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Climate Change is Created by Scalar Wave 10/10/2024 - Video

If you have never heard of Scalar Wave you need to watch this teaching and send it out to your friends! Scalar Wave can hit anything on the Earth, under the Earth, it can target military satellites and long-range strategic aircraft!

00:00 – Intro 01:37 – Actual Hurricanes vs Scalar Wave 05:13 – War on Ceiling Fans 09:41 – Lightning 09:55 – Scalar Waves are Real 13:15 – How does it Work 19:13 – Russia Has Scalar Technology 26:03 – Our Sponsors

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10 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Prophecy Clever topic. Today is climate change is not caused by humans. It is actually caused from high technology called Scaler Wave. It was actually discovered by Nikola Tesla. I don't have the date. We're back in the 50s, okay? He took it first to America, but they couldn't seem to make it work. But the Russians were able to make it work, and from there, the mollocks got ahold of it, and who knows how many of those Scaler Wave machines they have today, but what is causing our climate, climate to change hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, high technology, it's Scaler Wave. And with that, they're trying to bring us into a new world order. So everyone will have to take the mark. Now, before I get into it, keep getting asked by my staff to say, please join Prophecy Club, $9.90 a month, and it will be an automatic payment, and you can get into it just by clicking the QR code before, and it will tell you all about it. Also, please click subscribe, click the bell, share with your friends. Remind you, we have a Bible study Friday, not 6.30, to 8 p.m. Central Standard Time. You can watch it at, Facebook, and YouTube, and we read the King James Bible. All right, now I'm about to show you some video of hurricanes, but what I want you to see is that, well, what a hurricane really looks like. Now, I want you to try to memorize it because I'm going to show you what Scaler Wave looks like, just to me, okay, here's the hurricane. Now, what do you see about that hurricane? Yeah, you see it, spinning. By the way, it's counterclockwise, because things north of the equator, spin counterclockwise, and then things south of the equator, spin clockwise. I have a friend of South Africa, I'm always teasing her that, you know, their toilets have the handle on the wrong side, the water spins the wrong way, okay, now, this was Hurricane Ivan. Now, let's go to another hurricane. This is Hurricane Rita in 2006, and this is Hurricane Gustav in 2008. This is Hurricane Rick in 2000, and I'll show you another spot of that, but I want you to look at these, okay, what do you see, you just see white clouds spinning, right? What do you see something else? No, that's all you see, because a real hurricane that is just created by things in nature, not high tech, that's what it looks like. Here's Patricia. It's just white spinning clouds. That's what I want you to look at. Here's another one. Jamina, white spinning clouds. Okay, about right now you're saying, so what? Well, so what is, that's the big point. Now, let's go to Ian, okay, white spinning clouds. Now, let's go to, let me show you Scaler Wave. What I want you to see is the sparkles. Okay, Scaler Wave is round. That's not lightning, that is Scaler Wave. Of course, this is speedy guy, speed it up. All right, let me go back. Okay, so here is a normal hurricane, normal hurricane. You don't see any flashes in any of them. Rick, Gustave, Earl, Patricia, Jim Nima. You don't see flashes in any of them. However, look at that. Look at all those flashes. That's Scaler Wave. Now, with that Scaler Wave, they can do a lot of things. If they wanted to, what they're doing is that area where Scaler Wave is sent, it makes it super hot. The air rises, and then it starts spinning, and that's how they create a hurricane or a tornado. But if they want to, they can also make that area super cold. If they wanted to, they could shut down this hurricane probably in a matter of minutes. I'm just guessing maybe 15 or 20 minutes, and it would be gone. All I have to do is just switch it. Instead of making the air hot, they start making the air cold, and they can make it really cold. I mean, really cold, really fast. That's Scaler Wave. Now, I say that because I don't want you to believe when they're saying, oh, well, you got to get rid of, well, here, I'll get to that, because of Scaler Wave. Right now, these are the current fires burning worldwide. See, that's part of their agenda. Whatever they can do to start destroying our world, saying this is climate change, and you got to make these changes. We'll get to the changes in just a second. Biden regime declares war on ceiling fans to fight climate change. That's right, you got to get rid of your gas stove, your gas furnaces, your water heaters, your ceiling fans, your cars, your gasoline, all of that, because of climate change. Okay, well, they're not doing climate change just to make us uncomfortable, just to take away our cars. Eventually, where it's going to go is the whole point is to get everybody on earth to worship the beast and to take his mark. Now, we know that, but most people don't know that. Most people don't even know about Scaler Wave, but I'm telling you, you got to tell your friends, okay? This is a man-made high technology that's causing this flood or this drought or whatever it may be. Climate change can give them the opportunity to say there's just too many people on the planet. Got to eliminate some people, and of course, they're going to start with Christians. I got too many people. We need to have everybody start eating bugs. Got to get rid of your cars because they emit something in the atmosphere that's not good. Got to stop using fertilizer because you got to get rid of cows because they have gas come out. No food sold in the stores. Everybody's got to just grow their own food. And by the way, one of the headlines was people go back to growing their own food. No crude oil used because that puts something into the atmosphere. Matter of fact, air conditioners, you got to get rid of, remember they had to get rid of one whole kind of air condition of fluid because that depleted the ozone, so they said. All right, well, of course, the new, what are they, a refrigerant they call it? The new refrigerated is really expensive. Now, the older refrigerant did a lot better job and it was a lot cheaper, but they wanted to get rid of it, so they started raising the prices last. I heard it's like $250, a pint or something like that. It was ridiculous. No food sold in the stores, no crude oil, no refrigerant destroys the ozone, no air conditioners or refrigerators. You got to get rid of refrigerators because they have a refrigerant in them and that refrigerant might just leak out and that might destroy the ozone and that's what is causing the hurricanes, you see. Well, it's not what's causing the hurricanes, but you're not going to have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or your local news, all of it's controlled. They're not going to tell you this. If you do not send this over to your friends, neighbors, rail to your work, friends, church, free and business for you, if you don't send it out to other people, you know, they will not hear this. Can't you have any pesticides? Can't have any factories because they use too much energy and they dirty the air, no electricity, it dirties the air, you see? Climate change is going to give them control of the world. That's what they want. Remember, Henry Kissinger said that he who controls food controls people. He controls energy, can control whole continents. He controls money, controls the whole world. That's their objective. They want control. That's why they have association. Your dentist is part of an association. Your doctor is part of an association. Good grief, everything. I mean, even person works on your car, has an association, why? Because through an association, they can control them. Well, you got to be wearing a mask when you're going to see your doctor, you see, that kind of control. There was a German Lutheran pastor back from 1892 to 1984. He said this, first they came for the socialist and I didn't speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionist and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Now I'm going to tie this in with climate change. So they started using climate change, but no one knew about it, no one complained. So they started using it to make tornadoes and hurricanes and fires and droughts and probably bird things like what happened in Maui, it is deadly. Now this is what lightning looks like. It's a long streak. This is what scalawave looks like. And he said again, this is lightning, this is scalawave. And he knows, Stan, because March 13th, 2005, we were having a speaker in and he was talking about this. And I asked the Lord if scalawave is really real, show me a dream, show me what it looked like and I had a dream. And that's what it looked like. That's what I saw in the dream. So far as I'm concerned, it's confirmed. So the speaker we're having in was Bill Sneblin. He's one of our favorite speakers. I think he's had, I don't know, six or seven DVDs made through Prophecy Club. You can go to or watch And you can see all of these DVDs. Anyway, Bill reveals technology that the Russians have that can knock out anything on the land, on the sea, under the sea, or in the air, any place on the globe with lived to no trace of who did it or where it even came from. And that may explain why we see so many fish and whales beaching themselves. Birds, entire flock of birds, fall out of the air and they're dead before they can hit the ground. When they hit the ground, they're not flopping around. They're not in process of dying. The people say they were dead in the air. Scalewave renders all conventional weapons of war obsolete against Soviet's energy weapons. Scalewave has changed how war is conducted. You can give this DVD at or you can watch it instantly at watch Now, there's gonna come a time. We know you're not gonna be able to access the internet. So it'd be a very smart thing for you to actually have the DVD. DVD is 30, but you can join watch prophecyclub for $20 a month or $200 a year and you can watch up to 300 DVDs as often as you want to. Anytime you want to, $20 a month, $200 a year. Scalewave does not travel like radar from point A to B. It's interdimensional. It leaves A and arrives at C without any trace. It is believed to be what took out the thresher submarine of the Challenger. It's also believed to be able to kill large amounts of birds and flight dead before they hit the ground and likewise fish and water or sea. No trace, no cause, fires, no cause. Chickens and horses and cows, no cause, die, fires. Refineries, no cause, can't find it, who did it? It leaves no trace except the birds that leave the area. It's also believed to be what took out Gary Powers in the U-2 spy plane over Russia back in the 1960s. They've had a long time and perfected it. They can make large portions of the atmosphere very cold creating massive cold storms or they can superheat creating massive droughts. Heat waves or fires. It creates sparks out of thin air can start a fire. It is suspected to be the cause of many of the superheat and super cold storms across America for the last 20 years. It is the perfect weapon because it can't be proven. It was the cause who did it, where's their weapon? They can't even find them. It can act like an umbrella protecting the city or an entire country from incoming tax from air or water. Here's how it works. Okay, so one beam, this part of the planet and this other beam on the other part of the planet sends the beams around the earth and when they intersect, this is what happens. It is believed it's what took out the trade towers in 9/11. How do you make concrete and steel just turn to dust? There you go. Energy weapons, might not be a skated wave in that case. Skated waves are produced when two electromagnetic waves at the same frequency are exactly out of phase. That means opposite to each other and the amplitudes subtract and cancel to destroy each other, result. It's not exactly an annihilation of magnetic fields but a transformation of energy back into a scalar wave. This scalar field has reverted back to the vacuum state of potentiality. Scalar waves can be created by wrapping electrical wires around a figure eight in the shape of a Mobius coil. When electric current flows through the wires in opposite direction, the opposing electromagnetic fields from the two wires cancel each other and create scalar wave. Here's the way it works. Here's the way it looks. I've actually seen scalar wave. Actually, it happened one night by 11 o'clock. I was in my prayer closet praying and it was raining outside big storm and I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it. I was in the prayer closet. But all of a sudden, there was a big crack. It sounded like thunder and that's nothing. Thunder will often have a crack and then an echo, echo, echo, echo. I've noticed scalar wave doesn't have that. It is just a crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. In other words, it sounds different than lightning. Anyway, so all of a sudden, I heard this crack and you know how you do sometimes. One elephant, two elephant, three elephant, four elephant. I wanted to find out how far away it was and when, excuse me, I saw the light and then I was waiting to hear the crack. Only I didn't hear it. And I thought, well, that's really strange. So I walked outside and it wasn't raining too bad and as I walked out, I looked out across my neighbors, across the street and that's what I saw. I saw that, I'm gonna say about the height of a very tall flagpole. It was about twice the height of my neighbor's house, above my neighbor's house. I mean, it was really close to the house and it blinked like that and this time there was not a crack and then I stood there shocked for a couple of minutes and then it did exactly the same thing in the same area, stood there a couple of minutes more and then it did exactly the same thing again and the same place, exactly the same place except for where it was orange. I mean, it was this orange as an orange. I mean, like the fruit, orange. Only this time it cracked, it was allowed a crack. So sometimes there's cracks. Sometimes there's not cracks, okay, it depends. But anyway, that's what it looks like. So next time you have a storm coming out. And here's another thing. Sometimes you can't see it because it's back up in the clouds, but you can hear the difference. Lightning, there's one crack and then an echo. But scale away, it's crackety crackety crackety crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. In other words, it's not an echo. It's multiple scale waves exploding at once. And a lot of times they're not just in the same place, just as you saw back on those hurricanes. Matter of fact, let's go back here. Let me just point out something here to you. Look these. See, they're on one side of the storm coming around like this. And then they're over here. This is heating the area. So the air starts rising. And then down here, out here, as the air starts rising, that's what causes the hurricane. Same thing here. And sometimes it's even in the center. But all of these cracks, this is real fast. And I personally think that they have many of these scale away machines. And they probably don't even have them on the surface. Probably they have many of them underground. I mean, because they can go right through water, right through rock, right through space, whatever. And apparently, they can go through space and time. But that's what this is. Because you go back on the older hurricanes. Look, there's no cracks. It's just a white cloud. I wanted to see a good nice white cloud. That's Hurricane Rick. These are several hurricanes we're looking at. OK, so how can it be that one hurricane has the little bright flashes? And these other ones have none of them. How can that be? OK, either it's got to have lightning, or it doesn't have to have lightning. Well, the point is there's what? 2, 4, 6, 8, 8, or 9. And you can go online, and you can pull them up for yourself. And you can look at them. And you can see there's not flashes. Look, here we have 1, 2, 3 twisting out there. No flashes. But then you come down here to look at some of the more recent ones, and you'll see they have flashes. Multiple flashes. They are causing scalawave. Don't be deceived. Russia has scalawave technology weapons that can unleash massive destruction. According to the natural news, Russia's claim that has made radical new weapons systems that can render enemy satellites and weapons of the future futile. According to Russian makers, it is a fundamentally new electronic warfare system that can be installed on ground-based as well as air and sea-borne carriers. The new electronic warfare system is said to be capable of squashing. Crews and other high precision weaponry guiding systems, satellite radio, electronic equipment. Look, Russia is not afraid of our nuclear weapons. They're not afraid of them. They act like they are. They're not. They know that they have scalawave, and it can be like an entire umbrella over a nation or over just a city. And nothing will get through. Not a missile, not a drone, not an airplane. Nothing will get through that. The system, which sounds like scalar type weaponry, can also target enemy's electronic means. Military satellites, deck-paced, deck-based, tactical, long-range, and strategic aircraft. What's most concerning is its effect on nuclear weapons and radioactive materials. Now, listen carefully. Which can be catastrophic. Other factors and other great importance is the possible use of the Russian harp-style woodpecker transmitter, which is said to have been partly responsible for the Chernobyl reactor failures. OK, so I read one article that said what actually happened to Chernobyl is Russia was just learning about some of the aspects of their scalawave machine. And they accidentally caused the nuclear elements in Chernobyl to activate. And that's what caused the whole Chernobyl meltdown. Because, see, scalawave can see through rock, through dirt, water, metal, it goes through everything. It's interdimensional. And I think that that's how Russia found all of the oil, because they used their scalawave machine to see where the pockets of oil were. They went over there and drilled to that depth and bingo there it was. I also think that they've recently buddyed up with China. And that's the reason China is now drilling some really, really deep wells out in a very, very strange area of China. No one would ever normally drill for oil out there. And my guess is they'll hit it because Russia told them, this is where it is. Drill here, this deep, we just gave you oil. It's Ukraine disposed of all of its stocks of highly enriched uranium, purportedly out of fear of Russia employing scalawave weapons to have Ukraine's own materials blow up and render the country radioactive for centuries. Now, do I know that's true? I can't prove it, but it sounds reasonable. There's another guy named Bearden. Bearden claimed that an early test model of a scalawave generator was used instead of an anti-aircraft rocket to bring down Gary Powers U2's spy plane. Gary Powers said he didn't see any kind of a missile coming up. He didn't see a smoke trail. He says all of a sudden he said just everything in his cockpit started having sparks come off of it and all of a sudden nothing in his plane worked anymore. And it just dropped out of the sky. There are several examples of documented sightings of probable scalawave's activity, but nothing could be found from any web searches. They see that this stuff doesn't get on the web. This could mean that they are fake news, but also could mean that there are classified information and dangerous. They don't want people to know. Bearden retired Lieutenant Colonel, I spoke to him on the phone one day, who works as a weapons analysis for an aerospace company, has been gathering reports of unexplained explosions such as a 1976 sighting in Afghanistan of gigantic expanding spheres of light. So this is sphere, okay? It's not a streak, it's a sphere. Spheres of light emanating from deep within the Soviet Union. According to Bearden, one can make extremely powerful weapons by merging and concentrating electromagnetic and gravity waves. Bearden also noted that this could be very well, what former Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev was referring to 25 years ago, when he announced that the Russians had a fantastic new weapon that could destroy life on Earth. The point being today, scalawave is real. Do not believe what they're telling you about climate change, it's high technology. And the purpose is to make all of the planet take the mark of the beast. If they can take away the food, take away their electronics, take away their HVAC, their cars, if they take away all of their conveniences, then finally they'll have no choice, but to turn to the world government and ask for help. The government's gonna say no man can buy ourselves, say we had the mark of the name of the beast or the number of his name. You wanna have food, you gotta take the mark. You wanna have a car, you wanna have gasoline, you wanna have air conditioning in your home, you gotta take the mark. You will not be able to exist outside of their system. Now right now everybody's concerned about them coming out with a new virus and a pandemic. Well, the devil is only, that's one of his minor poise. This is a bigger poise. Scalawave can shut down the whole planet. There's a scripture that says, and he destroyed them was destroyed the earth. So ultimately, this high technology, maybe not just this, but other high technology is going to destroy the earth. Isaiah 19, believe it says, says the earth turned the upside down and scattered through a broad inhabitants thereof. So this high technology, and it may be nuclear weapons, there's another scripture that says, "And the earth is moved at the taking of Babylon." So when Russia hits America with multiple nuclear weapons all at once, it literally moves the earth and then maybe what turns the earth upside down. I don't know. But the point is, don't believe climate change. That's my point. Don't believe climate change. Then go to EMP shield, using promo code prophecy. Get yourself an EMP shield like I've got right here. One for your car, each one of your cars, one for your house. When the suitcase nukes, I didn't say if. I said, when the suitcase nukes go off, if you want your car to start, if you want your computers and your refrigerators and things like that, anything with the computer chip to work, you want to have one of these. From, and they have videos up there. It takes about 10 minutes to put on. There's not complicated at all. And if you use word prophecy, promo code prophecy, you get a $50 discount and it helps you prophecy club. If you don't want to lose your life's savings, if you have an IRA or a 401K, then thing to do is call 800-200-Gold. 800-200-Gold, these folks are Christians and they specialize in helping people not lose their life's savings in the event of a stop market crash and things like that. Look, most of the 401Ks, most of the IRAs are in paper, backed by paper. And as Lindsey Williams says, if it's in paper, it's worth the paper, it's written on, you can lose it all. One 800-200-Gold, 800-200-Gold. Hey, give 'em a call. Don't hurt, don't cost you anything. See if they can give you some good advice. If you're out and about and all of a sudden you need gasoline, you need food and the credit cards aren't working, they aren't taking dollars. Then one of the best things to have is right here. It's a prepper bar. Each one of these is a little bit bigger than a credit card will fit in your purse or your bill fold and it breaks into various pieces so you could give them part. Instead of maybe more silver, more gold and you need to, carry it right in your bill fold, hold your purse. This particular one is five bars. You don't necessarily need to carry five bars with you, but you call 844-777-1776 or 844-777-1776. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)