David Icke

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10 Oct 2024
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I am here... to bring light. It's about healing. Mind, body, soul. Don't ever settle. Find your purpose. Find the answers. Don't hold back. Achieve maximum success. Find your purpose. Book with me if you want to live. Please welcome David Icke. Thank you very much. Thank you. I've got a card on me, see. I don't know what that's doing now. I'll put that in my pocket. It's a big day for me because I'm a woman. I am. Apparently, apparently someone on a Dutch podcast has declared the revelation that I was born a woman. I was turned into a man. The interview got about 100,000 views in a couple of days, and the comments were epic because most people were like, "I knew there was something, and this was amazing." My mother used to say, when I was a little boy, she used to say, "Dave," she said, "a bit of advice. Don't let your dingle dangle," she used to say. Especially in the sun. It's kind of funny. I started playing football early, and what you tend to do is go in the shower when you're in the football. Then I became a professional footballer, and in those days I don't do it now. They had communal bloody baths in the professional grounds, and all showers and everything like that. Then I wrote a book called, "I Am Me, I Am Free," in which I was start naked on the front. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. I bet your son is really enjoying that. There's three groups, basically, among those that look at the world in a different way. There's one group which is interested only in what the hell's going on and what the evidence is for what's going on. There's another group that they have belief systems to defend. If something is fitting with the belief system, they'll go with it. If it's not, they won't. Then there's another group which has got bigger in the last few years. It seems to me that will believe any bloody thing. They're told, really. It's not that you get people saying these things. There's people on the Internet who say, "He's a Satanist, he is." I had this kid. He was only a teenager. He came up to me on one of these COVID marches in London, protesting against the restrictions. He said, "With a knowing look, we know you're a Satanist." You do get that stuff. What's staggering is the number of people who believe it without evidence. This fellow was interviewed on a Dutch podcast, which gets- The Truman Show. It's normally a very good podcast. I was very surprised that he was given a platform. It's looking for clickbait and views. The point is, the guy wasn't asked, "Okay, so what's your evidence that he was a woman?" Well, he's a misinformer. What more evidence do you want? What we have is this- I would call it clickbait mind where people believe anything they're told, no matter how fantastic it is. What I've been doing for the last 35 years, staggeringly because of the far-out things that I've said, is that I've been looking for evidence. To support what seems to be happening. I don't care how far out it is. I'm not going to say, "That's too much. I'm not having that." I'm going to say, "Well, where's the evidence?" What you find in the end, if you pursue that, is you find more and more evidence for really from the sense of normal, really far-out things. But you've got to pursue the evidence. If you don't, then you believe that I'm started out as a woman. The second group I mentioned is also a key here. I'm saying that the mainstream of the alternative media has got core in a diversion, which is eventually going to explode in its face. But there is this belief system perception of everything. If it fits me belief system, then I'm going to go with it. If it doesn't, I'm not. The evidence, again, like group number three, the evidence, again, is pretty much irrelevant to defending the belief system. Whether there's evidence that is compelling, it doesn't matter. If you've got, for instance, a religious belief system, and when I say that, I mean one that is unquestionable, which is the gimme, this is how it is, and that's it. That's not to be challenged. That's not to be questioned, because that's how it is. I'll just look in these areas for a bigger understanding of the world, as long as that survives. When you do that, and of course, if you look at the 8 billion people that are supposed to be in the world, 5.4 billion of them identify either as Christians or Muslims or Hindus. Having these belief systems is not a problem. It's not a problem to me anyway. People must believe what they want to believe, but if it's rigid and it's unquestionable, and it's the same with politics, because so much of the alternative media that didn't exist when I started out, I saw it appear, is now basically right-wing politics, especially in America. If you have these rigid political, religious, cultural belief systems that are not to be questioned, that immediately means there's vast, vast areas of potential understanding inside revelation that you won't go into, because if you do, your belief system is under itself, and when I look around, almost everyone's got a belief system that repels all borders, and once you have a belief system, whether it's political, cultural, whatever it is, you then fall into the big trap which is taking a side. Once you take a side you've already lost, because what tends to happen when people take sides is whatever their side does is good, and even if they may not completely agree with it, they'll still justify it and they'll still defend it, and the other side or sides are bad, so everything they say has to be by definition wrong, and you get this running into the mentality of what we call woke, where what they basically say to justify censorship is, I am right, in other words, I'm on the right side, I am right, and thus what you're saying is different than what I'm saying, so by definition you must be wrong, so what does it matter if you're censored, because you're wrong? I've had that said to me, and so once you fall for taking a side, you lose the subtlety and the nuance of actually what is happening. So if you're on the Israeli side, for instance, current events, you will say what happened on October the 7th, actually it's appropriate, it's the anniversary today, you will say that it was terrible and horrific, and it was done by terrorists, but you will then justify the response that kills tens of thousands of children in guard, I'm still ongoing. Now when you don't take a side, you say what happened on October the 7th was an abomination, and you, okay, there was friendly fire, there definitely was what they call friendly fire that killed a lot of people, but what Hamas did was appalling. But because you're not taking a side, you're looking at the situation in and of itself, and whatever side is involved, you can also say, and the Israeli response to that has been absolutely catastrophically way over the top in terms of the people who suffered, who had nothing to do with October the 7th. So it's really important, I think, from the point of view of those of us who are looking at the world in a different way, that we don't fall into the trap of saying, this is my belief system, it's not for sale, or it's not for questioning, and this is my side, my side good, you're side bad, because, you know, one thing you can say for sure is that within every colour, community, culture, belief system, political belief system, religious belief system, you will find lovely people, you will find, okay people, and you will find psychopaths. In every single bloody one of them, and if you take sides, you find yourself excusing the psychopaths on your side, and just focusing on the psychopaths on the other side. And it's really important that we just start from the premise, that premise, and we look at behaviour, we look at individual statements that what people say, someone I might disagree with in almost everything, if they say something I agree with, I say, yeah I agree with that, yeah I agree with that, I'm with you on that, instead of saying no, you're not on my side, so everything you must say is wrong, and it's basically this maturity of how we look at the world that starts to take away these fault lines of divide and rule that allow the few to control the many, because one thing's very clear is that the number of people in full knowledge who are driving this world towards dystopia is tiny compared with those being driven to dystopia, and they can only do that by getting the target population to fight within itself on religious grounds, on political grounds, on cultural grounds, and whatever grounds, income bracket grounds, and if we could just take a breath and realise that we're all being manipulated, it doesn't matter what your belief system is, we're all being manipulated, maybe we could put the fault lines aside and come together in some kind of unity, and say I don't agree with you on everything, but you know those people that are targeting me, they're targeting you, and they're targeting you, you don't agree with what I say, I don't agree with what you say, but they're targeting you, they're targeting me, they're targeting him, the target in her, let's come together and meet this threat, because it is, and it's imminent and it's moving fast, together instead of fighting among ourselves. So on a practical note, if you give the example of Israel and Hamas, not choosing a side, what could they have done practically to not make it escalate into a war? It is starting to happen in places like Israel, on one level, in the enormous numbers of people protesting against Netanyahu, who's an absolute psychopath, psychopath. I mean, if you look at Netanyahu's history as prime minister, whenever he's been prime minister, there's been war, and there's been slaughter, I mean it's extraordinary, but I think what we need to look at is what is controlling the authority that's dictating to me. So for instance, if you look at the history of Hamas, it was fundamentally supported, not least through funding, by the Israeli government, and that was done to create an opposition to the Palestinian Liberation, Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO, of Yasser Arafat in those days. So, Hamas wouldn't really have been created without the Israeli government. And then you look at other questions which give you maybe some answers of who the authority is that's actually controlling the Palestinians and who the authority is that's controlling the Israeli side. And you start to ask questions, and you know, what has happened with the alternative media, certainly that central core of it, not what I call the real alternative media that operates outside of that inner core that gets all the algorithmic support or the funding, et cetera, is that that inner core has become monumentally pro-Israel. You look at Trump, you look at Robert Kennedy, you look at people like Jordan Peterson, et cetera, et cetera, they're massively pro-Israel. And what happens when, again, you take a side is you don't ask the questions that need asking what you perceive to be your side. In a book called The Trigger, I look at the background in 9/11, and it's a real thick book, and it's basically in two parts. Taking the official story apart, which a child could do really, it's just ridiculous. Whoever did 9/11, it wasn't 19 Arab Ijackers. And in a second half, I look at who did do it. And where that took me was, in one part of it, was into the phenomenal cutting edge of Israeli surveillance technology. I mean, they have a cyber center around the, around Bishiba, a military cyber center. That is, could challenge and is challenging Silicon Valley for the development of technology. It's why so many startups, they call that area around Bishiba, the startup capital of the world now. And the reason I say that is that that Gaza fence was, is one of the most surveilled and technologically defended board offenses in the world. And as former members of the Israeli defense forces have said at the time of October the 7th, if a cockroach or a bird came close to that fence, we would know about it. But somehow these Hamas operatives breach the board of fence at multiple places and then face basically no retaliation for a ridiculous amount of time. So then, then you ask the question is since it's the big, big question that we should always ask, who benefits, who benefits from this happening? Well, when you're a Netanyahu, for instance, who's just a puppet of a much deeper network, but a psychopathic one, when you're looking for an excuse to basically demolish Gaza, well, October the 7th gave you that excuse and bang away you went and what's followed, tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. And so, if you also look, and I've pointed this out many times over the years, how when peace talks were unfolding, how suddenly missiles would start, I mean, compare with the Israeli missiles, gun missiles, but missiles were coming out of Gaza from quote Hamas and it gave the Israelis the ability to say, the Israeli government, the ability to say, no, no, no, no, we can't have this, no, we're calling their talks off because the whole thing about talks and talks has been to create enough time for basically a two-nation state to be impossible. It's not impossible. I love it when these people like David Lammy say, we believe in the two-state solution. Okay, here's a map. Tell me bloody where, mate, right? Tell me where, because what's happened is land has been picked off and picked off and picked off and picked off. So, there's no two-state solution because there's no land for a two-state solution and now they go for Gaza endgame if you like, and what happened on October the 7th gave them that opportunity. And so, if you start to realise, and this is the same with people all over the world, and the authority that you're looking to is actually controlled by the same forces that which you are, that you think you're opposing, I mean, you know, a lot of the Hamas leadership are in Qatar. You know, it's unbelievable. I mean, just down the road from the American base that is basically their base for the whole of the Middle East. And when the Israeli government said to Qatar, come on, we want them released to us. It's a situation that you find again and again that in the end, all these different apparent opposites are controlled by the same force to the same end. And we may be getting into it as we go along tonight, but you know, when I look at the Donald Trump coterie and circle, including Elon Musk now, very openly, and I look at the people around Harris, they're all looking to the same outcome. But you see if, you know, it's something I call designer manipulation. If you try to persuade Trump supporters to go to that outcome in the same way that you persuade the workers to go to that outcome, then you'll get nowhere because you've got two completely different mentalities. This is quite happy to go with it. This doesn't want him. So you have to design and manipulate this group in a different way to what you would design and manipulate this group, but you're still going to the same end. We'll get into this as we go along tonight, I'm sure, the whole Trump thing and the the muscling. But we have to start being really street wise and ask ourselves constantly who benefits from what they're telling me, who benefits from what I'm being told to believe, and to realize that there is no such thing as a two-party state. We live in one party state masquerading as two-party or even three-party states. Because if you look at the Conservative party in this country, it's moving towards this dystopia, it was, but it was moving at a certain pace because there is a natural constituency to the Conservative party, call it middle English and whatever, that doesn't want where it's going. So they have to be more circumspect, they have to use different rhetoric, and they have to play the game of, oh no, we don't agree with it either, although the policy is still pushing in that direction. And then you have someone like Starmer coming in, he doesn't have that same pushback that the Conservative party does. And so he's gone for it. The same agenda, well, what's he done in a matter of weeks? Because he feels he can get away with it. And I think what is happening is in the post-COVID era, he might now be starting to think, well, maybe I can't get away with it, like I thought I could, because this is definitely a change since COVID. It just happens, has to change much more, in a much more extreme way, in terms of people realising the nuances and the way that people are manipulated and the key bottom line foundation for all manipulation is the manipulation of human perception. Because if you've got that, you've got human behaviour, which comes from human perception, and if you've got human behaviour, collectively that's what we call human society. You control human society by controlling human perception. And so if you can get people to take sides, so they have the perception I've been describing, then you've got all the fault lines of divide and rule. And if you can, for instance, during COVID persuade people that there was a deadly virus that could kill them and their families, that perception leads them to do what happened during COVID, which is people certainly in the early period did what the government told them. And we've got to start thinking earlier about what authority tells us so that we pick up the scam quicker, and more and more people are doing that. I write because I'm inspired to write. I can go months and months and months and months doing all the other things. And then bang, I get the feeling, I've got to start writing a book. It's happened over and over again for 35 years. And once I start, then the synchronicity begins. That brings to the information in many and various ways and forms that take me deeper and deeper into the unseen, into the unknown than I've ever been before. And so the reveal is the next stage of that, because humility, common sense tells you whatever we know there's always more to know. So my constant question is, so what don't I know? [MUSIC] (upbeat music)