Chrissie Mayr Podcast

CMP 770 - Laura Loomer

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
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Laura Loomer returns to the Chrissie Mayr Podcast to promote her upcoming Docuseries "The Great Replacement" which premieres on Twitter and Rumble October 8th. We chat about Trump, Kamala on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, the illegals, rumors about dating Trump, her curry tweet about Kamala Harris and more!

[MUSIC PLAYING] Faster your feet fell, it's going to be a bumpy bump. Chrissy is hilarious. Chrissy, have you ever heard of your comedian Coshock K. Ali? No, that sounds like something you yell at before you blow up a plane. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [INTERPOSING VOICES] [MUSIC PLAYING] 30 seconds really mean it. But what do you say I doubt it is? That's the total. I haven't even discussed this back to you all. [MUSIC PLAYING] I was scared to be confused by the title, everything, everywhere. All I want is that's also what we call it when the ass takes off his shirt. [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHTER] I shouldn't be up here. I should be in school with the other side of the ocean. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, hello, boys and girls. Good afternoon. Welcome to another episode of the Chrissy Mayer podcast. You can listen to this podcast. Gosh darn it, we're everywhere. iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Rumble, Rockfin. Please like and subscribe. Please subscribe on YouTube if you have not yet done so. I'm inching closer and closer to 100k. Can't wait to put that silver play button right here. Very exciting guest today. I'm so excited that she was able to carve out some time for us, especially considering she is currently living in Florida and doing hurricane prep. So I'm so happy she's, she's able to squeeze out a few moments. Before I bring her on, I want to do a quick video from today's sponsor. Oh my goodness. It's the great U.S. treasure hunt. What is that you ask? Well, this video is going to tell you. Hit it. Great U.S. treasure hunt. We've delivered winners from all over the U.S. awarding thousands in prize money. We've hidden 10 coins in public. And for the first time, we give the clues to their exact location. In a comic book format. Ten states, ten coins, ten clues, ten thousand dollars. One comic book. The great U.S. treasure hunt. The hunt begins October 15th. Order now. Wow. What was that you ask? It's basically like a scavenger hunt where you can win money and prizes and such. returns in 2024 with ten thousand dollars in prizes up for grabs. They've hidden ten coins in ten states. And the clues to their exact location is in a comic book much like this one that mails out October 15th. Order now. Use promo code CMP to save five dollars on any package. You go to for full details. The coins are distributed all over the United States. Two great lake states, two Gulf Coast states, two state capitals. Two states that border the Pacific Ocean. They're all dispersed. Don't worry that they're just going to be all in one spot. The coins are hidden, not buried. So don't bring that shovel or metal detector. The clues are in that comic book that I just showed you. They've given away over forty grand in the past. And this year they're going to give away at least ten thousand dollars more. All books will be mailed via first-class mail on October 15th. There's no guarantee what date that will arrive to you. That depends on your local post office. No clues will be released on the website, YouTube or any other social media for at least two months. So solve the puzzles in the book. Partner with someone to find the coin and enjoy your victory. Go to and use promo code CMP to get five dollars off your package. That's what she said. Oh my goodness, what a day, what a day. I'm so happy she's here. Who knows, she may have to bounce off and finish boarding up her house because she is in Florida. But I'm so happy that she could carve out a little bit of time for us today. I believe this is her second time on the podcast. She is an investigative journalist, a free spirit, a bit of a provocateur. But we love provocateurs. She is the founder of Loomard and the host of Loomer Unleashed. Ooh, and a former project Veritas operative. And according to her Twitter bio, a feisty Jew, Jewess. I love that. Welcome back to the show. Laura Loomer. Thank you. Thanks so much for having me. It's great to be here with you. What a beautiful set. Oh, thank you. I love it. Yeah. So it's, this is my interview set. And then, of course, we have the Loomer Unleashed set, which is purple, of course. And that's my favorite color. But yeah, this is my new setup. It's really great. I love it. It's stunning. And I think I'm looking at the exact same website like that you got these little, these things here. I'm ordering something similar for there. Oh, awesome. Neither here nor there. My gosh. I, you're in Florida. How are you feeling about, and I'm sure you have lots of feelings because there's how the Biden administration is handling or not handling the, the relief for this is now. I mean, there's been multiple hurricanes, but. Well, yeah. And that's the thing is where I am in Florida, we were supposed to have a tropical storm because. Obviously I live in Florida, but I wasn't in the direct zone of the hurricane. And so now it just updated right in my county where I live. And so I just got a notification 10 minutes before coming on saying it's been updated to at least a category one in your area. And so now I have to put the hurricane shutters up and that's, of course, an ordeal because well, I don't know how to put hurricane shutters up. That's what men are for. So I had to make some real calls so that I can have a nice man come help me with my hurricane shutters tomorrow. I just learned what sandbags were for this morning. I was watching like a video of people going like hovering around this big pile of sand filling up bags. And I'm like, what's the, what's the point of it? I always thought there was like, when you get your headshots done, they keep the lights from getting kicked over. But apparently they are to keep, it's to keep water from going under doors and such. I don't know. It's very scary. I live in New York, which is a little bit of a, a liberal hellscape. But, you know, it's everybody moved. I mean, I think you've been in Florida for a minute, but I think so many people moved to Florida thinking, finally, like, we're free. What could possibly go wrong? Yeah, super hurricane. So hopefully it's not as catastrophic as they're saying it's going to be, but it's looking like it's going to be pretty bad. But you always have to prepare. You never know because a lot of times what will happen is they'll, they'll say, Oh, it's going to be a category four category five. However, I remember when I lived in Palm Beach, I used to, I lived, you know, right down the road from our logo and they said hurricane Dorian, they projected it to be a category five storm. And I was in the evacuation zone and they were doing emergency evacuations. And so I ended up going north for the hurricane. And then it didn't even end up doing anything to Palm Beach. So you never know. I mean, a lot of times things can just change last minute. From what I've been reading, I think that the Biden Harris administration has given close to a billion dollars and please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm often wrong. But I think they've given close to a billion dollars of FEMA money to the illegals instead of, you know, using it for what it should be, which is emergency, such as these, these hurricanes that are coming towards us. None of this probably shocks you. It just feels like it's been done neatly quietly. I'm not shocked by anything the Biden Harris regime does, but I don't know the exact number, but I know it's over a billion dollars for sure. And of course, there's a lot of reports out about that and they said they don't have enough money. And of course, Kamala Harris is now offering only $750 and it's like, well, what is $750 going to do? I am, you know, a single woman, right? According to the government, I'm not married. I don't have children. I just have dogs and my food bill, when I calculate all the food and the groceries and everything that I buy for my dogs every single week, it's over $200, sometimes $250. So how is $750 supposed to help somebody who just lost everything, doesn't have shelter? Maybe they have kids as well. It's just not a lot of money in this day and age. And when you look at the fact that illegal aliens are getting EBT cards and they're getting new clothes and they're getting housed in places like New York, I just, I'm releasing the first episode of my docu-series today called The Great Replacement. And one of the places I visited throughout making my documentary was the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City and I remember seeing these illegal aliens, one of whom actually assaulted me. And we had to call the police. He tried to steal my cell phone. Yeah. And he ended up attacking the police officers. It's all on video. They were giving them free hotel rooms and this was once a luxury hotel. This is a hotel that once cost, I mean, according to rates online, at one point, they were charging $450, sometimes $500 a night to stay in this hotel. And so if that's what they're giving illegal aliens, it's really a slap in the face to all of these hurricane victims, many of whom are really struggling right now. I saw a Daily Mail report yesterday about how they expect to see a skyrocket in suicides because people have just been brought to their absolute brink and they are having a really hard time coping. Yeah, I think it's something like one in five or one in three hotels in New York City just have been fully dedicated to illegals and even in places like Brooklyn, they'll be, you know, they'll have homes with landlords. And instead of renting them out to their normal tenants, they're like, "Well, I can get more. I can get more from the government if I house illegals here." So, and then you have these illegals taking over entire houses and there will be like 30 people living in one house. And it really does affect these neighborhoods. And I'm glad you brought up your docu series. And this is so exciting that this premieres today on Twitter. I'm going to show everybody this little teaser clip that you have on your profile and then we can talk more. We can talk more about your process for creating this. I know what a crime looks like. And I will tell you, an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. They're just all going to be processed because they're just going to save their refugees. [MUSIC] Okay, well, that's very scary. And I just can't believe that that, I don't know. I mean, we know what's happening, but to see it visually is like, it's a bit startling. Yeah, and those are all common examples of crimes that are committed by illegal aliens, especially cartel members. And as we know, Kamala Harris has allowed for members of these criminal, what do they call them, transatlantic criminal cartel organizations, narco terrorist organizations to come into our country. And in the promo, you can clearly see some of the things that they do. A lot of people don't know this. A lot of the cartels from Mexico actually practice cannibalism. And one of the things they do for new recruits is they make them skin their victims alive. And so oftentimes you'll see that people who they kill have their face cut off. And so that was what I showed in the promo there. They actually will skin the face of their victims off and then let them bleed out and die. And then they'll shoot them. And obviously, there's videos out there on some of these websites that document a lot of the migrant crime that show members of the cartels. Skinning somebody's face and then wearing it as a mask. So that's the type of brutality that the Democrats are allowing to come into our country when they allow for open borders. And as we just saw last week in these horrific statistics that were released by the border patrol, which has, you know, their union has really condemned Kamala Harris and her policies. They have endorsed President Trump. She has allowed for nearly 14,000 convicted murders and over 15,000 convicted rapists to come into our country. And so a lot of people think of it just in terms of migrant crime rape murder, the killings, that's obviously horrific. But what I hope to show people, and this is not a piece of right wing propaganda. It's not hyper partisan either. This stocky series, which the first episode premieres today on X and rumble out. Premier, the episode on my rumble show Loomer on leash tonight at 8 30 p.m. Eastern. And then you can watch it as well on X if you miss it, is to really appeal to moderates independents and Democrats. And people who seem to think that this concept of a great replacement is somehow a white supremacist conspiracy theorist. It's not. And when you look at the statistics and you look at the numbers, you cannot help but come to the conclusion that yeah we are being replaced and we're not just being replaced in terms of demographics, but our cultures being replaced and also our jobs are being replaced. And so a lot of time and effort was put into this and showing really a historical analysis of how we got to this point and sharing the cost of living and showing people what the price of illegal immigration is for the everyday American. And we're not talking about change over the last hundred years. We're talking about, you know, 50 year difference and it's really going to blow people's mind. And the plan is to release an episode every single week from now until the election. Of course, there are five weeks left because now there's what 29, about 29 days left till the election. And so every single week now until two days before the election, another episode will be released with the first episode airing tonight. So I hope that people will enjoy it. So when did you start this whole process for creating the docu series, how long has this been in the works for it's been in the work since February so in February I decided to go to the during gap and a lot of people don't know what that is. The during gap is a transit point for illegal migration and probably one of the biggest hubs in the world for, like I said, the transit of these illegal aliens who are coming into our country from South America. It explains, I explained in the docu series how they then make their way to the United States. People often think, Oh, they're just coming in from Mexico. Well, what you don't know is that a lot of these illegal aliens first use the during gap as a transit hub to then get to Mexico by taking a bus to Costa Rica. And then, you know, going in through Honduras and you'll see the maps yourself when I released this docu series and a lot of this footage has been released over the last few months because well, I, you know, did a lot of reports about highest and some of the different organizations that are involved in the facilitation of illegal immigration into our country. It was the subject of a really big New York Times hit piece and they decided to follow me in a very weird way. They kind of tracked me down. I had no idea how they tracked me down because well, I was in the middle of nowhere in the jungle and Panama. But somehow the New York Times was able to track me and they sent somebody to follow me into the during gap and they were taking photographs of me and trying to document the people who I was speaking to. And without me knowing about this I guess they somehow were able to get the contact information for several of the Islamic immigrant illegal aliens who I interviewed while I was there, including a Somali illegal alien who was trying to get into the United States and said that he was very interested in participating in our political process. And so they tried to do this whole hit piece on me in which they said oh Laura Loomer ambushed illegal aliens and they feel very targeted by her because in the previous promo that I released several months ago President Trump Trump had shared it and it went quite viral received several millions of views online and NBC News did a whole, you know, a whole presentation on it. And you know they were very triggered by the fact that President Trump had shared this ad. Because of course they want to try to say that it's a white supremacist theory when in reality right all you have to do is listen to these migrants many of them speak English they will talk to you and they will tell you point blank yes and planning on coming to your country and voting One of the videos I released an anticipation for the release of this docu series was an interview I did with an illegal alien named Lenny who told me that he had family in the United States and he was planning on coming to the United States and coming in through San Diego And that he was going to vote in our election. There are legal aliens that I got on camera who were in the water and they were in the migrant camp swimming in the dirty contaminated river the same place for people shit and drink water I mean it's really unsanitary we're talking real third world conditions here These illegal aliens were screaming we love you Joe Biden we love you Joe Biden and I speak Spanish and I'm talking to them and you know mind you now Kamala Harris is now the new Democrat nominee for President however we cannot forget the fact that Kamala Harris is Joe Biden and Joe Biden is Kamala Harris Yeah whoever whoever's maybe Kamala is the one holding up Joe animating his face for us but yeah they've or whoever's controlling the both of them it's definitely the same person and I'm glad you brought up the conditions down there at the at the Darian Gap and I was reading something earlier today that I guess there's there's Native Americans that live in that area and they're complaining of how just disgusting there are Yeah so they have the embera the embera people are the indigenous people there in Panama and the Darian Gap and the embera the embera village and the embera people who are the native the native Indian population there they're being replaced as well and now their indigenous communities have been overrun and taken over by NGO organizations especially the United Nations which we are funding with our taxpayer money and so really ultimately what I discovered and I see you're playing the real America's voice clip I know that Ben Berkwam also went down there so you know a few people have gone down to the Darian Gap not many but what I've what I discovered when I was down there is that the embera village is now being completely taken over by groups like the United Nations and well they have they have vaccinated all these people okay they have gone into these communities and made them into made them into made them into more contemporary I guess you could say participants in our society and what does it mean why do I say contemporary participants in our society these were indigenous people who lived off the land they were not using computers they were not using internet they were not using technology some of them had never seen cell phones they never seen computers they had no idea what these things were until these illegal aliens started coming into their towns and now that's what they're doing there a lot of them are now making money and they have given up farming they have given up all of their indigenous practices and a lot of these communities have really just gone you know completely neglected because they're making more money setting up little shops okay so you have businessmen you have Chinese who are actually there's a lot of Chinese influence in Panama the Chinese are trying to take over large portions of the Panama Canal and as as a consequence of this you have a lot of Chinese business people who are now trying to create Chinese enclaves inside these migrant camps and so a lot of the illegal aliens who are coming in through the during gap are elite are illegally coming from China these people could be CCP operatives they could be CCP spies and one of the things I discovered actually when I was in one of the Enbada villages is that they had Chinese stores and so they told me that Chinese business men were coming in and they were driving supplies into these villages and and they were they were giving Chinese illegal aliens instructions on which camps to visit which migrant camps to visit and they actually have people there that help facilitate the illegal migration for these Chinese individuals so you're in the middle of the jungle talk think about this you're in the middle of the jungle in Panama and you see a little hut like a little shantyville and it has Chinese writing all over it and then you will see these little printed placards for US for for QR codes that you can scan and it takes you to Alibaba pay and never use the internet before and they're they're just being completely taken over by Chinese operatives who are facilitating the invasion of our country so no it's not just Hispanics it's not just Africans they have a video that I released I hopped on a migrant bus they were trafficking Africans in a bus from one of the migrant camps the San Vicente migrant camp and during gap which is overrun by Chinese it's also overrun by Africans as well and they were all sick and they were all dressed in full African garb and you can actually hear in the video I got at night looks like night vision and you can see all of these on X I've posted them there on rumble too total stone unfair and and fair ma which means like they're all sick so they know that they're sick and they're bringing them across our border and they take these buses from the migrant camps in Panama and the during gap and then they pay 60 US dollars and then they go to Costa Rica and then from Costa Rica of course there's more buses and they make their way to the Mexican border and then they come into our country but you have NGO organizations inside these inside these migrant camps that are actually giving illegal aliens maps they're giving them maps with instructions and just very detailed instructions Chrissy I'm talking about instructions that even detail the level of the water in case they have to cross a river telling them when the best time of the year to cross the river would be so that they don't drown and these are all NGOs that are receiving taxpayer money from the United States government you know someone will be like well you're a conspiracy theorist but then you look and see well how many of these migrants are happened to be going straight for swing states and it's a it's a very scary prospect that you know if we if Trump loses this election there's going to be enough illegals and all these swing states to just sort of you know they'll no longer be a but you know possibly that they could swing purple it's like they're they'll be all blue and we'll just be screwed it's I don't know it's scary to think about and I don't want to be a Debbie downer but every day you see something that's like oh god yeah you know I think that Trump is gonna win but the issue is the fraud I mean we're already seeing issues in places like Arizona where the lawyer who was supposed to I mean it's unbelievable story I broke the other day the lawyer who was supposed to be representing team Trump and the RNC there resigned because he was unwilling to file a lawsuit on their behalf to sue the Democrat Arizona Secretary of State who used to be a lawyer for the Mexican cartels his name is Adrian Fontes who was allowed for over two hundred and eighteen thousand non-citizen illegal aliens to remain on the voter rolls and they were actually sent voter registration forms and so the lawyer who was supposed to be representing Trump and the lawyer who was supposed to be representing the RNC and the AZ GOP in Arizona resigned three days before early voting began so there's issues and we've seen this in places like Pennsylvania where they've imported thousands of Haitian migrants and illegal aliens and you know all over the country and swing states you have illegal aliens that have been imported and secretaries of states wanting to say that it was an accident that these people are on the voter rolls so if Trump doesn't get in it will be because they cheated because right now as of yesterday he's up ten points in national polls according to the latest polymarket poll and why did why did the lawyer for the RNC why do you think he refused to sue the Democrats because he's a rhino he's a rhino and I love President Trump and I will you know always support President Trump I'm as loyal as they come but unfortunately you know President Trump has this impeccable talent or I should say people around him have this impeccable talent of hiring people who oftentimes are not loyal and so this was a serious problem during the first administration where we saw people that were very disloyal to President Trump hinder his ability to get things done he obviously was a very successful president but he could have been more successful if he had better people around him and so there's just this impeccable ability to somehow always surround him with the worst people and I'm not saying that all of the people that surround him are awful but I'm also saying it's common sense to not hire the guy who used to represent Mitt Romney and Carly Fiorina like do you really think that somebody is going to have your back when they represented your primary opponents when you first ran for president in 2016 and the guy in the Senate who voted to impeach you I mean it's not rocket science you don't have to be an advanced political strategist to know well maybe we shouldn't be hiring people who work for Mitt Romney to go work for Donald Trump I don't know maybe that isn't such a great idea what could he do differently if he wins to get you know to vet people better I mean he could hire somebody like me for starters I mean we're talking we're talking real talk here there's nobody better at vetting than me so we're not a list of whether it's me or somebody else the point is is that there needs to be a position there needs to be somebody who is like a bulldog who just sits there and their job is just to sit there and vet every single person who comes through the door and to make sure that there really is you know extreme accountability and extreme vetting because unfortunately well there was an office of personnel during the first administration and they were supposed to be during the second administration as well but we always saw you know some of the worst people some of the most disloyal people always getting through and again they were able to undermine and sabotage President Trump and now we see a lot of these same people who worked in his administration some of them were you know former press secretaries communication officials advisors they're all talking shit right they're all on the view talking shit they're on other programs talking shit he has advisors that are going on MSNBC and CNN and talking about how he's an insurrectionist and people who resigned and all these people now see the writing on the wall and they're trying to kiss his ass now in the final 30 days of the campaign because well they are a lot of these people are opportunists and they want to get jobs and they thought that he was going to lose they thought that he was going to get locked up in jail and they didn't have enough face or enough enough integrity to stand by him during his toughest times and well you have a lot of fear weather friends and politics people don't want to stand by you when you're going through a tough time so we need to make sure that like I said there has to be extreme accountability and I've kept the receipts I like to say and it's not an exaggeration I literally have a binder full of receipts and so whether it's the DeSantis people or whoever it may be I have receipts on everybody who was disloyal to President Trump this primary season and I don't really care if you're somebody who came around and said well you know I came to realize Donald Trump is good and I'm going to vote for him now it's too little too late you can vote for him and we're going to take your vote but just because you came around doesn't mean that you deserve a position in the administration right and again these are not my decisions I don't work for President Trump but I just think that you know we don't have any time left to lose and we don't have time to waste and so whoever does staff the second administration should be held to a loyalty test and some people say well you know we shouldn't have purity tests in this country and well we shouldn't have loyalty tests. I disagree. I disagree. If you want to have a maga renaissance and you want to truly make America great again you have to have standards of greatness that begin with your own moral clarity and your own ability to show and prove in a very public manner that you are a moral person that you are a loyal person and so I absolutely think we need to have loyalty tests and they need to be public as well I agree. I think you should work for Trump. I think you and your binder full of receipts should be like just totally involved. I think you're you would be great little Larry sharps in the chat. Laura never backs down not even to a hurricane thank you Larry thank you thank you for the orange boy Jeremy David what do you guys think of Nick Fuentes is off Broadway musical Fuentl maga can you hear me I don't know if this is a joke or a real thing Jeremy I've got it. I think a lot of them try to be funny okay K Max probably has a good question how does an opponent even dispute the replacement as a conspiracy. Thank Chrissy of New York as a child compared to now I gather New York has more third world people living there now than Americans they get priority. These are some of the statistics that we analyze and a lot of people they like to say unfortunately because the media really has been able to brand this as a white right wing white supremacist conspiracy theory but the whole point of this docuseries is to show people it's not intended for a right wing audience it's not we're not we're not pandering to anybody and we're not hiding information but it's just very analytical it's very statistical and it's based off of numbers and facts with citations to show even the biggest and the biggest critic of Donald Trump that this is real and so by the time people are done watching this and there's the there's the flyer of course and I'm going to be streaming it tonight going to be posting it on x and then we'll do the live premiere on rumble my show tonight loomer unleash if you're on rumble please be sure that you subscribe to my channel by the time people get done watching this they're not going to be able to have any other conclusion then wow this is real this is happening because we show you the numbers and nobody has done this before there have been partisan attempts to go out to places of the world to go to the border to show people we've all seen the videos of the migrants coming in but nobody has really sat down and analyze the numbers and put it into a documentary people have talked about it but nobody has actually visualized this and a lot of people are very visual in politics in this day and age it's a very visual medium I mean Donald Trump has proven that to us as somebody who won in 2016 is a very important part of our current political landscape and how people reach voters and so a lot of time and effort was put into these graphics as well and I'm really excited to post this video live and to air it live in just a couple hours from now um because well people need to see it and hopefully I really do believe that immigration is the number one issue this election season I do believe that not just is it the biggest elect biggest issue of our current election season but also the biggest issue of our lifetime really truly it is regardless of where you live because as we've all seen every state as a border state look at New York okay did you ever think that you would be flooded with illegal aliens and people who are chanting and we're going to go to America and the streets of New York City just yesterday on the anniversary of October 7th what are we right 23 years after 9/11 did you ever think that you would you would see that tolerated in a place that had the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11 no is that we have truly changed not just in terms of our demographics but also what is considered acceptable and tolerated in modern society and polite society and I really do think that you know the average immigrants and especially illegal aliens have completely eroded the concept of polite society yeah and worst of all none of these illegal migrants ever come to stand up comedy shows last 3 years I've seen no uptick in migrant participation so what good are they and you really can't have a conversation about the economy without the immigration aspect of it because that is why our country is so taxed and we don't have money for things like hurricanes anymore and even though I was listening to something we've put you know 20 billion more dollars towards a towards FEMA it's like where is this money coming from like how it's how was it how does it come into this we're just going to keep printing it I don't know it's very scary to me but I'm very excited for for this docu series of yours I want to talk I love I love when you make news Laura you always make me cuckle and did you think my courage is funny I mean hey I love the crazy I always said if I was a stand up comedian okay if I was like Aziz Ansari okay people would laugh people think it was funny if I was a stand up comedian everybody would have laughed their ass off at my courage right and it's just so crazy the stubble standard and I don't know it really is you have to just go around with yourself I thought it was funny it's we did if Kamala wins the White House is going to smell like curry which is like which is funny and cute and I just think people really when when there's someone like you who really pushes the envelope and keeps a lot of receipts and keeps tabs on people and you know you're not stupid and you know anytime that you make a joke or say something people are so quick to run down your throat yeah and they acted like I did something terrible and the reality is is that I said oh Kamala Harris becomes president the White House is going to smell like curry and we're going to have to do White House press briefings via call center and then you're going to have to take a customer satisfaction satisfaction survey at the end and nobody's going to be able to understand it and really it was so triggering in my opinion too with the media and rhinos because it is true and it goes to this whole concept of of replacements as well we are being replaced and even Joe Biden is being replaced I mean shit they literally had to outsource the presidency to an Indian what does that tell you what does that tell you okay so even Joe Biden is being replaced and it's true the reality is is everybody knows what it's like to have to get customer service customer service and that very irritating grading feeling of somebody with a very heavy accent on the other end of the line saying well how can I help you and all you want to say is well you can't really fucking help me can you because you don't even speak English okay and it's like the same concept with Kamala Harris well you can't really help me can you because you don't understand my issues and you're unwilling to talk to the media and so the whole concept of it being facilitated via call center yeah it was a joke it was an Indian joke it was nothing that your everyday comedian wouldn't joke about I mean there's a million jokes online about call centers and yeah you know the fact that jobs have been outsourced to India but the reality is is the reason why it triggered people so much is because yeah it was a joke but it's also true it's also true she's not really black I think I mean people a lot of people don't like Candace Owens but didn't she dig in a bit to her family background and found like okay maybe at most she's like 25% black that she lied about having she recently did that but I mean to be fair I had you know there's some of us who posted about that and reported on that before and I'm not knocking anything that Candace has done but I'm just saying that to you know there are people out there who did it first including myself and so that's one of the reasons to the media went so crazy because they said oh Donald Trump got you know got his information from Laura Lumer as it relates to Kamala Harris not being black and the whole there was a whole Washington post article and so my point is that well this has been a part of the discussion for a while and yeah she certainly dug into genealogy but you don't really have to even go that far to see that she's not really black she has set in the past that she identifies as Indian and has always identified as Indian until she decided to really run for president and you can see online that black women find her to be extremely when I say her I'm talking about Kamala Harris to be extremely unrelatable because well the things that she says there's just completely ridiculous like who cooks collard greens in the bathtub black women were talking about how you don't cook in the bathtub and it's just very insulting right it's like that Hillary Clinton moments about how she carries hot sauce in her first right so the reality is these are issues that permeate the culture they permeate the culture and as they say politics is downstream from culture and so if you're really able to target the culture the media is going to go ballistic and that's why they went crazy on me a few weeks ago it had nothing to do with my tweet about India it had nothing to do with what I said about curry I highly doubt they really give a shit about me saying the White House is going to smelly curry what they were upset about is the fact that I was able to interject the dog and cat eating comments which again are related to immigration and the fact that we are being replaced our culture is being replaced it is not okay to eat dogs and cats here that is third world behavior we don't do that here and they blamed me for Donald Trump saying that during the debate they came up with this wild conspiracy theory saying oh well you know Laura Loomer flew as Donald Trump to the debate and so she must have been prepping him for the debate I'm not an advisor and did not prep Donald Trump for the debate and they're mad because while Loomer Unleashed was able to have a viral video that was seen over 7 million times of us confronting Senator Sherrod Brown in the key state of Ohio the battleground state of Ohio and we asked him about the Haitian migrants who he and Kamala Harris gave temporary protected status to eating people's dogs and cats and they are pissed off because now the number one trend on TikTok are a bunch of hot girls and you know young guys like total Chad frat boys but that's a number one trend on TikTok and Democrats thought that they were just going to be able to pay everybody $150 per post on TikTok and Instagram to create this illusion, right? She really is like a Manchurian factored candidate in a sense, completely astro turf, they thought that they were just going to be able to completely control TikTok by paying a bunch of people $150 to make posts in support of her and now organically Donald Trump is, you know, talking about migrants eating dogs and cats in a debate and the number one trend on the most popular app for zoomers and millennials is talking about Donald Trump so this is why the media has such a visceral reaction to this stuff and they don't have a sense of humor, they don't care about facts and their classic projectors. I was just, I'm just tagged a friend of mine on a video because she was, she was a little bit tentative I'm believing that they actually were eating dogs and cats in Springfield Ohio I just tagged her on something and this guy chopping up an animal. Yeah, I thought that was Tyler Hansman's video. I just saw that like an hour ago too and Tyler I guess he decided to go to Ohio and he actually like texted me a few weeks ago and was like, oh, I'm going to be there and he was interviewing people and somebody's filming out from the, if you're talking about the same video I'm talking about filming from the corner covertly from their apartment complex. So think of how awful this is you have Haitian migrants who are there and they're living in apartment facilities and they're killing and skinning animals in the parking lot of an apartment complex like a residential area so crazy video. And getting back to Harris walls they've done the fewest interviews of any presidential ticket. And it, and I believe they have a bit of a media blitz plan for this last month you know we saw Kamala was just on call her daddy she was just on I think 60 minutes. Just going on Howard Stern she's going on all the late night comedy shows but what she fails to realize is well she's the biggest joke of all. And so not going on Howard Stern going on call her daddy going on Stephen Colbert whatever she wants to go on it's not going to make her likable and everybody can see she's incapable of answering an unscripted question. So I think that it seems like you did answer my question like is this a strategic move like just wait until the last minute wait until the last month, then do a bunch of appearances and hope that that's enough but I think we have to own it. Because Donald Trump is now leading in the polls nationally by 10 points and so they have to own this now, they pushed Joe Biden out they staged a coup. And now there's White House I just posted about this last night there's even White House staffers who are leaking just think about this they are actually leaking. Kamala Harris whenever she has town halls or she speaks at a university or whatever she does, she wants her staff to get a bio of the person asking the question they like make them vet them so they they're not like a secret conservative or some kind of plant asking a question, and they make them submit a slew of questions and then they have to prep her on the question so that regardless of which question is asked, she can answer it with a scripted answer. And that makes me believe that she was given the answers in the debate the first presidential debate that we saw in Philadelphia ahead of time because when you look at the way that she answered questions there compared to well the way she answers questions now she's she's not able to answer a question even on call her daddy I mean look it's not like Alex Cooper is actually like the most high IQ person she talks about sucking dick. Yeah, and I was expecting to hear some tales about you know dating Willie Brown maybe some BJ tips and no none of that came in of course yeah of course Alex Cooper did not really challenge her on much. And then I don't think Alex Cooper really has a high IQ okay be look let's be honest she's a very attractive woman obviously I don't get political on this show it's like no I think you can't really speak on it. She can't speak on anything I mean really honestly if she was smart if I was advising Alex Cooper okay if this is if this was a smart woman and she actually wanted to take advantage of having the vice president of the United States on an Alex Cooper if she truly wasn't political she would have had enough common sense to know oh this is the sex podcast it would go so viral I mean Alex Cooper would have gained millions of followers if she would have asked Kamala Harris. So what was it like giving head to get ahead. I mean really honestly right and but she doesn't even have the intellect in my opinion I don't think that this girl really has the intellect to even know who Willie Brown is I don't think she's that intelligent. She makes her money because we live in a degenerate culture and I'm not I'm not knocking her that's her that's what she does that's her niche okay. You want to make money talking about blow jobs all day great go do your thing go do your thing and clearly it's you know it's working out for her. Because she signed a hundred and twenty five million contract was spotify so she's clearly you know at home in that niche of teaching women how to suck dick. But the reality is is that if she really actually wanted to take advantage of the Kamala Harris interview and make it make it. You know thematic to her podcast and she would have asked she would have asked her you know a lot of people say that you gave oral sex to Willie Brown in order to get your position what do you have to say about that. I think it's even intelligent enough to formulate proper questions for the vice president of the United States so look I don't know. I think that it's a desperate attempt and this is why I guess people should stick to what they're good at. What BJ tips are you actually going to really get from a podcast everyone knows it's trial and error. This is the clip of Alex with Kamala and at one point I don't know if this is the clip but I found it very interesting that Kamala and I think she I mean she's a very nervous interviewer she's terrible off the cuff at one point she said. I'm actually the only vice president or president you know she she alluded to the fact that she's the only person that has ever had to use reproductive services. And I was like is she admitting to having an abortion. But here's a clip of Alex asking her. She probably has had an abortion I mean look right. A lot of women a lot of women have had abortion she doesn't have kids and you have to ask yourself you know look I'm not knocking women who do not have children I mean I do not have children. But you have to ask yourself obviously Kamala Harris is a very sexually promiscuous person and she got her career started it's well documented I mean this is not a conspiracy this is not a lie to tarnish Kamala. Harris so after a while if you have enough abortions it damages your uterus so I'm not saying that Kamala Harris has had so many abortions to the point where well she damaged your uterus to the point where she couldn't have biological children of her own but I'm also not saying that that didn't happen so it's possible that she just had so many abortions that she really wasn't able to have her own children because after a while if you have enough abortions even if you have one abortion it's enough to leave permanent scar tissue damage on your uterus and they say that apparently obviously I've never had an abortion never been pregnant but I have heard from people who have had abortions that and I met a woman one time when I was doing reporting in Minnesota and she said that she regrets getting an abortion because well she got an abortion and she said that by the time she wanted to have kids she had damaged your uterus and she was not able to have she was not able to have kids and so she regrets aborting the only child that she was only able to potentially have they're not like buses you can't just get the next baby and there's physical damage that's and then there's the mental emotional spiritual damage which is forever which doesn't really get talked about and that's what I would like to see like women more women who've had abortions being like no actually it's it's it's fucked me up for the rest of my life right instead of pretend fainting that it's like a source of strength they're like oh thanks to this abortion now I can have brunch so right here's I want to pose this question more to you and the daddy gang but one of the biggest conversations I hate that she's wearing us like I don't know if this is Gen Z thing but the sweatshirts like the sweatshirts have to stop but that's her that's her brand I guess and and look I mean look I mean look who knows maybe just being low class is how you make a hundred and twenty five million dollars I mean look I you would you would expect somebody to show some respect I mean look I understand that that's her thing down you're interviewing the vice presidents of the United States and you're wearing a hoodie I mean from the get go this whole thing is just so unserious and it really is they're in a dentist office the whole thing is off in this year's election revolves around a woman's body yep I want to take a moment and can we try so annoying to think of any law that gives the government the power to make a decision I know what you're going to ask about a man's body no no no I hate her voice I hate her voice is come a little laughs and she does this thing where she's like it's like she's trying to bond with a girlfriend rather than answer a serious question as a presidential candidate and also too I mean it's just crazy that you know Alex Cooper again like so low IQ this woman is so low IQ that she has to read a postcard to say to ask a question instead of just thinking okay well obviously men you know can't get abortion so why is it really not hard for you Alex to memorize a question is there any law on the book that tells a man what he can and can't do with his body I mean just to get it back to you she's so out of her out of her league and I'm not saying that Kamala Harris really requires that much intellect to deal with but it's just crazy to me that they would even entertain this kind of a podcast it's so beneath the presidency and again look Alex obviously has done very well for herself she's a very pretty girl she's making $125 million I mean shit I'm not making that kind of money so but again you know I'm not here teaching women how to give low jobs and you can make a lot of money on only fans you can make a lot of money doing a lot of things you can make a lot of money selling out Donald Trump and trashing Donald Trump but I'm sure that I could make a lot of money if I did something like that you know I'm sure that I could make a lot of money if I were to take my clothes off you know being a public figure there's people out there that would pay for that but just because something is easy to do doesn't mean you should do it doesn't mean that you should do it and I don't think that Alex Cooper is really doing a service to society by teaching women to be whores teaching women how to be sexual degenerates even if she is able to you know make $125 million dollars a lot of money so look in her in her niche of teaching women how to give low jobs I suppose she's doing a very good job but it's just really honestly beneath the office of the presidency and it shows a lack of seriousness especially at a time when people are suffering and they don't even have food and water in the aftermath of a hurricane yeah and it's like and people talk about well her reach and how many like Gen Z girls watch her podcast I don't know I feel like at this point even if you are they watch it for sexual entertainment though like there were people commenting on Alex's Instagram that said oh well you know this isn't very serious and why are you getting involved in this just stick to what you're doing like people have guilty pleasures people watch trash TV like maybe maybe there's women out there who they they're guilty pleasures to go listen to a sex podcast and they want to go be entertained by women talking about like the guys they hooked up with on Tinder and you know the orgasms they have and whatever I mean look if that's your thing fine go do it like I mean obviously there's conservative people having sex too but again just because you talk about a topic doesn't mean that you weren't qualified to talk about other topics and so if Alex Cooper wants to have a successful podcast where she talks about sex and talks about really raunchy sexual things fine like I'm not here to tell her what she can and can't do she has free speech I mean clearly there's a niche for that she's made a lot of money doing it but it's not serious political commentary like you should just know your place you should not be getting involved just like I don't want to see musicians and and movie stars like I pay you to go write music I pay you to go make good movies I don't pay to hear your shitty political views right I don't pay to hear your shitty political views so it's just a shame that people who are not qualified to be speaking on these matters you know want to try to influence people and it's great plus she's a she's a multi-millionaire she doesn't she's not leading the life of the average American that's another reason why right like ox Cooper and celebrity they shouldn't be giving out political advice but yeah again you're not exactly like your average American if you are you're making 125 million dollars you're just not so I think she lives from my understanding she lives in California I'm sure she has security okay I'm sure that she is not really affected by the migrant crime and all of the theft and all of the degeneracy in Los Angeles okay so again these people live in their bubbles Taylor Swift right she's a billionaire now apparently and she has multi-million dollar private security guards private jet and she had no line to tell people to register to vote but she's gonna have to eat her on our food designer clothes whatever she wants celebrity chef private jet she has a personal nanny for her cat most people are not able to make enough to you know even pay for child care and there's people struggling to pick their kids up and you know trying to buy their kids iPads as awful as it may be so that they're like virtual babysitters because they can't afford child care okay and this lady has a nanny for her cat sorry but if you have a nanny for your cat full time and you know you're you're you're you're flying on a private jet you're not exactly qualified to be giving the average American political advice so definitely we got a couple more questions from the chat from kmax when Trump said eating dogs and cats did he really get that from you Laura the media was reporting Trump's cats and dogs line in the debate came from Laura Loomer what is the truth look I'm not going to comment on it because I'm not going to talk about my private conversations with President Trump but what I can tell you is not true is that I did not prep Donald Trump for the debate have I had conversations with him about immigration yeah I've had conversations with President Trump about immigration but I'm not going to you know talk about private conversations with President Trump as it relates to things that were said in the debate but it is categorically false that I am an advisor to President Trump or that I prepped him for the debate so that's what I'll say but you know they they blamed me for it and I don't really think it's a bad thing like they want to act like it's a negative and the reality is is that this resulted in the number one tick tock trend so they want to act like Kim saying this during a debate was so awful and oh you know Laura Loomer is influencing this and influencing that well you now have zoomers and you have everybody talking about immigration the cat and dog line made immigration the number one issue so what is the negative here why are people attacking me for this because they can and then they had rumors that you were what hooking up with him did you see that it's just so gross it's just so ridiculous and it's just so over the top and Bill Maher you know tries to sexualize everything and it's just it's no it's really honestly so gross it's false obviously but it's also just very disrespectful to the first lady of the United States Melania Trump and it's just really icky that people would insinuate something like that because well there's no evidence whatsoever and they showed photos of me like you know hugging President Trump so what I give him a hug like the act like it's you know a crime to give somebody a hug he's old enough he's old enough to be my father okay and the reality is you know obviously I like really love President Trump because he's a hero to me he's a he's an American icon I care about him I consider him to be a friend but to try to like over sexualize things and make it sound like oh yeah like somebody's having an affair just because I gave him a hug I mean come on there are plenty of photos of other women giving politicians hugs doesn't mean you're having an affair with somebody and it just shows you that the Democrats really are not the party of women because well they're willing to try to you know like Monica Lewinsky me and try to accuse me of being a whore and a home wrecker went in reality I flew on a plane I mean God what was so awful about me flying on a plane I was invited I was invited by him to attend the debate what's the big deal I said yes who would say no to that who would say no to Donald Trump who would say no to Donald Trump calling them and saying you want to come to the debate nobody would say no nobody honestly who would say no to that nobody so I was not gonna say no and it was an honor and had a great time had a great time and then they tried saying that I'm a 9/11 conspiracy theorist when it's funny because I went from being what they called the biggest Islamaphobe ever they said oh Laura Loomer is such a bigot and oh she hates Muslims I do not hate Muslim people but I always said that 9/11 was an Islamic terrorist attack I even wrote about it in my book and then they tried to create this lie and say Donald Trump brought a 9/11 truther to the 9/11 memorial and Laura said 9/11 was an inside job when I retweeted a video that somebody said at the very end that 9/11 was an inside job but I wasn't retweeting the video because it said 9/11 was an inside job I retweeted the video to highlight isn't it weird how the government of the United States lost 2.3 trillion they said they lost 2.3 trillion dollars the day before 9/11 and isn't it weird how they're saying that they lost all this money to the Taliban and also they lost money in their accounting for Ukraine and I was simply reposting the video because I saw this video online and I thought wow this has happened more than once like there's pattern recognition and I think it's important for us to point out patterns I never said 9/11 was an inside job and all they said for like 2 weeks straight is oh Donald Trump brought a 9/11 truther to the memorial which is crazy to me because you know it's just anything to knock him down anything to make him look bad they're desperate Bill Maher is such a creep he had a hilly well to talk to a girl on like several weeks ago and it was like oh he was very creepy to her like just not a fan well he's just crazy and you know for a guy that you know goes around and I mean according to reports I've seen he's quite sexually promiscuous and so he's not one to be talking you know it's it's one thing if you actually have your facts straight and you're talking about somebody having something like that you know there it's another thing to just make up bullshit and say oh well here's a photo of Laura Loomer giving Donald Trump a hug like it's ridiculous it's so crazy so crazy what is the minimum level of Trumpness needed to date Laura well you gotta be conservative and you have to be a Trump supporter for starters and what else tall dark handsome or do we like like a blonde Scandinavian looking I like I like Scandinavia I mean look I like I like that I like blue eyes you know yeah opposites attract I feel you on that now I have blue eyes but I'm actually naturally blonde believe it or not but I just I like the darker look personally for my hair but I don't know I mean just depends right yeah I'm not going to dirty blonde I die this red and just I guess I guess whatever what do they say they say they're looking for a guy in finance trust fun blue eyes six foot or something like that right yeah that's wrong they have that song right but women need to understand these are just unrealistic standards I mean I can't believe that there's women out there actually think like oh well you know I'm not gonna date anybody until I meet that guy who's in finance with blue eyes and you know trust fun those guys are not six feet tall so it's a front for the internet I believe most of them like genuinely it's gotta be conservative they have to have the same values as you they have to be loyal first of all so yeah so maybe they're a potential suitor in the chat for Laura who knows the game acts is wondering did Laura feel Trump should do one more debate or the or the mods to bias compare ABC with Trump to CBS with Vance who was more biased there's no point for another debate there really isn't I mean look that all the media is just gonna be biased and clearly ABC News has still failed to answer whether or not they gave Kamala Harris the questions ahead of time even though they're whistleblower affidavits and reports that were submitted to the to the FCC about this so I do not think that well it's necessary at all for Donald Trump to have another debate he's leading in the polls and right now it's just about reaching as many voters as possible and speaking to the issues and Kamala Harris doesn't want to answer any you know well she doesn't want to answer any questions about the issues she wants to obfuscate everything and personally I don't really think she's capable of answering any questions about the issues everything starts with oh you know my mother my mother was an Indian I grew up in a middle class house and I was I was bust I was out I was part of the why was one of the young girls who was integrated into the school system and it's always some sob story that involves you know black people or Indian people or her mother it's like you know Jesus her mother is dead okay are we electing this woman from the grave honestly are we voting for her dead mother is that what we're doing are we voting for her dead mother or are we voting for her none of us are voting for her I'm voting for Donald Trump but it's just crazy I've never seen a politician talk about their dead parent as much as Kamala Harris talks about her dead mother as it relates to why she should be elected as president of the United States of America it's very weird I know the Democrats I know the Democrats like allowing for dead people to cast ballots but my god we are not electing this dead Indian woman to become president of the United States it's all she has she she she can't talk about the policies she can't talk about her track record like she currently is in office people like there was that meme going around you know woman saying that she's going to make changes and lower your grocery bill once she gets into office you know and she's currently in office so it's all she has she's just trying to pull people's heartstrings and be like oh look I'm ethnically diverse I'm Indian woman for me one more question mark start good afternoon Chrissy and Laura hope all as well with both of you Laura really appreciate all the work you do I'm not surprised Kamala went on that podcast because it is how she got where she is exactly so that's my point though Alex Cooper is if she really was smart and she wanted to expand her audience and wanted to have a thematic episode for her blowjob podcast she should have asked Kamala Harris about how she gave had to get ahead yeah just get real with the people from Cole has her hey Chrissy thanks for all that you do hi Laura keep up the fight Trump 2024 from Frank does Laura feel betrayed by Tim Poole for throwing her under the bus I don't know about that at all I don't know no I just you know I just you this was about when I was on Tim Poole's show and I basically said that we have a punishment for treason in this country and I said that the punishment was I mean look he apparently said that that was like a banable offense to even talk about it so I you know I know you're on YouTube right now so people can go look at the clip I don't want to get your channel banned I mean who knows if that's even true that's what Tim said but Kamala Harris used that clip to attack me on her official Twitter account and said oh look at this Trump supporter they said Laura Loomer is a Trump adviser and I said that Tim Poole was too Trump operatives and the adviser Laura Loomer basically called for the death of in the executions of Democrats and it's like no I never did that and so Tim Poole files this lawsuit and basically says oh he had this clip that said Laura's views are not my views but the reality was is that the views that Kamala Harris was saying where my views were not my views I was simply talking about what US law is and so I just felt like you know there was not really a need for him to have to even say oh her views are not my views because we were having a very candid conversation and like what makes sense they're not my views I simply was just saying that there are people who are guilty of treason and we have a punishment on the books for treason in this country yeah it just sounds like he's being overly overly careful but he makes he makes millions of dollars on YouTube and I'm not knocking him for it obviously he's been very successful so I know that he's very protective of his channel so it is what it is I mean I don't hold a grudge they reached out to me today and they said oh you want to come back on Tim Cass I said sure yeah I don't have anything against Tim Poole but you know I don't really feel like it was necessary for him to say what he said and he sued her and I don't know what had been nice to be reached out to me about the lawsuit but whatever I feel you Laura I'm so conscious of your time I know you have to get back to boarding up your windows and filling up your sandbags and I'm going to pray for you in this hurricane I really hope it doesn't gosh they have a state your house and it's very scary I don't think it should be too bad where I am but now that it's updated because it's obviously there's 67 counties in the state of Florida and so different counties are going to be hit harder than others and it was supposed to only impact my area as a tropical storm and then it updated to basically the equivalent of a category one even though it's a category five so when I say it updated in the area that I live in and so I have to put up the hurricane shutters and I was notified right before coming on your show so and I got to do the premiere tonight for my docu series and I got to do my show so if you want to tune in to Loomer on Leashnite you can go to tune in live subscribe to my channel and you can also watch it live on X and that's where I will be premiering the first episode of my new docu series The Great Replacement Wow tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern you said 8.30 p.m. Eastern 8.30 p.m. It will be on X it will be on X earlier for people to watch it but the live like actual live stream premiere premiere will be on rumble at 8.30 but I will be posting the episode on X before the show tonight so that people can watch it Oh I will definitely be tuning in looks really good Laura thank you so much for coming on and thank you to the chat for your you guys were pretty well behaved all in all Yeah thanks for having me I appreciate it and it's great to be back on your show thanks for having me on and I hope that you will enjoy the docu series and for those of you who are watching if you're not following me please be sure that you follow me on X and Truth Social at Laura Loomer and the docu series is completely free so you won't have to pay for anything and I hope you all enjoy it thank you guys and thank you Laura for coming on we'll see you guys next time bye bye thanks for having me