this will survive longer. I don't know. We'll see. But yes, I have to see that sooner rather than later. All right. I've seen a few things since it's been a minute since we did like a regular episode, but mainly I've been at Beyond Fest this past week over in LA, which is a big genre film festival very cool series where they premiere a bunch of new movies and they have like old retro screenings as well. I frankly just don't have the time for retro screenings at right now, but they're like doing speed this week of Keanu and Saint-Germain over at Keanu and I'm like, Oh, I wish I could go to this. I want to so badly. They did a triple feature with Sam Raimi where he's talking between each movie with dark man, quick in the dead and drag me to hell. I'm like, I wish I could have done that too. But I did get to see a number of things I've already seen Terrifier three, but we will not talk about that until Abe gets a chance to watch that up close with his eyes. Definitely not on open wide, but I saw a few other things I saw there. I saw it's what's inside, which is now on Netflix. I don't want to talk about what happens in this movie because I think it's very fun to figure out where it's going as it goes along, but I will just say it is darkly funny, has a sci-fi element in it and is certainly worth a while. It's a very fun movie and very much like I watched hold your breath. This is on Hulu now with Sarah Paulson. It's set in like 30s in the dust bowl. She plays a mother of two. She's a recent widower and it's kind of like a paranoia thriller of sorts where she's dealing with living out kind of in the kind of isolated and the threat of all the dust and everything that's coming around has a long of just the grief that she's experienced how to start to either seeing things or things are actually happening, but people aren't exactly convinced entirely of whether or not what's happening. It's okay. Okay. Paulson's good because Paulson's a good actress, but like it's fine. Who's the other co-star? Uh, uh, cause it, uh, eebon, eebon, um, yeah, uh, boss, back crack. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, the thing, uh, that's what, yeah, that's what he's doing for us. Is it better than the, is it better than the wind? I'd say it's about on par with the wind. I think they, in the realm of elemental horror, um, snip, yeah, we're doing it about the same. Um, so like, yeah, I love dust horror. I'm a big fan of dust. It's the dustiest movie of the year. I'll give you that right there. I'm sold. Again, it's on Hulu. So it's not the hardest thing to like reach on the watch right now. Uh, I will say though, it was a double feature cause they had that movie than a Q and A of Sarah Paulson and then after that they, they were screening Martha Marcy May Marlene, which also has Paulson 35 millimeter. I haven't seen, I've seen it at home, but I haven't seen it in theater since I saw it back in 2011 and I'm big fan of that movie. So I stayed and watched Martha Marcy May Marlene. That movie rips. I mean, that is super tense. It's a far more rapey than every time that I was like, oh yeah, there's like a lot of like disturbing rape stuff in this, that I don't know. That's on the single shot. Well, that's silent night. That. Yeah. But yeah, if it's cause Elizabeth also have like a double shot, yeah, like Martha Marcy May Marlene, that's the, the very good film right on Durkin. Uh, and yeah, still that's just, this is a really solid thriller. Um, what else do they watch? I watched, uh, this movie called bring them home. So what beyond fastest has, uh, Christopher Abbott and Barry Keelgin, uh, and, uh, and Cole Meany, um, it's an Irish shepherding crime drama crime is light. It's more like thriller, I guess, uh, but it's basically like Christopher Abbott, uh, who like learned Gaelic for this film, um, which is he does not see much easier. Yeah. I mean, Bob definitely knows Gaelic. It's obvious. Like a, he's a, he's a, he's a sheep herder, um, who there's some past trauma that we're set up with involving his character and his family life, but also he's basically like this neighbor rivalry, um, where people's animals keep going on each other's land and stuff. And it kind of builds to a certain tension, um, it's told of the sort of Rashomon style where you get his perspective on things and then you switch over to like, Barry Keelgin and some of the other perspectives that you have going in it. So it sort of builds attention rooted around our interpretation of certain things. It's very bleak. There's almost a bit of dark humor in there as far as the way you kind of like, it gets like, how bad is it kind of like, and then it gets worse and it's like, oh boy, like, so you can kind of almost smile at just how depressing things get at times. But for the most part, it's very much a pretty bleak crut, a pretty bleak thriller of sorts. And it's good. It's just not what I'm like, you kind of race out to see this because of how fun it is. It's not fun. Oh, it's just, it's a, it's a well acted dark kind of drama. But it was in the realm of things that beyond Fess like, it was not bad. Um, so yeah, that's all I've seen so far there. Um, I've seen a few other things I want to make note of, uh, speaking of documentaries, Mark, I watched Will and Harper. Yeah. Yeah. That's good too. Oh crap. That one's fun as well. It's really, really good. Yeah. Of course, about Will Ferrell and his writing partner for my said L, uh, who has since transitioned and they go on a road trip together, um, what I like about this idea is that the road trip itself doesn't have like a goal necessary as far as like, we're driving so we can get to this place just more of let's go across the country, uh, where we can basically show our friendship and have a documentary concerning Will Ferrell and Harper kind of contending with like the relationship with, which there's never like in any question or doubt. It's just more. A lot of questions. You know, yes, how does, how does it, it's not about acceptance because acceptance came right away, which is, you know, what happens when you're a good person, uh, but it's more of how, what do I contend with? Um, what am I doing now and what can, what can I do to let my empathy become more than just, you know, and appreciation of acceptance and it's very heartfelt. It's very nice. It's funny in spots, but wisely, and this is not unfamiliar to me with Will Ferrell. What I like about Will Ferrell comedies is that he's very happy to share the spotlight. There's so many supporting characters that get their time to shine in his movies and this is no different. This is a film where you are focused on Harper's journey and like what they've been through and where they are, where she is now and I like that Will Ferrell is happy to just not try to like there's that they're not trying to insert more comedy than necessary. It's a very natural film as far as watching a documentary. And I, it's just, it's really, it's really good doc. I was very happy to watch it. Harper knows how to travel by and all those snacks, like on the road, anything's game. Like you don't need to healthy on the road. You, you, you get the twizzlers, you get the snacks. So she, she knows what's up on that. So, and I like the Kristen way, like, we need to write this kind of song, but they add the way, the way they, the way they like resolve that aspect of the film, like, made me smile so big and he's talking about welling up, like, I mean, it's just like such a perfect like, you know, where, where is this going? And you finally get to where that's goes like, that's wonderful. That's just a great way to like handle that. Well worth watching it. And you know, there's an audience out there that I think it's certainly benefited from seeing a movie like this and at least having more perspective than they might have had her beforehand. Um, you're talking about the trolls. I'm talking about universal strolls, those Justin Timberlake and Anak Andrew when they went on a world tour. Yeah. Um, just like Harper. Yeah. And I learned a lot about themselves. Yeah. They were like in sync. Mark, Mark really is always game. Can't stop the feeling right here. Okay. All right. Okay. Keep it going. I watched Lee, um, with Kate Winslet's, which is sort of a passion project for her because she's, he's reduced around this thing. She's trying to get this thing made for years. It's about the famous photographer who was once a model that became a World War two, uh, uh, talk with, uh, with Andy Sandberg with Andy Sandberg. Oh, so speaking of SNL, um, and actually the, the name Lee, uh, Kirsten Dunst character in Civil War is named Lee after this character after this person. Um, the film itself, it has a number of scars guards in there, uh, Andrea Reisboro, Mary and Cotillard. It's kind of like a good cast. What? Andy Sandberg is quite good in this movie in a rare dramatic turn from him. Like he's doing the work and he's in it a lot. Like he's, you know, it's a pretty, he's the biggest supporting cast member in this movie. Uh, Kate Winslet, I, I don't think you really need to question her talent. She's a great actress. The movie itself, I, I, I wish it was better. Like I don't, like I'm not even, you know, I don't even, I didn't even get, I didn't give it a fresh. I'll put it that way. Like it's a shame because I think the story it's after and the life of this person. I don't see, I'm not seeing that all the time, you know, I don't hear about what is her last name. I'm just going to say Lee thinking to Lee, um, talents, Lee Miller. Um, I think the story of Lee, Bill, that's, that's an interesting story to look at. Like, you know, a woman in World War two that wants to like take real pictures to really show what that experience is. It has to be with the fact that she's a woman going into Europe to try and do this and the challenges that presents. I wish this movie was better in how it handled that. It, it's not exactly a Wikipedia doc. Okay. It does, but it, but it is kind of just not very ambitious as a screenplay. So it doesn't really have much to do beyond just tell you the things that are happening. And it's anchored by this framing device, uh, which features a Joshua Connell now. Fun fact, Joshua Connell and Mike, was it Mike faced, uh, they, they've both played characters that interview other people in the period films this year, which is very funny to me. So the Challenger boys are at it again. Um, but it has this framing device that it, it does a real disservice to the movie by the end of the movie when you realize like what's exactly happening and it really, it really knocked this thing down for me. I think there are good elements. I think there's good acting in it, but I, I wish it was a stronger narrative. Well, um, I'll mention it, this doesn't come out until December, but I watched it last night. I watched nickel boys. Okay. Um, yeah. Based on all of like Colson Whitehead who also wrote the Underground Railroad, which was adapted by Barry Jenkins. This movie is from the director of Hale County this morning this evening. The documentary that came out a few years back at this point is up for an Oscar. This movie is fantastic. Like, I feel like I, we should reserve time to talk about this on a later date, but I just want to say it's a movie coming out December and it's certainly worthwhile. I think it is pretty exceptional. Um, what it's doing. I'll just leave that there for now. Yeah, missing the screening, but I want to see it. Like that's a movie I wish I had time for. I'm sure it will screen a lot. Yeah. It's an Amazon MGM movie. Oh, it'll be, it'll be available on some capacity at some point. Yeah. It'll be home soon. Yeah. Or like FYC stuff. It has some of the best cinematography this year. Wow. It's a, it's my favorite category. It's really good. Just throw in some TV real quick also. Okay. Mark, I know you've also been watching this, but shrinking season two is coming back pretty soon. Yeah. And we've seen a few screen, like six screeners at this point and the show rules like it's so much fun. Um, here's Ford's line delivery is some of his dude, he's just doozy of deliveries. Like I love Ford in this show. It's honestly some of his best acting. I would say too. Like he's just so good at the show, but the whole cast is great. I like it's such a great ensemble, but I've watched the first couple episodes of the penguin, which I'm really enjoying. Mm hmm. Um, I like the HBO is like, we need to do sopranos. What if we made the penguin into that and we're like, all right. And they did it. And I'm not saying it's good to sopranos because it's the best, but it's really, it's still really, really solid. I've been really enjoying those really good. Is that her name, Christina? Oh, we're seeing a lot. Milady. Lots of Milady. Yeah. Yeah, listen, Milano's in it. Wow. Yeah. I like her though. Hey, the Palm Springs crew is having a good, like the Palm Springs crews having a good week. Yeah. They're doing the show. I've been watching Fight Night, the million dollar heist with Kevin Hart, Taraji B. Henson, Sam Jackson, Terrence Howard. It's a cast. Wow. For TV on peacock right now. Yeah. And Don Cheadle. Of course. Don Cheadle. I'm really digging this show. It's this like 70s, 60s like crime. It's about what had this real thing that happened where there was a big heist that happened down in Atlanta during a Muhammad Ali Fight Night and it's solid. I got it's a fun like retro kind of series. It has fun, but it has some stakes to it as well. Kevin Hart's as the lead of this thing is given a pretty solid like straight man performance. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm digging it. The same Jack has been very menacing while wearing 70s Sam Jackson clothes. It's fun. I'm enjoying the show. And lastly, nobody wants this with Adam Brody and Kristen Bell. When you told me at Adam Brody as a rabbi, I'm like, well, that's a show I'm already going to watch. And then it's like, and it's just like just really delightful like rom com stretched out into 10 episodes. I think they have fantastic chemistry and this shows really fun. Tiffany Simons is also in this as well. He's a lot of fun in it. It's got that nice little support. I think people know him just as Jonah. Yeah, Jonah, they pop Bell and Brody and they have really good chemistry. Yeah. It's kind of annoying. It's one of those shows where you see how good they are. You want them to be huge because they're like, they're so good in it. I like that Bell's away from like the good play snark. And like she's just a really cool care like interesting character in this. Like she leaned heavily into the kind of like, it's just nice, a different bell, I think. I can understand that and Brody, I think I've always appreciated Brody. So this time get like a chance to shine on a platform that will, you know, allow that to happen and reach millions of people. Yeah, cynical as we could be about Netflix most well, it doesn't hurt when it has something like that happens. But yeah, I'm enjoying that show quite a bit like halfway through it right now. Go ahead to here. Yeah, that's a bit of a good mark. So we're on now. Let's get to some trailer talk. We're talking about the one of the newest movie chairs of the week when it's coming out. What we thought about what we thought about would have you in this week. We have a film from director Clint Eastwood. It is called juror number two is a courtroom drama thriller featuring Nicholas. How cult as a as a guy who is on a jury in a high profile murder. The problem is he might be the one that actually did the murder. The film also features Tony Colette, JK Simmons key for Sutherland among others. I had known about the premise of this for like a year. I knew that this was like Clint was going to be working on next and presumably last because he's not young 93 98 he's not young. Yeah, I was close to everyone, you know, no presses right rules, fair enough. But like the premise itself, I was just like, this sounds great. I love this idea for a movie and now seeing this trailer, this trailer, I think rules. I think this is such a good like way to present this thing and it could have easily been more of a like like a like a thriller like a, you know, a movie thriller type thing given what the premise is. I like that Clint's on this giving me something that looks like a Clint movie that just happens to have this kind of neat genre idea going on. So I'm down for this. Mark, how about you? What do you like to go trailer for chair number two? I knew nothing about this movie. So I'm sitting here watching a trailer and I just started going, yes, like this is a good idea. It's it's one of those million ideas when you're sitting there like, okay, he's on the jury, but he might have done it and you're like, oh, and like, you know, Nicholas Holt seems to be doing a good job. They have the night agent in there, like he can't go wrong with Tony Kalek. Like the next. So he joins is great. I mean, I love. Yeah. I love her. So it's good cast and I'm like, you know, it looks good too. Like I know how fast these movies work and how like they shoot like six hour days. They just go fast, but this one looks good. It's like, I don't know, it's it's a great idea. So I'm very excited. Sometimes you have a great idea. And it's like, how do you stretch that into two hours? But no, I'm on board. This looks, this looks good. This looks really good. Yeah. Yeah. I'd heard about this premise as well. The, the same one that you outlined about, you know, maybe he did it. And I was like, Oh, it's going to be one of those like, um, it's going to be like, uh, a sinister type of movie where it's maybe a little bit darker and meaner, saw this trailer was blown away by the trailer, honestly, because of all the elements that we're talking about from an Eastwood standpoint. I think there's really interesting cinematography that they're doing here, but they, they kind of give you a glimpse of the aftermath of what happens to this person. I was like, Oh, shit, they're going for it. Like they really want me to be in the theater watching this. The trailer, the music for the trailer works really effectively for me too. But just the premise, this is a setup of it. I'm very Eastwood's been doing this for a lot of his films. Like he's kind of been dealing with like internal human conflict. And so when I'm watching this, I'm thinking to myself, I am curious what holds character might be thinking or doing and kind of like what the outcome is going to be here. Because I'm all on board and, uh, you know, I think that the Richard Jewell trailer was also really effective, but I also was mix ish on Richard Jewell. Um, so yeah, I'm curious to see what your number two has in it. That was a great trailer. You're right. Really a trailer for Richard Jewell. Yeah. Do me fit. Clint Eastwood's trailers tend to be very good in general. Like, you know, if he gets him with, he's not cutting himself a one of my, you know, he's locked in Warner Brothers and they always like, yeah, yeah, yeah, like let's not forget America Sniper has like one of the best trailers of all time to put that movie. That's true. Yeah. That was spectacular. Yeah. Like that, that got that movie the money it made because of how the effect of that trailer was. Yeah. The solely trailer was solid. You know, like he's got birds. He knows how to sell a premise. Mustache. Sure. Yeah. He could sell a premise. Whoever's getting his trailers is doing a great job. Yeah. But I've, I've, I've good feelings about this. Oh, I want to see where this pans out though. Jared number two is going to premiere at AFI Fest on October 27th and it releases in theaters November 1st. Okay. So it's coming very soon. Holt's got range like between the favorite. No, what's the show that he's on with, with, uh, who is the king? Well, he's in the favorite. He was really good. He's in the favorite. Yes. But the one with a fan, he's the great, the great, yes, really good in that he has super man coming up. Like he's got some good range. He seems like we'll earnest in this, like he's, yeah, you're, you're all in on this guy. Okay. So I mean, and I like Gabriel Bossa too. Like his real earnest presence. So I did. That agent. Yeah. Night agent. I just, it's funny. Can I show? I mean, billions of hours or whatever. I, I show that I watched it was thought was completely fine. But Gabriel Ross. So he's, he's, I just, I think of it because I know him as like scrawny boy from those other movies. And I was like this tall guy, like Will Polter, like, what? Okay, guys, calm down puberty. What are they feeding those, those British boys as they gave him Ross? So he's like, you know, JD Vance himself gave it Ross. So he's, he's from, he's from Missouri. He doesn't, he had the British excuse. He's young actors are just blowing up and not spontaneous, you know, that way. That's a good movie, but the good kind of blowing up Nicholas Holt, by the way. I like that he's modeled like from the poster and even the movie. He looks a lot like young Clint, like, they seem to have that go. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. They seem to like really shaving them. It would look like a young Clint, which is doubly funny because they did not get Scott Eastwood. I don't know. Because why? Why would you try to do that to you? So, um, anyway, out of other relationships, maybe they're cool with each other. I don't know. Um, I've heard not. Maybe he gave him his car. Roger and his style. No, he gave it to the Asian neighbors. No, no. Is that a spike? Yeah. Two of them. He's, he's like a, he's got three of every car here and so, you know, he gave them to Allen, Nick and hot rods. Let's get what's going on. Hey, Nedge was, do you want my grandeur, you know, or you think, oh, you're saying he gave it to Nicholas? Yeah, I just got Eastwood. No, okay. No, okay. I needed off my lawn. Yeah. I want to think of this all as a good squint. Oh, I sure he does. I, I feel like he does. I feel like he's got a really good one. I mean, you know, Mad Max, he had to sand in his eyes all the time. He's squinting a little bit. Yeah, that's a lot of squinting. Yeah. Let's go. Yeah, that's true. What a day. November 1st is one of the Jared number two arrives at theaters. Let's move on. Our main review for Joker, fully ado. Now about you, Arthur, do you still think you're a sir? All right, that should have been so the travel for Joker. The first R rated films were a billion dollars. The Todd Phillips film went on to get 11 Oscar nominations, winning two in the process. And seemingly created a new line of possibilities for future comic movies. Five years later, here we are off a sequel, spurred that spurts of interest by adding Lady Gaga as Lee Quanzel, who would also be a part of a musical components being incorporated into the film. The story focused on imprisoned Arthur, who is awaiting trial for the murders he committed, Gotham is eager to see how this plays out while Arthur is balancing the new love in his life with whatever is going on with him concerning how he feels about his actions. Mark Hoffman, I want to know, where were you on a Joker, the 2019 film? What did you think about this sequel? So for Joker 2019, I didn't worship it or I didn't hate it. Like I knew exactly like he's, it's a Scorsese film. You watch it. Like this is it, but I think that's maybe why it was so popular because it had such a blueprint for what he was doing. But I mean, I liked Phoenix's performance and I kind of like the idea of here's this mentally ill man and everyone's rallying around him, not as the person. They don't care about him. They care about him as the kind of thing to rally around and cause chaos in his name. And I thought the, it was an interesting idea. I don't think people are talking about writing in the streets, people are talking to all about that. But I, I didn't get that from it. I don't think I love the, I don't think of Arthur as an everyday man. I just think of it as like a really sad character. I haven't really thought much about it. So I'm not going to say I love it. I'm not going to say I dislike it, but no, I just watched it and I was like, this is, this is trying something like it's kind of a remake. So I don't really love it that much, but it's, it's a movie that, I mean, the color palette's great. The camera works great. A lot of my students, when I have them present, like production designer or, or when talking about color palettes, they bring it up, like they present this movie to me. So I think for, for younger kids, they like it a lot. But yeah, it's a movie that I'm just a Joker movie from Todd Phillips, like, I don't know, it's good. But I wish I had more to say it's just, I'm non-plussed about it. It's no city slickers too. Few things are. With the gold in it, yeah, I get it. Speaking of sequels, what'd you think of all you do? Oh my gosh. I almost, so I saw 3 p.m. screening of it and I almost fell asleep a few times. And I think there's some ideas I really like, like, Hey, we like the idea of the Joker, but Arthur is Arthur. He's not the, like, there's a couple of really interesting ideas there, but I just kept thinking about how Todd Phillips loves Gigi Allen and his kind of love of like punk and I read some interviews about how he loves the gamble. And he just kind of took a large sum of money and kind of did a victory lap on a film that I think misses a lot, like it whips, like people are like, he took a big swing. It should be appreciated, but it's a crazy swing you took and he missed by a mile. It's a film that, I'm not a fan, I wish, you know, maybe 3 out of 10. Wow. Yeah. I don't know. I think a lot of people are going to be talking about it. It's been on my mind, but I just think even though I admire a couple of the ideas, even if a film does swing big, even if it is a gamble, I mean, you know, you don't hit a royal flush that often, like you're not going to like, you know, more often than not, you lose when you gamble. And I think the two of them kind of lost here. And yeah, that's my feeling about it. Abe, where you were with Joker, what'd you think of this sequel? Joker, Todd Phillips is Joker, I was not a fan of. I think that there was a lot of, not so much like ripping off, but a lot of like, I guess, honestly, like this homage to a lot of the films that have been referenced since the movie was released. And I think that, you know, I've talked about this on the podcast and it's been aired, but I think that Todd Phillips is an industry director. I think he's got some visual characteristics that have kind of increased since his early days doing like, Ronch comedies and or just like comedies. He's always had ideas in his movies, but now this kind of like, this ability for him to kind of like, just put his full powers onto the screen. So Joker one wasn't good, in my opinion. And I remember that you, and you had showed me somebody's letterbox review where it was like, if you've never seen the ocean, then you think that puddle is pretty deep kind of thing. And that always gets me every time, I think that's very like, in a very apt description for that film. As far as like Joker Foley adieu goes, I also did not enjoy this movie. I think that there is, I was trying to really decipher a lot of like, the themes that were coming out of here. And I was kind of just left with this feeling that Todd Phillips was kind of just saying that maybe like, nothing really matters. But like, I'm not exactly sure like, how I feel about that just yet. Because I was writing some notes down after the my screening. I was like, I wonder if he's, I wonder if he was trying to make a point about the criminal justice system and how maybe like, it's, it kind of maybe can help people that do need help people that that had been in terrible situations before. And how we do create perhaps other selves. So I also wrote down like this duality of man or duality of people in which you can become multiple people or as they so blatantly put on the nose here, you split your personality, right? But I didn't really get a sense of him kind of completing that, that arc, like a lot of this around me of something like, this is another theme, like, like Halloween ends where I was like, well, okay, well, they're making Joker to be out like what Mark was saying. Like this idea, right? Anybody can be the Joker, like evil persists in everywhere. Like it kind of just took on the form of Michael Myers because everyone was scared of it. But in truth, like the whole town was like against everybody kind of thing. But I don't know. Like he doesn't really continue off with that either. So all it's to say is that there were times in this movie where I was just putting my hands, my head in my hands and I was like, I don't know, like, I can't believe that we're watching this because it loses its momentum quite effectively many times in what it's trying to maybe show me or what it's trying to do on the screen. And you've gone back to like squares zero, where it's like, okay, well, you're showing me this, you know, another, another movie about an unreliable narrator kind of like giving me his visual thoughts on the screen. So I'm not really taking anything at its face value, but still things happen. And it feels as though maybe he is in love and maybe he is trying to get it together. Maybe he is trying to just go full on Joker, but it keeps coming back and keeps going back to where one, which is the prison, Arkham Asylum, and then just like the same shit keeps happening with like him and the guards and it's like, I don't know what I'm supposed to get from this because there's not a lot of growth here for any of these people. I think the last like, the last bit of this movie is very interesting, where we're walking in Phoenix kind of has a monologue of sorts. And that's where it's like, okay, I dig where some of this is going, but it wasn't enough to recover from like the two hours prior to that. So that's kind of unfortunate. I think on a technical level, costume design, you know, set design, really good. I think there's also really interesting cinematography going on here. The score got nominated, the score, the Joker theme is like, what's that? It won. Yeah, Joker theme one for for its score, but at the same time, like it reminded me of, um, what was the movie with, um, uh, it was a wrath of band where it was like, we were talking about just like the heavy cello theme and I was like, all right, you know, Joker theme, you really, you're really putting on my head right now. But I think a lot of technical aspects of this are really good. Phillips again kind of like showing that he has ideas, but I just didn't really think that it played out. Maybe I'm just not cynical enough to think about, you know, the, the larger ideas here at play where everything is all terrible. So yeah, it didn't really work for me. And I thought it was, I wrote to my friends afterward, I was like, I don't know, it's kind of a waste of time. So, um, I'd be curious about what you think, Aaron. Well, with the first film, I liked it more than you way, but I wouldn't say it was film that I found. Like you mentioned, I don't find it very deep at all. I think it's an interesting choice to make as far as how do we, we wanted to make it to if Todd Phillips wants to like do something like this, that's, and that's a way to go. I wish he had more to say because I feel like it's a rather empty film, but in terms of just filmmaking, I've long said that he seems to just not want to do comedy and wants to make like a drama and use his visual style and whatnot and add his own sensibilities. That's all well and good. I wish that film was better beyond just doing a good, you know, homage to or Sazy films, but still, you know, it's not nothing, it's a, it's an interesting effort for an audience that frankly doesn't go out and the watch tax drive every day. So it's like, okay, fine. This movie, you guys are insane because this is far worse than either of you have said. It's the, this is a terrible, terrible catastrophe of a film. I think this is probably the worst film of the year. Just by nature of it being as big as it is and being as terrible as it is at the same time. Like I've seen bad movies this year and ones that I feel are very ambitious, but this is like all swing and no ambition, which is impressive for a film that costs $200 million over triple the amount of the first film. Where to begin, I think the script is awful. I think it doesn't know how to attach itself to anything longer than a couple of minutes. So every time something interesting may occur and I think there are very few times where that felt to be the case, it just moves on from it to something else. I think what King Phoenix is, you know, you can't, I'm not going to count out the effort he's putting into this, whether it's losing weight or just getting into the mindset of somebody that has clear issues. But I think he's being just pushed into swinging for any direction Todd Phillips tells him to as opposed to like really crafting anything here. I don't know what Arthur is about. You can say that that's very joker of him as far as just being chaos, but I don't think the movie does anything to really justify that behavior. And on top of that, the whole notion of making a court case set around him possibly having a dual identity, it's very awkward to have literally two face sitting on the prosecution side saying this about, you know, arguing over this, I'm like, we have a Batman villain in the room that's all about split personality. Why am I dealing with joker? I think that's never been a part of his personality, but it's not even, it's not even a source fidelity thing. I could care less about their interpretation of joker as long as you just do something interesting with it. This movie doesn't. It is, it's not only less empty than the first movie, it feels spiteful to those that appreciated the first movie. It feels like it's literally going at the audience saying, Oh, did you like the first joker? Well, we're going to give you nothing of value for the second one. So anyone that liked it can feel worse because here we are now where I have less to say, and I'm not even going to do anything all the different. I'm just going to retrace the steps of the first one by having characters come back to tell you what happened to the first movie and I'm like, I've seen that movie. Why do I need to hear Zazzy beats come in and tell me what happened? I know what happened. I was there. I watched it. So it makes for a disheartening experience because I'm sitting there wanting it to explore anything at all, and it just constantly chooses not to. We haven't talked about the Lady Gaga stuff on all yet, but the effort she's giving that's great for the Golden Globe nomination she's bound to receive, but in terms of her character, there's nothing really there. There's nothing all that interesting. The musical sequences that they incorporated are half-assed. They, you know, there's some nice costumes, I suppose, but outside of that, a bunch of whisper singing and half-hearted efforts to do something, you know, big with the supposed musical elements don't really go anywhere, nor do they feel organic beyond Arthur Feels this way. Therefore, I guess the song's ready. Like, there's nothing, it's, it's, it's nonsense. It's also just dull. There's movies over two hours. It takes place on basically only in prison and court back and forth, back and forth, but away, if it's not there, it's in some street of Gotham where Lady Gaga walks around to see how depressing everything is around her. There's no fun here. I don't necessarily need these movies to be like moment to moment visceral and exciting, but at the same time, it should have something to offer that makes me want to feel like I want to be there. And if you're not going to give me anything to attach to on a, you know, a thematic level beyond statements set out loud that seem important or you're not going to do anything that's exciting from an action points or a character, a dynamic point or any number of things. All I'm left is just oppressive garbage. It's just, it's, it's a miserable film to watch. I was also having trouble kind of keeping my attention going during the middle stretches of it because it's, as I said, dull, it's not very exciting. You have a good cast here that don't get to offer any sense of nuance. I mean, you have Brendan Gleeson and Catherine Keener. It's like, these are good actors who can bring something to it. Let alone, you have Brendan Gleeson who can sing and they don't let him sing. Well, he's doing notes. Yeah, he does some whistling. Good for him. No, he's, he's practicing his C sharp when he throws in some, he throws in some, I'm walking around the prison yard and I'm going to say something every day I'll get on a production standpoint level. It's $200 million movie. So sure, they spent the money, like the stuff is there, but it's not impressive to me. I saw this the first time around and if you're going to expand this world, they chose not to. It chose to close it off. It's, I saw this on IMAX in full frame. So it's like, okay, there's a lot of giant footage of all this happening. But honestly, this is like the worst full frame IMAX movie I've seen since Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, like it's terrible. It's a terrible movie. Wow. All right. Tell us how you really feel. Like Largy Gaga was talking about it and she's like, there's music. There's dance. It's drama. It's a courtroom drama. It's a comedy. It's happy. It's sad. And I think that's part of the reason why it doesn't work because at least the first one had some forward momentum. You're like, where is this going? This one is just like start and stop and start and I don't even think. So I had to research this movie. I just really went in depth to figure out why and like Todd Phillips, he's like, yeah, this isn't a musical. He's like, the music is more dialogue and he had Lady Gaga sing off key. He had he had Joaquin Phoenix sing off key like he he didn't want the movie to like the dance sequences. They're not like they're not fantasy. They're just more him expressing his emotions and they're so on the nose. And then Lady Gaga disappears and then you're back in the courtroom and then you're back with kids. And so this is a movie where it's like there's there's no propulsiveness to it and yeah, it felt really, really long to me and like he said that the goal like Todd Phillips said the goal of this movie is to make it feel like it was made by crazy people, but I don't agree. So Transformers Revenge of the Fallen feels like it was made by a crazy person. This movie seems like it was no challenges. I think they had the budget. They had Lady Gaga. They have an Oscar winner. They have an incredible cast. They're repeating a lot of the movie bringing back the actors. They ditch Keener. They actually lose Lady Gaga mostly through the movie and she's sitting in the courtroom and it's just a really odd take. And the reason I think I gave it three out of 10 is I do like the idea of Arthur and it's just an idea. This is just like a Colonel like that's just waiting to be popped in a movie theater like just the idea of him just like people want Joker. I am not the Joker. I am Arthur and seeing these people like she's like we're going to build them out together. We're going to do this. But she only likes the chaos, but he's a mentally ill man. And so I like the idea of I see you as this. I want you like this and but he's not that but everyone keeps putting ideals on him. But it's touched so superficially that it's just an idea. But that's like one of the times where I was like I like this. Like I like on the staircase. She's like it was just a fantasy. But there's moments like there's just a few fleeting moments and none of them are touched on. Then they go back to a really boring dance number but it that's why I gave it three out of 10 because there's a couple moments that I was like maybe I should dislike it more for not following those but I after reading about it it just seems like a film that is so he just wanted to make it every like he just there's no propulsiveness. And I think adding all the elements to it just slowed it down. And it was interesting here in him explain it because now I'm in his mindset. But it still doesn't work. I mean I'd argue like the rhetoric that he wants to present with these films. I don't find it that interesting like a part of the issue I have with this film and the first one is when you make Taxi Driver or King of Comedy and their movies that are commenting on New York in some way those are commenting on New York at the time they're set you know the 76. 76 is Taxi Driver and it's set in 76 it's not a period film harkening back to an older time it's saying this is what I'm looking at right now and there's an interpretation of it. Yeah. These this Joker these Joker movies are set in that like 81 in which is a terrible time for New York. But it's not drawing anything out of that. It's not because it says it's Gotham for one thing but it's not saying it's not finding a purpose to be there beyond the fact that it's cool to reference that time period because these other films did it. So it's not parallel like that to today in anyway because the film's too chicken shit to say anything it doesn't have you know it's not drawing anything ideal. You would think that they try to do something like that with Thomas Wayne in the last movie because you can try to make some Trump connection they don't do anything like that. But I mean that there even like the 2019 stuff you'd have the like the Wall Street occupy Wall Street. Any number of things that could have done and they choose not to this movie's even worse because it feels lazy. Now it's like well we're stuck in this period so I guess we'll just do nothing because we have nothing new to present we're just going to bring up again the character from the last film to make sure you remember them and then on top of that add I guess Gaga as a representation of the people that like this Joker but why do they like it like yeah what did he really accomplished because the movie didn't tell us anything the first time no that the second he had a chance to say anything it smash cuts the camera away because you exactly yeah the narrow in the face. So it's like what is this like what's the goal here. And so again I like Phillips is a dumb guy. I know he has intentions here but in terms of putting that into the film he's not getting me anywhere. All I feel is just laziness which is a shame and that's the that's worse than being boring to me. Yeah I can feel with because at least it's like oh they just didn't get across what they wanted to. This feels like I have what I want to do I guess and it doesn't amount to a lot so it's kind of kind of string it together and get large sure and some really cool people that I could work with on a filmmaking standpoint to make it look fancy but it's not it's nothing it amounts to so little yeah it is unfortunate because you know the things that you're talking about to Mark where what came Phoenix might have something to say about about what's going on and about everything else. I mean he kind of uses he does use the word sensationalism at one point in this movie about how everyone wants like isn't this isn't what he is doing in court or as Joker kind of what everybody is looking for and he doesn't really expand on that and that's where I would agree with Aaron that maybe like Phillips just like yeah fuck this shit like I don't really want I don't really care about any of you guys anyway like here's some nonsense for you guys to go and scatterbrane have some scatterbrane thoughts about but the other part about this which is the Gaga piece you guys were mentioning that you know the city is in shambles like again this this movie takes place like a couple years after the events of like the first one right. No but that's what I'm saying is like it's supposed to be in shambles and yet all that I hear is like crowd background noise like we want Joker or whatever and like this guy has no ideas you know what I mean this this Joker guy has no ideas meaning like he's just a guy that like decided like kill some people and then kill kill Robert De Niro's host character on screen or on live television and I was like you know it doesn't help me sort of empathize with this Joaquin Phoenix character Joker if he has like largely no plan about like what he wants to do or whatever it's like it just it makes you feel sad for him in ways that are not even like pity it's more like pathetic and like man this guy like has a really sad life and he really needs a fucking help and yeah these people are not really helping out here but also the same time like maybe he doesn't need any help like I don't know what you're trying to make me feel here all this is that the city doesn't feel like a part of the like a character in this movie whereas like you know we talked about like the Batman in like 2022 or something that like the city certainly feels like it's against the Batman and they're just like we don't trust this fucker and we don't even know who he is and he also just comes out and we're afraid of him but at the same time like nobody knows what he's up to and then finally they kind of like I should have this like turn of events and in the last third act but yeah this movie just doesn't really allow me for allow for me to really get a sense of anything beyond we have not really come a long way I don't really have this commentary about civil society today I might have some ideas about XYZ but at the same time like I'm not gonna expand on them and then like we were all saying like let me just keep going back to the prison so that you know Arthur Flank is always constantly abused and then like like we're saying like the Brendan Gleason character like what's up with that guy you know what I mean like why is such an asshole like is he also like oh I secretly hate you because like you represent because you're like you're like me you got beaten by your father but I know that became a security guard like I don't know the fucks going on here eating with Phoenix chicken shit is the right word like Aaron like he doesn't follow anything through like he doesn't which is which is it's annoying to me because this is a movie that it Phillips is getting this which is basically a victory lap after the first one was so successful you'd think you'd have cart blash do whatever he wants to grant it's a two hundred billion dollar studio film I understand that there's gonna be limited ages to a point but you still think the guy that made three hanker movie movies however he wanted to essentially has a more willingness to do anything and he just stops himself so short anytime something comes up that could be of interest you know as an example of a Joker thing that doesn't stop short the Gotham TV series that has a portrayal of Joker and that's very much like this except it actually follows through on its ideas and has choices it makes including cutting a face off putting it on somebody else much like a joke in the comics like it does things it's making decisions here yeah even in terms of this movie trying to stand out by being is dramatic or dark as it is like I've seen on a TV show before I've seen it already like this movie it doesn't try and with Phoenix but the problem I have with him here we again is putting in the effort I guess yeah I guess the movie's not the movie's not allowing me to get any sense of him now again it's the Joker part of his whole deal is being random and chaos or whatnot that's not a bad thing necessarily but the film is seems to be so against doing any of that yeah so I have to take I've seen I've seen they have to take it at its word and while there are even more fantastical parts of his mind coming out this time around compared to the first film it still doesn't add up to anything I don't know if he's running a con on this court and just pretending something I don't know if he has some actual like you know affliction or whatnot that's actually causing to be a way I don't know how much he actually cares about Lee seems like he does I don't know how much he cares about wanting to be infamous or wanting to be famous or if he cares about the people outside or if he cares about just getting himself free here I don't have any sense of what he's supposed to like be going for because the movie doesn't want to either commit to anything or or or narrow it down in a way it keeps throwing new things in there but it's like why there's a point this movie towards the end where something finally happens the value as far as like hey this got exciting all of a sudden because I'm like I didn't see that necessarily coming and I'm but based on where it goes I'm thinking this is where the movie should have started like we could jettison everything else and let this thing like you know fill us in some basic details and then just start here and go and then we can see like a Joker movie play out where he does Joker things with Harvey Quinn where I rarely Quinn but it does do that you know it's harder in that scene real quick I just said it just gives us this momentary bit of excitement before landing us exactly back where we were again so like what was even the points it's what we doing yeah I was like oh you better not be introducing a character in this moment right now and I was like no no this is time Phillips Joker movie so they didn't but I was like this would be the worst way to like end this movie it does if you're referring to the person I think you are because we see a shot of somebody with a no no no not that one again like the the capers did herself and I was like what oh okay I'd be like this would be like this is the worst fucking movie I would have ever seen all that anyway Mark you're gonna say I don't remember oh yeah no no jeez sorry to nail some I feel like I'm halting this just like the movie did you know like you know they were talking about this like Phillips like if Arthur was a bummer before now he's a real bummer and Lady Gaga said like a lot of the musicals the like the ideal image of themselves is just the picture of health and happiness that's it like that's the most they can fantasize about you have this 200 million dollar movie and you have this interesting animated sequence in the beginning and then you just don't ever put your foot on the pedal it's an odd it's a very odd choice on this I'm I'm so like we're the the animated sequence from Sylvain Shomay who made triple to Belleville which I love man I think as a piece of animation it is a fun bit for the first five minutes of this movie the problem is what does it mean about any like there's nothing about it that represents either the first film or an interpretation that Arthur seems to have what took place because again I don't know what Arthur's deal is because he doesn't want to because the movie doesn't want to commit to anything so it's like okay that's neat that we got this bit of animation at the top but like why like the only thing it seems to represent is a version that Catherine Keener is presenting to the jury of who the Joker is yeah basically yeah again my read on it was like just the whole entire again the duality of of person but the splitting off of one's self but if I don't fill up said the shadow self but if I am I accurate saying the movie itself regardless what Catherine Keener says or what Phillip says does the movie ever give you a thought that there are two different sides of Lockheed Venus is now I never believe that what's the left that's that's where they didn't again like what you're saying the chicken shitness of it is just like well you didn't commit to this idea of like maybe there is because if there was then perhaps again it delves into maybe he didn't do all this stuff or did it melt into one person already and it's really difficult because even I don't want to spend the brain cells to think about it because obviously Philip's doesn't want to give me anything that not that he has to fully on the nose explain it but again there are characters are just like well it's the split and it's like the dark person and it's like I don't really care to think about this because at the end of the day I think Mark you kind of put it best Lady Gaga is the the ultimate manifestation of this entire movie which is like this is all just fantasy none of it really matters and you know what at the end of the movie like here I am just gonna I'm gonna leave you and that's it it's like okay thank you for wasting two hours of my life two and a half hours of my life I don't even think you have to think about it though this movie is not subtle like if it wanted to tell you exactly it's not if this movie wanted to tell you that there's two sides to us if this but if we want to tell you that there's two sides of Arthur it would tell you it wouldn't leave you thinking about it it just be like here's what he's doing this guy and here's what he's doing that guy and instead it's just like what if she said it so therefore maybe like no but even if she said it like they don't really expand on it either so they don't and again and by the time you get on time you get to Joker you know like doing his own defense in the courtroom which is ridiculous it is ridiculous and it wants to get in a what and even as a courtroom drama this movie fails it's not exciting because again we saw the first movie this there's no there's no there's no it's no problem for you but it's not but it's not but we saw the crimes hat like there's no mystery or surprise witness that's gonna be like well now Arthur's gonna get out of this more like it's just a waiting game for whatever is gonna happen to happen because we know what happened already but but when he does go into court and he's representing himself it's just like in the first movie where he randomly adopts a persona we've never seen before just for reasons like it doesn't so that leads me to another question there's a big scene where we get one of the witnesses comes in it's what's his name Gary is a Gary yeah puddles yeah put Gary puddles the little person that's in the first film and it's this big dramatic moment it is I would say a well acted scene there is sympathy you can have for Gary and it seems to show the Joker having at least some kind of you know he put he puts down the he puts down the persona for a bit to kind of delve into that I don't think the seed works at all I know others do I'm not against the idea of it worked but in terms of what this movies offering me versus what that seems trying to do is like I don't know what this what movie this is I don't like I don't the movies done so much to not give me anything with jokers or by the time he's like let me drop it so I could relate to Gary person like like why what is this a comp I don't know what the goal is here it's weird cuz I didn't read it that way I mean I read it it's very similar right but I was actually more folks in the Gary puddles character like why is the Gary puddles character doing everything that we're trying to make you were trying to humanize our their flag when exactly what you're saying you're like all this is leading up to like we know that he did all this shit we know that he he he he he he uh he just confesses they killed these five people and then a six which is his mother and he smothered her with a pillow kind of thing he confesses that after the Gary seed when it is yeah but like a lot of this is a just confusion on my part of um you're you're waffling back and forth you know Phillips walk from waffling back forth we have this isn't the first time that like has has broken his character so speak uh in the movie so he's kind of using he uses like this southern laura voice and then he kind of goes back into like sad arthur flak voice um but yeah I kind of read it as like I don't understand why you're making me feel trying to make me feel something from this puddles character talking about how flak never hurt him and and uh was always nice to him and then um having arthur kind of like uh ex also expunge or expound on that a little bit more and be like yeah man like you're one of my favorites like I don't know this is supposed to do because it doesn't work that's what I'm saying the same thing as you are I don't know what the goal of this is I don't know what you're saying from like the Joker character and I'm just saying from like I don't know that I didn't really dig the puddles character all that much either like it doesn't really add a whole lot to this especially at the point of which they are the movie which is like late in the movie and I was like this may be in a re-edit but also I don't I don't really care enough to think about like where to read it like when you pointed out you know you should have started out with the explosions like yeah I guess I didn't think about that that is a good place to start but I'm just I'm just not going to put in the effort if Philip's not going to put in the effort this this reminds me this is weird but this reminds me of the Game of Thrones argument when everyone's like oh they put breadcrumbs in showing us that Daenerys would become a homicidal uh like ruler who slaughters millions and they're like no they didn't yeah I think this movie they're like oh well see they have the shadow in the beginning and he's the shadow self and then they have they have Ricky in here there's Ricky like he's good to Ricky and he does this and then like but it's all he doesn't care and they're the littlest of breadcrumbs but now I see people latching onto them like oh this is the way he guides you and I'm like no not really um like there's just tiny glimpses of it so I think you're right about the ocean like you think it's deep if you never what is it like you think the ocean is deep if you think the puddle is deep if you're in the ocean yeah there it is and uh I don't know there's just he puts in the barest of bare minimum moments to kind of get us to the ending and like I don't know why he didn't want to focus on more interesting content but he didn't that's what that's why I think it's like weirdly spiteful towards the the fans of the first film where it's like if you just want to double down on this okay that's a way to go at least but this movie's like if you like the first movie I don't want you to like this one like that's what it feels like like it feels like time films just putting us through a producer situation like he wants this thing to fail entirely so we can like get out of some contractors something I have no idea but like it just doesn't add up to me it's like why this why why why are these the choices being made be like an anti-movie almost except it's not it's not punk rock enough to feel that way it just feels like it's just the laziest and it's where we need to go like like he loves gg alan right that guy is insane if you've read about gg alan the dude's nuts and and phillips followed him around for a year so it's like everyone's like yeah it's punk rock he's trying to do this no it's not it's still a two hundred million dollar movie like make your studio like he doesn't even like he doesn't commit to being punk rock yeah either and it's oddly complacent like the movie that doesn't have it it doesn't feel alive at all so yeah it's an odd thing where you know I kind of had to go back and research his life and be like well like he has this kind of punk background but had yeah Todd yeah like so like he grew up it was just him and his sisters and a single mom and he said he was always really into like masculinity that's why you see like he also shot a doc about college life and so he made road trip and then he made the hangovers and like he's really obsessed with like a very specific type of masculinity and like he leans away from that here and you almost expected him to maybe lean more into like the punk aesthetic that he loved from like gg alan and all that but yeah it's the farthest thing from it like this is not this this isn't like a two hundred million dollar f u this isn't like a two hundred million dollar it's trolling a little bit but it's not it's like i'm trolling but i can't because i'm making a two hundred million dollar movie it's like you shouldn't even do that then because then it's just half-hearted like just make a movie yeah and so yeah i think this was this like not from the beginning it wasn't calibrated and like i i you know what i got visions of the art walking phoenix doc like i'm still here like that was a train wreck i watch it in the theaters and i'm like i know what you're doing walking phoenix but i kind of want to fight you like i i really did like i was like this i was like i know what you're doing nobody sleeps on letter mix except for mark like you committed like you committed but like it was just another gamble gone wrong yeah but at least he fully went in on that like this movie just doesn't go in at all and now it now now uh wacky faces isn't going out on anything he's just leaving projects five days before the shoot jeez always and he did that on split too which is kind of crazy like he left like two weeks and mackerel we had to fill in but did a great job yeah i know he crushed it but i i i guess for me i i just wish there's there's no punk rock to this it's not even like a being there that is just absolutely hilarious with chance to gardener just working his way up and just saying bullshit um you know this movie is not even as smart to be that like a satire this movie is it's just i don't know it's it's like would you guys characterize it even as like just a bummer of a movie like just of course it's a bummer of a movie it's a bummer of a movie like a flame out like oh it's like a burner like bummer or like a movie but or is it worse like you know this is just unwatchable well i didn't hate it watching it like i leaving i did almost fall asleep which is weird and i i have celsius beforehand like normally i'm wired out of my mind guys you should hear me talking when i have celsius on my system like i'm i'm like porky ramano when he does all the coke in that movie like question question i was just fading in it Aaron do you think we get christitan on the show yeah good question question i mean he was crushing about one sketch with the gordy but uh i don't know he's pretty popular these days but i i don't know i i just i'm happy i watch it i i had no hatred in my heart towards it yeah but you know maybe that's bad like if i really hated it i i made it might have preferred that like because you feel something like i did not feel anything while watching this so i mean that's an accurate way to put it i mean i i don't few few things i hate because that requires putting energy into the fact that i need to hate something now i'm not doing that i'm gonna move on from this movie to second after we've been talking about i just i mean it's the worst movie of the year so i mean i know i don't think it's worth seeing um i there will be other things in i'm x you know as much money as they it's much money as they spent on this movie to look the way it does yeah which is not awful but it's just i don't care there's other things i'll be able to see that'll look better if you want to make the punk arc argument if i want to talk about a movie that cost a lot of money that's punk rock go fucking last week to megalopolis that's a punk rock movie that's a movie where director's making choices and has things he wants to say regardless of how effective you feel is being indicated he still made a movie that wants to do something with that money and with his sensibilities that actually sticks to what its path is as opposed to throwing everything out the wall and saying maybe the the idea i mean we talked terence and i talked about terence who all didn't like the movie and i did we had a good conversation because there's things to embrace about that movie that are worthwhile for discussion sure you can say a lot of things by megalopolis but it's not lazy and it's not it's not a mess it's a lot of things but mess is such a throw away term for movies that don't know what they're doing you don't have to like it but i think a couple knows exactly what he's doing with that movie this movie i agree mark i think phillips knows what he's doing he's just bad at doing it and it sucks for that reason among many others he's much better in the aggressive mold like the the hangover sequels like i don't think i really enjoyed him but they felt very aggressive i don't know like there's a sure when phillips is on there's a certain aggressiveness to his movies that you can feel like there's none of that here like i think he's uh i don't know he he should have i'm not saying what he should have done but i kind of miss that aggressive feeling of his that's that that's the that's the we're not going to delve into and it's it's like i said it's being chicken shit like it it's coasting off the fumes of the first movie comes up empty real quick because the first movie is not deep to begin with so there's nothing left here so it's just a slog to watch this thing yep i love but i love old school so i don't you know what do i think that's why i think i have one last question for you how many cigarettes do you think we're smoked in this movie oh jeez always i'm distracting amount is my answer to that question no i want to i want to number errand give me a number i don't know the answer i'm just like i feel like uh offset there's like much more obviously but like onset i was like i feel like they were smoking like 200 cigarettes in this movie yeah they go through like 16 packs throughout the course the runtime of this film how many head nods or head tilts are in this film with sad cello music yeah i have a question for you guys yeah there is a point in this movie where the guards are more aggressive than normal towards Arthur yeah i've read that by some as was he that he was raped in the prison i don't care either way if that actually happened although i have harsher opinions if it is one way but did you guys feel that there was a scene where he was actually raped i mean was being implied right yeah that's the that's the impression that i got to yeah he's just chicken chicken shit the show it i guess like i get i mean it's not a matter of i needed to see it to believe it or whatnot at all i also contributed the fact that i'm so bored by this thing maybe i just wasn't paying enough attention to be like oh that's what actually happened but if let's say that is the case let's say that's the that's the intended implication that actually hate this movie more like that i would go into hate territory because it feels irresponsible to be like on top of everything else that you already don't have much meaning for we're going to throw in sexual assaults from guards that don't really need to do that to begin with like it's just like why like what's the what is the goal of any of this and that's why beyond just disliking this movie beyond thinking it's a waste of time it makes me it makes me feel bad for those that look forward to the movie i'm glad some do like it sure go you know buy it go and have a great time what not again but but the you know the what films is putting on display just feels like utter contempt for the fact that they like bought into his first movie and it's bullshit and they're like well here's more i guess but i'm going to do it in a way that subverts your expectations but not cleverly just mean you know even more nihilism hey crap and now you got me thinking too because he committed those murders he murdered definitely murdered this but then but then at the end of it he's like well i'm not the joker i'm arthur like i'm a sensitive soul and you're like well yeah but you killed you killed people like you yeah it's yeah and so when when he tries to get his sort of not like retro like when he yeah he's like let's let's get out here let's go let's go hang out and live a nice life like you know uh yeah they don't even fall through on that no yeah that's uh jeez Louise Phillips jeez Louise that's the what we're gonna put on the poster that and i like feeling joker finally to do is currently in theaters and i am ex but people let's go go see this movie mark i mean jeez jeez Louise there it is yet okay you're you're imagine this in your head your magic okay so you're in home and you need to reorganize something in your home and it's going to take a while you got to clean the floors vacuum switch around your DVDs your blue rays hang up some art watch it then i like it yeah pretty much the same place i mean this is like basic cable tv type of situation i mean at least suicide squad which is a dumpster's fire of a movie at least it's like it's intentions where we want to entertain you this movie doesn't even seem to be wanting to do that it just wants to throw everything at you and be like see so i don't have room for that in my life so i would say don't watch this movie what if you like the joker watch that they can do that Aaron what did you rate this movie on your on your one star okay surprise you didn't give it no star or half a star that would tell people not to watch it that would that would imply that there's incompetence and nothing going i mean the the work of laurant shir alone as a cinematographer like there's at least effort being put in and it's not like the actors are bad at acting i mean so that that's a different scenario like i'd have to have like like i said it have to be incompetent to go that far so but still this movie's terrible like what one star is nope no no positive yeah i'm i'm normally pretty fair towards movies and i can find the the light in them but i gave this a d like i i'm i if i had to give it a letter grade i would give it a d and i argue that's being fair yeah that's what that is yeah and i mean that's like pretty harsh for me like i would only give if like maybe leery crown enough but i i yeah this one i don't i don't know i i feel like after even getting into the headspace and after watching this i still i dislike it more like most for any harlan movies after i listen to one of his commentaries i'm like yeah i like this movie i have to read in more about this i'm like oh i think i like it less which is the opposite of what normally happens so yeah well we move all right well jokers in theaters now it's a movie um hey what uh what time is it Aaron are these over a quick game here mark did you know that that's actually the the theme that plays when we're going to go into a singing sequence but Todd Phillips like Aaron i'm trying to make a movie dark and so Aaron did not get that job i was waiting with my head tilted back ready to belt out with you guys well i'll be on the end for you guys this week it is the IMDB search engine game this is one of Aaron's favorites uh in honor of joker fully ado i have typed a word into IMDB i clicked on the movies tab and i got a list of movies here 10 movies that appear in this list i will tell you the word in a second and if you uh name the top movie you get 10 points if you name the bottom movie you get one point so on so forth uh we'll go a few rounds if it's out of hand then it's out of hand the word that i've chosen for this week is two because that is the english translation of du and uh this is very interesting because uh in the results i got the word to TWO and the number two so i'm including both in them the other parts about this is that i am not including movies that have not been released yet so for example like Moana 2 which did appear in the list so only movies that have been already released that are well known uh that our us releases mostly uh are gonna be on this list here so uh mark you're the guest that have both TWO or numerical two in them correct yes yeah it's not narrowed down all right yeah so uh mark you're the guest you get and decide if you want to go first or if you want to refer to Aaron to go first uh in this game here so i like letting it ride like i'm let it ride baby anti-joker two so i'm gonna let Aaron go oh i should also let the joker 2 uh would not be on this list because i would omit it even if that's very clear yeah yeah uh i'm terrible at gamble and y'all like i'm bad like i let it ride i think you should get first it's it's kind of that's i'll just let it ride like whatever i'll be as to his terminator two judgment day terminator two judgment day amen in sixth position and you get five points for that one cool mark what do you think a movie with the number two or the word two is that would be on this list here too fast you furious that fortunately that did not appear just let it ride well i love where your brain is i love where your brain is in part of my air territory i did not appear on this list here oh man and we go back to you the godfather part two godfather part two did not appear in the top 10 mark and you have to think these are like things that i'm to be ears are searching in the last few months or the last couple days it's a weird algorithm okay so searching recently and then want to look it up deep blue c2 come on you don't know maybe they're maybe they're making expensive mark up bars that unfortunately did not make the top 10 either mark top 20 top 30 40 and we go back to you spider man two spider man two surprisingly did not make the list in the top 10 either well i love where you guys are going though jeez we um inside out to mark there you go inset out to is the number one movie on this list that is 10 points from mark off my right there is a tone from other picks yeah you are now leading air by five points and where do where's your mind at now um popular i'm trying to think of like the the two spelled out version also but i doubt it takes two is going to be very high i was about to say um let's see um what are some horror films there are two recently that have come out scream two erin well it was on the list but did not make the top 10 okay mark we'll go back to you i was gonna say smile too but that hasn't come out yet it's not that has not come out yet but that actually was on the top 10 but i was like no i can't i can't do the other ones i just think about yet all right um what has just come out that might be popular with two and it has Sydney Sweeney been in a movie with two those oh uh dune part two well dune too far dune part two is the number two movie on the list it's got a good one's damn it's got 19 points to erin's five erin we go back to you uh i like how Sydney Sweeney got me to do it too yeah i was like how did that work out um inside out too i should have got that immediately went to me lusam x two x been united x two x being united did not make the top 10 mark just a couple more rounds here before i i i start naming everything all right animated films that have horror films that come comedy is there kind i'm just running stuff through my head here yeah what are people searching for we're at october you know erin i think you're on the right track there with like maybe like some horror movies coming out that man let's see oh well no that's terrifier three so that one work what horror movies oh horror movies come out this year that might be sequels not the none too mm-hmm so is that your guess no no okay um spiggable me too despicable me too did not make the top 10 but again good where good headspace there erin back to you um just had one um what's it's whoa there's a horror movie um that's gonna bug me there's a quiet a quiet place part two a quiet place part two did not make the top 10 we go into the final round before i just have revealing everything you should give us hints not just reveal everything you should you hope go past the guess of ground it gets like it was more fun when you guys just like fuck i can i can do it okay i can i can do it okay so recent and then it's two and then what what has been big no that's ill and kong that's not that's not to say it takes two to rumble that doesn't work um that'd be funny if that was the name of the movie what else has been cuckoo abigail Priscilla - Priscilla - still singing or still still managing i don't know so it'll burn too more burn more salt anything i can do it um i can do it i can do it inside out too can i just say inside out too and get 10 more points okay i'm gonna say i want to get it i really want to do this so it has to come out this year no it doesn't have to come out this year oh well it has to be like it ain't the public consciousness yes yeah yes you be like is there a movie with this like tw oh in the title there are it's just a matter of what's popular there's a sequel to that uh accident man too accident man too is not on this list but i again i'd agree with that erin what is your final guess pattington two pattington two was not on the top ten here are the top ten number ten the conjuring two nine sing two eight it chapter two oh seven harry potter and the deathly hallows part two and you get numbers uh number six terminator two judgment day five the lord of the rings the two towers that makes sense four deadpool two number three erin you were so close or mark you're so close terra fire two oh that's because i was like terra fire three but yeah exactly so close uh and then mark you got to do part two and inside ad two mark you were the winner of this week's game 19 to five good work there sir tell my head that that jelly music plays i don't think i've ever won one of these now you have and it feels great you did not win a summerroom box office gamble though which i think we hold there we hold in in pretty high steam out here i think you're both the important thing of the year yeah i thought there's i thought about that so i'm very happy with my placement though i turned again i was tied i was fourth yeah yeah you and jay were back to back yeah deep deep blue sea represented yeah there you go all right thanks for that game babe yeah you're welcome let's move on now let's get some enough feedback feedback feedback is where it goes various questions answered on a Facebook page Facebook that comes us on a podcast you can ask a number of questions we ask a number of questions the listeners they give us some answers then we get a number of questions as well um to start this thing uh in mark feel free to throw any answers that we have as we go through these first question we have here what are some great films about characters bringing their thoughts into reality chef mendez writes sucker punch filiber has stranger than fiction dave maloof writes donnie darko jacob's ladder eternal sunshine and spotless mind of a no sky fight club the wizard of Oz the matrix inception and harvey mmm uh you can be able to run the science of sleep that's i don't know that's not a genre i'm too familiar with that's uh or uh characters bringing the thoughts into reality yeah people like movies where they draw stuff and it comes to life hmm anything here um never any story no i mean he thinks about it and it comes true right in in the neverings or world hmm bastion who you'll rip your soul out i love gomor that the conversation he has with the trade is really good yeah gomorck's cool gomorck server truck lord i might as drawing your playing so i'm just like you know that john kesack movie where he draws cartoons yeah sure yeah better off dead i think i already part two better off dead yes yeah two dollars i have a steel book of that for some reason i don't know why i have a better off dead steel gotta clank yeah get it collect all of them yeah like maybe more for a steel case yeah yeah uh that extra shan here is one of some favorite courtroom dramas uh tall ken ken off singer writes a few good men and 12 angry men um will mention to men of honor not because it's my favorite but it's my favorite of the courtroom dramas that kept getting played during daytime hours and cable during the early 2000s just in whether he writes a few good men rules of engagement uh david maloof writes the verdict new menet is best 12 angry men one of the best films ever made to kill mockingbird the incomparable gregory peck an inherent inherent the wind uh timely 64 years later and a few good men yes we could handle the truth that jack nooks in is cedar he chewing and we love him for it addendum miracle on 34th street can you believe the knellie wood was eight when that was made uh very long answer david thank you for that philip writes uh philip heard writes a man for all seasons and lastly chris cluven has anademic of a fall and have to infuse that include a few good men a lot of uh few good men love here we get some liar liar love in there well traumas was the answer oh never well you know it is dramatic at the end there what about lincoln lawyer is a good father yeah lincoln lawyer yeah i love that movie yeah kicked off the reconnaissance um uh what's its uh witness for the prosecution uh anademic a murder with that anademic a murder yeah uh yeah you know p.i.m. piece i was playing but instrumental it's where they played it back then yeah i mean steward's like what's that best dog uh like dog uh movie um actor in the in a while right not bad i said anademic of a murder not anademic oh sorry what am i fucking thinking yeah oh you just you clearly yeah i heard anademic of and i was like here we go um next which we have here is what are some sequels that you enjoy you enjoy that actively reckon with the events of the previous film uh david bluef writes godfather two obviously the empire strikes back aliens batman returns terminator two just with day type we got maverick spiderman to blade runner 2049 x two x midnight and most importantly break into electric book blue it's not wrong we got to save that dance studio the community center philipard uh to counter rights cloudy for chance meatballs hey don't wake to does a good job of that that picks up like hours after yeah yeah yeah major league two what happened then how did they start they replaced let's we snipes yeah they they just won and then they kind of came back soft oh they had to find their winning ways again because they all got rich and wild thing wasn't wild anymore the born supremacy i like it actually no you know the born ultimatum is even more directly be like that like picks up right where supremacy ends i'm going with that oh strike answer one from the record i'm going in city as chapter two how does that one start out because it's patrick wilson's uh is inhabited by a dream monster or whatever yes yeah that's right that's right yeah those movies rock i'm covering the series and i watch them yeah and she's three like just lynshane or scarves carrying movies to like 180 million dollars it just makes me very happy there you go i definitely like two of those movies did you like red door mark he gets a door yeah oh yeah that movie floored me at the end he's like i made the wall like just man my eyes welled up got a good ending very good it's flatly filmed i don't think wilson you know i like once again i really like the idea but i think it ends strong sure yeah i yeah well it misses the touch of one directed it too or one l but yeah yeah it's a little flat looking and roseburn's plot lines kind of odd but that final line is punchy right in the gut well we're under the expression after you're really a nice touching story um what are some of your favorite films focus on characters in psychiatric psychiatric care what if i didn't know how to pronounce words i can't go um michael e writes a background elm street three colon dream whoa that's a good one uh chris leon has one flu over the cuckoo's nest david millifras one flu over cuckoo's nest well monkeys the fissure king shutter island black swan a beautiful mine match thick men and tony darko jeff mendez writes 12 monkeys and velocity phil perd has take shelter and 12 monkeys take shelter is a good call take shelter that's a movie i ripped your heart out oh man i say he he i mean he's not in so he needs psychiatric care but um he's not getting it right there's a joseph gordon levin movie that i watched that i like mimicked his facial hair hmm and like oh oh three with um manic yeah manic yeah yeah i i just feel that right she had she i did that weird underbear that he had like a little thing on the bottom that he had i don't know why but i'm like i'm gonna do that yeah i kept it for way too long under beard seriously look at the clip of it yeah i'm gonna check it out half for you uh i did that and i had really alongside i was very like too early two thousands so yeah but i remember watching that i'm like i'm gonna do that yeah not a good idea guys silver linings playbook oh why what happens to that movie what why is he why he's in his like word he likes football too much oh okay yeah his neighbors are just egging them on all the time all right anything uh psychiatric word i mean he's not in one but i think it's it's really well shot is the father oh it's not a mental he's not a mental he's not a Alzheimer's it's a different Alzheimer's but you know like you'd be like well you know yeah that's not a good example i guess a psych word psych word patient that needs uh help um uh the shabell sketch with um with eddie murphy telling or charlie murphy telling stories about uh about uh our favorite games yeah rick james and uh how he's like man that guy needs some help and then uh charlie murphy's like man we just gave him some let's uh let's also go with a good burger where they get committed and they use the power of george clinton singing um to escape this is get burger one or two one of course Abe okay i was like i haven't seen two in a bit so i i've forgotten a lot about it already well i can only talk about classic shake i talk about classics here and there's a word that scene where they go in the bent there committed and then george clinton's there for whatever reason and they sing a song together and they use that to escape that's how it works that's how you get out of middle these what you're all i did it what's your favorite joker story whether it's the comics tv cartoons or movies adam gentry from the show writes it's heath ledger for me and it's not close still in all what he did with that part philip heard writes the dark knight returns right there's like chris clinton has the batman tv episode where they have a serf competition uh and david looper writes mark hamill and batman the animated series specifically christmas with the joker and let's be honest after what heath ledger did but get about it but get about it david joker story gerano damaged leto damage how do you know he's damaged driving a lando purple lando he wasn't written anywhere i want to hear his sound cloud albums like his the only person sounds that i want to hear is andy circus in black panther um claw six tape yeah claw it was his claw um favorite joker story joker's favor um is one of the best episodes of the batman tv series period i mean that by default might be my winner there i do like his dark star forever dark knight returns storyline because that's an interesting way to take it for the future um let's see not whatever arthur flex up to that's not interesting to me that's keeping anything yeah i feel like i spent too much time with heath ledger's joker because i finished how much i figured out how much cash was in that pyramid you know you did like i did the math i measured all the bills that that was big for me and then but i just watched it and i'm like who is this guy like what is it like what is he and like i just kind of i don't know so i'm i'm kind of indifferent towards him now because i spent so much time staring at him sliding down cash stacks so i i don't know about he's great performance but i like nickelson nickelson's like after a while i've had to do a joker assignment of how much like joking he had to do so i had to count at the count yeah that's a good one at the count nickelson's antics i just loved him in that like he made me some say that one because i'm not a real i don't really read too many comics so i like it yeah he's got some dry humor and some really good puns in that movie i am big on the um not on i mean it's dark knight and i love that movie so but um the um never heard of it what was i just gonna say um talk about the joker yeah the uh batman um arkham city plot in the game oh okay the second the second rock city game i think it was pretty fantastic hmm golfinocus is good in that one movie he's great like a friendly like a big like a batman he's i love that performance i think he's so good getting pathos to joker yeah through through voice he's like wait a minute you don't want to chase me yeah jay clew it right now is just losing his mind with happiness that i mentioned that so jay all right well we're next to you we'll end this question here what are your favorite films featuring an unexpected non-traditional reliance on musical numbers kristlyn has the wonderful polish mermaid uh euro pop horror music me horror slash musical the lure mmm david maloof has sent him the paradise sergeant peppers lonely hearts club band rocking for a picture show little shop of horrors true stories it couldn't happen here patch up boys 1987 good luck finding it anywhere bill per rights putting on the ritz in yank freaking sign uh and springtime for hitler in the producers any fun uh musical numbers that you guys were not expecting in movies i guess sing street you knew it was gonna have one hot rod when they're like trashing the town and going to the car like and then at the very end of it isn't danny mcbrad he's like but i caught on a control yeah yeah they kind of like rush out of the sea they're like wait a minute it's a really funny sequence uh i like that one uh scott pilgrim pulls off a couple that i enjoy um yeah i'll go with that for now airplane has a good day well they're not singing or they're just dancing yeah right lane has a good karaoke scene yeah but that's karaoke yeah well if they're they're doing some moves there's i can't probably yeah yeah i'm gonna go a hot rod hey yep i like it i don't really have any like where they're just like unexpectedly just doing i'm sure that there are a lot of them that i probably enjoy because i'm always uh enjoying movie musicals but let's go let's go a few jiggles in 500 days of summer so let's say that i was thinking about that as the initial one but that's like you know it's like he's just feeling good about himself and he's seen in the trailer so it's not really like a surprise but i like ones where like whoa i wasn't expecting that i can't remember what i thought my head where i was like holy shit that was fun so i know that billy madison um sure billy madison william netison next question one where they all sing Aquarius at the end of it that's uh four four-year-old virgin yeah yeah well uh this is the end with uh by f uh everybody boys everybody oh okay sure all right are there examples of films where you feel the filmmakers are purposely trying to undermine or irritate the audience and gentry writes michael hannickie films in general scott melison writes the born legacy which is very true um tyler smith sprinted the show writes funny games and gremlins too mark hoven has the brown bunny from vince and gallo a film that we definitely talked about on the summer of 2004 at 20 philipard has the world of kennico chris cleland writes maybe not under my but irritate yes gaspar noes film style made to make his audience feel extremely uncomfortable and nauseous and he's a bloody legend and dave beluf writes michael bae was no doubt pissed in 2001 when critics and audiences members alike resoundingly slam pearl harbor his rebuttal bad boys too which i actually love i think he basically said you didn't like my attempt to titanic okay fuck you here's the shit that's going to be directly in your face over the top corpse humor check profanity later non-stop use the word fuck check violence and more violence check stereotypes fucking check he basically said okay okay you want action i'll show you action here's your fucking action it was so cartoonishly over the top it felt like he had a lot of contempt for the critics and the audience alike was he trying to irritate everyone that's a good damn question kind of felt that way ps can i use the word fuck it's really aggressive that movie it real bad boys two is it's his most nihilistic film it's his most michael bae movie yeah um it very much came out of having a lot of handcuffs put on him during pearl harbor which he quit three times from while making that movie um which was pretty much forced to do by disney and jerry brochheimer which is what bad boys two is the last jerry brochheimer michael bae collaboration um it uh it shows it shows me a lot of energy you want to let out in bad boys too that's for sure i'm getting answer there i don't want to keep bringing things up but like bab i had to count every explosion in michael bae films for a run tomatoes thing and while going through it bad bad boys too again everything you just said was true like i was watching it even after all the chaos of his films i was like this is crazy like this is like this is michael bae but it was yeah that's a real outlier there in his cinematography in his film like a cinema uh what was the word well not cinematography and then it's i don't know yeah it's a vlogger our tourism yeah i was like josely what about bernaster reading with that count for whether irritate the audience yeah i would say coen's general there's a i mean the the constant argument always has been do the coen's like their characters because they can be very mean spirited about things i i do think the coen's have empathy for the empathy for their characters but they do like to put them to the ringer like you can say a serious man is a film that has a certain level of contempt just given all the things like a school bar goes through yeah for an after reading it does have a kind of this doesn't really mean anything but isn't it awfully a lot of but it's also fun that's thing about bernaster like it does not like they know they're making a comedy if they're not denying you the laughs in that movie yeah like the man who wasn't there is pretty bleak but also like darkly funny i don't know that's like calling the the count yeah that's really about the word that the colons are a good way to go to think about this because it's you can really question what their motivations are in a lot of sequence a lot of is yeah but they're also i think man well they're not tight they're more they're more fun to think about exactly yeah they're they're good filmmakers that's the difference um movies that are trying to uh undermine i'm going to channel my brand of peters and say they're as a skywalker yeah that's uh how did pellet did return what the fuck was the last jedi one of those then i mean possibly but i don't think it's trying to irritate anybody yeah i think he's actually trying to expand the universe but it's not right in the minority it's you're not in the minority that movie a set of a score a billion and a half dollars good it's not it's not like you know what ryan johnson was like fuck you guys gonna make benwa block movies i enjoyed it i just i just remember the hate that came from it like i guess he just wasn't going to pander to a certain section not the entirety of uh yes he wasn't going to pander to be we want this movie give us this no surprises that's not the movie he should want to make why would i want that movie yeah um mike well we moved down to questions that are being asked to everybody here the panel today michael lee friend the show writes of all the cinematic gothoms we've seen so far which one is your favorite oh my boy this is a good question uh you played all the games to you right erin all the games yes i have yeah um um i'm gonna go with forever batman forever that was on my mind too because i think i had watched the other batman movies but when i saw batman forever in 95 mm-hmm i just it was huge it felt gigantic and like the roads make no sense and it's just like it's a bit i love it like i've spent a lot of time with it since and photography nominee i mean it is and you know he came in under like he filmed the movie like ahead of time and like i think under budget that film that was why they like shoebacher he got it done that's like one of the biggest feeling like i feel like anybody else made the movie of that scope it would have gone wildly over budget but like the size and scale and just the world of it and just the giant like yeah i'm gonna say that i'm gonna say that i'd go with the 90s series and gender the the burdens and both shoemakers because i do think that there's there's so much effort it creating it not just like a isn't this city gritty but like a real like living world that's out of a comic book the bird films have just you know this gothic arrangement the opening scene of age and i batman is like this is a city that people live in you get this just this what is giant set returns just goes winter with it and it had a lot of fun there and then the shoemakers yes i really like i do really like the designs of batman forever this is a particular it because it it's it's not burton but it's still like finding a way to be this massive thing at a time where we're not getting those kinds of things all the time but back in the 90s it was it was Batman and Bond films that's when you would see the biggest version of something on a big screen before all the superhero movies and Lord of the Rings and all that took off and then Batman and Robin for all that movies problems i do like the impossible designs taking place in the film there's there's giant statues of greek gods or whatnot it's like yeah that's right nuts like it sucks at the movies you know whatever but in terms of production design it's not not trying and you're telling me you don't like the bet you don't like the back card or is that Victoria's the Batmobile is a both of those movies the bat card the what oh the both of the card that's that's that yes it's it's Batman what's confusing is it's Batman and Robin but on the card it says forever because there's no expiration date you know the fact that you know i think that's what throws people off in their mind they're like which movies that from because it says forever on it's but it's at Batman right he made that movie still like not a crazily over budget i believe like i think they were having rewrites and oracle had to show up and Arnold had issues because he was going through surgeries and all that and like she might are still got it done they're got it done i didn't i really admire like those movies because of just i feel like if this was uh you know somebody's MCU films this would have gone three times over budget with like reshoots but like shoemakers out there just make it happen so i love that good filmmaker um i my answer for this is the animated series but not from the cartoon it's from the Sega Genesis game so there you go okay 2d scroller windows that are like why are the people at work at midnight i don't know all right philip hurt asks us can you recall a time when you realize you weren't just a normal movie lover but had an insatiable appetite for cinema hmm i mean i still feel like i'm a normal movie lover i only see like 52 films a year at minimum so you know i don't know and that's a lot but like i don't think that i'm i don't think that we're we're in any real special category necessarily but in terms of the average movie goer because it was like three to four or five times a year what are you talking about that's okay you've hosted a film podcast for 13 years nor not just a normal movie i don't know because i've been watching movies just a long time um you know i had older siblings so we would watch things that they brought over from college or that we would tape on the abc movie of the night type of thing yeah but is there one that made you like think more about the movie beyond just the fact that you like it i this is really a good question because i can't pinpoint exactly i'd have to think about it so philip and i have to get back to you and erin and or and mark at a later time because i can't think of one where i was like that's the one where i was like you know this is really good cinematography or like this writing is outstanding you know so i don't think about it i have so many of them hit it hit it uh i i i let's see i want to go see boogie nights when i was like 15 and i had my friend senior his sister was a senior and she drove us she didn't know what movie we're watching when she picked us up at the end she's like what'd you watch i'm like oh boogie night she's like what the hell um like uh royal teddy bombs i remember i took yeah i was like a freshman in college i remember i had a oh like the girl was dating she was a senior in college and i took her to go see it and i loved it i remember when i was a senior in high school being there came on and the entire class hated it but i was like enthralled i remember i left school early go see snatch one time um there's not so many memories of like because i grew up in this i went to hudson elementary hudson middle hudson high not a lot of film people near me but like i remember when i got job at amse theater is the first movie i went and watch was election i'm like this movie rocks and i think i have these moments where i kind of was like oh i guess i appreciate cinema beyond like what's there but i have a lot of those little moments but if i had to pick one i remember just being like blown away by being there my teacher also showed dr strange love and um roger and me that semester it was government and just showed us movies but it was cool and i was like these are awesome like i remember that and no one else liked them so like that's my memory i love it now we know more about mark harffmeyer now i can't uh i can't be the one that votes you off the island that same teacher told me i wouldn't be smart enough for junior college and he made me sit in a corner but i still loved all the movies and look at you now you know how much money the joker fucking burn i was like i was a pain in the butt i was a pain in the butt but he was always shocked like when i loved those movies like when it's happening here but did you just do an impression of his voice wait the what did you just do an impression of his voice you were like what's up you know you just didn't he didn't like that yeah he we never got along but uh yeah Aaron i know that you've got probably a really great answer for this i mean growing up like obviously i have this i watched a ton of movies but i certainly like watched a lot of behind the scenes stuff when it came to like t2 and Jurassic park so they were just new at the time and the things were coming out fairly excessively but in terms of like a movie i watched and my reaction was i want to know more about how this works i've always gone back to LA confidential that was one where i'm i'm 11 at the time i'm renting it my dad's were renting it we're watching it and then by the time it ends beyond just like liking the movie plenty it was also just like there's so much going on here i want to know more about this and going from there and i always feel like the 97-98 year that's where i was really getting into film studies beyond just watching film and reacting to them just wanted to think more about where things got into and then you get to 99 it's that's the explosion of other movies that are you know since become classic so and not like 98-97 that's a good period for me and that was you know LA companies LA confidential specifically is always one that's like stuck out to me in that way what was what was the name he uses rosebud just kidding i know the name well we move into the last question here from david beluf he writes the most important question of all time the question that keeps people awake at night creamy or crunchy peanut butter creamy exactly i'm a creepy person as well exactly thank you okay we're all saying people here yeah yeah if i wanted crunchy peanut butter i'd just crush up peanuts and just put it in my mouth like trail mix like i got appreciate having a um you know something that kind of gives a little more grit in your peanut butter jelly sandwich yeah texture whatnot um i don't tend jelly red feature like peanuts those like i got the peanut butter that's the flavor already and then i got like my jelly i'll put like a banana in there or something something else i'll like give it a little bit more fancy to be able to try to spend the big money let me tell you now mess with crunchy yeah like who buys the people that buy crunchy in their house have to be like serial killers or something right that's the only possible answer you only answer exactly are the david you tell us what your answer is and we'll we'll decide if we're gonna block your name jk all right well that was questions that was feedback feedback feedback and thank you yes very much for all those answers and questions and uh with all that said that's going to do for this week's episode about now fair and eight you can find everything i do at my personal sub-stack page of code zik that's everything i do ends up over there i am the right the editor-in-chief over at weekly of entertainment all my new previews can be found at that site including my beyond-fest coverage and i'm on why sublue for blue rain criteria interviews and on all the socials at errands ps for abe you've heard more fun stuff from an instagram abed up more and slash below from us hashtag ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh oh oh oh oh god the variation that he tries in the van thank you bark off my working people find more of you online i have a podcast called movie like moments where characters put their heads back and like do a little dance like 200 episodes of that so far 200 yeah that's what uh joker takes up about 150 l.o i hear i hear those episodes are big in carolatia yeah huge yeah slovakia like just any of those like du brovnik like i'm a king there but yeah movie songs of flakes deeply see the podcast and then you know there's a few other like i do the few other i write for a few other places so all those places yeah oh very good i killed it i figured out how to kill zina more you did yeah and then i guess you watched alien uh Romulus uh i you had a written episode about how to kill him ideally and then i just figured out that minions aren't dumb so you can go see that at film theory all right i'll go check it out yeah good tease i'm like very good i've written five scripts about the minions in the last few years are you secretly being funded by illumination studios they just get views so i feel like you know like with the youtube algorithm when there there's a couple down episodes they need to hit so that they're like mark minions so then i just got it watch minions and come up with some dumb and then they hit back in the algorithm because they're always so popular speaking of bananas banana you can order all the other episodes about now they're in a but iTunes i don't even spotify anstitcher sound cloud power back in nature stability feel free to email us without not pogus at check out our physics page if it's a concert heaven by guest or twitter page slash out on a score podcast and our instagram page says out known score podcast as well mark thank you very much for joining us thank you mark this is great and you know what's nice i've been doing like i love the episodes i do but it's like mortal combat or me to or india jones or uh uh and uh we're always like yeah they're good they're like people hate them but they're good so it's nice it's just talking like it's kind of nice to talk about like this film like uh yeah even though i love all the i'll come on for whatever you want me to but it was nice to talk about like uh a serious film or not one one that's not like guys this is a good time like but enjoy it like who cares like it's fun like this one's just like no yeah no it's gonna be blows well thank you for joining us again next week we do have saturday night uh coming up uh so stay tuned for that but also a little clown called art has a movie coming out called terra fire three remind me and uh i hope to have some special thoughts to share uh between all of us on uh on what art the clown is up to this yeah because we need a good murder clown uh to help us write this ship uh but with all that said thank you once again mark thanks to lister for listing that's good dude for this week that's okay one next time so long and goodbye love not having a good answer