
Daily Dads #127: Passion in Education will Develop a Lifetime Reader

Daily Dads #127:

The Dads discuss various themes surrounding parenting, education, and community engagement. The dialogue begins with reflections on the weekend and transitions into a discussion about the VeeFriends cartoon, exploring its educational value and appropriateness for children. The conversation emphasizes the importance of parental involvement in children's media consumption and the role of gratitude in family life. Insights from the Daily Dad readings on stoicism and resilience are shared, along with a call to action for community engagement and support for the VeeDads podcast.

Takeaways from today:

  • The VeeFriends cartoon serves as a quick hit to capture attention.
  • Three-minute episodes may impact children's attention spans.
  • Parental involvement in media consumption is crucial.
  • Gratitude practices can enhance family dynamics.
  • Engaging in activities with children fosters deeper connections.
  • Daily Dad readings emphasize the importance of passion in learning.
  • Stoicism offers valuable lessons for parenting.
  • Community support is vital for shared parenting experiences.
  • Encouraging children to explore their passions is essential.
  • Podcasts can be a platform for sharing parenting insights.

Keywords: VeeFriends, parenting, education, gratitude, community, cartoons, stoicism, resilience, family activities, children's media, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



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Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

- Sorry about that, everybody. - We're back. - My fault. - There we go. I know, I made it, I made it known. So good. Are you feeling bad? - Feeling good, man. How are you? (clears throat) - I'm good. I feel like there's a lot going on up here right now. - Going on where? - Going on, it was, you know what it was? It was just, it was a longer weekend. It wasn't a long weekend. You know what it was? I think like with the endless streams this weekend, with the change of weather, I think with stuff coming up and all of this kind of stuff too. Just a lot of stuff. So, let's see if we got a little rattle on your end. - Turn that AC off, please. - Anybody's. We'll see what's happening. All right. Well, hey, guys, gratitude, but did you guys watch the, the beginning of the, the first "Dee Friends" cartoon? - I was animated, maybe it was. And it was good. It was, it left us wanting more, I think. That's what I would say. - Yeah. Yeah. I'm so a little confused because it said full episode, but it was only three minutes. The intro was very short and there was no outro. So, kind of seems like that was just a tease. But I, it said full episode. So that's what kind of threw me off. - Well, from what I do understand, I understand that these are gonna be the short episodes. I think it was exactly what they said it was gonna be. I think when we think about a longer form, episode, it definitely is not that. It is, I think, a quick little hit to kind of get the attention. And I think this has, this has been the question all along. Is this inappropriate? Is this being YouTube, whatever? But isn't appropriate? A three minute episode. You need to have an attention span that obviously is going to watch a whole thing. And three minutes is just that. But is that also teaching our kids to watch these short episodes and not building this ability to actually watch something a little longer? I think that was the question. But overall, I think that it was, it was cool. It was cool seeing the characters kind of come to life. And I do like the premise about it being something that is a real life kind of situation. Obviously, we're seeing this young boy at a desk asking a question and then it kind of characters are in his head, I guess. That's what I'm thinking. And then it drops into the V-Dome. They figure things out. I didn't, I was surprised it was going to be a rap battle to figure it out versus like a battle. So it was, it was interesting. I like to overall positive on my end in my head. - For the three minutes, 'cause like, I've always watched like, if your kids are watching TV great, you should watch it with them and ask them questions. And sometimes I get overwhelmed sometimes because if it's like 30 minutes, like, I usually don't have time to sit down and watch a whole 30 minute episode. So I do like it from that perspective. Like, I can really talk about which dino was it? Was it the? - Dynamic dino. - Yeah, so is the dynamic dino. And it's very, it's open that perspective. I like it's something I can watch with my SUS and it's colorful and it's some fun stuff. Do I like the fireworks? - Yeah. - We have an issue with it being three minutes and like with all these flashes and stuff. I think some people would say that that's not right for a kid's brain. - I mean, I do because I've, you know, I've kind of always had that frustration with the new way of TV and television is like, especially with YouTube because it just will swipe till the next show and whatever that show is. Like, it may not be another V-friend show and maybe something completely different. And so I just feel that's what makes it so hard for everyone to grab everyone's attention and keep it on a show. Like, I don't feel like my kids, well, no, they do. They will tap into a creator and they will watch all their stuff. So it happens, but I feel like those are still like longer form some of the ones that my kids like really watch. - Yeah. - Cool, yeah. - I don't know the business side of it, but I'm assuming it's just a stepping stone into longer form episodes and being picked up, you know, for Netflix kind of things. So it's finally kind of on TV. I don't know if that's the case. I do like what Blake said though. It's like, hey, I can watch it with my kids and then it kind of brings up some sort of like conversation. I like that. I think it's also something where maybe we're so tapped in from the community side that if I know that there is a real world situation where maybe my kid thinks that just because they're nice to their sister that they're going to, you know, do something for them. So it's nice in my head to kind of be like, oh, let's just go to this. It can open up that message just a little bit and before bedtime or whatever, just like Blaze was saying, I think that that thing would be a good thing. So it was good. Otherwise, I want more. I would love to see more. I think there's going to be, I mean, I thought someone said there'd be three of the short episodes today. I thought I heard that. And then I didn't realize it was just the one, but other than that, good stuff. I know David over here says that kind of like schoolhouse rock. Yeah, yeah, I could see that, David. Yeah, DJ Gracious Grizzly kind of cracked me up a little bit. Like the glow sticks just rocking out like that part. Yeah, Nate over here thought it was salient because he's saying, you know, it's 10 years of filtering that content for Eli with his autism. I'm sure they had the opportunity to absorb the message or education. So yeah, might be kind of quick. I'm curious where it's going to go from here. I think more using it as like a learning experience. I saw Jolly Jacko, who was a teacher down in South Carolina, his whole classroom was actually watching it. So I'm curious what the kids had from it. I'm assuming this is what I think kids that age or like my seven year old daughter's going to watch it and be like, not knowing exactly what to take away from it just yet, but having had fun watching it. That's what I'm thinking is going to happen. How do you think when he was playing paintball? How do you think he crashed an airplane through the roof? What kind of paintball game was that where he was sliding the airplane through a roof? (laughs) - Sounds like a fun one. (laughs) - I got to go guys. I want to say gratitude at a great time yesterday. I spent all one-on-one time with each individual kid yesterday and then for the reading today, Ryan Holiday was talking about projects. Make sure you see your kids building. Make sure your kids are seeing you build stuff and it wraps up reading for the month. So I think that's a great one. Read books, do projects, be awesome. But love you guys and I will talk to you later. And I'm not in need of stream. - See you, please. - 'Cause I did that, yes. - I can just take you off. Yeah, the end of the stream yesterday. And there was a moment where I was like, I could start the stream back up, but I feel like I was getting sick for a second. I was like, I don't know if I have the moment to be able to do that. - Where's the dang leave button, if you just wanna? - You know what, when he did it, my mind did not go to like, damn it, he pushed the wrong button, my mind went to, I don't even see the right button either, so. (laughing) - A little bit, I guess you just like swipe yourself up and get out of the app and then it's on you to kick me off the stage, I guess. But my video wasn't working, so I didn't know what to do. - Yeah, it's okay. - Anyways, how was your weekend bud? - Weekend was, I don't know, whirlwind, just all over the place, I feel like Saturday, my goal was not to sit in front of the computer on stream all day and watch everything that was going on in the community, it ended up being that way 'cause it was so rainy over here. And then, you know, I think my mind fell into just accept this kind of thing. - Yeah. - It was, it felt a little bit like a very low key, not a waste of a weekend, but I feel like my energy was not put in the areas that made me feel like it was a successful weekend, that's all. And then yesterday was a little bit of football, as a Jets fan, it was just a waste of time. And so, (laughing) I would see, you see Bukes over here, Bukes, you were everywhere on Saturday, I feel like I kept seeing your name all over the place. I think Blaze got in touch with you too, right? I think you guys are popping into an interview at some point this week, next week, maybe tonight, tomorrow night, it's gonna be fun. We're starting to get some of the podcast episodes going again after we have our software kind of figured out. So, that's gonna be good. I'm going after some bigger names in season three of our podcast, so we'll have that, you know, with Daily Dads and Daily Dads is one of our products, we have health dads going on, we have the V-Dads podcast as another one, but all under the umbrella of V-Dads so that we can really make sure that we're seeing, we're having dads feel seen and heard, getting stories out there, I think that's definitely exciting. And so, all over the place, a lot going on. But let's talk over here, you got gratitude. Guys, share your gratitude, we love to share the gratitude. We know it's a practice that is incredibly beneficial. Blaze shared his gratitude, he had a really good weekend, had some time with the kids he said before, he had to sign off and go teach. Sometimes I don't know what's going on with Blaze's world and his teaching world, I never really know for certain, but I'm always excited to see what he has going on. We got gratitude over here from David, gratitude, as I give some voice to the couch. My daughter's raised me well, listen, learn because your kids are teaching you today, I know. It's something I always come together with too. What else? You guys got gratitude, drop it. We did talk about the cartoon, Nathan C, maybe we'll come back to the cartoon just a little bit. Where's the gratitude coming for you today? Down. - I had a really good day yesterday. Like I showed you guys, just you and Blaze, but me and my older daughter, we finally cashed in her birthday gift. I got her like an adventure day at a zip line in a sky park is what they call it, like an obstacle course, like a giant jungle gym. So we finally cashed that in and went and did that. We've been putting it off 'cause it's always like in the hundreds, 100 degrees. Like it's in like a canyon and it was a really fun day. It started with a really long hike up a hill, like you had to hike up to the zip line. So it was a little exhausting, but it was a really cool hike through the canyon. And then the zip lines were pretty fun. Not the best zip lines that I've done, but some really good ones. My daughter got stuck in the middle a couple of times, which was cool 'cause I've never seen like how they would rescue someone. So we got to see it. - Yeah, well, today they go out there. They like, "I'm a sweetheart." - Yeah, so move yourself, right? - Yeah, they don't really want you to do that 'cause you could really get hurt. But when you're close, they like throw out a buoy to you and then you catch it and they pull you in. When you're further away, which happened to her on the long zip line, the dude hooks himself up and he goes to get her, then he links her to a rope and then he crawls back and then he pulls her in. So it was pretty cool to see. But we were smoked by the time we got home from that. I think we got home around two. She went right to bed, like just died for the day. And then, of course, I get home to a five-year-old who hasn't seen me all day and he's like, "Let's do this, let's do this, let's do this." And I was like, "I had no strength." But I muscled through the night, basically. So it was a long day. - Well, it definitely sounds fun. I feel like some of those days, just to kind of get lost with hanging out with your kid. - Exactly. My wife usually does a really great job of kind of planning most things with the kids. And then I'll find myself, you know, spending a lot of time with the girls just because of what Lauren had planned. I think I need to get better with actually setting those moments up. So I know you and Blazer are so good with that. I have to step into that role a little bit more. I think that would be awesome. My gratitude for sure, I think, is one, just I think a big community when being able to see one, I think the cartoon come out, everyone's excited. But along with my gratitude in the community, I know we have the Daily Dad Step Challenge, and that's been really good. I think it's been pushing a lot of people. I know that the weekend, I think, got a little bit just crazy and we're kind of like halfway through the step challenge. So, you know, energy kind of goes all over the place. But I think, you know, one of our strongest individuals in there, what's up, Karen Campbell. It was kind of missing for a few days, if anyone didn't notice, but Robbie is down in North Carolina with his family. He was celebrating his grandson's birthday. North Carolina got shwacked by Hurricane Helene, and a lot of people were, I think, really affected and based a lot. And I think, in my mind, I was like, I haven't really heard much about it. And I wonder if it was just 'cause of the weekend, 'cause I'm seeing a little bit more now on Monday. And so, you know, glad that he's safe and glad that a lot of people aren't reporting that, you know, people are even in more devastation that I know at least, I know people are. And so, my gratitude is just really being able to, you know, connect back with Robbie and see that he's okay and all those kind of things as well, so. - That's good. - A little bit of attention. A little bit of a community note, if anything. And, Karen, we did talk about the cartoon, Karen, the cartoon. It was definitely a fun thing. I think we're excited to definitely see a little bit more out there. Karen Campbell, share some gratitude, though. What are you grateful for today? We'd love to hear it. Yeah, David, share me a nice share. All that kind of stuff was definitely good. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Dom. You are Dom. Did you get your reading in today? I couldn't be honest. I did not read today. I was like all over the place. - I did. And there was a very simple one. I didn't, I don't think I quite understood it at first. But, you know, just basically it's his lesson of, you know, not teaching our kids to just be like robots and memorizing things. But basically getting to the deeper part of learning, like the actual love or the passion for something. And so, like more so, I took it as, like instead of always pestering them on their homework or their math or their language art, it's like really make sure, like do that, right? Like make sure they get their stuff done so they get their grades and they get through school. But like definitely, you know, go harder on whatever it is they're passionate about. You know, so like their project, find their project, whatever it is and remember that it can always change. It doesn't always have to be, you know, the same thing for their entire life. It could, and with kids, sometimes it changes every month or every couple of months. So whether it's Lego this month or being a, being a pony next month, just find what it is and really like stoke that fire as much as you can so that they, you know, find a way to go deeper. - Yeah, and if again, I'll always try and remind everyone that's maybe hopping in for the first time, but we always are talk about it. One of the daily meditations from the Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday. So check it out. And today, September 30th, do they have a project? And each month that we go through this, it's really focusing on one larger topic, in particular, you know, the first week, the first month that we were really doing this thing in June, it was all about how, you know, parents can show a healthy lifestyle in so many different ways. I'm forgetting the other months right now, but they were great. This month is all about making sure that we're raising a reader or showing the benefits of reading, they're showing the benefits of kind of getting into books. And a lot of these things are all about how we can do these things for ourselves to show our kids to do them. And so today, September 30th, it's, do they have a project? Now, a lot of these things are really grounded in stoicism. I always say modern psychology, what did you say recently? - Dumb, practical wisdom. - Practical wisdom. That's the one I have to start to get in there. Practical wisdom, modern psychology and stoicism. And so some really great thoughts here. And so as we end this month of raising a reader, and we have next month, I'm gonna look ahead in just a second and we'll talk about that there. You know, and I think yesterday or the other day I had asked Dom, Dom, ground me again in where we are with stoicism and there's four rules of stoicism, right? So wisdom, wisdom, justice, what else is there? - Courage. - Courage. - And. - Courage, temperance, justice and wisdom. - Temperance, temperance, I'm gonna say them out loud. I'm gonna try again. This is what I need any repetition. Courage, justice, temperance and wisdom, right? Those are the four rules of stoicism. And so this being wisdom, I would assume, and some of the other ones too. We have some wisdom that's going on, especially with the reading, but we're ending the month on raising a reader. And so do they have a project? And it's really, I think what Ryan Holiday is mentioning here is don't only just throw a book at them, don't only tell them about reading, but help make them find a passion and get really excited and make sure that they're not just reciting things, right? Make sure that they're actually getting into something. He says here even in the, as I read verbatim, it comes from falling in love with something, right? It comes from hard work, sure, but only when the hard work is aligned with a passion, a passionate love of a subject or a craft or a field, right? He says, find something that they can sink their teeth into. But what he ends with, and Ryan Holiday is always a great writer and I always love his kind of thoughts here, but he ends with if you want a kid who has real skills and real passion in this world, you'd be better, you'd be well served to do the same. And this is a message to us. Find something that we're passionate about and show them, right? Just like Brofitt recently, shout out to Brofitt out in Arizona. He recently was sharing a story that he had a difficult time with a payment and he was with this kid. But he went through all of the emotions and the feelings and he was frustrated and I think he took a moment to sit down with his daughter to figure out a better solution or how to be a little bit more, you know, show some temperance. I think I'm using that appropriately, but showing a little bit of a moment of passion, of compassion for the business that was giving him a hard time and everything worked out. And so it's showing your kids, the struggles are going through, showing your kids, the positive moments, but I think like this, it's showing our kids that we have passion. And again, we are people that are coming out of this community of V-friends. And I think on the surface, people like these guys are playing with toys. But I think it's also building so many more things out and it's helping us be passionate. It's helping us connect with people. And I love talking about it. And I love my kids seeing these things, but when they look and they see my display case that has these cards in them or some toys, whatever, I always do love to talk about the connection, especially with B-dads and you know, everything else that's really going on. So show your kids, find something that you're passionate about, share that passion, don't keep it bottled up because if you do, your kids aren't gonna learn it themselves. So that was my thought as I read and I put this together. - Quick thoughts. - That was it. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, I agree, man. And then they call them the cardinal virtues. That's what, that's the four tenets, the four cardinal virtues of socialism. So, and then temperance, the temperance, the best way to think of that is more like discipline. - Got it. Got it. I would love to, I really, just because he's in the community, I'd love to reach out to boggles and get him on here. 'Cause I know he's very deep into the very deep into all things, stoicism. He'd be good just to kind of ground the conversation sometimes, 'cause I'd always just love to hop on and only have a conversation. Sometimes I love you guys. I just wanna make sure that we're always bringing even more value to you. So what do we got? I see you, I see you, Dom. Next month is ellipsis. What is it, Dom? - Struggle and emerge how to raise their resilience. - It's all about the devil. - I got a little confused for a second thing. I was like, "Well, where are we going with this one?" All right. - Yeah, now all about the resilience, the red devil, right? All about making sure that they are being resilient. What do you think about that? I think it's exciting. - Yeah, I think that's why Gary just sold all those resilient hats. - I got a resilient hat recently. And it was American to you guys. I mentioned to you guys that I wasn't so excited about their getting the one with his signature on it. - Obviously, I'm grateful. But I was like, "Now I can't do wear it." I feel like I took it. I saw it right into my case because I was like, "I'm not wearing this now." Not that I think this is valuable, but I'm like, I just, people are gonna be like, "Oh, there's a smudge on your hat." So now it's more definitely grateful that I got it. But I'll wear my other one for now. So that's cool. - Yep, that smudge is that some guy signed it. - No, Gary, Gary is now been boiled down just some guy, although his signature is everywhere. Sometimes I wish he was a little bit more, a little bit more, maybe a little less. - Maybe one day he'll just stop for six months to a year. And then everybody would be like, "Where does signature go?" And then signature stuff will fly off the shelves. - I think you're right. - But I'm sure. - So, Gary is a six look. That's right. - Bro it up, why not? I think I-- - I think it's-- - We all know it. - It's a nice to say it. (laughing) - Oh goodness. Yeah, it's signature is all over the place. Although, you know, it's still, I think it's still exciting and special to kind of run into everything that he's doing. So it's definitely good. But that's it. I think it's, hold on. What did Nate say up here? There's a long message. Nate always likes to put a master's grip. Oh, good. It's like covering all of us up. I mean, I'm just gonna read this verbatim 'cause I did not actually read it before. The animation of the characters will grab the attention, no doubt. But the message, I feel it could be lost very quickly. I've noticed at all the kids, maybe a focus more on building kid and adult characters that have a scenario that need the calling of B friends to help out. What is the calling of B friends to help out? I don't know what that is. Then have the B friends characters show the issue problem and solve it from their traits. But this is just a dumb onesie outsiders view. I don't think it's dumb. I don't know if I, I think there's been one episode for three minutes. I think we still have a lot to know and watch it develop. And I think it's gonna be, I think I thought it's less about the cartoon more about the message. This is what I saw. I saw a kid at a desk having a hard moment, not sure how to handle the situation. I saw what I thought the cartoon goes into the kid's head. And now all of these character traits are going to be kind of battling each other. The one thing that I wasn't ready for is that it was a rap battle, which I think was interesting to see that that's how they battled. But okay, cool, I'm with it. And then I think I like how they wrapped it up. Like one person, one, the audience decided. Balance beetle sounds like a badass that just controls everything right now. And I like it. I think the more I break it down in my mind, I like it. I want these to be longer form episodes. But I think once we get a couple more episodes and a few more things around back, I think the thing that, wait, where are the three episodes? I also heard that there were gonna be three episodes. - Yeah, I hope they, I don't know that there's three yet, but I hope they drop the rest. Hold on, hold on, hold on to see. - 'Cause I don't see three. Don't shoot, don't do three. - Okay. - Yeah. See you, look at that. - Who are they? - The other one. - The other one. - Goofball gladiator challenge looks like up at the elephant and dialed in dog. And then the last one is truth balloon battle, which is perfect Persian cat and gracious grizzly bear. And they dropped those 30 minutes ago. So they dropped those right when we started. So thanks, be friends. - Well, thank you, Karen. - You're the best. - I also heard someone say that there was gonna be three episodes and that I was waiting. Maybe I needed more patience. That's just what was going on. - Well, we started our show, so. - Oh, that's, is that what you do? - They dropped 30 minutes ago. So they dropped right when we start right, when we started and right when I ended the show. - Got it. Let's see what you're saying. - And look, it's a different, I like this little scene here. If you pause on the first scene, look at all the other characters in the background of this kid's room. So that's a really good small scene. - Are you, are you in a rush? - I'm never in a rush. - Oh, wow. Wow. My stoic guy, hold on a second. Let's see if we can do this then. Let's see, can we share a screen? - Well, I'm on my laptop, so. - No, no, I got it. - I was literally sharing my screen the whole section way. - I think if I isolate this one, let's see if I go into, let's do the goofball gladiator. If anyone wants to watch. - Yeah, that's the one I was just on. Ooh, this guy's got a vibing vampire pin on his hat. - What? Where can we go with this? So we got that. - I'm gonna watch it live. - Let's do it. Why not? - Yeah, so it looks to me, if I'm looking at this scene right here, like you said, he's having a thought in his head, but if you look on his iPad, it looks like he's actually drawing. - Can you guys hear that? - The characters, now can't hear the sound on your share screen. I can see the video. - Wait, I'm gonna pause it. Wait, you can't hear it? - No, I can only hear you. - I wonder if there's a way to do that. Maybe if I, I don't know, I have to figure out how you guys would be able to see. - We have to see part down, but not to hear. - All right, well, all right, maybe we wanna do it for now then. We'll figure out how to get that volume going. That's okay. Well, go and watch it. I'm gonna go watch it now, actually. And then we'll see what's going on. But anyway, Karen Campbell, thank you so much for letting us know that there were the three episodes but I knew I heard that. And then the truth balloon battle. Well, let's go watch them. We'll come together tomorrow. We're at time anyway, so it'll be good. Anything, any last notes? - I'm gonna go put them on my TV right now so that when my kids come down and they wake up in the morning, we can all watch them before school. - Nice, do that. I think we're gonna manage my plan all along. - Yeah, I think that's the good idea. All right guys, well, we will see you later. And oh, if you guys can do me a favor. If the community can do me a favor, I have one request is, can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys go check out the podcast, the VE Dad's podcast that is either on Spotify or Apple? Can you guys go listen to the first minute of each episode if you have time? Because if you don't know this, but a lot of podcasts are ranked by how many, what's it called? How many downloads there are? And a download is considered any one that has actually watched the first six, or listened to the first 60 seconds of a podcast. And that's what can actually push up the rankings. I don't wanna create a false identity here with anything going on, but I'd love for what you guys just to see it. But if you guys can either share it out, listen to the first 60 seconds so we can get some of those downloads up there. I'm just starting to put them out there, videos as well. So if you're watching on Spotify, you can not only just watch, not only just listen, but you can also watch. And we've got more interviews coming out to you, so just wanna bring some awareness to that. That would be amazing. If you guys can do it, if you guys can share one or two episodes that definitely have resin with you, love that as well. So thank you so much. We love you guys. We hope that your mugs are the opposite of mine right now, and are full of thank you in your parking gratitude. We will see you later. Go watch the V friends care team's auction.