David Icke

UK Tour Special (First Hour) - Norwich 2024 - David Icke Videocast

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03 Oct 2024
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I am here... to bring light. It's about healing. Mind, body, soul. Don't ever settle. Find your purpose. Find the answers. Don't hold back. Achieve maximum success. Book with me if you want to live. If you could please welcome your host for the evening from Norfolk. Mr Richard Willett, everybody. I love the end from Norfolk there, so you have to make sure I'm one of you. Thank you all for coming tonight. Thank you for all your support. Thank you for all your support with Iconic over the last five or six years. It's been fantastic to see something grow from nothing to what we've managed to do. Thank you for turning up and sticking with us for so long. I've got some housekeeping to do. This is the fun bit. Toilets. Downstairs. There you go. The bar will be open just be 9-4 coming back and forth. But obviously you can come back where you want the middle door, I believe, will be open. We'll have a one hour chat with David, and then an hour and a half of questions, and then a half an hour to 45 minute wrap up at the end of the night just to sort of go over what we've discovered. That's going to be the format. This is a special night for me because I was here six years ago in this very room sitting at the back there with a terrible toothache thinking I'd love to work with these guys. I'd love to do a film with these guys. I'd love to speak to these guys. To be here six years later literally doing this is quite incredible. The synchronicity of it all. It shows there's something going on here that's well out of our control, and Jamie doesn't remember me from the night, which is wonderful. But dad's remembers me, but that might be because I spoke to him in the toilet and asked me if he wanted to come on my podcast, which is a bit of a weird thing to do, isn't it? But he did come on my podcast, and I've shared many hotel rooms with him since, so we've got over that bit really now. But we're good friends now, and hopefully you enjoy the WhatsApp podcast we do. There's a synchronicity here, clearly there is an energy going on, and my kind of understanding is that to be here in exactly the same room six years later, with having that idea of I want to work with these guys, I'd love to do a film with David, and we just put out Richard's of the Elite. So I've just done the film I wanted to do, and then to be here tonight in exactly the same room six years later, there's clearly an energy and is clearly a design to this place, and what better, and who better, to explain the nature of reality and reveal the nature of reality than David Ike himself? (Applause) Come on. All right. Come on. (Applause) All right. Thank you. (Applause) Thank you very much. (Applause) I'm sat stood out there thinking that applause was for you. Oh, really, that's not that big of applause for me, David. (Laughter) No way at all. You sat stood as well, which is quite amazing. That's sort of a thing to be able to do. No, not what was good. Sat and stood at the same time. All right, sat and stood, yeah. I can't do that. Yeah, but it's great to be back in Norwich. A lot of the, Jamie mentioned this or not, but last year, no, not last year, what was it? 2018. I'm speaking in Southampton, Southampton Football Club. And we were doing this speaking tour. It was getting very difficult to find anywhere that would have us. And there was always efforts to stop it. But we found this, you know, football clubs were quite mediable. And so I was talking at Southampton. And I didn't realise that the next one was Norwich City Football Club. And as I started in Southampton, Jamie got a call saying from Norwich, "We're pulling it, we're pulling it." Right? And by the end of my talk, he'd sorted out another venue and it was here. And so what happened with the Norwich situation was something that you kind of come across so often. But this was the most blatant. There was a group of, shall we say, censors in London under different names, usual bloody suspects. And what we were doing, just like now, and that's the reason we do it, is telling people the venue on the day. So you squeeze the time for the efforts to get it cancelled. And I heard that Norwich Police had got involved in finding the venue. So I made an application under the Freedom of Information Act to Norwich Police. And I got the emails. And what was happening is that these groups in London had contacted Norwich Police. Norwich Police Chief had told his officers to look out for where Ike is speaking. And when they found out eventually it was Norwich Football Club, they told the group in London, the groups in London. And they contacted Norwich Football Club and got it banned. He's got to say it's all to Joe's, he's going to say it's anti-Semitic. And that's what you're dealing with. And when the police get involved, that's extraordinary. So it's nice to be back. No problem this time. No problem this time, no. And I remember that, remember not finding out to an hour before. I also remember you not being at the football ground because it's where you bought tickets for. And I remember all that happening with the council here. It's been an incredible, is it six years since then? Our mast isn't very good. That seems like six years since then. Yeah. But what's going on in the world today? We've just had all the news with Iran and Middle East. And a lot of people are kind of thinking this is really kicking off now. We wanted to chat about, even with the Messianic agenda balance, there's really years a purpose behind this. There really is. Can somebody turn it off? What's going on? It's the freaking aliens landing. What's going on? There's a spaceship on the roof. Are we there? There you go. It just sounds like me when I hit the high notes anyway. I could have just blended in with that. I don't hit them anymore. I never did. It's kicking off in the Middle East. But there is a Messianic, like there's a agenda here that goes back thousands of years. And you're one of the very few people that is still speaking about the purpose of why they're doing what they're doing. And it's not the politics not getting caught in the politics of it all. Why is it now heating up in the Middle East? Well, I think the thing that we need to get across is that there is a global cult, as I call it, this global network of secret societies, which in the end connects out of this reality. And they have an agenda, but they deal in what I call designer manipulation. You can't manipulate everybody in the same way. So, for instance, you will address what you might call the "woke" mentality in a particular way, so that they'll come on board. And from the right-wing political point of view, you'll address that audience, that target audience in a particular way, which will be different, but the outcome is designed to be the same. And one of the manipulations that goes on is trying to persuade the Christian belief system, particularly the Zionist, Christian Zionist belief system, and the Judaism belief system, that what's playing out is biblical prophecy. So, it's all different ways to reach the same end, but they have a different story for each target audience. And, you know, what's playing out in the Middle East currently is exactly what has been planned all along. I mean, many people in this room will know about the Albert Pike Three World Wars. Albert Pike was a massive Freemason in the United States, head of the, I think, the Southern jurisdiction. And I think they pulled his, I think the workers pulled his statue down, but he had a statue outside Washington, D.C. police station when I was there. And he is supposed to have written a letter to another operative in Italy called "Mazining." Detailing, this isn't the latter years of the 19th century, predicting three World Wars. Now, the First World War, he described it, it was what happened. The Second World War was what happened. But this letter did not come to light until, I think, it was 1957. So, you can forget that. What its credibility stands upon is the Third World War. And what he said about that was it was going to be triggered by what he called political Zionism, being brought into conflict with the Islamic world, which is kind of something that we're seeing unfold at the moment. And, you know, the question that people will understandably have is if he was writing this letter in the latter part of the 19th century, how could he talk about political Zionism? But there's two worlds in one world. There's the world of this global cult, and there's the population. And the difference between them is a massive difference in knowledge. The reason that the secret societies are secret is to keep information isolated and locked in that network, particularly in a core, and away from the population. So, there's completely different timelines going on. There's the timeline of the population, which is basically reactor. What's happened today? What's going on? And then there's the timeline of the coal, the inner core, which is vastly different. Example, old as Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1932, which is where it was published anyway. And he was describing technology that is only now coming online, like artificial wounds and the ability to procreate children without, well, human procreation. But he was writing about it in Brave New World in 1932. He had Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell, who was writing about telly screens and all this other technology that was nowhere to be seen when he wrote the book, wrote it in 1948, that's when it came out anyway. And so, there's different timelines and there's different knowledge of technological possibility. We might get into that and how the technology is played out. But they would have known within the inner core of the cult that Zionism was coming, and that the state of Israel was coming. When he was supposed to have written this letter in the late 19th century, because this is projecting an agenda way forward and the population just hears about it when it happens. And people have said to me over the years, "How did you predict this and how did you predict that?" I said, "Because it's a plan. You can't predict it if it's not a plan. If you uncover the plan, which is, like I say, projected way ahead of it actually happening, then you can predict the future because the future will unfold if there's not an intervention to stop it unfolding." And so, when people say to me, "Oh, you predicted this, you predicted that, you predicted the other and it's happened." I said, "Yeah, but that wasn't the bloody idea." Was it wouldn't happen? So we've not yet, we're starting, but we've not yet reached that point of intervention that dramatically changes the game. But we are kind of building towards that. So this Third World War was kind of always planned, and of course, you've got that pipe letter, and we've also got the endless war of George Orwell, because it's not really in terms of the Third World War. It's not really a war in the end that they really want to end. They want to keep it going. Because if you look at what's happening in Israel now, there's phenomenal fantastic protests against Netanyahu from the Israeli public. But he's got this war cabinet, and he's kind of able to hold on because, "Oh, we're fighting a war, a war you started made." So wars really do, well, you've only got to see them. They justify dystopia. We've got to stop this, we've got to stop that. We've got to censor this and censor that because we fight a war on all that. So that's what they want. And what I've been saying since the late 1990s, I think, is that the plan is for a war between East and West. Because what you've been seeing, this is really kind of relevant to what's happening now, is because it's a global cult and there are no borders, we see borders, we used to, but they don't see borders. They see asset locations. So to them, whether it's China or Russia or America or whatever, Europe, they're just different aspects of their asset base. And so what they want to do is bring the West into conflict with the East. And part of the targeting of Russia is to drive Russia closer to China, which is what's happened. And the trigger, fully enough, I mean, I really do hope this is not the case, I have to tell you. But the trigger I've been pointing out that could explode into this East-West conflict. The country I pointed out was Iran, because if Iran was targeted in a way that was threatening to destroy it, it's very likely that Russia and China would at some point come to its aid. Because not least now, they've got this BRICS alliance, an economic, and to an extent military alliance. And Iran, therefore, is connected to all that. And so you need a trigger, and the trigger is a bloke called Netanyahu. Because if you look at him, I mean, he's the longest serving prime minister of Israel. His early career was in America, you know, the real big contacts there. But if you look at his period as prime minister, time after time after time, always coincides with wars and conflicts, not least targeting Gaza. So here's a psychopath. He's a psychopath, probably demonically bloody possessed when I look at his eyes. And he is the trigger. It's like when he got back this time, because it's very, very unpopular, ironically, in Israel. When he got back this time, I thought, "Oh my God, here we go." And he didn't disappoint. And so if you then look at this sequence, you can see how the same force is manipulating all sides to bring this about. Because it's all right talking about Hezbollah, quote, "terrorists" and Hamas terrorists and whatever. But you've got to really get into the inner core of what's making that happen. Because if you do, you eventually find that that inner core of Hamas and the inner core of the Israeli government and the inner core of the Iranian regime will be answerable to the same force. And so you've got this kind of unified force, but then they play it out in the public arena in a way that gets the different populations to fight other populations. If you look at a war, what is it? It's a tiny few people telling its population they're going to go to war against this population, and this population is told it has got to go to war by their few. And it's always the few driving the many. So people like Tony Blair lied to get this invasion of Iraq. He never saw a bullet fired in anger. It was sipping coffee and Downing Street at the time. So these people never fight the wars. They manipulate the populations too. And if you are brought up in Israel, and they are, to fear and hate the Arab population and to see them in less than human terms, and you are brought up in the Arab population to see Israelis in the same light, and the Hezbollah in Lebanon population is brought up to see Israelis in the same light, then you've already got the perceptual divisions and fear and hatred to play off against each other, and that's what's happening. So if we just look at this sequence, I'm going on. I'll stop with the language, but October the 7th, right? I mean, what Netanyahu wants of that which controls Netanyahu, but he's very happy to go along with it, is an excuse to obliterate Gaza. How does he get the excuse? Well, it just turns out that Hamas and the creation of Hamas can be linked very much to the Israeli government, not least through funding. And they created Hamas as an opposition to the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO of Yasser Arafat, who I was in the news every day when I was younger. And so what happens? In a book called The Trigger, which is about 9/11, and who really did it, and it weren't 19 Arab hijackers, think Mossad, think CIA, think Pentagon, think IDF, and I looked at the extraordinary surveillance technology, and indeed AI technology that is available to Israel. There's an area of Israel called Beersheba, and there's a big military operation there, which is basically a cyber operation, which is increasingly challenging Silicon Valley for dominance of the industry. One of the things they do there is they're scanning the schools and scanning the universities for people with technological computer AI skills and potential, and then they bring them into the military through conscription, but they don't go off and fight, their skills are used. And then what happens is high technology that's being developed by the military is then handed to them under the guise of, oh, it's a new startup. I mean, they're calling Israel the basically home of startups now for this very reason. And so technology, AI technology, computer technology that's been developed in the underground basis of the secret projects. He's handed to these startups, and suddenly it's, oh, there's a new invention, or this startup, oh, look at this startup, it's just started, this startup. And they've got this phenomenal amount of investment, isn't that amazing? Because it's all a con, and they also send other people from the Israeli military cyber AI grouping to Silicon Valley and they end up in major Silicon Valley companies. And the reason I say that is that that guy's offense on October the 7th must be one of the, if not the most, guarded, surveilled board offenses on planet Earth. As some former IDF soldiers said after October the 7th, if a cockroach or a bird came close to that fence when we were guarding it, we would know about it, the technology would tell us. And yet on October the 7th, Hamas operatives managed to breach that fence in multiple places and then face no resistance for a ridiculous amount of time and committed horrors. There were other horrors that were, quote, "friendly fire," it turns out, but they committed horrors. So now Netanyahu's got his excuse. And so in goes the Israeli military, and basically mass soldiers, tens of thousands of people and children in Gaza. And you know, it's a challenge and has been all the way through this 35 years. To get across just the scale of pure evil that we're dealing with, evil for me is the absence of love, it's the absence of wisdom, it's the absence of everything. But that level of evil that has no ability to express or feel empathy or compassion for those who's suffering it impacts upon. And so you have a fail-safe mechanism of human behavior, which is empathy. If you can put yourself in the place and in the feelings of someone you're imposing upon, then that is going to, if you are not, if you have any empathy, that is going to balance out your behavior towards them. You take away empathy, anything goes, doesn't matter. And what we're dealing with is a global cult that's actually driven by people who have no empathy and no compassion. So what has happened to the people in Gaza will have had no emotional impact whatsoever upon those that ordered it. And to a large extent, even those who did it physically, because of the way that their empathy for Palestinians is systematically deleted through the way that they are brought up. So now you've got one going. And of course, we saw the extraordinary pager explosions where the wine Mossad and the IDF targeted what they call Esbalar terrorists in Lebanon. And, you know, it tells you something. When Iran attacks Israel, it's a terrorist act. And I say it is. It's a psychopathic act. When Hamas did that on October the 7th, that's a psychopathic act. But when Israel slaughters tens of thousands of Palestinians, it's Israel defending itself. And so you then start to think, hold on a minute, why is this extraordinary difference between when other people do things and when Israel does them? And then you get deeper into what you're talking about. You start to realize that actually that which controls Israel is not Jewish people in general, that which controls Israel, which is actually a cult in itself, that is a fundamental asset base for this global cult. And what it's doing at the moment through there is seeking to trigger this World War III, which will probably not happen kind of overnight, but in stages until it all kind of eventually breaks out. But again, you know, there's 8 billion people in the world, and the people that are manipulating the 8 billion are a fraction by comparison. And it's no good saying that, you know, these few people are doing all this and doing all that. 8 billion people can't be controlled by a handful unless the 8 billion in vast number are acquiescent to their handful. And, you know, said many times there are two types of mentality that have created every territory in history. One is the mentality that just does what authority tells it. The second is that which does what authority tells it even though it doesn't want to because it fears the consequences of not doing what it's telling. And then there's a third group that's ended every tutoring in history, which are those and will be represented in this room. They are people that say, "I can see it, I know you're lying to me, I know you're why you're lying to me, and I'm not cooperating. I'm not playing your game anymore." And what has to happen is we've got to get particularly that second group that can see it to an extent, but is terrified of not obeying. It's getting more and more of that group into the third group because, like I say, if there's no intervention, then this plan plays out. And intervention with hindsight, or we should have done this, we should have done that, doesn't work. Yeah, I would say that everybody in this room is, this is the intervention. It's always going to start small. Everybody here who reads your work, reads other people's work. This is the intervention. It's not supposed to happen. And it won't happen if you carry on and just share this information. One of the main things that people don't understand, as you said here, that these people are psychopathic, but in their own tiny, tiny minds, they believe, must believe that they're doing the right thing. Like any old cult does, they believe they're doing the right thing. So what is the agenda that's running in their minds to think that, okay, I might be doing all these awful things, but the end justifies the means. So you have these ha-bad guys that I bang on about all the time who are connected to all of these, all of these guys, Putin, Netanyahu, Malay, RFK, Jr., who's now in with Trump and Trump as well. There's a messianic part of this, but this is very much a cult ideology. They believe they're doing the right thing by the looks of it, which is even more disturbing than them just being absolutely mental. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, the manipulation being people to do what this cult wants also takes many in various ways. Again, that's another form of designer manipulation. One area is to persuade people that they have a right to do what they're doing, because somehow they are above everyone else, and they have a right to impose their will on everyone else. And you know, the longer I've researched all this, and I, you know, the last book, the new book is The Reveal, which is as far as I've got so far, but we're still moving on. To see and understand the world of what we call human, we've really got to understand in the end what is controlling that world, and how it's controlling that world, and it's controlling it by controlling and impacting upon human perception. So, one of the things that I have found very compelling, and I'm always looking for, are not areas of disagreement. My God, we're going for them, but it's the areas of agreement, and whether you're looking at religions or native cultures going way, way back, or all these different ways of seeing the world that have considerable history, you're looking at one big common thing, and that is that there is a force operating in the hidden, hidden to human sight, which is almost everything. That is manipulating human society, and they give no different names to it, but they're all talking about the basic same force, and it takes two forms. There is the consciousness, and there is that in form through which the consciousness operates. And that is multidimensional, as I'll come to. So, this consciousness, which is a deeply inverted, inverted, everything's upside down, that's why we live in a world, an inverted world where everything's upside down, because this world is an expression of that consciousness, unless other consciousness intervenes to change that. So, Christianity calls this consciousness Satan or the devil, and it calls the entities outside of human sight through which that consciousness manipulates, they call them demons. In Islam, they call that consciousness "Shaitan" or "Iblis", and they talk about "The Jinn", which are the entities through which that consciousness operates. If you look at the Gnostic belief system from the Nagamadi texts that were found in, what was it, about 70 miles, 80 miles north of Luxor in Egypt in 1945, in an earth and jar? They talk about this consciousness being something called Yoda Beyoth, or the Demiurge, and they talk about Archons, which is Greek for rulers, as the army of Yoda Beyoth, if you like. And I talk to, of course, at Great Lens Decrato Mutwa in South Africa, the great Jazulu Shahman and official historian, who has a similar story about these non-human entities and that which is perceptually controlling them. So, everywhere you look, you see this, and what I've kind of uncovered in the last 35 years is pretty much exactly that, detail and detail, yes, but exactly that. And so, what you have is this consciousness, which is inverted, it's chaotic, and it's interesting whether it's the Gnostics or whether it's other belief systems. There's a common theme for how they describe this Yoda Beyoth consciousness, and that's that it's a full, they call it the foolish God, or the basically words meaning stupid, and if you want to impose yourself and cause suffering for others, for your own ends, then your blood is stupid, but what it's not is what it's not is wise, has no wisdom, otherwise you wouldn't do what it does, but it has a level which is very clever and very devious. And if you can manipulate a situation where the population is kept in ignorance of what your people know, then that deviousness becomes very easy to employ to control the population, because they're in ignorance and you're not. So, you then have this consciousness playing out through these non-human entities that operate outside of human visible light, but then you bring that consciousness in to the human world too. And what I find fascinating is how these major players in what I call the Global Cult, whether it's Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab, all these people, British Royal Family and endless others that you can identify, major politicians and what have you. How their behaviour, their lack of empathy and their lack of compassion and their deviousness, their ease with which they lie, how that mirrors how this consciousness is described, because basically what they are is an expression of that. And so, what's the answer to that? Well, you know, there's consciousness that is infinite consciousness, that is way beyond that devious stupidity. But the way that the system has been set up is to keep us so focused on the five cents world of perceived physicality, and so focused on the drama of human, that we withdraw from a influence, a frequency influence of that greater consciousness beyond what I call the simulation, this realm of this Yoda Beyoth to quote the Gnostics. And so what awakening is, it's awakening, we call it awakening because that consciousness, that expansion of consciousness, that infinite awareness, that is who we are, it's who we are, it's what we always will be, we are eternal infinite expressions of awareness. But what the whole system is set up to do, and this is really the real level of the conspiracy, where it really plays out, is to keep people so focused on this reality that we're not influenced by that expansion of consciousness. So, what we call awakening is actually deprogramming. It's deprogramming from our sense of reality, and our sense of self identity, so that we start tapping in to that expanded awareness again. And when you do, and many people in this room, if not most of the people in this room at least, will have experienced this, you go, shit, that's what's going on, right? And that's because you've tapped into that awareness, your awareness, beyond the program that's designed to keep us there. Now, these people that are playing this out, they haven't done that, and so basically they are vehicles of this consciousness, I'll call it Yoda Bay off the Gnostic version, and therefore they act like it. And this is one of the reasons that I challenge quite vehemently now, what's happened to the alternative media, because basically instead of continuing this awakening after awakening, because when we talk about awakening, it's not, you don't just awaken one day, you awaken to a level one day, but then the idea is to keep it going and awaken more and awaken more and awaken more and awaken more. And that's what eventually brings the house of cards down, but what's happened with this alternative media that I say has been hijacked since COVID, when the genie was starting to seriously have a chance of coming out of the bowl, it's now focused attention. Okay, the population's here, and it's just taken the population there, and they think they're awake, they think they're awake, and what's happened is the alternative media has become right-wing politics. It's become basically what used to be called in America, but still is probably, but it's been superseded now, used to be called the Christian right, that's what it's become, and that's just there. And we need to keep it going, and so when the genie started to possibly come out of the bottle, and really it did for many people come out of the bottle in when COVID struck, and all the things that followed, and people thought, well, the world's not like I thought it was. The idea was, well, we can't put the genie completely back, that's why everyone's here, but we can stop it going any further, as best we can, and that's what's kind of happened. The awakening has to go on and go on and go on so that we start to see these, not just the scale of the conspiracy, but when you see the scale of it, you also see the answers to it. And so we are, people talk about, you know, we're in a spiritual war and all that, but what we're in is a tussle between that consciousness imposing itself upon us through, if not violence and psychopedent, then through myopia, and challenging that by expanding beyond it and going, whoa, I see it now, because people have said to me so many times in the last two decades, why didn't I see it before? It's so obvious, because you were there before, and now you're here, and that's where we need to go, the realization of the true self, and these people don't have that, they have a fake sense of themselves, they have a fake sense of their own sense of superiority. You know they talk about the Old Testament God, I am a jealous God, yeah, nice man, but that's that consciousness, that's that yelled about consciousness. And it's seeking to impose its perception of everything upon the population, so we become an expression of it, and that's the real reason for the plan to connect AI to the human brain. And this hive mind, it's to create a hive mind, that is an expression of that consciousness. So we're dealing with people, actually, who are behind all this, that are solid gold fast asleep, and the power of awakening beyond where they're at is fantastic, but they're trying to keep us in the box. You already discussed the technology side of that, I've read recently that these hibag guys talk about their Solomon's Temple, the Third Temple, if you believe it was over a second, and a second. By the way, that was sacked on 9/11, both times apparently, how coincidence was that, but also they talk about it being a transmitter. They actually say in their own dialogue on the hibag website that it will be a portal between heaven and earth, so make of that what you will, but also they say it's going to be a transmitter. They use the term transmitter, a broadcaster, sorry, broadcaster. So with that in mind, someone like Elon Musk shooting all his satellites as you say, he doesn't care, this is in our night sky, he didn't ask you, he didn't ask me. What part is he playing in this, he's wearing this satin symbology all the time, he's covering the night sky and what could be a trap within a trap. Well yeah, it's a simulation within a simulation I would say, but think about what I said earlier about designer manipulation, it's really important because it's no good trying to manipulate people with techniques that ain't going to work. So you've got to manipulate particular perceptual groups in ways that will work. So the idea is to connect the human brain to artificial intelligence, so artificial intelligence becomes the human mind. And that's not me pulling this out of the ether, I mean you're going to look at people like Ray Kurzweil at Google, this so-called future is, he said years ago that by 2030 they'll be connecting, we'll be connecting the human brain to artificial intelligence and once that connection is made, AI will do more and more of human thinking until human thinking is basically negligible, and because this is the bottom line of all of it. This consciousness has to keep us from awakening to our true selves because everyone in this world is perceptually trapped. They're trapped here by their own perception and not least by their self-identity. They want you to think that either you are just a human, life's a bitch and then you die, and keep you in the dark about anything after you leave the body. In fact, they really ideally like to think there is nothing after you leave the body, and if you don't buy that, then there's some judgmental God waiting to judge you forever when you die. The idea is to constantly keep you in a state of subordination, a perceptual state of subordination, and symbolized in so many ways, I would say, by Russell Brand getting on his knees to say prayers. Yeah, we're talking Carlson. I didn't write a book called "Human Race Get Off Your Knees" for no reason. We've got to get off our frickin' knees, and we've got to realize that we're not little me. We're not subordinate little people have to obey some perceived God. If you want to use the word God, we're an expression of it. We are potentially all consciousness. If we open enough, so we're not little people. We're not human. Human is not an eye. It's an experience. I say it's an entrapment. It's an entrapment for reasons we might get into, or how they do it, because it can be explained, through control of perception. Control of perception means control of behavior. If you want to control someone's behavior, control their perception, gotcha. And so we are looking at a system that, if you look at it from this perspective, every aspect of this system, this human system and this establishment system is based on keeping you in a state of subordination, in a state of being on your knees in some way, looking to authority to tell you what to think, looking to experts to tell you what you think, the answer to authority. This is where the AI connection to the brain comes in. They are so terrified of humans awakening to the extent that they see the game and it's over. It's over once we see it in enough numbers. They are terrified that that's going to happen, and they're seeking to create a situation in which they can control that, and the way they've sought to control it, or they're seeking to control it, is to connect AI to the human brain. So collectively you have a hive mind, and from that you never have a thought of being expanded awareness, because AI is telling you who you are, and it's telling you what to think, and it's telling you how to act. That's where this is going. So in terms of designer manipulation, you've got a certain amount of the population, a lot of people call them workers, who will lay down and take this. They will buy the designer manipulation of, if we fuse ourselves with AI, we'll be gods. We'll go to the next level of human evolution. Oh, that's great, that is. But then you've got a vast number of people, increasing a number, who can start to see the consequences of this, and they don't want it. So if you're going to bring them in to the same outcome, then you have to persuade them that, basically, AI is inevitable, fusing with AI is necessary, not because we want it. We don't want it really, like they do, but if we don't fuse with AI, then humans will die out, because AI will take over everything, because we won't be able to compete with AI intelligence. So enter all these Silicon Valley people and venture capitalists and AI people, companies, to sell the idea that AI is inevitable, and so we've got to fuse with it to save humanity. Now the outcome of will be gods will be the next level of evolution, oh yeah, outcome fusing with AI, outcome of, oh well, if we don't, humanity will fusing with AI. So enter another guy, the leading guy, Elon Musk. Even when he bought TwitterX, I knew it was a scam, is because I've been following the guy for years, and the reason I was doing that is because his companies were ticking every bloody box of this cold agenda. He was pushing the electric car agenda, which is for the vast majority of the population, the no car agenda, and he was the real person, the person that really drove that and really got it moving through Tesla. Then there was Neuralink connecting the human brain to technology, and then SpaceX. And SpaceX, as an interesting history, according to the stories that are basically official, is that Musk and a guy called Michael Griffin, who was a CIA operative, were flying off to Russia to try to do a deal to buy intercontinental ballistic missiles, I mean just go figure, right? Anyway, the deal didn't happen, and so on the plane back Griffin says that Musk said to him, I'm going to start a rocket company called SpaceX, right? Because he's obsessed with X, his Musk of course. So he offers Michael Griffin apparently, a big job with SpaceX, but Michael Griffin had another job offered to him, which was head of the CIA's technological development arm called In-Q-Tel or I-Q-T, which C. Bishiba is seed funding, startups and companies that have the potential to develop technology that would benefit surveillance, control, et cetera, through the CIA. And then Michael Griffin was offered another job as head of NASA, and the moment he become head of NASA, he starts giving SpaceX and never produced a rocket at that time, massive contracts. And so we've got at someone in Elon Musk who is apparently anti-system, that's the cover story, but the system funds him at every way you look. And so when he, well not he, because I mean as you've said on your show, Rich, classified, great show by the way, iconic, that, you know, it's like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Yeah, he's funding by the National Fund, so he's funding TwitterX, you know. So anyway, it was obvious to some it was going on, and I thought, okay, well let's just have a look at this to see how it plays out. And one of the key areas in terms of the reason that he was allowed, and that's another thing, that's another thing, okay. So they say, when before Musk, Twitter, it was censoring everybody, yeah, okay, and they were doing it on the off of the government, yeah, yeah, absolutely right, they threw me off for a star. So what you're saying is, the deep state had Twitter exactly where it wanted it. Oh yeah, it controlled it, yeah. So why did they sell it to a free speech absolutist then? Why would they do that? There has to be a reason, and it has to be a reason that suits a deep state. And what has happened in the alternative media, that center core of it, it gets all the algorithmic support, all the financial support, et cetera, is from the moment he bought Twitter and started letting a few people back on, the dogs were called off. There were still people that were before he bought TwitterX that were saying, hold on, this guy is leading us into transhumanism, he's leading us into the AI control system, but once he bought TwitterX, it's all gone. It's now the real alternative media outside of the central core that is still calling him out. The rest of it is just not only not calling him out anymore, they're treating him like some bloody God. He's now going to get a job in the Trump administration if he gets in and so on and so forth. And the key thing about why it's important to keep calling out Musk and showing what he's doing is because SpaceX is the leader in putting up, as you say, rich, low orbit satellites, beaming this stuff called Starlink, actually an electromagnetic field. At the Earth, so what's the outcome? It all relates to this AI control and this hive mind, because when you look at what Ray Kurzweil said about connecting AI to the human brain, he talks about connecting the human brain to the cloud. And the cloud is this electromagnetic technologically generated field. Now, if you want to immerse people in this electromagnetic field, and I was born in 1952, the amount of technologically generated electromagnetism in the atmosphere now that we're living in is phenomenally fantastically greater than it was when I was born. And it's expanding all the time, so you can generate this cloud through 5G towers in the towns and the cities, and 6G, 7G to come and all that, but you can't cover the whole planet like that. What you've got to do is do it from space from above, and that's why SpaceX is leading this whole low orbit satellites. And when people like Musk say, well, AI is inevitable, so we have to fuse with it to save humanity, well, he's putting up thousands of low orbit satellites, tens of thousands in the end, because permission is being given by the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC in America. It's a human decision that has allowed that to happen, not any inevitability. And he's now been given the contract by the Pentagon to produce a Pentagon military government version of his styling system so that they can communicate within themselves in the same way. And of course, I thought he was a threat to the establishment. The establishment, again, is funding him. So the idea is you put up all these satellites and you beam this electromagnetic field, and what you then do is you have to have a receiver in the body brain to receive what's coming through the field in terms of the hive mind and it's basically a wireless side mind is what we're talking about. And that's where the things like the COVID fake vaccine come in, this self replicating technology, nanotechnology. Part of that is include something called graphene oxide, which is an amplifier of electromagnetic fields in the body. So if you're in contact with an electromagnetic field, then its impact upon the body brain will be amplified if you've got graphene oxide in the body. It's not just coming out as through the COVID vaccines, but that's been a really, really major, major source. And graphene oxide is also a superconductor of electricity and the brain processes information electrically, communicates with the body electrically. You mess with that, you're going to mess with that communication with all its potential consequences for controlling thought perception and physical health. So this is the way they're doing it, and one of the things about Musk is one of his roles in all this is not necessarily to be at the cutting edge, it's to sell a concept. So he's got this neural link system, which means you have to take a piece of the skull away to put the wires in the brain and all that stuff. That is the stone age compared with what they're doing, and I remember he did an interview and someone said to him, a good question. Yeah, I could see what you're doing and all that, but how many people are going to want a bit of the skull taken away to have this in? And he said, it may not be necessary to do that eventually, you could do it through the veins and do it through the blood, and that's exactly what they've been doing with the COVID vaccine. But what's happened, you see, is through design and manipulation is they're targeting this, what I call, pushback audience that doesn't want this. They're targeting them in a way that says it's inevitable, so we better go along with it, because if we don't, humanity will die out. And this is why if you look around Trump, you've got not only Musk, you've got all these people who are involved in AI, AI technology, and Silicon Valley, including his running mate, J.D. Vance, who as whole political career has been funded by a guy called Peter Teal. Peter Teal was what they call a member of the PayPal Mafia with Musk. Peter Teal created co-founded an organization called Palantir, which provides surveillance and control technology for the intelligence community and the Pentagon. Peter Teal, who is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a massive globalist operation going back to 1954, and the people he's funding are publicly anti-globalist, like J.D. Vance. There's another guy out there called Vivek Ramaswami who's very much around Trump in the Trump coterie, and he is a business partner of Peter Teal, and so it goes on. So what you then do is you use that problem to say the way to sort this out, this is what's happening, and Peter Teal's connected to it, the way to sort this out is basically AI electronic tagging and stuff, so that we know who's crossing the border and what have you. And if you've got people of a certain mentality who are sick and tired of seeing their country flooded with people, they don't even know who they are or what they are, then that can be a compelling offer that we can stop this if we use artificial intelligence. And you'll see that happening if Trump gets in, for sure. He's already talking about it actually. Yeah, Trump's bringing in, obviously he's got his Liberty coin, which has the ISIS, the Miramis Connections. And just to show you how obviously controlled the whole thing is you've got Eric Schmidt and Peter Teal created something called America's Frontier Fund, and Eric Schmidt is funding Harris, and you've got Peter Teal funding J.D. Vance at the moment was basically funding Trump. So you can clearly see how connected it is, so we're going to open it up now, I believe, too. I just mentioned as well, the other co-founder of Palantir is a guy called Alex Karp, who is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, an associate of Teal, they co-founded Palantir, and he's funding Harris, while the other's funding and supporting Trump. So it literally is a one-party state, and if we see it in any other way, and that's what the alternative media are moving into right-wing politics, now it's a two-party state now, what it's not, it's a one-party state. It absolutely is, and when you point it out to them, they get all offended by that. So guys, we're going to open it up, questions now, remember to keep your questions to a question, and we've obviously got a lot of people to try and get through, so please keep your questions to a minimum, and I will try and point out some people to do. Jamie's going to come out, and if you've got a question to it, you want to ask David, then just pop your hand up, and I'll try and find some people in the audience. This gentleman here, down the front, let's start at the front there. I write because I'm inspired to write. I can go months and months and months and months doing all the other things, and then bang, I get the feeling. I've got to start writing a book. It's happened over and over again for 35 years, and once I start, then the synchronicity begins. That brings to me information in many and various ways and forms that take me deeper and deeper into the unseen, into the unknown than I've ever been before. And so the reveal is the next stage of that, because humility, common sense tells you, whatever we know, there's always more to know. So my constant question is, so what don't I know? [MUSIC PLAYING]