Panther Point of View

UNI Panther Fall Frenzy: Episode 2: Volleyball's Olivia Tjernagel

Panther Fall Sports Conversations

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
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The frenzy of the fall is underway for UNI Panther Athletics.


All fall "The Fall Frenzy" podcast gives you an inside look at those competing in UNI fall sports including interviews from within Panther volleyball, soccer and more.


This week Fall Frenzy features Panther volleyball's Olivia Tjernagel. She fills us in on how she thinks Panther volleyball teams through the years have built a close bond, how the Panthers embrace being annoying, and how a foundation of ballet may just have turned her into a leaper on the court.


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She fills us in on how she thinks Panther volleyball teams through the years have built a close bond, how the Panthers embrace being annoying, and how a foundation of ballet may just have turned her into a leaper on the court. So you had a morning lift. What time did that start today? So we go in three groups, but mine was at eight o'clock. Okay, so are you naturally like a morning person? Because I know a lot of whatever the sport is, a lot of stuff happens in the morning when you got to get the lift in, or are you naturally a morning person, or are you just that way? Because that's what sports makes you feel. I would say I'm definitely a night owl, but I've learned to become a morning person through college athletics. Do you think that's a similar experience to most of your teammates, or are there a bunch of people that are just peppy and ready to go at six a.m.? I think we're a good mix. There's some of us who are like, "Wow, you look like you should be in bed still." And then there's some of us where I'm like, "Okay, you have too much energy for this time of day." So I feel like we have a good balance. It gets everybody in the right spot, though, I guess. Yeah, yes, for sure. Got to have some with energy and some that, you know, it's okay. It's not their morning. So you did earlier this season, you were one of the miked up features already that we saw. Did you have fun with that? Was there anything you wish you hadn't said? Wish you had said that it made the cut? I mean, what was your experience with that? I had a lot of fun. I tried to like be myself during it and not like, you know, add things that weren't me. You know, sometimes you get a little more exaggerated when you have the mic on, but I had a lot of fun doing it. I feel like it shows like who people really are out on the court. And like a lot of you guys don't really get to see that like during our practices. So anything I don't, I thought it was funny. Jason's little blur, he gave me a little shout out. I was like, "That was funny." I don't know, I don't think there was really anything that I didn't want in there. Yeah, there's probably more moments, but yeah, it's funny. When you talk about that kind of the behind the scenes, and I think that's one of the great ways to do that, some stuff has to stay behind the scenes because that's, you know, you guys are a team and then that's got to be your guys' thing. But what's another thing, maybe aside from what you might have seen on miked up or at a practice, but what's something that you would want to share that people maybe don't get to know or see about Panther volleyball that is something people do need to know, that kind of gives a little more depth to who you guys are as you're going out there and doing your thing. I feel like if people could like document our spring season and like the work that we put in like behind the scenes, like our workouts are really tough, but obviously really good to prepare us for the season coming up. But I think if, I think our videography and like photos and stuff have gotten a lot better this season than they have in like past years, and I'm super grateful for that. So I think maybe like documenting like our spring workouts and I think like that part of the season is also super important to what we do for the fall. No, again, I think this illustrates your point because I'm not sure how this went. What was spring, what was the calendar like in high school? Like when you were playing volleyball before you and I was obviously you had club two and was that year round? So was spring something that's even new to you guys as far as having those competitions that you do or is that something that you guys were used to as players coming into this? Yeah, it's a little different. I mean, a lot of us obviously played high school volleyball, which is the fall, and then club would actually be like winter, but I also played basketball. So I kind of had like that side of it and then I had club, but I think for some people it might be new to them. I know that not everybody on our team actually played club like all throughout high school. And obviously like the rigor, like the rigorous of our spring workouts is not even comparable to anything in high school, if I'm going to be honest. So I think it's kind of a shock to a lot of people, but not the actual like we kind of know time management wise, like volleyball is a year round thing for us. So well, and obviously, you know, there's workouts and things even when you don't have a competition like you do in the spring, but is it nice? Because I know for me, like so, you know, I call football and then I call basketball. And then when that's done, you know, in March or you know, hope as late as possible in March, it's it's kind of an empty season, right? Like I'd love to keep calling other games like is that does that help you in the spring to have that competition to be like, oh cool, I know that fall is still a little ways off, but but we get this chance to go out there again and kind of scratch the volleyball competition itch, I guess a little bit. Yeah, definitely, because there's kind of two parts to spring like the first part is a lot more workouts like getting after it getting stronger, all those things that we need. And then the second part of spring kind of after spring break, we get to touch the ball a little bit more, which is super nice, because you go to the first part where like, do I even play volleyball anymore? Like we're just running and lifting again, really important things, but we're here to play volleyball. So the second part of spring is also it's just super exciting to be able to like get out there with your teammates, see other opponents rather than just practicing against yourselves, scrimmaging against yourselves. So it's a lot of fun to be able to compete in the spring as well, looking forward to the fall. Let's go to you. What's your major? Where do you stand with that? Because being a senior, what do you got left and what do you want to do with that? Yeah, so I am a fifth year right now, so this is my last semester. I am a major in kinesiology with pre-physical therapy route. So I'm currently working on grad applications for PT schools. Those are doing about a month, so I've been grinding on those recently. So I'll graduate in December with my bachelors in kinesiology, and then I'll move home for a couple months. Just take a break. I need a break from school of volleyball before I start the grind again of grad school, wherever that may be undecided right now. There's like five schools that I'm applying to, so we'll kind of see where I end up and go from there. What sparked the interest in that in the PT side of things in the kinesiology? Was that something you came into school with? Did you develop that as you were playing? Where did that come from? I think it's common for a lot of athletes to come in and be like, "Oh, I want to do kinesiology." You're in the sports realm, physical activity, all that kind of stuff. I know it sounds cliche, but I do enjoy all that. Obviously, I'm here as an athlete. I think the physical therapy side of it all. I came in freshman year. I had a shoulder injury, not major, but I went through PT myself, and I still go through PT all the time just for little things, just to keep my body healthy. I think just the fact of seeing that side of it, like being on the patient side of it and having those physical therapists help me achieve my goals that I want to achieve and just be better physically for myself, my sport. It's not just for sport, but for life as well. I think that kind of caught my eye like being able to help people achieve those goals just to have a better healthy lifestyle, honestly. Let's go to your volleyball journey a little bit. When did you start playing volleyball as a kid? I'm going to have to go with third grade. Was that something you were doing? A lot of equity, like you said, you played basketball in high school too, I was saying. Was that just one of the activities you were doing? Did something draw you to volleyball? Was there a moment when you decided volleyball, I love it? Do you remember that? I actually did ballet for eight years when I was younger. That was my thing when I was younger. I got to seventh or eighth grade, and I was like, "Mom, this is not cool anymore. I want to do sports," and I'm not saying that dance is in the sport, but when I was younger, I'm like, "This is whatever." I started doing softball, like co-ed softball, I did basketball. I even did cross-country in middle school. Look at me now, I will never be a cross-country runner ever again. I started doing volleyball. I think I just started to realize I was kind of good at volleyball, and I was pretty tall from age. When I was younger, I was kind of the tallest kid out there. It was kind of a given for me to do sports, and I went to private school, all growing up, middle school, high school, so pretty small school. They would be like, "If you're not playing sports, what are you doing? You're tall, you seem athletic, you should be out there." But I did love it too. I feel like eighth grade was probably the time where I was like, "Okay, I'm kind of good at this volleyball thing." Maybe I'll kind of continue, so I went to high school, tried out, actually tried out to be a setter, turned out to be the varsity middle. I'm not really sure where that switch up came from, but it worked out in my favor. Here I am. Yeah, I'd probably say, yeah, like eighth grade kind of sparked my interest. We've got to go back to the ballet though. So, again, from my own experience, so my daughter did one year of dance, where they did three different kinds of dance. They did ballet, they did tap, and they did jazz. So, did you do multiple kinds of dance? Because you said ballet specifically, I mean, you were focused in on that? I think when I was younger, I definitely did like tap jazz, like not all that stuff, but the last few years in my quote-unquote dance career was definitely more ballet driven. I did like the pointe shoes and all that stuff, so my mom always told me, she goes, I think ballet helped you like with your vertical and like, and I'm like, it probably did. You had to be strong to be in dance and stuff like that. So, I'll give some credit to ballet for some of my athletic abilities, but... It's going to be the next question. I mean, balance, strength, coordination, which are all things in all sports, but volleyball, I mean, you've got to have a lot of that. It is like a ballet a little bit when you guys are out there moving and you've got to be on stage. Obviously, it's now it's been so long. I mean, you're not that, but like, it's been a lot of water under the bridge, right? Since you did ballet, but do you feel like there were things that you just rely on and maybe your body just knows and is able to do because of that? Yeah, I feel like I have like a pretty decent like jumping ability to... I just feel like I jump well. And I think a lot of that, I do credit to ballet. I mean, you got to have strong legs to do that stuff. And I am a taller person and a lot of people say like, oh, taller people aren't coordinated. I'd like to say I'm pretty coordinated. Yes, I think I will say, mom, you were right on this one that, yeah, ballet has helped me with my career now as an volleyball player. No, what kind of dancing do you do now? Like, are you, do you find yourself, you know, when the music starts or are you, you know, flowing to it or just staying together? I mean, I'm not the best dancer. I mean, I think I'd like to say I have rhythm, but like, actual like moves, probably not my forte. I can do a lime dance. We do a lot of those on the sidelines. Right, seen that. Yeah, that's probably my only specialty. All right, let's uh, so we moved past that. What was it that brought you to UNI? Where did kind of the knowledge of the Panthers and getting here and making that your option? Where did that all stem from and start from for you? Yeah, so I started getting recruited. I want to say, oh, is it my sophomore year? Probably went on a couple visits. And then I got a call. I think it's so hard to remember because it feels like it's so long ago, but it's really not. I think I got a call from Bobby and she's like, yeah, I want you to come visit like you and I was like, what is you and I? I'm from Minnesota. Yeah, obviously, I feel like when I'm younger, you kind of only hear about like, I would stay in Iowa. So I'm like talking to my parents, I'm like, what is like University of Northern Iowa? So I come visit. I immediately love the place, first of all. And obviously, like Bobby is awesome. All the coaches are awesome. I think that's what really drew me here was that I felt really comfortable like coming here. Obviously, it's away from home for me knowing that like, Bobby is kind of like my second mom. Like, and even my parents said that too. They're like, I honestly like, I trust setting my daughter to Bobby as your now head coach, your mentor and life. So that was one of them. I think obviously, the team culture here, like, people have come on visits, like my roommate now, Aaron, she's like, I didn't realize you guys were like, you liked each other so much. And I was like, yeah, like, the team here is just so, we're just so close. And I felt that when I visited too, because I went other places and I'm like, yeah, like, facilities are nice. Like, they have a good program and those are all great things. But I think what really drew me here was like the team culture, the coaches, really good fan base as well. Like, you can go to high V and someone will be like, oh, are you in the volleyball team? I'm like, yeah, yeah, I'm like, how'd you know that? So I think just the culture and the people, I think almost everyone will say that for like, reasons why they came here for sure. And they're a good volleyball program. Like, they're successful and yeah, it's a fun atmosphere. You mentioned it, everybody gets along so well. And I feel like, yeah, that's there is always change, right? Like, there's players on each team that we're on last year's team. But every team is unique because someone's gone and someone's new. But it does seem like in now the years that I've talked to volleyball players and you guys in Grace talked about this too when I talked to her. But like, you guys are so close is what's the key now that you've been through it? And you're, you know, one of the leaders, what's the key that for Panther volleyball specifically that you guys are able to kind of maintain that where everybody gets along so well, no matter, you know, what the changes might be from the roster standpoint year to year. Yeah, I mean, I think it starts off with like, Bobby's recruiting really good people. Like, it starts with Bobby. Like, she's bringing in these great people and she knows who's good and like, who's not in a sense. But I think just like, we hang out with each other all the time. Like, summer, the freshmen come early, they're here for workouts. And I've talked to some of the freshmen this year. They're like, I'm so glad that I came during the summer. Because we just like build relationships and come fall like we're obviously with each other all the time. And yeah, maybe we get sick of each other. But we're all just each other's best friends. And I think building relationships early in the season before we're kind of like, maybe a little annoyed with each other here and there during season. I think just having relationships early before we have to be with each other all the time is super important. And then come spring, like, we're always like, yeah, we have other friends, but honestly, I'd probably choose to hang out while I walk first. So yeah, we just, I don't know why, but we just all mesh really well. Like, I'm gonna be 23 here in a month. And there's people that are 18 and like, we're five years apart, but I still feel like we're the same age. So yeah, it's fun. Yeah, I like that. Choose choose to be choose to be friends when you don't have to be around them. And then that makes it easier to have to be around. You've mentioned Bobby a couple of times and obviously sees a huge part of just Panther volleyball being a Panther in general. But if you were to describe her in a word or phrase now that you've been around her as long as you have, what would that word or phrase be to describe coach beaters? I feel like just like caring and authentic. Like, I can go to Bobby for literally anything. And she's always going to care about me more like, as a like, just a person before a volleyball player. Like, we have meetings with her every once in a while and the first 20 minutes in the meeting, it's like, how's life? What's new in your life? And then we finally get to like the volleyball side of it all. So I think just like, she's going to care for you no matter what, she's going to be there for you no matter what. And I think she's just someone that you can rely on always. And she's always just going to give you the honest truth. Like, she's not going to talk in circles and lie to you about what she thinks. Like, she's going to be straight up, but know that she loves you and she's always going to have your back no matter what. So it's good to have someone like that in my corner and just being a model for me in life as well. All right. Now let's flip it around. I meant this one might be a little tougher. But if I were to ask Bobby to describe you in a word phrase, what do you think she would say? Oh, I hate talking about myself. I would hope she would say that I'm like genuine. And I feel like I'm a very sympathetic person as well. Like, when other people are sad or hurting, I'm kind of sadder hurting because like, I want them to be happy and if they're not happy, I'm not content either. So I feel like sympathetic, genuine. Uh, I'm also very, at least a lot of my teammates say that I'm this a very calm leader. And I think Bobby would probably say the same about me. Uh, I'm kind of just someone out on the court during games or practices that like maybe people look to if things aren't going well and if lives calm, like, okay, we're calm. Like, we're kind of even keel here. So I'd probably, I'd probably go with those. A couple of quick ones. Um, who's got the best nickname on the team? Oh, gosh. Are there a lot of nickname? Are you guys a nickname squad? Like kind of. Okay. The first two that came to mind was Taylor and Rice. We call her T-Boo. Okay. I don't remember where it originated from, but it's just so long. Yeah. T-Boo. Yeah. And then Casey reverts. Uh, we call her King Kerr. I feel like everybody has nicknames. Why, why use the real man? Yeah. Yeah. Obviously. That's so fun. All right. Who's the, uh, who's the teammate that is the funniest? Oh, man. Casey's pretty funny. She's pretty funny. She's just like witty. When you go back home to a Coney to visit, what's the food you have to get? Is there a food up there? I guess it doesn't have to be right in town, but when you go back up to Minnesota, what do you have to get? Yeah, I actually live, uh, we have a lake in our town and there's a little lake house restaurant that I like to go to and they're really good fish and chips that I like. So I like to go there. It's called Lola's Lake House. Love to go there. What's one thing you have to do on, uh, match day? I'm honestly one that doesn't have a lot of like superstitions when it comes to match days. All right. Now, when you think about your volleyball career and you take out your coaches that you've had along the way at various stops, who's the person that said the biggest impact on, on helping you get where you are right now besides coaches? I mean, it might be cliche, but my mom and dad, I mean, they've been my biggest supporters ever since day one. Uh, neither of them did college athletics. My brother didn't do college athletics, so it's kind of a new thing for our family, uh, me joining that realm, but I think they've just been super supportive. I always had my back. I mean, freshman year, I was on a struggle bus with COVID and just coming in as a freshman and all this new stuff and they were like, well, if you don't want to do it, like, don't do it. But like, I'm super here to support you. So I think just, yeah, my mom and dad have always been there for me, pushing me to be my best and just having my back. Do they get to come down quite a bit still to see you? Yeah, they actually come to, they haven't missed a game yet. Nice. And my entire career here. Yeah, they're very flexible. So I'm super blessed that they can, that they can make all my games. Last couple, what's been your favorite non-game day, but still pant their volleyball highlight so far? Like the memory that you think back on or kind of the things, even if it's not a specific time, but something that you think of is over your time so far. We went on our foreign trip. I don't know if I can beat that one. There's so many times we do a lot of team activities as well. So make our director of ops sets up a lot funny games for us to try and complete. One day we did a water balloon in a battleship. So we like laid down on opposite sides of a barrier and we threw water balloons. That's good. Tried to, tried to hit the other team over there. That was fun, but all of her team activities are fun. The foreign trip, I mean, I don't think I can beat that. That was a lot of fun. When you think about this year's team, what do you want the defining characteristic of this year's particular panther volleyball team to be? Just gritty. You know that volleyball is known for being that annoying team that shouldn't ever let the ball drop, but I think that goes for all aspects of the game, being gritty in the back court. Obviously I'm not playing in the back court, but our defenders just trying to keep every ball up. Our front row offensively just being gritty and getting after it and putting balls away and big blocks. So I think just gritty, sometimes I say annoying too, like just being annoying. Like I don't care what the other team thinks of us. Like I want them to be annoyed of us when they play us being like, dang, like they're getting everything up. Like we can't do anything right. So I'd say gritty and annoying. I think it all the time I've ever done this as the first time I've heard someone say they wanted their team to be annoying, but I get it. It works for you guys. So that's good. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks to Olivia for joining me on the show. This week, the Panthers welcome Belmont and Murray State, the Cloud Center for NBC matches on Friday and Saturday night. For more Panther content on demand, subscribe to the Panther point of view wherever you get your podcasts, your UNI athletic source delivered right to you. This has been the UNI Fall Frenzy catch all of the frenzied fun of the Fall. This is the Panther point of view from Learfield. [Music]