David Icke

Who Is Really Running The World? - David Icke Talks To Danica Patrick


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04 Oct 2024
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I am here... to bring light... It's about healing. Mind, body, soul... Don't ever settle. Find your purpose. Find the answers. Don't hold back. Achieve maximum success. Book with me if you want to live. This is definitely an interview that I've been looking forward to and working on getting for years because I've been listening to you and watching you on YouTube. At least whatever they keep up, of course, for so long. And that's so long in my world, but you've been sort of engulfed in this truth revealing for decades and decades and way before we ever could have a conversation that included even the word consciousness. I'm honored to have this time, and I think I just want to kind of start off by asking you if anything shocks you anymore. No, nothing shocks me in the sense that the more we grasp the scale of the infinite reality that we're part of, we're only seeing a smear of it. I mean, even a smear doesn't describe it really. And that infinity is infinite possibility, so anything is possible, and nothing surprises me anymore. And another reason it doesn't surprise me is that, you know, when I started out 35 years ago, there was hardly anybody talking about this stuff. There were just a few disparate individuals. The challenge was that this dystopia journey called a conspiracy, which is what it is, was under the radar largely in the sense of you had to, you know, really go digging to to uncover it and where the world was being taken. But of course, particularly since, quote, COVID, the COVID hoax, we've had it more and more put in our face. And I think that what is shocking a lot of people who haven't been on this journey for 35 years is the scale of deceit that was controlling their lives before. Because so many people have said to me in the last few years, it's so obvious. Why didn't I see it before? But there's a reason there's a reason for that is many reasons for that. But one of them is, well, it was operating under the radar. And now it's particularly, well, what happened with COVID is I said at the time is that this has entered the room where we can see it. And although still lots of people just by the nonsense, a heck of a lot more than ever did before, do not. But my concern has been particularly since the COVID period is that what we call alternative, the alternative media, that which that part of it, because I mean that the alternative media has got absolutely fantastic people in it. But that core that attracts all the algorithmic support and all the funding, I mean, we haven't stories running yesterday and today about some of the unbelievable funding that some of these people get. And it's created what I call a barricade, a barricade around this expansion. We go through a series of awakenings, which I think are different levels of deprogramming, actually, what we call awakening. The first one is to realize that the world's not controlled by the people we thought it was, which is presidents, prime ministers and such like. But if you stop there and the awakening doesn't go on, the deprogramming doesn't go on so that you see more and more and more of the scale of human control, which takes you not only into the scale of it, it also takes you into those areas where the answers lie. And what I perceive to be a hijack of the alternative media since Covid, more and more blatant now, has put this barricade around it. And so the focus of attention on what is the conspiracy is at Trump or Harris. Basically, Republicans or Democrats, and whatever two parties or three parties you have in other countries, this focus of attention on politics, like Trump is the savior we've got to get Trump in. Well, even if Trump is the savior, I don't think he is for a second. What happens in four years time when someone else comes in? I mean, you're not getting to the core of what's going on. So what's going on is just going to continue. There's nothing that shocks me anymore, but I have been not shocked, deeply disappointed by the way the alternative media has focused its attention on the left-right puppet show, because that's a diversion. It's not the answer. It's a diversion. And so many people are currently, as we go up to this election, are being diverted from what they need to know to what they're told to know. Well, before we started and we just chatted and I asked you if you, I said that I wanted to mention the election and whether or not our president was going to make a difference and he said no. And then of course that leads into if they don't make a difference, which it's potentially a very logical answer given the fact that the president that we have right now isn't even really being a president. And yet the country's carrying on. Who is running the show then? Well, that tells you, didn't it? That tells you the Biden period tells you you've had someone who's at least shall we say psychologically challenged. And yet the countries have gone on, the decisions have been made, and clearly he's not been making them. Now, all that probably for the whole top, probably for nearly nearly yes, really. Yeah, 100%. I mean, there was a reason why they kept him in the bunker and kept him away from just as they are with Kamala Harris. And Trump was president when COVID happened. So if he was able to hold those kinds of things back, then that's also not possible either that that occurred while he was president. So, yeah, well, there's a few things come out of that. First of all, is that clearly in the Biden period, he's not been running the country. I mean, just go back a bit further, go back to boy George Bush at the time of the invasion of Iraq. The man hardly had a brain cell and active duty. I mean, you just look at it. And the person who was running the country at the time of boy George Bush was Dick Cheney, the vice president, one step back. That's where you usually find the power, rather than the person absolutely upfront. And Dick Cheney was a cohort. I have to say it, an absolute evil cohort of another evil guy called father George Bush. So this is not new. If you go back, you know, back and back and back, you're seeing the same theme of something in the background, always being there. That's the thing to remember. Because this is a conspiracy to create total global human control. And it doesn't come in and stop when another party comes in. It's constant. It's been going on literally in our perception of time anyway for thousands of years. And it's just now reaching its kind of endgame. And so obviously throughout this whole period, there's been a common theme, a common coordinating force where you go really way back into the non human to find the source of that. But at the level of presidents and prime ministers, it's what people call the deep state. The deep state, it has a network that operates within countries, and therefore no matter who's in power that's in power. But there's also a neck, the next level of the deep state and the next level of the next level until you've got what I call the global cult that's orchestrating the whole direction of global human society. So you've got that confirmed that presidents don't run the show. What they're trying to do is to take our power. First of all, to convince us we have none. You're just little me. You've got no power. You've got to look up to authority and experts to tell you what to think to convince us first of all we have no power. And then to get us to give away the power we do actually have right to any other saw any source that they can convince us to give it away to. And that's the point of politics. Politics is there to get you to give your power away in in American terms to an individual. In fact, even even that in UK these days to an individual. You do it for me for the next four years. And then they go and run your life and take your life for the next four years. And then what happens is you have another election and you think well I didn't like him. So I'm going to I'm going to vote for them, which is always why it keeps going back and forth and in a general rhythm. Exactly. And then the same process repeats. And all the time you've got tens and tens and tens of millions of people who are voting for say Trump, who if they simply cease to cooperate with their own enslavement. Like 70 odd million apparently voted for him I was reading. Then the system couldn't function. It could be because that would be people collectively taking their power and expressing it in non cooperation with their own enslavement. But instead you give this power away at elections to an individual and that individual is controlled by the same force that controls the individual he was campaigning against in the election. And they then play out the cult agenda now you've got two parties in America. You have different natural constituencies. So the two parties have to use different rhetoric to keep those constituencies on board. They have to move at slower paces and convince their natural base of the same thing, but in a different way. If you look at the so called left it's not the left that I knew I grew up in the left in politics in Britain that was that was the household I grew up in. Definitely not the same as it used to be none of it. Oh I completely reject the puppet show of left of right and it's all a diversion and nonsense but you're absolutely right. The so called left is not the left that was. A lot of the people that used to call left they now call right wing kind of funny because it's moved so much so that that's really if you're looking at the natural democrat base. It's a pretty much a pushover so you can go for the hard sell with that. But with the the the others like the Trump supporters. They don't want what the workers will accept and often demand. So you have to get to the same end to the same outcome. It means I'll give you a great example of what I mean by that. The idea the the plan and it's getting closer every day is to connect artificial intelligence to the human brain so that artificial intelligence becomes the human mind I go into this in some detail in my new book the reveal because it's all connected to this covid fate vaccine as well as the other things that are happening all around us all the time. That's the outcome they want why because up to this point they've had to manipulate information and control information as best they can to dictate the perception of the population. You're dealing with a compare with 8 billion people in full knowledge of what they're doing you're dealing with a tiny number of people by comparison. You're not going to be able to control the population physically until you get a I connected and then you tell the population what they're going to think and how they're going to react and how they're going to behave. And therefore you are in that sense controlling them physically but before that you have to control their perception because from perception comes behavior. And if you want people to behave the way you want you got to get them to perceive the way you want that's where all the censorship comes in. It's controlling the information that people receive so that they come to the conclusions you want them to be at the next stage this AI stage is to go beyond that. And literally give people their perceptions direct so you've got two groups I mean almost like almost like an inception almost like you don't have to like they're going to implant it in a way. You get into as we go along the means through which I'm saying in the reveal that they're not just planning to do it they are doing it now. But so the outcome is that that's what they want. So you've got two groups of people in theme at least a woke or democratic type mentality that will go with this. And so you can give them the hard sell through people like Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum Bill Gates, Ray Kurzweil at Google who's talking about, and did a long time ago now years ago, talked about the year to 2030 when AI would be connected to the human brain and it is words from that moment of connection. AI would do more and more of human thinking until human thinking is negligible in the actually deleted. So that's the hard sell but then you've got all these people, tens of millions of them in America and more and more around the world who don't want that. They don't want this whole AI control dystopian system they've seen in China what happens with the social credit system and all that where it's it's it's total control. All you have to do is watch black mirror and it's very scary. I've watched quite a few of those and yeah they are looking at a dystopian world that this is this is planned to be. We're going there faster and faster all the time. So how do you deal with that vast number of people in America alone who don't want what your what your agenda is. Well, enter Elon Musk. Yeah, I was hoping you would mention him because he's a very like confusing character and his and his efforts and what he's developed and and whether or not he really is has human interest at heart or not. And honestly I don't know if you saw the recent interview about him talking about his son and losing his son to changing genders but like it sounds like maybe there's a shift within him but very curious what you think about Elon. There's no shift in in in what I'm observing but there is enormous deceit going on by Elon. Well he's being played by by those that control him I mean we can get into the fact that his company is survived like SpaceX survived by from contracts from NASA and and the Pentagon government contracts and others like a Neuralink the the brain chip company which is actually way back from the cutting edge by the way we might get into that. When he was involved in chat GPT to originally and then when it was sort of running away that he didn't like he got out of that so it's interesting. And then he gets into Grog you see that you see that this is one of the one of the points that people I think need to need to grasp about the whole AI arena. You've got to have fake competition and fake rivalry it might not be fake absolutely at the the point of of delivery but it's fake in the bigger picture. So okay so chat GPT oh well that's left wing that is that's manipulated so we don't have Brock and we're going to have this Google version and we're going to have this Amazon version. But but but what I keep saying this what is the outcome of all of them this AI information system takes over information. We're now having people in the alternative media alternative in quotes who are interviewing chat GPT and you go on the internet and you're being offered all these AI systems to give you information. Right. But it's so so you can have your fake rivalry all almost what is he saying about Sam Altman what's he saying about must but actually look at the outcome. And the outcome is that these things are taking over because from a from a a cult global cult point of view this global network of secret societies I talk about. People must they control all that they control chat GPT they control Brock they control all of them. But but they're designed for a particular audience because you're trying to pull them in. And the hardest ones to pull in are those that don't want what you want to impose. And so I've been tracking Elon Musk long long before he he purchased Twitter. Look at the number of people that around the world including the Saudis that own Twitter. You wonder how how how much their commitment is to free speech and Qatar and places like that that are involved in a Twitter ownership anyway. So, and in that pre Twitter period. But were people in the alternative media who were calling Musk out because you've only got to look at his companies to see that they're serving the agenda in many and various ways space X massively and we can we can get into that when we come into this mind situation that I've been talking about. But that all stopped the moment he bought Twitter X and started letting a few people back on. It was like he's suddenly become a god of this alternative media which is not alternative at all it's just right wing politics that's what it's solidified into coagulated into. That's a free ride. And suddenly, you'll notice a few weeks ago, Musk suddenly became incredibly overtly political into party political studies. Well, the Trump interview the Trump interview on X was. Yeah, you know, in a really, really intense way he's doing it all the time now. And he's been offered a job and accepted it in a Trump right. What's happening you're looking at the soft sell to the AI human to convince that big constituency that will be supporting Trump. What is what Musk saying. He's saying that AI is inevitable. It's not it's the result of choices. But he's saying it's inevitable. And therefore, it could be the end of humanity. He's been saying that for a long time. Okay. Well, first of all, why do you keep bringing up more and more AI. But he's, he then says that to overcome AI making humans obsolete humans must be fused with AI. And fused with artificial intelligence. So let's look at that. Okay, hard sell, fuse humans with artificial intelligence hive mind. Soft sell. Well, you know, it could be dangerous. It could be the end of humanity. But, you know, if we got to survive, we got to fuse humans with artificial intelligence. And because they've built Musk into this free speech hero is not me come to that in a second. He is given a free ride on all this. And people say, Oh, yeah, you can trust Elon. Well, you can't. Do you know, these are official figures. The pre Musk Twitter was taking down content 50% of the time when governments and authorities in court demanded it under Musk Twitter X that content is taken down 80% of the time. And what this thing, see, it's all a perceptual game. So what's happening is you'll pick a fight with a country like Brazil at the moment, and people go see standing up for free speech. But quietly in the background, he's taken down content all the time. He had a spat, another all free lucky standing up for speech, he had a spat with the Australian government. And what the Australian government said to him is we want this, the video of this, this, this, this preacher, who was stabbed on video to, to be taken down. And he took it down in Australia immediately. But they said, no, we want it taken down worldwide. And he said, I'm not going to take it down worldwide. And that was another spat or he's standing up free speech. But what it turns out is that he has taken down globally content demanded by the Australian government before in the six months to March of this year. Twitter X took down 40,000 pieces of content demanded by the EU globally, not just in the EU, globally. So there's a story going on in the background quietly. And there's a story going on for public consumption. And we've really got to start realizing that there's a psyop going on here. And it's all right saying, you know, or free speech. Well, hold on a minute. Let's just talk about that. What's happening and YouTube have just started moving into this arena. Interestingly, it's like it's the new censorship. Fewer people are outright banned. But if you're saying the wrong thing, then no one ever sees it or virtually no one ever sees it. So much shadow banning. Datto banning. So this is this is actually being articulated by Linda Yacareno, who is the CEO of Twitter X and a close associate of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. That's just the person you want to pick, isn't it, Elon? And she's talked about free speech, but not reach speech, but not reach. Yeah, that's a better way to hide it. Because if you can actually fully shut down, you can say that will get out somehow. But if you don't realize that it's not reaching people, you don't really say anything. Exactly. You know, the number of people I've got 663,000 followers in my Twitter, X page, and the number of times people say, I never see your postmate. Oh, yeah. What seemed for me? I mean, I had a friend reach, you know, say something that long ago that was like, I realized I hadn't seen your stuff in a while. Sure enough, you've been shadow banned. And I was like, huh, fun. Exactly. That's exactly what's going on. And she talks about lawful, but awful. So who decides if something's, well, it's lawful, but who decides if it's awful? Well, they do. And so what you've seen, I've watched this. I mean, you know, I'm on the case every week in minute. I've watched this happen. This center of the alternative media that's created this barricade of myopic focus on only politics, they get massive algorithmic support. And others, wonderful people who are on the outs side of that barricade brigade and are open to a greater sense of what's going on, they don't get that support. And of course, the person that gets most algorithmic support on Twitter X is Musk. I mean, he's posting like machine gun fire, which means he's obviously not doing them all, say the least. You're absolutely right. There's a lot of postings happening. And he's always at the top of your feet. Yeah, but what you said. Yeah, exactly. But this is, this is the point. He's the kingmaker, you see. I talk about this in the reveal. He's the kingmaker, because if he reposts something by someone, automatically, the algorithms will give that someone in or tens of millions of views sometimes. And so by targeting who we reposts, he's manipulating the information that people receive and your algorithm protection on particular people. And, you know, I said in a post recently, responding to something that he posted, obviously, he didn't get many views compared with him, say the least, because it's shadow band. But anything you say about him that's negative is shadow band. But I was pointing out, he was saying, oh, you know, when this Zuckerberg thing broke, he said, oh, yeah, Zuckerberg, he was manipulating the election by, you know, through Facebook and all this stuff. Yeah, but then you say, why is he's just admitted it, you know, but, but we should know the story. But the point I made was, well, hold on, mate, Mr Musk, but you're manipulating this election. Because you are favoring massively on X, Donald Trump. I mean, I mean, oh, meet me, God, are you kidding? I've got no brief for Trump either, but I'll go briefly either on. But if you're taking this literally and you're taking this balance literally, then he's using X to support Trump and the algorithms of supporting Trump. Post negatively about heresy posts positively all the time about Trump. Now he's saying, well, you know, the America's finished without Trump coming in and all this. What about this? Hey, what about this? How about this for an idea that we just let people post. The algorithms are equal. And no one's shadow band, no one's boosted. And people just make their minds up what they want to believe on the basis of what they see. How about that for for an idea. It's way too simple and not nearly manipulative enough. No, they're not interested in that because they have their team to support. And so this is what we're dealing with. And, you know, if we stay with Musk for a second, and I could talk about it for hours really given the research I've done. But he's got these companies and one of them is SpaceX. And if you look at the background to SpaceX, he went on a trip to Russia with a CIA operative called Michael Griffin. And, and bizarre as it may sound, the idea was to buy intercontinental ballistic missiles from the Russians. The deal didn't work out. And on the way back, Musk is reported by Griffin to have said that he's going to start SpaceX. And he offered Griffin, the CIA guy, the major job in the company. But instead of that, Griffin was offered a job which he took has head of in Q tell. In Q tell is the CIA's technological development arm its seed funds companies and startups to produce technology that benefit the CIA and its surveillance and control systems right in Q tell Michael Griffin later moved from in Q tell to become head of NASA. And at that point, NASA started giving big contracts to Musk and SpaceX, which have gone on ever since. And Trump has endorsed the space mission for NASA and everything too. So, yeah, this is the thing you see, if you look at the Trump thing, the number of people in this AI arena that are pushing this AI agenda that have actually formed around Trump. I mean, I've been blocked by so many people on Twitter of many various kinds for questioning, but one of them is guy called Mark Anderson, who's a multi billionaire kind of Internet Silicon Valley AI guy. Well, I mentioned in the book, but I've never mentioned him on Twitter, but he just, he just banned me and interestingly, he blocked me but interestingly he blocked me at the time that JD Vance was being made the running mate of Trump. And I was pointing out a few things about JD Vance at the time. He is a business associate of a guy called Peter Teal. Peter Teal is a co-founder of Palantir. Palantir produces surveillance and control technology for the Pentagon for the intelligence community in America and worldwide. And he's on the steering committee of the Bilderberg group, this globalist organization. And he's a business partner and associate of JD Vance and he funded JD Vance's political career when he became a senator. And when they were playing around with names, who's going to be Trump's running mate, and they listed the names and one of them was JD Vance. It's going to be him. It was obvious because the only one because I don't feel like his name was on the radar. Yeah, well Peter Teal was on the transition team for Trump when he won the election in 2016. So all these people are connected. Peter Teal is part of the so-called PayPal mafia of which Elon Musk is a part. He's an old associate of Elon Musk. And so you then look at another co-founder of Palantir providing technology for the intelligence community and what have you the Pentagon. And he's on the steering committee of the Bilderberg group alongside Peter Teal. So you've got these people who are central players in a blatantly globalist organization started in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Eustabic Holland. That's why he got the name it did. But they're funding and supporting people who on the surface are anti-globalists. So what you've got, again we come back to this. You've got the hard sell, easy pushback, no pushback. And you've got the soft sell and the soft sellers are everywhere around Trump for this whole AI agenda. So if we go back again to SpaceX, SpaceX is putting up because of this system they call Starlink. They're putting up low orbit satellites by the tens of thousands. The Federal Communications Commission in America has given SpaceX permission already to put up tens of thousands of these low orbit satellites beaming this electromagnetic field at the earth. Because this is what I'm saying is going on. The hive mind and this is why I mentioned earlier that what he's doing with Neuralink is the stone age compared with what's possible. And in many ways what Musk's role is is not just to produce technology that's cutting edge, very rare that he does that actually compared with what's in the underground bases and the secret projects. But it's to sell a concept. So he's selling the concept of connecting electronic systems, computer systems and AI to the human brain, because the real way it's being done is this. And I've seen some study papers this very day that's that's actually another confirmation of it. And that is that you've got a global population, and you want to control them with a hive mind that is centrally controllable. So you need them to individually receive that hive mind. And you need a vehicle to transmit directions, thoughts, perceptions collectively to to to those receivers. So the vehicle is what they call the cloud. This is what curves while at Google has been talking about in terms of the AI connection to the human brain is talking about being connecting humans to the cloud. Sure. I mean, I've had a I've had a service on my phone for a decade now that sends a frequency that helps you get to a higher frequency because of the EMFs and everything that come off the phone. So while we taught you're talking about getting plugged into AI, they can affect us from a frequency standpoint without an actual transmitter, like inside of the body. So, I mean, I don't know if you ever saw the show Westworld, but the end of that ended with, you know, showing how they can literally control the masses with frequency and the tower that's doing it is invisible to the naked eye, unless you get unless you thin that veil enough for you change your frequency to be able to see and you're like, there it is. And they're the crazy ones. Exactly. And, and that's, that's the whole basis of it. So the cloud is the vehicle, the electromagnetic cloud is the vehicle for delivering these frequencies. And this is why they have tried so hard to have the fake COVID vaccine, which is not a vaccine by any previous criteria infused into every human, preferably multiple times. Well, alongside of that came 5G, which was definitely a suspicion on what was implanted inside the body that could then be activated by 5G. Well, that's the point you see. I mean, you know, during the, the COVID lockdowns, they said only essential work. Well, essential work included putting 5G towers all over the place. And while people were locked away in their homes, they were doing it without any challenge. What are you doing? What are you doing? You come out and suddenly there's these 5G towers. But not that I was locked away my home, I wouldn't have it. I went out whenever I wanted to. But the, the, the point is these two are absolutely connected. So you can generate this cloud from, from towers in urban areas and towns and cities. Yeah, you can. But if you're going to hit every inch of the planet, which is what the game is, you've got to do it from space. And that's what the low orbit satellites are all about. I mean, SpaceX is by, by far the leader in doing it, but there are others as well. And, and the more they put up and you'll see must ragging about more of these satellites have gone up on, on Twitter X. And, and so that's the vehicle through which they want to deliver these frequencies of perceptual manipulation and control. But the, the, the fake COVID jab, and now they're moving other vaccines to that system on purpose is with this in mind. Just adding your saying, adding ingredients or adding things into that, that vaccine. What's been found it and I've studied this a lot. You know, I was contacted by a group called like Kintak alumna in Spain that was on the case of what's in the fake vials vaccine vials from the, from the very early days. And I've, I've seen the work of other people to who've looked at blood of not just fake vaccinated people are that obviously that's worse, but also non vaccinated people who are getting it from other sources, which I'll come to. They are seeing under very, very powerful microscopes, electro microscopes, electron microscopes right self replicating nanotechnology that in their words appears to have a form of consciousness to form these systems that that are building in the blood. A significant number of people, their bodies won't be able to cope with that transition. And, and, and that they're the people who've died and, and, and had their health destroyed for life. And then others will, will, will transition a little bit more easily but the idea is that these self replicating systems in the body are the receivers of the frequency information coming through the cloud. Now what's fascinating in relation to this, and was identified by the Kintak alumna quite a few years ago now, is a substance in the vials known as graphene oxide. Now graphene oxide is also a whistle blowers have, have said in chem trials. So there are others. And it's in many other things. And so there are many other sources of it. But this infusion through the, the COVID fake vaccine is the major one up to this point. And graphene oxide is a superconductor of electricity. So when you think that the brain processes information electrically, and communicates with the body and the body with it electrically, if you can intervene in that process you're already changing the perceptions of people. And the way they process information. But it's also graphene oxide, a amplifier of electromagnetism in the body. So if you are in contact with an electromagnetic field, the impact of that field on the body will be much greater with graphene oxide than if you didn't. And this is the connection that they're working on and interestingly you know this neural link of Musk, where they take a bit of the skull away and then put wires on the brain and stuff. It's the stone age, but it's selling a concept. And interestingly he was asked in an interview. But how many people are going to want to have a bit of their skull taken away for this stuff. And he said, oh well you might not have to do it that way you could do it through the vein. Yeah, like they're all with the COVID vaccine. I mean they put vaccines and food now. They found a way to put it in lettuce and tomatoes and. Exactly. And the thing is that they don't have to divulge it when they don't have to disclose it within the packaging like what happens when that happens. Yeah, well, you know we've been consuming an enormous amount of absolute crap for a very long time but we've seen nothing yet with the scale of biological manipulation that we're seeing now because this is the point. I've been calling the body of biological computers since the 1990s. People think biological means natural, not necessarily. And I'll tell you what these people see biological as they see as a form of technology. And if you look at papers by Moderna talking about their fake vaccine, they describe the body and they describe their fake vaccine as like an operating system. They know that the body is a biological computer and they treat it as such. And as a biological computer it can be manipulated as computers can be manipulated to process information in a different way. And what you can do is control the information that is processed. That's the censorship and where we are now and where we've been. But you go to the next level and you are literally changing the way the brain processes information from within. And indeed from without through this cloud. So this is where it's going. And the reason I spend so much time calling out Musk is because he's fundamental in this sales pitch to those that actually don't want this. But what this is the thing, this one of the great manipulative techniques is to sell the idea of inevitability. Because if you think something's inevitable, then you move from not having it to well how can we mitigate its impact. And so that's where Musk and this crowd around Peter Teal are going to sell the idea it's inevitable. And therefore we've got to mitigate its impact. And that's the soft sell to the same end. So do you think that we then are here to evolve because the question would be then if you do, maybe we're enough. Maybe maybe our consciousness and our potential that is somewhat largely untapped. Maybe there's nothing to do. Maybe the evolution. Maybe there's nothing to do. But if we are here to evolve, if we are here to get off planet to be able to repopulate somewhere else. I mean, I've spoken to Randall Carlson and other people who talk about how many things are coming out this planet from asteroids to destroy us. The inevitability of destruction is there. So then how do we evolve? What is that next step? Because I think this stuff is frightening. I think that I think consciousness is the pure potentiality and that when you tap into a system, you are now limited by only the system, which doesn't tap into the field of potentiality. So I'm on board with that. But what is the next step? How do we evolve as humans if that is our goal? Where do we go? What do we do? Do we become? Well, we've already gone into levels that the mainstream alternative media doesn't deal with very much. But let's now go into levels. It doesn't deal with at all. The levels where the answers lie, as well as the true scale of human control. Are we here to evolve? No, it's a trap. Let's look at what the eye is. What we're led to believe and encouraged to believe is that the human body and the labels of the human body is the eye. This is who I am. No, it's what you're experiencing. What you are is consciousness. They're having that experience. But why are you having the experience? Look around the world. Anyone think that humans are evolving, really? Some are because they've become conscious beyond the programme. But most people are still stuck in the programme. Look through known human history and see the constant common themes that never change. The vast majority look to the minority authority to tell them what to do and tell them what to do. It's the same thing. It may have a different historical setting and it may have different rhetoric, but it's the same story. And actually, that goes on, even when we leave this realm, as I'll come to. So my approach, right, all the way through this 35 years, has been to know that there's one thing that is unquestionable. And that is, whatever we think we know at any point, there's always more to know. So you're constantly asking, OK, I think I get this. So what don't I know? And what don't I know? And what don't I know? And what that does is drive you deeper and deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole, instead of walking around the outer rim of the rabbit hole and calling it sussing the conspiracy, not even started. Where that's taken me? It took me from around the mid 90s, mid 1990s, to an understanding. And this is all through research and experience that I had and people I met and books that I read, yes, and documents that I saw. Multiple sources pointing in the same direction. We have this global cult, a global network of secret societies that is driving the direction of the human society, way beyond presidents and prime ministers. Well, you know, when you mentioned presidents and the bushes, I mean, you know, the skull and bones and different secret societies have been, you know, spoken about for some time now. Yeah, but there is a whole web of them, which interconnect. And I've talked about this in many interviews and in great detail in the books. What I started to realize as I was researching this in the early 1990s. I'm seeing bombshell information, new revelation, right? Okay, and I'm thinking that was, I was writing about that in about 1995, you know, it's, it's a lot of this is long been researched, and it's now being regurgitated and called the latest revelation, and what that's doing, of course he's holding the line in this barricade instead of moving on. I was looking at the way that this global cult worked. But then I started to realize that these famous now billionaire people who were these cultists who were running this cult, although the real people in control are always in the shadows. They were taking part in Satanic ritual, and human sacrifice ritual. And I came across all this in detail in the 1990s, met lots of people that had taken part in them, often against their will. And so the question then was, what are they doing sacrifice rituals for? Yeah, then the pennies start to drop and the dots start to connect. You go back to the ancient world, and you see that they were doing sacrifice rituals all over the planet and the different cultures to the gods. And then they came a point where humans, most of them anyway, reached a point of maturity where they weren't having that anymore. So it went underground and into secrecy, what we now call Satanist. You then start to realize that these gods actually exist. They're not gods at all, a bunch of prats, but they're perceived as gods by these people who worship them. Who are these gods? And you realize that the gods, quote, that these people today, these cultists today, many famous people are doing these rituals to, these sacrificial rituals to, are also the same gods that the ancients were doing rituals to. So who are these gods? And you know, when you really, really want to get to the bottom of what's going on, you have to research so many different subjects. Researching the history of the Republican Party or the Democrat Party, you've got to go much into the nature of reality itself. A big thing that I think every child should be taught at the first moment they're able to grasp it, is that when you look through your eyes, you're into the space that you appear to be looking at, you're not seeing everything in that space. You're only seeing a tiny, tiny band of frequency called visible light. And how tiny is that? If you take the electromagnetic spectrum, which is basically human reality, experienced reality. According to mainstream science, that is only 0.05% of what exists in the universe in terms of energy and all its forms. And visible light is a fraction, a fraction of the 0.05%. So, first of all, why I say children need to know that at the earliest age possible, is because that changes everything. Now, you can understand that there are whole worlds, realities that are happening in the same space that you are operating in, but in different frequency bands so that you are not affected by them and you cannot see them. You are affected when those frequency bands are very, very close and can interact, but the higher frequency bands, well, they're way beyond human perception. Immediately, you start to understand how people can see a craft or an entity appear out of nowhere and disappearing to nowhere. Because they've not appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere so that people in 5 cents reality go, that's ridiculous, that's impossible. They've entered visible light and to you, they have appeared out of nowhere and they've left visible light and to you, they've disappeared into nowhere. It's all about frequency. So suddenly, when people have said to me over the years, well, whether you say there's non-human entities manipulating human society, where are they then? Why can't we see them? Well, the answer is you cannot see anything mate, because they operate outside, not far outside, actually, of human perception. And so what they're doing with these rituals is they're interacting with these entities they perceive as their gods. I talk to people who've taken part in these rituals, who have described how these entities are often wrapped in but not always in nature, but absolutely non-human, have appeared in these rituals. Because of the energetic match environment that has been created by the ritual, the Satanists of today, like the the ancients, they do these rituals in the same place over and over and over again. And what this does is thin out the vibrational frequency difference between the two dimensions and makes it easier to to slip into this one, albeit briefly. Sure, I mean, even when you look at ancient places in the world, they're stacked on top of each other, positive or negative, probably then. Like churches get, you go to ancient Egypt or you go to different places on the planet and they build on top of each other, like as if that location matters. Back in the 1990s, I was invited by the guy who was producing it to go to Canterbury Cathedral in England, a major British Cathedral, which goes way, way, way back. It's because he was putting on something called a passion play, it's basically the Jesus story, but it's played out in cathedrals. After the cathedral closed to visitors before the production started, I had free reign of the place and I was walking around. And what they were doing at that time is they were excavating, they were doing repairs and what have you, and they were excavating deep in the cathedral under the floor. And what they found was a pagan site, a pagan site on that site. And what happened during the replacement of the pagan belief system to the Christian one? Well, it's one of two things. Some people put their churches and their cathedrals on these pagan sites because they wanted to suppress the pagan energy. And others did it, the ones in the know, they put it on these sites because they knew they were energetic vortex sites. For sure. And what these powerful vortexes do is as they spin, they are basically thinning out and bringing together different dimensions, this one and one right next to it, they call the astral. They're spinning them into a point where they look quite fused, but you know what I mean? And that's why they do these satanic rituals at these vortex points. And for this reason, churches and cathedrals across the world are built on these points. And this is the reason that satanists do so much of their horrific ritual in relation to churchyards and churches and stuff. But it's because these rituals, I'm curious what you've heard firsthand from people. Right, well, this will explain a lot. One of the things that I realized just after the turn of the millennium is that this reality is actually a simulation. It's an incredibly advanced version of virtual reality game. I got that download myself in an experience I was sort of shown in a psilocybin experience that I went so far away that the way I had to come back, the first construct that I had to agree to was the mind. I had to buy in. I had to forget and I had to buy in. That is something I go into in the reveal. Some detail, quoting people who've had the experience that you talk about and other experiences relating to that. So I realized this is a simulation and work and talk about how it works. It's very simple to explain how it works. Let's finish up with that because I think the real ending is like, what do you do? So I'd love for you at the end to explain what the matrix is and how we do it. So, but after the question was, why the simulation? Why? Why did they create a simulation to to hoodwink our perception of the very reality we're experiencing? Why would they do that? What's the point? This relates to what I've just been saying about the rituals and why they do them. It's the same thing. There's two types of consciousness, if you like, projection or experience that leaves the body. There's what they call near-death experiences where the body dies and you find yourself in another reality. And with the body still alive, the ability to project your consciousness into this astral dimension that interpenetrates this one, like radio stations and TV stations. One of the people that popularized these out of body experiences was a guy called Robert Monroe. And he became very skilled at it. And to such an extent that the CIA got interested and put together a group of people that could project their consciousness in this way into the astral and perceive and experience the astral as a result. And along with Monroe, and they called it the gateway process or the gateway project. Is this remote viewing? Is this some of this the remote viewing stuff in the CIA? It's beyond mirror remote viewing, actually. And interestingly, what they found was they developed this Monroe developed this concept of what he called hemisink or hemisphere of the brain synchronization. That if you could synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain into a coherent frequency, then it was possible to to project your consciousness out into the astral. Well, first of all, in this gateway project, and this has come from military sources that were involved in it. They saw so many reptilian entities in the astral, these people taking part in this gateway project that they gave them the name of the alligators in the project. Have you seen any alligators? And the other thing that Robert Monroe said he learned in his astral travels was that there are entities in the astral, which are feeding off low vibrational human emotion and mental energy frequencies. It's long been known by mainstream science that every time we feel an emotion or have a thought, we generate and project a frequency, which relates to the nature of the thought or the emotion. These entities by their very nature are in a very low vibrational state and have no interest whatsoever in enjoy and happiness and peace and love, because those frequencies are high frequencies and they can't absorb them because what he learned. And by the time I read his stuff, I got this from many other sources before, confirmation, is that these entities are feeding off as an energetic, sustenance source, human low vibrational emotion, which has to be low vibrational because that's the frequency band they operate in. Right, right. When you see the frequency in any frequency in any way you know that the higher the frequency, the low just doesn't resonate with it at all it shatters glass like it. Well, exactly, and so these entities have created this and it goes beyond these entities actually, that's another story another time, but they have created this quote matrix this simulation to manipulate events perceptions perceptions of events perceptions of of experience, so that it generates this low vibrational energy, which they feed off. Now what I realized in these sacrificial rituals because you are asking the question obviously you've got to keep asking questions all the time. Yeah, with without any belief system to to to censure or can't go there, my belief system will be wrong if I go there. No, ask the question. These sacrifices to the gods. Okay, so what are the gods get out. And it's exactly what I'm describing. What's happening in these sacrificial rituals is that they're designed purposely to build up maximum terror in the victim. And, and, and, and as this terror is generated by the victim this very intense powerful low vibrational energy. These entities in the, in the, in the astral are feeding off that energy, because you know, if someone's having emotional experience and emotional reaction, or they're thinking something, you can see the body language specially emotion. You can see the body. Some of us wear it on our face some of us, some of some of our energies are very strong and it's very easy to sense so absolutely we can all relate to that. What you can't see are the frequencies coming off people, because that's that's an astral phenomenon that's going into the astral, those low vibrational frequencies. And therefore there, these, these entities, the gods in the astral are feeding off this, this, this energy. And at the same time, when, when, when the terror reaches a certain level, a massive infusion of adrenaline goes into the blood. And these, these satanists conducting the ritual in our reality, then drink the blood. This is where a dream from all this stuff comes from. Yeah. And so it's usually with children, right? Yeah, usually with children. I mean, when they talked about sacrificing young virgins to the gods, that's just code for children. Why children? Well, because there's a, you know, when, when, when children go through puberty, we see that in this human reality as a chemical transition, a chemical transformation. We call it the puberty. That chemical transformation, like everything in, in our human reality, is an expression of a vibrational transformation. And these entities want that energy before that transformation. I mean, of course they can take energy from, from adults, of course, and they do. But I mean, that's a nectar to them. That's, that's the ideal for them, that they want that prepubescent energy of children. And so, and there's, there's many other reasons for it as well, but that's one of them. So, so I'm clear. So the sacrifice is to attract the God, the, the energy that they want to come into the space. And then the, the consumption of the blood of the adrenal chrome from the adrenaline going into the blood is then what's consumed by the group that's there. Yeah, but yeah, that's, that's the difference. But they both both are the result of terror, which they generate in the ritual. And this is what I say to people, you know, it's been very difficult to get over. And I don't understand it because most people don't come across this stuff in everyday life. But it's very difficult to get across to people, the scale of pure evil that we're dealing with. And I call evil the absence of love. And these people have these entities have no interest in love. It's not, it's not an energy that they can, they can absorb because they're, they're way out of the frequency of that. You have this matrix set up to generate this energy. That's why, you know, you look through human history, it's war and suffering hunger. Oh, dear. I'm wondering how this makes them more powerful. What does this, how does this make those, those, those people more powerful? Well, it empowers them energetically. You know what I talked earlier about politics is about getting the collective humanity to give its power away to an individual or a few to dictate events for the next four years, five years in some countries. Well, it's the same thing. They are leaching, vampiring your energy, and it's empowering them. And then they recycle that back against you in terms of control and what they, what they do. When I was looking at this, this simulated reality, obviously, I wanted to know how it worked. What, what makes it easier to explain is that this incredible technological revolution, AI revolution that's going on, computer revolution, is actually technologically mimicking the very way we create the simulation and interact with it. So it's, you've got the tools now. I mean, you know, my heart goes out to the shamans of the past and people like that, who may have got this stuff by their, their astral travels or whatever. And then trying to explain it to a, I mean, how do you explain this stuff to a culture that knows nothing about any of this stuff. So, so what they were doing was using analogies that related to the culture of the time. And anthropologists and historians go along, and they, they then take it bloody literally, and think that these people were primitive, but actually there was symbolically describing something which we now can very closely describe very accurately. So, okay, what the simulation is, is not a construct. It's an information field. It's akin to a Wi-Fi field. We interact with it through the human body, the biological computer, and we lock into it via the five senses. So if you look at a Wi-Fi field and a computer, the Wi-Fi field contains all the information, the computer locks in to that part of it that it is key to connect with. And then it decodes that information field into what we see on the screen. And what we see on the screen is absolutely nothing like that information in the Wi-Fi field, in the form it's in the Wi-Fi field. It's been decoded. And so when you say to people, tell me about the internet and they say, well, it's, it's videos and texts and stuff and all the rest of it. Well, yes, it is, but the only place it exists in that form is on the screen. Oh, yeah. I think about a telephone. It's not like the words or travel. I mean, you talk on a telephone that's just vibration. It's just vibration. It's vibration. Well, this is interesting. It's vibration that is turned into an electrical signal. Well, that is exactly what we're doing. If you look at a headset, a virtual reality headset, that's basically what the body is doing. The body is decoding the simulation. So if you go onto the internet and you look at these compilations of people who have put their headset on and you see that their sense of reality is transformed almost immediately. It might be in an empty room. They might be in a room with a few friends, but it's a room that you used to. Right. Well, and it's a fully embodied experience. For me, it's when you have a fully embodied experience, whether it's through plant medicine or an emotion or something significant that happens in your life fully embodied, you can't know it. But if you look at what these headsets, if you look what they're doing, they're tapping into the five senses that they're tapping into the sight senses, the sound senses and all that stuff. And they are overriding the normal reality that we would experience and they're falling off their chairs, they're screaming, they're shouting because their sense of reality has been overridden. Sure, they have an emotion and they send the frequency. It's a whole thing. Yeah, overridden in seconds, they can take the headset off and realize it's just a game. But if your headset, your decoding mechanism is your very biological computer body, then you can't take it off short of either dying, the body dying, not you, or projecting your consciousness into the astral. Otherwise, what's happening is the old computer is decoding the Wi-Fi field, the simulation, into the reality that we think we're experiencing, which is nothing like what we're actually experiencing. So again, if you go back to that vibration electrical signal, if you look at what mainstream science talks about in terms of how the five senses work, they're picking up frequency information. And they're turning it into electrical information, which they communicate to the brain and the brain then forms it into what I say and many others say who've studied this into a digital holographic form, which is basically a 3D holographic version of a computer screen. And that's what we are experiencing as an external reality, when actually it's in here that it's going on, just as if you look at a computer, you're observing the screen from outside. Okay, but the decoding is going on inside the reality actually is inside, and you're only seeing an external screen vision of it. What happens in what we call death is that the biological computer ceases to function. So, as soon as you enter this reality, you are experiencing through the body, the body decoding system is delivering to you, a reality that is nothing like actually it really is within this band of frequency in terms of sight sense, called visible light. And while you're in the body and you're going through life, it's continuing to deliver that reality, that simulation reality. Your parents have got headsets on your teachers, your professors, your mates, the news readers, journalists, politicians, workmates, they've all got headsets on, and they're all decoding basically the same reality, basic reality, they perceive in a different way, depending on them, but their basic reality is the same, and so everyone's confirming to everyone else that all this is real, and it's not, it's a decoded illusion, what I call an induced dream. And so when you leave, when your body ceases to function, death, it ceases to decode the simulation, at which point you find yourself in another reality, why because focus of attention as the move, what we call death is only a transfer of attention, that's all it is of our consciousness. But then the next question I had was, okay, I can understand why consciousness might be tricked into this simulation once. But you've only got to travel around the world, I've been to 60 odd countries, not most of them in the last 35 years, but I can't go to many now because I'm banned from loads of them, but we are banned from 30 nearly 30 European countries and Australia, plus a lot more if I try to get in them. It must be something I'm saying, I do hope so, fully enough, all those people in the center of the big names in the alternative media, they can travel anywhere and they're still on YouTube and I was off YouTube in 2021, in April 2021 I exposed the COVID hoax and what have you so the option list is still clean so you know, I must be saying something different to them to cause me to have all these deletions and bands where they don't have them. And when we're getting into this whole arena now of what that information is, so I traveled around the world and the vast majority of people in this world are not having a good time they're having a very bloody hard time. They're trying to survive another day. And so the question I had was I can understand consciousness being tricked to manipulate it into entering this reality. But why do they come back because by this time it was obvious to me that reincarnation was real I go into this in detail in in the reveal. And you know when you you see the evidence of young kids who I've described previous lives that they could never have known about in locations they could never have known about, with people they could never have known about. I mean that's essentially the story of the Buddha too that's how they finally. Yeah but when they've been when they've been checked out the stories, they've found to be incredibly accurate in detail. There's a story that I tell in the reveal where there was a psychiatrist and American Canadian psychiatrist called Ian Stevenson, who came across some of this stuff and then made his life's work basically and he started thousands and thousands of these reports. And then went and checked them out and what he was trying to do was debunk them, not not because he wanted to debunk them but that was his focus I'm going to do everything I can to debunk this to see if it stands up to scrutiny and he found extraordinary correlations between what small kids were saying about lives in locations they had no experience of whatsoever. It was one boy who said that he was married to this lady was still alive in this other place. And so they went over to check all this out. And he said the boy was talking to the quote former wife, as if she was still his wife. And then the wife said, we never found your will if you're who you said you say you are we never found your will where's the will. And he went over to a floorboard in the kitchen and pointed at it and they took the floorboard up and there was the will. You know so so and there's so many of these stories it's it's it's clear to me that reincarnation is real, but what I didn't buy for going back to back. Yeah, what I didn't buy is like I say some something you mentioned earlier, is that we come here to evolve and learn lessons I think that's total tosh. Tell me what lessons the the kids in Gaza are currently learning it's ludicrous or I've been I've been cut up by a serial killer and I've been left in a fridge it's a great lesson I've really fantastic. You know it's ludicrous. What all these things do is produce enormous fantastic amounts of what Robert Monroe called loose, i.e. this low vibrational emotional mental energy. That's what is happening all around us all the time in conflict and war and suffering and bombing and hunger and desperation. And that's that's the reason to produce this bloody energy it's not to evolve. I started looking at the death experiences and their wealth. I've watched and read enormous numbers of these new death experience accounts. And they are very very common in theme what I found interesting and is talking to people who remember the incarnation process. And again they're very common in what they say, who somehow have not had the mind wiped like everyone else does as part of coming into the matrix. Because when you come into this field, you have to have your mind wide because then you start with the blank sheet of paper you're bloody clueless you don't know who you are where you are that's the idea. Because because if you were having life after life and you remembered it while you were experiencing a human life you know what was bloody going on. Right, right. So, one of the things that I found interesting is when people are talking about this astral dimension. They talk about it in in in like physical terms it's it's not the dense physicality that we have but there's it's a form of physicality and also how the incarnation process is is very technological. I go into this in the book and quote people who who describe this. And one of them talks about how she remembers coming into this reality and passing through a electromagnetic field that was as she entered. The density of it the coming down the density of that the physical experience of that. Yeah, the density of this reality the human reality is described in terms of being almost impossible to experience it's right. I've heard that too. But also that the this this this lady was talking about how she passed through this electromagnetic field that is designed to wipe your mind as you come in it's it's like. Remember those old those old tapes where you used to rub them over a electromagnetic magnet. And they would wipe them and you could use them again that that kind of principle when people were talking about when they left the body in India death experience. They described how it was just amazing like nothing they'd ever experienced before there was a bliss a love I'd never experienced before and you go well hold on a minute. You obviously believe in reincarnation oh yeah really really so why haven't you what do you mean you've not experienced it before. You must have experienced it loads and loads of times. But because of the mind wipe when you leave the body that mind wipe is still in place. And they want you up this tunnel with a light at the end or a light or however it symbolize and of course we are we are told in the world of human to relate the light to to God. And so when we leave you go to the light and you're in the wheel of Samsara's the Buddhist talk about the reincarnation cycle and you come back here in another form with a different personality program. And the whole thing keeps happening. And for me if we talk about what we can do about this and you know this is the level we need to talk about not whether Trump or Harris is going to be president. And you're going to have the hard sell or the soft sell to the same end. This is this is the key to human freedom or consciousness freedom in what we call human. For me there's three levels that are very different. First of all there's the human body which allows us to interact with this dense human reality frequency band. Our consciousness is vibrating so fast that you know if it was just consciousness and consciousness alone. I couldn't tap these keys because the different frequency. So we take on this outer shell of the same frequency band that we want to interact with and then I can tap the keys but my consciousness is what is experiencing that so then you leave the body. And you enter this astral realm now this astral realm also requires an outer shell to interact with. So that the two can interact and I say that's what we call the soul. And so this conspiratorial matrix group would like you just to believe that there's no life after death and we're just a cosmic accident you know and that's the end of it that's what they'd like you to believe ideally. But they know the most people won't and so religion talks about a soul and what have you and in many ways that's preparing you for that for the wheel of Samsara. So they're not really bothered if you believe you have a soul because that's still in the matrix because this is this astral level is part of the simulation. It's what people call the spirit world or the after life and what have you, but it's still in the matrix and I go into this detail in the reveal. There's another level of self identity that's what it is self identity in the end, which is what I call spirit, where you identify with being pure consciousness. A state of being aware, pure awareness, no form, no, no body, no, any of this stuff, but pure consciousness. And the difference between the frequency that you operate at in a human body that believes the five cents world is real, and the level that you experience at a soul level in the astral after life. The frequency you operate at with a self identity of being pure consciousness, completely different. Yeah. First two frequencies will keep you in the matrix. Right. So here, one will keep you in the astral so you come back here. The other will take you way out and, and, and to hell with all this nonsense, it's over. I mentioned earlier that if you look back through history there's constant common theme, where the many look to the few to tell them what the thing could tell them what to do. When if they just collectively refuse to do that, then the few have no power at all. But it's the same if you look at the dynamic between the human experience, and the astral experience. They're the same in this sense. The astral is obviously a lot less dense. That's why it feels like heaven. A lot compared with this, but it's a lot less dense. Yes. But the dynamic is the same. So most people in the human life are looking to authority to tell them what to think. They're looking to experts, doctors, scientists tell me what to think. Right. And then when you leave the body, not least because this mind wipe is still in place, you listen to these near death experiences and, and, and when they leave the body, they, they, they find themselves with spirit guides or religious heroes. If you're Christian, you'll see, if you're a Muslim, you'll see some Islamic hero and wavya and so on and so forth. You might see loved ones. I go into what they really are in the reveal. And, and, and basically, because you're in a state of confusion, mind wipe, you follow them. And one of the common, common, common themes of near death experience accounts is the life review, where they say they, that they watch their life played back to them. While elders, elders, you know, wise men would be kind of went through their life with them. Right. And, you know, you hear near death experiences all the time saying, there's no judgment in the afterlife. Well, hold on a minute. I've been listening, I've been listening, listening, reading to what you said happened, and they're bloody total judgment. Right. That's a different level, though. That's a different level. They're getting you to judge yourself. The point I'm making, however, is that as in the human body, people look to authority figures to tell them what to think and what to do and what to believe. In the astral, the same process goes on. On a more tricky level, because it's with the shaman or it's with your father, with the, you know, loved one. All that stuff. And I explained, I explained it in the reveal how they, how they do this whole simulation is run by AI, an AI on a level that is way beyond even what we see in the public arena today. And a lot of this astral is what's coming into the human frequency band and transforming it and turning it into a complete AI control system. The point, the point is, though, that you can, you can get out of all this. So long as you change yourself identity from the identities they give you, here itself, you're just a human and, you know, you're the labels of a human life. That's who you are. And, or you're subordinate to some judgmental God who loves you. Or in the astral, oh, well, you're here to learn lessons and know, yes, oh, you've got your karma, I know you're going to go back and pay back your karma. And you know, this stuff, it's nonsense. You know, the thing is, it's not a little bit bloody nonsense. It's all nonsense. The whole thing is a bloody trick. And we have the capacity to leave the trap. So long as we leave the perceptual states that they infuse into us, and look at it, look at a maverick, what happens to mavericks in a human life. They are marginalized, they're strange, they're dangerous, they're ridiculed, because they're the ones that have started to see it. That's why they act differently to the program that everyone else acts out. And the whole thing is to control perception, absolutely the stadium in which human control and astral control is played out is control of perception. To take it back, and we can. But if we, you know, not to stop falling for belief systems. Right. So what's your, what's your advice then for people to be able to have more autonomy of their reality and be able to ship their perception and have the opportunity to live a life that is not in that negative downward spiral of frequency where you're being siphoned by outside entities, but where you get over that hump where you start to spiral in a more positive higher frequency direction, what is the first big step that everyone should take. Well, I think there's one big step, self identity, that's it. You know, I've seen all the gurus and the new age teachers and people like that. And a lot of them tend to complicate things and make it sound complicated. You go on a quest or you do this and you drink green tea, I've got nothing I can't stand green tea, but I've got no problem with people to do that. But what I'm saying is it's much simpler than self identity. If you identify with the labels of a human life that are given to you, then you identify with limitation immediately. You're identifying with the realm of the five senses, the illusory physical, the holographic realm in which virtually everything seems impossible, because of the perceived physicality. If you perceive that you are still under the control of these afterlife entities helping you to evolve, well, you are identifying with another level of the trap. If you, and you can do it in a human body, you can do it anytime, you can do it now if you want, you move your self identity from the labels of a human life. You even move them from the idea of soul, the incarnate soul, and you start to not conceptually, that's just an intellectual exercise. You perceive yourself to be, and the more you do that, the more it engrains into you, and integrates into you. You perceive yourself to be just consciousness, or consciousness, a unique expression of infinite possibility, that is pure consciousness, pure awareness. Everything else is just an experience for that consciousness, it's not you, it's not real, it's what you're experiencing. And that takes you into, what it does is it starts to remove you from the drama. If you look at what keeps you in the matrix, it's drama. I mean, this is how I've always looked at politics, I'm like, oh, it's just, it's just like get the popcorn and watch, man, it's just distraction. Or like you look at television at night and you see people standing on stage with ridiculous costumes on, and you're just like, oh my God, this is just a distraction. That's exactly right, you know, what happens is instead of being an actor on the stage or in the audience, just observing it. It doesn't mean you don't do what you can, my goodness, man, I can't be accused of not doing that. But you become the observer, and I'll finish on this, but you know, there's two types of dream, because I say this is an induced dream. There's two types of dream, there's the dream which you believe is real, and that pulls you in emotionally and mentally, you can wake up in a sweat and say about it. But there's another kind of dream, a calling lucid dream that they call it, that where you know it's a dream, you're having a dream, but you know it's a dream, and you're observing the dream, you're not caught in it. And you're not emotionally affected by it, and you're not mentally affected by it. You wake up, you say, well, I've had a very vivid dream, which I knew was a dream when I was having it. And what happens is, is when you move out of this myopia of self identity and this myopia of perceiving the world, and you start to expand your self identity, then what you're doing, as a matter of course, is you are as your self identity expands your expanding deeper and deeper and deeper into this infinite realm of consciousness. So you're seeing things, you're understanding things, you're getting insights that you never were there. Yeah, like with this tiny little tiny little vocal point, you widen it out. I think that's incredible advice, and I think for myself that's been one of the most helpful tools as well, and it's not because I set out to do that but as a byproduct of work. And then you realize that I could get above the situation, almost like you become more seated in the consciousness as opposed to like a non player character essentially like in it, I call it in it if you can just get above it and see it as just things happening. You don't get the charge and you don't, you don't send that energy charge off that they're looking for you to do with the drama and with everything that pulls you down. You're above it, your frequency stays high, and essentially you can then have a have an existence that feels much much more peaceful. Exactly. Years ago, when I was a journalist, I used to wake up in the morning and put the radio on, listen to the news was, and I'd often fall back to sleep. And I would have Vivi dreams. Yeah, because it's coming in. And when I woke up, the Vivi dream related to the story being run on the radio. Wow. Yeah. Well, there's programming, you're, you're always awake. But the point is, that was an induced dream. It was an induced dream induced by information that I was getting. Yeah, clean up your environment. What the matrix is, it's an induced dream, and we don't have to believe it's real. Because if we do, the matrix has you. That's right. Wow, David, thank you so much. You've been at this for so very long, as you say, 35 years, and I'm grateful for that. And I'm glad that over time, especially in the more recent handful of years that people like you that have been brave and have and have stood the course are not looked at as being quite so crazy, but absolutely informational. And at the very least, just opening people's minds up to another way of thinking. And I would just live to be happier. That's my ultimate goal. So, thank you. Thank you. And I would just say this to people finally. If, if, if a world that's utterly insane doesn't see you as crazy, it's time to ask why. Yeah, well, there's been a lot of crazy things that have happened lately. So, appropriate to say. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. [ Silence ]