Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

327. Do You Need a Big Audience to Sell Out Your Services and Coaching Offers?

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09 Oct 2024
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In this episode, I’m tackling a hot question that comes up often in the online business world:

👀 Do you really need a big audience to build a five-figure business each month?

I’m sharing my thoughts and providing some actionable insights to help you understand what really matters when it comes to grow your business to $5k and five figure months.

Want more? I dive even deeper into this topic inside MamaCEO Unfiltered (check out episode 15)!

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Tune in to the MamaCEO UNFILTERED Podcast! The bts and tea on building a 5-figure/mo business as a mama of 2 toddlers!


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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say to take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this shmani. Hey boo, hey, happy Wednesday or whatever day you're listening to this on. Okay, I got to make this quicky quick because I have a mastermind call happening literally in 10 minutes, but I want to record this episode because I'm like, Lord, this needs to get done. Literally my last episode I forgot to finish recording. Well, I didn't forget to finish recording. Something happened with the audio and I cut out and I wanted to record these back to back. So here we go. I want to answer a question that happens that I hear come up a lot in online conversations, but as well as inside my programs, this comes up where people say like, do I need a bigger audience in order to sell out my services, my coaching, my offers, whatever. Do I need a big audience? And the short answer to this is yes and no. Wow, that was so not helpful. I know here. I'm going to break this down into a couple of other questions because I think the one thing that I think the biggest thing that happens here is that people get caught up in the term big audience, right? We get caught up in what a big audience looks like. And for a lot of people, you're thinking, you know, thousands and, you know, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of followers or tens of thousands of people here email list. And you know, I hear people tell me all the time, my email is only 100 people and I'm like, girl, that's a big list. Like, I know it might seem small, like in comparison to people that talk about their, you know, 100,000 person list, but like 100 people on an email is really good. I've had someone, I've had a client that had an email list of 10 people and closed eight of them. So when I tell you that, like, so yes and no, right? Yes. You do need a, you need to grow your audience, right? Growing your audience is important, but you don't need a big audience in order to sell out your offers and services. What you need is a, a highly qualified audience, right? A highly engaged community and a community filled with MVPs and true fans, right? So I've talked about this concept way, way, way back in the day. Like, this is such an old concept. Literally, I think this was something that I shared in like 2019. And I haven't talked a lot about true fans because I talked more about MVP now, but essentially you just need people in your audience that are arraying fans of you, your business, your offers, and who are in a position to buy. That's all you need. And it doesn't have to be hundreds of thousands of people. So when it comes to creating, let's just say a $5,000 a month, or you know, I'm going to do that. I'm going to say this. If you have, and I sent this as an email recently, so this is actually really fresh on my brain, but if you have 100 people in your community, you at minimum should be making at least one sale, right? Because that's a 1% conversion rate. Like you're converting at a 1% conversion rate. If you have 100 people and you make one sale, and as you get better at selling, right? In the last episode, I talked about, you know, number one, you need to sell number two, have a offer that converts, and then I think number three was like lead generation. So if you're doing those things over time, you're going to get better at selling, right? You're going to get good at making one sale per month. And that one sale from your existing community of 100 people that want to buy, these are your MVPs, your true fans, whatever, you're going to find yourself now making two sales, which is a two percent conversion rate, and then three sales, a three percent conversion rate, and then five sales, a five percent conversion rate, and then 10 sales, right? And then now you can do predictable math, right? Now you can create predictable sales, because now you know your conversion rate. Now you know that for every 100 people in your community, you can all but guarantee a certain number of sales. That is what we're getting to, right? How do I know this is possible? Because I know sales, because I know numbers, because I know that sales is a numbers game, but you don't need to have huge numbers. You just need a couple of things, right? You need to have a significant number, right? So let's just say our baseline number is going to be 100 people, right? 100 qualified leads, right? Which that's a lot, because remember, I told you I had a client that had 10 people on her list, and she signed eight clients. Now to her credit, she had, I want to say like 500, I know it was under 1000 Instagram subscribers. So technically her entire audience was much bigger than that, and she drove people from Instagram to her email list. But even still, when we think about it from that standpoint, it's like just 500 followers. And like you see other people that have tens of thousands of people on their, on their page. I used to have over 10,000 followers on my Instagram page. And so I started using the mom's due business account, or sorry, mom's due business, different account, then like now I just hit a thousand, right? So I'm saying this all to say, you don't need a big audience, you just need a intentional audience, and you need to know your numbers, because sales really is a numbers game, right? And as you get better at the numbers game, what's going to happen is that you're going to be able to convert more people better, right? So as you get better, right? As you perfect your skill, or as you just consistently sell, you will start selling more people into your offer. And that's a good thing, because now you might have that same hundred people, but where you used to be getting one sale now, because you've gotten better at your messaging, your offer is converting, all those kinds of things. Now you're getting five sales for that same hundred people. Okay, maybe later on, you get even better, and now you're getting 10 sales for that same hundred people. So it's not that you need a bigger audience, now you do need to add to your audience, your audience doesn't need to grow, but it doesn't have to grow by hundreds of thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people. It can grow by a few hundred, and you can still sell out your offers, right? So are you picking up one, putting down, right? Are you picking this up? So a couple of things that I would say that you really need to like have or do in order for your numbers to increase and get better, right? For you to either get better at selling, or for you to like improve the number of people that you have in your audience that are actually qualified buyers. Number one, find your messaging. Messaging is an art, okay? It is something that you are always creating, you're always improving on it, and it's going to be a mix of being clear on like your focus, your objectives, who you serve, the transformation, all those things, and the stories you share, okay? Now, this is the key. The key is having stories that sell for you. Inside of Shmani Wama, I literally have a whole training called the art of messaging, and inside of there, I take you through how to get clear on your focus, your objectives, your key messages, all those things, as well as create your narrative, create the stories that you're telling to connect with people, and really just show them that not only are you clear, but you're confident, and not only are you clear and confident, but they can trust you because you have these stories of other clients or yourself, showing how you took someone from point A to point B in exchange for their coins, right? Or how you took yourself from point A and point to point B and got this desired result, right? Whatever it is, and one thing I want to say about your messaging is that you never arrive. You're always going to be fine tuning, you're always going to be evolving because the messaging that works today, it might not work tomorrow, but that is okay, right? That's okay, because again, sales is a numbers game, so what you're trying to do is improve your messaging because you're trying to basically connect more with the pool of people that you got, right? I've talked about this before, but I've talked about the fact that if you can't convert your existing audience, having new people isn't going to help, and that is so true. A lot of times, you need to get good at converting who's in your audience, right? Who is in your audience that you haven't sold to that hasn't heard about your offer? Or maybe your messaging was just so misaligned, maybe you didn't connect with them for whatever reason, or maybe you haven't been using stories, something is going on there, right? You can fix that, right? You can fix that by one, selling to them, but two, playing with your messaging, saying different things to see, okay, what's making people click? What's making people go to my sales page? What's making people do all these different things, right? And ultimately, that will help you improve your sales, and it's not about getting more people into your audience, but it's about going deeper and fine tuning with the people that you already got, okay? Thing number two, an offer that people want, sorry, an offer that people want and need right now, okay? That is like so key. Sometimes people sell an offer that people might want, but they don't need it right now, right? It's not an urgent pressing matter for them, and so sometimes I actually have my clients shift from selling their normal offer to like, let's just do a pop-up offer, like let's just do a fast offer, get some quick cash so we can play around with the last thing I just said, which is messaging, right? To figure out what is going on with the girls and what's going to get them to buy, right? And the only way you can do that is if you have an offer that's going to actually sell. So creating that offer that's going to give them something they want and need right now is going to be crucial. Last couple of things, create content, right? Long form, email, short form, whatever it is. I don't care what content you create, although I do recommend at least long form in email, you need to create something to nurture and engage your people, right? Because the thing is, is that if you have 100 people in your community and you're making one sale, they need something, right? They need you to say something to them. They need to know that you are an expert, that you're good at what you do, that happens in your long form content. They need for you to sell to them, that can happen via email, and it can all be very, very simple. It can be very seamless, but they need something to be nurtured and to engage with you in some kind of capacity. Lastly, selling with an intentional process, which I feel like this is what I've been talking about overall completely, but I want you to think about having a large audience or whatever, right? And I really want to reduce this down to an audience of 100, because the thing is, is that as you grow, you're going to like, just think to yourself, I just want to grow my community by 100 people. Because for every 100 people, I know I can convert 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, right? Whatever the number is. So what I really want you to think is, instead of, do I need a big audience, how can I grow my community by 100 people and increase my conversion rate, right? How can I increase the number of people that I convert for every 100 people that I get into my community? That is the better question, right? That is the better thing to focus on, and that is what's going to get you from, you know, just a sale here or there to consistent sales, right? 5, 5k months, 5 figure months, right? That's all I focus on. I only focus on how can I increase by another 100 people? Because I know that once I get 100 more people, I will convert at whatever percent, right? Whatever percent I'm converting out for that offer in particular. So that's what I really want you to think about. Isn't that, do you want to need a bigger audience or do I need a big audience? It's, how can I improve my conversion rate? How can I fine-tune my messaging? How can I, or what offer can I create that's going to sell? How can I create content that establishes trust and nurtures my people? How can I sell intentionally, right? That is what I want you to focus on. And guess what? I would do all those things with you and for you inside Shimani Mama. So if you are not inside there, girl, what did you wait for? I think, I feel like I keep saying this to you all the time, but like for real for real. Where do you wait for Mama? Come on over. Like, I am ready to serve and support you. And I promise you, like, you're going to realize that sales gets to be easy. It gets to be simple. It gets to be something that doesn't require too much of you. It doesn't stress you out. And it really is the bare minimum that will allow you to hit the cash month that you want to hit, whether it's 5k or 5 figures. Like, it doesn't matter. We'll be able to do it together. All right. This was super long. My call is starting right now. If you did not know, we started the 90 day 10k or 10k 90 day challenge, which is basically where I am helping you create an additional $10,000 in new sales and cash in the bank for your business in quarter four. That is happening inside Shimani Mama. So come on, girl, join us over there. I might have to do a follow up to this episode because this was like really fast because, again, I have a call. I have a call and I'm waiting for, like, my first few people to hop on, but, girl, my heart is so full. I love being here and doing these things with you. And I am just, like, so excited about the way that things are moving and progressing inside of the whole Shimani Mama mom's new business work, mom's new business different world. I like struggle to say that sometimes. But anyway, that's it for this one. So next time I will talk to you later, Narla. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I know you loved it. So go ahead and leave a five-star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me at mom's new business different and at Mrs. K Hillman so a young thought knows is real. May you walk in your purpose and call it every single day to steward the life and business that God has called you to. Until next time, let's get this money. [BLANK_AUDIO]