The Dark Society Of War!

Gas Station Chronicles

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Ever wanted to know what happens at gas stations? we got you

[Music] Welcome to War the Words. I'm people. [Music] [Music] [Music] Welcome to the Dark Society of War. We talk about whatever we want, and we don't care what anyone thinks, so sit back, strap in, let's go. As we promised, this is a special one called Gas Station Chronicles, featuring the best gas station attendee that I know. Let's fucking do this. Oh man, I'm a service technician that works on gas stations, so not a gas station attendee. We will not be giving out the name of Spig Libertrolum in this episode, so as you were. It's not giving out my company's name. Spig Libertrolum. Anyway, so with this episode, it's going to be about some stories that I've heard and stories that I have actually can tell. There is some very horror stories that you may have heard of a couple already of what I do for a living and how bad it can get. So anyway, let's strap in and let's get ready and go here. So when I started doing this kind of work, when I was like 16, 17, I'm around that. And I was an assistant for a little while, which was just a helper, bird around. And then I went into a warehouse position and then I went to be in a technician. So the stories that I have are very, most of them are funny. Most of them are very horrible and nasty. Just like gas station food. Yeah, just like gas station food. Now, there is one here already that I have. There's a truck. Well, it's sort of a truck stop, but it's not really a truck stop. It's one of those like rest stations up there on up the road a little ways. Do not buy any food out of there. It's called Marilyn house. Yeah, there you go. Marilyn asked for a stop. Do not buy any food out of the gas station. The fucking worst. Yeah, don't don't buy anything out of there unless you like stale bread. And rotten and bread that might have bowl on it. If you like that kind of stuff, you can eat it from there. I can't say it's like that all the time, but you know, just one time I did. I started to get food and the bread was. It had green in it. There's some black spots and I took the bread and threw it right in the trash. Then I proceeded to tell the manager there like, Hey, you can't sell that to people. Like that does not know. Like I showed him the bread as like this is mold. And he goes. Well, people buy it. I said, yeah, but they don't. It's mold. They can't eat it. Like, come on. It's disgusting. Third. Third stuff in the trash. It sounds like a 711 hot dog after midnight. Yeah, it's like there's hot dogs that have been sitting there for like three days too. So. Oh, man. So. That's one one third area. I wouldn't like trust me. I'm not a I wouldn't I just want to need anything from Maryland House just because any of those up that way. That's you're taking taking risk there. It's not because it's because most people don't buy food from the gas station. They go over to the actual rest stop areas. But, you know, it's just sit there for a while and some of the employees are lazy and don't want to clean it up. So anyway. So there was a one, you know, one time I was, this is a story from another co-worker. You know, we work on everything from the ground up on a gas pump. And then we do work on the actual STPs and stuff which motors are in the ground. That brings the fuel to brings up to the gas pumps. So one time a two co-workers of mine that I worked with at the time. The guy told him go ahead and open up the hole. Go ahead and get everything ready for us. And I'm going to go in and I want to run the test real quick to see if it passes or fails the test. So we're sitting there and guy goes in. New guy helping out, you know, setting up cones and whatnot. He takes out a part on the motor, did not turn the motor off and nothing like that. They didn't pull anything to have the motor have no power. And the guy's inside and he's running the test. He gets soaked from head to toe and gas, soaked from top to the bottom. And he goes in and the guy goes, "Hey man, it dropped the zero every time I tried to run the test." And he's standing there and he's soaked. And he's grabbing paper towels and he's wiping his face off. The guy thinks he's, he burped out and sweat. And he goes, "Oh, you do know I took this. I took parts out of there already." He goes, "Huh?" And he goes, "Yeah, I took some parts out of it already." He told me to. He goes, "No, I didn't tell you to do that." Meanwhile, he's sitting there hitting the test button and there's fuel spraying in the air. Just going everywhere. I've never had that happen to me, but that was a story to the coworker that has told someone else, that has told me. Now, I've had stories where I've been, you know, I've had people, some people out there that has thought I was somebody else or whatever. We don't, we really try to keep ourselves safe in areas. But this was before COVID, you know. Young lady had her son with her and they go inside and they ask the cashier, "Do they have a restroom?" And this one you like, can you like this one very much? I love this one. So the guy, they go inside, they ask the cashier, "Do you have a restroom?" For public use, they do not. They tell you they don't have anything. So we're sitting there. She comes outside and he goes, "Well, son, you're going to use the bathroom out here." And so she picks him up. He goes, "Mom, what am I going to do? I got to take my, you know, drop my pants." And she says, "Son, you're going to have to." They told you you didn't have a gas, they didn't have a bathroom for you here at the gas station. So picks him up, sits on top of his pump and he proceeds to use the bathroom all down the front. On the pump, all down the front of it. And it was number two. So of course he dropped a deuce all down the front of the pump. And his mother says, "That's what they get for not letting you use the bathroom." Picks him up, puts him in the back of the van and leaves. So I'm sitting there and of course I'm with, you know, me and my dad work together. And I said to him, "Don't touch anything on my pump." And he goes, "Why?" And she just had him use the bathroom down the front of it. So that was, it was nasty. And these people, you know, they don't care. They don't care. There was one time that I, people who sat there and was like, they got to use the bathroom and they tell them inside, they don't have a restroom. So what did they do? They come outside, they pee down the side of the pump. Or they pee on the handles. And one time at a gas station, I do not say names of stations, but this guy went around. Does it rhyme with crown? No, that one is not a crown. No. Goose. Anyway. Got it. Yeah, customer goes around and he used the bathroom one just about every handle. He could, he could do. Now, I got, once you start using the bathroom, I don't know many people that can stop and hold their flow and go to another thing to use the bathroom. So, if I, well, I don't even want to say that. If I ever meet this person, I would like to shake their hand. Nope. I'm good. I just, I can't believe that somebody could do that. It's impressive. It's impressive. Once you start flowing, most, most guys won't stop. So that's a, that one's there. I'm trying to think of, oh, oh. So, this is one of my earlier ones working. We're at a, we're at a gas station up in Perry. Is it Perryville? Yeah, Perryville. Perry Minner Perryville. I already knew where you're going with this one. Perryville. Yeah, it's Perryville. And the coworker I'm with, I was a helper at the time, did not drive vehicle or anything. And he goes in, he goes, I'll be right back. Goes inside thinking, all right. Something, something's going on. He goes inside. He comes back out and he goes, don't open the back door of my truck. And I was like, all right, what's going on? He's grabbing, grabbing up some things, grabbing a bucket and gets in the back of the truck. And I'm thinking, what is going on? So he gets in the back of the truck. He locks the doors, he's going to touch it. I ain't touching it. And he goes, he goes to the, he goes, you know, it comes out and he goes there. He gets out of the truck. He comes out of the truck and he goes, they're fighting inside the bathroom. And I'm like, what do you mean they're fighting? He says, they're fighting over the toilet in the bathroom. I said, what do you mean? He's like, oh, sliding all over the floor. They're fighting terribly. He said, I had to go back from so bad I had to come out here. And these people are like, honestly, it's like you're crazy. Why would you fight over a toilet? You're, you're, you know, there's. Let the guy go. Hopefully he hurries up and he comes out. But these people do not care. They will fight over a bathroom. That's how you know there are trash fired. Yeah. I mean, I've been to gas stations where I've shut down the bumps and these people actually come over and they ask me, does that gas pump have gas where your trucks parked? And I'm like, no, they think there's tanks underneath each gas pump. No, it's one main line that filtered out into all the other ones. They don't know. They have no clue. These people think because I have my truck parked at one. And I don't put cone. Like I put a cone on one side, but I don't put it on my, this side of my truck because I'm working on it. They think because that pump has gas and I'm just blocking it. I have been. Can I. I was, I have been told to move my truck because they have to get to that gas pump. And I said, okay. So I moved my truck and I sit there and I wait and I watch him and they try to use it and it don't work. And I, and then the guy comes over and he goes, the pump don't work. I said, yeah, I know. I was working on it. I was working on it. But you told me that gas pump works. So I let you try to use it. I, I can be kind of a guy. Sometimes, you know, one of his people is just just, you know, I, I, people agitate. They'll agitate you. You know, public, public people when you're trying to do a job or something. Most people know how this works when they're in service. They will torture you until you just say, okay, go ahead. Go ahead. You can, you can try to use it. It won't work. Go right ahead. And when you get nothing, you will ask me, why is this not working? I've had people park behind my truck and have came up to my truck while I'm filling out paperwork or, or, you know, getting stuff to ready to get out of the truck to start working. They have asked me. So why are you blocking the gas pump? Cause I mean, there's the hose is hanging off the pump. I mean, it's broke. It's on the ground. I have seen drive offs. Yeah, it's what they actually called. They drove off with the hose. I've had a customer pull up to a gas pump right next to it and have a car on fire. What the fuck? And then gets out of the car and tells me I'm not allowed to be on the property. I'm banned from here and grabbing their bag extinguisher. What the fuck? And I'm like, I'm running to the back of the truck to grab a fire extinguisher. Cause the car's on fire. I got to put it out. Damn. And they're like, you shouldn't be here right now? That's what the guy told me that he's doesn't belong there. He's actually banned from the gas station. They, they use on fire while his car is on fire next to the gas. Yep. And that's the smartest. I guess that's the smartest place to park next to the gas pump. Don't think anything of it. I mean, I don't know. While I'm fired. Yeah. Well, I'm fired. I've had. I mean, I've had where we've actually we. Cause everybody knows gas pumps get, I mean, they get upgraded every once in a while. So older ones go out, newer ones come in. I've had customers climb up on the back of the trailer where the gas pumps are off to the side. They're not hooked up to anything. They don't have no power. Nothing. They're on the trailer waiting to go out. A customer has climbed up on the trailer, swiped their car, grabbed the hose. It's stuck it in the car. Get the fuck on out of here. I could not get you. And then they come over to us and go, those gas pumps don't work. What did you think they were going to work on the back of the trailer? I mean, come on. Um, what? What is wrong with success? What is wrong with with society? These are the same people that drive up with the handles and go five miles down the road and go, what's that noise? What is that noise? Or one of my dragon. And you see it out of your rear view mirror, I've been going. Now, ever since TikTok has became a thing, there has been like challenges with TikTok. Everybody knows most of the challenges. Can we ban TikTok yet? I kind of don't want it banned because it's hilarious. Most of this stuff, one error is funny. But do you remember the TikTok trend of going through a dry through and throwing your drink at somebody? Yeah, that was, that's rude. That is rude. I wish somebody would do that. I wish somebody would do that. If I was in the, I wish somebody would throw a drink at me because I would throw everything. Food and all that. Hopefully they ordered something because it's coming out the window because I'm throwing it all fast. That's why it's called fast food. It's coming out your fast. Yeah. Man, I'm throwing cheeseburger to the Mac or whatever, whatever you get. If you're a Mac or a cheese at certain place, it's all coming out the window as well. I'm throwing it all. Jesus. Anyway, and so TikTok has a challenge thing about stealing the buttons. Is that an actual thing, stealing the actual thing? Yes. Yes. Is it like the octane button, like the button you push in? Yep. They steal them off the phone. Get the fuck out of here. They have a little magnet in the back of them. I guess they take them home. Stick them on the refrigerator, whatever. I thought they'd just go in. You don't pull them off. They don't come off. Oh, no, you can pull them off. You can grab a hold of them. I'm going to pull off on you. Thanks. Yeah. Thanks. More work for me. Hey. All of a sudden B calls me. I'm by your house. No anything about the buttons missing. Is it? Nope. Nope. Nope. No. But I did it off the Wabosh screen. It was really too loud. And you go to a one where it has my fist through it. So I have, I have had seen this. Customers have gotten mad enough to where they have taken the nozzle. Or they have taken their fist and they have punched the display so bad the where it breaks it. Pushes it and breaks it off. The nozzle one person has taken the nozzle off. And the swinging the hose with the nozzle at the pump. Trying to break the screen. Did you not? Do you replace the screens? Yes. I do. Oh, God. Sorry. I replaced everything. I've had it where a customer has told me this, this, this play doesn't work. And it's blank. And it's got this big crack. And I was like, did you punch it? Well, it wasn't working. So you punched it. The answer is yes. Yeah. I punched it because you, because you broke it because it wasn't working. I mean, I've gotten where, I mean, I've had where people tried to use the pin pads when we're working on them inside. I've had customers where they tried to use the nozzles outside when everything's turned off. I've had it where customers have told me to move my truck because it's in their way. Move that cone out of the way because I can't drive around it. I, I don't know. I got to drive around the entire beltway. That is, that is one story I got here too. We were at a site just when I was like, just starting out as a helper too. I was with somebody and we were setting up, we set up cones to, we were changing filters and checking calibration on the bumps. Checking to make sure we give the right amount of fuel out. I do that as well. State people do that as well too. But anyway, we were sitting there and this, this young lady comes out and she's looking around and there's a guy parked behind her waiting for her to move so he can get to the gas pump because we, we were doing both sides. So one guy was there. On the other side, I was on the one side. So I put cones up. I changed, I changed the filters. Good to the next pump. Changed the filters. Go to the next pump. Changed the filters. And he was coming around with calibrations and I was going around changing filters. So it made jobs a little bit, it made jobs real fast. So when we, when we got done, I could help him finish up the calibrations and whatnot. So he's, he's over on the other side doing that. When I was over on the other side doing the filters which I was done on the pump. But I had to, you know, get the air out of the line and stuff. So we're sitting there and this girl comes out of the store. She gets in the car. And she's sitting there and she goes, oh, I gotta get around. I gotta go around the beltway to get out of here. I need you to move your car. She's telling the customer that. And the customer's like, drive forward, go around the cone. And I said, oh, here, here, ma'am, I moved, I moved the cone. I moved, moved my bucket and stuff out of the way. And she's sitting there and she goes. She goes, I don't, I don't understand. What are you, what are you doing? And I was like, I'm moving out of the way so you can get around. She's like, I gotta go around the entire beltway to get out of here. It was like, no, you're in a parking lot, lady. So, and she's like, I don't understand. She's like, I don't understand. She's like, I don't understand. I'm like, you're, you're in a parking lot. Just drive around. She's yelling at the guy. You need to move your car so I can get out of here. And the guy is like, whatever, I'll move. So he moves and she leaves. She backs up and goes out to the driveway behind the, the, behind her. And she's like, thank you. So I didn't have to go around the entire beltway to get out of here. Oh, sorry. I'm like, and the guy is like, help me. She's talking about we had no clue what she was talking about. We're thinking we had no clue what she was talking about. And so that, I mean, it was, that was just one of them. And just, I didn't quite understand why a lady would be freaking out of her going around the beltway or something. She's like, all right, go around the entire beltway to get out of the gas station. You're in a parking lot. That's nothing to do with beltway. How, how difficult is that parking lot? It, it ain't, it ain't a small parking lot. If it was small, I would understand it. Because, you know, small parking lots are hard to get around. But I've had where it's huge parking lot. People were just. Tell me stupid. They, they do stupid things. And, you know, how, how it's a guy. I'm famous with it. It's dumb. That's dumb. You know what I mean? They think. Trademark. Oh, me a dollar. Yeah. The, the, that's dumb thing is, is, is came around so many times with people in general. Um, I've just had where it's just in general. People have came to the society of, like, if the gas pumps ain't ready for them or if they can't use them, it's, it's like, it's, it's like, they, you. Like, they, they think that they don't break. Or that they shouldn't break. Nobody, nobody should work on them. There's no, there's no such thing as maintenance people. Especially in, like, certain areas of, of where we live, it's, it's like, you have to have the gas pumps working in certain areas because if you don't, it's like the privilege of the gas pump is gone and they don't like that. I'm, I'm waiting for the day that it all goes away and we're all going to be driving electric cars, which I, I, I know that's not happening anytime soon. Probably not in my lifetime anyway. Um, no, but you live in, if you live in Baltimore County, your gas powered leaf blower is about to be outlawed. Yeah. Let's talk about that, shall we? I've heard that too. I don't even know how they can even legally make that happen. Um, exactly what I said, sir. The lawnmowers is going to be next. They're going to be telling us to get rid of our lawnmowers. And then after that, they're going to tell us to get rid of generators, get rid of this. But here, here's the number one thing everybody forgets about this and, and, and most people actually don't even realize it. Um, there's Tesla units that they put on the end of parking lots for people to charge their cars and whatnot. Um, they have diesel, uh, in them. They have like a diesel, um, they ran off of a diesel generator. What? Yeah, they have a, they get diesel generator in them. They were like, we got to get rid of fuel. Well, I didn't know that. Yeah, some of them have like a diesel powered generator in them. So like if they lose power or something like that, they can still use them. But it's not like they get delivery to them. I mean, we don't do that. We don't, I don't work on them too much. We have installed, uh, there, there is some, we have installed two of them or whatever, but we don't really mess with the Tesla stuff. Tesla's not our thing, but the company that we work for, or that I work for. The brand of the company we buy, we buy from, they actually have them and. They, you know, they have that too. They have a form of a generator in them. And they're diesel generators. So how do we get rid of gas again? You can. And then that's the other thing though, like all these electric cars, how are they getting here? They got to be on a trailer. That's ran by diesel. Or, you know, some of them have electric now. I've, I've, I've seen like four or five now. Like tractors, like the trailer, like tractor trailers now. They're electric. So. And so it leads up to. Another good one that I have here. So I was at a. Oh man. Where was I? I have to remember. Oh man. I was at a store one day and we were working one. It was a, uh, oh man, I can't remember what kind of gas station it was, but. We were there working. And this manager. Was, she was nice some days and other days. She just, it was like she, she didn't really want to work. Um, she comes out and we're, we're sitting there. And she asked us what's going on. You know, what's going on? So we're, we're working on it. We're trying to fix it. And then we couldn't, we couldn't figure it quite out right away. And she, she stands there for a minute. And people think like, gosh, we're just regular public people or a route to it. No, it's not true. Um, even, even the people that work at the gas station that knows we're there to fix it. It could be rude to us. She looks at us and she goes, you don't know what the hell is going on. Do you? We're like, we're trying. We're trying to fix it, but we got to get parts for it. And they just, they think everything has to be fixed right away. You have everything on your truck, but your truck would be the smallest truck in the world. And you got everything on it. I don't have everything on this truck. It's, it's small. I don't have everything. If I did, I would, I would definitely fix everything that I have. Um, cause I love coming back four or five days. Oh, yeah. I come back here three or four, you know, four times and I hate coming back to a gas station. More than once. I'd rather just fix it. And then, you know, it's just times, times like that, just get, you get agitated with them because it's like, you don't know. It's like, they don't know what's going on. They just want it mixed, but it's, it doesn't hurt them. They're just employees there. I mean, managers do get, you know, you get dinged for a couple of things at certain stores at certain branches. Um, if franchise, they do get dinged for it with their bonuses and whatnot. Um, why, you know, even during COVID was rough, because for us. We were told at like certain gas stations, like we've asked, you know, Hey, um, you got a restroom for us to use or something like that. And we have been told, no, I don't have a restroom for you, like I'm service, like we, they were like, we don't allow anybody to use the restroom, public or not. And I was like, it's kind of like we work here. Nope. I was sprayed by a woman during COVID with Lysol. This lady walked over to me and sprayed me. Why? Because I was in her store. I had a mask one and everything and she sprayed me with Lysol. There was a guy, there was another guy that I worked with was, was behind the counter working underneath the counter at like working on the computer system and stuff. He caught the guy sprayed him. With Lysol. And because of the dust and he coughs again and he sprayed him again. And so one, he's like every, cause every time he turned his back and then he's getting this big whiff of Lysol smell. And he's like, what is going on? So he turns around and he goes, did you spray me or something? Did you spray Lysol? He's like, no, nope, nope, nope, nope. I didn't spray you. I didn't spray you. And he, and he caught, and he calls and he turns around and he's got the Lysol can get ready to spray him. He grabbed that Lysol can and threw it across the thing. He goes, I ain't sick. It's the dust that's making me cough and sneeze. What is wrong with people? I was sprayed down. I was sprayed because I walked around the store because I'm, you know, we're doing stuff for the store. We're doing a survey. So I'm going around and she is following me with a can of Lysol spraying behind me. Everything I touched, everything I like, I moved, she's spraying me. And then we, of course the guy I'm working with has to use the restroom. So he goes in the bathroom. She yells at him and says, don't work. Get out of there. You can't be in here now. I want you out of my store. So we had to leave and drive down the street to a McDonald's or something to use the bathroom. What in the fuck? During COVID, man, it was rough. It was, it was a lot more rough than a lot of people know because during COVID, we couldn't even like certain gas station. They would not let people use their restaurants because of, because they're afraid that you got the virus. I would shit up on their counter. People have done, you know, people have used. Restaurants outside because of that. Behind the store, in front of the store. They told them they didn't have a bathroom. So people got in their car, used their cups and poured it right on, right on the ground. You, it's just, you're in a public place. So. Just, wow, I can't. That's what I said. I can't, I can't even understand these people. This concludes part one. Oh, yeah, I got a ton of stories. If you like this tune in for part two. Yeah, I have more. It's gonna get bad. Oh, yeah, tune in next time. Thank you. ♪ Oh, yeah, cause you gave me your love ♪ ♪ And I'm not, I love you, free now ♪ ♪ I have been afraid, no, afraid now ♪ ♪ Oh, I feel like cause you gave me your love ♪ ♪ And I'm not, I love you, free now ♪ ♪ I have been afraid, no, afraid now ♪