FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 10-09-24

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
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from Bucks pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff poor show. I don't think this way. Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff poor showed up and talk 10065. Glad you can make it on this Wednesday morning 2513 4301. 1 0 6 will be touching the program. Hit me up on that text line. Coming up on the program today here in about 30 minutes. Dale Strong. He's a congressman from the 5th congressional district. We'll hear from him. Joy Clark in that 10 o'clock hour. It's got butter from the trussle tribute in the 11 o'clock hour. As always, the text line 2513430106 would interact with the program. Give me your reaction to kill a divorce t shirt. Whatever it is. It's on your mind. Hit me up on that text line and we will proceed accordingly. Kind of watching the news right now. It's hurricane mania. It's moving south and it looks like the worst of it is going to hit south of Tampa. Sorry, Tony Sarasota in Venice Beach. So I will watch is still very, very dangerous, but maybe I'll miss some of these population centers from primarily Tampa Orlando. It kind of screws up over kind of north of Okachobu. We'll see the models got a got a bunch of different tracks here. So DeSantis, his handling of this. This is a real could be a real telling moment about his leadership. We he's done this a few times before and has done well. So I just there's there's a presidential cycle going on right now. And who knows. I think this will reflect on Biden and Kamala Harris more than it will. More so that it will on any Republican such as it is. I said 2513430106. We'll see how that goes. We'll see other things going on in the news. Kamala Harris doing the blitz. I said this a couple months ago, guys. Well, we were all talking about it. Well, she's not doing any interviews. Well, what's going on here? And such as it was. I said, well, watch, why don't you get close to that election? Watch to see if she doesn't start doing a bunch of interviews. And I honestly believe that I that she's there's it's a mild panic into Harris campaign. That they they sense they they sense some problems. Maybe it's their eternal tracking poll doesn't show her trending in a positive direction. Could be anything, but there's certainly a change of strategy change of tactics. It's not like they said in late July, whatever she got the nomination. Oh, you know what? Let's do this, guys. Let's let's not do any interviews. Let's wait till three weeks out. Then we'll do every interview. Anybody who offers every podcast Howard Stern. Do people still listen to Howard Stern? He seems so 1990s, early 2000s. Is that really a cultural icon that he used to be? But that it just Steve Colbert, speaking of former cultural icons. But I told you this that well, if they could get away with it, if they knew that they were going to win this thing, and she had never had to sit foot on another TV set, including the view. She would she would totally blow past it. And guys, I think that there's there's a little bit of a panic there. I think you'll see some other changes. What's this real close? And this is, you say this all the time. You're right. We bright bar radio guy. What's this real close to see if there's other changes, significant changes in the Harris campaign strategy? Because we honestly thought that the Democrats thought they could win this within the Democrat circles, so they could win this without having to do a whole lot. It's the same with Joe Biden to stay in the basement strategy. And you know what? It worked. I mean, he won a presidential election off of it. But the problem for Harris is this incumbency, and this is probably true at 2020 more than we really, those of us talking about these things, it was a referendum on the status quo. And people rejected the status quo, so they voted a certain way. And in 2020, you know, whether Donald Trump liked it or not, he probably got blamed by a lot of people for COVID. There's not a lot of deep thinkers here when it comes to this stuff, guys. And they just they don't like the situation in the world. It's time for a change. And that's sort of what happened. That's what I think barring some kind of seismic event. And I don't know what it could be that would tilt the trend for Trump and the other direction for Harris. But one thing they could probably do. Maybe they could replace Harris at the last minute with somebody. Maybe that's the ticket because she got had, and she had the election bid when Joe Biden dropped out, she probably would have won. But probably too late for that. Once again, 2513430106, you want to be a touch of the show. Just hit me up on the text line. I'll see some other things going on here. Ivy with the letter yesterday, pushing back against the Haitian resettlement, demanding answer. She, we're told led the letter. Her office actually said she spearheaded this letter. So somebody will know probably in this list of God. It's last night about this. And you want you to send this and give it all these press conferences. What if what if this were Alabama. Could y'all see? Could y'all envision. K. Ivy. Kind of kind of standing there in front of the cameras. At least looking to be in charge. Marshaling services, marshaling resources. In preparation for a category five hurricane. Let's say it was just bearing down on mobile. What do you do? Can you can you can you see? Can you envision that? Now in 2020. This I'll never forgive her for this. Well, and then in 2020 when hurricane Sally struck girls shores. Or where did K. Ivy appear on F and talk one oh six five. Oh, no, you say if you remember, if you've been listening for the last four years, or was she? She does it a radio appearance in Birmingham, Alabama. I'll talk 99 five. That was her like, you know, like you see the Santis right now stepping out front of the camera doing a press conference every every 12 hours or so. Her her big outreach to the press was Birmingham talk radio. But hurricane Sally hit goal shores. Do you remember that? I made a big deal about it at the time. And I think some of my friends at 99 five still have forgiven me for this. But then like after the storm's coming gone. And people are picking up the pieces like three days later. She she appears on the talk show down the street as it to say face. I was like, yeah, maybe that maybe they got a point there. Maybe maybe when a hurricane's hitting coastal, Alabama, maybe Birmingham isn't the market we need to be reaching out to. But it's like the whole like game at the Ivy effort is to, I guess, protect or protect the governor. For me to get embarrassing situations. Because I suspect it she got out there too much. She becomes very Joe Biden ish in our view, but out of sight out of mind. We're not worried about it, but back to our point here. She said a letter shows glad to see pushing back and urging. A somewhat of a heads up, I guess. If you think you would have settled migrants in our state, you let us know. That's in the news kind of if you're interested. See what else. Katie Brit wants to run for leadership in the said in RSC chairwoman. But that's interesting at all to you. Erica Thomas with a story and I'm aware of this, but I didn't. I mean, it's the construction worker doing down there north of the canal, I think. On highway 59 doesn't even live down that way fully go shores. And it's just been kind of sitting there dormant. And it's creating a lot of problems. And it's very emblematic of the Alabama Department of Transportation. I guess they had some kind of problem with the contractor. We're supposed to be doing it and they had to switch contractors. Like, the other you that listen to the show and are aware of how we do these like big road projects in this state and they're sort of. They kind of collude all the road builders and bridge builders and they pick out their territories in Alabama and they don't compete against one another. And as long as you have that sort of network, you're always going to have these kinds of problems. Good, I don't know what it is. Maybe they just are unable to hire enough people to do the work. But certainly a fascinating story is that 1819 news, 1819 if you're interested. So kind of a fascinating thing going on there. Anyway, hurricane and presidential election seem to be the two big things. If you're really interested in PD, we can throw that in. But not really my cup of tea. And I guess probably you spent some more time on the Harris media rollout. One thing that we saw yesterday, I think I talked about it. The 60 minutes interview, she, Harris was asked about Israel and her relationship with Netanyahu. And she gives us bumbling answer. And it is as if they're not really preparing her for these situations. Just like in a view or wherever, I would essentially be invited by the 2.0. There's nothing I would do different. I don't think she's given it much thought. So that being said, 60 minutes recognizes our CBS or somebody, whatever the website intern is there, they cut her bumbling answer completely out. I mean, it's just the media are putting their thumb on the scale here. And it really is outrageous. But I'll say this. I mean, they got a first amendment right. I just like me to come blab my mouth on this microphone every day. But they're abusing it. And what's important is that you're aware of it. Most of you listening to this show are probably aware that the media is not her friend. But it's more blatant than you realize. It's not just subtle, you know, we're liberal news readers or whatever. They're actually manipulating video to create a more rosy scenario for the Democrat. And that's it's unethical. It's their website. They can do what they want, but you need to know about it. This media, I mean, every time CBS especially gets panicky, I guess, near presidential election. Did they create fake documents or whatever, what they had rather. There's just all kinds of fast and loose tactics with the mainstream media, this close to presidential election. You better be ready for it. We'll be right back. This is F.M. Talk, one oh six five. Everybody met my prediction. So if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on and on. Family. [MUSIC] He's found it down, loaded up and trucking. Are we going to do what they say can't be done? We've got a long way to go. And it's short time to get there. Time is kind of what no man did run. Look at that did you just foreshadowed him. Talk one oh six five. Two five one. Two five one three four three zero one zero six. You want to be in touch with the show? You hit me up on that tax line. I will get to our next guest coming up here. Dale Strong Congressman from the fifth congressional district. Uh blah blah. Tim. Jeff, it seems Democrats could have come up with a better candidate. This lady has a real big problem with communicating. I agree. I don't think she could have. I think I don't think she could have won the the primary. That's why they did it the way they did. It was a play in me. It went like this is what we were going to do all along. But they knew they could leave it up to the like emotionally possessed. Uh you know left wing communist near communist democratic primary. Voter. He'd run up with Bernie Sanders in this environment. But they had to ride with. They had to ride with Biden. Right. Uh and they had to ride with Joe. Until it just wasn't it wasn't going to work. And then Harris was playing me. That's what I think. Uh named texture. No. John G. Walden construction was sold to Wiregrass construction. There was a transition time that caused work pause. But but that's not our problem. And it's still paused. Like that you know you could sell your construction company. But like what do you do? How long you know where the contract does it say? If your company that if the wedding bidder is sold to another contractor then they get a six month delay. I mean that's just not. I don't think that is right. Let's see. Damn Yankee. Maybe Governor Ivy will have to resign when it's discovered that she attended on the P did a freak off. I don't imagine that's in the card. Jean. Your guy turned out a 60 minutes interview. So you think it's okay to criticize her. Do you think you really want to say what she thinks of VB? There's been condemned by 146 countries. Let's let's bring it on. Let her say what she needs to say. Jean. What is she scared of? And there's no reason Donald Trump should ever do anything with CBS. Like I said they doctored that interview Jean. They had a real interview that aired and then their website version they completely cut that answer out and put another answer in. It is garbage. You can't defend that behavior. Michael. Let's see. My wife and I were discussing this week. Meamol in the Santa's last night. I think I were not under the gun of melted. When will the boomers that are still running most of the government finally step aside? I think that time is near. Then Mike also writes also the major road builders are integrated from asphalt plant all the way down to the way of stripping. It's extremely expensive to get into the game and it's why it's not feasible for most contractors to get their foot in the door. But I do find in other states it's a little different. At least that's what I'm told. I'm not an expert on any of this by any stretch. But the difference between Alabama and a lot of other states it just seems to be more of a more of a more of a flourishing contractor game. Jerry, it's interesting how the same people have complained about the dock workers getting a pay raise. They have no problem with the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. I don't want to get into the road builders. 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I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. I just want to get into the road builders. Welcome back to the Jeff Pore show. If I'm talking 106.5 out of number two begins. Right now, 2513430106. You want me to touch with the show? You text me and I'll respond to whatever it is. That is on your mind. Real quick, Hurricane Milton, expected to make landfall sometime late tonight. It looks like it's weakening, which is good. It's spreading out. I don't know. Those of you who have been here a lot longer to me know the science of hurricanes. Much, much better than I do. But the way it's been explained, I see some reports kind of backing this up. When Hellene came through, it knocked out a lot of the natural barriers. It weakened the coastal line. And this won't have the speed bump that most hurricanes would in this situation, which has a lot of people, you know, especially there along the coast. Concerned. 2513430106 is the text line Joy Clark coming up in about a half hour as well as an hour and a half from now. Scott Butcher of the Trussville tribute. So stick around for that. We are refridged from text here as promised. Monty. People like Jean are why we have directions on shampoo bottles. Uh, Joel, this is what it sounds like from a Congress into mouth, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't understand. What would you prefer, Joel? But Joel, you don't really like anybody or anything. Which is what a lot of people say about me unfairly. I say, but uh, uh, Joel, uh, they're Pat. The fear mongering has really ramped up since October 1st. I guess the polls really do have Trump losing. I don't believe, I know. I mean, I think the fear, I think the change. I think Trump's laying low. I mean, doesn't seem that way. Trump's like getting the coverage that he has gotten from the lab. I mean, it seems to have kind of died down a little. I am telling you and I don't know what Pat, I don't, you're an enigma to me, Pat. A frustrating one. But I think it's the other way around. I mean, I think it's showing that Harris is losing in the polls. It just looks that way to be based on her behavior. I think her turtles show her in trouble. I think this is why you're seeing this drastic change in strategy. If she were to lead, Pat, if she were winning, and Trump were losing, Trump seems to be doing what Trump always does. That is a constant in this experiment. The variable is Harris. And she's the one who has gone from media, radio silence to everywhere. She's, I mean, this is a different campaign strategy than a month ago. Now, I don't know what it is. Do you tell me, why would you do that at this point in time? Were they planning to do this all along? I don't think that's the case. I think if they thought that they could win this thing without her ever having to sit foot in front of a TV camera or a microphone or anything, they would, but they're starting to see that that's not possible. Um, ow. Great word yesterday for Gary Palmer. Great word today from Dale Strong. Keep them coming, Jeff. Well, thank you, Al. And finally, why go on to road now? Voting has already started in those early voting states. They are too late to influence many undecideds. I don't think that's true. I think it's, it's not an, it's not an undecided. This is not how campaigns work on name texture. The way they work, it's more about to get out the vote and fundraising. It's always fundraising and they can fundraise in these late stages. They can buy more commercials on TV. That's what's going on here. That's the ticket. That's why you go in the road, but it's just get out the vote number one and number two. Make sure they have money in the coffers to get that message out all the way up until the Monday night or even Tuesday day of election day. And, you know, you don't want to run out of gas right before you get to the finish line. There's a whole bunch of reasons why at this point, why at this stage you deploy other members of Congress that are in safe districts with, you know, either no or minimal competition. Um, interesting thing on Joe Scarborough show, almost called it Scarborough Country morning, Joe James Carvel, who I think is, is, is full of it sometimes. But also, sometimes when he gets frustrated with his own party, there's, there's some truth in what he says are not true, but a real, it's, it's an authenticity, let's say. So, I had to times, I think he is inauthentic. I think he just says things to get a rise out of Republicans. This morning on morning Joe, he said, told Kamala Harris to knock it off about January 6. There's something they see here that this January 6 death isn't really lending itself to, to, to, to devote or turn out. They've always, I've always believed this, they've always started January 6. It's important. They, they made it out to be much worse than it was. I'm not saying it wasn't bad, but I think it was embellished. It wasn't a threat or democracy. It wasn't the end times. And you even had to put, you even got to put Nancy Pelosi at fault here. And this is where they got to talking points very early on. It was like, well, Mitch McConnell was a majority leader. He's just as much to blame. But no, the, the, the, the speaker of the house is the absolute authority of Capitol Hill. She, he, whoever the speaker is, is, appoints the sergeant in arms. That gets the point, the Capitol police, the, the, the, the speaker has an administrative function over Congress in Capitol Hill and that building the US Capitol. That's where it all, it's not the Senate. It's the house. The house speaker is the all powerful queen or king. And she somehow has generally escaped fault for anything. January 6 probably cause she orchestrated a lot of it. The reason why people just don't trust what they were telling us out of January 6 on our side because we know like she's capable of this. She tried to incite this kind of, of, of situation during the Obama, on the day Obama Carol's pass. It was a Sunday. There are a bunch of tea party folks up there and she gets these John Lewis and some others and she's got this giant gavel. She just wants to rub it into those tea party, those tea tarts faces. She just hates it. Those tea baggers. Oh my God, and they're, they're gross and sweaty and they, they, they, they, they believe that government ought to be a certain way and you can just tell, and your break bar talks about this. What really made him realize what a dog and pony show politics can be. Sometimes was that moment and she is capable of trying to incite these sort of situations. Now she's always had it out for Donald Trump. And like I said, I don't say that what happened that day was right. It was a mistake. It was a big type tactical error that this was all because Republicans have had the answer for this crap ever since and it's put us behind the eight ball, but she had a lot to do with it. I think she, she didn't necessarily organize it or orchestrate it, but it's, it's like I said, you leave your windows rolled down on your car with the keys in the ignition. And then go hysterical when somebody steals the car. Maybe you wanted somebody to steal the car all along. It was that sort of situation. She knew it was going to be emotionally charged. She probably didn't anticipate them storming the capital way that they did. But she wanted an incident and she got her incident and they tried to milk it for what it was worth for the last four years. I think it's dry and this is what Carmel was talking about this morning. It's just got to, it's got to be something that's more pertinent to people's lives directly pertinent to people's lives in January six is what he was saying. But this is the politics of division and I just, I, you know, no matter what side you're looking at, the politics of division can apply to either side. It's just not a, it's an emotional argument. I guess meant to generate more more enthusiasm from the wine mom culture. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six is the text line. If you want to be in touch with the program on a texture, FEMA stands forever missing always. Thank you for that. FEMA is a little talk about Palmer, Gary Palmer yesterday and I honestly believe this. So there was apparently money earmarked to FEMA for immigration, be it legal or whatever you want to call it asylum, refugees and FEMA somehow this became a part of their mission statement to not only to respond to hurricanes, but also to figure out how to resettle these migrants that are here, quote, unquote, legally for now, but you got to put them somewhere and they task FEMA with this duty, Alejandro Mayorkas did as such. And apparently this was a separate pool of money that was earmarked by Congress for this very thing. And this just tells you when you pass these big spending, these omnibus bills with everything put in them, this is what happens. And people are like, well, FEMA must be spending all this money on these resources over here and not tending to the Helene aftermath and what's about to hit Florida here in the next 12 hours, there must be something to this. And not necessarily, but it's like you see, Congress can can put it, call it something back into Congress and they can reallocate that money, they can unear marketing, reear market if they needed to. And somebody said this to me this morning, you know, I had forgotten about this. And emotions were just really, really hot and the way they acted in Congress in 2005, terrified Republicans were still in control, if you remember, during Katrina, Republicans were still in charge and the media just descends upon New Orleans and looks for all of this hardship, looks for all of this unrest, the makes this creates this narrative creates a situation that's very anti-Bush, like the, the, the, the, the weak Congress at the time. Still are under Republican control, are they like Denny Hasterter or somebody gets right in the session and they pass that, they pass that emergency appropriation for Katrina. They built a, they built a twin span there on I-10 are rebuilt it in like a matter of like days or something. They got taken care of like right away. What happened here? Why? Why hasn't the reaction been quite as fast? The Carson Palmer suggested yesterday that it was because it hit a red area, not a blue area, if it hit Philadelphia, Charlotte or wherever, the response would have been faster. Well, anybody go back and look at that, guys. Go back and look at those days after Katrina and wonder why so much time lapse without the support urgency. We'll be right back. [Music] Welcome back to the Jeff Moore Showed Up of Talk. This Wednesday morning, 2511-3430106, that's how you get touched on me, your show host and I will respond to whatever it is that you said my way, what do we got here? Well, we're still hurricane and presidential election. So keep it an eye on that. Some text here, let's see, Terry writes, the former Capitol Police chief said it never considered to use Pelosi's office preventing mutual aid and national guard response to January 6 until it was too late. I'll tell you what, and I wondered this when I was kind of watching it. My wife and I were at the hospital, my son and I and well, my wife, but we were at Thomas Hospital here. No, we were Tallahassee, we were Tallahassee at the time, so whatever the Tallahassee regional, whatever hospital, watching this unfold on TV. And the first thing, when I saw it, and I'm watching from a hospital room, my wife's about to give birth, and we were both like, are the Capitol Police backing down because they're sort of this fear, you don't want another George Floyd situation, they had beaten up on cops and policemen so much. Remember the summer of hell as earlier that year or the previous year, and we were watching it unfold. And that was what I thought was going on. I said, well, the police are going easy on these guys because they didn't want, they didn't want an incident. Well, as it turned out, and reason I don't think that's true, was the Ashley Babbitt thing that shot her in cold blood and didn't have anything to say about it. The way that was handled by this incompetent Capitol Police officer who has been in trouble before, and it was kind of swept under the rug. I mean, maybe there was some home cooking there that day where they did want a situation. Maybe they did want them coming into the building. And then, I mean, look at how much earned media, look at how much publicity anti-Republican earned media they got out of this is people are always always seeking down the field. The power hungry, they don't really think about the consequences of their actions. They just kind of assume the public will just deal with it. And I don't know that they said, well, here, we're going to do this to make these people right. We're going to plant feds in the crowd to make this happen. But like I said, I think it's like one of those situations where they left the keys of the car with the windows rolled down one night, and they got to cry hysterically when it got stolen. Pat, we don't even have to look that far back. Just look at Baltimore with the bridge issue. Yeah, true. I mean, like they have reacted right away to that, Pat. But back to that, that's, you know, back to that point, like look how fast wash establishment Washington D.C. reacted for New Orleans, a major American city of nonetheless, major port. Look at how fast they moved and they still hammered George W. Bush. They still beat him up. We're in the middle of an election where people are about to go vote. They don't care is it? That's strange. Not like a red flag here, like where's the sense of urgency you had 20 years ago? What is going on there and no one has a good answer. And our media, maybe we give the media too much power in our country. I'll never understand it. They have a first amendment, but like the public could tune this stuff out. It's not, it's not honest. They can do whatever they want. They have the right to. Pelosi had her media daughter with her. Yeah. They had that footage that the January 6th committee decided to leave out January 6th committee was a joke. We'll be right back. This is effort talk about oh, six, five. On this Wednesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, sixty to be a touch with the show. You just text me and we'll respond to whatever it is that is on your mind. It'll come on to programs Scott Butler from the trust will tribute about an hour from now. So stay tuned for that. But joining us now on the line, I always a pleasure to bring all my friends from News Talk 93.1 also writes a column for what's like on 18, 19 news, you can read that every Tuesday. Joey Clark. Joey, good morning. How are you? Doing great this morning. You doing? Yes. I live in the dream, Joey. You know, it is, you know, the, the, the stardom of radio. Oh, yeah. I feel like even if we've reached a pinnacle, we'll be at sea level. This is kind of funny though, like, you're, you're, you're on, you know, radio. Well, what do you, uh, well, what is your, uh, what is your public profile? I mean, do you go to grocery store? Hey, hey, it's Joey Clark, or is it just, uh, is it just, uh, you're, you're better off heard and not seen and it happens on occasion, but since we've been live streamed the share on like YouTube and X, uh, more people will recognize me, but I've never been a bad interaction. Um, and normally I can go throughout my day around Montgomery and even if somebody recognizes you, hardly anybody says a word. So it's, it's not like I'm some big star by anything. I've been here for years and, uh, I've, I've only only read that I've ever been noticed. I was talking on the phone at like Publix or something. It happened twice talking on the photo publics, uh, other than that, never, never, uh, there, there could, I could be anybody, you know, well, and this years ago, before I even had the daytime shows doing an hour at night, I went on this, like date with this chick. I was seeing just lived in Huntsville. She was in Montgomery and it was old cloverdale area and the, you know, we sit down in this waiter goes, Oh my God, you're Joey Clark and like, this has never happened. I'm like, well, I got to tip this guy this way. This is working out well. Well, like Dale Jackson, uh, talking about, uh, Dale is interesting because he, he has a very distinct voice. Like people, you walk into a, the first time I ever met Dale in person, um, was it the old Humphreys and Huntsville and like I walk in the door and I just hear his voice and he's like, you could pick him out of a crowd like guys like you and I, you know, we're just like other guys, you know, right and also in public, I'm, I'm a wallflower. I'm very reserved that's in the lake come alive when I'm on there. Yeah. I saw like a, we're wearing like Joey Clark or Jeff pore show t-shirts either. Yeah. Yeah. I need to get on that. The merchant. Not now. Like, uh, reg be Dale on your airway shot Sullivan on mine. Uh, those are, those are like, uh, local institutions. Oh man. Yeah. Well, when you do this for what, Craig's, I think, done this nearly 20 years now in Montgomery. Yeah. So say with Sean, I'll probably more than that actually, um, uh, they're like, they are, uh, they are known for that. It's maybe someday Joey, you and I after two decades of being on, uh, will be a notice to public, but that's, that's another discussion for another time. Hey, uh, Joey, I don't know how where you were or what you were doing at the time of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. I watch you this helene response and watch you, what's going on. And I know everybody's kind of watching Hurricane Milton right now as it bears down on Florida, but it was kind of interesting to be like, it just seems like the response is so much more slow rolled this time around the Katrina. And when I was thinking like about this, they really pulled a number on us. We could train in 2005 with the reaction and they called Congress in and within five days, they had an emergency bill, George W. Bush had reacted with, uh, with this helene response. There's, there's absolutely no sense of urgency, which is counterintuitive because of elections within a month from now. And I was, I guess in 2005, I would have been a sophomore in high school and, you know, in the years since I, I've kind of looked back at Katrina and I think you're right. And that that was, I mean, an awful situation, but it was something I think could have been prevented more by better local governments. And somehow this was thrown on a Bush and team, all the blame. And whether you're talking New Orleans, which is a little more obvious with what I'm about to say or these other areas, I think preparing for the 10,000 year storm, especially if you're underwater like New Orleans, anyway, it's the right way to go. And for some reason in this country, we don't do those sorts of preparations. We're like, well, it's good enough. We fund it enough. The levies are good enough. Or, you know, we've got, we can print money. So let's send billions of online security funds to, you know, processing all these oleagles come in. You know, right, I think there's been a partly lackluster, it's also weird to watch Biden and Harris get their wires crossed where Harris, like the Sanchez is being so political and Biden the same day saying, no, he's being great and very responsive. I think it's a guy that there's something off here where it doesn't seem like what it's Katrina right now, like whether it's local state or federal, that we're actually prepared for these sorts of big events and as a rich dynamic country, you would think why not? That's exactly. I mean, this is sort of the thing. We tend to exaggerate in our heads how powerful the government is and what the government's capable of like Alex Jones is out there talking about weather control or something. I mean, it's just insane. If, you know, if the government can play God and control the weather, why, I mean, why stop in the weather? I mean, why even bother with elections, right? If they're that all powerful. So, so it makes me think though, the perception of government is ability to do stuff is grossly exaggerated by a lot of our friends listening probably who believe the stuff and all you got to do guys, you don't take my word for it and you think I'm part of it, go spend some time in Washington DC around these people who work in government and you will be totally underwhelmed. I mean, that tell, that was like eye opening for me because they're not, they're just human beings like you and I, you know, and on the disaster response or protecting the president, they're not even competent at that. Do you think that they're capable of all this black helicopter stuff that you think they are? Yeah, and I think unless you're talking about it, some small clicks within the government, I think there's some impressive things they intelligence communities could do, special forces can do. Generally speaking, I think the government's greatest power is their ability to profit propaganda as people and sort of psychologically manipulate people and in terms of the weather control stuff, it's just patently absurd, you know, you bring up cloud seeding or something like that, which is real, but directing a hurricane is, you know, it's a bit bonkers. And, you know, but then the irony is these, I think, incompetence to your point in Washington have the hubris or they just love a problem they can never solve. So they see this hurricane and they go, look, oh, global warming, if we just done cap and trade 10 years ago, this probably wouldn't happen, which is just nonsense. How many years have we been talking about global warming, Joey? How many years have we been talking about global warming? Ever since it changed from global cooling, so property 80s. Yeah, I'm just, this is, there's nothing, there's nothing that's going to change there. There's like things that are always going to be constant. I think we're always going to be in this weird sort of stasis over abortion and when life begins, we're always going to have a second amendment. So you're always going to have these unfortunate tragedies. And global warming is always going to be like part of it too, right? Global warming is always going to be out there, but there's never going to be a public widespread grassroots movement demanding global climate change action. So it's just these things, these things all just go and go and go and go and go. And I think it distracts them or it's a waste of money because you get all these scientists who want to have the sexiest projects that will do some catastrophic alarmist report on climate change. And of course, you get all the federal funding and international funding and grants. But the shame is not only is the money wasted, I think it distracts people from doing things that would make human life on this planet better, make the planet better. Like, again, instead of, you know, convectioning about global warming, why not built levee, say, a New Orleans that didn't withstand the 10,000-year storm? Well, we do not have resources always on the ready. It's just, I think it's a huge cannot. Let me go into Dutch deal with the North Sea for 1,000 years, right? There's never the idea that we're going to be able to lower carbon emissions and things are going to go reverse as kind of, you know, a little too optimistic, you know. But I don't know, I think I'm always just, they want this issue out there to have something to talk about. It's like immigration sometimes. Yeah. And especially if it's a problem that's so big, we can't really solve it. So let us have like complete total control over your life. That's how the climate change conversation comes across. And on immigration, yeah, it's a problem we've helped perpetuate for a few decades. But we'll solve it this next time if you like, you know, May, Tom LaHarris. And by the way, well, Jeff, it's right around the corner, two-site solution in the Middle East. It's going to happen. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's just ridiculous. Since the birth of Christ there, or even before that, it's the Old Testament days, they've been fighting over that land. But we're going to, we're going to, Bill Clinton and the NASA air fight are going to figure this one out, right? Right. And this happens in so many of these issues or it's almost like just the, it's like that lining around the usual suspects or everybody's sort of playing this role we're used to, whether you're talking guns or climate change or something as crazy and tragic as, you know, Israel and Palestine. It's like these very smart people are stuck in these frames and they can't get out of them. What's that? I mean, just, I think it's a lack of historic perspective, right? Like just knowing and this belief that you're, you know, that you could be bigger than human nature. That you could be bigger because we're all like flawed individuals and we all, you know, I'm, you know, I'm no saint here either. But like it's this idea that a government agency or some kind of government led effort can overcome human behavior and make the world a perfect place. And this is what these people preach. It's insane. It's never going to work. Just to like you have to have a system of government where people have the, the incentive to do the right thing. And that's why like socialism is for saints and capitalism is for centers. I think it was Billy Graham who said that or something. And that's why communism doesn't work. I mean, you cannot program people to be all on the same page with your stupid philosophy. People are humans and they all have different viewpoints. They come from different walks of life. And that's what you had to deal with when you think about government or whatever. I think you're under percent right. And he has kept watching and thinking about politics over the years. I think in a certain envelope or a certain condition, something as crazy as say anarcho-capitalism could work, but that would require a culture of people all agreeing on some basic principles to it or to work. In most cases in human history, people don't agree on first principles. And it's often the law of the jungle, you know, it's the bad side of anarchy. And I think people don't account for, okay, you have to understand nobody's going to agree on some fundamental things that really don't understand it could lead to violence and war. So we almost have to account for that human nature and this idea that man can be perfected through technology or through politics to write political controls. I think you're right, it's the height of huge risk and it's been going on though for thousands of years. I think one of my favorite stories is Plato is invited to help run the city-state of Syracuse and it goes miserable. So even these great philosophers thought this is the right scheme, I think, in many ways they're kind of the blind leading the blind in terms of the political power in particular. I mean, you have to play the human nature's weaknesses and that's the best way to govern. Just know people are going to be people and they're going to have good people, you're going to have bad people, you've got people somewhere in between or whatever and you just kind of have to acknowledge that. And I think the problem, like big picture wise with a lot of leftism is that they don't count people as people, they think we're all equal or equity or whatever, they don't look at people for their differences, it's so intellectually lazy, they want to view everybody as with sameness or whatever and it just does not work. Yeah, and a great book on this is a pretty accessible one too, is Thomas Sol is a conflict of visions where he compares sort of the utopian versus the tragic view of human nature. And I'm kind of like you and I both are more on the tragic side of this and I mean the argument continues, you know, Stephen Pinker had this whole idea that everything's always getting better and then you'll get a response from somebody like David Walensky, he's like, yeah, the 20th century's gotten better, but you know, there's this thing that happened called the World Wars that maybe we still don't understand how that happened. So I think having a tragic view of human nature is more the correct fold. All great literature, I think points to that, at least in the Western canon and if you, you know, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the same story. Yeah, if you're a believer, I mean, that's the whole idea of Christianity, the fallen world, Christ is your salvation. I don't know if you're a religious person or not, but I mean, I don't think fewer and fewer are these days, but that's sort of the same idea there and I, you know, and then this is kind of a crazy thing to say and we're going to run short on time and we got really big picture here, but like the reason why like the secular left rejects that it's more just for the sake of being the secular quote, unquote left. I mean, they want to reject like things that have governed, which is faith or whatever religion and you can think about that what you want. But faith sort of serving as a cornerstone and our, you know, social contract has worked. And when you try to take that one little piece out of the Django puzzle, I mean, they sort of collapsed and you try to replace it with something else, which in this case would be government. It's just not going to work. Well, I would say I personally, I wrestle with the ideas and I take very seriously the idea of wrestling with one's faith and understanding there are certain things you can't know. And you know, when you come from that position, I think it creates, you've got to have some basic humility about these big picture questions we're asking. And I think there are folks that don't like being reminded that they're not God. And they're like, well, I'm not even claiming that. I'm like, we have sometimes the powers you were claiming is the power of not maybe God or money of God. And it's just it's going to lead to ruin. So, you know, I think a deep humility and sort of recognizing faith is the right way to go. And this is more correlation not causation, but as a faith in God and religious practice is declined in the United States, so too, as trust in all of our major institutions. And I think there is something to that cornerstone being pulled out. Yeah, I agree. Joe, you got to leave it there. Folks want to find you online. Tell them how to do so. I go to the Joey Clark on the X Twitter X or Joey Clark live on YouTube. Joey Clark, ladies and Joe. Joe, Joe. I always appreciate it. I'll do it again next week. Thank you. All right. We're going to break into here. This is effort. Talk about that. Six five. In my hand. Excuse me, man. Where's the door? From Carolina down to Georgia. Smells the Tasman and Magnolia. Sleepy, sweet home. Alabama. Roll tight. Roll. Muddy water. Mississippi, blessed Graceland whispers to me. Welcome back to the Jeff Force show of them. Talk about those six five. They're hanging out with us on this Wednesday morning. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, uh, that's the text line and that's coming up. Uh, uh, your text coming up next over to the next few segments. Also coming up. Scott Butler of the Trussville Tribune are sort of, um, even though he's a Trussville, he's a Tuscaloosa guy. I didn't get to figure out like this whole situation at Alabama. I can't, I can't take my cues from fine bomb callers. I got to know like deep down what, what, uh, what, uh, what, uh, what, uh, what Bamination. It seems like they're souring or Kale and the boar, but, uh, maybe they're not. Maybe that is like I said, that is the upper echelon of the, uh, tied, um, fan base. I don't know. He, I tell you this though, guys, if y'all want to trade coaches, I'll take Kale and the boar over Hugh Fries right now. Now you tell me who else is out there that you would get, well, well, well, you know, uh, that's a question I'll pose to Scott. And I think, you know, did the jail and mill row eat too much taco casa the night before the game, maybe. I guess you have a taco casa and Nashville do they Maddie's hot chicken or something, uh, whatever the local cuisine is up there. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, damn yankie. Even Toronto Rivera was on scene three days after Katrina, very little covered of Asheville on the nightly news, uh, all the Democrats, I know are quoting Biden saying people Western North Carolina have everything they need and they've shut the media out the most as best they could. They've really, really gone out of their way in some of these little towns to keep the media from coming in. And that's where it gets conspiratorial. Now is it just lack of access? What's going on? Are you telling me the associated press can't get into Hendersonville, North Carolina? And they have no internet. They're cut off from the world, I don't think you think nefarious is going on. I don't, I don't think so, but I do think that they look at it. It's a media got in there and maybe the media be a complacent on purpose because they know these are bad images for the current commander chief, we'll be right back. This is F.F. Talk. What oh, six, five from Bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Port show. Welcome back to the Jeff Port show that from talk one of six, five. Thanks for sticking around on this Wednesday morning, two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six is the text line. Hour number three begins right now. Scott Butcher, our guest at about 30 minutes from now. So a regular on this program. So let's go to the text slide. Fire dog. I'd prefer a Dalton or week t-shirt. When will those be available? Now that's a collector's item. Now they're out there somewhere. Very, very rare. It's like the, the Cal Ripkin error card and the baseball card pack. You might be the golden. You might get that golden ticket to Willie Walker's chocolate factory. It's like the Dalton or week t-shirt, mobile mornings, this guy be able to look out for it. That's the rumor. At least that's what I've been, I'm hearing. Um, Josh, Jeff, how dare you be a little global warming climate change in the greenhouse effect? Good job, sir. It's just a, I have a real problem with these people, and this is true about the weather in general, are to climb, and it's, it's almost a, it's, it's, it's nature, it's trying to play God. Is the global warming, maybe, probably, it could be, is it man's fault? It just seems like at opportunity for a lot of, like, pro-global warming types to, to, to, there's a profiteering aspect that I don't like. Any t-shirt, last time Vanderbilt beat Alabama was in '84, it were already in one, won the election by a landslide. It would be funny if that were true. Um, I'll tell you though, the Vanderbilt beating Alabama, was it Ray Perkins, an '84 Alabama season. He did beat Auburn. I do know that. I do remember that. I was just a baby, all the eight years old or seven years old. Yeah, we've been eight. Very sad times upset Alabama, um, 84. Yeah, it's just, this isn't supposed to happen. If anybody's not supposed to beat Alabama, right? Do you see the goalpost going to Cumberland River? And then so I've attended, I've attended, shoot probably four games at that stadium over the years. I've attended Auburn games. So somehow about the Vanderbilt mailing list for tickets and they're sending emails, auctioning off parts of the goalpost. And they're like anywhere between the opening bids, they were between a thousand and four thousand dollars for a section of it. How cool would that be to have hay over your mantle? Do you die hard, Vandy fans? I know the mayor, Montgomery went to Vanderbilt and, uh, professes to be like a serious Vanderbilt fan, but he never talked about his Vanderbilt, allegiance until, until Vanderbilt beat Alabama. Uh, on the texture of Florence to me, it was a Billy Ripken card. Well, kid, you just go along with the bit here and Jerry, the folks at Asheville are definitely not magga people. You would expect the government would be doing anything they could to save them. No, they're not, um, and I don't know what's going on on the ground in Asheville, North Carolina, but that's the place I spent a lot of time around my life nearby. I was born in Brevard. I know Western North Carolina pretty well and it's funny because like early August, my son and I were driving around some of those roads that are gone now around Asheville. Some of those places that are wiped out and Jerry says, of course he beat Auburn, Jeff. I miss the days when you didn't have these, um, all powerful head coaches. I mean, Alabama to their credits able to get, bear Bryant. And they're able to get Nick Saban. These are once in a lifetime institutions that come to the University of Alabama, one, one other schools have their band that have been able to pull that off that build a program that's a dynasty. I mean, like you can say Bill Belichick at New England, maybe Pat Riley, the Lakers. You just go through and think about that for a minute. Like you just, and this so happens. The governance of the University of Alabama did what it had to do to put itself in a position to win. And I think they got about as good a coach as they could get out of killing the board, but he's probably not going to be good enough. You probably, you probably got to look at like, like, you just beat Kirby smart, you're going to bring him from Georgia to Alabama. Like I said, y'all want to trade coaches, guys, please by all means, please, please take you freeze off our hands anyway, enough of that two, five, one, three, four, three, zero one, zero six, whatever you want to talk about, be it Billy Ripken, Eric card and the Donnerous watch pack from the 1980s or tops or whatever it was, are you talking about Vanderbilt? And the legacy of Vanderbilt football, Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene, which by the way, the show and pictures starting to batter down on Fort Myers or Fort Myers Beach coming in slowly, but surely you got to probably at Iowa going to hit around tonight, but it's supposed to weaken some, hopefully it weakens a lot. I did these, these storms really, really, really make it complicated. Our lives are complicated. It's not just the people live there. I mean, we're talking about supplies. We're talking about supply chain problems, potentially climate change. This one bumps off. It's like a ghost hunter show. Someone is profiting off of other fears just as humans have done since the beginning of time with a relative religion, that being said, all weather patterns are determined by Dr. Bill on one of six, five FM and if he decides we need a hurricane, we need a hurricane, he uses his weather machine thingy to make that a storm son. I'm going to have to add a community note to that text like, um, people believing that we can control the weather really, really bugs me. Yeah, you can make it snow or sow seeds and come to the hurricane. Like there's a magic hurricane machine maker somewhere. Don't believe that guys. I mean, like you lean on your faith and then on what the Bible says in these times of uncertainty, what could cock these crazy ideas in your head that this is what's going on? Oh, this is what's going up to the under people trying to make things that are hard to understand, understandable. And you think why is a hurricane striking Florida in middle of an election cycle? Well, you know, and you just don't get caught in that trap, guys. Please don't get caught in that trap, but I've heard it. I've heard it from a lot of people over the last few days and I just, I don't, that bothers me and I don't want to be the meaning, but I'm going to be the meaning don't, don't be stupid. Okay. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, if you need to be in touch with the program, by all means utilize the text line. Once again, can you imagine Governor Ivy having to marshal like services that now granted like, you know, I think like as far as one of the longest coastlines and behind like Alaska in the world, we had the shortest coastline in the country. It's a, it's a much more narrow target. But if it were coming up and head straight from Mobile Bay, what, what kind of state level responsible do you have had? What kind of reaction do you, can you imagine Governor Ivy being Ron DeSantis, do you imagine Governor Ivy being Brian Kemp or Tate Reeves? For that matter. I don't see it, but let's just be glad we don't have to worry about that problem for the time being. Mike writes this, people believe we could change the climate. Yeah. Well, people believe that we are impacting the climate and maybe that we aren't changing it on purpose for our old benefit, but that we are impacting the climate and ice caps are going to melt and that's going to cause the oceans to rise. And then you people who would property a dolphin aisle will be out for the 100th time. Ah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, they textured Jeff, there's a tour, there's a tour of hurricane hitting Florida in the middle of a campaign season because campaign season is in the middle of hurricane season. It's not always is, isn't it? We tend to downplay the human tragedy during the election cycle. You would think you'd want to play it. I guess if it benefits a Democrat, but the mainstream media just start putting date. It's this. People got to start tuning in out, but you look around the news and who has the resources to really, really propagandize or if you will take a, you never let a crisis go to waste and take the crisis and not let it go right away. So who has the resources to send reporters, work local sources and get these pictures coming out of these places of hardship and then point the finger at the government and it's the media, but it's a very powerful gatekeeping thing may have there. Now they can, you know, Fox News does a little bit of it, but I just think with Fox News, people tend to, a lot of people tend to just dismiss it because it's right away in propaganda and it does land the same way as the left does when they do stories. So that's, that's, that's to me, it's the problem. And there's like real, real hardship and it was real hardship during Katrina. But the perspective that the country's getting is, is it's two different things. It's like better off, we'll just, we'll just play this down and we'll exaggerate this. Um, Ben, he generated by Hurricane Hunter aircraft is causing these stores to rapidly intensify. We had a really hot summer and, you know, that's what always bothers me. You had these really warm, you know, record, breaking heat don't, I mean, you know, that the Gulf is warming and we went to the beach a lot. My son and I, this season and I mean, like you could really tell like it was, it was cranking and the water was warm. Is that why when you know, some, some years it feels warmer than other years or you spend a lot of time out in the Gulf, it just felt warmer this year, which lends itself to it, but it felt warmer the year before as well. We didn't have that big of a season. K double C says, well, you don't want a hurricane to come here. You don't want to wish it on anyone else. Just set it up at a certain moment. Everybody listens to you right now should concentrate, pray, meditate, imagine a hurricane being sucked up by a surftop winds, sheared off and goes away. We're right back, this is the Jet Force show of the talk, 106-5. Thanks for staying with us on this Wednesday morning, programming note, tomorrow on the program, Carolyn Dobson running for the congressional seat up for grabs in AL2 and April Marie of Fogel of Alabama today and then one of the guests to be named later, I'll figure that out. Sometime after this program, let's go. A bunch of texts coming in here, and Dr. Bill says, there's climate change, then only then will I believe it. Dan, some of your textures are getting as bad as fine bomb collars, I don't think they're quite to that level. I think a lot of my, some of my textures are pretty sober. I'll see a name texture, thank you for pointing out that climate change is naturally occurring event. People get caught up in what I call the chicken little syndrome, and it's happening, but as always happened, scientists tell us there has been four, at least four ice ages, hence we have the great pines and the great lakes, but a name texture, Jeff, I see quite a few digital and billboard ads, let's see, for some of our figures, but far fewer for Dobson, is that your experience as well, are we getting out spent by that much? Probably getting out spent, but think about where you're seeing them, is what's important. I find that a lot of those some of our figure billboards are like in places that seem to be like where he's going to get the voters anyway, and same with her, but you know, you drive that I-65 between Mobile and Montgomery, that's prime AL to land, and you see a good mix there, but he is probably outspending her. It just seems like if you were going to outspend your opponent, it would have a much more dramatic impact and I just, the figures campaign is a conundrum to me. I don't know what he's really running on, what he's about. I mean, I've had him on, I've listened to him on Shawn so a couple of times, and there's a little bit of Medicaid expansion, but a lot of it's just kind of, I mean, he's a smooth talker, but a lot of it's just kind of Obama-ish platitudes and, you know, bringing people together, and there's a little bit of local in there, but she running on, I mean, we've heard a lot of the right-wing, red meat, she is willing to put out there, which makes me feel better, but, you know, I was telling Dale this morning on his show that, like, I think at the top of the tickets, all that matters here. Now, I'll say this, there are probably a few voters who will not vote for Trump, but will vote for Caroline Dobson, who will do as such. There are zero voters who are going to vote for Trump and vote for Shimari figures down ballot. My name, Texas, Terry, I was told that he was manufactured to flood out the mighty country so corporates could go in, take over and mine lithium. Today, I was told FEMA is stopping people from evacuating Florida from firecracker. Firecracker, I hear you. It's hard to keep up. It's hard to understand what's really going on here. It really is. I don't know what day of the week it is, what conspiracy I need to buy into. The controlling the weather one is sort of infuriating. I've said it once, I'll say it again. I don't like that kind of stuff being treated like it's real news. People got to be smarter than this. When you say the government's capable of creating a hurricane, and then the same people who believe that rightly questioned the response from the Biden administration and FEMA and May orcas and even Vice President Harris, the same critics are undermined by their stupid beliefs that the federal government can manufacture a hurricane like you undermine legitimate concerns when you have these cockamainy theories. And you got to be real careful about that, because this is what the way the White House and Korean Jean Pierre are responding to it. It's disinformation. It's misinformation. No, this is really happening. Yeah, but you're the same people who said that this was manufactured by the big weather machine and the Yucatan Peninsula or something. Oh, well, it must not be real then. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show at the talk, 10065. [MUSIC] A couple guys in first class on a flight from New York to Los Angeles. Welcome back to the Jeff Moore show. What if I'm talking 10065? Thanks for staying with us on this Wednesday morning, 2513430106 is the text line. Let's kick it off here. We got our guests on the line, Scott Butchram of a trust will tribute fame. Always a pleasure to get Scott Scott. Good morning. How are you? Good. Jeff, how are you doing this morning? I'm all right. I'll hurricane all the time, and I think the storm's going to weaken some before it makes landfall. I think it should be bad. Many things are not good. But I think it'll get down to category three, I hope, and it won't hit the big population centers of Tampa and Orlando. But if you're somewhere between Fort Myers, it's probably not going to be, or do you have Sarasota or Braden, probably not going to be good. So we'll see. It's not, and unfortunately, those poor folks know the routine many times, but our faults and prayers will be down there. I will say this, if you're going to have to go through a hurricane, I would prefer to do it in the state where Ron DeSantis is governor. Yeah. And then we've been talking about that this morning, and I think, what if governor Ivy were in this situation, what would it be like? But that's hopefully pointless speculation, and ultimately, here's one of the first things I wanted to get on, and since here, when I asked this question, is it how hard are Alabama fans? Were you around in 1984 when Ray Perkins lost to Vanderbilt, and did they seem to take it as hard as they're taking it now? Well, I got the Tuscaloosa two years after Coach Bratt got there, so I was 22 years old before Coach Bratt was not our coach, so yeah, I remember Ray Perkins there very well. No, we did not take it very well then. I actually handled it better Saturday night, even though I'm an Alabama fan, I like it. But the deal with Perkins is he changed the end, and really, it kind of felt like the system needed to upgrade from facilities to offensive schemes, where we're still running the wishbone at the time. So what we knew going through the Perkins era, we were probably going to have a down year. I don't think anybody expected to lose the Vanderbilt and have a losing season, which we had under Perkins, but that was almost anticipated because we, to an extent, because we knew what he was trying to accomplish there. My Alabama friends have taken the Vanderbilt loss pretty hard. I've taken it pretty hard. I don't like losing the Vanderbilt, I thought, I've told, I've told people it's probably my best, my best, my favorite analyst, I should say. And he kept saying after the game, he does a great job of breaking down speeds and blocking stuff like that. I love that. But he kept making the point, this is not the Vandy that you're used to. This is not your father's Vandy, this is not your grandfather's Vandy. And for the first time, I'm watching my cold cubic video and thinking, nah, they're pretty bad, but still Vandy, buddy, they didn't become world leaders overnight. Alabama helpful a lot to do that. But the bottom line is Vanderbilt came out there and whipped Alabama in every phase of the game. And then that is hard to swallow, but it happened. Oh, I just like something you're not used to seeing. I guess you got to go what, 1969, even before that. 69, 70, 68, 69, 70, I remember hearing my adult Sunday school teachers, two male teachers talking to each other one Sunday morning before Sunday school during that era about how the game had passed. You don't bear mind, it was time to step down and get out of couch and, of course, we would have missed an awful lot had we not had bear right at the 70s. But as good as he was, yeah, there were, I remember conversations about the run-up thinking it might be time for him to step down. Here's the problem, Scott, it is like sports ball talk, but I think culturally, the problem is as such, whenever they bring it up a West Coast coach, like a pack, a 10 guy or whatever it is now, they bring in a guy where it's just a different culture, a different, different type of athlete, different high school culture, high school football culture where they run different offenses, it's just not going to work in the south. You got to go, you got to come closer to home, I don't know what that is, I still take killing the boy over Hugh Freeze if you want to make that trade, but I think that's the problem there. It's just like, you're not really, this is a whole different orbit and this is not where you belong. You're not ready, to those people, I just remind them that LSU hired Dick Saban for Michigan State. Okay, so you don't say whatever you want to say, but he didn't come around here and he had no trouble adjusting to the southeastern conference. Well, I mean, he's really a West Virginia guy, though, right, and he just kind of bounced around. I don't... Well, he grew up in West Virginia, but that West Virginia is not part of the South East Virginia. But it's a culture war line in line with like a Southern football. Yeah, there's an Appalachian type itself, no doubt about that. Yeah, I just... The problem is like on the West Coast, the way he sort of leads his players and what they do and giving the players a little, I mean, I don't see the lack of discipline out there, but... Whatever it is. I mean, like, I just, I'm not as, I think it's just a puzzle piece that doesn't fit. Well, I don't know, I mean, I think all of this just valid to watch and it's hard to build the case for a guy that just lost a Vanderbilt, but I will say this, I was really happy with the hire when they made it. After, I would say about 10, 30, 11 o'clock Sunday morning, I was okay with the hierarchy. Well, and I think, you know, what if he goes and wins out here? Are we really upset of our losing the Vanderbilt? It was a... Yeah. It was called a fluke. I mean, he beat Georgia. Although you almost gave that game away. He did. He did. Yeah, you know, but he was the same coach that he was in the first half of the Georgia game. I mean, you know, we were, we were all pretty pleased with him at that moment. Well, Georgia figured it out. Like, that's pretty clear. And then it went 4-0, 4-0, so many times. I mean, Georgia wasn't ready for that game either, but... No. You pick up the... No, and then we got the exact same thing handed to us by Andy the next week. They did exactly what Georgia did does. Well, it's fascinating, historically, he doesn't see a Vanderbilt do this and take it to goal post and throw him in the Cumberland River. I mean, like, I don't know, like, there's just something, once in a lifetime event like that is... It is. It is. I don't... Man, I don't fault him. I mean, I said this on Twitter, Sunday. The truth is, I try to get a kick out of food for a team that gets that kind of reaction from other fans. I take it as a compliment, and I think it's a good reminder, right? That reputation is all great, but you've got a bit to live up to it. Well, here they are, though. I mean, Vanderbilt will go back to be at Vanderbilt, but Vanderbilt won't be the... It's never going to be the doormat that is historically bad. It won't be a national championship contender, it won't be among the elite. But I think Vanderbilt will have some good years, or they used to have no good years, right? Right. Right. They'll have some big ones. I think Clark Lee's a good coach, I think, whatever he's doing with the team, but it's working for him. I didn't think... One thing that Cole was mentioning, I don't know if you saw his breakdown, but he was talking about how Clark Lee talked about, you know, we've decided basically in a paraphrasing, this player is bad character, but he's our best player, we're putting him on the field. We don't care if he's got bad character, which was kind of funny coming right behind the same interview where he talked about when he quit worrying about winning, it started worrying about the people, how things had produced, and Clark Lee basically threw out the exact opposite of that, so that's the direction we're going, and they turned right outside of Alabama with it, so it's just a strange thing to watch right now. Well, the weird thing, Vanderbilt's always been a disadvantage because they have high academic standards, so it's harder for them to recruit, right? That's the rub, but I think, like, Nashville's kind of the cool place people want to be right now. It is. Suddenly, that's like, hey, you know, it may not be... You may not have Taco Casa on Broadway there, but you know, you go down the Tootsies or whatever and sing some Shania Twain karaoke, you know, and that's a rock of Saturday night. As well, you may see Shania Twain in their second period, so you know, it is a cool sound, and it's suddenly my country woke in Nashville, so, yeah, people want to be there. I don't think the high academic standards affected Vanderbilt recruiting quite as much as Vanderbilt affected Vanderbilt recruiting. That's like it. Whenever I would go up there, and I've watched Auburn lose at Vandy two times, and this is Jay Cutler and then the end of the Cheat Chiswick era we got beat by Vanderbilt, but like talking to their fans, you know, and it's like this, it's, we can't win because we can't recruit it, you know, our academic standards are too high, but they were always kind of looking for a loophole. I just, I think the parity in college football is what it is and that Vanderbilt will be a quasi-Dormat, but it's, they're always going to be capable of sneaking up on a team every now and then. Yeah. Yeah. And now they're going back that could point and laugh it out about, like, four power two about... They earned it. Well, anyway, enough for the sports ball portion of the program here. Scott, you and I talk about this a lot. What's going on in Birmingham? The mayor, the wendling event called for the police chief to step aside and, and, and, and, and then it happens and I, I don't think things are going to get, I think there's no reasonably things are, are improving in Birmingham, Montgomery, yes, Birmingham, it, it still seems very chaotic. It, it is. They're not improving. They're not, they're, they're not going to improve. Um, there's a leadership with Birmingham and this, this comes under, um, Randall Woodford, who I would just tell you when he was, when he was first elected mayor, there was a lot of optimism, you know, like the young guy that, that looked like he might be the type personality Birmingham needed to step up and finally deliver a little leadership, um, remind me of a little variant in that, I think both of them kind of changed in, uh, with that mantra and that expectation and then both of them very quickly just fell into a stereo typical politician that really did not move the needle and, and did not move the city forward. I don't know, nothing's going to improve the, he's, uh, it's just not going to his obsession with that downtown entertainment district. I don't know. That's, um, it's fine. Well, it got well. Yeah. That's, that's, I mean, that is, I mean, that is, Birmingham is, I can go out, I heard the violent films were at the, at the, at Avondale last night. Uh, I don't know, you know, who the violent films are, uh, Scott, but I was all the, uh, cool kids in Birmingham were twinning their photos out, but, uh, that's, that's, that's that he's, he's put all his eggs in that basket and I, I don't think that's, I don't think that's a winning formula, but what I know, we don't have to live there, uh, anyway. So, uh, I guess last thing, uh, we'll talk some national politics for a quick Scott. I'm watching this and Donald Trump seems like he's laying low to me. Um, yeah, he's still doing his same old Donald Trump stick and he's doing these rallies. But, well, I think it's going to happen, assuming that the next three weeks, there's no, like, and even in the October surprise, your daddy's October surprise won't work in 2024. The new cycle's too fast and there's too many outlets out there, but I think people are going to go vote on election day based on like sort of what, you know, their own personal experience point of view, the conditions on the ground and if it's a referendum on the status quo, they're going to, the Democrats can lose. Yeah. Um, I, I, I, that is kind of what I think is going to happen. Um, I will tell you without sharing any names, but I had conversations on the weekend. I think based on internal polling, there is a quiet process on the Republican side. I'm not going to call it a comfort level because the very conversation I had indicated made that nobody's very comfortable, but I think there's a growing confidence that the right things are going to happen in the right places and we'll see what, we'll see what goes down. You know, Dale and I had the conversation just a few weeks ago over the failed school tax vote in trustable where, you know, we were able to demonstrate that the schools were able to demonstrate that's a very serious need, immediate needs and couldn't get it passed in the community that has pretty routinely supported their schools. This one was in a stadium having upheld school tax vote where they have always passed, uh, property taxes to, to support schools. I think it's telling us something about the economy. I don't think it's about the increased taxes or things like that. I think it's people saying, look, I'm tapped out right now. I, I put gas in the car and bought groceries this week. I don't have anything left over. So don't ask me to pay more taxes. If I'm right about that, I, I think that we could be seeing the landslide. Landslide, um, well, that's not in my vernacular, but, uh, it's interesting. I, it's, it's going to be like, here's the, the other thing and the state is kind of interesting to me as Arizona, Arizona has been blue or it's been kind of McCain ish, whatever Romney, but it's not a state that has really, really been a big Trump state. Arizona, Arizona the whole time, what changed there and why isn't this like a reflection of these other states? Uh, I think there's something to that. Yeah. I'm not so sure. And, you know, we, if the polling is not what you like, we always say, well, I don't buy the polling. And the polling looks good. We're going to the polling. I, I, I've not been completely comfortable with the polling for three elections like this now. And, and I don't think they can, is, is off in the general public may perceive it, but I just don't get the feeling that the polling is completely honest anymore where they're just coming back and saying, look, we make the calls and these are the results we got. I feel like it's being manipulated. Um, I don't think you know what you're doing and I, I think it's because the science of polling is what it is, and it's just like radio, uh, you get a response from an African-American, um, a book or whatever. They count it more and then the science of polling is like, well, these are hard to reach people. So we're going to wait these responses more than these responses. And they never have really narrowed that down with their samples. And that's, that's the struggle, right? So that's, that's why I think they were, they're trying to get back to something a little closer to reality, but they, they, for the last three election cycles, they were thinking they were going to get Obama level turnout and that has been the case at all. So that's the problem. The site. I mean, you see these polls that are very, very good for Kamala Harris, but it says adults or registered voters. And then when they try to do the likely voters, they don't have a good science for that. And that's why the polling is all over the place. Now, and I don't see people who are struggling to put gas in their car, put groceries in the refrigerator. I don't see them being super slave by any political ideology. People are swayed by their life circumstances and they don't look good right now. I would agree with that. Scott, we got to leave it there, but you're always very kind to make time for this program. We would just spend a majority of our time talking about Alabama football. Well, I appreciate your, appreciate your audience and all you do is hear. One question for Lee, did you take the pictures down, Jeff? All right, we got to go for a show, let them have a talk about those six, five. I've got to tell me to stay away from the train line. If the talk about those six, five things for staying with us, what's a lot to this Thursday, or Wednesday morning, Thursday show, Carolyn Dobson, April Marie Fogle, and a guest to be named later. So please tune in for that, any interesting text against the crazy folks who think this is her Michael, think whether modification is happening, you're kind of somewhere to those crazy folks that believe in the C-19 jobs, mask, medical community being trustworthy and the government didn't fund the pandemic again. I don't think these stores are being created, but I also don't believe a single word that comes out of the government remains remedial. I just refuse to acknowledge that the federal government is capable of making a hurricane and love hearing football advice for Alabama from Auburn alumni. Hey, Scott, is an Alabama guy. Jeff, what are your thoughts on safety number? I don't, I'm, you're asking the wrong guy. And then Navy chief and Foley says the best to pull is Vegas odds right now. Trump is up six points. Those guys are in a business of, aren't in the business of losing money. Come up here shortly, mid-day mobile, what you got for them, Sean? Well, first of all, I agree with Navy chief, you know, you look at where the money's being pressed. Those are the polls that, yeah, that seem to be most balanced going into the election as you get closer and gets tighter and see if they lay off, you know, any money with another political bookie out there. Well, watch it. Yeah, and I say this in addition to that, look at what world, other countries around the world, I think they're gearing up for a Trump administration. I think you're seeing a lot of different things like that. Yeah, I'm going to talk about that. Actually, Cameron Smith joins me here a little bit. I'm going to talk to him about that. Look at his battleground states, also, Eric and Thomas on the way from 1819 news. And yeah, I'm probably that unnamed person Jeff was talking about that asked the question, what if we had a hurricane barely right towards us? What would it be like with Ivy doing the pressers? We'll talk about that coming up. It's going to, it would be a struggle. There's your answer, Sean, but I got to get out of here. It's been a pleasure. We'll try to do better tomorrow. Sorry, folks. Forgot to say goodbye. This is a bit. Jeff Port showing up in talk 10065. [MUSIC PLAYING]